Smart Eco Cities in The UK 2016

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Federico Caprotti
Robert Cowley
Andrew Flynn
Simon Joss
Li Yu


ISBN: 978-0-9955574-0-6

The report should be referenced as follows:

Caprotti, F., Cowley, R., Flynn, A., Joss, S., & Yu, L. (2016) Smart-Eco Cities in the UK: Trends and City
Profiles 2016. Exeter: University of Exeter (SMART-ECO Project).

Joint Copyright © U i e sit of E ete /U i e sit of West i ste /Ki g s College Lo do /Cardiff
University, 2016.

This publication may be reproduced and disseminated in whole or in part for educational and non-profit
purposes without special permission from the copyright holders, provided acknowledgement of the
source is made.

No use of this report may be made for resale or any commercial purpose whatsoever without prior
written permission from the authors.

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library.


Design and layout by Fakhriazam Afsahi.

We would like to thank Ian Bailey & Frans Sengers for providing critical comments on earlier drafts.

The research undertaken to produce this report was supported by funding from the Economic and
Social Research Council (ESRC) through research grant ES/L015978/1.




The SMART-ECO Project 1

The UK Smart-Eco Landscape 2


Birmingham Federico Caprotti 6

Bristol Federico Caprotti 10
Glasgow Andrew Flynn 20
London Simon Joss 30
Manchester Robert Cowley 39
Milton Keynes Li Yu 48
Newcastle Robert Cowley 57
Nottingham Li Yu 61
Peterborough Federico Caprotti 70
Sheffield Robert Cowley 75

APPENDIX: Method for Selecting UK Case Studies 84



T his report forms part of a series also

covering China, France, Germany, and
the Netherlands, and draws on preliminary
both spatially proximate (the surrounding
region) and in an international context
(through networks of knowledge,
findings from a three-year (2015-2018), technology and policy transfer and
ESRC-funded research project titled Smart lea i g . The idea of the e pe i e t i
Eco-cities for a Green economy: A this definition consciously refers to recent
Comparative Study of Europe and China. work identifying a tendency for new urban
The project is being coordinated by the technologies and ways of working to be
University of Exeter, in collaboration with trialled at a limited scale, often through
an interdisciplinary team of researchers cross-sectoral partnership approaches, and
fo Ki g s College Lo do , the with the aim of learning lessons, where
Universities of Westminster, Plymouth and traditionally firmer policy commitments
Cardiff (UK); TU Delft and Utrecht might have been expected (see eg: Bulkeley
University (the Netherlands); the French & Castán Broto 2013; Karvonen & van Heur
Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and 2014; Evans et al. 2016). The concept of the
the University of Toulouse (France); i he is take f o the e pa di g field of
Freiburg University (Germany); Renmin so io-te h i al t a sitio s s hola ship,
University of China, and the University of which studies the processes through which
Nottingham Ningbo China. As well as innovations come about and are taken up
fu di g f o the UK s E“RC, the research is in society more widely (for an introduction,
supported by the national funding agencies see eg: Geels 2002; Kemp et al. 2007).
of China, Germany, Netherlands and Each of the national reports in this series
France. profiles a series of cities, selected on the
The focus of our research is on the basis that they have relatively substantial
s a t-eco it . The smart-eco city concept smart-eco ambitions and/or activities
captures the recent trend for future- already taking place. This selection was
oriented urban development schemes that ade follo i g a ide ho izo s a of
displa oth g ee a d s a t a itions. smart and eco initiatives taking place in
More precisely, the smart-eco city is ea h ou t see this epo t s Appe di fo
defi ed as a e pe i e tal it hi h the method adopted in the UK). The
functions as a potential niche where both intention is not to promote the profiled
environmental and economic reforms can ities as e essa il ep ese ti g the est
be tested and introduced in areas which are p a ti e e a ples i the field, ut athe to

illust ate the a iet of a tuall e isti g FOR MORE INFORMATION

smart-eco cities in each country. The ON THE SMART-ECO
profiles provide a contextual overview of RESEARCH PROJECT, AND TO
ea h it s ai s, ele a t poli ies, and the DOWNLOAD THE OTHER
key actors involved, along with short REPORTS, PLEASE VISIT OUR
descriptions of some of the main activities WEBSITE: WWW.SMART-
or projects taking place on the ground. ECO-CITIES.ORG


The overall UK landscape is characterised a lea s a t-e o a itio a d/o

by rapid change, with older environmental substantial related initiatives taking place
commitments (such as low-carbon action (this rises to just under a half if Greater
plans) at urban level becoming increasingly Manchester and Greater London are
i fle ted ith otio s of the s a t it . treated as single urban areas). These 34
“u e i g hat is s a t is fa f o cases do not tell the whole story, however:
straightforward, however, since the elsewhere too, plans are at early stages of
concept is mobilised differently from city to discussion and development.
city. In some cases, it refers narrowly to The national government has served an
data-driven governance solutions, or has enabling role in this process. The Future
limited reference to a particular sector of Cities Catapult initiative, supported by
activity (for example, transport); in others it Innovate UK (the national innovation
encompasses a wide range of agency), actively supports a wide range of
environmental, social and economic related initiatives in different cities.
ambitions, and may include particular Alo gside the UK s e t e hed ational
initiatives which have little to do with the framework of environmental legislation, it
potential benefits of adopting digital is significant that the British Standards
technologies. Some smart activities are Institute (BSI) has recently published a
more clearly led by policy; others take the “ a t Cit F a e o k see B“I d ,
form of pre-existing initiatives which policy- commissioned by the national Department
makers have articulated into a smart for Business, Innovation and Skills. At the
u ella p og a e. Ne ertheless, same time, smart-eco initiatives operate at
based on the definitions used by the key some remove from the policy mainstream.
actors themselves, we found that just Rather than constituting traditionally
u de a thi d of the UK s u a a eas ith pla ed p og a es of i est e t, the
populations of over 100,000 currently have are typically driven by ad-hoc partnerships


