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‘ORDER NO. AD9G08186C8 Service Manual AV Control Stereo Receiver Receiver DiCi(easr soanaono SA-GX350 PRO-LOGIC SPECIFICATIONS (DIN 45 500) MIAMPLIFIER SECTION Power output (at 240¥) DIN tkHz (T.H.D. 1%) 2«80W (40) 20H2—20kHz continuous power output both channals driven 2x50W (60) Total harmonie distortion rated power at 20Hz—20kHz 0.05% (80) half power at 1kHz 0.03% (80) Power output at the Dolby Pro Logic operation DIN titHz (T.H.D. 1%) Front 2x4oWw (40) Center ow (40) Rear 20w (49) Intermodulation distortion rated power at 60Hz: 7kH2=4: 1, SMPTE 05% (80) Power bandwidth both channels driven, -348 s0H2—40kH2 (20) Damping factor 40 (60) Input sensitivity and impedance PHONO amvis7ka CD, VOR 1, VCR 2, TAPEIDCC SSIN at rated power (80) PHONO 70d (IHF, A: 8048) CD, VER 1, VCR 2, TAPEIDCC 75dB (IHF, A: 8848) Frequency response PHONO PIAA standard curve (GoHz~ 15kHiz) +0.808 1o2—40kHe, +308 Poomviz2ko 6D, VCR 1, VOR 2, TAPEIDCG ‘Tone controls BASS S0Hz, +10 to —10d8 TREBLE 20kHz, +10 to — 108 Technics ‘Area Sulfiefor eae Area Colour © _| Europe. (GB) _| Groat Britain (€6)_| Germany. ‘Asia, Latin America, |" (@) | Midéte Near East and Africa, (en) [ Oceania. % Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Additionally licensed under one (of more of the following patents: U.S. numbers 3,692,886, 3,746,702 and 3,950,590; Canadian numbers 1,004,603’ and 44097,877. “Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Output voltage VOR 1 OUT, TAPE/DCC REC (OUT) 2oomv Channel balance (250H2—6.3kH2) 2108 Channel separation 558 Headphones output level and impedance 480mv/3300 Load impedance RorB AandB INFM TUNER SECTION Frequency range 87.50—108,00MH2 ‘Sensitivity SIN 2048 1 snvi7sa. SIN 26dB i 3nvi7sa. SIN 2048 12yv7sa. IHF usable sensitivity ) 1.5 nVI750 IMF 468 stereo quieting sen: 2onVi75Q, Total harmonie distortion MONO 02% ‘STEREO 03% SIN MONO 6008 (7548, 1HF) ‘STEREO 58d8 (7148, IHF) Frequency response Alternate channel selectivity 20H215kHz, +168, ~2d8 =400KH2 688 Capture ratio 1.008 Image rejection at S8MHz 408 IF rejection at 98MHz Toda Spurious response rejection at 98MHz 70a8 AM suppression 5008 Stereo separation kHz 4008 SA-GX350 Cartier leak 19kHz —800B (—2508, IHF) 3ekHz =500B ($508, IHF) ‘Channel balance (250H2~6.3kH2) #1508 Limiting point 12a Bandwidth TF amplifier se0KHe FM demodulator s000kH2 Antenna terminal(s) 750 (unbatanced) IAM TUNER SECTION + For (E, EB, G, GN) areas. Frequency range MW [For (E, EB) areas] 5221611 kHz (9kt2 steps) 530 1820kH2 (1O}tHz stops) [For (@, GN) areas.) 501 — 1602kH2 (BkHz steps) 580—1600kHz (TOktHz steps) LW [For (€, £8) areas) 144—208KH2 [For (G, GN) areas.| 163~270kH2 Sensitivity (SIN 2048) ww 20uV, 290,Vi tw 45nV Selectivity MW (at 999KH2) 5508 LW (at 252kHz2) 5508 Image rejection MW (at 299KH2) 4008 LW (at 252kH2) 4008 IF rejection MW (at 999kH2) 5508 LW (at 252kH2) 5508 + For (EG) a Froquency range Ba2kHe~161skHz (8kH2 stops) Sa0kH2~1620kHz (10-KHz steps) MICONTENTS FRONT PANEL CONTROLS a4 CAUTION FOR AC MAINS LEAD. EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS... ANTENNA CONNECTIONS, ‘ACCESSORIES ‘SPEAKER CONNECTIONS. METHOD FOR USE.. REMOTE CONTROL. DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS. HOW TO REPLACEMENT THE POWER IG AND REGULATOR IC. HOW TO CHECK THE MAIN P.CB. FAN MOTOR TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE. Selectivity (S/N 2048) 20K, 830HV/ Selectivity at 999kH2 5508 Image relection at 999kHz 4008 IW relection at 999kHz 5508 IIVIDEO SECTION Output voltage at 1V Input (unbalanced) 120.1Vpp ‘Maximum input votta 15Vpp WEGENERAL Power consumption For (E, EB, EG, GN) areas. 2o0w For (6) area. 270W Power supply For (E, EB, GN) areas. AC SOHz/60H2, 290V—240¥ For (EG) area. ‘AC 5OI6OHz, 230 For (@) area. ‘AG SOHzI60H2, 110—127V/220—240V Dimensions (WxH>D) 430 196% 352mm ‘Weight 2.9k9 I REMOTE CONTROL TRANSMITTER Control keys 40 keys Dimensions (WxHxD) 70x27 x 475mm (esta x 1.1116" x857/64") Weight 125g (4.402) Power source two "AAA", (UM-4/R03) Notes: 1. Design and specications are eubjact to change without notice. ‘Weight and dimensions are approximate, 2, Total harmonic eistortion is measured by the digital spectrum analyzer. ‘TERMINAL FUNCTION OF IC.. BLOCK DIAGRAM. PROTECTION CIRCUITA BEFORE REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENT. TERMINAL GUIDE OF IC’S, TRANSISTORS ‘AND DIODES.. ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM... PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS. WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM. CABINET PARTS LOCATION .. REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST.. RESISTORS AND CAPACITORS. PACKAGING MIFRONT PANEL CONTROLS No, ‘Name Control section Q Memory indicator @ Band indicators - De PLY @ Tape monitor indicator @ FM stereo indicator G3 VCR select indicator @ Input selectorifrequency display Z 5 / A, 7 @ DOLBY PRO LOGIC SURROUND @ Mating indicator = : indicator —— — ae (See ae @ Centerirear level display SVT @ DOLBY PRO LOGIC 3 STEREO Tel P/PYE Indicator @ Center mode indicators be ‘be Yi Wh b b @ Speaker select indicators No. ‘Name @ Power “ ¢h STANDBY/O! amount of power. ” switch (POWER, ) STANDBY/ON) Press to such the unit rom ono stangby made or vee ver: sa. In standby mose, the unt ie stil consuming @ smal @ Tuning buttons (TUNING) @ Numeric buttons (1-0) @ DOLBY PRO LoGic SURROUND ON/OFF button (SURROUND) @® DOLBY PRO LOGIC 3 STEREO ON/OFF button (3 STEREO) @ Test signal ON/OFF button (TEST) Center level adjust button (CENTER LEVEL) @ Rear level adjust button (REAR LEVEL) @ Center mode select button (CENTER MODE) @ Memory button (MEMORY) @ Muting button (MUTING) ( Volume control (VOLUME) @ Headphone jack (PHONES) @ Direct tuning button (DIRECT TUNING) ® ‘Speaker select buttons (SPEAKERS) @ Band (® FM mode select button (FM MODE) ict button (BAND) (@ Input select buttons @ Tape/DCC monitor button (TAPE/DGC [MONITOR] ) @ Balance control (BALANCE) @ Bass control (BASS) @ Treble control (TREBLE) Display section No. Name @ Remote control signal receptor @ “STANDBY” indicator ‘When the unit Ie connected othe AC mains Supply, his in efeatorigts up in standoy mode and goes out when the unit is tumedon @ Quartz tock indicator CAUTION FOR AC MAINS LEAD (“EB area code model only) For your safety, please read the following text carefully. Tis appliance is supplied wih a moulded three pin mains plug for your safety and convenience. 2A S-ampere fuse is fted inthis plug. Should the fuse need to be replaced please ensure that the replacement fuse has a rating of S-empere and that [is approved by ASTA or BS! to BS1362. Ghock for the ASTA mark > oF the BSI mark on the body of the fuse If the plug contains a removable fuse cover you ‘must ensure that itis refltted when the fuse Is replac- ed. if you lose the fuse cover the plug must not be used until 2 replacement cover is obtained. A replacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local dealer. CAUTION! IF THE FITTED MOULDED PLUG IS UN- SUITABLE FOR THE SOCKET OUTLET IN YOUR HOME THEN THE FUSE SHOULD BE REMOVED AND THE PLUG CUT OFF AND DISPOSED OF SAFELY. THERE IS A DANGER OF SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOCK IF THE QUT OFF PLUG IS INSERTED INTO ANY 13-AMPERE SOCKET. anew plug is tobe fitted please observe the wiring code as shown below. in any doubt please consulta qualified electrician IMPORTANT The wires In this mains lead are coloured in accor: dance with the following code: Blue; Neutral Brown: Live ‘As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured ‘markings identifying the terminals in your plug, pro- ceed as follows: The wire which is coloured BLUE must be con- ected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK. ‘The wire which is coloured BROWN must be con- nected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED. Under no circumstances should either of these wires be connected to the earth terminal of the three pin plug, marked with the letter E or the Earth Sym f- Before use Remove the connector cover as follows. ty (comer How to replace the fuse 1. Remove the fuse cover with @ sorewdtiver EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS