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Table of Contents

Case company introduction: Mekong’ NTO...........................................................................................................1

II. Theoretical framework...................................................................................................1

Situational analysis...............................................................................................................................................1
SMART objectives..................................................................................................................................................2
STP: Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning...............................................................................................................2
Target segmentations:......................................................................................................................................2
Beachhead market............................................................................................................................................3
Buyer persona...................................................................................................................................................3

Review media performance..................................................................................................................................5
Promotion campaign.............................................................................................................................................5
Reach.................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Social media platform.......................................................................................................................................6
Identify key “moments” to encourage signups.................................................................................................9
Engage................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Customer satisfaction.....................................................................................................................................13
Promotion and discounts................................................................................................................................13


Case company introduction: Mekong’ NTO
In 2007, a member of a Barcelona textile family in its third generation and Traval Vai, a
Catalan knitting company with textile industry experience, established a joint venture in
Vietnam. In 2014, a third member with experience in sales and marketing founded
Mekong'NTO. Under one roof, Mekong'NTO produces nearly one million high-quality
garments per year, from fibers to finished products.
Mekong'NTO's primary objective is to maintain its reputation for expert dependability and
exceptional customer service, while expanding its product line to include apparel with
superior fabrics, fit, and performance.
In this assignment, we will employ suitable approaches and discuss the evaluation techniques
to effectively measure and plan for MUDE Sports. Specifically, we aim to consolidate the
product line of athletic wear of this brand, in order to reposition itself in the Vietnamese
market of sportswear.

II. Theoretical framework

Situational analysis
Soames (2014) suggests conducting a TWOS and PESTEL study as part of a situational
analysis in order to enable marketers to analyse predicted growth, determine new clients,
evaluate competitors, and comprehend the state of the organisation (Indeed editorial Team,

Strengths Weaknesses
1.High product quality: High- 1.High-end prices: Limit
performance athletic wear. customers’ segmentations,
2.Sophisticated customization: especially economical
Free customized designs which buyers.
fully match customers’ 2.In - store branding
identities. unavailabilty: Limit
3.Free shipping brand’s communication
4.Professional service: Fast with customers
ordering, on-time delivery, 3.Inefficient use of social
consistent colour, size, and media: Unable to
grading. maximze online channels
5.Sustainability: On-demand potential
manufacture eliminates excess 4.Limited target audience:
inventory. Recycled polyester Target only sport
fabrics reduce environmental enthusiastics
damage. 5.Low brand recall
6. E - commerce: Multiple social
media outlets increase online
exposure and availability
7.Well-known ambassadors in
sport fields

Opportunities S/O strategies W/O strategies

1.Economic development: 1.S(6)+O(2): Implement IMC 1.W(2,3)+O(2): Develop
Post-Covid economy marketing strategies effective communication
boosts spending. 2.S(1,4)+O(3): Implement with customers through
2. E-commerce and online experiential marketing for online channels
shopping are widespread customers to experience the 2.W(4)+O(3): Higher
3.Growth of sport industry: products sport awareness to expand
Customers have higher target segmentation
awareness for sports 3.W(5)+0(4): Maximize
4.Network expansion business networks to
higher brand recall

Threats S/T strategies W/T strategies

1.Well-known competitors: 1.S(2)+T(1): Promote 1.W(1)+T(1): Provide
Nike, Adidas, Lululemon customization service to more promotions and
2.Shortage in supply: compete with other brands discounts
Controlling the clothing 2.S(4)+T(2): Implement
process may delay technology system to manage
production, leading to a orders well to avoid overloads
shortage. 3.S(5)+T(1): Higher
3.Unstable economy: environmental awreness towards
Vietnam’s economic sport fashion
downturn influences
spending recession

SMART objectives

Stage SMART objectives (of each month)

React Increase brand recognition and exposure among digital customers by 30%
and audience exposure to campaigns by 40%.

Act Increase web visits by customers by 40%

Convert Increase conversion rate by 20%

Engage Create 200 new memberships for brand loyalty programme

STP: Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning

Target segmentations:

Demographic Geographic Psychographic Behavioral

Both men and Shipping available Health-conscious Fitness enthusiasts,

women all around lifestyle: Work - life work - out habits
Vietnam balance, self-care

Young age group: Concentrate on Ha Tech - savvy, fitness Potential brand

Ranging from 18- Noi & Ho Chi apps or sportswear loyalty, conscious
35 Minh City implementing about product’s
technologies quality

Mid-high income Enjoy buying in -

earner store and online
Beachhead market

International schools Requiring physical training uniform

Fitness clubs High demands for sportswear

Vietnam fitness National High demands for high - quality sportswear


Stadium High fitness enthusiasts passerby

Buyer persona
Figure 1. Primary persona
In terms of our target customers, our persona is built on a yoga instructor who is dedicated to
staying fit. Because teaching yoga is her primary job, it's reasonable that she's willing to pay
a premium for the outfit she wears the majority of the time. As a result, she expects high-
quality clothing at reasonable pricing in the long run. Furthermore, with Gen Y purchasing
habits, she seeks out evaluations before making any purchases, and word-of-mouth from co -
workers is likely to have a large influence on her decision making.