involving city councils, universities, private (Catapult Future Cities, nd a). It focuses on
sector actors and non-governmental p o oti g health ities, uilding
organisations, and exemplify the broader resilience in urban infrastructure, and
o te po a phe o e o of u a designing strategies to help cities adopt and
e pe i e tatio as a ode of effe ti g fi a e s a te te h ologies Catapult
urban change, as noted above. Even where Future Cities, nd b). Local digital
holistic strategy documents and roadmaps infrastructure improvements have also
have been drawn up, many of the practical been supported by national government
initiatives envisaged or showcased take the programmes such as the UK Broadband
form of pilot schemes, or are focused on Fund. Significant funding for a variety of the
small urban districts. Even taken as a whole, projects profiled in this report, additionally,
it would be difficult to argue that these has been provided by the European Union.
clustered activities already constitute a The spread of the experimental smart
convincing transition to a hi-tech green eco-city in the UK does not only, then,
economy in any of the cities investigated. reflect a desire on the part of city-level
The hope that this peripheral networks of actors to project an
experimentation has the potential to entrepreneurial, hi-tech, and low-carbon
catalyse wider change is indicated by the image on the world stage. It also appeals as
significant national resources supporting it. a means of attracting external funding, and
Most notably, the Technology Strategy making more efficient uses of resources, at
Board (I o ate UK s p ede esso a a a time of ongoing cuts to local government
competition in 2012 offering £24m for the budgets. The essentially economic focus of
best proposal to develop a large-scale these ambitions would appear to be in
Future Cities Demonstrator project, as well tension with an ongoing awareness that
as funding for 30 cities to develop feasibility top-do te h olog fi es a e u likel to
studies. The winner, Glasgow, has since have convincingly transformative effects if
implemented its Future City Glasgow they are not met with enthusiasm within
programme of activities, which includes the society more generally. If corporate and
creation of a data-driven central institutional enthusiasm has not yet been
Operations Centre. Elsewhere, albeit matched by a widespread bottom-up
unevenly (Taylor Buck & While 2015), ideas embrace of the smart eco- it s pote tial,
developed in the feasibility studies have this may of course reflect the nascent
been taken forward. The Future Cities status of the phenomenon – and in places
Catapult is o e of i e atio al Catapult such as Milton Keynes and Bristol, active
o ga isatio s set up to t a sfo the UK's attempts are clearly being made to involve
capability for innovation in specific areas longstanding networks of civil society
a d help d i e futu e e o o i g o th actors in the transformation of the city. On


the othe ha d, ou a al sis of the UK s lack of consideration given to social

most developed smart eco-cities suggests sustainability would appear to be at odds
that planned and operational activities ith the itize - e t ed heto i ofte
most typically focus on environmental, mobilised within policy documentation.
economic and mobilities issues: the relative

100 95
70 66
Environment Economy Mobilities Governance Social Sustainability

Figure 1: Categorisation of smart city activities, showing number in each, across all 34 cities examined.
Categories based on recent smart city mapping exercise conducted by the European Parlia e t s e o o i a d
scientific policy department (European Parliament, 2014).

Overall tendencies aside, the ten cities of actors involved, local enabling contexts,
profiled in this report illustrate the and the discursive framings through which
variegated nature of the UK smart-eco relevant activities are presented. The
landscape. This variety relates not only to experimental tendencies of the smart eco-
thematic emphases within, and the breadth city, in other words, are oriented not only
of, ea h it s p og a ati s ope a d the at situated socio-technical outcomes, but
technologies adopted, but also to the also at a broader set of questions related to
degree of embedment within local policy- pragmatic twenty-first century governance
making, the arrangements of the networks arrangements.



BSI (nd) PAS 181:2014 Smart city framework – Guide to establishing strategies for smart cities
and communities: Executive summary. British Standards Institute. Online: http://shop. cities/BSI-PAS-181-executive-summary-UK-EN.pdf (accessed 7
June 2016).

Bulkeley, H. & Castán Broto, V. (2013) Government by experiment? Global cities and the
governing of climate change. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(3): 361–

Catapult Future Cities (nd a) The Catapult Network. Online:

/about/the-catapult-network (accessed 7 June 2016).

Catapult Future Cities (nd b) Who we are. Online:

(accessed 7 June 2016).

European Parliament (2014) Mapping Smart Cities in the EU. IP/A/ITRE/ST/2013B02. Brussels,
European Parliament. Online:
Publikationen-zum-Thema/mappingsmartcities.pdf (accessed 6 June 2016).

Evans, J. & Karvonen, A. (2014) Give Me a Laboratory and I Will Lo e You Ca o Footp i t!
— Urban Laboratories and the Governance of Low-Carbon Futures. International Journal of
Urban and Regional Research, 38(2): 413–430.

Evans, J., Karvonen, A. & Raven, R. (eds.) (2016) The Experimental City. London: Routledge.

Geels, F.W. (2002) Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-

level perspective. Research Policy, 31(8): 1257–1274.

Kemp, R., Loorbach, D. & Rotmans, J. (2007) Transition management as a model for managing
processes of co-evolution towards sustainable development. International Journal of
Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 14(1): 78–91.

Taylor Buck, N. & While, A. (2015) Competitive urbanism and the limits to smart city innovation:
The UK Future Cities initiative. Urban Studies, online advance version. DOI: 42098015597162.



Author: Federico Caprotti

A s a city, Birmingham has a series of

smart city and low-carbon projects
underway, although its overall approach is
some areas, a de-industrialised) city. We
might hypothesise a tendency for cities
with an industrial history, like Birmingham
perhaps less visionary and has less strategic (and, for example, Glasgow), to make more
direction than that of, say, Bristol, explicit links between the smart and the
Peterborough or Glasgow. Birmingham has low-carbon as a result of the need to
developed a Smart City Roadmap and a repurpose buildings and former industrial
Smart City Vision, both of which are being areas, redevelop brownfield sites,
pu sued the it s “ a t Cit decommission and reclaim former
Commission. The city now features several industrial areas, and the like.
active projects, including fast broadband Interestingly, the City Council has, itself,
network development, open data capability highlighted the barriers it sees in rolling out
(see the Birmingham Data Factory project a smart city / digital city strategy in
outlined below), and business digital Birmingham. This was done in a study by
capacity improvements and training (eg the Atos consultancy, commissioned by the
through the new Greater Birmingham Council. The identified barriers include: a.)
Digital Academy, also outlined below). In a lack of statutory authority to enforce
, the it as a ed as a o te de specific technology requirements; b.) the
fo e e tuall e o i g o e of the UK s top absence of universal standards to enable,
smart cities in a smart cities survey carried for example, open infrastructures; c.)
out by Chinese technology firm Huawei. In complex, disparate networks owned and
the survey, Birmingham was ranked third in operated by multiple vendors; d.)
the country (behind London and Bristol, but fragmented and incomplete GIS
ahead of Glasgow and Manchester) information about city utilities; e.) the slow
(Huawei 2016). pace and bureaucratic nature of civic
Bi i gha s s a t it st ategies a e, planning processes; f.) a rising demand for
in city council documents at least, linked to high-speed connectivity via multiple
its carbon action plan. One of the devices; and g.) the need for more
interesting points about this is that bandwidth and power for data-intensive
Birmingham is an industrialised (and in services (Atos 2015).