SA-GX350__ SA-GX350 Connecting audio equipment Connecting video equipment Soroe connection sable rt rode) vwnne@ » fed) ———Co- CD player (or CD changer) {not included) Tape deck or digital compact cassette deck (DCC) (not included) ‘Stereo connection eabie not Included) —_———— ‘Socond VCR (lor playack only) — == | — [- SES eo N) | C= = pay (oun ft ourpur Only for turntable ‘with ground terminal alo Ow lee Se © nt TS ® 00 ‘Antenna torminals. See pages 10~11. Turntable [A] “REMOTE CONTROL OUT” terminal Connect the connection cable for the remote control to a ‘Technics tape deck andlor CD player (or CD changer) which has the appropriate remote control terminal as shown below. It a tape deck is not being usod, the CD player (or CD changer) can be connected directly (dotted line). 0 player Tape deck (or CD changer) {oot included) (nt included) MoT NTL Ewa moe f [é Connection cables fof remote control (Pot Included) For aD player (or CD changer) with a remote control sensor the above connection Is not necessary. [A] Speaker: ‘See pages 9— 10. (0 included) Monitor TV (Got included) video connection cables (not included) Cooling fan The cooling fan operates et high Power output levels only =~ Video connection cables To the power voltage (For (@) area only.) Set the vollage selector to the voltage setting for the area in Wich the unit wll be used, Note that tis ui wil be seriously damaged if this sting i not made contest Voltage selector [AC power supply cord (included) ‘Connect tis cord after all other cables and ‘cords are connected (For areas except (@N)) Nemo ore Even when the connector is perfectly inserted, the front part of the connector jutout as shown inthe drawing However theres no problem us ing the unt. Household To connect a video deck with 21 pin scart ter- minal Fst a 21 pin séart cable (not included) (For (EB) area oniy) BE SURE TO READ THE CAUTION FOR THE AC POWER SUPPLY CORD ON PAGE 4 BEFORE CON- NECTION. (For (@) area only) Hf the power plug will not your socket, use the Power plug adaptor (included). 2} ac outer =@ E+E ANTENNA CONNECTIONS FM indoor antenna (inciudea) SA-GX350 FM outdoor antenna (aot included) ‘This antenna ie normally suficent for reception of FM broad caste. FM indoor antenna included) Gy—tave aL v ‘Attach toa wal (using @ tape) facingin the drection of best recep: tion For best reception sound quality: ‘An FM out60o" antenna Is recommended. Disconnect the antenna if an FM outdoor antenna is installed ‘The outdoor antenna should be used when using the maln unit in ‘mountainous areas orn spaces enclosed by reinforced concrete where the FM indoor antenna (Included) does not provide satisfactory reception. ‘An outdoor antenna should be installed by a qualifled technician only For (E, EB, EG) areas. FM outdoor antenna (oot included) TS:ohme coaxial cable (nt included) Gr tei 6. ee For (G, GN) areas. FM outdoor antenna (Got inctudes) 75.0hms {1 s00ohms Conta cabo 11 teeoer wie (oot neue) J (eotinauceds PL — Antenna plus uded) See page 8 for using the antenna plug (includ- ed). ‘SA-GX350 How to use the antenna plug (included) (For (, GN) areas) Two types of wire are most commonly used for connection trom the antenna: 300-0hme paraiel feeder wite or 7Sahms coaxial cable, For best resistance to outside interference, the use of 75 ‘hms coaxial cable is suggested To connect a 75-ohms coaxial cable- © Remove @ piece of the outer viny insulator. om a; Lt i H 20mm eso") 10 mm a6") { Gaara comr wh pug te ae fet the tabs are pulled too hard, the casing may be damag- ee ©& @ Remove the lead wire and clamp it withthe plastic bar. Lead wire Clamp the cable Conductor, and wind it (on 80 that it doesn't Contact anything else. vith pliers. @ Attach the cover. ‘AM loop antenna taciuded This antenna is normally sufficient for reception of MWILW broad- a ‘AM loop antenna {nctudec) @) es a a Au Looe ar ‘Connect the AM loop antenna to the AM loop antenna terminals, and mount it vertically tothe rear panel ofthis unit Rear panel of this unit ‘AM antennd holder (inctuded) ‘Screws (included) -To connect a 300-ohms feeder wi 00-0hme feeder wire (9ot