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Time: 12 minutes

Task 1
For items 1-10 listen to the talk about how playing an instrument benefits your brain and
decide whether the statements (1-10) are TRUE (A), or FALSE (B) according to the text you
hear. You will hear the text TWICE.

1. When playing an instrument musicians look as if there’s a party going on.

A. True B. False

2. New technologies have allowed a real time study of the brain.

A. True B. False
3. When scanning how people read the researchers saw fireworks.

A. True B. False

3. Playing music makes all parts of the brain work simultaneously.

A. True B. False

4. Listening to music requires fine motor skills.

A. True B. False

5. Motor skills are controlled in the left hemisphere of the brain.

A. True B. False

6. Playing music improves musicians’ problem-solving skills.

A. True B. False

7. Music composers are good at planning and strategizing.

A. True B. False

8. To retrieve their memories faster musicians use multiple tags in their brain.

A. True B. False

9. Playing music as well as performing other arts makes people smarter.

A. True B. False
10. Playing music as well as performing other arts makes people smarter.
A. True B. False

Task 2
For items 11-15 listen to the interview with an American singer-songwriter Billie Eilish.
Choose the correct answer (A, B or C) to answer questions 11-15. You will hear the text only
11. How many Instagram followers does Billie have?
A. 9.6 million.
B. 6.3 million.
C. 1.13 million.

12. Billie DOES NOT think that being sad

A. ruins a lot of things.
B. is amazing.
C. is a waste of time.

13. To handle pressure Billie

A. creates new songs.
B. posts her feelings on her social media wall.
C. writes her feelings on her wall at home.

14. Billie DOES NOT regret about

A. being mistreated.
B. knowing her worth.
C. being an adult.

15. When writing songs Billie wants to

A. write something no one has ever heard.
B. use a well-known approach.
C. please her fans.
Text 1
For Love or Money
Sports are one of the world’s largest industries, and most athletes are professionals who are well
paid for their efforts. Because an athlete succeeds by achievement only - not by economic
background or family connections - sports can be a fast route to wealth, and many athletes play
more for money than for love.
This has not always been true. In the ancient Olympics the winner got only a wreath of olive
leaves. Even though the winners became national heroes, the games became amateur for
centuries. Athletes won fame, but no money. As time passed, however, the contests became
increasingly less amateur and cities began to hire athletes to represent them. By the fourth
century A.D., the Olympics were ruined, and they were soon ended.
In 1896, the Olympics games were revived with the same goal of pure amateur competition. The
rules bar athletes who have ever received a $50 prize or an athletic scholarship, or who have
spent four weeks in a training camp. At least one competitor in the 1896 met all these
qualifications. He was Spiridon Loues, a water carrier who won the marathon race. After the
race, a rich Athenian offered him anything he wanted. A true amateur, Loues accepted only a
cart and a horse. Then he gave up running forever. But Loues was an exception and now, as the
Chairman of the German Olympic Committee said, “Nobody pays any attention to these rules”.
Many countries pay their athletes to train year round, and Olympic contestants are eager to sell
their names to companies that make everything from ski equipment to breakfast cereals.
Even the games themselves have become a huge business. Countries fight to hold the Olympics
not only for honor, but for money. The 1972 games in Munich cost the Germans 545 million
dollars, but by selling medal symbols, TV rights, food, drink, hotel rooms, and souvenirs, they
managed to make a profit. Appropriately, the symbol of victory in the Olympic Games is no
longer a simple olive wreath - it is a gold medal.