Figure 2: the Selfridges Building, Birmingham

Source: The Birmingham Toolkit:


2015 (Digital Birmingham, 2015). The

EASTERN CORRIDOR SMART demonstrator will include 6-8 sub-projects,
DEMONSTRATOR which are currently being defined in
The Eastern Corridor Smart Demonstrator consultation with the Future Cities
is a pilot project to trial and test smart Catapult.
technologies and services in multiple
neighbourhood areas. Although the project
has identified these geographical areas URL:
(they are mapped out on the project HTTP://DIGITALBIRMINGHA
website), there is as yet little detail on the M.CO.UK/PROJECT/EAST-
specific projects that will be part of this BIRMINGHAM-SMART-CITY-
overall demonstrator. This is because the DEMONTRATOR/
project is relatively recent: it started in July


The Birmingham Data Factory is an open
data portal for the city. It is organised by The Greater Birmingham Digital Academy
Digital Birmingham, which is run by (GBDA) is an institution focused on Small
Birmingham City Council. While the Data and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The
Factory is basically an open data repository, Academy aims to provide support and skills
with the capability for coders to use code training and improvement for businesses
from the site, and for a range of users to which use digital technologies in a range of
download data made available by areas. Training is in the areas of digital
organisations which are members of the marketing, cloud technology, Big Data,
Greater Birmingham Local Enterprise market impact, and digital business (Digital
Partnership, the broader aim is that the Birmingham 2016). The GBDA is focused on
Data Factory will have economic benefits as i p o i g a d heighte i g lo al “MEs
well as providing data that is openly potential in terms of their integration into
accessible to citizens. As the Birmingham the digital economy. Its focus seems to be
Data Factory website states: Open Data is o i gi g up to speed athe tha
as much part of the economic agenda as it fostering and enabling innovation per se.
is of being transparent about an The GBDA s fi st a ti ities t ai i g
organisations business (Birmingham Data sessions) took place in 2015. It now runs a
Factory, 2016). range of training sessions, a summer
The data portal has been fully developed schools, and has a speaker series (GBDA
and datasets are available for download, 2016). It organised a digital summit for
although little evidence was found, at the more than 300 local SMEs in February
time of writing, of geo-mapping or data 2015: the Birmingham Digital Summit was
geo-visualisation capabilities: datasets can held at Bi i gha s International
be downloaded as .xls or .csv files. Conference Centre (ICC), and included the
involvement of global technology
corporations such as Google, LinkedIn and
URL: Mi osoft. The GBDA is fu ded the UK s
HTTPS://DATA.BIRMINGHA Department for Business, Innovation and
M.GOV.UK Skills (DBIS) and by the EU




Atos (2015) Developing a MyCity vision for a digital Birmingham. Online:
content/dam/global/case-study/atos-birmingham-case-study.pdf (accessed 10 May 2016).

Birmingham Data Factory (2016) About us. Online:

(accessed 5 June 2016).

Digital Birmingham (2016) The Greater Birmingham Digital Academy. Online: http://digital (accessed 10 May 2016).

Digital Birmingham (2015) Eastern Corridor Smart City Demonstrator. Online: http://digital (accessed 10 May

GBDA (2016) Greater Birmingham Digital Academy. Online: (accessed

10 May 2016).

Huawei (2016) London and Bristol ro ed UK s leadi g s art ities. Press release, 17 May
2016. Online: (accessed 5
June 2016).



Author: Federico Caprotti

B ristol has clearly stated ambitions to be

a leading city in terms of
environmental sustainability. City
digital economy, and as an urban centre
that is green. In a 2013 presentation by the
city council (Hudson 2013), for example,
authorities also aim to shape Bristol into a B istol as des i ed as a g ee digital
leading smart city. These ambitions do not it , hi h highlights atte pts lo al
simply exist in policy documents and authorities to speak to, and appropriate,
reports: the city won the European Green oth g ee /e o a d s a t o ike s.
Capital award in 2015. Bristol also Examples of activities in this context (some
participates in the international Covenant of which are explored in following sections)
of Mayors initiative, and has committed to a e the it s Digital Cha te hi h i ludes
a target of 40% carbon reduction by 2020. g ee ICT a d s a t it atego ies , the
Bristol has been increasingly marketed as a Bristol is Open initiative, attempts to roll
g ee alte ati e to the UK s othe out a digital urban operating system, and
important cities, such as London or the setting up of a range of smart city
Manchester. Bristol City Council describes experiments (many of them with a clear
the city as an exciting and ongoing e o o po e t, su h as a ou d s a t
e pe i e t, a d as a li i g la Hudso energy). Bristol already spends around
2013) where new technologies, policies and £35m annually (this figure is for 2011-14)
ways of organizing urban life can be tested on IT: at nearly 10% of total council
and trialled. Stephen Hilton, Director of expenditure annually, this is higher than the
Sustainable and Innovative Urban Futures UK city council average of 6% total spend
at Bristol City Council, describes its smart on IT (Cosgrave et al. 2014). From new
city strategies as aimed at positioning digital networks, to data visualisation and
Bristol as a city laboratory for change – media infrastructure, to economic and
where the people are not treated as guinea smart city policies and strategies for the
pigs (Hilton, in Cosgrave et al. 2014). future, there are a wide range of projects
and visions in place already in Bristol.
B istol s s a t a d e o it a itio s
are being promoted particularly strongly by These smart and green ambitions are
a range of city authorities and other heavily promoted, but there are obstacles
organisations, such as Bristol University. and challenges that Bristol faces at the
Various initiatives led by these institutions current time. The city is dogged by the
aim to place Bristol on the map as a city that question (which applies to all UK cities) of
is both smart and connected to the global how these strategies and projects will help


to reduce existing wealth and health the city is expected to increase its
inequalities, such as fuel poverty (or, in the population by over 20% by the end of the
worst case, how they may end up s Hudso . B istol s s a t it
deepening these divides) (Hudson 2013). ambitions risk being side-lined if the city
Some commentators have also asked e o es a Lo do lite : a it that is ot
whether the smart city projects being rolled only expensive but unaffordable, where
out in Bristol are sufficiently ambitious and transport and mobility is slow and costly,
systemic, and whether Bristol can and where the poor and low-paid are
adequately compete with urban centres increasingly side-lined and excluded from
such as London, which are close by and the glitte i g isio s of B istol as a s a t
attract talent away from the regions (The capital for the South-West
Economist 2016), although others note that

