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(39 OF 1970 )

( See section 10 and rule 13 )

“Air pollution monitoring of heavy vehicles using real time e-challan by internet of
things ”

Vaibhav Kumar Sharma , Address: H no149 , Madhuban City , Priyanka Nagar , Kolar
Road, Bhopal, State MP 462042 , India. Email Tel: +91-

The following specification describes the nature of invention:

Air pollution monitoring of heavy vehicles using real time e-challan by internet of

Field of the Invention

1. Emission measurement:

With the help of enhanced sensor technologies and microcontroller capabilities , it is possible to
develop devices that can measure emission of harmful gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen
oxides (NOX) ,etc produced by vehicles .

2. Real time monitoring system:

Data can be monitored in real time and can be sent to centralized system using current
technologies like internet of things. Data can be comprised of vehicle and user details and their
emission level , so that required and immediate action may take place.

3. Automotive technology:

Vehicles may detect and manage their emission level to contribute in clean and green

4. Policy and Regulatory frameworks:

Different regulatory authorities may regulate and invent policies that encourages cleaner and
greener vehicle technology . It may provide incentives for maintaining emission standards and
may fine vehicles for crossing particular emission level.

6. Digitalization of Challan System:

With real time monitoring of emission level of vehicles , Challan is also produced
automatically as well as digitally and sent to users online through email or phone number.

Background of the Invention and Prior Art

In the recent studies, it is found that air pollution is responsible for many harmful diseases.
Air pollution causes many severe diseases such as skin diseases , lung cancer, breathing
problems. In India, many cities are suffering from high air pollution. This calls for an immediate
action to be taken place. There are several reasons that causes air pollution, but in cities one of the
reasons is pollution due to vehicles especially heavy vehicles. These vehicles and their emission
level is not tracked properly and if so , there is no proper challan system to punish them . There
are number of heavy and old vehicles like buses , trucks , tractors causing unnecessary pollution
and harm to environment. If the vehicles are not tracked properly with their emission level , then
the number of such vehicles is going to increase in upcoming time contributing more pollution
and causing other severe problems.

Object of the Invention-

This study provides opportunities for better understanding of causes and prevention of air
pollution; the main objective of this study is to develop the system that tracks the
emission level of heavy vehicles with the help of sensors and IOT in real time. Then
generating e-challan automatically if specific emission level is reached

1. To develop real time monitoring system of emission level using internet of things .

2. To develop a system consisting of hardware such as sensor , microcontroller to detect

pollution level and software that generates e- challan for the user

3. To develop a connection between hardware and software setup

4. To automate and digitalize the process of challan system thus making it faster , better
and accurate to penalize the user.

5. To study cloud platforms that are helpful in implementing e-challan on user’s email.

6. To contribute in improvising the quality of air through real time emission monitoring
of heavy vehicles using internet of things and generating e-challan for violating
emission standards.


Once user is registered , specific id is generated . The id is used in Circuit using Wi-Fi based
microcontroller and sensor to detect quality of air and emission level . We are using NodeMCU
as the microcontroller . NodeMCU is an open-source LUA based firmware developed

for the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip. MQ-135 is used as a sensor for air quality monitoring.

Sensor collects the data of emission level of vehicles and NodeMCU sends that data from
particular id to cloud Webhooks of IFTTT using internet of things. Data is continuously
monitored through cloud platform in real time. If this data is reached dangerous emission level,
then e-challan is created automatically using IFTTT software and send to user’s email attached to
particular id.

IFTTT provides multiple options to add two or more applications . For example in the proposed
model IFTTT combines email services with sensor based air pollution monitoring of vehicles
using webhooks. Code is developed and burned in NodeMCU to use IFTTT webhook services.

Fig 1 Block Diagram


Fig 2 IFTTT sending mail to vehicle owner

Fig 3 Mail received by vehicle owner

Fig 4: Air Quality being detected by sensor in ppm and send to cloud using IOT

Above results demonstrates the working of a proposed idea.


1. In the present model real time monitoring of air pollution created by vehicles is
done using best possible and cost efficient cloud platform using IOT technology

2. In the model , MQ 135 sensor is used for monitoring air pollution . The sensor
along with Wi-Fi chip is connected with vehicles

3. Chip can be easily attached with vehicles and internet for measuring pollution and
monitoring real time data.

4. Real time e-challan is done . Challan is send to vehicle owner within second as
soon as vehicle crosses threshold value of air pollution using internet of things.

5. In the present system challan is send to vehicle owner’s email automatically

which makes system faster and efficient .

6. In the hardware setup we have used NodeMCU as a wifi chip which is less
costlier than Raspberry pi and other IOT development boards.

7. The novelty of proposed idea is that only one software i.e IFTTT for monitoring
air pollution as well as sending emails for challans is used. This saves the cost of
using different softwares.

8. The NodeMCU is compact in size , so that it can be easily fitted upon vehicles.

9. In the proposed model , there is no need for human labour to track air pollution of
vehicles , to create or send challan to vehicle owners. Each and every process is
digital and automatic. Therefore the results are very accurate.

10. Vehicle owners may get more concerned and aware regarding their roles and
responsibilities in maintaining air quality

(Vaibhav Kumar Sharma )


(Dr N.P.Patidar)


Following novel features of proposed idea are given as below:

1. In the present model real time monitoring of air pollution created by vehicles is
done using best possible and cost efficient cloud platform using IOT technology

2. In the model , MQ 135 sensor is used for monitoring air pollution . The sensor
along with Wi-Fi chip is connected with vehicles

3. In the hardware setup we have used NodeMCU as a Wi-Fi chip which is less
costlier than Raspberry pi and other IOT development boards.

4. Advantage of using NodeMCU is that there is no requirement of additional Wi-Fi

chip in an embedded system to complete the task. This further saves the additional

5. The novelty of proposed idea is that only one software i.e IFTTT for monitoring
air pollution as well as sending emails for challan is used. This saves the cost of
using different software

6. IFTTT uses updated IOT protocols to finish the tasks given to it.

7. The NodeMCU is compact in size , so that it can be easily fitted upon vehicles.

8. In the proposed model , there is no need for human labour to track air pollution of
vehicles , to create or send challan to vehicle owners. Each and every process is
digital and automatic. Therefore the results are very accurate.

9. Vehicle owners may get more concerned and aware regarding their roles and
responsibilities in maintaining air quality

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