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the saga of gundar green-eye # 3

The Pinnacle

arn tm
of Fantasy

Created by
N. Robin

Secrets of the Misty Isle

fanon fanon
This is the third installment of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye, a series of campaign modules for the fantasy role-playing game HarnMaster and
the fictional setting of Harn. These modules are published and shared by the writer pro-bono and are not endorsed or in any way affiliated with
Columbia Games Inc ( or Kelestia Productions Ltd (, publishers of commercially available products
for the Harn setting. These modules may in some ways deviate from the content of any commercial products, accidentally or intentionally. In case
of the former, the writer humbly asks that you overlook any such blemishes. As for the latter, the writer hopes readers will be willing to make
allowances for any poetic licenses taken, and asks that you simply disregard those that you find objectionable.
To sign up for notifications of future modules in the series, email
Note: This article provides an introduction to Harn, for players or GMs previously unfamiliar with it.


Location: Lythia, Sea of Ivae

Maps: Harn A1-N10

The location articles in this module
follow the trail of a campaign, ”The
Harn Saga of Gundar Green-Eye”, the be-
ginnings of which can be found in
the article ”Raldlund – Land of the
ARN is a verdant, hilly, often mist-enshrouded island of approxi-
Majestic Fjords”.
mately 240,000 square miles (almost three times the size of
Great Britain), somewhat set apart from mainland Lythia (the Anrist Point
largest continent of the planet Kethira). It is considered a bit of This is the next stop of the cam-
an uncivilized backwater by the people of Lythia. It is mostly populated by paign (included herein), where
humans who live in feudal societies similar to those of Earth’s early middle the PCs may seek answers to their
ages. The total population is close to 900,000. questions from an unusual figure.

OVERVIEW Noron’s Keep

Harn consists of seven civilized nations, two of which are non- This location offers an opportunity
human. There are also 18 barbarian (non-civilized) for the PCs to connect with an old
people, and various tribes and species of Gargun, or acquaintance of their father’s – a
Harnic orcs. Of the civilized nations, five are feudal, character every bit as unusual
one is pre-feudal and one is a republic. as the one at Anrist Point.

This village holds many of the
Harn is the largest of several islands that form an
answers to the PCs’ tale.
archipelago. Some of the other islands include
the Afarezirs to the northwest; the Balakas to Gedan
the northeast; Keron Island to the east, Mel-
The resting place of a grand-
deryn to the southeast; Belna, Keboth,
father the PCs never knew.
Yaelin and Dömid to the south; and Anfla
and Kamace to the southwest. Only Melde- Leriel
ryn has a significant population. The Leriel will introduce PCs to
center of Harn is dominated by a large newfound family and provide
lake, Lake Benath, around which king- links to their heritage.
doms spread out in a circular pattern.
There are two larger rivers: the Thard River
in the west, and the Kald River in the East.
Four mountain ranges can be found: the Felsha
Mountains in central Harn; the Rayesha Mountains
in the north; the Sorkin Mountains in the east; and the
Jahl Mountains in the far north. The central and CREDITS
northern parts are densely forested. Most of the
agrarian lands can be found in the south. Written by: Jay Sojdelius

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz
For more details on the world of
ORBAAL Harn, see the following articles:

Kelestia + Kethira
AZADMERE For more on the universe and the
Tashal planet of Harn, see Kelestia
(Columbia Games #4040) and
Kethira (#4045).

Golotha Coranan
EVAEL Lythia
For more on the continent of Lythia,
KANDAY Aleath see Lythia (Columbia Games #4050).

THARDIC Cherafir
REPUBLIC For more on the island of Harn, see
MELDERYN HarnWorld (Columbia Games #5001).

Kingdoms Kingdoms
The dominant civilizations on Harn consist of the following nations: For more on the kingdoms of Harn,
see Kanday (Columbia Games
❖ Rethem (population: 95,000): is a former religious theocracy formal-
#5660), Rethem (#5740), Republic of
ly ruled by King Chafin III of House Araku, but the churches of Agrik
Tharda (#5770), Orbaal (#5800),
and Morgath are very powerful and control things behind the scenes.
Kaldor (#5610), Chybisa (#5007),
❖ Kanday (population: 96,000) is a feudal kingdom in the southwest, Melderyn (#5700), Azadmere
ruled by King Andasin IV of House Kand. Kanday, Rethem and the (#5004), and Evael (#5081).
Thardic Republic are frequently at war with each other.
❖ The Thardic Republic (population: 104,000): The only republic on
Harn, ruled by a plutocratic elite through a Senate appointed by 66
patrician families.
❖ Orbaal (population: 73,000): Formerly known as Jara, Orbaal is
occupied by a confederacy of Ivinian clans which is ruled by King
Alegar II of clan Taareskeld.
❖ Kaldor (population: 105,000): A traditional feudal kingdom ruled by
the aging monarch King Miginath of House Elendsa. He has no heir,
leaving the succession order a potential source of domestic strife.
❖ Azadmere (population: 11,000): A hidden mountain kingdom of
Harnic dwarfs, Azadmere is ruled by King Hazmadul III of House
Tarazakh. The dwarves rarely get involved in Harnic affairs.
❖ Evael (population: 5,600): Like Azadmere, Evael is a semi-secret,
insular, non-human kingdom. It is populated by Sindarin forest elves,
ruled by King Aranath Halirien.
❖ Chybisa (population: 8,000): A small feudal kingdom in eastern Harn,
subsisting at the mercy of its larger neighbours, Kaldor and Melderyn.
Chybisa is ruled by King Verlid VII of House Geledoth.
❖ Melderyn (population: 160,000): Known as “The Wizard’s Isle”,
Melderyn is an island kingdom but holds lands on mainland Harn
as well. It is technically ruled by King Chunel of House Toron, but
the Council of Eleven (consisting of scholars, wizards and priests)
wields considerable influence.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz

While most of Harn is rural, and its settlements are generally fairly
diminutive, the most notable cities on Harn are:
Shiran Tashal
❖ Aleath (E8), population 5,800: A Kanday freetown under royal
charter, known as “the City of Truth and White Virtue”. Aleath and Golotha Coranan
Thay are, in some respects, sister cities.
❖ Cherafir (N10), population 7,000: Known as “The Mage’s City”,
Cherafir is Melderyn’s capital and controls Harnic inbound trade. Cherafir

❖ Coranan (E7), population 12,500: Harn’s largest city; the hub of

most economic activity in the Thard river valley and the seat of the READ MORE
Thardic Senate. Houses the largest Pamesani Games arena. For more on the cities of Harn, see
❖ Golotha (D7), population 6,200: A chartered freetown governed by a Golotha (Columbia Games #5741),
council dominated by the Church of Morgath; a historic echo of the Aleath (#5661), Coranan (#5771),
Theocracy of Tekhos. Uniquely built on a system of canals. Shiran (#5790), Tashal (#5611),
Thay (#5702) and Cherafir (#5701).
❖ Shiran (G6), population 3,900: Tharda’s second largest city; known
as the “City of Sins”.
❖ Tashal (J5), population 11,400: The second largest city on Harn, “the
Gray Lady of the Kald” is recognized primarily for its political and The following Harnic locations, all
economic importance. of which are located in the north-
east, are of importance to the
❖ Thay (M7), population 4,200: A major port and freetown; important
for both the churches of Larani and Peoni. It is the center of main-
land Melderyn and was founded by refugees from Aleath as that city
Anrist Point
fell under the sway of the Theocracy of Tekhos.
Home of the enigmatic Riddle-
master, one of few remaining
Notable locations
Pradeyalkri (primordial demigods)
❖ Misyn: The Harnic domain of the living god Ilvir. Located on the on Harn. See pages 11-22.
eastern shore of Lake Benath, this a major pilgrimage destination for
adherents of the indigenous Jarinese religion. Noron’s Keep
The domain of another Pradeyalkri,
❖ Peran: A large swath of rugged wilderness in the far northwest; home
Noron the Giant. See pages 24-25.
of the proud and fierce Kubora people.
❖ Plain of Towers: A region of sinister archaeological remnants just Shese
east of Lake Benath, within range of the Chelni and Kath barbarian A small Orbaalese village under the
nations. The area was once the center of the despotic rule of Lothrim control of the Haidaar clan, who
the Foulspawner, a tribal leader who brought the gargun to Harn. hold it on behalf of their Geldestaar
❖ Pesino: One of several mysterious sites of Earthmaster origin, liege at Lorkin. See pages 30-35.
located in the westernmost part of the kingdom of Evael. The elves
monitor and guard the site carefully and are wary of the potent and Gedan
enigmatic sorcerous powers still lingering at the site. Ancestral burial grounds of the
❖ Bejist: A collection of ruins on the southern end of the Setha Heath, Jarin and the home of the Aenghysa
some of which have Earthmaster origin. This site is rumored to be resistance fighters. See page 39.
the final resting place of the elven king Daelda, who supposedly
perished at the Battle of Sorrows. Leriel
The main settlement still under
❖ Kiraz: An abandoned Khuzan city hidden in the mountains of Harn.
nominal Jarin control in the
❖ Tontury Lake: A marshy region in eastern Kaldor that is reported to
northern Ivinian-occupied
be the home of a rare and enigmatic race of mere-dragons.
kingdom of Orbaal. See pages
❖ Fort Taztos: The main Thardic fortification along the Salt Route. 40-42.
❖ Trobridge Inn: A strategically important waypoint on the Salt Route
that connects western and eastern Harn.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz
Harn is not a destination for the leisure traveller and is generally avoided by 2
mainland Lythians, being seen as a bit of an uncivilized backwater. The 1
island is criss-crossed by trails that do little to facilitate travel, and actual
roads are rare. The terrain is often very rough and difficult to pass and
winter makes conditions even worse. However, active trade and guild
relations both between the island’s kingdoms and outside parties means 4
that Harn is not quite as isolated as it may seem, and the smaller pockets of
civilization that exist here can be every bit as sophisticated as larger Lythian
kingdoms – they’re just fewer and farther between. Five main trade routes
cross the island, all of them connected to the prosperous Kaldoric capital of CALENDAR
Tashal as the hub: The HarnWorld setting assumes that
1 Fur Road: Leriel (Orbaal) to Tashal (Kaldor) – used mainly by fur the current year is 720. The Harnic
merchants of the north, dangerously exposed both to the Kath calendar, called Tuzyn Reckoning
barbarian nation as well as numerous Gargun tribes. (TR), features 12 months, each with
30 days:
2 Noron’s Way: Lorkin (Orbaal) to Tashal (Kaldor) – an alternate route
to Orbaal, frequented only by more adventurous travelers due to the ❖ Spring:
fearsome lord of Noron’s Keep, after whom the trail is named. - Nuzyael
3 Silver Way: Azadmere to Tashal (Kaldor) – a challenging trail that is - Peonu
the main connection between the dwarven kingdom and human - Kelen (known
civilization, offering lucrative silver-lined trade opportunities. as Saraju in Orbaal)
4 Genin’s Trail: Thay (Melderyn) to Tashal (Kaldor) – the main trade ❖ Summer:
artery between Melderyn and Kaldor, named after a legendary mage. - Nolus
5 Salt Route: Coranan (Tharda) to Tashal (Kaldor) – the longest trade - Larane
route which connects western and eastern Harn. - Agrazhar
❖ Autumn:
A significant portion of Harnic economics are still barter-based, especially - Halane
in rural areas. On a larger scale, however, the economies of Harnic villages, - Savor
towns and kingdoms are governed according to feudal principles. Feudalism
❖ Winter:
is a hierarchic system by which a ruler parcels out his land among his
- Ilvin
vassals, in return for which they could expect a certain level of protection by
law. The vassals divide their parcels of land among lower level vassals, and - Navek
so on. Commoners are allowed to work the land and reap the benefits there- - Morgat
of, in return for paying taxes (a portion of which would be passed “up the
food chain”), also providing military service as required by their lord. Only CURRENCY
some of these commoners, however, actually own the land they are culti-
Harnic money comes in the following
vating, and the lords’ control and administration of the law is absolute.
Trade ❖ 1 gold penny (rare)
Trade in feudal economies is based on the surplus of production being either ❖ = 20 silver pennies (d)
exchanged for other goods, or sold.
❖ = 40 half pennies
Guilds ❖ = 80 farthings (quarters)
Guilds represent an expansion of the economic principles of feudalism,
where the production and sale of goods and services is organized by trades- A typical penny weighs 1/16 oz., but
people through the forming of distinct vocational organizations. gold pennies are typically found in 1
oz. weights (meaning, one such coin
The Mangai would be worth 16x20=320 pennies
The joint association of all Harnic guilds which regulates them, settles (d). Ha’ pennies and farthings are
disputes between them, and represents their interests versus the crown. actual portions of a full coin.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz
Jarin 18 15
The majority of the Harnic population is a mix of indigenous Jarin and 6
12 17 9 11
Lythian peoples who arrived on the island as part of general migratory
patterns 20 centuries ago. The most “pure” Jarin population can be found in 16 13 3
the north, and among some of the more peripheral non-civilized tribes. 7
10 1 5 8
Viking invaders from the Ivinia represent the latest change in Harn’s
population. Ivinian clans occupy the northern part of Harn and have
repressed the native Jarin people of the region.
Khuzdul and Sindarin
The two ancient, non-human peoples of Kethira, mostly living in seclusion
Lothrim the Foulspawner
with little involvement with humans. The Harnic dwarves and elves have An despotic ruler and conqueror
lived on Harn for thousands of years and co-existed peacefully with humans from the 2nd century TR, possibly a
for centuries before barbarian migrations overwhelmed them. They have mage of Melderyni origin. Lothrim
allowed some clans, mostly of Jarin origin, to live with them in isolation. led several of the barbarian tribes in
a conquest of central Harn, in part
Barbarian Tribes with the aid of imported “foul-
Harnic wilderness areas and unsettled areas between kingdoms are typically spawn”, as the gargun (or Harnic
populated by primitive, barbarian tribes. Many of these tribes are of Jarin orcs) are sometimes known.
ancestry but have resisted integration with the civilized peoples of Harn.
1 Adaenum: Mainly coastal tribes from Anfla Island to the southwest,
A legendary Melderyni wizard who,
subsisting on fishing and agriculture.
among other things, guided the
2 Anoa: Forest-dwelling, nomadic hunters from the northeast. exodus from Aleath in 573 TR, which
frequently beset by gargun and hunted by the Orbaalese. led to the founding of Thay. The
3 Bujoc: Semi-nomadic, superstitious and reclusive forest clans from Genin Trail is named after him.
the Anadel region in the southeast.
4 Chelni: A hostile, semi-civilized horse people from southeast of Lake Arlun the Barbarian
Benath. Their equestrian skills are legendary. A charismatic, militarily skilled
Kubora chieftain who united 90
5 Chymak: Rugged, seafaring tribes from Belna Island to the south.
tribes and invaded the lands to the
6 Equani: Violent, primitive tribes from the Equeth Hills to the north. south of Peran, eventually founding
7 Gozyda: A solitary, animist people occupying land east of Kanday. the Kingdom of Rethem in 635 TR.
8 Hodiri: Populous, cattle-breeding tribes from the southeast.
Balsha the Prophet
9 Kabloqui: Reclusive, cannibal tribes descended from the Equani, living A Morgathian prophet considered
in small bands just north of Lake Benath. the most influential of all religious
10 Kamaki: Fishing people of the Kamace Island to the southwest. figures on Harn. His execution in
11 Kath: Primitive hunter-gatherers from the Kathela Hills of Kaldor. 558 TR triggered a revolution called
the Balshan Jihad. Balsha’s philoso-
12 Kubora: Semi-civilized, fractious tribes from the Peran region. Once
phy continues to influence the
the conquerors of the south and founders of Rethem.
Church of Morgath.
13 Pagaelin: Violent, distrustful tribes of the East who still trade with
civilized people and have been infiltrated by the church of Naveh. Daelda
14 Solori: Primitive hill-dwellers, subjected to a Laranian crusade. The elven king of Harn during the
15 Taelda: Semi-civilized, peaceful folk of the north, related to the Anoa. so-called Codominium. Daelda was
mortally wounded at the Battle of
16 Tulwyn: War-like tribes of the south; a threat to Salt Route caravans.
Sorrows in 683 BT, after supposedly
17 Urdu: Mostly peaceful village-dwellers of the northwest. having been assaulted by a demon
18 Ymodi: Nomadic, insular tribes of the north; enemies of the Equani. summoned to defeat his armies.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz
The Earthmasters 20,000 BT The Earthmasters arrive
on Kethira.
Enigmatic, powerful ancient creatures who inhabit Kethira between
20,000 ands 15,000 BT, leaving behind numerous curious edifices.
15,000 BT: The Earthmasters
The Codominium depart.
The golden age when Sindarin and Khuzdul co-inhabit Harn in harmony, ____________________
documented in the historic Sirion Scrolls.
10,000 BT: Sindarin arrive.
The Atani Wars: 900-683 BT ____________________
The Coming of Man; an epoch characterized by wars with hostile, migra-
7,000 BT: Khuzdul first appear.
ting barbarian tribes from mainland Lythia.
The Empire of Lothrim: 100-120 TR 1300 BT: Arrival of the first human
An emerging empire, ruled by a despotic chieftain who manages to unite (Jarin) tribes.
several barbarian tribes and also summons the gargun, earning him the ____________________
moniker The Foulspawner. Lothrim is defeated in 120 TR.
683 BT: Battle of Sorrows. The
The Migration Wars: 178-238 TR Sindarin withdraw.
Erupting in the aftermath of Lothrim’s empire crumbling, the Migration ____________________
Wars give rise to the kingdoms of eastern Harn. 1 TR: Founding of the Kingdom of
The Corani Empire: 301-565 TR Melderyn; Tuzyn Reckoning
Thard Valley tribes unite under one chieftain and form the Corani Empire.
The Kaldoric Civil War: 362-377 TR 110 TR: First appearance of gargun
Kaldor, founded upon the union of four eastern kingdoms under external ____________________
threat, erupts in civil war over a succession crisis in 362 TR.
120 TR: Battle of Sirion. Lothrim
The Balshan Jihad: 558-565 TR defeated, the dwarven city of Kiraz
Fed by the Red Death, a disastrous plague, rebellion erupts in the Corani abandoned.
Empire following the execution of Balsha the Prophet in 558 TR. The Jihad ____________________
culminates with the establishment of the Theocracy of Tekhos, which will
160 TR: Founding of the Kingdom
last until 588 TR. of Chybisa
The Five Year War 661-666 TR ____________________
A war of conquest between the Thardic League and Kanday, which 188 TR: Founding of the Kingdom
eventually is followed by the formation of the Thardic Republic. of Kaldor
Ezar’s War: 682-697 TR
A war between Rethem and Kanday, initiated by the Agrikan Order of the 589 TR: Founding of the Kingdom
Copper Hook and named for its Grandmaster. The peace treaty establishes of Kanday
the current border, but tensions remain. ____________________

The Kuseme War: 712-713 TR 635 TR: Founding of the Kingdom

of Rethem
A war between Kanday and the Thardic Republic which establishes the
Marshal of the Ramala Province as a major power player in the region.
674 TR: Founding of the Thardic
The Salt War: 672-673 TR Republic
Conflict over the salt trade, vainly initiated by the hawkish king of Kaldor. ____________________
The Treasure War: 674-687 TR 686 TR: Founding of the Kingdom
A war which briefly sees Kaldor in control of Chybisa but where the crown of Orbaal
is returned through the tacit support of the king of Melderyn. ____________________

The Ivinian Conquest and the Jarin Rebellion: 652-703 TR 705 TR: The Rape of Thay; Ivinians
The northern kingdom of Jara is attacked and conquered by roving clans attack and plunder.
from Ivinia, leaving only a few inland keeps under Jarin control. Ivinian
oppression eventually spawns a rebellion in 701 TR which is ultimately 720 TR: Present day
struck down in 703 TR due to its lack of coordination.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

The Harnic pantheon is diverse and nuanced and the attitudes towards Harnic churches are, for the most
worship differs very much based on location: certain gods are banned in part, organized into orders. There
some parts of the island. are clerical orders, mostly con-
cerned with preserving traditions
Peoni (P) – Lady of Industrious Labors and the Ripe Harvest and guiding worship, and fighting
The largest commoner’s religion, Peoni is a mostly rural deity of orders, which serve to protect their
fertility and growth; the patron of healing and the seasonal cycle. respective churches as well as
expand their domains.
Larani (L) – Protector of the Brave
Clerical Orders
Favored with the noble class. The goddess of chivalry, bravery,
The most notable clerical orders on
duty, honor and battle. She upholds the principles of feudalism.
Harn are:

Save-K’Nor (SK) – Sage of the Gods ❖ Balm of Joy (P)

The god of wisdom, truth and knowledge. The church of Save- ❖ The Irreproachable Order (P)
K’Nor does not merely accumulate knowledge, but safeguards it. ❖ Hyvrik (L)
❖ Spear of Shattered Sorrow (L)
Halea (H) – The Empress of Opulence ❖ Hyn-Aelori (SK)
The amoral goddess of emotions, pleasure and sensual delights. ❖ Rydequelyn (SK)
Sees the pursuit of pleasure as the only path to fulfillment. ❖ Shea-Al-Aecor (SK)
❖ Silken Voice (H)
Agrik (A) – The Reasonless Reaper ❖ Mamaka, Master of Steel (A)
The god of power, anger, violence and war. Agrik’s element is the ❖ Eight Demons (A)
fire that cleanses. His worshippers believe that might makes right. ❖ Herpa the Mace (A)
❖ Pillar of Fire (A)
Sarajin (SJ) – King of the Icy Wind ❖ Fuming Gate (A)
The master of bravado and battlelust, Sarajin is a viking god of ❖ Kukshin (A)
fate, courage and fearlessness. His worshippers explore the world. ❖ (For Ilviran clerical orders, see
next page)
Naveh (N) – Lord of the Pitch Shadows
Fighting Orders
A god of darkness, deceit and nightmares. Navehans work in the
shadows to counteract the work of the other gods. The most recognized fighting
orders are:
Morgath (M) – Wielder of the Shadow of Incarnate Evil ❖ Checkered Shield (L)
Master of the undead, Morgath’s worshippers believe that chaos, ❖ Lady of Paladins (L)
anger, insanity and fear is the natural state of the world, and seek ❖ Cohorts of Gashang (A)
to reinstate it. ❖ Copper Hook (A)
❖ Crimson Dancer (A)
Siem (SM)–Bringer of Meritorious Dreams and Blessed Forgetfulness ❖ Demon Pameshlu the
A spiritual and wise god of dreams, insights and absolution, Siem Insatiable (A)
is the oldest god and his worship is mostly embedded with the ❖ Red Shadows of Herpa (A)
Sindar. His worshippers live for the afterlife, in the Blessed Realm. ❖ Roving Doom (A)
❖ Warriors of Mameka (A)
Ilvir (I) – The Serpent that Dwells Below
Ilvir is the only god who is physically present on Harn. He is a
mystical, unpredictable, shapeshifting god of life, creativity and
introspection. His worship is an extension of the Jarin culture. For For more on the religions of Harn,
more details on Ilviran orders, see the following page. see HarnMaster Religion (Columbia
Games #4401).