Figure 3: At-Bristol Planetarium Figure 4: Energy Tree, Millennium Square, Bristol

Photograph: Fakhriazam Afsahi Photograph: Fakhriazam Afsahi



There are several s a t a d e o p oje ts included on-demand mobility, more

currently underway, or that have been personalised health and social care
completed, in Bristol. This section outlines systems, city governance, and future
six key projects: the original Future Cities workplaces. The project tested system
demonstrator initiative, a smart metering integration by using an integration
initiative, the Data Dome building, and the platform.
more systemic, digital infrastructure- The Connect Bristol project was an
focused Bristol is Open and Bristol GigaBit ambitious long-term initiative with a 5-10
projects, as well as the Knowle West Media years pla k o as a Busi ess
Centre (KWMC). Several other projects are De elop e t Pla ai ed at i teg ati g
not covered in this report, but form different systems (and different specific
i te esti g e a ples of B istol s s a t a d experimentation projects such as Bristol is
e o a itio i their own right. These Open – see the project outline below).
include: the Smart Spaces initiative to Connect Bristol also aimed to produce a city
reduce energy demand and use ICT in Open Data platform and a City Dashboard.
public buildings; the STEEP Smart Energy The project was deemed complete at the
Master Plan; the So La Bristol smart grid end of 2015, although the strategic vision
project; the Media Sandbox, a Pervasive developed as part of the project has been
Media Studio; ICT 4 EVEU (ICT for Electric i o po ated a d odified i to B istol s
Vehicles – Enhancing the User Experience); digital city strategies and other projects.
and two smart transport-focused projects: Connect Bristol was led by Bristol City
the Traffic Control Centre, and a Freight Council. However, it involved other
Consolidation Centre. governmental and corporate actors. The
project was enabled by a bid to the Future
CONNECT BRISTOL (FUTURE CITIES Cities competition, made possible by a
DEMONSTRATOR) proposal jointly developed by Bristol City
Co e t B istol is the it s Futu e Cities Council, Arup, IBM, the University of Bristol,
Demonstrator project, funded via a £3m Knowle West Media Centre, Hewlett
ga t fo the UK go e e ts Packard, Toshiba, and Advancing
Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Bristol Sustainability LLP. These public and private
competed with other UK cities to win this organizations and corporations carried out
funding in 2013. The key focus of the a 12-week feasibility study which was
project was on integrating multiple digital developed into the Future Cities proposal
systems in new ways. The initiatives tested (Bristol City Council 2012a, 2012b). Funding
actors included the UK Technology Strategy

Board (for the initial concept funding of 2014). By late 2015, most work had been
£50,000 in 2012), and the Future Cities completed: In infrastructural terms, there is
Catapult (which ran the demonstrator currently a network of 76km of fibre cables
competition in 2012-13). in Bristol, most of which are in active use
a d ake up the B-Net et o k, hi h is
operated by Bristol City Council.
URL: The main organisations responsible for
HTTP://WWW.CONNECTING developing and delivering the GigaBit
BRISTOL.ORG Bristol project were Bristol City Council, the
UK government (which funded the project),
and CityFibre (from 2016), a corporation
GIGABIT BRISTOL that will expand the existing network.
GigaBit Bristol was funded with £11m
GigaBit Bristol was the overarching project
B istol Cit Cou il, f o the UK s
umbrella name for a range of projects
Urban Broadband Fund. Bristol was one of
aiming to transition Bristol towards digital
10 cities to gain funding in this way. The
infrastructures and smart city technologies.
GigaBit Bristol activities that were funded in
It includes other projects such as Bristol is
this way included (Hilton 2015):
 £570k for a demonstrator suite in the
Open (see below). The project aims to
p o ide a sig ifi a t upg ade fo the it s
Engine “hed & su e of BNet, BCC s o
digital infrastructure, with the main aim
fibre network
 £4.3m for R&D testbed, RF Sensor Mesh,
being economic (enabling businesses to
benefit from fast digital networks). It
contained a clear infrastructural element and street furniture upgrades
(more details below), and was completed £1.62m for general purpose ducting in
BTQEZ, to be offered as a concession
 Wireless concession covering 80% of
by late 2015.
Historically, GigaBit Bristol is based on
Bristol, including the 54 business growth
B istol Cit Cou il s pu hase, at the sta t
 £4.8m for SME connection vouchers as
of the 2000s, of fibre cable networks and
associated ducting, and progressively
the Bristol component of a national
turning this network into an active digital
network in Bristol. However, the project
website contains mentions of an ambition
to e te d the p oje t to a Ope
P og a a le Cit ‘egio . Capital
spending started in 2014 and was
completed by the end of 2015 (Hilton


BRISTOL IS OPEN The p oje t s ai s a e ide-ranging,

including the ambition to enable smart
Bristol is Open is an ambitious project to
metering, driverless cars, streaming feeds
provide an open and programmable
from ambulances to hospitals, various
experimental platform in the centre of
sensor systems, and connections between
Bristol (Simeonidou 2015: 3). It will be
the city centre network and the Bristol city-
based on computing, optical and wireless
region. Bristol is Open is currently focused
systems, and the Internet of Things. The
on central Bristol, although project
platform will be available for
documentation refers to the city-region
experimentation, as well as for use by city
s ale “i eo idou . The p oje t s e t
authorities to provide services. Bristol is
phases see the expansion of the network to
Open is the first joint venture between
Bath and other nearby areas.
Bristol City Council and the University of
Bristol (Simeonidou 2015). The project is currently in the
development phase, and key elements of
Bristol is Open is aimed at shifting Bristol
physical, wired infrastructure are being
City Council and the wider Bristol urban
installed, including the laying of cables in
area into achieving much more emphasis
rivers, and the modification of existing
on, and use of, digital platforms. In this
lampposts. Phase I of the project (to end
sense, the project is highly transitional and
2015) includes the laying of a fibre network
could be seen to correspond to what Barns
in the city centre, the installation of 54
(2016) has called entrepreneurial
fibred lamppost clusters, and rolling out the
governance by code . The p oje t s use of a
test City Operating System. Phase II (to end
data platform which can be tested and
2017) includes expansion of the project to
experimented with also points to the
Bath, the Filton Enterprise Area, and other
conceptualisation of the project itself, of
universities, and thus it will have a bigger
urban data streams, and of central Bristol,
spatial footprint, as well as extending
as experimental zones. Nonetheless, the
across municipal authority boundaries.
proje t s app oa h – of conceptualising the
city as an entity that can be influenced and The two main organisations driving the
perhaps controlled through digital project are its joint venture partners, Bristol
technologies – could be seen as an example City Council and Bristol University. Bristol is
of what MIT scholar Antoine Picon has Open also has partners including the At-
alled a eo- e eti illusio Pi o Bristol 3D visualisation organization,
2015): viewing digital infrastructures as Watershed (a pervasive media outfit), and
more important for achieving change, than the Engine Shed (a city and region-focused
they perhaps really are. business incubator).
The investment amount for the project
is difficult to calculate because the different