Figure 2. MUDE perceptual positioning map

Competitor analysis

MUDE positions itself as the most high - quality fitness apparel brand in Vietnam with a
clear and sustainable vision.
 Weaknesses: In comparison with other key players, MUDE is recorded to have lower
brand recognition, since it was newly introduced. Moreover, the limitation in
resources also prevents MUDE to compete with big guys like Nike or Adidas. Not to
mention, the average price of MUDE athletic product line is also approximate similar
to the Adidas, which has a significant network effect in the sportswear field.
 Strengths: Even though, MUDE sportswear focusing on its service core and user
experience, which provides customers with personalized service and aim to maximize
user experience. This allows MUDE to gain loyalty customers in long term.
Positioning statement

MUDE aspires to please even the pickiest consumers with a comprehensive choice of athletic
products manufactured of in-house fabric and design innovation for persons looking for high
quality sport apparel. Furthermore, MUDE provides the best customer service in order to
optimize clients' experiences, which has a favourable impact on their mindset and daily
exercise behaviour. MUDE's objective is to improve customers' daily lives and to adopt
people-centred strategies in order to inspire each and every one of them with happiness and

Review media performance
In order to increase brand exposure, gaining loyal followers, and convincing viewers to click,
take action, and become customers, it is essential for MUDE Sports to fully maximize all
digital channels by distributing content in front of its target segments.
Paid media  Brand ambassadors:
 Paid content promotion on Google
 Display Ads on Google
 Sales pages/ Affiliate pages: Shopee, Lazada, Strava

Owned media  Digital propertises:

 Website
 Social presence: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok

Earned  Mentions: From E - newspappers and other Facebook pages

media  Reviews: From ambassadors and customers
 Shares: From ambassadors and customers
 Reposts: From ambassadors and customers

Promotion campaign
 Customer insight: “Physical fitness is a priority for my physical and mental health.
Due to Shopee's affordable prices, I do not need to spend a lot of money on workout
attire. It’s the same to me.”
 Big idea: Launch the "3 months of reborn diary" on MUDE's social media platforms
and website in order to build a community where people may update their fitness
journals. MUDE will partner with well-known fitness experts over the next three
months to provide a series of workout programmes and recommendations for healthy
eating habits, as well as meal preparation ideas. The campaign will include short
workouts that can enhance and boost all women's body parts and can be done at home
by even the busiest mom. All campaign participants will post updates on their
progress on the MUDE website (as shown on the landing page) and the MUDE
Facebook community group.
 Goal: Bring the action of “Working out daily” to obtain the notion of “Reborn” urges
women to work out every day as a habit so that it satisfies them to spend on workout
clothes as essentials of investments, not just something they do on the spur of the
moment as they used to.
 Tagline: “We were born once, but can reborn anytime we want”
Social media platform
Strategies: Define the key message of the campaign to expose it to the audience with a clear
targeted content plan for soical media platforms and media mix investment. The material
should be high - quality, engaging, educational and visually compelling besides high quality
photographs and videos to attract customers.
 Facebook is one of the social media platforms that is recommended to use in order to
promote online business. Facebook users of all ages are enticed by the vast array of
services that Facebook has to offer (see image below).

Figure 3.Distribution of Facebook users by age. Source: El Paris 2018

However, Facebook appears to be in excellent "health," as at least half of its users access it on
a regular basis. The company in question relies on Facebook's large and diverse audience, as
well as its demographic distribution. Users can currently search, share, comment, update their
status, use instant messaging, identify objects, broadcast live video, and play games.
(Kircaburun et al.)
Facebook is a fantastic platform for consumers to see the company's vision, but a content
strategy is required to maintain brand consistency in design and post frequency. Posts should
contain campaign-spanning content.
Figure 4: Facebook post announces the launch of “3 months of reborn” diary
The other social platform that should also be utilized is Instagram. This social media
platform, according to their published data, has more than 800 million active members.
(Instagram 2018) Instagram users of Generation Z can publish stories, filtered photos, and
short films. MUDE could maximize Instagram's potential by engaging consumers through
24-hour stories and posts. Similar to YouTube, MUDE social media activities need a plan for
content generation. With Reels, MUDE may encourage customers to create 12-week journey
videos that include hashtags to promote the campaign.
Figure 5. Instagram post announces mail subscription is now available