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Heraldry by C.I. Roegner and Matt Roegner

CLERICAL ORDERS OF ILVIR beings, and that taking a life is therefore an affront to
the deity. They are engaged in stirring up active
Given the campaign’s focus on the Jarin
resistance to the hunting and selling of Ivashu and have
Background of the PCs, the church of Ilvir is
become a subversive, idelologically purist force to be
afforded special attention in this module, with more
reckoned with.
detail provided below on the known Ilviran orders.

Chuchlaen Wheelwright Order of the Ochre Womb

A creationist cult named for the chamber where Ilvir’s
Named for a servant of Ilvir; an Ivashu whose
everlasting mission is to create the perfect wheel. creatures are brought forth.

Temple: Gedan (Orbaal, Harn J2) Temple: Ochrynn (Misyn, Harn H4-H5)

Founded in 132 TR in the aftermath of Lothrim the Founded in 284 BT according to the sacred Ochrynn
Foulspawner’s defeat. The founder, known as Tyrnan of manuscripts. The order was responsible for
the Rock, established the order in response to the constructing Ilvir's Tower, in the pit of Ilvir at Araka-
increased threat from the dispersed Gargun. The order Kalai, and subsequently explored most of the caverns
was eventually wiped out, but was re-established at below. In 298 TR the order was wiped out by Gargun but
Gedan in 686 TR by a renegade cleric from the Order of was reformed in 361 TR and constructed the Temple of
Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam, Eochaid of Olthair, in the Ochre Womb at Ochrynn. The order, seeing itself as
response to the growing Ivinian oppression – much like the stewards of the Ivashu, have made the controversial
the Gargun had been fought at the time of the order’s decision to sell the creatures, mainly to the Pamesani
founding. Joined by the would-be resistance fighters of arenas in the Thardic Republic, and this has caused a lot
the Aenghysa, Eochaid was martyred during the events of internal conflict.
that sparked the Jarin Rebellion. The order is now lead
by one of his acolytes, Tymas of Baswhyl, who has Order of the Pia-Gardith
forged important political alliances with Melderyn. An obscure order centered in Rethem, named in Jarin
for a shifty minor servant of Ilvir who eavesdrops and
Conclave of Meamyt the Hermit (sometimes deliberately) spreads misinformation.
A small cult named for the founder, Meamyt of Pyryn. Temple: Golotha (Rethem, Harn D7)
Temple: Isle of Askellin (Harn G2) The order is covert and mysterious and appears rather
The order, if it can be called that, is a loosely assembled insignificant (which may or may not be intentional), but
group of more or less fanatical followers of the un- is said to have had a hand in influencing the Order of the
willing founder and leader, Meamyt the Hermit, who by Ochre Womb to allow the selling of Ivashu to the
all accounts is a mad or at least highly eccentric prophet Pamesani Games. The order researches and documents
whose legitimacy is based entirely on a vision he creatures created by Ilvir for other deities, for the
supposedly experienced in 708 TR. The vision, in which ultimate purpose of being able to control them.
Meamyt claimed to have been annointed by Ilvir
himself, prompted his issuance of a series of cryptic Order of Seafarer Ibenis
prophecies. An order named for the Ilviran ”ferryman of souls”
who has been tasked with bringing the auras of dead
The Dark Order Ivashu back to their master.
A small congregation of mystics and fanatics, this order Temple: Shiran (Thardic Republic, Harn G6)
has withdrawn from the waking world and descended
into the depths of Araka-Kalai. Founded in 522 TR, this order supposedly exists to ferry
pilgrims from western Harn across Lake Benath to
Temple: The Sounding Cave (Araka-Kalai, Harn H5) Araka-Kalai. However, they are also involved in the
Founded in 692 TR by a pious cleric known only as Tave, procurement of Ivashu for the Pamesani Games., both in
the order was created in response to the perceived Shiran and Coranan, and have even been known to sell
heresy of the Ochre Womb permitting the sale of Ivashu Ilvir’s creatures to the Order of the Octagonal Pit, an
to Agrikans. Tave and his followers persist in their Agrikan clerical order which also operates the Pamesani
righteous belief that Ilvir is the creator of all sentient Games in Golotha and Shostim.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc.
Ilvir reference materials by the Harn Religion Team (HRT).

The Second Order Ivashu to the Pamesani games. It also remained mum
about the Ivinian occupation and offered no support for
An order continuing the traditions of the first church of
the Jarin rebellion.
Ilvir established by the prophet Ormanoam around
1,300 BT.
Order of Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed
Temple: Arathel (Orbaal, Harn G2)
A radical order named for a servant of Ilvir who is the
The Second Order was founded in the 5th century TR but keeper of his master’s secrets. The order engages in
not kuch is known about its origins. It organizes ritual sacrfices.
pilgrimages to Araka-Kalai and its adherents continue Temple: Unknown; ambulating (thought to be in the
the First Order’s practices of interpreting Ilvir’s will Leriel region, Harn H3).
through dreams and visions, often drug enhanced. The
order famously did not take a stance during the Ivinian Founded in 692 TR by Meltar of Harel, a cleric of
questionable sanity originally belonging to the Order of
occupation and subsequent Jarin Rebellion, which has
Sudelrhynn. He was consumed by an Ivashu referred to
allowed it to sustain its activities largely untouched. In
as “the Mouth of Tuarbalt”. The being is now the subject
708 TR, the mendicant cleric Meamyt of Pyryn had a
of craven worship by the order’s members and the
vision and issued a controversial prophesy which
recipient of living human sacrifices.
ultimately led to his departure from the order.

Order of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam Enclave of the Verdant Pool

One of the poorest Ilviran orders and one of few to
The oldest active Ilviran order, named for the first
actively support the Jarin rebellion, it is named for a
Ivashu, who carries the clay from which his master
small body of water inhabited by an Ivashu, where
shapes his creatures.
those who bathe supposedly experience visions.
Temples: Leriel, Gwaeryn (Orbaal, Harn H3)
Temple: Tawheim (Orbaal, Harn J3)
A prestigious, conservative and fundamentalist order, it
Deriving most of its support from the local Jarin
was split from the Order of the Ochre Womb after the
population, the order remains focused on offering
latter had established itself at Araka-Kalai and essen-
spiritual sustenance and support for its adherents, in
tially asserted a monopoly on access to the deity. The
part through a ritual administered to those who bathe in
Order of Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam preaches a
the titular pool. While there is no shortage of believers
personal relationship with Ilvir and has for that reason
who are willing to risk getting into the pool, and the
not taken an official stance on the morals of selling
effects seem genuine, the Ivashu who inhabits it has
been known to attack bathers.

Order of the Yellow Hand

Named for the golden hand of Tuarbalt, Ilvir’s
chronicler, this order is considerably more esoteric
than the one that bears the name of this servant of
Ilvir. The Yellow Hand seeks a closer relationship with
the deity through the accumulation of holy relics.
Temple: Tashal (Kaldor, Harn J5)
Founded in 121 TR, the Yellow Hand is an order with an
esoteric, singular purpose, to locate a tome of wisdom
supposedly written by Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed and
containing the exact words of the deity himself. The
order is not strictly limited to searches in the physical
world – there are those who believe that the tome is a
metaphor for wisdom, and who pursue it through
Stone marker found each league along psionic means. However, the order is also engaged in
the pilgrim’s path from Gwaeryn to more worldly matters, such as arranging pilgrimages to
Araka-Kalai. Araka-Kalai.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Ilvir reference materials by the Harn Religion Team (HRT)
The Harnic wilderness is peppered
with the habitats of approximately
50,000 wild orcs of five varieties:

❖ Gargu-Araki (streaked,
small orc)
❖ Gargu-Hyeka (brown,
common orc)
❖ Gargu-Kyani (white orc)
❖ Gargu-Viasal (red orc)
❖ Gargu-Khanu (great, black orc)

All but the Araki, who are nomadic,

live in caves or underground nests.
They are generally quite hostile
The climate on Harn is similar to that of the British isles. It is characterized towards humans.
by a general dampness and winds that bring in moisture from the Haonic
Ocean in the form of fog, rain showers and prevalent cloud coverage. Ivashu
Harn’s wilderness uniquely features
Seasons a diverse range of unusual creatures
Summer season is cool on Harn, with average temperatures rarely rising collectively known as “Ivashu”.
above 75F. Winter season is generally mild and seldomly drops below They are monstrous, sometimes
freezing at normal altitudes. Spring, summer and fall seasons see precipi- sentient and sometimes primitive
tation mainly come down as rain, but the winter season can sometimes beings supposedly created by the
feature wet snow and sleet, especially at higher elevations and towards the living god Ilvir from his domain at
northern reaches. Windspeeds can average as much as 10 mph. Araka-Kalai. No formal accounting
of how many species of Ivashu exist
and it is possible that Ilvir keeps
The seas around Harn are typically quite rough, and storms, which are not
creating new ones as he sees fit.
uncommon, can materialize quickly.
(Italics denote hostile species).
FLORA AND FAUNA ❖ Adwelna – giant, tentacled slug
Because of the precipitation, the Harnic landscape is very lush and green, ❖ Aklash – stinky, hairless golem
favoring agriculture where the land isn’t simply overgrown with vegetation. ❖ Ergath – humanoid amphibian
Foliage is quite varied but the majority of forest and woodland is covered by ❖ Hru – rock giant
desiduous, summergreen trees. Evergreens become dominant the further ❖ Hygith – eel-like carnivores
north one travels. Heaths are common in the south and west. ❖ Ilme – mere dragons
❖ Miuruca – biped alligator
Larger mammals like wolves, bears and boars exist but are relatively rare, ❖ Nolah – Harnic, hairless troll
whereas deer are common. Smaller mammals like foxes, hares, rabbits, ❖ Ogarna – psionic septopus
weasels, hedgehogs, rats and mice are common. Otters can be found in ❖ Polan-Tekek – dual symbiot
many rivers, and there are plenty of seals along the coast. Reptiles and am- ❖ Scurgah – large, predatory bat
phibians are not common. Bird life is plentiful, both resident and migratory. ❖ Umbathri – small gargoyle
Larger birds like pheasants, partridges and grouses do occur with some ❖ Vlasta – lizard-like eye eater
frequency, and the marshlands abound with various species of waterfowl.
Many of the Ivashu are being
GEOLOGY hunted and used as prey in the
gladiatorial Pamesani Games in
Harnic geology is quite diverse and presents a very varied landscape, feat-
western Harn. Despite Ivashu being
uring rock formations from almost all geological ages. The northern parts of
considered sacred by adherents of
the country are still rising as a result of the ice coverage being lifted, and the
Ilvir, some Ilviran orders actually
southern parts are actually sinking slowly due to compacting clay deposits.
bewilderingly procure Ivashu for
the games.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc


Should PCs choose to visit Anrist
NRIST POINT is a unique geothermal hotspot on Harn’s eastern
Point, perhaps to seek out the
coast which has given rise to a series of curious natural
Riddlemaster for a consultation,
phenomena, along with some notable supernatural ones (see
Anrist Point will represent their
“The Riddlemaster” below). Due to the clash between the
first experience of mainland Harn.
subterranean heating and the cold and moisture supplied by the
The Riddlemaster may direct the
the Sea of Ivae, the landscape is frequently covered in a very soupy mist,
PCs to Noron the Giant (see Noron’s
adding to the otherworldly appearance of the place.
Keep, page 24) and may also offer a
GEOGRAPHY few enigmatic clues as to the PCs
destiny (see Information at Anrist
Anrist Point is a rocky, porous limestone promontory which has been
Point on page 56).
gradually perforated, eroded and collapsed from below, causing a very
uneven and topically scattered appearance. Given fair conditions, the
coastline can typically be sighted from 15 leagues away (3 map hexes). The
subterranean heating comes from a small tear in the crust far below ground
exposing the area to heat from the magma chamber below. This leads to
hydrothermal effects heating up the ground water, causing the healing
liquid from The Emerald Lagoon to percolate through the soil.


Anrist Point is curiously devoid of animal life, though insects thrive here.
The further into the area one travels, the more eerie the atmosphere gets
and the absence of bird song is quite noticeable. The outer perimeter is CREDITS
littered with animal skeletons, mainly deer and elk. Plant life is caught in a
Concept by: Jay Sojdelius
curious equilibrium, as some of the chemicals in the air threaten the
Kerry Mould
survival of the flora while the healing power of the ground water struggles
Brent Bailey
to sustain it. Any vegetation will wilt instantly if plucked from the ground
Rob Barnes
and all vegetables, berries and fruits found growing here are mildly toxic. A
Written by: Jay Sojdelius
very rich flora of microorganisms thriving in the harsh sulphuric conditions
Art + Maps: Jay Sojdelius
create a rainbow of color across the area’s hydrothermal features.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

TOXICITY Morghennae of
The sulphorous, noxious vents of Anrist Point emanate a powerful, slow- The Emerald Veil
acting airborne anaesthetic which permeates the misty air and causes The healing springs at Anrist Point
confusion in victims, causing them to gradually lose near-term memory. It is were first referenced in an ancient
not clear if this effect is partly supernatural or simply a naturally occurring Jarin legend which tells of a witch
biochemical reaction. or healer (depending on who tells
the story) named Morghennae. She
was supposedly a sibling of Orma-
The area is uninhabited and distant Anoa tribes steer well clear of the entire
noam, the founder of the Ilviran
peninsula, as do all gargun in the region.
church. The story tells of a tragedy
that struck when Morghennae was
giving birth to her first child, who
Early Jarin tribes inhabited the area when The Riddlemaster first settled here turned out to be stillborn. Over-
and there is trace evidence of cult-like worship scattered through the come by sorrow and grief, Morg-
landscape, mostly in the form of cairns and stone carvings. As the geothermal hennae entered into a cave through
activity slowly and gradually combined with the curious supernatural a waterfall known as The Emerald
elements of the area, the effects on the wild- and plant life eventually Veil, seeking to bury her child there,
rendered life here unsustainable. Ultimately, tribal superstitions surrounding but when she re-emerged, the child
The Riddlemaster came to associate the slow starvation and death of the had been miraculously brought to
population with his presence. The area has been abandoned well in excess of life. As the rumors spread about her
five centuries and animals have learned not to come here due to the toxicity of fortuitous discovery, Morghennae
the plants. The pervasive airborne toxins and their effects ensure there are continued to draw healing power
very few conscious witnesses to what happens here, which means the history from the waterfall and Jarin folk
of the place is very poorly documented. Even those who may actually have from far away came to seek her aid
visited here have only vague recollections of doing so. in curing various injuries and
ailments. It is not known how
PRESENT DAY Morghennae died and some claim
Occasional exploratory expeditions make their way here, mainly sponsored by she still roams around Anrist Point.
the church of Save- K’Nor, but scholars continue to struggle securing any
documentation or gaining insights from such efforts, as visitors appear to not
be able to retain any memories of their experiences.

The Emerald Lagoon

The area is dotted with odorous pools of unknown properties, most of which
are actually quite harmful, but there is one small underground body of water
which does align with the legends of supernatural healing: The Emerald
Lagoon. However, access is strictly controlled by The Riddlemaster.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Maps by Eric Hotz
Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Jay Sojdelius



3 4
8 3

4 10% 3 3
40% 3
1 4
5 12 75%
2b 5
3 4 3
3 60%
6 4 5% 2b
9 4 3 3

9 5% 3

3 7

8 8 10


Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Jay Sojdelius

1. Outer Perimeter 6. Expedition Remains

The outer perimeter of the area is littered with This marks the last known campsite of a Save-
piles of bones from animals who were poisoned by K’Nor expedition from 717 TR. No trace of the
the plants and slowly died as they were expedition members (see Events at Anrist Point).
desperately trying to escape the area. Most of
these animals are deer or elk but there are plenty
7. Petrified Forest
This area contains several progressive layers of
of remains of smaller animals like rabbits,
dead, petrified tree stumps whose decomposition
badgers and squirrels etc. There is no distinct
has been halted by silica-saturated groundwater
delineation but the bones start appearing with
slowly seeping into the wood, in essence turning
increasing frequency the closer to the perimeter
the trees into clay sculptures from within.
PCs get, and then start to subside as they move
into the inner, toxic zone. 8. Jarin Ruins
2. Geysers This location marks where crumbled old ruins of
Jarin habitats can be found. The ruins are quite
One major (2a) and two minor (2b) geysers can be
decayed and are easy to overlook, as they mostly
found in the area, set off to shoot giant hot water
look like random piles of stacked flat stones whose
spouts into the air as the pressure builds up
resemblance to walls is now very faint.
underneath. Before this occurs, the geysers will
appear like steam vents (see below). The major 9. Jarin Cairns
geyser goes off like clockwork, on a more or less These locations mark where ancient Jarin 4-5 foot
predictable timetable. Roll 1d100 when PCs arrive: stacked stone cairns have been left, likely as
this is the number of minutes until the geyser markers to navigate by, but they may also have had
erupts. The water is definitely hot enough to cause some religious significance. The cairns appear to
damage so PCs would do well to stay clear of the silently survey the surroundings.
spout. The water is not otherwise harmful but
neither does it possess any healing properties. 10. Jarin Stone Carvings
At these locations, Jarin stone tablets have been
3. Steam Vents raised. They are carved with commemorative
Numerous steam vents dot the landscape. They messages that have deteriorated badly, but likely
simply release steam constantly and contribute a represent grave markers. They may also be
pervasive drifting fog to the surroundings, which warnings.
helps create a rather spooky atmosphere.
11. Riddlemaster Zones
4. Sulphur Pits The circular areas in dotted lines are where The
These mark the locations of mud pits where Riddlemaster may be encountered. Roll 1D100
highly sulphurous and acidic water has risen to against the percentage stated in each zone on the
the surface and actually dissolved the limestone, map to determine if The Riddlemaster appears.
creating a thick bubbling mud and continuously
releasing highly noxious fumes. 12. The Emerald Lagoon
(See local map, page 19) This marks the area where
5. Terraces The Emerald Lagoon is located, along with
These areas are large, flat slabs of exposed numerous other types of pools and hot springs. The
travertine which have been created by layers of Emerald Lagoon is the only one which possesses
dissolved calcite deposited by the water from the any healing properties. 75% of the pools are merely
rising hot springs. They are very smooth and can harmless hot springs and the remaining 25% are
be quite slippery. Some of them are colored quite sulphurous and/or highly acidic pools which will
brightly in rainbow hues by mineral deposits and cause significant damage and ultimately dissolve
heavy concentration of various microbes. any living tissue.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

The Riddlemaster’s Appearance

The Riddlemaster 7 ft tall, wearing a dark heavy cloak
and a sinister crown seemingly
INTRODUCTION fashioned from stag antlers, The
The Riddlemaster – one of few remaining demigods on Kethira – is an entity Riddlemaster is himself a bit of an
who has survived for centuries and whose kin are known as the Pradeyalkri. enigma. He moves through the land-
The Pradeyalkri are primordial beings who roamed the planet before the scape in a floating fashion, without
coming of Man and who battled with the gods for dominance. Many myths seeming to touch the ground. While
and legends surround The Riddlemaster, few of which are accurate, since no he typically assumes human form, it
one leaves his company with their memory intact. is said that he can also mimic various
animal shapes; something he shares
BACKGROUND with his fellow Prade- yalkri, Noron.
It’s not even quite clear if the
The Riddlemaster has been present at Anrist Point since the days following
Riddlemaster is male or female, as
Sarajin’s conquest of Ivinia, after most likely having been ousted from there.
he has been observed representing
Very few written sources exist that describe The Riddlemaster or chronicle
both genders. His facial features
his activities, but Jarin oral traditions dating back many centuries have
shift and change, some- times
referenced the healing properties of the springs at Anrist Point. The morals
mirroring the person he is speaking
of these tales often allude to some kind of guardian presumably deciding
to. Gazing into The Riddle- master’s
who is worthy of access. The lack of a written record is possibly by design;
face, his features seem undefined
some theories speculate that The Riddlemaster is essentially in hiding and
and constantly in flux, like a
sought refuge at Anrist Point, over time assuming the role as gatekeeper to
waterfall of faces, where the
The Emerald Lagoon. The riddles are supposedly his mechanism to ensure
onlooker may intermittently ob-
that those who are granted access to the pool are wise and considerate and
serve their own likeness. The
can be trusted, but also that they are intelligent enough to realize the danger
Riddlemaster can sometimes be seen
carrying around a large leather-
Some, especially followers of Save-K’Nor, believe that The Riddlemaster is bound tome which presumably
the offspring of Argenon, High Riddler of Save-K’Nor’s court. His mother’s contains his riddles and their
identity is unknown, as is the reason for his apparent excommunication answers, but nobody has ever been
from his father. Some speculate that his mention in Jarin legends indicates able to glance inside and lived to tell
some connection to Ilvir but the fact that Ilviran believers generally shun the about it, nor is it even certain that
area would seem to dispute this. In fact, the area is not normally visited by what is written on its pages would be
any living creatures; such is the deterrant of The Riddlemaster’s reputation intelligible to mere mortals.
and the noxious and amnesic effects of the sulphur springs.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

MEETING THE RIDDLEMASTER Speaking to The Riddlemaster

The Riddlemaster will reveal himself mysteriously at a distance to one PC at The Riddlemaster’s voice is also
a time. Have players perform an Awareness test to notice him in the corner perpetually changing, shifting in
of one eye. If only that PC pursues him, The Riddlemaster will beckon the timbre and inflection from one
character to follow into a small clearing in the woods where the riddle sentence to the next. The Riddle-
process will be initiated. If other PCs attempt to follow, the Riddlemaster master will never engage in
will simply vanish without a trace. Characters must face the riddles alone, conversation, he will simply gaze
but it is up to the GM if he or she will allow multiple players to help out in silently and ambiguously at the
solving them. speaker. In fact, he does not even
understand any human tongue -
Riddle-Thee-Thrice his language is entirely alien to
Once the player is ready for the riddle, the Riddlemaster will whisper in a humans. Riddles are his vocabu-
soft, barely audible voice that appears to come from all directions, but only lary, they are simply how he
the PC will hear it. The riddle will be prefaced with the oft-mythologized expresses himself.
phrase “Riddle- Thee-Thrice”. The riddle itself will follow in an entirely
different voice (see randomized table to the right). The GM can choose a The Voice of The Riddlemaster
riddle from those provided on the next page, or craft his or her own riddles. Use this table to randomize the
voice of The Riddlemaster:
Right or Wrong
The Riddlemaster will ask a maximum of three riddles, but players only 1D100 TYPE OF VOICE
need to get one of them right. The Riddlemaster does not provide the 01-10 Monotonous
solution to the riddle or even indicate if the riddle has been correctly 11-20 Booming
answered. If one riddle has been answered incorrectly, The Riddlemaster 21-30 Joyful
will proceed to the next riddle. If players fail to get one single riddle right,
31-40 Hoarse
The Riddlemaster will wordlessly gesture to one of the pools above ground
41-50 Slow
and invite them to bathe in it. However, this will not be The Emerald Lagoon
that possesses the rumored healing properties, but a sulphuric spring which 51-60 Fast
will cause damage equivalent to an M1 injury per round that the PC remains 61-70 Melodic
in it. Ultimately, the sulphur will simply dissolve the character’s body if he 71-80 Angry
or she does not get out. Even if the PCs do get out before this happens, the
81-90 Ponderous
effects of the pool will continue but more slowly. The full effect will take
91-00 Sad
1D100 days, starting with the limbs submerged and slowly continuing to
spread from there. At GM’s discretion, there may be healers that are able to
stop the corrosive progression, but the clock is ticking. Creating More Riddles
A few suggested riddles are
THE EMERALD LAGOON provided herein. Should the GM
As soon as the players have answered one single riddle correctly (even if require more riddles, the following
they have not heard and answered all three), The Riddlemaster will gesture process may be helpful: Roll 1D100
for them to follow him. He will not reveal whether the response was correct. and turn to that page in HarnDex.
He will lead them to a ledge and a small dried-up waterfall off to the side Then roll 1D100 and count to that
(#11 on the local map) and with a sweeping gesture direct PCs to enter (see word on the page. This is the
interior map on page 21 and description on page 22). answer to the riddle. Look up the
word in a synonym lexicon. Then
The Riddlemaster Departs select one synonym and describe it.
The Riddlemaster will not follow the PCs down to The Emerald Lagoon and This is your Initial Statement: “I
cannot be located if and when PCs climb back up to the surface again. He am..”. Then pick another synonym
never reveals himself again to those who have taken the riddle challenge. and find its synonyms. Pick one of
these that does not align with your
LEAVING ANRIST POINT Initial Statement. This becomes a
PCs are free to leave whenever they choose, assuming they avoid the Reverse Statement: “I am not…”.
attention of the Ivashu, but their cognitive faculties may soon start to Test the riddle by asking yourself
deteriorate - see Memory Effects on page 22. “I am [Initial Statement], yet I am
not [reverse statement]. What am I?”