Вопрос № 1 / 8
How many weeks were required to spend in a training camp?
six weeks
three weeks
four weeks
two weeks
five weeks
Вопрос № 2 / 8
Why can you call Spiridon Loues a true amateur?
he accepted two carts
he accepted only a cart and a horse
he accepted only flowers
he accepted a palace
he accepted only money
Вопрос № 3 / 8
What rewards could ancient Greek athletes expect?
a bunch of roses
gold medal
a wreath of olive leaves
Вопрос № 4 / 8
Why did the cities begin to hire athletes...?
to write books
to represent them in the Olympics
to sing songs
to play in the theatre
to sell goods
Вопрос № 5 / 8
Many athletes play more for ... than for love.
team spirit
Вопрос № 6 / 8
What was Spiridon Loues’s occupation?
a butcher
a water carrier
a baker
a wrestler
a postman
Вопрос № 7 / 8
When were the Olympic Games revived?
Вопрос № 8 / 8
According to the text. What do countries fight for?
to hold the Olympics for duty
to hold the Olympics for fame
to hold the Olympics for records
to hold the Olympics for entertainment
to hold the Olympics not only for honour but for money
Text 2
Businessmen Outside the Law
The era of easy money that the gold rush brought to the western part of the United States ended
around 1851 when the gold ran out. Although a few stubborn prospectors continued their search,
most people settled down to life as wage earners in routine jobs. But for others, a meager wage
just wasn’t enough, and they turned to robbing stagecoaches, banks, and trains to supplement
their income. These were the outlaws: men like Black Bart, Henry Plummer, and Jesse James.
Black Bart started his career working in a mine. As he grew older, his tastes became more
expensive. By the time he was in his fifties, he needed a supplemental income, so he started
robbing stagecoaches. Getting into the business didn’t require a big outlay: he needed only a
long white coat, a sack that served as a mask, and a shotgun. He robbed 27 stagecoaches in the
next three years, earning as much as $40.000 and never firing a shot.
Henry Plummer was another notorious two-career man. He made a good impression on people
who thought of him as handsome, friendly, and honest. Because he was also an excellent
manager and a persuasive talker, Plummer was elected sheriff of Virginia City, Nevada shortly
after his arrival there in 1870. But he profitably combined his legal job with an illegal one:
directing a gang that robbed stages and mining camps. After each robbery, Plummer rode out to
investigate and, of course, found nothing. He was finally caught and thrown in his own jail.
Between 1866 and 1876 the richest men in Missouri were the members of a gang led by Jesse
James, a minister’s son. The James gang specialized in storming banks and trains and taking all
the money. They managed to make a handsome living doing this- over $200.000 in ten years.
And they spent it as fast as they made it. As one gang member put it, “we were almost always
broke.” At a time when most Americans were farmers earning less than $20 a month, the lavish
amounts of money acquired by men like Bart, Piummer and James were enough to make them
famous. For better or for worse, they became the West’s biggest and most enduring celebrities.

Вопрос № 1 / 7
When did the era of the gold rush end?
around 1851
around 1751
around 1741
around 1831
around 1841
Вопрос № 2 / 7
Where did Henry Plummer serve as sheriff?
in New York City
in Dallas
in San Diego
in Vermont City
in Virginia City
Вопрос № 3 / 7
How did Henry Plummer finish his career?
he moved to the other state
he was shot by his own gang
he retired
was caught and thrown in his own jail
he died in his own bed
Вопрос № 4 / 7
Who were the members of a gang led by Jesse James?
the poorest men
the richest men
the ministers
Вопрос № 5 / 7
Where was Jesse James’s gang organized?
in Mauritania
in Mexico
in Missouri
in Mississippi
in Morocco
Вопрос № 6 / 7
How much money did they earn in 10 years?
over 100.000 dollars
over 200.000 dollars
over 22.000 dollars
over 12.000 dollars
over 20.000 dollars
Вопрос № 7 / 7
Who was Jesse James’s father?
a miner
a farmer
a minister
a ministre
a sheriff

1. She _____ a new pair of gloves, as she _____ her old one.
A) Had bought / lost
B) bought / lost
C) bought / had lost
D) was buying / lose
E) bought / has lost

2. Choose the right answer

I _____ no news from my family since I _____ to work here.
A) Have had / began
B) have / had begun
C) have / will begin
D) have / have begun
E) has / has begun

3. The floor _____ by 6 o’clock yesterday.

A) painted
B) was painted
C) had been painted
D) was painting
E) was being painted

4. Choose the right answer

We heard him _____ this story yesterday.
A) To tell
B) Tell
C) Told
D) Had told
E) Has told

5. We saw _____ the paper.

A) Them signing
B) Them to sign
C) They sign
D) They to sign
E) They signing

6. Choose the right answer

He wants the document _____ by the end of the working day.
A) Is translated
B) To translate
C) To have translated
D) Has been translated
E) To have been translated

7. _____ very ill, she couldn’t attend classes.

