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3. When China's clothing industry expands, the increase in the world supply lowers the world price of

a. Draw an appropriate diagram to analyze how this change in price affects consumer surplus,
producer surplus, and total surplus in a nation that imports clothing, such as the United States.

b. Now, draw an appropriate diagram to show how this change in price affects consumer surplus,
producer surplus, and total surplus in a nation that exports clothing, such as the Dominican Republic.

c. Compare your answers to parts (a) and (b). What are the similarities, and what are the differences?
Which country should be concerned about the expansion of the Chinese textile industry? Which
country should be applauding it? Explain.

5. The nation of Textilia does not allow imports of clothing. In its equilibrium without trade, a T-shirt
costs $20, and the equilibrium quantity is 3 million T-shirts. After reading Adam Smith's The Wealth
of Nations while on vacation, the president decides to open the Textilian market to international
trade. The market price of a T-shirt falls to the world price of $16. The number of T-shirts consumed
in Textilia rises to 4 million, while the number of T-shirts produced declines to 1 million.

a. Illustrate the situation just described in a graph. Your graph should show all the numbers.
b. Calculate the change in consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus that results from
opening trade. (Hint: Recall that the area of a triangle is 14/2 x base x height.)

9. Assume the United States is an importer of televisions and there are no trade restrictions. U.S.
consumers buy 1 million televisions per year, of which 400,000 are produced domestically and
600,000 are imported.

a. Suppose that a technological advance among Chinese television manufacturers causes the world
price of televisions to fall by $100. Draw a graph to show how this change affects the welfare of U.S.
consumers and U.S. producers and how it affects total surplus in the United States.
b. After the fall in price, consumers buy 1.2 million televisions, of which 200,000 are produced
domestically, and 1 million are imported. Calculate the change in consumer surplus, producer
surplus, and total surplus from the price reduction.

c. If the government responded by putting a $100 tariff on imported televisions, what would this do?
Calculate the revenue that would be raised and the deadweight loss. Would it be a good policy from
the standpoint of U.S. welfare? Who might support the policy? 1
d. Suppose that the fall in price is attributable not to a technological advance but to a subsidy from
the Chinese government to the Chinese industry of $100 per television. How would this affect your



 Persamaannya adalah konsumen dari kedua negara mendapatkan keuntungan dari

penurunan harga. Oleh karena itu surplus konsumen kedua negara meningkat dan surplus
produsen kedua negara turun.
 perbedaan Meskipun surplus produsen mengalami penurunan di kedua negara,
perbedaannya adalah Amerika, sebagai negara pengimpor produsen, mengalami kerugian
karena harga impor yang lebih murah menyebabkan berkurangnya pasokan dalam negeri.
Sebaliknya, di Republik Dominika (DR) sebagai negara pengekspor, ekspor mengalami
penurunan karena harga ekspor yang lebih tinggi. Namun, impor di DR juga mengalami
penurunan karena konsumen lebih memilih barang impor yang lebih murah. Di Amerika
Serikat (AS), impor justru meningkat, tetapi produsen dalam negeri tidak mengalami
kerugian karena tidak terjadi penurunan ekspor.


a) Textilia awalnya memproduksi 3 juta T-shirt seharga $20 per potong. Setelah melakukan liberalisasi
perdagangan, konsumsi T-shirt naik menjadi 4 juta potong dengan harga per unit $16. Produksi T-
shirt dalam negeri berkurang menjadi 1 juta potong.


 Perubahan consumer surplus → area PECP’

 Perubahan producer surplus → area PEFP’

 Perubahan total surplus → area FEC



 Consumer surplus P1 = A + B P2 = A + B + C + D + E + F Perubahan = C + D + E + F

 Producer surplus P1 = C + G P2 = G Perubahan = - C (berkurang)
 Total surplus P1 = A + B + C + G P2 = A + B + C + D + E + F + G Perubahan = D + E + F


 Consumer surplus setelah penurunan harga

→ area C + D + E + F = 1.000.000 x 100 = $100.000.000
Area G = ½ x 200.000 x 100 = $10.000.000
Total kenaikan consumer surplus = 100.000.000 + 10.000.000 = $110.000.000
 Producer surplus setelah penurunan harga
→ area C + D = 400.000 x 100 = $40.000.000 Area D = ½ x 200.000 x 100 = $10.000.000 Area
C = 40.000.000 - 10.000.000 = $30.000.000
Total penurunan producer surplus = $30.000.000
 Total surplus setelah penurunan harga
→ area D + E + F + G
Area D + G = 10.000.000 + 10.000.000 = $20.000.000
Area E + F = 600.000 x 100 = $60.000.000
Total kenaikan consumer surplus = 60.000.000 + 10.000.000 + 10.000.000 = $80.000.000


Tariff → jarak P1 ~ P2 = $100

Area penerimaan pajak → E + F = $60.000.000

Area kerugian bobot mati (deadweight loss)

→ D + G = 10.000.000 + 10.000.000 = $20.000.000

Kebijakan ini buruk bagi kesejahteraan Amerika Serikat karena menimbulkan kerugian dan
mengurangi surplus. Namun, pemerintah dan produsen negri mendukungnya pembuatan televisi
karena menghasilkan pendapatan pajak dan meningkatkan keuntungan produsen.


Jika penurunan harga televisi disebabkan oleh subsidi $100 per televisi dari pemerintah China kepada
industri mereka, hal ini akan meningkatkan persaingan yang lebih ketat, memberikan manfaat lebih
besar bagi konsumen di negara impor, dan mungkin memicu ketegangan perdagangan antara negara-
negara tersebut.

Penurunan harga yang disebabkan oleh subsidi 100 dollar per televisi dari pemerintah China kepada
industry televisi China, hal ini membuat persaingan yang ketat anatara industry yang memberikan
manfaat bagi konsumen negara impor, yang mungkin dapat mengakibatkan konflik perdagangan
antara negara negara terkait.

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