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

Sample Riddles
Riddle One (Easy) Riddle Eight (Medium)
The longer you keep going, the faster I shall strike Recall what you had and regret what you miss
My powers will deprive your mind of sense and thought alike Yearn for what was in nostalgia’s abyss
No mortal may defy me but must yield without a fight Ponder on what could have been one fine day
A restful outcome will repeat most each and every night My name shall your happiness whittle away

[ANSWER: “Sleep”] [ANSWER: “Sorrow”]

Riddle Two (Easy) Riddle Nine (Medium)

Though foggy and elusive, they leave footprints in your life Duelling by tongue and quill through learn’d interpretation
A few are pleasant, others harshly cut you like a knife Quick exchange of sharp ripostes in phrenic application
While some are shared with others, each occurrence is unique Sometimes shared communion via earnest fair intent
At journey’s end they fade to nothing, shedding their mystique Sometimes quite destructively a message thus is sent
[ANSWER: “Memories”] [ANSWER: “Language”]

Riddle Three (Easy) Riddle Ten (Hard)

With nothing to give, this is generously bestowed It fills your head and heart with righteousness and solemn pride
to graciously acknowledge that reciprocation’s owed It steers your actions when by duty choices must abide
A debt to be collected if and when is thus agreed Though men may often haughty be when in its stern pursuit
A weight on someone’s conscience ‘til its burden has been freed It renders upon followers a glory most astute
[ANSWER: “Gratitude”] [ANSWER: “Honor”]

Riddle Four (Easy) Riddle Eleven (Hard)

Beginning and end yet a circle eternal The power is solely mine with which to sever and unite
Existence will grow from what once was a kernel When spoken, expectations will attentively take flight
As time marches on we return to the earth If added to your speech I seem to be suggesting more
And others will judge what our actions were worth My merest presence opens up another verbal door
[ANSWER: “Life”]
[ANSWER: The word “And”]

Riddle Five (Easy) Riddle Twelve (Hard)

You give it without thought, yet it’s received with much delight I ask that you give what you may not possess
Its sound will always welcome be, no matter day or night Knowledge provides it; without you must guess
Though tainted it may be of cruelty, as it may be sweet If lacking in truth you may still have done good,
Escape your lips it will with spontaneity replete were sentences spoken and words understood
[ANSWER: “Laughter”] [ANSWER: “An answer”]

Riddle Six (Medium) Riddle Thirteen (Hard)

I’ll be what I’ve told you but nothing for now
Honor seeks to rescue that which knavery has taken
I’m words of importance akin to a vow
Setting out to right all things blind justice has forsaken
Trust me today and tomorrow believe
Actions will perpetually thus yield no dividend,
Expect my fulfillment and greatness achieve
Initiate a bloody cycle without facile end
[ANSWER: “A promise”]
[ANSWER: “Revenge”]

Riddle Seven (Medium) Riddle Fourteen (Hard)

I am north, I am east, I am west, I am south
Blow for blow is traded for the currency of violence
I swallow Kethira yet don’t have a mouth
No deposits made but birthright’s heritage earned in silence
While always in sight I’m where no one can go
If depleted, bankruptcy will claim a dire cost
The clouds float above while the world sinks below
Grievous theft means banefully that everything is lost
[ANSWER: “The horizon”]
[ANSWER: “Blood”]

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Jay Sojdelius

7 9

7 9

4 2
2 6
6 10
7 3
1 6 3
2 2 4

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Jay Sojdelius
1. Steam Vents 8. Landslide Area
(See page 15) Shifting, unstable terrain requiring caution and
possibly leading to injury.
2. Hot Springs
There are a few pools in this location that contain 9. Dried Riverbed and Pool
normal, harmless water heated from below. GM This marks the remains of a dried-up riverbed, a
should roll 1d100 to determine the temperature (in waterfall and a surface pool. There is still on
Centigrade), as some of them can be warm enough occasion a small trickle of water accumulating from
to scald eager bathers. rainfall here, but this is nowhere as grand of a sight
as it once was.
3. Sulphur Pits
(see page 15) 10. To Cliffs
Roughly a quarter league to the east lies the ocean,
4. Terraces where the promontory ends in a spectacular look-
(See page 15)
out point of limestone cliffs that drop some 300
5. Petrified Forest feet to the rocky beach below.
(See page 15) 11. The Emerald Veil
6. Sinkholes This location marks the waterfall which hides the
In these spaces are muddy sinkholes which are entrance to the lagoon. There is a cave entrance at
very dangerous to traverse. Have PCs roll an the top of the waterfall which is now covered in
Awareness to detect the danger. Should they step vines and dried algae and thick hanging clusters of
in, they will sink at a rate of 1 foot per minute, lychen. PCs might be able to gain access to The
requiring an AGLx5 to escape but where the value Emerald Lagoon this way, at GM discretion, but
halves with each minute the PC remains stuck. climbing the rocks up the old waterfall will be a
very dangerous undertaking. To reach The Emerald
7. Impenetrable Shrubs Lagoon, PCs would have to climb, crawl and
Parts of the area are covered in a dry, needleleaf shimmy past various cavern obstacles and, at the
shrubbery which is quite resilient and rough and very end, dive into one pool to swim underneath
will cause damage if PCs try to force their way collapsed rocks and then make it into the cave with
through without being properly protected. the lagoon. For interior descriptions, see next page.




11c 11b



Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Jay Sojdelius
The Emerald Lagoon Ivashu
Every minute PCs are in the
THE CAVE cave, there is a 5% chance
The cave that houses The Emerald Lagoon is dank and warm and undeveloped Ivashu float to the
covered in green slimy algae and blackened lychen. The air inside surface. Use this table to
the cave is quite pungent and PCs must roll STAx5 every 5 minutes determine which kind. Then
or succumb to the noxious odor, fainting for 1d10 minutes. Walking roll 1D100 to determine how
around in the cave without slipping is quite tricky: PCs must per- fully developed they are. Apply
form a Stumble roll for every 30ft travelled or suffer an M1 injury. this value as a percentage of
any attributes, skills or damage
THE LAGOON caused as listed in the
The water of the pool itself is thick and viscous and cloudy white. It HarnMaster Bestiary. PCs may
is also very hot. It can be bottled if PCs so choose. The surface is try to bathe in the pool without
coated in the green algae which gives off a slight ethereal shimmer drawing attention to them-
when held up to sunlight. selves but if startled, the
Ivashu may attack (number of
Effects of the Lagoon
Ivashu and % chance of attack
Any bleeding will instantly be staunched if the body part is
in parenthesis). PCs will have
submerged in the pool and PCs are also allowed five Healing Rolls.
1D10 rounds to prepare before
This will require a minimum of 5 minutes in the pool. Lost limbs
the Ivashu become aware
will not regrow however, but diseases and crippling afflictions may
enough to mount an attack.
at GM discretion be cured with a successful STAx5. If the PC
submerges entirely, he or she will be transported through the 1D100 TYPE OF IVASHU
pool’s naturally occurring Barasi Point and reemerge in The Church
1-10 Adwelna (1, 80%)
pool at Araka-Kalai, with no memory of how he or she arrived
11-20 Aklash (1d4, 50%)
there. Companions will find no trace of the PC in the pool.
21-30 Ergath (1, 10%)
11a. Cavern (see interior map on previous page) 31-40 Hygith (3d10, 70%)
Rough-hewn cavern floor, providing uneasy footing. 41-45 Miuruca (1d3, 60%)
46-55 Nolah (1, 40%)
11b. The Lagoon
56-60 Ogarna (1, 20%)
11c. Algae and fungi
61-70 Polan-Tekek (1, 30%)
If dried and ingested daily, the algae will allow one extra Healing 71-80 Scurgah (1d6, 80%)
Roll per week while supplies last. The same goes for the water and
81-90 Umbathri (2d10, 20%)
some suspicious looking fungi growing here and there. The
91-00 Vlasta (2d6, 80%)
mushrooms, however, are very concentrated and may, at GM
discretion, give cause to side effects such as mutations, physical
deformities, hallucinations and odd cravings. Memory Effects
The pungent fumes of the pool
11d. Undeveloped Ivashu
will act as an amnesic agent
The edges of the pool are littered with rotting corpses and bones of
and PCs will eventually start to
undeveloped, defective Ivashu, who for some reason keep
have trouble forming a co-
appearing here. Intermittently, they rise from the depths of the
hesive recollection of events.
pool and float to the surface, coated in a slimy substance. Unless at
Every day, allow the players an
least 90% complete, they cannot sustain life outside the pool, but
INTx5 roll to remember and
they may still pose a threat to the PCs (see table to the right). PCs
halve this number with each
who bathe in the pool need to perform a Stealth roll to avoid
day that passes. The number
attracting their attention.
will never go below 5%
11e. Underwater Passage to Waterfall (see local map) however.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Note: This page is a stub, referencing a canon article.


Sorkin Mountains Region: Sorkin Mountains

Liege: Not claimed
Population : Unknown
ORKIN MOUNTAINS is a massive granite mountain range and an
Map: Harn J3-L3, J4-L4, L5-M5,
uninviting, inhospitable region of Harn that remains largely
unsettled, with the notable exception of the Harnic khuzdul,
who find its remote and inaccessible nature quite appealing,
and which has served them as a protective buffer from human CAMPAIGN EVENTS
civilization for centuries. There are no significant campaign
events in the Sorkin Mountains:
The Rampart they simply represent a geo-
The Rampart is the name used for the northern periphery of the Sorkin graphical obstacle for the PCs to
Mountains. It is within range of several Anoa tribes and is dotted overcome. The difficulty in doing
with multiple major Gargun hives. so is depending on their success in
acclimatizing to the Harnic en-
Azadmere vironment, and figuring out
The ancient dwarven kingdom is nestled deep in the Sorkin where they need to go next.
Mountains. Getting there is very challenging, unless one Ideally, they will head north
follows the Silver Way, the main trade artery in and out of towards Noron’s Keep, Shese
the kingdom from the south. and Gedan, which contain major
plot points in the campaign, but
Pyxyn, Zhakom and Zedabir the party can take several
different routes to get there,
These three Gargun colonies are the main threats along
and evidence uncovered may
The Rampart.
point in different directions..

The Sofyn Spur

The northwestern tip of the Sorkin Mountains READ MORE
houses Noron’s Keep, a location featuring a For more on the Sorkin
highly unique being whose presence acts as Mountains, see: Sorkin
a deterrant for merchant caravans, who Mountains (Columbia Games
instead often divert to the Fur Road to the west. #5890).

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz
Note: This page is a stub, referencing a canon article.


Noron’s Keep Location: Noron’s Keep

Status: Wilderness settlement
Lord: Noron the Giant
ORON’S KEEP is a small settlement in the northern foothills of the
Population : 160
Sorkin Mountains; the only settlement along the small trade
Map: Harn J3
route known as Noron’s Way between the village of Tomalla in
Kaldor (3 leagues northwest of Tonot) and Shese in Orbaal.

The settlement is a place surrounded by mystery and superstition and its CAMPAIGN EVENTS
holder, Noron himself, is a person best not trifled with. Kaldoric merchants
Noron’s Keep may represent the
steer well clear of the place, unless they are among the lucky few to have
first stop on the campaign trail
struck up a rapport with Noron. While the place itself may superficially
where the PCs meet someone who
resemble a typical feudal village, Noron owes fealty to noone,
actually knew their father: Noron
and the tolls he extracts from travellers he keeps for himself.
himself. Noron, if successfully
Noron persuaded, can offer PCs a lot of
valuable information about their
Noron himself appears to be a 50-year-old, 7-foot giant
father’s last few days on Harn.
of a man with a booming voice and a raucous demeanor.
He is actually a Pradeyalkri, one of the demigods
Noron’s Sons
who, according to Sarajinian legend, occupied
Noron has 11 sons who live
Kethira in primordial times. Noron has the
with him and share a
ability to shapeshift and most commonly
resemblance: Borodos,
uses the guise of a large black boar.
Carack, Jorith, Diunath,
Noron’s Way Fodorin, Gwayn, Lescath,
Prendor, Roscallor, Terem
The trail itself is rough and crosses some
and Unaron.
very hilly terrain, weaving its way along the
Kald river for the last 12-13 leagues.
The Taelda
For more on Noron and
Those who venture along Noron’s Way may
Noron’s Keep, see:
spot Taelda tribespeople along their journey,
Noron’s Keep (Columbia
but they rarely interact with travellers.
Games #5887).

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz


Anoth Marshes Region: Anoth Marshes

Status: Wilderness region
NOTH is a west-east flowing river that separates the Nuthela Main settlement: Lorkin
wilderness north of Kaldor from Orbaal. Its eastern terminus, Government: Clan Geldestaar
where it is released into the Sea of Ivae, has created a sprawling Population : 510
river delta with surrounding bogs and marshlands. Map: Harn J2-J3, K2-K3

The swampy landscape south of the river, the Anoth Marshes, rises grad-
ually southward towards the Sofyn Spur of the Sorkin Mountains, and this The Anoth Marshes were Gundar
region is mostly uninhabited, though both Anoa tribespeople and nomadic Green-Eye’s last view of Harn. He
Wurokin gargun can be encountered here. sailed for Ivinia from Shese in 689
TR and left behind numerous clues
North and northeast of the river, the larger Arone Marshes spread out and for the PCs to discover, which will
reach eastward towards the sea at Arone, where the land begins to take more guide them onwards. Shese, lodged
permanent shape and loses some of its persistent wetness. This region is in the center of the Anoth Delta,
within reach of nomadic Diaffa gargun. will likely represent their first
The river delta itself is a bug-infested maze of islands, skerries, rocks and encounter with actual family –
sand bars which form a living patchwork that is continuously reconfigured Gundar’s brother Kaemr – though
by the untamable, indiscriminate nature of the river. It is well travelled in his fate will no doubt make them
predominantly shallow-draft boats of all sizes by people around the delta. wish they could have met their
uncle in younger, healthier days.
Lorkin, at the heart of the delta, is the main trade center of the region and
the eye of the storm, where Ivinian rule for the time being holds sway over
the population, but Jarin dissent is on the rise. Nearby Shese is the region’s
For more on the Anoth Marshes,
main prison; a foul and hated symbol of Ivinian oppression.
see Lorkin (Columbia Games #5818)
and the Anoth Delta fanon article
(can be found at
The area is a hotbed of undercover Jarin resistance activities, but also where
brigands and pirates hide out between their ventures. Most notorious is
Esobran of Geltyne and his band who have a hidden base deep in the delta.
To the northwest, hidden in the Elorna Hills, lies the rebel base at Gedan,
which is also the headquarters of the Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
LOCATIONS Vale estate to the north. He is being groomed for leader-
ship and the family is considering sending him to Leriel
Alred – Clan: Julaak (I) for protection and further schooling. Lweldyn himself
The village of Alred represents a rite of passage for would rather go to Gedan and learn to fight.
Saanfrin Haidaar’s grandson, Kirvin (19), who has been
installed as the de-facto ruler. He is still wet behind the Haden – Clan: Gelemaar (I)
ears and is not showing a whole lot of promise, as the Haden is being transitioned from Jarin to Gelemaar rule.
villagers can and do attest to. Young Kirvin spends more The village’s elder, a Jarin collaborator who was widely
time carousing and engaging in juvenile contests and despised for his spinelessness, was found decapitated in
challenges than trying to govern. Kirvin’s mother his outhouse a few months back.
(Saanfrin’s youngest daughter, who is Bjarl Geldestaar’s
Hankok – Clan: Hulthel (I)
widow) goes back and forth on a weekly basis to Alred
from Lorkin, where she lives, to set right what her Hankok recently suffered a devastating fire which ruined
snotnosed son has managed to screw up. almost half of the cottages. Villagers are busy rebuilding.

Lorkin – Clan: Geldestaar (I)

Axfeg – Clan Berenkaal: (I)
Lorkin is the largest settlement in the area and the center
Axfeg is the closest to a shipyard the Geldestaars have.
for commerce. See Lorkin (Columbia Games #5818)
There are two capable shipwrights working here, Merrik
Berenkaal and Olwyn Saxeroth, who are actually friendly Melys – Clan: Swerdanger (I)
with each other, despite being of different faiths. Nearby Melys is known for its pottery, having a rich source of
Axfeg Point has a ballista, brought back from Azeryan, sedementary clay nearby. The Swerdangers don’t much
protecting the bay and the shipyard. Taarbri Geldestaar is care for the craft and leave it to the local Jarin.
very proud of it and visits often, sometimes to test it.
Menrose – Clan: Vynsael (I)
Chien – Clan: Chien (I) This village, held by valhakar Taarbri Geldestaar’s
The village of Chien basically sits right on top of a quarry. brother-in-law Helfrin, is the location of one of only two
Given the loose soil and sediment deposits along the grist mills in the region. The Vynsaels have conscripted a
delta, good quality stone is hard to come by around team of Jarin serfs to operate it, but they keep a very close
Lorkin, so the people of Chien have made the best of what eye on them. The flour produced here is rather crunchy
little they have, and keep excavating in a ring around the due to the millstone itself being of a typical kind of rock
village, where a moat of sorts has now formed. This from the region, which is not nearly hard enough, and it
would be an excellent defense structure if there was leaves a lot of grit in the flour. As a result, many people in
actually something worth defending in Chien. the region suffer from poor teeth.

Elrod – Clan: Geldestaar (I) Noriel – Clan: Nori (J)

Elrod sports the best land in the region and produces the This village one of few Jarin controlled villages in the
most grain. The Geldestaars have an agreement with the area. Family head Eorbrand Nori has made a lot of
Vynsaels of Menrose and let the millers keep half of the compromises to hang on to his family’s land, and many
flower produced using the grains from Elrod. Jarin are resentful of it, calling him a traitor.

Emant – Clan: Hjaidaal (I) Shese – Clan: Haidaar (I) (See next page for details)
Shese used to be the region’s second largest settlement
Emant houses a covert Jarin safehouse for escaped Jarin
after Lorkin, but it’s been in decline for a decade. The
serfs and prisoners who are looking to escape the area.
Haidaars are staunch supporters of the Geldestaars.
Fafird – Clan: Rejaal (I) Tonheim – Clan: Ton (I)
This village, known originally as Yardith, is known This remote village lies and is struggling with both
mainly as the former domain of the Jarin noble family gargun and Anoa attacks. It is another stop on the
Seylnes, and the birthplace of the murdered Aenghysa underground Jarin escape route to Leriel.
leader Gweffryn Seylnes. The Seylnes family still have a
strong presence in the area and they are subject to Vorten – Clan: Haidaar (I)
particular Ivinian scrutiny and cruelty. Many Jarin in the Vorten, a small and insignificant village, has seen an
region have pegged their hopes on a young nephew of influx of residents over the past four years, after frequent
Gweffryn’s, Lweldyn, who is 14 and lives on the Varbuth flooding in Shese. New cottages are being built.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

HE LARGEST settlement in the Anoth Delta region between
Noron’s Keep and Gedan, Lorkin is known for its checkered
past in the events that led up to the Jarin Rebellion. The local
Ivinian rulers, the Hjaida clan, cracked down forcefully on their
Jarin subjects, but this only strengthened the resolve of the Jarin.
The keep was ultimately taken by the rebels under the leadership of Gweffryn
Seylnes, founder of the Aenghysa resistance.

