AISC Chem Lesson 27 2023-24

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Chem lesson 27

A2&A3 November 8th

B7 November 9th

Atoms are small Subatomic All the positive The electrons The location of
and indivisible particles particles in the move in specific the electrons in
(electrons) exist atom are orbits that have the quantum
and are spread located in a fixed energies. mechanical
throughout a tiny, dense The Further model of the
positive atom. nucleus. The away they are atom is often
rest is empty from the referred to as an
space with nucleus, the electron cloud.
electrons higher the
moving around. energy. They
can move to
higher or lower
orbits by
absorbing or
emitting energy.
Learning Outcomes
1. I can describe the key differences between the Bohr and
the Schrödinger models of the atom
2. I can distinguish between energy levels, energy
sublevels, and orbitals
1. Beyond Bohr’s model - the quantum mechanical
model of the atom
The journey so far:
The Bohr Model
This model accurately explained the emission spectrum of
hydrogen and introduced the concept of quantized energy
levels, but it didn’t work for other elements.
Planetary Model
● In the Bohr Model of the atom,
electrons circle the nucleus in the
same way that planets orbit the sun.
● Negative electrons are attracted to
the positive nucleus
● Consequently, it takes energy to
move an electron away form the
nucleus to an outer circle.
The energy levels are
numbered 1,2,3,etc.
Energy levels are called
principal quantum number.
The letter “n” is used to
represent the energy level.

The smaller the number the

closer the energy level is to
the nucleus.
So What Came After Bohr?
● Bohr model didn’t work for any element
except hydrogen…..
● Schrodinger built on these ideas, as well as
on the idea that waves and particles are
interchangeable (wave-particle duality) to
come up with a refinement to Bohr’s model
● What is it?
● How is it similar to and different from the
Bohr model?
● How is it useful?
Schrödinger’s Model
1. Wave-particle duality
○ Young’s Double Slit Experiment

2. The energy levels, sublevels, and

orbitals model
Understanding the Quantum
Mechanical Model
● Schrodinger’s equation describes regions of
space within the atom where electrons are most
likely to be found
● The quantum mechanical model is the most
advance and accurate model of the atom, used
today by chemists and physicists.
● These regions are defined by quantum numbers
that tell us the:
● Energy level
● Energy sublevel
● Specific orbital
● Spin (up or down)
Each energy level can only hold a certain
number of electrons.
The first energy level can hold 2 electrons,
the second can hold 8 and the third can
hold 18.

Maximum number of
electrons is 2n2
Quantum Mechanical Model
Atomic orbitals:

d 10

f 14
Schrödinger’s Model
Model Evolution

This model allows us to determine the most likely location of

electrons in atoms, which in turn allows us to predict how they
will react.
Work Time
● Read sections 4.6 and 4.7 in your online CK-12 flex
textbook and take notes on notes on energy levels and
quantum numbers.. You can check your understanding
by completing the adaptive practice questions after
taking notes.
Exit Ticket
Lab Activity
Friday,November 9th

Clothing should be appropriate

for working in the lab. For the
lab, you should wear long pants
and closed-toed shoes that
cover the entire foot.

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