sub-projects all have individual budgets. UK and Bulgaria. In Bristol, the project was
However, the overall project was awarded based on tablet-based engagement with
£ . f o the UK Go e e t s “upe residents of two experimental areas, one of
Connected SCC programme (Bristol City which is characterised by council houses,
Council 2015a). Based on experience with the other composed of apartments in
Bristol is Open, Bristol (in a consortium with council-owned tower blocks.
Santander and Florence) also submitted a The project aimed to achieve a
bid to the EU REPLICATE programme in reduction in energy and carbon use, thus
2015, and was awarded (with the other two lowering of carbon emissions as part of
ities € fo de elopi g s a t it wider urban carbon reduction targets. This
solutions to common urban problems involved trying to stimulate change in how
(Bristol is Open 2015b). The REPLICATE residents of social housing engage with
project was launched in February 2016, and energy provision: the smart meter is the
will see a variety of energy, mobility and ICT main interface through which this was
i itiati es ei g t ialled i B istol s Ashle , meant to happen.
Easton and Lawrence Hill neighbourhoods In Bristol the project was based in two
(Connecting Bristol nd). pilot areas comprising a combined total of
around 100 houses. The first area is Knowle
West, in South Bristol, in which 43 houses
took part in the project. The population of
this area is over 120,000, and the social
houses are mostly of 1930s vintage. The
houses are mostly terraced council houses.
Knowle West is designated as a European
3-E HOUSES Living Lab area. The second area is Dove
Street in central Bristol, and is composed of
3-E Houses is a project that aimed to deploy
1960s tower block social housing. Each
smart meters in social housing, with the aim
tower block contains over 100 apartments.
of having impact on energy and carbon use,
57 apartments were included in the
as well as on bills associated with energy
project. The project found significant
consumption. The project ran from April
difficulties in engaging with citizens, and in
2012 to May 2013 in Bristol, and in 2010-
recruiting participants: Hudson (2013)
2013 overall. It was part of an international
notes that even giving away free Toshiba
experiment with smart metering in social
tablets did not seem to have much impact
housing: the initial pilot phase took place in
in galvanising interest in participation.
“pai a d Ge a , hile the epli atio
Hudson (2013) also noted how the impacts
phase (Hudson 2013) was focused on the
of the project could only be maintained


through regular re-engagement with launched at the festival, with a variety of

participants to maintain impact and content being shown from earth sciences,
reinforce positive behaviours . to open-data, to sociological mapping
There were several city-level, national about cities now. Rolls-Royce has been
and international organisations involved in quick to spot the potential of the Data
the project. The project involved the city Dome. They are using it to help their
council (and at the European level, the city engineers visualise engines, and the data
councils of the other towns involved in the coming from them, in new and exciting
study). It also involved (in the UK) the ways. They will show some of their early
Knowle West Media Centre, Toshiba and IP progress. Rolls-Royce have kindly
Performance, and in the EU, Indra, sponsored the buffet and networking
Ennovatis, and Gas Natural Fenosa (3-E sessio […].
Houses 2013). The Data Dome is part of Bristol Is Open
[autho s ote: see p oje t des iptio
above], a collaboration between the
URL: technology, media & telecommunications
HTTP://KWMC.ORG.UK/PRO industry, universities, local communities,
JECTS/3EHOUSES/ and local and national government. Bristol
Is Open is a joint venture between Bristol
City Council and the University of Bristol. It
is a digital urban R&D test bed to develop
smart city projects, including the Data
The Bristol Data Dome is an Do e, as pa t of the o ld s fi st ope
upgrade/retrofit of the At-Bristol programmable city region. (Bristol is Open
planetarium in the city centre, which is 2015a).
connected to a supercomputer at the
University of Bristol and is used as a 4D
space to display various types of data to URL:
citizens. It was unveiled in November 2015. HTTP://FUTURECITIES.CATA
It has also generated interest from PULT.ORG.UK/PROJECT/BRIS
corporations, such as Rolls Royce, due to TOL-DATA-DOME/
the ability to visualise engineering products
in 3D.
As the Bristol is Open website states:
B istol s Data Do e – building real-time
city data visualisation from Bristol Is Ope s
emerging city-wide digital network – is


KNOWLE WEST MEDIA CENTRE The building in which it is housed

(KWMC) i o po ates a a ge of g ee
technologies including straw cladding and
KWMC is a community centre that is heavily
solar power. The building was new-build in
focused on digital technologies, digital arts,
2008 (KWMC moved, in that year, from the
design, gaming, training, and other
old concrete former surgery it had
activities and technologies, and runs a
occupied since 1996). The centre aims to
range of projects, courses and activities
make digital technologies and especially
including, recently, sensor-driven citizen
the creative use of digital technologies
technology activities. A 2014 report by Arup
accessible to a wide range of citizen users,
described the KWMC in these terms:
as seen by its wide range of activities
B istol s K o le West Media Ce t e is spanning training, education, and the like.
a community group that uses technology to
empower citizens across all aspects of their
lives. For example, the web-based platform URL: HTTP://KWMC.ORG.UK
University of Local Knowledge harnesses
local knowledge and disseminates it
amongst the community. Here, citizens can
add to the wealth of information already
available on the site by uploading and
sharing videos of their own knowledge and
putting together their own playlist-like
courses. They also run training sessions for
the elderly, teaching them how to access
basic online services like online shopping,
booking holidays or using applications such
as Skype. These Community-run sessions
enable vulnerable people to access basic
services and feel more connected to their
families and local community (Cosgrave et
al. 2014: 19).
KWMC was founded in 1996 and is
currently operational, although it received
significant input from the Future Cities
demonstrator bid, as well as follow-on
activities such as Bristol is Open.



3-e Houses (2013) Best Practice Guide. Online:

Booklet.pdf (accessed 5 June 2016).

Barns, S. (2016) Mine your data: open data, digital strategies and entrepreneurial governance
by code. Urban Geography, advance online version. DOI:10.1080/02723638.2016.1139876

Bristol City Council (2015a) Bristol is Open – the open programmable city. Report, 3 February
2015. Online: (accessed 5
June 2016).