While Seylnes, who fashioned himself the Lord of Lorkin, controlled the
immediate area around Lorkin, the Ivinians used nearby Arone and Shese as
footholds from which to stage continuous attacks. A clan originally from
Location: Lorkin Keep
Rogna, the Gelda, managed to exploit the confusion and demoralization after
Government: Clan Geldestaar
Gweffryn Seylnes was found mysteriously decapitated in 703 TR, and took the
Liege: Clan Taareskeld of Geldeheim
Lorkin keep back. They subsequently renamed themselves Geldestaar and
Population : 70 Ivinians, 440 Jarin
joined the fractious ruling Ivinian greatclans as landholders.
Map: Harn J2


The Geldestaar’s connections to Rogna run deep and this has helped them
No specific campaign events are on
establish a trade route with Ivinia that buoys the local economy substantially.
offer in Lorkin but nearby Shese
However, pirate activity in the Anoth delta is causing many merchants to
holds major clues for the PCs to
consider re-routing their shipments to a port further north. The Geldestaars
solve the mystery of their father’s
have repeatedly tried to establish overland trading with northern Kaldor but
the lord at Noron’s Keep has made it very difficult for them. Taarbri Geldes-
taar has unwisely entertained ideas of annexing Noron’s Keep – something
that would no doubt meet with disastrous consequences. Meanwhile, the READ MORE
pressure cooker that is the Ivinian oppression continues to build up with the For more on Lorkin, see: Lorkin
local Jarin, and the question is not if it is going to blow, but when. (Columbia Games #5818).

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz, heraldry by C.I. Roegner, Matt Roegner and Arthur Charles Fox-Davies

Shese 1
Geldestaars of Lorkin. They guard the
largest prison in the region, housed
in Twynieth Tower on a small
Clan: Haidaar island just south of Caer Shenesel.
Tribute: Lorkin
The current valhakar, Saanfrin
Revenue: 16,400d Haidaar, is a crude and vulgar 70
Economy: A60 | F40 year-old, who despite his age is
Population: 80 (+172 on quite vital. He is known for his
Shenesel Island) raucous nature, foul language
and heavy drinking and likes to
SHESE IS a small settlement located on the south- play mean-spirited tricks on his
western tip of Shenesel Island in the Anoth Delta. It is subjects and family members.
currently a bit of a ghost town. Shese, while small, has
an unusually large Ivinian contingent. The reason for Visitors to Shese will notice the subdued
this is threefold: One, the Haidaars have deliberately behavior of the local Jarins, as well as the
inflated the number of resident Ivinians in order to frequent Shese Guard patrols at all times of the day and
crack down on the indigenous population, and they night. Huscarls of the guard will invariably stop strangers
have murdered more than their fair share of Jarin folks. and question them (10% chance of an encounter per 30
Two, many Jarinese have simply chosen to move away, minutes spent in the open in Shese proper). Failure to
in part because of Haidaar oppression, and in part provide an adequate justification for their visit may lead
because the village has flooded repeatedly in the past to interrogation and summary incarceration.
four years, leaving many buildings currently un-
inhabitable. Three, the humid, swamplike conditions Thran Holder FI TI AC LQ HD
around Shese have contributed to a lot of health
SHESE Haidaar 0.75 1.2 1,265 0.9 22
problems, especially in the winter, and the population is
dwindling. Vorten Haidaar 0.9 1.2 1,012 0.8 14
Melys Swerdanger 1.0 1.0 896 1.0 11
The Haidaars are the jailers and executioners of the


Sz ML CF P S Pil Wfg Reg Sz Hwk Bnd TW CT HW
SHESE (J3) (1†) 60 1.4 – – 20d 2f 30d 1 5% 1% 2 1d 0330
† Actually timberwright For details on table categories, see Pilot’s Almanac

A Agriculture | F Fishing | T Trapping | S Sealing | W Whaling | M Mining | P Piracy | FI Fief Index | TI Trade Index | AC Acreage | LQ Land Quality | HD Households

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz, heraldry by C.I. Roegner, Matt Roegner and Arthur Charles Fox-Davies




1 2 5



1. Caer Shenesel 6. Delta Dawn Inn (Heiar Holmkvad)

The main keep of Shese, dating back to the pre-Ivinian Size: 2 | Quality: * | Prices: Low
days of 498 TR. It is a damp, dirty and overall pretty sad Heiar is outwardly a proud Ivinian patriot and puts on a
excuse for a noble’s abode and upkeep is lagging, to the merry Sarajinian drunken feast on a nightly basis. Many of
point of some parts of the main tower actually starting the off-duty guardsmen go here to contemplate their poor
to cave in. Due to the rampant paranoia of the Haidaar career choices and drown their sorrows. Heiar’s
clan, they insist on not allowing outsiders into the keep. innkeeping skills are sorely lacking and his grub and drink
No more than two huscarls from the Shese guard are is poor at best. He is involved in some kind of shady
allowed inside at any time. The remainder is stationed in business and closes up one weekend a month, officially to
the barracks (see below) and guard the keep from main- visit a sickly aunt in Emant. Heiar’s nosy helper Quill has
land Shenesel. Valhakar Saanfrin Haidaar lives here with started to suspect something and is about to tattle to the
his two wives, Visil and Alrud, and their six children, Haidaars. (See Events in Shese below).
together with his younger brother Jarik and his family.
They rely on only two serfs – two captive Emelrenian 7. Shese Common
sisters whom they work half to death – for their domes- The Shese Common is typically used as grazing grounds
tic needs. The jetty below the keep is reserved for Hai- for goats kept by the Haidaars for their milk. On occasion,
daar use exclusively. visiting merchants coming up Noron’s Way are allowed to
use the grounds to set up camp. Visiting Ivinians are
2. Gallows permitted to tie up their horses here when the need arises.
Three sturdy wooden poles constitute the Haidaar’s The south part of the common is taken up by a pillory
most public execution spot; the Shese Gallows. Exe- where village miscreants – exclusively Jarin – are
cutions take place here up to once a month and villagers sometimes locked up as punishment
are encouraged to watch from the beach below. Typi-
cally, victims will not actually be strung up, but simply 8. Flooded Section
tied to a pole and pushed down the cliff until the noose The buildings in this part of the village have succumbed to
snaps their necks. Executed prisoners are typically left the elements: there’s typically 1-2’ of standing water
hanging to rot until the next execution. here, the timbers are mostly rotted and the residents long
gone. One of the dilapidated buildings is now home to an
3. Shese Harbor industrious beaver family, who keep chewing away at the
This simple ancorage and jetty is the main entrance to palisade (see #11). Very little of value remains, but diligent
Shese, given that the roads are usually flooded and it is efforts (minimum 4h) may afford the searcher a roll on
significantly easier to get here by boat. While it doesn’t the Vagrant/Beggar table (Treasure #3, HM rules).
quite qualify as a ”port”, it nevertheless sees a sur-
prising amount of activity, most of it military in nature. 9. Bridge to Melys
Lorkin patrols, scouring the delta for pirate activity, This is now the main land entry to Shese. A small guard
dock here at least once per day and locals bring in an shed stands on the Shese side of the stream. It is guarded
impressive amount of crayfish and eels in huge wicker by two guards 80% of the time during the day and one
baskets on a daily basis. guard 70% of the nighttime. The stream carries smelly
waste from the tannery (#13) to the river.
4. Shese Barracks
A large, sturdy log building with a sod roof. Ten huscarls 10. Bridge to Vorten
live here, two of whom are on guard duty in the keep at Flooding has swept this wooden bridge away and its
any time, two who guard the bridge to the keep, and two remnants now lay sunken on the riverbed. Entering Shese
who patrol the village. Shifts are rotated every four is best done by traversing the marsh to the east, using the
hours. The building also stores a significant amount of bridge at #9.
surprisingly high quality weaponry, shields and armor.
11. Collapsed Palisade
5. Sarajin Temple A sad-looking semi-circular timber palisade that keeps
This is the former bonding house of Shese which the falling over with each flood. The Shese Guard have tired of
Haidaars have repurposed into a temple of sorts, trying to repair it and have simply left it to rot in the
although there is very little worship happening in it; marsh. The fallen timbers have distinctive bite marks,
Saanfrin Haidaar preferring to host large feasts here. indicating determined beaver activity.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
12. Tewk’s Tavern (Jaren + Emelra Tewkairn) being overly feminine – she is sturdily
Size: 3 | Quality: *** | Prices: Low built, very boisterous, a rather skilled
blacksmith (the only one in Shese in
The only serviceable place to get a decent night’s sleep
fact), and definitely holds her own
and a good meal in Shese, and for that reason, the
in drinking contests with her
Haidaars overlook Jaren’s very obvious heritage: he
uncle, who loves her dearly.
keeps the place decorated with all sorts of Ilviran relics,
patterns and artefacts. Jaren’s wife Emelra brews a
mighty tasty traditional ale she calls Brooder’s Blood
15a+b. Crayfish-Clorik
that sometimes gets even Saanfrin Haidaar to venture (Clorik Haidaar)
out of the safety of his keep to imbibe in frightening Size: 1 | Quality: ***
quantities. Jaren views the money he refrains from Prices: High
charging Saanfrin as an insurance expense and the This boat is the home and
valhakar has many times spoken out in favor of the place of business of Saanfrin
jarinese innkeeper with the Geldestaars of Lorkin. Haidaar’s eccentric cousin
Members of the Aenghysa at Gedan have courted Jaren to Clorik. He is a fisherman
slip some poison into Saanfrin’s ale but he is a very specializing in crayfish,
cautious person and has so far turned them down. which he sells either fresh,
by the bucket, or prepared
13. Tanner (Prygwin Benedarl) as a sweet and delightful
Size: 1 | Quality: **** | Prices: Average gumbo. Clorik enhances the
Prygwin the tanner is without doubt the smelliest person gumbo with a dark mead he
in all of Shese, and his place of business is no better, brews himself in a small hut
sometimes covering the entire village in a foul odor, but on the mainland.
the quality of the cured hides he sells is un- deniable.
Prygwin enjoys the patronage of none other than Noron 21. Fisherman’s Hut
the giant, who expects him to deliver treated hides to This small, isolated hut is used
Noron’s Keep twice a year. The stream immediately east by Esobran of Geltyne and three
of the tannery is befouled by the remains and refuse of of his men to stage an attempt
the animals slaughtered for the hides, but fortunately to spring their shipmate
nobody lives downstream of Prygwin who might Eddainn Olmaigh, who is kept
complain. The use of the stream for this purpose does, prisoner in Twynieth Tower
however, offer visitors to Shese, who are coming in (see next page). They have
across the Melys bridge, a rather unpleasant first been holed up here for a week,
impression of the village. observing the movements of
the prison guards, and are
14. Clanhouse of Fyria Haidaar getting ready to strike. See
Saanfrin’s niece, daughter of Jarik, lives here with her Events in Shese below.
extended family, twelve people in all. Fyria
is married to the village timberwright, 22. Gibbets (see regional map)
Maekeryn Bilingdaar, who is the Executions that are intended to act as a stronger
closest Shese has to a shipwright. It deterrant for the Jarinese are typically moved to the
is very clear who runs this house- gibbets on the south bank of the Anoth River, where
hold. Nobody ever accused Fyria of miscreants are locked into iron cages and hung up to
starve to death.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

23. Twynieth Tower 4th level

a Eddainn
A reconfigured four storey watchtower currently serves 4f 4a Olmaigh
as the main prison of the region. Six guards live here b Moah (accused
permanently, on the bottom floor; four of whom are Jarin witch)
always on duty, and who are under strict orders not to c Fryn (Aenghysa
let anyone in save for Haidaar clan members. Each of the 4e 4b member)
top three levels has six small cells and each of the d Vadel (Jarin
eighteen cells are currently occupied; some of them with dissident)
two prisoners, all of whom are chained to the wall of 4d 4c e Enor (heretic)
their cell. One of the prisoners, Eddainn Olmaigh, is f Bailig (enemy
Esobran the Pirate’s second-in-command and he is from Arone)
slated to be executed next month. Esobran have initiated
a daring operation to liberate Eddainn; see entry #21 on 3th level
the previous page.
a Brint (juvenile
Each cell is the same pie-shaped size, with 10 ft ceilings 3f 3a delinquent)
and 1-6 steps down to the floor depending on at which b Maq (murderer)
elevation of the central spiral staircase the door opens. c Firli (Ivinian
The floor planks are very thick but the surface is dried deserter)
and jagged, leaving the prisoners with a perpetual 3e 3b d Velun (burglar) +
multitude of cuts and splinters. There are 3 robust metal Draimand (horse
rings attached to the back wall of each cell, for attaching thief)
the prisoners’ chains. 3d 3c e Vador (shifty
A foul-smelling glop which passes for food is served f Twak (adulterer)
once daily in a wooden bowl together with a dry piece of
bread and a tin mug of fetid water. Prisoners are doused
with a bucket of marsh water once per week, which is the
2th level
extent of the hygienic regime. Each cell has a small pot a Byfir (local
in which prisoners can relieve themselves, and they are 2f 2a drunk) + Mang
left to disposing the contents through their cell
windows, leaving the tower looking and smelling quite b Wylem (left the
inn w/o paying)
disgusting inbetween rain showers.
2e 2b c Shardin (snake
Roof oil salesman)

A hatch in the ceiling of the top level of the staircase

d Lashir
opens to the crennelated roof, which is accessible via a 2d 2c (murderer)
e Vigg (pick-
metal ladder bolted to the wall. There is typically an
80% chance of one guard being up here at any time.
f Diren (local
There is a damp,
semi-derelict cellar, Ground level
accessed through a Living quarters of
hatch in the kitchen, the six guards of the
which contains a crude prison.
torture chamber and
(limited) storage space.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc


Elorna Hills Elorna Hills is the area enveloping
LORNA HILLS is a wild, beautiful region of northeastern Harn Gedan, which is where the PCs will
characterized by a rolling landscape, criss-crossed by rippling make their so far most significant
serpentine streams and covered with a heavy, very varied connection with their father’s past.
foliage. It is frequently enveloped in a thick, ethereal mist However, finding Gedan will pose a
courtesy of moisture swept in from nearby Jarin Bay, which challenge and surviving through
perpetuates an air of mystery in the region. the gargun and Anoa threat on the
way there will require both stealth,
The hills are densely forested and dotted with overgrown Jarin ruins and cunning and potentially also
barrows, having been used as a burial ground for centuries. It is unclear fighting prowess. PCs may need to
why the Jarin chose Elorna Hills for this purpose but it holds special form some alliances to allow for
significance for them. Indeed, the name itself – Elorna – means “en- safe passage through the hills.
chanted” in Old Jarin, and this may be tied to the presence of a godstone at
Gedan. The fact that the godstone has been located here since long before Wygerond
the Jarin arrived, and the etymology of the nearby bay, hints that this may If PCs enquire, a local trapper and
have been a center of Jarin habitation at some point in the distant past. pathfinder named Wygerond may
Ilvir worship at the site is as old as Gedan itself and some believe this was be persuaded to be of service. He
where Ilvir himself designated for his human subjects to live. knows the area like the back of his
hand, and is at least on peaceful
CURRENT SITUATION terms with the Anoa.
The Jarin maintain a precarious detente with the Anoa in the region, who
The Anoa
do separate between the Jarin and the Ivinians of nearby Lorkin, though it
Befriending the Mwyf tribe, who
doesn’t guarantee an absence of conflict. However, the Anoa’s evident
roam the area directly to the south
reluctance to engage with the Jarin at Gedan may also be related to the
of Deji Bay, will be the least risky
increasing presence of roaming Ivashu closer to the site. The Anoa view
option for the PCs to gain passage
Gedan with suspicion and superstition.
through the hills, especially if they
The Gargun threat is constant in the region and roaming bands of Diaffa can enlist Wygerond to guide them,
Gargu-Araki frequently raid the few human settlements toward the south. as the tribe owes him some favors
Dusk is typically the riskiest time to be travelling through the hills, as the after he has warned them of Ivinian
Diaffa Gargun are on the hunt at that time of day. attacks in the past.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

LOCATIONS Day) draws a crowd from leagues away, involves

(See regional map on the previous page). leaf-raking followed by traditional games, foods and
spirits (most of which is brought by visitors), and usually
Tonheim – Clan: Ton ends with a huge bonfire on the nearby shore of the
Tonheim is the only proper settlement in the area, the Anoth. Llyam is heavily involved in the resistance and the
remainder mostly being single clan farmsteads. The festival is often used as a cover for a gathering of
village, containing some 10 small huts and a couple of resistance leaders and luminaries in the Pesunydd barn.
larger clan houses, is mostly inhabited by Jarin. The
village elder being Ivinian, however, and two other
Wyern – Clan: Wyern
Ivinian clans settled here make for an uneasy truce. Clan Wyern, and their neighbours Owarg and Jamereid,
are embroiled in a dispute over missing sheep. There is
Kewyst – Clan: Brabagh deep mistrust between the three families.
This farmstead is in very poor condition, but is in the
process of being rebuilt. The Kewyst family was wiped
Owarg – Clan: Owarg
out a year ago by gargun. The nearby Brabagh clan, The Owarg clan are the instigators of the local feud,
arriving too late to help, took over the place and is having accused the Wyerns of stealing their sheep.
planning to have their second eldest son, Fyfnar (who is
soon to be married), live here and raise a family. Jamereid – Clan: Jamereid
Clan Jamereid is the actual culprit in the feud, having lost
Brabagh – Clan: Brabagh a significant number of sheep to wolves and deciding to
The Brabaghs have deep roots in the area and are a large, steal some from the Owargs to compensate.
merry bunch with a whopping eighteen children, and
seven grandchildren. Four of their children are of adult Frythlaag – (Clan: Frythlaag)
age, two of whom have children of their own. The The Frythlaags were recently all but wiped out, suppo-
patriarch, Old Man Brabagh (whose real first name is sedly by a gang of Anoa from the nearby Swydd tribe to
unknown), is a lazy dawdler who long ago lost the appe- the west. Only the husband and wife survived, and the
tite for farming, and has been employing his multitudi- wife is badly injured. The husband is seeking help in
nous offspring to do the work for him. He is an excellent hunting down the Anoa, as he believes his youngest
storyteller with a lot of resident knowledge about the daughter is still alive, and was abducted by the Anoa. The
area, and is the go-to source for local gossip, often going farmstead is mostly burned down, but a small shed re-
into Tonheim and hanging around the village well, mains where the Frythlaags are staying while trying to
dishing out dirt on everyone known and unknown. put their lives back together.

Lokk – Clan: Lokk Hamangerund – Clan: Hamangerund

Brothers Berdygh and Brodwygh Lokk, two bickering, The only farmstead in the region owned by an Ivinian
ornery old coots in their late 50s who live alone in a family, the Hamangerunds are careful not to provoke the
filthy ramshackle log cabin, own a large river barge ire of the locals, and have grown to consider themselves
which they use to transport goods up- and downriver part Jarin. Still, they are very much treated with a healthy
from Lorkin. They have been approached by the Jarin dose of suspicion by people in the area.
resistance to help ferry people out of the area, but so far
have been unwilling to cooperate. Their prices are quite Merwyth Hill – Holder: Wygerond
reasonable: one ha’penny each way. They will not take Merwyth Hill is the site of an ancient Jarin hill fort, likely
horses, both brothers being leery of the creatures. dating back to the Atani Wars. Very little remains of the
fort, except for some carved, overgrown boulders around
Pesunydd – Clan: Pesunydd the perimeter of the hill. Below the fort at the foot of the
The Pesunydd farmstead is small but operated with hill is a small farm and log cabin owned and managed by
amazing efficiency by the industrious Llyam Pesunydd an independent and insular half-Anoa trapper and path-
and his wife Ghisbraid. The couple have been unable to finder, Wygerond. Wygerond is very well-versed in the
have children but welcome visits from children of other terrain and the various risks in crossing the Elorna Hills.
families. Their traditional Jarin fall celebration of the If PCs play their cards right, he can guide them to Gedan
Festival of Saint Trewalas (also known as Leaf Raking and help them avoid the local gargun and Anoa tribes.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Note: This page is a stub, referencing a canon article.


Gedan Location: Gedan

Status: Religious Burial Site
EDAN, known as The Lodge of a Thousand Souls, is a place of deep Liege: N/A
significance to the Jarin people, being their ancestral burial Population : 110
grounds and, possibly, where the the northern Jarin population Map: Harn J2
was once guided in ancient times through their worship of Ilvir.

The site, nestled deep in the Elorna Hills, is completely overgrown with CAMPAIGN EVENTS
mixed forest, thickets and moss, and soaked by moisture from the bay, In many ways, Gedan represents a
returning the area to what appears like an almost primordial land- culmination of the campaign,
scape. It is heavily infested with roaming Ivashu of various kinds, where many of the questions PCs
leading to the immediate vincinity being largely shunned by the have will be answered, given their
Anoa, but there is a significant gargun presence here. father’s past association with
the Jarin here. From here on
The area is crossed by a narrow, winding stream, and several
out, the purpose of the
hundred barrow graves dot the forested landscape around Gedan,
campaign will change,
some of which are Jarin and date back to the time of the Atani
from a murder mystery of
Wars, but the Anoa have also been known to bury chieftains here.
sorts to a quest for justice,
Both the Jarin and the Anoa consider the site sacred, but the Anoa
locating those responsible for
view it with more superstition, calling Gedan their “spirit home”.
the murders, and holding
Gedan itself was established in 132 TR by Tyrnan of the Rock, an
Ilviran prophet, and built around the godstone which already exis- READ MORE
ted here. Tyrnan founded the original Order of Chuchlaen Wheel-
For more on Gedan, see:
wright but it was wiped out by gargun in 139 TR. In 686 TR, the order
Gedan (Columbia Games
was reestablished by Eochaid of Olthair, a Leriel priest who was later
martyred in the events that sparked the Jarin rebellion. The order has
since been intimately connected with the rebellion, especially through
its alliance with the rebel faction known as Aenghysa – ”Ourselves
Alone” – who are now centered here.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Note: This page is a stub, referencing a canon article.


ERIEL is, for all intents and purposes, the center of civilized Jarin
culture on Harn, remaining under Jarin control after the
suppression of the Jarin Rebellion mostly because it is land-
locked, and the Ivinians therefore lacking any real interest in it.

Leriel is located at the western edge of Nuthela, planted in the fertile valley
of the Anoth River between the Jahl Mountains and the Rayesha range. The
region is quite beautiful and offers dramatic mountainous skylines to the
north and south, with the sun rising and setting in alignment with the river
valley, causing the river to sparkle seductively as it swirls gently on its way
towards the Sea of Ivae.
Location: Leriel
The settlement of Leriel itself, whose name translates to “Stag’s Heart” in Liege: Prince of Leriel (clan Marwyn)
Old Jarin, dates back to the mid-400s. Its layout and strategic fortifications Tribute: Taareskeld of Geldeheim
show it, featuring radial circles of earthen mounds, ditches and wooden Population : 45 Ivinians, 725 Jarin
palisades that echo of the old Jarin hill forts that dot the entirety of the Map: Harn H3
northern Harnic landscape.