Included) Loosen the serew to connect the feeder wire and tighten It to secure the connection. When mounting the antenna to a column, a w: or rack ‘Mount it vertical. ‘AM anténna holder uae Screws (Included) ut Pay attention to the following points when mounting the antenna. *Do not mount it horizontally (doing so wl impair reception). +*Do not mount it close to power cards, speaker wires or metal surfaces (ding so will result in noise). ‘Do not mount t close toa tape deck. When the tepe deck is be- ing used, chirping or beeping sounds may result ‘SA-GX350 MISPEAKER CONNECTIONS Placement of speakers AM outdoor antenna toot included) ‘The outdoor antenna should be used when using the main unitin ‘mountainous areas orn spaces enclosed by reinforced concrete DF Ta ail es anunes Oneioasa oes epetoaeeen| ‘As wall as enjoying normal stereo reproduction with both the ltt ‘and right front speakers connected, @ center speaker and rear eeees ‘speakers can algo be connected to the main unit in order to anjoy ‘AM outdoor antenna Playback using the Dolby Pro-Logie Systems. (Pot included) ‘The ilustration below shows whore to place the speakers winon enjoying sound with Dolby Pro-Logic systems. Vinytovered wire ntenna ‘Thelstening postion at which th effec Is the greatest Is a pos (ot includes) Ae op aie tion slightly to the rear of a center position of fve-speaker (cluded) pears However the position should be adjusted to your personal prelerence, because the effect vari to some degree depending upon the type of music and the music source, t+ Front speaker Front speaker {oot included) (not inckuded) (et) Right) eal =] [3 J Center speaker aM woo a (ot inchided) a an Use 512m (16~40 ft) of viny-covered wire horizontally at the window, oF the convenient location \When the unit isnot in use, disconnect the outdoor antenna to prevent possible damage that may be caused by lightning. Never o oO ‘use an qutdoor antenna during an electrical storm, Rear speaker Rear speaker = {ot inctuded) (not inchuded) Be sure to connect the AM loop antenna even when an outdoor et) (Right) antenna is used, ACCESSORIES “© AC power supply cord... 1 pe ‘AM loop antenna. pe. “= Remote control FOR (E8) area, (6PB11887) ‘transmitter pe. (RAK SAgOaXtH) For (GN) ares. (PuA0036-) ‘AM antenna holder....... 1 pe. Ye | Frasers teuaassrn) * nthe Do : a For 8 are = eso) For (, £6, ) areas, @) *seren, 2 pes. Z 2 eee (TNS 10AFZ} s Power plug adaptor «..... 1 pe. e For (6) aoe. Fr (uP52182) + Antenna plug pe. @ + Batteries “AAA” (ROQ/UM4) For (G, GN) areas FU Indoor antenna... 4 pe for remate controt (RFEDO'4) (RsA0007) transmitter 2 pos. Cc cy os Note: These are avalale on slo cute, SA-GX350 | Connection of front speakers Fight speaker Left speaker (oot included) (not includes) To prevent damage to crcutry, ‘over short-cccult postive (+) and negative (~) speaker wire. “8” terminals For connection to @ second pair of speakers. Speaker impedance When only the “A” or only the nected: ‘The impedance of the speaker usod with this unit must be 4~16 a. ” speakers are con- kers are con When both the “A” and the “B” sp nected simultaneously: ‘The impedance of the speaker used with this unit must be 816 a. Connection of rear speakers Right speaker Left speaker (not included) (not included) his unit = Speaker cablee = tuded) ‘Before sound can be heard, the SURROUND made (of the Dolby Protgie system) must be on and both rear speakers must be connected, Speaker impedance The impedance of any speaker used with this unlt must be 4—16 a. Connection of center speaker Center speaker (Pot inckaded) fore sound can be heard, the SUR- ROUND mode or 3 STEREO mode (ot the Dolby Pro-Logie system) must be ‘Speaker oabie al IA (rot inctuded) Te nt Speaker impedance ‘Tne impedance of any speakor used with this unit must be 4—16 a. MIMETHOD FOR USE Use the remote control within 60 degrees and within 7 meters fac- Ing diectly toward the receiver's remote control signal receptor. 