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Shalom dear people.

I thank you all those who cooperated with us and made Sunday a
success. Asanteni kwa wale wote waliweza kuchingia kwa mazao na
hawakuweza kufika. Asanteni kwa wale tulishirikiana kwa usafi siku ya
jumamosi na baadae kununua mazao na kuchinja mbuzi. Asanteni kwa
wale tuliohudhuria misa ya pili na kufanikisha huduma hiyo. Na mwisho
kabisa asanteni kwa sote tulishirikiana kwa mapishi na baadae usafi.
Sisi Kama Vijana tunaitwa tunyanyuke, Tutii na Tuweze kushirikiana kwa
umoja kulitangaza neno la Mungu na kuyafanya yale yanayoimarisha
uhusiano wetu sisi wenyewe. Ask your self, matendo yako no ya
kututenganisha ama ni ya kutuunganisha⁉️
I urge you all to mend your ways especially those who have had this
tendance of not attending meetings. This is a youth congregation and its
always advisable that when someone gets tired with the Shirika, we are
allowed to excuse you join other Shirikas like CMA & CWA. Let's all have
a sense and purpose of belonging to this youth congregation & let's not
be petty na Tupendane.
Otherwise our mbuzi party was successful Last sunady. Asanteni kwa
kujitolea na kupika wenyewe kwa umoja. It shows how muture you guys
really are. The priest was happy to see you cooking together and
encouraged for the same spirit come next time. Therefore I commend
you all for the good job well done. Surely you guys never dissapoint, so
tuzidi na moyo huo wa kushirikiana.
Lastly as we said in our last meeting, come End of January next year
Tunatarajia Kupokelewa Officially kwenye Shirika so that we commit
ourselves further. Our uniform for that costs Ksh1100. Naomba tuanze
kutoa kidogo kidogo ili ifika Januari tuweze kumalizia na kujipanga.
That's all from the News Desk. Wishing you Merry Christmas 🎅 and a
prosperous New year 2024. God Bless you All🙏. I thank you.

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