Caer Leriel, the royal castle, is not particularly impressive by Harnic CAMPAIGN EVENTS
standards, but it is quite old, having been first constructed in 234 TR and
While Leriel does not necessarily re-
subsequently fortified and expanded over the centuries. To many Jarin, it is
present a campaigh touchpoint that
a proud symbol of resilience and survival, and more than a few Jarin
will propel the narrative forward, it is
travellers have burst into tears upon the sight of it.
where PCs may deepen their newfound
CURRENT SITUATION family connections, as well as possibly
The political situation is, for the time being, mostly stable, with the Ivinians launch their expedition deeper into
squabbling amongst themselves, and inter-Jarin conflict being limited to Orbaal.
jealous bickering between the Marwyns and the Weymyss clan of nearby
Pethwys. The Ilviran faith binds the Jarin together, but the resistance at READ MORE
Gedan continues to cause pressure to build that gradually increases
For more on Leriel, see: Leriel
tensions, and it is only a matter of time before Ivinian oppression once
(Columbia Games #5815).
again sparks violence.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz, heraldry by C.I. Roegner, Matt Roegner and Arthur Charles Fox-Davies

LOCATIONS exquisite. However, one of Lord Eamonn’s nephews,

Philemor, recently suffered a grievous injury in combat
(See regional map on the previous page). with gargun high in the Jahl Mountains, after his short-
sword broke in half. The weapon had been made by Nu-
Beden – Clan: Wyleg menold, a fact now used by his rival to smear his name
Beden is the breadbasket of the Anoth River valley. The and gain the upper hand.
land here is very fertile and lush and the farms around
the village are quite prosperous. The manor is held by Gwaeryn – Clan: Aeryn
Prince Eamonn’s brother-in-law, Caspair Wyleg, who is The third largest Jarin settlement in Orbaal, and the
a proud patriot and one of the Marwyns’ foremost allies. location of a hidden Jmorvi chantry. For more
information, see Gwaeryn (Columbia Games #5816).
Borhein – Clan: Marwyn
Borhein is held by Prince Eamonn’s eldest brother Huls – Clan: Meyse
Collynn. It is connected to Arhein across the river Huls is the location of a royal hunting lodge, from which
through an intricate raft transportation system opera- the prince and his entourage launch the yearly Stag Chase,
ted with pulleys and winches. This allows for the driving deep into the forested hills to the south. The goal
ferrying of produce across the river, brought in from the of the hunt is not to kill, but to catch a stag and bring it
farmsteads to the southeast. However, recent activity by back to Leriel, where it is viewed as a good luck charm and
the Ilviran cult of Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed, where a blessing for the year to come. It is a difficult task and the
abductions have been reported (presumably to obtain hunt is not always successful, but it is considered a great
human sacrifices for the Ogarna that the cult refers to as honor to be invited to participate.
the Mouth of Tuarbalt), have set off rumors of a “demon
in the forest”. This has greatly stifled traffic across the Leriel – Clan: Marwyn
Anoth, farmers preferring to use the Nethil River
The Jarin capital on Harn, held by clan Marwyn by virtue
instead, offloading their goods at Anoth Bend. As a
of delicate ongoing negotiations with both Ivinians and
result, both Borhein and Deriel are suffering from a lack
Jarin; a testament to the persistence and diplomatic
of tax revenue, and the ferry is falling into disrepair.
sophistication of Lord Eamonn Marwyn. For more
Caerol – Clan: Ryse information, see Leriel (Columbia Games #5815).

Caerol Manor holds the distinction of being the oldest Monthel – Clan: Aeryn
manor house in the old Jara region of Orbaal. It is in poor
shape and requires constant repairs, much to the The village of Monthel and its surrounding farms of Athel,
chagrin of the mistress of the house, Lady Helyn Ryse, Enthel and Venethel, are held by the Aeryn clan, a
whose husband Swyffen faces constant complaints and prominent Jarin clan with several family ties to the
admonishments to petition the prince for a fief that Mar-wyns at Leriel. They grow almost half of the barley
would afford the Ryses more creature comforts. in the region and brew a legendary cloudy, mahogany
colored barley wine with it. The ale is typically
Deriel – Clan: Esler transported in barrels, even as far east as Lorkin. The
Monthel Aeryns, unlike their Gwaeryn cousins, are
Deriel is a village deep in the clutches of terror. Several
involved in the Jarin underground and often use the
of the families have had children disappear in the woods
barrels to smuggle people from Ivinian hotspots to the
to the southeast, falling victim to the depraved activities
relative safety of Leriel.
of the cult of Tuarbalt. The lord, Twynel Esler – never
the bravest to begin with – is perhaps the most fearful of
Orp – Clan: Marwyn
all, and has fallen into a deep depression, fuelled by
heavy consumption of barley wine from Monthel. He Orp is held by Prince Eamonn’s middle brother Rian, a
barely ventures outside his manor house. soft spoken and pious man.

Elinthorn – Clan: Bekeny Thenul – Clan: Gedmyn

This village is a smelting site and home to some of the Clan Gedmyn, three violent brothers with deep seated
foremost metalworkers in the valley, being the first re- resentment towards the Ivinians, are the most vocal
cipient of ore from the iron mine to the north. The two opponents of Lord Eamonn’s scheming and colluding.
most prominent weaponcrafters in the village, Gryffark
Alerond and Numenold Wygert, are engaged in a bitter, Wyls – Clan: Meyse
highly competitive rivalry for contracts with the royal The Meyses have deep roots in the region and breed what
court in Leriel, and the quality of their weaponry is is considered the finest sheep in all of Jara, known for
their exquisite white wool.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Chapter 3

Campaign The theme of the campaign

The story is told in the style of the
old Icelandic sagas where destiny
HE SAGA OF GUNDAR GREEN-EYE hangs in the balance, where family
THIS IS A STORY which begins on the shores of the Oslufjord and reputation are everything, and
in the frigid early spring of 719, but whose actual beginnings where ill deeds must be repaid in
date back almost a full generation. full. The campaign is specifically
written for the Harn and Ivinia role
The story chronicles the life and violent death of a secretive Harnic refugee, playing settings, but can be adapted
Gundar Green-Eye, who came to Ivinia to escape his past, and the story arc to any fantasy role-playing
follows the adventures of his heirs. environment, and any system.

GUNDAR’S HEIRS How to play this campaign

You can run this campaign in one of
At least one and as many as three players will be playing the heir(s) of
three ways: as a series of quicker,
Gundar Green-Eye, seeking to discover who he really was, where he came
sequential sessions where players
from, and why he was killed. They will need to journey to Harn for answers,
are actively pursuing their parents’
where their exploits will take them all over the island, and the GM can
murderers, and are solving the
introduce them to new clues and directional pointers as they explore.
mystery with greater speed and
More about the PCs’ backstory can be found in the previously published deliberation, OR in a freer form, as
modules Raldlund – Land of the Majestic Fjords, and Sea of Ivae – Realm of the a background campaign with a
Rovers. cohesive theme and a longer story
arc, connecting other adventures
together. These other adventures
THE STORY SO FAR may serve as red herrings or even as
The PCs were chased out of Raldlund in Menglana by the Rald clan, whose parallel tracks, not necessarily with
scion Arn was slain by Gundar Green-Eye’s daughter. Having crossed the any tangible connection to the saga.
Sea of Ivae, they find themselves on Harn in pursuit of answers, beginning Finally, you may choose to
to explore their heritage. integrate this campaign with other
Harnic material, specifically the
WHERE TO NEXT? Panaga Trilogy (published by
Columbia Games) – see The Panaga
This chapter tells Gundar’s entire backstory, with important clues to be
Connection below.
found at Noron’s Keep, Shese, and Gedan. PCs will discover information
about the murderers which will lead them north, towards Sherwyn, and
Structure of the campaign
eventually on to Geldeheim and Quimen (in chapter 4).
The campaign plays out in 5
❖ Chapter 1: Raldlund (pregame)
The mystery of who murdered Gundar Green-Eye and his wife will be
❖ Chapter 2: Sea of Ivae
revealed in this chapter, with more details to come for the PCs to discover in
❖ Chapter 3: Arriving on Harn
future chapters.
❖ Chapter 4: Orbaal & Beyond
❖ Venril Sherwyn: The leader of the murderous party ❖ Chapter 5: Bejist
❖ Aarad Sherwyn: Eldest son of the Sherwyn valhakar
❖ Aurean Sherwyn: Venril Sherwyn’s second son
The Panaga connection
As GM, you have the option of tying
❖ Renaaka Thardith: Tenaka of the Agrikan fighting order Crimson Dancer
this campaign into the Columbia
❖ Merlak of Tusran: A sailor from the Kingdom of Rethem
Games Panaga Trilogy (The Staff of
❖ Tenebrys of Chun-Jabad: A mysterious stranger whose involvement and Fanon, Kiraz and The Curse of Hlen).
motives are thus far unclear, but whose role will be revealed in more This was how the campaign was
detail in upcoming chapters of the saga originally written and playtested.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

Characters of interest
❖ Enedwyn: (top right):Gundar´s youngest sister resides just outside
Leriel. She is a kitchen maid in Prince Eamonn’s household, serving
under the mistress Viona of Armys. She has one daughter, Acinn, who is
a member of The Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright at Gedan. Her
husband is deceased since a few years back.

❖ Laeryl (bottom right): The eldest of Gundar’s two sisters, Laeryl is 60

years old, and is on her deathbed as the campaign begins. She will die
from severe pneumonia at the end of the month Nolus. Ever since
fleeing from Aselt in 683 TR, she has lived in Marby, married to the
village’s only potter, Fionor. They had six children, four of them living,
all adults and married. One of her sons, Rabryn, is a successful mercan-
tyler living in Leriel (map key #21), so the family has not been wanting.

❖ Acinn (see: Gedan): Enedwyn’s daughter, 27 years old, who can lead the
characters to their aunt, but who also knows some of the Aenghysa
backstory, and is sympathetic to the Jarin cause. She is a low level cleric
in the Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright, and regrets never having gotten
to meet her legendary uncle.

❖ Rabryn of Fellyr (see: Leriel, map key #12): Laeryl’s second son, who
can lead the characters to her, or to Enedwyn. He knows little of the
events that led to Gundar leaving Harn, but he does know the family
well, and can connect the characters with all of them. He originally
moved to Leriel to build a successful career for himself and initially
lived with his aunt Enedwyn and her family. Rabryn is currently not on
speaking terms with his cousin Acinn however, and prefers to not rock
the boat and draw the attention of the Ivinians, so he purposefully does
not keep up with what his troublemaker cousin is doing.

❖ The Cousins: Besides Acinn and Rabryn, the characters have three
other cousins who are alive, all of them Laeryl’s children (the other
two, a pair of twins named Enyr and Andwyr, died at an early age).
None of them know much at all about Gundar (though they might be
able to provide a clue if asked the right questions), and they will refer
the characters to either Enedwyn, Laeryl, or Acinn:

Wynrith (f, 36) (potter, lives in Antir, see: Marby)

Denwair (m, 31) (fisherman, lives in Kem, see: Marby)
Flaidh (m, 26) (sailor on a trading vessel currently in Thay;
typically stays in the family cottage when in Marby)

❖ Noron (see: Noron’s Keep): The Pradeyalkri of Noron’s Keep is one

of very few who can tell of Gundar’s last few weeks on Harn, and
what he did before leaving. However, Noron will no doubt be a
tough nut for the characters to crack, as he is not naturally trusting
of humans, and won’t divulge information freely, or even intelligibly.
His narrative style is often mysterious and secretive, he is difficult to
get a read on, and he tends to speak in metaphors and use esoteric
symbols that the characters may not be able to follow. He is also noto-
riously short tempered, so the characters better not get on his bad side.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

Events transgressions, or ensure that no secrets will leave with

them. Righteous Ilvir worshippers may not trust that the
PCs are telling them the full truth of their experiences
EVENTS AT ANRIST POINT and may bring them back to the nearest temple (likely in
the Lorkin area) for interrogation. Should PCs ultimately
The Noron Connection not be able to placate the Ilvirans, they may end up being
Noron, the Pradeyalkri at Noron’s Keep (see Columbia brought as sacrifices to satisfy a hungry Adwelna.
Games #5887), sometimes visits Anrist Point to
In Sarajin’s Service
commune with The Riddlemaster. The purpose for these
meetings is not known. Especially devout Sarajinians often scour their
religious tomes in search of suitable quests that
There is a chance that PCs may encounter Noron on his would prove their worth to their brutish deity, who after
way to or from here, either in human or animal form. all is known as The Lord of the Perilous Quest. Some of
these tomes make reference of the many Pradeyalkri
01-05 Encountering Noron in human form who escaped Sarajin’s reach when he was purging Ivinia
and such beings would make for especially worthy
06-15 Encountering Noron in animal form
targets of pious quests. The Ljarl stipulates that the
16-00 No encounter highest honor for a devout Sarajinian is to die “the
perfect death” and this would really be the only
If in human form, PCs may come upon a campsite and moti-vation needed. PCs may encounter a few
find the giant there. He will invite them to join him, berserkers hell-bent on finishing what Sarajin himself
knowing immediately who they are, but will not reveal could not: to locate and exterminate or even try to
that he knows until PCs have shared how they come to be capture The Riddlemaster. These warriors may at GM
on Harn. If in animal form, the GM should make it clear discretion possess the cunning to simply align
to the players that the enormous wild boar (Noron’s themselves with the PCs for the time being, in order to
animal guise) seems to expect them to follow it, which infiltrate an expe- dition and securely gain access to The
will make for an interesting encounter. Riddlemaster’s realm, only to reveal their true intent at
the very last minute.
If PCs do not encounter Noron here, the Riddlemaster
may drop hints that PCs should visit him in his keep (see
The Lost Save-K’nor Expedition
Information at Anrist Point below). Numerous failed expeditions to Anrist Point have lead
Save-K’Nor scholars to conclude that steps must be
Lost and Amnesic at Araka-Kalai taken to ensure that findings are thoroughly and
PCs who solve the riddle and survive a swim in The contiguously documented. For that reason, the temple of
Emerald Lagoon may find themselves transported to Hyn-Aelori in Thay have funded an expedition of
Araka-Kalai. Once there, the struggle to remember how travelling scribes for the purpose of bringing back
they got there and the efforts to reconnect with the other written proof of Anrist Point’s features. The prominent
PCs may give rise to many interesting solo adventure physician Ortin of Dyselsen (map key E1, Thay) is a co-
opportunities. Even if other PCs take the plunge at Anrist sponsor of the expedition, as the prospect of enhanced
Point, the GM should make this a memorable and healing methods would be very valuable to him and his
confusing experience where their whereabouts should guild. PCs may encounter this expedition on the way to
not be easily determined. Anrist Point and simply seek to join up, or they could
find the scribes lost and confused, wandering aimlessly
If PCs are separated, the GM would do well to isolate the around the promontory. Other options include simply
players and only let them connect once their characters finding traces of the expedition – possibly left behind
are reunited. Given the potentially disruptive effects this scrolls and maps that might fetch a handsome prize if
could have on a campaign, GMs should use this plot returned to Thay.
hook with care.
Mortal Affliction
Attack of the Ilvirans PCs who are suffering from some life-threatening
Anrist Point is secretly linked to Ilvir and Araka Kalai affliction may hear about the healing properties of The
(see page 11). While adherents of Ilvir are normally Emerald Lagoon and ask that their companions bring
careful not to violate the sanctity of Anrist Point, they them here so that their lives may be saved. GMs should
may lay in ambush for those not in observance of this use this option with caution, on rare occasions only, so
devout policy when they exit the area. The Ilvirans would as not to create an impression of a magical catch-all
be seeking either to punish the PCs for their healing solution that can be leveraged repeatedly.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
EVENTS IN THE SORKIN MOUNTAINS Surviving in the mountains
The Sorkin Mountains is a vast area, often featu- ring The higher up into the mountains that PCs venture, the
very difficult terrain which will slow PCs down, as well lower the temperatures will drop, ice and snow will
become more prevalent, and they will have to protect
as present significant environ- mental hazards. There
themselves carefully, or risk frostbite and potentially
are also significant perils to face, mainly due to several
gangrene. Climbing without appropriate gear will be very
gargun colonies throughout the region, but also due to
risky. Crevaces, steep inclines and falling rocks will also
the presence of wild Ivashu, as well as other dangerous make the crossing very dangerous. Food is very scarce in
wildlife. Travel times are assuming PCs are on foot and these parts as well.
travel up to 3 watches per day, accounting for terrain
differences. Should the GM prefer to plot travel with Interacting with the Anoa
more precision, refer to the HarnMaster rules (Columbia Traversing the northern area of the mountains known as
Games #4001) and the Campaign chapter. The Rampart, PCs will come within range of the Anoa
people, who may attempt to intimidate or even capture
Travelling north them. Given that PCs don’t speak the language, they
North is obviously the “right” direction for the purposes would have to rely on sign language to make themselves
of the campaign, but unless the PCs have interacted with understood, which will make attempts at diplomacy
Noron or the Riddlemaster, or they randomly happen to fraught with challenges. Less patient GMs may allow for a
encounter friendly people in the wilderness who might capture scenario in which the nomadic Anoa are used as a
be able to provide travel advice, they will not really know plot device to move the PCs in the right direction,
which direction to take. allowing for a daring escape when appropriate.
❖ Time to reach Noron’s Keep: 11-13 days
❖ Time to reach Shese: 13-15 days
The gargun threat
The Gargun lodges of Pyxyn (Gargu-Khanu), Zhakom
Travelling south (-Khanu and -Hyeka) and Zedabir (-Viasal) are in range.
The closest, most likely stopping point towards the Given that the PCs don’t know the terrain, they will be
south from Anrist Point is Thay. It is not a bad place to unaware of this threat and may unintentionally stumble
regroup and ask around, to form a plan of attack for the into harm’s way. PCs should make the most of a Gargun
next chapter of the campaign. Should the PCs choose to encounter, building up the fear of this unseen and
take the quickest route from there to any of the frightful threat through multiple near-encounters before
important information points in the campaign, subjecting PCs to a full-on attack.
procuring a boat would serve them best. Should they
choose to travel cross-country, they would have to Here there be Ivashu
follow Genin’s Train through Kaldor, which would make There are Ivashu present in the wild here, but this doesn’t
for a great gaming experience but would extend the necessarily need to become a threat. Use any Ivashu
timeframe of the campaign significantly, both in terms encounters sparingly and with deliberation. Stick with
of game time and number of sessions. the simpler, animal-like ones (Vlasta for instance) and
save the more outlandish creatures for later
❖ Time to reach Thay: 20-24 days
Finding Telumar
Crossing the mountains
There is a remote possibility, should the PCs head south
Traversing the Sorking Mountains from Anrist Point
from Anrist Point, that they will happen upon the Earth-
should appear to PCs to be a significant and very risky
master site of Telumar (see Telumar, Columbia Games
undertaking – in part because it is, but also because such
#5889), perhaps attracted from afar by the lights at that
a crossing would take a long time and take them far
location. Telumar sits at the very southern tip of the
away from any of the significant campaign touchpoints.
Sorkins, just where the mountains transition into the
With that said, Azadmere is actually the closest civilized
Anadel Highlands. It is up to the GM what to make of such
area, just not the most accessible one. Remember that
events – it’s possible that the PCs might try to activate
PCs will have no idea what’s on the far side of those
the godstone at Telumar, for instance. Tenebrys of
Chun-Jabad has made use of this godstone in the past,
❖ Time to reach Zerhun: 8-9 days and the GM might want to create a fearful early en-
❖ Time to reach Azadmere: 9-10 days counter with the sorcerer here, as a dark foreboding of
what’s to come. At the GMs discretion, Tenebrys may also
Encounters in the mountains have placed some sort of sorcerous trigger here which
Refer to the HarnMaster encounter tables. would alert him to the presence of others.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
EVENTS AT NORON’S KEEP Roll 1d100 to determine which son they meet, and how
their interaction may proceed.
Noron’s Keep may represent the first true sight of Harnic
civilization for the PCs. Their experiences here will be 01-09 Borodos (will not converse with the PCs)
entirely dependent on how well they manage to befriend 10-18 Carack (will question the PCs)
Noron himself and the GM should not make this too easy, 19-27 Jorith (will question the PCs)
or be too quick to reveal Noron’s past history with 28-36 Diunath (will be hostile towards the PCs)
Gundar. 37-45 Fodorin (will joke and chat with the PCs)
46-54 Gwayn (will study and suspect the PCs)
Arriving at Noron’s Keep
55-63 Lescath (will accept whatever PCs say)
There are only two paths to arrive at Noron’s Keep: from
64-72 Prendor (will welcome and invite the PCs)
the north, or from the south. If PCs come from Anrist
Point, and have trekked through the Rampart, they will 73-81 Roscallor (will not quite know what to do)
most likely be approaching from the north, whereas if 82-90 Terem (will mock and ridicule the PCs)
they have taken a longer tour around Azadmere and 91-00 Unaron (will empathize with the PCs)
Kaldor, they will approach from the south. Either way,
Noron’s Keep will appear a very welcome and inviting Interacting with Noron
sight, nestled as it is in a charming little clearing by the PCs may ultimately come to be invited to dine with the
Kald River, the chimneys of its cottages emitting swirling giant. Noron speaks cryptically and quizzically and does
smoke that promises both warmth and a cooked meal. not talk much. When he does, he usually refers to himself
in the third person and asks questions meaningly, as if
Typically, Noron has one of his sons stationed on a
there is some profound secret hiding behind the PC’s
rotating schedule at either entry point. Their main task is
words. “Pray tell Noron this” will be a common start to
to assess the intent of any visitor, and ensure that taxes
many exchanges. The GM should make sure to let PCs
are levied appropriately. Noron and his family is very
squirm, and not know what to say, or how to address
shrewd and they know the value of the protection and
Noron, if at all. Noron expects visitors to justify their
respite from hardships that a stay in the village brings,
presence before him. Being supremely comfortable in his
and they will not sell these benefits cheap. How players
own skin, well aware of his own immortality, he never
introduce themselves, and explain their business in the
lets idle talk fill the silence where a long, awkward pause
village, will matter greatly. Any sign of deceit will not be
will serve him better. People do not ask Noron questions
met with tolerance.
and he is rarely willing to answer them. Should the PCs
Asking around get too presumptuous with him, he may alternatingly
The somewhat primitive Taelda descendants who have become irate or bemused, and ask outright who the PCs
been permitted to live with Noron and his sons in the are ”to dare ask Noron questions?” However, should they
village will be curious about the PCs, and appear overall know how to spin a yarn, he will visibly warm to them,
to live quite happy and carefree lives. Unless the PCs eventually possibly breaking out in a booming laughter
express any form of hostility, they will not have any which may serve to break the tension. Once this happens,
problems getting responses to questions from the the GM may open avenues of questioning for the PCs by
villagers, though the people here live relatively sheltered having Noron study them intently, and ask ”What know
lives, and know little of what goes on outside the vale of ye about thy... father?”. For details on what information
Noron’s Keep. Few have been to Kaldor and fewer still PCs may glean from Noron, see Information at Noron’s
will have experienced the Ivinians of Orbaal. The people Keep below.
here are simply content to go on with their peaceful lives.
The Prygwin Connection
They may even seem a tad simple-minded to the PCs.
If the GM wishes to make things easy for the PCs, have
Rather than immediately exposing PCs to the full-blown the tanner of Shese, Prygwin Benedarl, be visiting Noron,
eccentricity of Noron himself, the GM should strive to delivering hides as per their usual agreement. Prygwin
build up some mystery around him, and toy with the PCs’ will be a useful ally and can lead the PCs to Shese.
trepidations, perhaps threatening to subject them to the Otherwise, Noron can simply suggest that they contact
full ire of the giant. Any time the PCs inquire about Prygwin once they get to Shese, but he will likely not
Noron, have villagers either chuckle knowingly, or stare mention the tanner by name, instead simply referring to
incredulously, as if trying to talk to Noron would be the “the most foul smelling man of the Anoth”.
worst idea in the world.
Eneye of Surilye
Interacting with Noron’s sons A remote possibility, should the GM choose not to
A good way of introducing the PCs gradually to the leverage the Prygwin connection, is to have PCs engage
mystery that is Noron is to have them first interact with with Eneye of Surilye (see Noron’s Keep map key #6).
one or several of Noron’s sons. Have Noron refer to Eneye as ”the hidden son”, or “the
scion in hiding”. See Information at Noron’s Keep below.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc


The region around Shese, Lorkin and the Anoth Delta, PCs overhear a man talking to a friend, revealing a secret
including the region of Elorna Hills to the west, is an about his employer, who is supposedly engaged in
excellent setting for adventures. The Jarin resistance, suspicious, unpatriotic behavior. The man is considering
centered at Gedan, conduct a lot of covert activities in the going to the Haidaars with the information. If PCs follow
area and once they have determined that PCs can be the man, they discover that he is Quill, assistant to the
trusted, the opportunities for clandestine missions in the owner of the Delta Dawn Inn, Heiar Holmkvad. A du-
service of Jara are almost infinite. plicitous GM might want to give the players the idea that
Heiar might somehow be involved in the resistance,
Scheming at Harryn’s Stop which happens to not be true; he is spying on the Gelde-
Travellers approaching Shese from the south will pass a staars for the Hulthards of Arone. He closes up one
small inn and waystation called Harryn’s Stop. Harryn weekend a month, officially to visit a sickly aunt in
himself is no longer around and the place was empty and Emant, but he really goes to Arone to report. If the PCs
dilapidated for a long time, but a group of industrious intervene and save Heiar’s hide, he will be most grate-
Jarin loosely affiliated with the Aenghysa fixed up the ful, but this may put the Geldestaars on their trail, as
place and opened the inn again. However, this is really Quill is not the only person aware of Heiar’s treason.
mostly a secret hangout for resistance fighters. Weary
travellers who don’t want to push on for Shese at night
Bail out Bailig
are welcome to stay, but they will be eyed suspiciously, One of the prisoners in Twynieth Tower is Bailig Bem-
especially if they appear to be Ivinian. Eavesdropping on birke, who is an affiliate of the Hulthards of Arone, and
guests in the tavern may reveal interesting tidbits about who has been locked up in retaliation for some perceived
clandestine Jarin operations. If PCs need to prove them- slight of Taarbri Geldestaar. The GM may extend the
selves to the Jarin, the GM might have an Ivinian raid Help Heiar hook (above) and have Heiar Holmkvad ask
take place, where the PCs can step up and declare their the PCs for help, as his Arone masters have told him to
true colors. do what he can to get Bailig out.

Mission to Caer Shenesel Siege of Merwyth Hill

PCs are approached secretively by Jarin resistance PCs trying to get to Gedan may be directed to a reclusive
fighters and, being new to the region and not recognized Jarin mountain man and pathfinder called Wygerond,
as a threat by the Haidaars, they’re asked to go to Shese, who lives in a log cabin close to an old Jarin hill fort at
make contact with one of the Emelrenian sisters working Merwyth Hill, roughly ten leagues due west of Lorkin.
in Caer Shenesel, and pick up a package. The package Wygerond is said to know his way around the Elorna
contains a scroll with details of an Ivinian raid on one of Hills and be on friendly footing with the local Anoa,
the Jarin safehouses along the trail to Leriel. The sisters supposedly being half Anoa himself. However, when the
will signal at night from one of the north-facing PCs arrive at Merwyth Hill, a large band of
windows in the main tower by covering and revealing a Diaffa gargu-araki attacks, some-
lantern three times in succession, to indicate that it is how having gotten the idea that
safe to approach the islet. Wygerond is hiding some
kind of treasure. Wyge-
Eddain’s Escape rond and the PCs
If the PCs befriended Esobran and his men at Balhafen must retreat to
(see Sea of Ivae, the previous chapter in the Saga), the GM the old hill
may choose to have them spot his men in their hideout fort and
on a small islet north of Caer Shenesel, where the pirates make their
are planning to spring Eddain Olmaigh free from his stand
incarceration in Twynieth Tower. If the pirates trust the there.
PCs, they may even ask them to help out. Esobran’s plan
is to kidnap a prison guard (who usually goes into Shese
once a week to restock supplies), steal his gear and
return to the tower dressed in the guard’s armor and
helmet. Counting on being able to bluff their way in, they
will storm the gatehouse and create a diversion on the
lower level. Expecting the guard on the roof to come to
the aid of his comrades, the pirates will then have two
men scale the outer wall and enter the tower through the
top hatch, freeing Eddain that way.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
The Searchers Meeting Prygwin Benedarl
While travelling in the western reaches of the area, At the GM’s discretion, Noron may have recommended
PCs come upon a small farm that has been set ablaze. The the PCs visit the Shese tanner, who is aware of some of
farmer and his wife are desperate for help: their daughter the history and may be able to provide some clues. See
has been abducted by the Anoa band that raided their “Information at Shese” below.
farm and burned it down. They beg the PCs to help them
find their child and bring her back, but can offer very Asking Around
little in reward. If the PCs take pity on the bereaved PCs best be careful about asking too many questions in
family, they soon find that things are not what they Shese and surroundings, or the Haidaars may become
seem: arrows appear a little too refined to have been shot suspicious. A jail cell may await the careless.
by an Anoa bow, and footprints leading away from the
site appear to have been made by culprits whose The Sherwyn Connection
footwear seem noticeably more well-made and The Ekkart clan of Kjen (Harn K1) are scheming with
expensive than anything a mere barbarian tribesman their neighbors at Thoen and have been petitioning the
would be wearing. The Anoa, for one, are not known to Geldestaars for help in overthrowing the Sherwyns. This
wear boots with heels. As the PCs investigate, they may provide the PCs with a connection they can exploit
ultimately find that the guilty party is a band of Ivinian for their own purposes.
rogues who have been hired by the Geldestaars to stoke
conflict between the Jarin and the Anoa. Finding Kaemr
On the south bank of the Anoth River, well within sight
The Abduction of Eorbrand Nori of Shese, twenty gibbets have been erected in a
The PCs are tasked with approaching the Jarin clan head twisted display of Ivinian oppression, to impart on the
at Noriel, Eorbrand Nori, and try to lure him into a trap. Jarin population the consequences of disobedience.
It is up to the PCs to figure out how to make this happen. Three of the gibbets contains the bodies of local
However, when Eorbrand is captured, it soon becomes brigands who were executed without trial. Four of the
clear that the abduction is simply a ruse, to convince the gibbets have been used to display dead associates of
Geldestaars that Eorbrand is a “good Jarin”, and remains the Anoth delta pirate Esobran, in an attempt to scare
loyal to his Ivinian overlords. Eorbrand is actually a other pirates to defect. The other thirteen gibbets
double agent of sorts, and leaks information to the contain the remains of Jarin rebels, one of whom was
resistance about Lorkin troops and defenses, but Kaemr, Gundar’s brother.
diversions are sometimes necessary to keep up
appearances, and ensure that his cover is not blown. For obvious reasons, not much of the former Jarin
resistance fighter remains, but his right arm seems to
Smugglers Wanted be stretched out in a strange, twisted way. It points in
The Jarin at Gedan are arming themselves in preparation the east-northeast direction and around the wrist is a
for a second rebellion. Given their proclivity for archery, crusty cord that seems to have been worn like a bracelet.
The ends appear to have been cut with a sharp blade and
they are particularly interested in iron arrowheads,
the cord looped around the wrist and tied. This is a
which are produced in Melys and smuggled covertly by
symbolic Jarin "blood band" which, if they think about
boat around Bindra Point into Deji Bay just north of
it, the PCs have also seen Gundar wear. The two brothers
Gedan, where the shipments are picked up. However, the dipped a piece of twine in their own blood and then cut it
Geldestaars patrol the delta and often seize suspicious in two halves, to always wear around the wrist. It was
transports. For that reason, the arrowheads are hidden Gundar who made Kaemr's arm point the way towards
in local pottery, which is ostensibly being shipped to the Anoth Delta and Eli Island.
Geldeheim to be sold. A new shipment is being prepared,
and capable sailors and fighters are recruited. The Memorial Stone (see next page)
On Eli Island, a small islet in the delta, stands a curious
Escape to Leriel memorial stone (see next page) with a cryptic in-
If PCs get themselves into trouble in Shese, they may scription. Few locals know of it, and those who do have
need to depart the region and make use of the secret been unable to decipher its meaning.
Jarin escape route to Leriel, staying in designated
The intricate snake pattern which decorates the rune
safehouses as they make their way westward. Should the
stone seems to represent something more than mere
PCs have befriended Jarin resistance fighters, their
aesthetic adornment. Some suspect it is actually a map,
departure may be suggested to them more or less but of what is unknown. The PCs will be unable to
emphatically, as their faces may have become too dislodge the stone or bring it with them, as it is much
recognizable to the Ivinians, posing a risk for the entire too heavy, so they will either have to memorize the
Jarin rebel organization. pattern, or copy it somehow.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc


Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

Finding Gedan
Looking for Gedan requires for the PCs to have been told
about the existence of the place. Gedan is not an easy place KELT’S BARROW
to locate just by stumbling around in the wilder- ness, so
PCs will have to solicit directions. The most likely source
for such directions is Noron, but if the PCs have done their
due diligence, and identified themselves as sympathetic to
the Jarin cause, they may also be able to convince Jarin
folk in the region to direct them here.
Most likely, the directions they will get will involve one of
two options: either take the trail west from Lorkin Attracting Attention
towards Leriel, heading north along the Bolima stream Should PCs manage to sneak into Gedan proper and
after passing the little village of Tonheim, and then cross snoop around the barrows, they will most likely be
the Elorna Hills to the northeast. Once they happen upon noticed by the Jarin. The Anoa who roam the region, and
the Gedan stream, they would simply be able to follow it consider Gedan a sacred place, will see them as tres-
downstream to the Lodge of a Thousand Souls. This passers and the gargun will pose a significant threat as
would, however, be the most dangerous route, given the well. PCs will need both the acquiescence and protection
of the Aenghysa.
roaming Diaffa garguns in the area. There is a 5% chance
per watch of encountering gargun in the hills. There is Interacting with the Ilvirans
also a 2% chance of encountering Ivashu if within 5 Most of the current members of the Jarin factions at
leagues of Gedan (see Encounters in the HarnMaster rules Gedan are too young to have been here in Gundar’s day
(Campaign chapter, page #11). and so they will initially be more suspicious towards the
The second option would involve heading straight north PCs. Once introductions have been made to Tymas of
Baswhyl and/or Mikyl of Callyn, who both knew Gundar
from Lorkin, across the hills toward Haur Bay. Once they
and Kaemr well, things will improve considerably. If PCs
hit the coast, they would simply follow it west until they
behave respectfully, they may soon be welcomed and
find the mouth of the Gedan stream, and follow it
accepted as part of the group. All members will have
upstream. This is the less risky option. sympathy for their story, as most of them have expe-
Either option would take PCs 3-4 days if on foot, rienced similar atrocities at the hands of the Ivinians.
assuming weather is accommodating. Some may even offer to help take the murderers down,
which provides the GM with a handy opportunity to
Arriving at Gedan introduce new players..
The Jarin at Gedan are famously secretive and careful to
not reveal their location. Unless PCs take special pre-
Meeting Acinn
cautions when approaching Gedan, they will likely be Once PCs have shared their story, Acinn will step for-
spotted by Aenghysa sentries. Roll 1d100 when within 5 ward and introduce herself. She knows the stories of her
leagues and then once for each league closer they get. uncle’s exploits well and will be quite excited to meet her
cousins. She will also insist that PCs go to Leriel and
❖ 5 leagues: 10% chance of being spotted meet her mother, Enedwyn. She had no idea that her
❖ 4 leagues: 20% chance of being spotted maternal grandfather was buried here, so she will
happily take part in the search for the barrow. Should
❖ 3 leagues: 30% chance of being spotted
players fail to interpret the map cues, Acinn may at the
❖ 2 leagues: 40% chance of being spotted
GM’s discretion be able to help. Acinn could also
❖ 1 league: 50% chance of being spotted
represent an opportunity to bring in a new player.
Should PCs attempt to approach with caution, roll against Locating the Barrow
the Stealth skill of the PC with the lowest rating. A CS will
The location of Kelt of Aylne’s barrow grave is indicated
cut the chance of being detected to ¼ and a MS will reduce
on the memorial stone at Shese. If PCs have not discove-
it by half. A MF will increase the chance of detection by
red the memorial stone or the marker on it, there will be
half and a CF will double it.
no way for them to know which is the right grave. There
If PCs appear to just be passing through, they will be left is also no external indicator on the site that confirms
alone, but once within 1 league, they will be con fronted by that this is the right location, so PCs will have to
1d4+1 armed sentries and asked to turn around. excavate the barrow to find out.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc.
Map by Milo Hatch.

Excavating the Barrow smaller chambers offset to the left and right. Each of the
openings to the smaller chambers is covered up with a
It will be nigh-impossible for the PCs to do any digging in
large flat stone, but the one to the right has been set
the area without being discovered, so they will have to do
aside slightly. Should PCs use a torch or lantern to shine
so with the approval of the Order of Chuchlaen Wheel-
a light inside, they will see a platform of small wooden
wright. The GM should strongly discourage PCs grave-
logs with what appears to be one skeleton placed on top,
robbing covertly, and ensure that any such action carries
dressed in fine but poorly preserved clothing, with
dire consequences. The Aenghysa are not to be trifled with
various dilapi- dated objects arranged in a circular
and violating the sanctity of Jarin burial grounds is a very
pattern around it. Another skeleton has been added
serious offense to them.
somewhat randomly inside the chamber. Should PCs
Once they have secured the consent of the Jarin, PCs may manage to move the boulder sealing the left chamber,
even be able to solicit some help in digging into the they will find another, smaller skeleton – possibly a
barrow. This will require at least 3-4 hours of back- child – arranged with belongings in a similar fashion.
breaking labor.
Deeper inside the barrow, the main chamber opens up. It
Discovering the Loot has quite obviously been disturbed; not very recently,
In trying to identify the presumed entrance to the barrow, but recent enough that it is easy to see what is relatively
PCs will notice that the dirt in one area – the west facing new, and what was here before but has been moved.
side – is noticeably more porous, given that it was On a wooden platform in the center lies an eerily
disturbed only 33 years ago (versus the rest of the barrow, mummi- fied body which has been arranged with great
which has compacted over the course of centuries). This is care and obvious reverence. The hands are clasped
the entrance to the barrow. Clearing it will require a good across the torso, holding an iron sword with the point
3-4 hours of back-breaking labor. downwards. Though the clothing is in poor shape, it is
better than in the two other graves, and it was clearly of
THE BARROW very fine quality when it was made. A leather cap with
The inside of the barrow is very humid and dark and a embellish- ments sits on top of the sunken-in skull and
musky odor permeates the air. The height inside is no a heavy, purple cape is draped carefully underneath the
more than 4-5’, so PCs will need to crouch. A tunnel body. The clothing is a mix of leather and fine cloth,
burrows straight into a larger central chamber, with two made in a distinctively Jarin style. Ornate silver arm
bands around each wrist still retain some their former
sparkle and serpent-styled rings adorn both hands. Very
fine deerskin boots cover the legs and feet. They are
dried out but still look almost pristine.

This is the body of Kelt of Aylne, Gundar Green-Eye’s

father and the grandfather of the PCs. Should the PCs
examine the body further, they will notice severe
damage to the neck – almost severing the head – and
many deep cuts to the arms, as well as a few broken ribs.
It is clear this is the body of a man who did not die in his

Off to the side are two surprsingly well preserved

roundshields and a few spears whose shafts are
crumbling, but the spearheads can be salvaged. On the
other side of the platform with the body, two large,
robust pine chests with very ornate iron decorations can
be found. These are the treasure chests Gundar and his
brother Kaemr stole from the Sherwyn clan that fateful
night in 687 TR. See page #59 for more details on the
contents. The chests are quite heavy and at least two
people will be required to move each one, but the dirt
floor in the barrow is smooth enough that the chests
could be dragged to the entrance.
10 FT

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Leriel is not a primary location for the campaign,
but aside from the family connections that PCs
have here – their aunt Enedwyn serving in the
Leriel castle, and their cousin Rabryn being a
mercantyler here – a visit to Leriel may deepen
their understanding of Jarin culture, the Ivinian
occupation, and potentially also glean some COTTAGE
hints at the scheming that is going on at the
Geldeheim court.

The Jarin Underground for them, house them and help make intro-
If PCs have followed the Jarin escape route west- ductions wherever appropriate. Her work in the
ward from Lorkin, and perhaps stayed in a few castle kitchen, however, has her on a 15-16h
undercover Jarin safe houses along the trail, the schedule, and she gets up before the crack of dawn
to cook for the royal household. She will happily
journey will represent a feeling of gradual relief
tell tales of her childhood in Aselt on Gedil Island
from Ivinian oppression. The further west they
(Harn map key J1), together with her older brother
travel, the more open and less afraid the Jarin
Gundar, who was very protective of her. Whatever
people they meet will appear. What the Jarin
holes still remain in the PCs background story, the
need to hide and do secretly in Lorkin, they are GM should feel free to fill in at this point – see
able to do and say much more openly in Leriel. Information at Leriel below.
While Ivinians do have a few informants here,
Enedwyn’s late husband Caelthran was the ostler
and Lord Marwyn makes a public show of
at the nearby inn, The Peach and Frog (Leriel map
adhering to Ivinian decrees in order to not pro-
key #31), and Enedwyn still occasionally helps the
voke his feudal masters in Geldeheim, the PCs
owner Pyter of Mure when he is short staffed. The
will be (mostly) among their own people. The
inn is not the most savory of locations, being a
atmosphere is more relaxed and less paranoid. preferred hangout for various shady transients
Asking around and troublemakers, but it is a good place to pick
Asking questions about things related to the PCs up rumors, and the cider served here is top notch.
background will have a limited chance of success. Enedwyn is a tough cookie who is more than able
Inquiries naming Enedwyn by name have a 5% to handle the inn’s rowdy clientele, and they love
chance of producing a result. Rabryn’s name ups her dearly. The inn has a top floor with a few dingy
the chance to 15%. rooms that might be a suitable place for PCs to
stay, should they not want to impose on Ened-
Interacting with the locals wyn and her modest quarters.
Locals will be quite happy to talk with the PCs as
Meeting Rabryn
long as they make their Jarin heritage obvious,
but any mention of coming from Ivinia will cause Cousin Rabryn, second eldest son of Gundar’s
people to clam up, and distance themselves. sister Laeryl, is not hard to find. He operates a
quite successful mercantyler business (see Leriel
Meeting Enedwyn map key #12). He will happily meet and talk with
Enedwyn lives simply in a small cottage located the PCs, but his successful career has made him a
in the little village of Armyn, just outside Leriel. bit aloof, and wary of getting too tangled up in
This has been her home ever since she settled Jarin business. However, if PCs manage to gain his
here with her young family 18 years ago, but now trust, he can be a good source of information
that her only daughter Acinn has moved out and about the goings-on at Geldeheim, as he goes
her husband is deceased, she has more time as there to trade in the fall every year. If PCs are
well as more space to herself. Enedwyn will be patient, he may even offer to bring them along. He
ecstatic to meet the PCs and will offer to cook also travels to Tashal on a yearly basis.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc.
Map by Milo Hatch.
Information People with no reasonable way to have ever heard
anything related to the characters’ inquiry.
As PCs begin inquiring about their origins and the events
1-75 No information
at Lidargaarda (see Raldlund – Land of the Majestic
76-95 Common Knowledge
Fjords), GMs will need to progressively allow for small
96-97 Rumor (false)
pieces of the puzzle to emerge while PCs continue their
98-99 Rumor
quest for the truth. GMs will also need to reward players
00 Information
for going about their inquiries in appropriate and
- Fact
intelligent ways. These charts will help generate such
information, and can be used throughout the remainder Rumor Mongers
of the campaign. People who could possibly be in a position to have
overheard relevant rumours and general, related
Pertinent information and facts about personas relevant
information. This applies for instance to innkeepers,
to the campaign will be revealed gradually in subsequent couriers, adventurers and similar personas exposed to
modules, and will be tagged using the labels in these the world beyond where the characters are visiting.
information tables (Common Knowledge, Rumor,
1-50 No information
Information and Fact).
51-90 Common Knowledge
As the players investigate, generate campaign-related 91-93 Rumor (false)
information using the tables to the right. First select the 94-98 Rumor
correct table depending on who the characters are 99 Information
questioning: 00 Fact