Bristol City Council (2015b) BNet Commercialization – Duct Concession. Report, 6 October
2015. Online: (accessed
12 May 2016).

Bristol City Council (2012a) Connect Bristol Feasibility Study. Bristol, Bristol City Council. Online:
y+Council.pdf/4269233f-cd8b-47da-9f0b-58a27294a684 (accessed 12 May 2016).

Bristol City Council (2012b) Bristol wins Future City award. Press release, 25 July 2012. Online: (accessed 10 May 2016).

Bristol is Open (2015a) Bristol is Open launches the Data Dome. Online: http://www.bristolis (accessed 10 May 2016).

Bristol is Open (2015b) Bristol ids to e o e the UK s IoT apital as it i s prestigious EU

award. Bristol is Open website. Online:
the-uks-iot-capital-as-it-wins-prestigious-eu-award/ (accessed 10 May 2016).

Connecting Bristol (nd) REPLICATE Project. Online:

-project/ (accessed 28 June 2016).

Cosgrave, E., Doody, L. and Walt, N. (2014) Delivering the Smart City: Governing Cities in the
Digital Age. London, Arup.

The Economist (2016) London-upon-Avon. The Economist, 19 March. Online: http://www.
government-if-it-prosper-london-upon-avon (accessed 12 May 2016).

Hilton, S. (2014) Report to the Sustainable Development & Transport Scrutiny Commission, 19
March 2014. Online:
(accessed 5 June 2016).


Hudson, L. (2013) Smart City Bristol. Presentation. Online:

society/activities/sustainablegrowth/docs/smart-cities/bristol.pdf (accessed 12 May 2016).

Picon, A. (2015) Smart Cities: A Spatialised Intelligence. Chichester, Wiley.

Simeonidou, D. (2015) Future Cities: Bristol is Open. Presentation, Faculty of Engineering

Research Showcase, University of Bristol, 24 June 2015. Online:
media-library/sites/engineering/ilo/documents/future-cities.pdf (accessed 10 May 2016).



Author: Andrew Flynn

T he literature on Glasgow provides a

fascinating insight into a city that is
trying to reinvent itself through
up to writing award winning bids. This is
reflected in the text on governance which
points to an inclusive highly networked city
competition and awards. These include: with a commitment to partnership working.
 Glasgow European Capital of Culture
For example, it is noted that there is
[s]t o g pa t e ship i f ast u tu e
 Glasgow City of Science (a partnership
(Glasgow City Council 2012: 2), relating to a
variety of networks including Glasgow
between the Council, universities,
Conference and Marketing Bureau,
technology companies to promote
Glasgow Community Safety Partnership
science and technology)
 Glasgow City of Music (in 1998, it was
and Glasgow Sustainable Tourism Group.
“i ila l , a ke st e gth is its “t o g pu li
named a UNESCO City of Music, and is
and private sector leadership with a shared
now one of nine Music Cities in the
ambition and vision for Glasgo Glasgo
UNESCO Creative Cities Network)
 Future City Glasgow (awarded by the
City Council 2012, Appendix A: 1). As a
model of change, it positions itself as a city
Technology Strategy Board – now
where responsibility for innovation is
Innovate UK – in 2013).
shared amongst key actors. The
The documentation related to these documentation also makes much of the
awards paints a picture of a city with long- award criteria in making a case for support
standing social problems (eg high rates of (eg Glasgow City Council 2012).
poverty and social exclusion), whose
Second, it is able to flag up its
economy has been radically restructured,
commitment to a comprehensive vision –
and which is seeking to promote ideas on
for example, with reference to the Fifty
regeneration. In this way, the city is
Year Vision for the Future (Glasgow City
pursuing an economic development
Council 2011) – in which improving the
strategy via competitive branding in which
quality of the physical environment and the
Glasgow becomes synonymous as the Cit
quality of citizens lives are central. Such
of … .
visions may be important factors in winning
The high level commitments to awards as they demonstrate how funding
transforming the city through competition will contribute to long-term goals. A vision
awards have important implications for can also be significant for governance since
ho s a t a d e o a e o eptualised it suggests that innovation can be steered
and delivered. First, the city is well geared

or made purposeful; and for the City de elop a Futu e Cit la ge-scale
Council this will primarily be to improve the de o st ato p oje t a ks it out as
delivery of services. Third, as part of the having the potential for smart city
Glasgow vision, which is wide-ranging, it characteristics – or at least as having
means that when applying for awards it is actively embraced the language of a smart
possible to bring together disparate ideas, city in its ambitions. The feasibility study is
initiatives and activities to present them as underpinned by a benign view of
being integrated and able to deliver more technology that is enabling for all:
than the sum of their parts (eg Future City E a li g data ill i tu e a le
Glasgow draws together a mobile phone technology, enable research and
app to contact the City, asset management development, enable investment, enable
and street lighting). Fourth, and as a usi esses a d e a le people Glasgo
consequence, ideas of transformation, of City Council 2012: 17). As a technology
what is to be transformed, and by who, can driven initiative, the resulting Future City
appear vague. For example, the new Glasgow programme of activities is well
intelligent street lights scheme (see aligned with a smart city approach.
description below) is innovative in that its However, the link between this technology
se so s … ill gathe i fo atio su h as and eco-improvements is only sometimes
footfall and traffic flow. This information made explicit – for example, in the
will be sent back to the city data hub where programme to manage street lighting more
it will be freely available to view" (Invest efficiently.
Glasgow 2015). And yet the direct benefits In the bidding for the TSB funding,
of making these data public are not made Future City Glasgow was known as the
clear. More generally within the Glasgow City Management System, focused
documents, there is an assumption that o s ste i teg atio deli e i g a
providing data/evidence will lead to action additional layer of technology that will
(change that may be transformative) but accelerate the integration of city systems in
the type of action is rarely specified. Finally, innovative ways and complete the
the Glasgo app oa h to a s a t it t a sfo atio i to a t ul Futu e Cit
could be summarised as opportunistic (as (Glasgow City Council 2012: 3). Quite what
opposed to strategy led), based around a t ul Futu e Cit ight e fo Glasgo
funding opportunities and drawing on the was not clearly specified, but it appears to
input of creative organizations/individuals be one in which multiple agencies can
that results in ad hoc projects. deliver improved and responsive services
The £24m awarded to Glasgow in 2012 (Glasgow City Council 2012: 3). The
by the national Technology Strategy Board Glasgow City Management System was to
(TSB) for its winning competition entry to include:


