401-402 Aerobic Respiration

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401-402 Aerobic respiration

Year 10 biology
Ms. James

Syllabus outcomes
12.1 Respiration
• 1 State the uses of energy in living organisms, including: muscle
contraction, protein synthesis, cell division, active transport, growth, the
passage of nerve impulses and the maintenance of a constant body
12.2 Aerobic respiration
• 1 Describe aerobic respiration as the chemical reactions in cells that use
oxygen to break down nutrient molecules to release energy
• 2 State the word equa on for aerobic respira on as: glucose + oxygen →
carbon dioxide + water
• 3. State the balanced chemical equation for aerobic respiration as
C6H12O6 + 6O2 →6CO2 + 6H2O


Learning outcomes
• All will be able to define respiration and give the word equation
• All will know that respiration reactions are controlled by enzymes
• All will be able to give the balanced equation for respiration
• All will be able to explain the uses of energy in living systems
• Most will be able to describe the 2 stages of respiration reactions
• Most will be able to suggest how camels utilise fat in their humps

All will be able to explain the uses of energy in living systems

Uses of energy in living organisms

• Muscle contraction needs ATP energy to function
• Cell division and growth also need energy


All will be able to explain the uses of energy in living systems

Uses of energy in living organisms

• Active transport of substances
against the concentration
gradient requires energy as ATP
• Ion pumps channel ions against
the repelling charges.

All will be able to explain the uses of energy in living systems

Uses of energy in living organisms

• Nerve impulses travelling around the
body need ATP energy to function
• In order to complete the condensation
reaction used to join all the amino acids
in the protein, energy is needed.
• Protein synthesis is completed by
ribosomes in the cytoplasm of cells


All will be able to explain the uses of energy in living systems

Uses of energy in living organisms

• Maintenance of a constant body temperature is
difficult for most living things.
• Respiration releases energy in the form of heat,
this is why you shiver (muscle contraction) when
you are cold. It is your body trying to raise core

All will be able to define respiration and give the word equation

Respiration is not breathing!

• Defn: aerobic respiration is a series of
chemical reactions in cells that use
oxygen to break down nutrient
molecules to release energy
• Nutrient molecules are either glucose,
glycogen or lipids (in animal cells) or
glucose + starch (in plant cells)
• Energy is in the form of ATP – adenosine
• Breaking off a phosphate group releases
a lot of energy, ADP is formed
Adenosine diphosphate


All will be able to give the balanced equation for respiration

Aerobic respiration
• Aerobic means with oxygen. An aerobic means without oxygen.
• Enzymes are biological catalysts that control reactions in the cell,
including respiration which occurs in mitochondria

Link to Kuwait – Metabolic water in desert

• What do camels store in their
• Camel fat is metabolised during
exercise or long walks in sand
• Animals like camels and llamas
utilise respiration as an extra
water source since water if
formed in the reaction

Most will be able to suggest how

camels utilise fat in their humps


Extension – reaction stages of respiration

• Stage 1 – Glycolysis which
occurs in the cytoplasm
• Stage 2 – Krebs cycle and
oxidative phosphorylation
occurs in the mitochondria
• Overall 2 ATP in glycolysis
and 34 ATP from Krebs

Some will be able to describe the 2 stages of respiration reactions

All will know that respiration reactions are controlled by enzymes

Respiration is controlled by cellular enzymes

• All of the chemical
reactions involved in
respiration are
controlled by enzymes


All will know that respiration reactions are controlled by enzymes

Plenary questions

• Key word in the question is input


• The ratio between glucose and oxygen is 1:6 so 3:X, X = 6 times 3 = 18


C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 H2O + 6 CO2

Defn: aerobic respiration is a series of chemical reactions in cells that

use oxygen to break down nutrient molecules to release energy

Match the correct box

for respiration

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