❖ Ignorants Loosely Associated

People who are in a position to know something about
❖ Rumor Mongers
the nature of the inquiry, for instance through their
❖ Loosely Associated profession, or background.
❖ Acquaintances 1-50 No information
❖ Relations 51-75 Common Knowledge
76-85 Rumor (false)
Then, roll 1d100 to specify what kind of information the 86-90 Rumor
characters are receiving. At your discretion, you can 91-98 Information
modify the roll based on how the players are interacting 99-00 Fact
with the NPC’s.
No information can either mean that the requested People who may have known or met a person directly
person does not want to or is unable to provide associated with the subject of the inquiry.
1-25 No information
Common Knowledge means, for example, geographical 26-50 Common Knowledge
references or general cultural information. 51-60 Rumor (false)
61-75 Rumor
Rumors are generally vague information or directly 76-95 Information
misleading falsaries, deliberate or not, and are best 96-00 Fact
improvised by the GM, preferably based on the materials
found below, or any canonical Harnic source. Relations
People who are directly connected to the subject of the
Information and Facts represent relevant and inquiry, through blood, marriage, or friendship.
reasonably accurate information, further detailed in
1-10 No information
below sections on Gundar, Tenebrys, the Sherwyns,
11-25 Common Knowledge
Renaaka Thardith and Merlak of Tusran, based on the
26-30 Rumor (false)
specific inquiry made by the characters. These pieces of
31-50 Rumor
information can be disseminated in any order the GM
51-90 Information
sees fit, in order to maintain the mystery and sustain the
91-00 Fact
players’ interest.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Common Knowledge OTHER LOCATIONS
Respond to the inquiry with shrugs and non-specific information. For Thay: There is not much for the PCs
instance: ”Jarin you say? Well, all I know is, plenty of them folk up north.” to find in Thay. Possibly, there may
be some people with vague know-
ledge of Noron, the Riddle master or
FALSE: Invent something misleading and/or outlandish, and make it fairly
obvious that the person telling the story is fibbing. For instance: ”Ummm, the Aenghysa in the city, but most
uhh, well, you know, Orbaalese are known for their powerful magic…” likely, general directions north
towards Orbaal will be all the PCs
TRUE: Lead the players to be more specific in their inquiry, and then describe can expect. The Sarajin temple (see
a broadly accurate detail that people may or may not know, based on the Thay D7) can provide information
question, but which is not specific to the people of the saga. For instance: about the Sherwyn clan and identify
”The guy was murdered by Orbaalese? Well, you know, those Orbaalese really the clan weapon, should the PCs
have it in for Jarin people!” describe it. If they already possess
Information information about Tenebrys, the
❖ Gundar fled Orbaal because of a crime local Chantry of Arcane Lore may be
❖ Gundar’s father and oldest brother were killed by the Sherwyn clan able to assist (see Thay E7).
❖ The Sherwyns never gave up their search for Gundar Tashal, Olokand, Gardiren, Kiban,
❖ Gundar’s brother, Kaemr, was captured and killed Minarsas and surroundings: PCs
Facts may be able to connect with a
❖ Gundar and his brother stole viking loot from the Sherwyn clan caravan heading up Fur Road, or
❖ The loot was never recovered Silver Way. Gossipy people in Kaldor
❖ Gundar belonged to the Aenghysa, the Jarin resistance involved in trade will ”know” that it
❖ Gundar sought help from Noron, the giant of Noron´s Keep is not advisable to venture north up
❖ Laeryl, Gundar’s oldest sister, lives in Marby Noron’s Way. Dafydd of Ewen, the
❖ Enedwyn, Gundar’s middle sister, is a cook at Caer Leriel owner of the Seven Stars Inn in
❖ Kaemr, Gundar’s middle brother, was strung up in a gibbet outside Shese Tashal (see Tashal G11), would be the
as a deterrant to other resistance fighters best source of information related to
❖ Kaemr wore the same bracelet as Gundar the Aenghysa.
❖ Gundar hid clues to the location of the buried loot in the Anoth delta Zerhun and Habe: If PCs are specific
❖ Gundar’s father is buried at Gedan in their inquiries, they may get
❖ The loot is buried inside Gundar’s father’s tomb directions to Habe, where a former
Aenghysa resistance fighter, Breldyn
INFORMATION AT ANRIST POINT of Miane, lives with his familj. He is
Anrist Point is the domain of the mythical Riddlemaster, believed by the father of one of the Aenghysa
scholars to be the semi-divine offspring ot Argenon, High Riddler of Save fighters who accom- panied Gundar
K'nor's “court”. The characters may encounter Noron here, or at least be and Kaemr in the raid against the
directed to seek him out. The Riddlemaster can (in cryptic ways) provide treasure transport in 689 TR. He
clues about Tenebrys and his plans, but these are very vague and ominous, works as an ostler at the Esig’s
with the exception of the name of Tenebrys' chantry – Yeged – which has Hammer inn, despite an advanced
appeared in the oracle’s visions for many years, as a dark omen. If the GM age of 67. He is assisted by his two
decides on this option, present the following Riddlemaster verses: remaining sons, but neither of them
know about their father’s past.
Wild boar roaming, guts to fill Yeged, source of knowledge lost Breldyn only remembers the name
Hunting prey at dusk Covenant destroyed Gundar vaguely, but he does
Wild man sleeping, tamed and still Evil triumphed, untold cost remember Kaemr clearly. He doesn’t
Blithely sheds the tusk Horror’s nameless void know what his son did that fateful
Boorish giant holds the key Wary be of he who seeks night, but he fled the north as soon
Tell of sire’s fate cataclysmic power as he found out what had happened
Bloodline share in faith, and he Thwart his quest lest it bespeaks to the young men. Since then, he has
may commiserate mankind’s fateful hour tried his best to forget.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

INFORMATION AT NORON’S KEEP Azadmere:Here, PCs can solicit a

Noron’s Keep is an important destination for the PCs, providing that they general description of the situation
manage to befriend Noron, who met Gundar personally, and helped him in Orbaal, and possibly also be
build the boat in which Gundar sailed to Ivinia. Noron can tell of Gundar’s referred to Breldyn, since he is well
time with the Aenghysa but knows little of his family. He is aware of the known among the ostlers in the
dwarven city. Especially the ostler at
buried treasure but does not know where it is buried. He does know, how-
Geben Inn (see Azadmere map key
ever, that Gundar left some kind of clue at Shese. Noron can also tell of a
#17) is a very good friend of
strange, foreign figure with a strong magical aura (Tenebrys) who visited
him recently, and asked questions about Gundar and the stolen treasure.

Noron can't show the characters the way to Gedan himself (he avoids the Lorkin: This settlement is a very
place), but with skillful diplomacy and persuasion, they may be able to dangerous place to go around
convince Sursyl Aeryn (”Eneyje of Surilye” – see Noron's Keep map key #6) announcing your Jarin heritage and
descendance from an Aenghysa
to describe the path for them and maybe even follow them a bit. Sursyl will
resistance fighter, but if PCs are
not under any condition approach Gedan however, given the bad blood
careful, they may be able to solicit
between him and the Cheyn Mhic Cainte. Noron can also refer PCs to
information about the resistance
Prygwin Benedarl, the Shese tanner, who is at least aware of some of the and possibly also about the
history and may at least be able to hint at where PCs can find more memorial stone in the Anoth delta –
information. especially if they visit Fanghease
Rock, the stone mausoleum dedi-
Noron's Keep is the key to Gedan. Without visiting here, it will be difficult
cated to the Jarin priest whose death
for PCs to find their way.
sparked the 701 TR Jarin rebellion.
They can also find out how to locate
INFORMATION AT SHESE the Sherwyns and get to Gedil
Prygwin Benedarl Island.
The Shese tanner is aware of some of the history and would recommend
Arone: Arone holds no clues for te
that PCs investigate the gibbets on the south bank of the Anoth. Prygwin
PCs but they may be able to get
himself never met Gundar or Kaemr, but Noron has told many tales of
directions here, and possibly some
them, often lingering on the brazen theft of the treasure, which always
dirt on the Geldestaars.
intrigued the tanner. Prygwin doesn’t know anything beyond the fact that
Gundar’s brother was executed in Shese. Marby: The only thing of interest
The Rune Stone here is Gundar’s sister, Laeryl, who
is on her deathbed. If the characters
The most important source of information in Shese is the rune stone on Eli
don’t get here before the end of the
Island. It is roughly 4 feet tall and its inscription is made in Ivinian runes:
month of Nolus, they will never get
Cowards’ cleavers, blacksmith’s end to meet her. However, it is quite
Brought by bloodlust down possible, should the characters
Woe is now our dividend apply themselves, that they might
Death’s eternal frown be able to leverage the ongoing feud
between the Serewyns and the
Life cut short of sire Kelt Sherwyns, and solicit some help in
Fewrain likewise slain going after Venril Sherwyn and his
Cruel fate the daughters dealt sons. Valhakar Mikkaar Serewyn
Brothers two remain might even be persuaded to send a
delegation to the court in Gelde-
Courageous Kaemr caught and killed heim, to stop the plot and to gain
Gundar walks alone favor with the king. If the PCs play
Legacy of lifeblood spilled their cards right, they might even be
Carved in silent stone able to solicit a royal viking pardon
for the crimes of their father. Marby
The intricate snake pattern adorning the the surface of the stone reveals is also the adopted home of
what appears to be a simple map, with swirling lines and an “X” mark. The Aenghysa agent Moire L’Seanna,
lines represent the small stream running through Gedan and the X marks who might be of some help to the
the location of Kelt’s barrow. This is the only clue to Kelt’s burial place. PCs.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc


Gundar's father, Kelt of Aylne, is buried at Gedan with the large Three the fates be thus foretold:
Viking booty. Tymas of Baswhyl and Mikyl of Callyn, two of the Three will come from Rald’s domain
resistance fighters at Gedan can fill in gaps in the story of Kaemr’s
Three the claims to vengeance cold
and Gundar’s time with the Aenghysa. The characters will need an
Three the spawn of sire slain
introduction by someone trusted by the Aenghysa however, and
the most likely person to provide one is Acinn. The opponents in Three to end grief’s stranglehold
Aenghysa can tell a lot about the two brothers, Gundar and Kaemr, Three to vanquish Green-Eye’s bane
but they know nothing about any treasure. They know, however, Three must face the dark of old
that the brothers and two other men disappeared one night in 689, Three step forward, fates ordain
but can otherwise only refer to Acinn, who is a member of the
Thrice shall devious schemes unfold
Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright. Acinn, in turn, can refer to her Three the quests for doom’s disdain
mother and aunt and also knows that Kaemr was hung up in a
gibbet outside Shese. She has visited the place but has not been able Three cairns, evil manifold
Three strikes end Daelda’s pain
to identify who of the many dead is her murdered uncle.
While the first three stanzas speak to
The Prophecy
the events of the campaign so far,
In retelling their story to the Jarin at Gedan, should the PCs refer to
the meaning of the remainder of this
their father by his nickname “Green-Eye”, an astonished silence prophecy will be revealed in Chapter
will spread over the assembly. The reason is that Meamyt the 5 of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
Hermit, the crazed prophet of Askellin Island, once issued a cryptic
prophecy that referenced three children of a man identified only by
the “Green-Eye” moniker – a name never used while Gundar lived
on Harn. The prophecy was brought to Gedan by the travelling
minstrel Rhys of Tellyn, who visited during one of his rare journeys
away from Arathel in 714 TR. Rhys composed a melody for the
prophecy and sang it often during his stay at Gedan. It has be-
come a favourite campfire song of many of the younger resistance
fighters, even though they do not know what the prophecy means.
The message for the PCs in this prophecy is that Meamyt has seen
their father’s death in a vision, and he knows the identity of the
killers. Should they fail to dig for the truth on their own, the GM
can use this as a last resort. The identity of Tenebrys of Chun-
Jabad, in particular, may be revealed if the PCs choose to travel to
Askellin and commune with Meamyt.
Here, the characters will find Enedwyn, Gundar’s youngest
sister, who is a kitchen maid at Caer Leriel. They might also
meet Laeryl’s oldest son, Rabryn of Fellyr, who has lived here since
he was sent here from Marby, to serve his apprenticeship with
Enedwyn’s husband, the ostler (who has since passed away).
Rabryn might be able to take them to Marby.
However, besides the family back story, none
of them knows much else related to what
happened after Gundar left, although Ened-
wyn can refer the PCs to her daughter, Acinn,
who is staying at Gedan.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
These are the contents of the two
treasure chests (use the HarnMaster
Treasure rules to determine value):
Coins (all minted off Harn)
❖ 12 gold crowns
❖ 225 silver coins
❖ 692 bronze coins (value: ¼ d)
❖ 821 copper coins (value: 1/10 d)
❖ 12 raw gems
❖ 20 cut gems
❖ 37 necklaces

The Treasure
❖ 22 brooches
❖ 17 bracelets
❖ 29 rings (18 silver, 10 gold, 1 very
What’s left of the Sherwyn viking loot, which was stolen by Gundar, his rare Mythral ring)
brother Kaemr and their Aenghysa associates, is stored in two sturdy, carved, ❖ 6 amber pendants
iron-clad pine chests. The boxes have sustained a lot of water damage and Trinkets
repeated freezing and thawing has made them brittle, so it is not difficult to
❖ 1 small bronze bust of what
break them open. appears to be a Tarkainian king
❖ 2 engraved gold cups
THE ORIGINS OF THE TREASURE ❖ 7 bronze goblets with decorative
The treasure was accumulated by the Sherwyns and their allies by pillaging gemstones
and looting along the southern Trierzi coast while going viking between 694 ❖ 3 silver figurines, possibly of
and 697. Most of the loot comes from cloisters and monasteries of various elven origin
religious denominations, but some was acquired by ransacking the mansions Weapons
of wealthy merchants. In addition, a small collection of rare scrolls and ❖ Three ceremonial daggers with
artefacts was taken in a raid of the Emelrenian Chantry of Arcane Lore in jewel encrusted hilts
Karemus, including the coveted Scroll of Taurin Halfhand (see below). ❖ One shortsword with gold inlays
and two large gemstones
PCs may be able to negotiate keeping a small portion, but the Aenghysa will
❖ Ward of Shonjor-Kalim (see
insist that the treasure really belongs to them. If the PCs try to make off with
HarnMaster Treasure)
it, they will make enemies of the Jarin factions at Gedan (including the Cheyn
Mhic Cainte, who will not be forgiving). They will also have dishonored their Scrolls, Tomes and Maps
father’s memory, and Acinn will strongly discourage such an action. ❖ The Scroll of Taurin Halfhand: See
next page
Negotiation results ❖ Map of Harn: See page 61
Allow PCs to negotiate for what they can keep for themselves. Roll against the ❖ A family tree of the Jarin Ochaid
Rhetoric skill of the PC doing the negotiating, based on how much they ask to clan, who escaped to Emelrene
keep: after the Ivinian Conquest and
have been plotting their return to
❖ All of the treasure: Rhetoric SB x1
Lorkin ever since
❖ Half of the treasure: Rhetoric SB x2 ❖ Documentation of Lythian sea
❖ Less than a quarter of the treasure: Rhetoric SB x3 ports; high and low tides
❖ A roster of Karemus chantry
❖ Certain items: Rhetoric SB x5
masters and their credentials
A CF means PCs don’t get to keep anything. A MF means they get to keep half ❖ A Save-K’Noran diary of a scribe
exploring the Venarian Sea
of what they asked for. A MS means they get to keep all of what they asked
❖ A tome of Alchemy
for, and a CS means they get to keep an additional +25%.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
The Scroll of Taurin Halfhand (right)
This scroll, a long and partially scorched roll of parchment, contains a
documented 683 BT eyewitness account of the aftermath of the Battle of
Sorrows, as told by the Atani scribe Taurin Halfhand (see Kingdom of Evael,
Columbia Games #5081). It details what happened to the elven King Daelda
after the battle, and how he was confronted with the demon Aedlad, who
was summoned to try to defeat the elven forces.
The scroll reveals the location of Daelda’s burial site and Aedlad’s prison
and is a very dangerous document. Tenebrys of Chun-Jabad discovered
through his research that the scroll had ultimately made its way to the
chantry of Arcane Lore in Karemus, and suspected that it had been part of
the viking loof following the Sherwyn raid in 697 TR. He was the one who
directed the Sherwyns to Gundar in order to retrieve the loot, conditioned on
him being allowed to keep the scroll. The Sherwyns had little interest in it,
so they happily accepted.
Both the Riddlemaster and Noron have for years been tormented by visions
and dreams about the scroll being found, and are fearful of Tenebrys and his
desire to possess the scroll, accurately sensing sinister motives at play.
These motives will be described in more detail in Chapter 5: Bejist –
Epicenter of Evil.
On the back of the scroll, written in partially revealed disappearing ink, is a
scribbled note saying “Always south”, and a simple map of the Khuzan
fortress Caer Harmenel, with the northwest tower highlighted. These
scribbles will appear in full if the parchment is gently heated up using an
open flame (allow the PCs to roll INTx2 to realize this). For details on the
fortress and exploration of the ruins, see Evael (Columbia Games #5081).



Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Map by Eric Hotz, treatment by Jay Sojdelius
Culture: n/a
Name: (Unknown)| Demigod | Male
Social Class: Demigod
Appearance: Age unclear, height 7’, med. frame, 230
Obvious Medical Traits: None lbs, size 8, attractive, fair skin, silver hair, golden eyes
Apparent Occupation: Unclear
Apparent Wealth: Unclear STR 16 AGL 17 SML 9 WIL 17 CML 15

Companions: Noron STA 18 EYE 18 VOI 17 AUR 18 END 17

DEX 14 HRG 18 INT 17 MOR 6 MOV 21

Medical/Psyche: Theophobia
Physical Skills: Climbing 80 | Jumping 90 | Stealth 95
Throwing 60 | Swimming 40
Communication Skills: Awareness 90 | Intrigue 85 |
Oratory 95 | Rhetoric 95 | Singing 80
Languages/Scripts: Harnic 80 | Ivinian 75 | Jarinese
85 | Runic 55 | Lakise 50
Lore/Craft Skills: Seamanship 25 | Agriculture 25 |
Tracking 30 | Survival 70 | Foraging 80 | Hideworking
20 | Fletching 20 | Animalcraft 25 | Woodworking 65 |
Embalming 20
Religion: N/A | Ritual: – | Piety: –
Combat Skills: Initiative 102 | Unarmed 80 | Dodge 85
Dagger 80 | Staff 85
Money/Valuables: –
Armor/Weapons: Plate half helm w/ horns, cloth
shirt, leather tunic, cloth leggings, leather boots, heavy
fur gambeson (counts as quilt), dagger, staff
Other Equipment: None
Load: 52 lbs Encumbrance: 3

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Dagger 1 15 5 5 • 1 | 2 | 5
Staff 4 15 20 15 -10 4 | • | •

Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F

Skull Plate +4 6 | 10 | 6 | 2
Shoulder Cloth+leather+fur +3 8 | 8 | 6 | 8
Upper Arm Cloth+leather+fur +3 8 | 8 | 6 | 8
Thorax Cloth+leather+fur +3 8 | 8 | 6 | 8
Abdomen Cloth+leather+fur +3 8 | 8 | 6 | 8
Hip Cloth+leather+fur +3 8 | 8 | 6 | 8
WHEREABOUTS Groin Cloth+leather+fur +3 8 | 8 | 6 | 8
Thigh Cloth+fur +3 6 | 8 | 3 | 5
The Riddlemaster never ventures outside of his
domain at Anrist Point. It is unclear whether this is Foot Leather +3 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
because he chooses to, or whether he is confined to
All others Cloth+fur +3 6 | 8 | 3 | 5
this area. That doesn’t mean he is easy to find; he
will make his presence known when he so decides.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Culture: n/a
Name: Noron| Demigod | Male
Social Class: Demigod
Appearance: Age 50, height 7’, massive frame, 280 lbs,
Obvious Medical Traits: Giant size 9, plain, medium skin, gray hair, gray eyes
Apparent Occupation: Unclear
STR 18 AGL 12 SML 17 WIL 18 CML 7
Apparent Wealth: Unclear
Companions: Sons STA 18 EYE 11 VOI 7 AUR 14 END 18

DEX 8 HRG 16 INT 13 MOR 7 MOV 12

Medical/Psyche: Gigantism, Lycanthropy,

Physical Skills: Climbing 85 | Jumping 50 | Stealth 45
Throwing 70 | Swimming 60
Communication Skills: Awareness 75 | Intrigue 50 |
Oratory 60 | Rhetoric 40 | Singing 35
Languages/Scripts: Harnic 40 | Ivinian 45 | Jarinese
65 | Runic 40 | Lakise 55
Lore/Craft Skills: Seamanship 75 | Agriculture 80 |
Tracking 90 | Survival 95 | Foraging 95 | Hideworking
45 | Fletching 55 | Animalcraft 80 | Woodworking 70 |
Embalming 40
Religion: N/A | Ritual: – | Piety: –
Combat Skills: Initiative 64 | Unarmed 113 | Dodge 60
Estoc 55 | Maul 115
Money/Valuables: 300d on person
Armor/Weapons: Plate half helm, cloth robe, leather
boots, heavy fur surcoat (counts as quilt), dagger, staff
Other Equipment: None
Load: 52 lbs Encumbrance: 3

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Estoc 3 11 15 10 • 3 | 0 | 6
Maul 7 9 20 5 -20 7 | • | •
Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F
Skull Plate +4 6 | 10 | 6 | 2
Shoulder Cloth+fur +2 6 | 4 | 3 | 5
Upper Arm Cloth+fur +2 6 | 4 | 3 | 5
Thorax Cloth+fur +2 6 | 4 | 3 | 5
Abdomen Cloth+fur +2 6 | 4 | 3 | 5
Hip Cloth+fur +2 6 | 4 | 3 | 5
________________________________________ Groin Cloth+fur +2 6 | 4 | 3 | 5
Noron is frequently away from his domain, either Thigh Cloth+fur +2 6 | 4 | 3 | 5
travelling around, or hunting in boar form. There is
Foot Leather +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
typically only 20% chance of catching him at
Noron’s Keep at any time, and should he not be All others Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
present, it may be 1d10 days until he shows up.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc

Borodos 6’4” | 210 lbs. | appears 35 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 55 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 80 |
Unarmed 90 | Club 80 | Handaxe 70

Carack 6’8” | 240 lbs. | appears 30 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 65 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 80 |
Unaron Borodos Unarmed 90 | Handaxe 80 | Longknife 70
Jorith 6’8” | 240 lbs. | appears 30 y.o.
Fodorin Skills: Awareness 65 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 80 |
Unarmed 90 | Handaxe 80 | Longknife 70

Diunath 6’10” | 260 lbs. | appears 35 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 70 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 80 |
Unarmed 95 | Poleaxe 90 | Handaxe 85

Fodorin 6’2” | 190 lbs. | appears 25 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 50 | Juggling 90 | Initiative 70 |
Carack Dodge 80 | Unarmed 80 | Handaxe 70 | Longknife 60
Diunath Lescath __________________________________________

Gwayn 6’11” | 250 lbs. | appears 35 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 65 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 80 |
Roscallor Jorith Unarmed 90 | Spear 85 | Handaxe 75

Lescath 6’9” | 260 lbs. | appears 30 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 45 | Initiative 60 | Dodge 70 |
Unarmed 85 | Spear 80 | Handaxe 70
Prendor 6’8” | 220 lbs. | appears 25 y.o.
Skills: Awareness 55 | Flute 85 | Initiative 70 | Dodge
COMBAT PROFILES 80 | Unarmed 80 | Club 70 | Longknife 60
Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P
Roscallor 6’11” | 240 lbs. | appears 20 y.o.
Poleaxe 8 11 25 5 -25 6 | 9| 6
Skills: Awareness 55 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 80 |
Spear 5 11 20 10 -10 4 | • | 7 Unarmed 90 | Spear 40 | Handaxe 25
Club 3 9 15 5 • 4 | • |(3)
Terem 6’4” | 230 lbs. | appears 30 y.o.
Handaxe 3 11 10 5 • 4 | 6 |(4)
Skills: Awareness 60 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 45 |
Longknife 1 12 10 15 • 1 | 3 | 5 Unarmed 90 | Spear 85 | Longknife 75

Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F Unaron 6’6” | 200 lbs. | appears 30 y.o.