 City Observatory We ha e ee e plo i g ho e a

 MyGlasgow phone app use technology to make our streets safer,
 City Dashboards making it easier for people get active and
 Intelligent Operations Platform improve their health and understanding
 Data Repository how we can better use, save and generate
What is noticeable about these
envisaged projects is that (i) they are largely Glasgow has unlocked hundreds of data
independent activities and (ii) in terms of sources and opened up access to allow
council services those most directly smart people to do smart things. We have
affected are health, energy, transport and been involving and empowering
public safety. communities, bringing people together to
explore their vision for our city and inspiring
Approximately half of the TSB award
futu e ge e atio s to ake a diffe e e
(Davies 2014) has been spent on an
(Future City Glasgow nd).
Operations Centre (see below) and the
other half on a number of smaller activities In reflection of the way that smart city
which have expanded the core activities strategies, visions, and funding applications
envisaged in the feasibility study (also are often assembled in UK cities, it should
outlined below). It is difficult, however, to be noted that some of the specific projects
judge the current status of many of these were happening already (eg street lighting)
projects, beyond their original and have simply been brought into the
implementation. Part of the difficulty is that smart city agenda; others appear, to some
the webpages for Future City Glasgow have extent, to be a re-badging or reorganisation
not been updated since 2014. Potential of tasks (eg the operations centre that
confusion is also raised because the includes traffic management and CCTV
information available on the Future City monitoring). Others still are private sector
Glasgow and Open Glasgow websites (the projects (eg Scottish and Southern
latter itself a TSB project deliverable) Ele t i s e e a le e e g e hi itio see
largely duplicate one another. This is not to Glasgow City Council 2012: 22)) which are
say that Glasgow has failed to fulfil its oriented towards low-key awareness
promises in terms of concrete deliverables: raising, rather than encouraging new forms
it has clearly done so, and would be able to of collaborative governance within the city
build on these if further funding becomes between public and private sectors. Indeed,
available. Rather, at this stage at least, the beyond the ongoing functioning of the
claims made about the potential for Operations Centre, the lack of recent
improvements in quality of life and citizen project activity may suggest that the ability
participation may appear rather of Future City Glasgow to engage with

stakeholders to engender a broader Glasgow website, and two strategic

process of change has been rather limited. documents: the Open City Manifesto
The Feasibility Study summary built on (Future City Glasgow 2013a) and City
an article published in The Urban Technology Platform (Future City Glasgow
Technologist (an online publication 2013b). While, as noted above, the Open
focusing on smart city innovations), which Glasgow website currently replicates much
p oposed a a s e to the uestio What of the information provided on Future City
makes a city a Smart City as opposed to a Glasgo s e pages, it appea s p i a il
it he e so e s a t thi gs happe ? to serve as a platform for accessing the
(Robinson 2012). The criteria, we are told, it s ope data, a d pote tiall – it might
a e that s a t ities are led from the top be presumed – provides an umbrella
by a strong and visionary champion, smart platfo fo Glasgo s futu e s a t
cities have a stakeholder forum of activities which are not directly related to
committed city stakeholders and smart the Future City initiative. The Open City
ities i est i te h olog i f ast u tu e Manifesto (Future City Glasgow 2013a),
(Glasgow City Council 2012: 5). However, meanwhile, lays out principles for
while the Feasibility Study did make great managing data. These are largely drawn
mention of key public sector actors (eg the f o the G s Ope Data Cha te
universities and private companies such as and include making data available, and
SSE), the Future City Glasgow web pages engaging with the community. Throughout
provide no information about how it is the text there is a sense of the economic
governed or what networks exist. There are potential of data because it can foster
optimistic phrases about improvements in innovation (Future City Glasgow 2013a: 2),
collaborative governance arising from data and the possibility of nurturing more
availability (see above) but ideas on how collaborative forms of governance in which
public, private and voluntary sectors might public and private sectors, citizens and
work together in a different way is not academia come together to aid the delivery
clear. In its outward communication, then, of policy (Future City Glasgow 2013a: 3).
the council appears to have prioritised Bringing together communities of interest,
positio i g itself as the st o g a d it is asserted in the City Technology
isio a ha pio of the Futu e Cit Platfo do u e t, ill deli e ette
Glasgow initiative, rather than as merely outcomes through open data, innovation
one actor among many in a governance a d e gage e t i the it Futu e
network. Glasgow 2013b). Thus, data made available
via the Technology Platform will, it is
Some foundations for further
hoped, be of widespread benefit:
de elop e t of Glasgo s s a t a ti ities
businesses can more easily develop
have been laid in the form of the Open


i o ati e futu e ities p odu ts Futu e their assumptions on the power of data to
City Glasgow 2013b); the City Council will provide opportunities for business, and to
be able to use its assets, such as street improve governance because of better
lighting, more efficiently; and the collaboration. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs
community will benefit from more effective and other users of data are largely silent in
service delivery (Future City Glasgow these core strategic documents.
2013b). These texts, then, are optimistic in

Figure 5: A View of Glasgow from Queens Park

Photograph by John Lindie via Wikimedia Commons



Three of the initiatives forming part of the  Engaging the City (a touring exhibition
Future City Glasgow programme are briefly stands to raise awareness of the Future City
 Future Makers (a series of events
described below: the Glasgow Operations
Centre; Intelligent Street Lighting; and a
teaching children to code)
 Citizen Engagement (a research study
series of Community Mapping events. The
first represents the most substantial
tangible legacy of the programme; the i estigati g itize s ie s, ith a fo us o
other two exemplify the varied smaller- waste and road repairs)
scale or short-lived activities surrounding it.
This wide range of additional activities GLASGOW OPERATIONS CENTRE
implemented included:
 My Glasgow (an app allowing citizens to
The Operations Centre was at the heart of
the Future City programme funded by TSB.
report problems) It fi st ope ed i ti e to to keep the it
 Linked Mapping (an online map including o i g a d as safe as possi le du i g the
listings of various amenities and services)
 Renewables Mapping (a map of
Commonwealth Games in 2014 and is
lo ated i Glasgo s East E d STV News
renewable energy opportunities within the 2014). According to Community Safety
city) Glasgow (nd), a partnership between the
 Dashboards (allowing users to choose City Council and the Scottish Police
which city datasets will be visualised) Authority, its main objectives are to:
 Active Travel (a demonstrator smart  enhance management of events and
phone app designed for pedestrians and incidents
cyclists)  reduce and prevent crime and antisocial
 Hacking the Future (a series of four public behaviour
ha katho s the ed a ou d pu li safet ,  improve incident response times
energy, health, and transport)  embed more intelligent working practices
 Energy Efficiency Demonstrator (creating with all key partners.
a detailed data-based portrait of energy
As well as supporting police and
consumption across the city, to investigate
emergency services, it also supported the
the potential to reduce carbon emissions,
Clean Glasgow initiative, which was set up
lower fuel bills, and address fuel poverty)
 Social Transport (smart phone software
to address local environmental issues
across the city (Community Safety Glasgow
allo i g the it s so ial t a spo t fleet to
provide an improved, more flexible service)