30" 20" ‘About 7 meters infront of the {The actual range wil depend on the angle at which the romote control is used) ‘Ar the remote control's transmission window toward the unit's ‘Sensor. Avoid any obstacle, ‘SA-GX350 REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION ‘This remote control transmitter can be used to operate units ‘manufactured by tis company other than this recelver unit, in- cluding CD players (or CD changers), tape decks and also TVs and VORS. Preparations before use * Check the appropriate connection of the power cords and con nection cables forthe remote contol in order to operate CD players (or CD changers) and ape decks correctly. (See page 6 Of the operating instructions for the main unit) ‘Make sure thatthe power of each unit is set tothe "ON" post ‘tion, before beginning the operations. Iyou operate a TV, VOR or CD player (or CD changer) using this remote control, the unit may fall to operate due tothe it fering nature of the remote control signal If the remote control falls to operate: Itis necessary to reprogram the signal within the remote con- ‘rol by folowing this simple procedure. For CD player (or CD changer) operation a) Press POWER and OD simultaneously, hold <2 tor 2 seconds. Ga) For TV operation =a Press POWER and TV simultaneously, hold CB cones For VCR operation Pome Press POWER and VCR simultaneously, e < Avoiddust Avoid dust ‘Be sure the transmission window and the unit's sensor are free fom dust. Excessive dust might affect performance, ‘The operation may not be correct if direct sunlight or anather strong light source strikes the receiving sensor of this unit, If there Is a problem, place the unt away from the light source, ‘When operating a TV, VOR or @ OD player (or CD changer) with a remote control sensor, face this remote control toward the smote control sensor ofthe unit to be operated. 72] noid for 2 seconds, OO carry out te ‘same operations one more time. Depending on the model, there may be cases where opera tion ig stil not possible even if the remote conteol signal Is itched over due 10 diferences in frequency range: characteristics. SA-GX350 Operating the receiver operations Pati = totum mewn onore | €) * LJ ‘Once the unit hes been set to ON, It can be tured ON and OFF simply by pressing POWER. (See below) To lston to sources other ae ‘than a tape or DCC, be sure to: To tum the tape monitor | SAY “Tanalapet OCC. be sure function ONOFF © Sextronte mann GOOG ears aS scar S& & & Teretet noob re [ARE Seer ensrn ie —— are van Logie mode (SURROUND “3 STEREO — (FF CO OO ¢ Bz) aa 3 — nme cdots aet ear Toate ea Ao DOGOO]] | sees ecastaeheaa © Soo Shu e msto> [ony asrce OOjM Co ao rosaustneout | CO)» CCI level of the center rant os Press once more to return to tomuetresounsiner| [=] feeere a To adjust the volume love C_) ‘Aller carrying out the operation onthe reverse page for turing the TV or VOR. ON or OFF, always press TUNER before pressing POWER when turning the rwoelver ON and OFF. To listen to radio broadcasts. BH» 29908 60655 ‘Specify the preset channel using the sumer buttons. (€xample: Channel 12) } (within 2 sec) nes ‘SA-GX350 To listen to compact discs Selecting the desired disc(s) is only ap plicable to a Technies CD changer. Sequential play Direct access play 26665 Oo 8 x5555656% Sevct te dotted dee OCOD Select the desired track number. To solctg,jwodigt track number over 10, press (5 tho necessary numberof times and Than one ofthe C5) — Play wil start from the selected track. « batons Program play +92 SG 2646566 saoct o @ ‘Select tho dosed ese.) program if move. ru Repeat the steps aw. #55569 Select the track num Delete play ___(oriyfora Technies Ob changer with delete play function) 4 +O*& + 4646555 ‘Select a) 2 ‘Select the desired disc. (3) + nous testes § QOQSO 665569 Select the desires — ‘rack number. (8) tasroe For program play and delete play, i this bution is press {6 while playback is stopped, all contents which have been input willbe cleared, To stop play To listen to tapes nly wen using a double cassette deck rr Select tape deck (DECK 1 or DECK 2) *OO Tho remote contol indicator of the cassette deck ie changed (Reverse) (Forward) Cover each time the button is pressed. ‘To stop play ‘4 —3— sacaxsso | To watch TV broadcasts To watch TV