Skull None - • | • | • | • Skills: Awareness 60 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 45 |
Unarmed 90 | Spear 80 | Longknife 70
Shoulder Quilt+cloth/lthr +0 6/2 | 4/4 | 3/3 | 5/3
Upper Arm Quilt+cloth/lthr +0 6/2 | 4/4 | 3/3 | 5/3 All of Noron’s sons wear cloth and quilt tunics except for
Fodorin and Prendor, who only wear cloth, and Diunath
Thorax Quilt+cloth/lthr +0 6/2 | 4/4 | 3/3 | 5/3 and Gwayn who wear leather. Weapon of choice is
Abdomen Quilt+cloth/lthr +0 6/2 | 4/4 | 3/3 | 5/3 indicated by the combat skills.Mel
Hip Quilt+cloth/lthr +0 6/2 | 4/4 | 3/3 | 5/3
Groin Quilt+cloth/lthr +0 6/2 | 4/4 | 3/3 | 5/3
Thigh Cloth/lthr +0 1/2 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/3 WHEREABOUTS
Foot Leather +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 With the exception of Diunath, all sons are typically
All others Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 found around the settlement of Noron’s Keep.

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Culture: Viking
Saanfrin Haidaar – 5’9” | 195 lbs. | 70 y.o.
Social Class: Various Skills: Awareness 60 | Initiative 60 | Dodge 65 | Un-
Obvious Medical Traits: Misc armed 50 | Shortsword 60 | Warhammer 70 | Shield 75
Apparent Occupation: Warrior
Arlerik Haidaar (son) – 5’7” | 187 lbs. | 39 y.o.
Apparent Wealth: Varies Skills: Awareness 55 | Initiative 85 | Dodge 80, Un-
Affiliates: The Geldestaars armed 70 | Handaxe 75 | Dagger 65 | Shield 80
of Lorkin
Jarik Haidaar (brother) – 5’6” | 206 lbs. | 61 y.o.
Skills: Awareness 55 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 75 | Un-
armed 55 | Dagger 55 | Shield 75

Fyria Haidaar (niece) – 5’6” | 190 lbs. | 38 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 50 | Initiative 80 | Dodge 65 | Un-
armed 85 | Warhammer 90 | Dagger 70

Clorik Haidaar (cousin) – 5’8” | 321 lbs. | 33 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 40 | Initiative 65 | Dodge 50 | Un-
armed 45 | Handaxe 60 | Dagger 60 | Shield 65

Maekeryn Bilingdaar – 6’2” | 245 lbs. | 43 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 45 | Initiative 60 | Dodge 60, Un-
armed 80 | Handaxe 85 | Dagger 65

Average huscarl (x10)

Skills: Awareness 65 | Initiative 75 | Dodge 65 | Un-
armed 75 | Pole Axe 70 | Dagger 75 | Shield 60

All named vikings wear cloth, quilt, chainmail and a half

helmet, except Fyria Haidaar, who wears a leather tunic
and leggings. All others wear cloth and quilt.

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Warhammer 5 11 15 5 -5 6 | • | (5)
Dagger 1 11 5 5 • 1 | 2 | 5
Handaxe 3 11 10 5 • 4 | 6 | (4)
Shortsword 2 12 10 5 • 2 | 4| 4
Pole Axe 8 11 25 5 -15 6 | 9| 6
Round Shield 6 13 5 20 • 2 | • | (3)
Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F
Skull Half helmet +0 6 | 10 | 6 | 2
Shoulder Quilt+cloth/mail +0 6/7 | 4/11 | 3/7 | 5/5
Upper Arm Quilt+cloth/mail +0 6/7 | 4/11 | 3/7 | 5/5
Thorax Quilt+cloth/mail +0 6/7 | 4/11 | 3/7 | 5/5
Abdomen Quilt+cloth/mail +0 6/7 | 4/11 | 3/7 | 5/5
Hip Quilt+cloth/mail +0 6/7 | 4/11 | 3/7 | 5/5
Groin Quilt+cloth/mail +0 6/7 | 4/11 | 3/7 | 5/5
Thigh Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Foot Leather +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
All others Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Culture: Jarin
Tymas of Baswhyl – 5’4” | 135 lbs. | 56 y.o.
Social Class: Rebels Skills: Awareness 50, Initiative 40 | Dodge 50 |
Obvious Medical Traits: Misc Unarmed 55 | Grainflail 60 | Dagger 70
Apparent Occupation: Woodsman, hunter
Mikyl of Callyn – 5’6” | 147 lbs. | 48 y.o.
Apparent Wealth: None Skills: Awareness 70 | Initiative 65 | Dodge 65 |
Companions: Other Unarmed 70 | Longbow 65 | Sickle 65 | Dagger 60
Aenghysa and
Chuchlaen Kavyn of Baery – 5’5” | 123 lbs. | 39 y.o.
Wheelwright Skills: Awareness 75 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 70 | Un-
armed 75 | Longbow 60 | Morningstar 65 | Dagger 70
members ___________________________________________

Average cleric (x15)

Skills: Awareness 45, | Initiative 40 | Dodge 50,
Unarmed 55 | Staff 45 | Dagger 50

Average Aenghysa fighter (x106)

Skills: Awareness 50 | Initiative 55 | Dodge 60 |
Unarmed 65 | Longbow 60 | Shortsword 55 | Dagger 60

Average Cheyn Mhic Cainte fighter (x18)

Skills: Awareness 60 | Initiative 60 | Dodge 65 |
Unarmed 70 | Longbow 55 | Shortsword 55 | Dagger 65

All named individuals wear cloth except for Mikyl of Callyn

and Kavyn of Baery, who also wear leather tunics. Average
clerics wear cloth, average fighters wear cloth and leather
tunics. Weapon of choice is indicated by the combat skills.

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B | E | P

Dagger 1 11 5 5 • 1 | 2 | 5
Shortsword 2 12 10 5 • 2 |4 | 4
Staff 4 11 20 15 -10 4 | • | •
Morningstar 5 11 20 5 -10 0 | • | 5
Sickle 1 9 5 5 • 1 | 4| 3
Grainflail 2 9 20 5 • 5 | • | •
Missile Wpns Wt. WQ Short Med Long Ext
Longbow 3 11 25/8 50/7 100/6 200/5
Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F
Skull None +0 • | • | • | •
Shoulder Cloth/cloth+lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Upper Arm Cloth/cloth+lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Thorax Cloth/cloth+lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Abdomen Cloth/cloth+lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Hip Cloth/cloth+lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Groin Cloth/cloth+lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Thigh Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Foot Leather +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
All others Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Culture: Jarin
Name: Acinn| Human | Female
Social Class: Rebel
Occupation: Cleric | Born: 21 Halane 696 (Tarael)
Obvious Medical Traits: None
Appearance: 24 y.o, height 5’ 6”, light frame, 129 lbs,
Apparent Occupation: Ilviran acolyte size 6, attractive, fair skin, auburn hair, green eyes
Apparent Wealth: None
Companions: (Gedan resistance fighters) STR 8 AGL 15 SML 10 WIL 17 CML 14

STA 12 EYE 14 VOI 15 AUR 8 END 12

DEX 13 HRG 13 INT 13 MOR 15 MOV 17

Medical/Psyche: Left handed

Physical Skills: Climbing 48 | Jumping 52 | Stealth 45
Throwing 48 | Swimming 48 | Skiing 12
Communication Skills: Awareness 56 | Intrigue 39 |
Oratory 30 | Rhetoric 48 | Singing 42
Languages/Scripts: Jarinese 65 | Old Jarinese 45 |
Ivashi 45 | Khruni 85 | Lakise 15 | Runic 15
Lore/Craft Skills: Animalcraft (Ivashu) 32 | Drawing
52 | Folklore 39 | Embalming 12 | Law 16 | Physician
39 | Tarotry 30 | Herblore 24
Religion: Ilvir | Ritual: 48 | Piety: 60
Combat Skills: Initiative 80 | Unarmed 45 | Dodge 80
Dagger 52 | Handaxe 52 | Shortbow 48
Money/Valuables: 10d in silver
Armor/Weapons: Cloth shirt, leather jacket, cloth
leggings, leather boots, dagger, axe, shortbow
Other Equipment: None
Load: 23.8 lbs Encumbrance: 2

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Dagger 1 11 5 5 • 1 | 2 | 5
Shortsword 3 11 10 5 • 2 | 3 | (4)
Missile Wpns Wt. WQ Short Med Long Ext
Short Bow 1 10 4/4 8/3 16/2 32/2
Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F
Skull None +0 • | • | • | •
Shoulder Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Upper Arm Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Thorax Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Abdomen Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
WHEREABOUTS Hip Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Groin Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Acinn is typically present at the Gedan temple.
There is a 20% chance at any time that she will be Thigh Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
out gathering firewood or herbs, or doing errands
Foot Leather +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
for Tymas of Baswhyl, but she is rarely gone for
more than a day at a time. All others Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Culture: Jarin/Anoa half-breed
Name: Wygerond| Human | Male
Social Class: Outcast
Occupation: Ranger | Born: 1 Kelen 679 (Aralius)
Obvious Medical Traits: Ambidextrous
Appearance: 41 y.o, height 5’ 7”, light. frame, 135 lbs,
Apparent Occupation: Woodsman size 5, average, medium skin, black hair, brown eyes
Apparent Wealth: None
Companions: Anoa STR 14 AGL 16 SML 16 WIL 10 CML 9

STA 17 EYE 17 VOI 9 AUR 7 END 14

DEX 13 HRG 16 INT 11 MOR 10 MOV 18

Medical/Psyche: Ambidextrous, Xenophobia

Physical Skills: Climbing 65 | Jumping 65 | Stealth 70
Throwing 55 | Swimming 30 | Skiing 25
Communication Skills: Awareness 65 | Intrigue 27 |
Oratory 27 | Rhetoric 30 | Singing 33
Languages/Scripts: Jarinese 40
Lore/Craft Skills: Animalcraft 24 | Fletching 28 |
Folklore 52 | Herblore 45 | Physician 28 | Survival 65 |
Timbercraft 42 | Tracking 74 | Weatherlore 60
Religion: N/A | Ritual: – | Piety: –
Combat Skills: Initiative 85 | Unarmed 55 | Dodge 65
Longknife 75 | Handaxe 65 | Short Bow 60 | Sword 55
Money/Valuables: 5d in silver
Armor/Weapons: Cloth cape, cloth shirt, leather
surcoat, cloth leggings, leather boots, battlesword,
longknife, hatchet, shortbow, 20 arrows
Other Equipment: Rope, fishing gear
Load: 48 lbs Encumbrance: 3

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Longknife 1 11 5 5 • 1 | 2 | 5
Battlesword 3 11 10 5 • 2 | 3 | (4)
Missile Wpns Wt. WQ Short Med Long Ext
Short Bow 1 10 4/4 8/3 16/2 32/2
Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F
Skull None +0 • | • | • | •
Shoulder Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Upper Arm Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Thorax Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Abdomen Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
WHEREABOUTS Hip Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Groin Cloth+leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Wygerond is seldom found at his farmstead, except
for at harvesting time in the late summer. At other Thigh Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
times, he is typically roaming the Elorna Hills,
Foot Leather +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
foraging and hunting. There is a 10% chance at any
time to find him at or around Merwyth Hill. All others Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Culture: Barbarian
Chieftain – 5’6” | 160 lbs. | 40-50 y.o.
Social Class: Tribal Skills: Awareness 70 | Initiative 75 | Dodge 65 | Un-
Obvious Medical Traits: Misc armed 70 | Dagger 70 | Hatchet 65 | Longbow 60
Apparent Occupation: Hunter/gatherer
Experienced Warrior – 5’6” | 150 lbs. | 30-50 y.o.
Apparent Wealth: None Skills: Awareness 65 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 60 | Un-
Companions: Other Taelda armed 65 | Dagger 65 | Hatchet 60 | Longbow 55

Journeyman Warrior – 5’6” | 140 lbs. | 20-30 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 60 | Initiative 65 | Dodge 55 | Un-
armed 60 | Dagger 60 | Hatchet 55 | Longbow 50

Novice Warrior – 5’6” | 130 lbs. | 15-20 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 55 | Initiative 60 | Dodge 50 | Un-
armed 55 | Dagger 55 | Hatchet 50 | Longbow 45

Hunter/Gatherer – 5’6” | 120 lbs. | 15-50 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 65 | Initiative 45 | Dodge 45
Unarmed 45 | Dagger 50 | Sickle 45 | Staff 40

All barbarians wear layers of fur and hide equivalent to

cloth and leather. Weapon of choice is indicated by the
combat skills.

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B | E | P

Hatchet 2 9 5 5 • 3 | 4 | •
Dagger 1 11 5 5 • 1 | 2 | 5
Sickle 1 9 5 5 • 1 | 4 | 3
Staff 4 11 20 15 -10 4 | • | •
Missile Wpns Wt. WQ Short Med Long Ext
Longbow 3 11 25/8 50/7 100/6 200/5
Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F
Skull None +0 • | • | • | •
Shoulder Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Upper Arm Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Thorax Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Abdomen Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Hip Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Groin Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Thigh Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Foot Hide +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
All others Hide +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Culture: Barbarian
Chieftain – 5’6” | 160 lbs. | 40-50 y.o.
Social Class: Tribal Skills: Awareness 70 | Initiative 80 | Dodge 70 | Un-
Obvious Medical Traits: Misc armed 75 | Longknife 75 | Handaxe 70 | Longbow 65
Apparent Occupation: Hunter/gatherer
Experienced Warrior – 5’6” | 150 lbs. | 30-50 y.o.
Apparent Wealth: None Skills: Awareness 65 | Initiative 75 | Dodge 65 | Un-
Companions: Other Anoa armed 70 | Longknife 70 | Handaxe 65 | Longbow 60

Journeyman Warrior – 5’6” | 140 lbs. | 20-30 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 60 | Initiative 70 | Dodge 60 | Un-
armed 65 | Longknife 65 | Handaxe 60 | Longbow 55

Novice Warrior – 5’6” | 130 lbs. | 15-20 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 55 | Initiative 65 | Dodge 55 | Un-
armed 60 | Longknife 60 | Handaxe 55 | Longbow 50

Hunter/Gatherer – 5’6” | 120 lbs. | 15-50 y.o.

Skills: Awareness 65 | Initiative 50 | Dodge 50
Unarmed 50 | Dagger 55 | Sickle 50 | Stick 45

All barbarians wear layers of fur and hide equivalent to

cloth and leather. Weapon of choice is indicated by the
combat skills.

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B | E | P

Longknife 1 11 5 5 • 1 | 2 | 5
Handaxe 2 12 10 5 • 2 |4 | 4
Dagger 4 11 20 15 -10 4 | • | •
Sickle 5 11 20 5 -10 0 | • | 5
Stick 1 9 5 5 • 1 | 4| 3
Missile Wpns Wt. WQ Short Med Long Ext
Longbow 3 11 25/8 50/7 100/6 200/5
Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F
Skull Hide +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
Shoulder Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Upper Arm Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Thorax Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Abdomen Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Hip Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Groin Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Thigh Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
Foot Fur + hide +0 3 | 5 | 4 | 4
All others Hide +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Origin: Gedan
Gargu-Arak – 3’ | 70 lbs.
Description: Smaller and lighter than Skills: Awareness 79, Initiative 51 | Dodge 45 |
other gargun; streaky brown Unarmed 75 | Club 70 | Dagger 70 | Mankar 60
or tawny fur.
All orcs wear cloth and leather.

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Club 3 8 15 5 • 4 | • | (3)
Dagger 1 10 5 5 • 1 | 2| 5
Mankar 2 10 10 5 • 2 | 5| 0

Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F

Skull None - • | • | • | •
Shoulder Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Upper Arm Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Thorax Cloth + leather +0 3 | 5 | 4 |4
Abdomen Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Hip Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Groin Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Thigh Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Foot None +0 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
All others Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1


Origin: Zhakom, Pyxyn
Gargu-Hyeka – 3’8” | 90 lbs.
Description: Common
Skills: Awareness 60, Initiative 70 | Dodge 65 |
orc; black to Unarmed 80 | Mankar 70 | Hatchet 70 | Shield 70
auburn fur.
Ordinary orcs wear cloth, leaders also wear leather.

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Mankar 2 10 10 5 • 2 | 5 |0
Hatchet 2 8 5 5 • 3 | 5 | •
Buckler 3 11 5 15 • 1 | • | (2)

Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F

Skull None - • | • | • | •
Shoulder Cloth/cloth +lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Upper Arm Cloth/cloth +lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Thorax Cloth/cloth +lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Abdomen Cloth/cloth +lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Hip Cloth/cloth +lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Groin Cloth/cloth +lthr +0 1/3 | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/4
Thigh Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Foot None +0 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
All others None +0 • | • | • | •

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
Origin: Zhakom, Pyxyn
Gargu-Khanu – 4’2” | 120 lbs.
Description: Great orc; Skills: Awareness 70, Initiative 85 | Dodge 80 |
black or dark Unarmed 90 | Mang 80 | Morningstar 75 | Dagger 70
brown fur.
Ordinary orcs wear quilt, leaders wear mail and helmets.

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Mang 3 10 15 10 -5 3| 6 |0
Morningstar 5 10 20 5 -10 0| • | 5
Dagger 1 10 5 5 • 1 |2 | 5

Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F

Skull None/plate - 0/6 |0/10| 0/6 | 0/2
Shoulder Quilt/quilt+mail +0 5/7 | 3/11 | 2/7 | 4/5
Upper Arm Quilt +0 5 | 3 | 2 | 4
Thorax Quilt/quilt+mail +0 5/7 | 3/11 | 2/7 | 4/5
Abdomen Quilt/quilt+mail +0 5/7 | 3/11 | 2/7 | 4/5
Hip Quilt/quilt+mail +0 5/7 | 3/11 | 2/7 | 4/5
Groin Quilt/quilt+mail +0 5/7 | 3/11 | 2/7 | 4/5
Thigh Quilt +0 5 | 3 | 2 | 4
Foot Leather +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
All others None +0 0 | 0 | 0 | 0


Origin: Zedabir
Gargu-Viasal – 4’ | 100 lbs.
Description: Red orc; auburn to red fur.
Skills: Awareness 60 | Initiative 60 | Dodge 40 |
Unarmed 85 | Mang 80 | Spear 70 | Shield 60
Ordinary orcs wear cloth, leaders wear quilt.

Melee Wpns Wt. WQ AC DC HM B |E |P

Mang 3 10 15 10 -5 3 | 6 | 0
Spear 5 10 20 10 -10 4 | • | 7
Roundshield 6 12 5 20 • 2 | • | (3)

Location Armor Layers AQ B | E | P | F

Skull None - • | • | • | •
Shoulder Cloth/cloth+quilt +0 1/6 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/5
Upper Arm Cloth/cloth+quilt +0 1/6 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/5
Thorax Cloth/cloth+quilt +0 1/6 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/5
Abdomen Cloth/cloth+quilt +0 1/6 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/5
Hip Cloth/cloth+quilt +0 1/6 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/5
Groin Cloth/cloth+quilt +0 1/6 | 1/4 | 1/3 | 1/5
Thigh Cloth +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
Foot Leather +0 2 | 4 | 3 | 3
All others None +0 1 | 1 | 1 | 1

Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc
The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye Campaign Map
0 30 60 90 120 150




3 days 1 day


1.3 days 1 day


1 day 1 day


(For more detailed

movement rates,
see HarnMaster


(Columbia Games
#XX00) and Pilot’s Lokis
Almanac (Columbia


Games #XX00)








Copyright © 2020 Jay Sojdelius, N. Robin Crossby and Columbia Games, Inc


Geldeheim Gedan


Leriel Anrist Point

Noron’s Keep






Golotha Pesino







Secrets of the Misty Isle

Harn is a verdant, hilly, o ten mist-enshrouded island of approximately

240,000 square miles (almost three times the size of Great Britain), some-
what set apart from mainland Lythia (the largest continent of the planet
Kethira). It is considered a bit of an uncivilized backwater by the people of
Lythia, but also holds a strong appeal and mystery for the adventurous.
is module includes an introduction to Harn for players and GMs who are
unfamiliar with the setting, and presents an overview of numerous specific
is module also contains Chapter 3 of e Saga of Gundar Green-Eye; an
expansive Harn campaign which will take the characters from the ords of
Menglana to the shores of Harn and beyond, in search of the culprits who
murdered their parents.
Note: Some of the contents in this module were previously published
independently, as the fanon articles Anrist Point – Home of the Riddlemaster.
and Shese – Stronghold of the Slayers.
is fanon article builds on: Harn (Columbia Games #5101), Sorkin Mountains
(#5890), Noron’s Keep (#5887), Lorkin (#5818), Gedan (#5885) and Leriel (#5815).

fanon fanon

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