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Sensory Memory
Hearing the sweet sound of my boyfriend's laughter after I told him something funny was like a
beautiful moment frozen in time. That instant when his laughter filled the air was a sensory
memory, capturing the magic of that sweet and fleeting sound.
b. Short-term Memory
In the heat of a Call of Duty match with my boyfriend, I had to quickly recall the name of our
teammate. It was a rapid mental task, a short-term memory flash, all because I wanted to
playfully whine to my boyfriend that he was stealing my spotlight for the MVP title.
c. Long-term Memory
One of the significant milestones in my gaming journey was learning how to use all five fingers
in playing Call of Duty, and I owe that skill to my boyfriend. The process of mastering this
technique became a part of my long-term memory, a valuable skill that I carry with me
whenever I dive into the world of gaming.

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