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1. Expand RDBMS. Give any two examples of DBMS Software. (1)

2. A table Employee has 3 columns and 5 records. What is the degree and
cardinality of the table Employee? (1)
3. What are candidate keys? Explain with an example. (2)
4. Expand DDL and DML. Categorize the following commands into DDL and
DML. (2)
(a) Insert
(b) Delete
(c) Drop
(d) Alter
5. Differentiate Char and Varchar datatypes in MYSQL. (2)
6. Write create table command for the given table student and insert given
data into it. (4)

Rolln Name Gender DOB Marks

1 Raj 2000-01-02 93
2 Ankit M 1999-10-01 89

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