broadcasts with a VCR tuner Facing toward the TV. Facing toward the VOR ne rune Faene evade ever oO save cl ap yor fy mode on he “CF j)*3*. > Wieser, "* CO Turn ON the Turn ON the W. ver Facing toward the VOR Select the desired channel. To watch TV broadcasts with just a TV Facing toward the TV Facing toward the TV SSE | saerumoeo Seen a oO 9 eae SH ‘Turn ON the ‘Select the desired channel. wv. To turn OFF the TV = (es) To tum OFF the VCR omen Sry To watch video tapes Facing wag tha TY Facing owed ns oR Facing toward the receiver aay mere vn > => mode on the TV > to“vibeo" oO Turn ON the Turn ON the Ww. ver. + Facing toward the VOR To stop To turn OFF the TV eal orc} To turn OFF the VCR ea) DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS SA-GX350 “ATTENTION SERVICER” ‘Some chassis components may have sharp edges. Be careful when disassembling and servicing. ‘+ Remove the 6 screws(@-@). RefNo. | Removal of the cabinet RefNo. | Removal of the front panel ass'y Procedure Procedure 1 22 a 41. Remove the 3 screws(@~@)- 2. Flamove the front panel ass'y inthe direction of arrow, Reto. | Removal of the volume P.C.B. Procedure Removal of the operation P.C.B., 1-2-3 Volume knob yf 4. Pull out the volume knob. 2. Remove the nut. 3, Release the 1 claw. 4, remove the volume P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. RefNo. | Removal of the power switch P.C.B. 5 and headphones jack P.C.B. Procedure 12534 +5 Power switch ROB. = MPOWER SWITCH P.C.B. Remove the power switch P.C.B. in the direction of arrow ® INHEADPHONES JACK P.C.B. Remove the headphones jack P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. ee power switch P.C.B. and headphones jack P.C.B, Procedure 1o2es—4 Balance knob Base kn Treble knob 1. Pull out the balance knob, bass knob and treble knob. Operation P.CB, 2, Remove the 18 screws( @~ ®). =a sa-cxas0 | Far panel 4, Remove the 16 screws Ref.No, RefNo. | Removal of the tuner P.C.B. and 6 Bosnorel of tie com Dace 7 IN/OUT terminal P.C.B. Procedure Procedure ® 168 1-6-7 ‘— 4 PC. MITUNER P.C.B. ‘© Remove the tuner P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. IN/OUT TERMINAL P.C.B. ‘* Remove the IN/OUT terminal P.C.B. in the direction of arrow®. 2. Remove the ear panel inthe rection of arow. Reto. | Removal ofthe power supply.c.s. | Fete | Removal the power transformer Procedure 1-9 Power supply P.C.B, 1, Remove the 1 flat cable(CN752). 2, Remave the 2 screws(@, @). 8, Remove the power supply P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. enzo 1, Remove the 1 flat eable(CN701). Ref to. | Removal of the power transformer Procedure 1688 10 © Powir transformer 2, Remove the 2 claws. ‘8. Remove the power transformer P.C.B. nthe direction of * Remove the 4 screws(@-@). arrow. = SA-GX350 RefNo. | Removal of the main P.C.B. Procedure | @ ee 1-2—6--7 ait oo Do ‘, eNTOI cN7s2 ® 1. Remove the 2 flat cables(CN701, CN752) 2. Remove the 8 screws(@~@). 8, Remove the main P.C.B. in the direction of arrow. RefNo. | Removal of the power IC and 12 regulator transistor Procedure 1+2-6-7 mereery 41. Unsolder the power IC or regulator transistor. 2, Remove the 6 screws(@~@). 3, Remove the 2 transistor holders. ‘* When mounting the power IC or regulator transistor. Apply silicone compound(RFKX0002) to the rear side of power IC or regulator transistor. Transistor holger |, Regustor transistor “ranisornodor RefNo. | Removal of the cooling fan motor Procedure foe t3 hows Fan unit Fig. 1) 1. Release the 3 claws.(See Fig. 1) 2. Insert a screwdriver atthe foot of the fan, Force it out of the motor shaft. (See Fig. 2) 8, Remove the fan cap by used © screwdriver. (See Fig. 3) 4, Remove the fan terminal cap in the direction of arrow. (See Fig. 4) ‘5, Flamove the motor trom the fan case. (See Fig. 5) 6. When mounting the motor, align the fan casing’s projection with the hole of the motor.(See Fig. 6) Rear panel le J afancase Motor Projection Fig.) ae Fan case (Fig. 5) == SA-GX350 HOW TO REPLACEMENT THE POWER IC AND REGULATOR IC ae Neer Z) a X Cutthe joint 2, After cutting the joints(6 portions), bend the portions of the bottom chassis ass'y in the direction of arrow with pliers. 