TikTok has 689 million active monthly users after three years, making it the most
downloaded app in 2020. (Iqbal, 2020) TikTok places a premium on influencers and
producers. TikTok provides a unique opportunity for brands to collaborate with influencers
who reach their target audience. Partnership fees for influencers expand in proportion to their
following. This method allows businesses to monitor the purchases of influencers using
discount codes. (Levin, 2019). Due to this reason, MUDE can utilize its Tiktok account by
collaborating with KOLs and KOCs, in order to enhance the brand awareness. In terms of
using KOLs, MUDE can invite some well - known KOLs to promote their product line, or
workout clothes in this case. Some possible KOLs should be taken into account are Hana
Giang Anh, whose 372,6K followers and Le Bong whose 9,3M followers in the sport field.
MUDE can also complement Affiliate Marketing and discount codes for the KOLs so
customers can purchase pieces of fitness apparels with better prices. On the other hand,
MUDE can book a plethora of KOCs to give honest reviews about the products for the
customers. By doing this, MUDE heighten the brand authenticity to the customers so it is
able to build the deeper connection with the audience.

Landing pages assist businesses in generating leads through qualification, nurturing, and
closing transactions. According to studies, marketers receive more leads from landing pages
than the primary page. The landing page helps sales teams generate more prospects. This
landing page explains the campaign to clients and allows MUDE to collect email addresses
for email marketing.
Figure 6 & 7. The first and second landing pages announce the campaign

MUDE website’s ability to rank in search engines and be discovered by potential clients can
be dramatically enhanced by implementing SEO fundamentals as well as more advanced
strategies. (Kelsey) Given this fact, MUDE is also recommended to invest in SEO, especially
short tail keywords.
Identify key “moments” to encourage signups

Phase Key Hook Rationale Supporting tactic

P1: Trigger Free Delivering items or services for At the same time, some
workout free is now proposed as a giveaways will also be
challenge means of gaining clients in the launched to allow
‘Freemium’ business customers to rapidly
model. (Anderson, 2009) When expand a brand's
acquiring things, sensible following, email
customers should conduct a subscribers, and new
costbenefit analysis and choose leads. Moreover,
the product with the largest giveaways have a
difference between costs conversion rate of about
incurred and benefits received. 34%, which is higher than
At this stage, perceiving that other types of content.
they can receive a free workout (Anon, 2020)
programme, which normally
costs them an expensive price
at fitness centers, urges
customers to sign up to the
subscription and question its
effectiveness. By this way, we
gain more attraction and
awareness from a large

P2: Discussion We generate discussions on Promotional posts: At this

Engagement on forums different beauty forums, stage, MUDE will
included MUDE’s to engage collaborate with
Tiktok customers to provide Influencers and KOLs to
challenge knowledge. show the progress through
Moreover, we will also utilize posts after attending to the
the popularity of Tiktok, which challenge only in a short
is mostly used by Gen Y and amount of time.
Gen Z, to engage with the
customer to participate in the
challenge by recording short
videos of each day with
hashtags. Once the video goes
viral, it heightens the brand
awareness and buzz.

P3: Virtual Creating discussion shows with

Amplification talkshow influencers and key opinion
on Youtube leaders to discuss the overall
progress and provide guidance
along the route on Youtube.
This makes the brand appear
authentic to the customers and
focusing on the effectiveness of
the programme.
Figure 8. The landing page of the programme on Mobile

Increasing sales via online and offline channels by personalization on curren digital media.
First and foremost, correctly executed personalization of a service should boost client
pleasure, which is a fundamental antecedent of loyalty. Ones that better fulfil the needs of the
consumer ought to be more satisfying than ones that are universally applicable. Furthermore,
we will argue that personalised services may lead the customer to assume that the company is
benevolent to him or her, thereby enhancing trust, which is a prerequisite for loyalty. (Ball et
al., 2006)

Channels Personalization strategy implementation Communication process

Facebook MUDE is able to maintain a support Customers, for example, may be

page crew on Facebook that can swiftly perplexed about the campaign's
resolve any issues a customer may purpose. They notice the
encounter. In addition, users can report advertisement on Facebook and
questions or complaints directly to the follow the link to the MUDE page.
MUDE Facebook page, where the staff The MUDE support team will assist
will immediately recognize the issue them by explaining the concept and
and assist customers in resolving it. providing the website link for mail
Moreover, implementing Facebook subscription. Customer expectations
Messenger into customer care has made can be met with good customer
customer service easier. By this way, service. After the campaign, the
MUDE successfully attempts to support MUDE team may be able to assist
customers one by one. clients again with new arrival items
and a new programme that is only
available when one product is
purchased. This gives customers the
impression that they are receiving
more value for their purchases.