A) To be
B) Be
C) Being
D) Was
E) Has been

8. Choose the right answer

He is still trying to make me _____ my mind.
A) change
B) to change
C) changed
D) changing
E) to have changed

9. Choose the right answer

The music could _____ from far away.
A) hearing
B) hear
C) to be heard
D) be heard
E) heard

10. Choose the right answer

I’d like _____.
A) you join us
B) you to join us
C) you joining us
D) your join us
E) your joining us

11. She keeps _____ us what to do.

A) tell
B) to tell
C) telling
D) of telling
E) be telling

12. Choose the right answer

Mr. Smith is said _____ a good lecturer.
A) been
B) being
C) of being
D) to being
E) to be

13. The meeting is reported _____ next June.

A) to open
B) opened
C) opening
D) opens
E) to have opened

14. Choose the right answer

She enjoyed the film _____ on TV yesterday.
A) showing
B) showed
C) shown
D) was shown
E) being showed

15. While _____ the article he had to look up some words in the dictionary.
A) reading
B) read
C) reads
D) being reading
E) being read

16. Choose the right answer

If you _____ some news let me know.
A) to get
B)will get
C) would get
D) got
E) get

17. What _____ you do if you didn’t know the examination material?
A) did
B) will
C) would
D) had
E) shall

18. I wish she _____ more friends here.

A) have
B) had
C) hadn’t
D) didn’t have
E) has

19. Choose the right answer

If I were you I _____ to convince your friend.
A) will try
B) tried
C) didn’t try
D) would try
E) try

20. I _____ there on condition that you accompany me.

A) will go
B) went
C) would have gone
D) would go
E) have gone

21. Choose the right answer

Tom suggests that we _____a little rest.
A) will have
B) should have
C) could have
D) had
E) might have

22. The captain _____ the troops to open fire against the enemy.
A) Was told
B) Told
C) Said
D) Was said
E) Telling

23. Choose the right answer

Helen _____ she will be away for ten days.
A) say
B) tell
C) says
D) tells
E) said

24. I’ve _____ you the truth.

A) Said
B) Say
C) Tell
D) Told
E) Been saying

25. Choose the right answer

My mother _____ the noise and busy traffic of Moscow.
A) Used to
B) Use to
C) Is not use to
D) Is not used to
E) Get used to

26. Everybody _____ Jack is ready to start working.

A) Except
B) Accept
C) Besides
D) Despite
E) And

27. Choose the right answer

He came home after _____ holiday in the Crimea.
A) a month
B) a month’s
C) month
D) month’s
E) months

28. We’re _____ an excursion to London next weekend.

A) Leaving
B) Doing
C) Getting on
D) Going on
E) going

29. Choose the right answer

It _____ longer and longer to get from one place to another.
A) Needs.
B) uses
C) used
D) takes
E) demands

30. Choose the right answer

The speaker pointed out that the building of the house _____ by the end of May.
A) Will be finished
B) Would be finished
C) Will have been finished
D) Would have finished
E) Would have been finished

31. I _____ Helen for 6 years.

A) Know
B) Am knowing
C) Have known
D) Have been knowing
E) Knew

32. Choose the right answer

I haven’t been to Moscow since we _____ to Kiev.
A) Moved
B) Have moved
C) Had moved
D) Were moving
E) Was moving

33. The boss will have signed the documents by the time you _____.
A) Will return
B) Return
C) Returned
D) Had returned
E) Has returned

34. Choose the right answer

What’s wrong with Tony? He _____ so stressed and nervous lately.
A) Is being
B) Have been
C) Is
D) Has been
E) Was
35. – I haven’t seen her for a long time.
– _____.
A) So am I
B) Neither do I
C) So have I
D) Neither have I
E) Either have I

36. Choose the right answer

He _____ the play before he saw it at the theatre.
A) Read
B) Was reading
C) Was read
D) Has read
E) Had read

37. Choose the right answer

He said that he _____ all his exams by the 25th of June.
A) Passed
B) Will pass
C) Will have passed
D) Would pass
E) Would have passed

38. Choose the right answer

When we arrived in London, this hotel _____.
A) built
B) was built
C) was being build
D) was being built
E) was building

39. Choose the right answer

A lot of new books ______ at present.
A) Publish
B) are publish
C) are being published
D) have published
E) have been published

40. We have to come back at 9. Nelly _____ for us at home.

A) will wait
B) waiting
C) will waiting
D) will be waiting
E) will be waited

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