4. Cut the joints(6 portions) between bottom cover and bottom chassis ass'y with nipper. —— caution ——_ ‘After replacing the power IC or regulator tranelstor, apply a sufficient quantity of compound grease (RFKX0002) between the heat sink and the power IC of regulator transistor. (Rediation of power IC & transistor) Soldered surigce of power I Power Ie 3. When checking the soldered surtace of power IC, ‘Regulator transistor! porerm a shown ators YO .wnennstaling or removing the power 1 or eguitar Sal bo creo un an ofet cower, ‘Serew(XTB3+8)) Bis 5, After checking the power IC, upset the bottom cover and. align the ribs of the bottom cover to the lugs on the bottom chassis assy. 6, After mounting the bottom cover on the bottom chassis assly, fic itwith a screw(XTB3+8J) —u— ‘caUTION: 4. Along taightscrewerver cannot be used for removal outing since Its long ep interferes wit the neghboring P.CB{See Fas) 2.A shor svaigt screwstver may be used for removal, but cannot be used fr mounting because the lrited space inthe unit wil not low sufcentghtning torque, (Se0 Fig.2) Xx Xx S26 qouT amin C8, QQ —_—c Ashnaraconsinr Angst: | etaray i a : (ong toh set canrt 23 Ieuientgonng wl cause poor heat spat tam fovwel) : the povor IC and rego ans and na wes ease, may lead their thermal breakdown, Fis (ern) itt ‘OFFSET SCREWORIVER— “+The PROTO offset screaiver No.34~ I recommended forse inte appicaion above. ‘Tre actress of PROTO lntematonel Sale sas fotows, Intemational Sales Siegapore, Indonesia, Intoratonal Szies Otfca Philippines, Korea, Hong Stanioy-ProtoIncustil Teols Kong, Malaysia, Chine. “4117 Industral Park Bh Covington, GA 30208 U.S.A, Fax: 706-788-4387 Phone: 706-787-3600 , Australia, New Zealand & South Pacic ‘Stanlay-Proto Incustil Tools POBK10 400 Whiishorse Road) Nunrweding 3131 Victoria, Australia Fax: 613-894-1173 Phone 61-$-878-0244 Saaley-Prote Asia Paclfe 420 Drive Singapore 2282 Fax; 605-861-3200 Phone: €5~862-0688 Tratane ‘Stanley-Proto Thailand Ltd. 1017 Heo 19 Banga Fgh, Tame Bankaew ‘npr Benglce ‘Samutprakam, Thallané Fac 00-2-910-€071 Prone €6-2-8(6- 8855, ae) sa] 182 ee Europe ‘Stanigy—Poto Europe al Woosside, Srfied! ‘Stay Works Japan 9PD 2-7-16Hyakanin-Cho———Erglend Shinjuku Fax 44-742-798-028 “Tokyo 160 Japan Phone: 44~742-788-888 Foc 81-3-3380-8486 Phone: 81~3-8800-8458 Canada ‘Stanley-Proto Canada Meso 1100 Corporate Drva Herarientas StanleyS.A, Burlington, Onto DECY, (Canad, L7LSR6 ‘Apartai Postal 675 Fax 418-895-0076 “72090 Puebla, Pus, Nexico Phone: 416-395-0078 Fax 52-22-494-4880 Phone: 52-22-495-300 MidralEast, Medterranean Abc Suh & Cantal America, Slarley-MEMA Puerto Rico, Ta Carobian Cory Housa The Ang Stanley Inter~ America Bracket Bekstle 2101 NW. 4th Ave, RG 12IA2 ‘Wan, Florida 33122 England Fax, 905-504-4261 Phone: 905-591-2828, Fox 44-944-495-528 Phone: 44-9¢4-51813 yp MHOW TO CHECK THE MAIN P.C.B, 1. Remove the 3sero4s( @ : 2, Remove the fort panel ace Inthe drection of arow(D.. 9, Remeva tha ecrews(@- ©), 4, Remove the 9 serous(@-@). 5, Release the 2 hooks by sing the main P.C.3. inthe resto of arow'@), and then remove te man PCB. ‘cuipped with rear pana in te drecton of row). 6, Relnstal the fon panel ass tothe mai P.C., 7. Viren checking the slderet surface ofthe mala PCB, Ad replacing he pats, do ae chown above, IFAN MOTOR TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ‘The Models SA-GX960/GX550/GX850 employ fan motor eror sonsing electronics, Ifthe cooting fan is not operation and its STANDBY light (0920) Is on, check the fan motor and its STANDBY IETERMINAL FUNCTION OF IC + 1C901 (LC8A012A5328): Microcomputer ‘SA-GX350. light (0629) Is on, check the fan motor and its driving clreult. Pin vo. Pin 10. wT wat |? Feneton mT wat Jono neon Tae STMT Ree i ; 7] ms (0929) ie Vit. 1 7 be 0 | Speaker select contro! terminal || 41 | DATAT 0 | Serial data signal : a ‘S15 © | Lave! shitt contro! terminal a st © | Laval shift contro! terminal. ee a] pw | = |notuss en ao | om | 0 [wat ct sina! a [mr | 0 [respects aa | owvaa | 0 | sora dts ots e | aw | 0 [wuingoortateminn — |] as | srz | 0 [ost conta oma : teat : 7 2008 0 | Muting control (~2048) terminal} | 48 Ke 0 | Serial clock Serial clock signal Fan astortailure +] oe i cine es eer Tne RAE S] |e fowrsrwanamy [Pa | oe |e [rmnnsmn nm 20-8007 ‘Open cireuit:DC resistance ever tka 6 813, © | Segment signal of FL display 4B ST 0 | Level shift control terminal | 7 yoo 1 | Power supply terminal 49) TESTI = | Test termina) : Power supply terminal of FL i aren a w]e | [me ® 1 [es toil ele ef 0652 ' wy, reel ec Neve rmetd pvr i and Q868 noceal in yes._[ hook tha Tatonstiy of Ott, 0652 al 4 SogmontslgralofFLdspey |] sx | xts | — | oth" aetive tne nastive SRS ain tan ngtgt tive ving strode ue ftets 3] AO |) [muwnearawmat Hg | ae ae eater? | rv volume motor en Cottage tbte sage at wo] mm ] = [notussseimssted tomar |] ss | veo | — fonosumia tan off] tan. on eet 4 fe} ov oy A T Tf i 7 ven Ehsaan ac] aust | 1 [oro ialancttomina |] 54 | crs Chea xt 4 8} ov | -0, 65v fe] ov ay Es sD | | Received signal detect terminal |] 55. cre 0 | Tecminal j6MH2) | osee [ose ar |) a].460 0 ELV. av a6 | IFDAIN | 0 | Sorat deta signet 6 | voo 1 | Power suppty terminal ees f= Taha ste aps =a 7 : aa ar | ovo ecu, FLT Proymant win eee | sto | 0 |teetsnnconcettemina — || ot [sranosy | 0 | poner detest ein! - Fiat ‘atid sean sreugtt et Bios @ The power 101001 or Tamm m |v | 0 |éeosuvorconr ema || © [EXPER] |r erste pws at {6801 or dstactive. /ENCODE. | supply othe Oiset AF Hote 0 cE © _| Chip enabte terminal REM 1 | Remote control termina) The fan motor. Sewer ICs fed fan artoor ate Hane on auvnt | -a~ -n- SA-GX350 SA-GX350 | SAGX350 © SA-GX350 Power AHPUFRONT) oouay ppo-Locie sunnowNa, WATRIX'BlonaL PROCESSOR. Input seteorR BLOCK DIAGRAM.” Zev a a 1,858 838 mm >— 3 cormeeeuy 6 wordcoururse = PUL FREGUENEY SYNTHESIZER PROTECTION CIRCUITRY ‘The protection circuitry may have operated If elther of the following conditions is noticed: *No sound is heard when the power is turned on. *Sound stops during a performance. The function of this circuitry is to prevent circuitry damage if, for example, the positive and negative speaker connection wires are “shorted”, or if speaker systems with an impedance less than the indicated rated impedance of the amplifier are used. ‘SA-GX350 If this occurs, follow the procedure outlines below: 4. Tum off the power. 2. Determine the cause of the problem and correct it. 3. Turn on the power once again after one minute. Note: When the protection circuitry functions, the unit will not operate unless the power is first turned off and then on again. MBEFORE REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENT Disconnect AC power, Discharge both Power Supply Capacitors C703 and C704 through a 100, SW resistor to ground, DO NOT SHORT-CIRCUIT DIRECTLY (with a scrawdrive blade, for instance), as. this may distroy solid state devices. After repairs are completed, restore power gradually using a variac, to avoid overcurrent. Current consumption at 80H2/60Hz in NO SIGNAL mode should be shown below with respect to supply voltage 230V/240VI110~ 127 V/220~240V. Power supply voltage ‘AC 200V AG 120V, AS BV, peicens (ac nomta7y_|_ (ac 220~240y) Ban | 1eO~a0omA | SORE Consumed current S0/60H2 [sore | r20~s20ma | coke 400m A 160~420mA | SOHz [300~800MA | 6OHZ 128~336mA | 60H | 240~840™A TERMINAL GUIDE OF IC’S, TRANSISTORS AND DIODES eaaorantae wei ae a s Tar [anaes [ain] [aaa —[ara|| _ everas swine Gpowroc [arin Testean [ani tieasanoP [oP Tucramancr_oPin {Enereon [asp aasate weeezrnasta | 280eunasTA eaisonnGSTA— UNAZIFTAR seertoneta secrete oNtera seansrein SScearaaasta ' thane ttisra ¢ thr 3 unasra ? ° eceamaate | aaaviarbee ooBUF oreoae TunwesTa Sorretber Marcon o $> canage Tash A AC shat a ‘ienosz00ro oe oe (ee : Toate ‘Oe MecesuTA MATA : ce Madson Se ome thas a conate hasta MAceanTA 2 MasoaTA MaceantTA Sete waren sete a SA-GX350 MESCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (arts list on pages 54~60.) (This schematic diagram may be modified at any time with the development of new technology.) Note 1: PSTO1—_: Voltage adjustment switch

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