Instagram Similar to Facebook, there will be a When a consumer does not have
account customer service team for Instagram time to change, they may tag
accounts. Additionally, Instagram MUDE to a story wondering
enables MUDE to simply share and whether MUDE training apparel is
reup any customer-tagged posts. This appropriate for outdoor use. MUDE
makes clients feel unique and can re-post the story with the
demonstrates to other customers the answer to the question, so that other
effectiveness of the workout consumers would consider this
programme. feature while evaluating the evoked
set of workout apparel.

Website Implementing Chat Box 24/7 (which After the promotion, customers may
could be seen in figure 4,6) that can be interested in acquiring new
support customers anytime. Customers fitness attire. They do not know
can ask questions about size, style, whether the size of exercise apparel
material in the case they consider about corresponds to that of regular
the products. Customers want clothing. They can right away ask
instantaneous responses when the chatbox to resolve the problem.
contacting brands. Using a chatbot
helps MUDE to establish a new and
innovative mode of communication that
is more convenient and available 24/7.

Zalo It is recommended to incorporate Zalo In terms of using Zalo, MUDe can

into customer service, since it is a generate some groups for promotion
purely Vietnamese social network with posts for new customers, potential
servers located in Vietnam and or loyalty ones. Moreover, it is
optimised with domestic easier to contact customers once the
telecommunications infrastructure. problem occurs, for example,
(Nguyen & Dornberger, 2021) Zalo guarantee policy. Moreover, with
helps us to collect customer data while the help of Zalo, MUDE can
support them if they have any problem connect to customers deeply by
sending wishes on their birthday, or
providing professional advices.
Customer satisfaction
Over time, loyal customers purchase more from the same company. (Tweneboah-Koduah &
Yuty Duweh Farley, 2015) As a result, a successful service inquiry system that allows
customers to submit feedback, suggestions, and inquiries in order to develop company
knowledge will boost brand loyalty. MUDE may collect fitness forum and social media
feedback. Feedback can also be utilized to build client lists by gathering contact information
as well as crucial areas for product and service development. This will boost brand trust and
the company's image. More customer data implies closer relationships. Because MUDE staff
contribute to communication, improving their communication skills in order to deliver better
customer service is also vital..
Promotion and discounts
Offering promotions or discounts for former customers as a reward is also the way to keep
customers coming back to our brand. Promotion is used to inform clients about product
options and to promote the acquisition or sale of a good or service. (Rowley, 1998) For
example, giving out discount codes for customers who have purchased MUDE more than 2
times through Zalo.


Item Description Cost/ Unit (VND) Quantity Total


Influencer KOLs: Promotional KOLs: 5M KOLs: 3 20M

Marketing posts and videos KOCs: 1M KOCs: 5
KOCs: Reviews

SEO Improving MUDE 1 month: 20M 2 weeks of 10M

website to increase its Reach: 10M

Google Improving Marketing Free 12 weeks Free

Analytics ROI

Affliate Generating passive Depending on 12 weeks 20M

Marketing income commission rates

Facebook Increasing exposure to 20.000/click 12 weeks 5M

Ads customers

Tiktok Ads Increasing exposure to Minimum of 10M for 12 weeks 10M

customers a campaign

Seeding Increasing exposure to Depending on 12 weeks 20M

customers agreement with


Stage Key performance indicators (of each month)

React - Gain 1000 followers on Facebook

- Gain 1500 followers on Instagram
- Gain 5000 followers and 10000 likes on Tiktok
- Gain 100 Email subscribers for the programme
- Gain 200 new Youtube subscriber

Act - Gain 2000 web visits

- Gain 15000 the total of shares, likes, comments

Convert - Gain 500 purchases through all channels

Engage - Gain 50 orders purchased by loyal customers.

The thesis aims to build a digital marketing plan for MUDE based on RACE framework in
order to raise brand awareness and recognition. It can be said that in today's marketing
environment, the digital world plays a predominating role, and any business that wishes to
compete in global markets must take advantage of what technology has to offer in terms of
reaching the appropriate audience for the products and services being offered.
A campaign with a strategic approach has been made through the report in order to carry out
the most practical 12 - weeks campaign as required. The thesis performed admirably in terms
of validity and dependability. The sources used were trustworthy and came from trustworthy
sources. Many diverse sources were employed to collect accurate data.

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Word count: 2915 (Table included)

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