Inside the Centre, more than 1,000 The trial took place in three city centre
screens are monitored 24 hours a day (STV locations: a section of the walkway by the
News 2014). Data are drawn from an River Clyde, Gordon Street (a partly
upgraded city-centre CCTV system across pedestrianised street), and Merchant City
the city centre, which is able to detect (a retail and leisure district). The new
unusual behaviour, a recently upgraded functionalities being tested included:
traffic monitoring systems, and police sensors providing real-time data on sound
intelligence. As well as enabling the levels, air quality, and pedestrian footfall;
emergency services to respond more a d D a i lights a le to dete t otio
rapidly to incidents, the system makes use and raise lighting levels accordingly (Future
of facial recognition software. This aspect City Glasgow nd c). The data are fed
of the surveillance system attracted some auto ati all i to the it s ope data hu ,
negative coverage in the local media, along launched in February 2015 (Invest Glasgow
with suspicion of the Israeli company NICE 2015; Thinking Cities 2015).
which provided it (heraldscotland 2014; It is unclear whether the project has
Aitchinson 2015). In future, it is planned been more widely rolled out following this
that the i pa t a d alue of the trial.
Operations Centre will be assessed by
mapping the intelligence gathered against a
range of specific indicators (Future City URL:
Glasgow nd b), though no information HTTP://FUTURECITY.GLASGO
appears to be currently available about W.GOV.UK/INTELLIGENT-
what these indicators will measure. STREET-LIGHTING/

W.GOV.UK/OPS-DATA/ This initiative consisted of a series of
pa ti ipato a ti ities to ap itize s lo al
knowledge, held between May and
September 2014. In the words of its
o ga ise s, it omplements the Future City
This de o st ato p oje t t ialled e Data Tea s stakeholde st ateg to
street lighting technologies which promised encourage organisations, businesses and
to i p o e lighti g ualit , ualit of life, public services to open data. Future Maps
public safety, energy and maintenance has invited people across Glasgow to share
effi ie Futu e Cit Glasgo d . a wealth of knowledge about the city.


Community insights offer a new point of 2014: 2). The maps and data produced
view on the city, creating the future from were made public afterwards.
the g ou d up. Futu e Cit Glasgo :
2). The project was a collaboration between
Pidgin Perfect (a participatory urban URL:
environment design agency), Open HTTP://FUTURECITY.GLASGO
Glasgow, Change Agents (a consultancy and W.GOV.UK/PDFS/FUTURE%2
training company) and the Greater 0MAPS%20FINAL%20REPOR
Easterhouse Alcohol Awareness Project T.PDF
Both traditional and digital mapping
techniques were employed, along with a
range of open-source tools. Six types of
themed activities took place: Citizen
Mapping sessions in four locations;
#SocEntMap Glasgow (mapping Social
Enterprises, and ethical/sustainable
businesses); Young City Mapping (with
schools and youth groups); Mapping Parties
(larger scale public events to map a
particular theme); Dear Green Network
(mapping the cit s g ee spa es ; a d
Heritage Mapping (an app encouraging
people to walk around and learn about the
community of Dennistoun) (Future City
Glasgow 2014: 2).
The o ga ise s lai that [i] easi g
people s o fide e ith digital esou es
proved to be empowering for many
pa ti ipa ts a d g oups Futu e Cit
Glasgow 2014: 2). In total, the project
involved 32 organisations, charities, social
enterprises, schools and community
g oups, a d itize appe s f o
across the city, over half of whom were
aged 25 or under (Future City Glasgow



Ait hi so , J. “hould e e o ied a out Glasgo s e hi-tech surveillance system?

STV News, 23 February. Online:
surveillance-installed-by-israeli-firm-nice-systems/ (accessed 28 June 2016).

Community Safety Glasgow (nd) Glasgow Operations Centre. Online:
(accessed 28 June 2016).

Davies, “. Glasgo ai s to e the fi st s a t it : E pe i e tal p og a es i lude

using big data forecast crime. Financial Times, 3 June. Online:
d119ac06-e57e-11e3-a7f5-00144feabdc0.html#axzz49YVLCVov (accessed 28 June 2016).

Future City Glasgow (2013a) Open Manifesto (Future City Principles). Online: http://open. (accessed 15 May 2016).

Future City Glasgow (2013b) City Technology Platform. Online:

content/uploads/2013/12/Technical-Architecture-Context.pdf (accessed 15 May 2016).

Future City Glasgow (2014) Future Maps: Sourcing City Data from Citizens. Online: http://
futurecity. (accessed 28
June 2016).

Future City Glasgow (nd) People Make Glasgow. Online:

(accessed 28 June 2016)

Future City Glasgow (nd b) Glasgow Operations Centre: Building a world class smart city in
Glasgow. Online: (accessed 28 June 2016)

Future City Glasgow (nd c) Intelligent Street Lighting: Smart Lighting for a Smart City. Online: (accessed 28 June 2016).

Glasgow City Council (2011) A fifty-year vision for the future – Future Glasgow 2011 – 2061:
Full consultation report. Online:
A4%20Full%20Version%20Online.pdf (accessed 14 July 2016).

Glasgow City Council (2012) Glasgow City Management System. Report prepared for
Technology Strategy Board. Online:
3794125/Feasibility+Study+-+Glasgow+City+Council.pdf (accessed 1 June 2016).

G8 (2013) G8 Open Data Charter and Technical Annex. Online:

ment/publications/open-data-charter/g8-open-data-charter-and-technical-annex (accessed
28 June 2016).


heraldscotland (2014) City's Israeli security deal. 17 August. Online: http://www.herald (accessed 28 June

Invest Glasgow (2015) Glasgow Launches World Leading City Data Hub. Online: http://invest (accessed 14 July

Robinson, R. (2010) The new architecture of Smart Cities. The Urban Technologist, September
2012. Online:
cities/ (accessed 28 June 2016).

STV News (2014) CCTV control centre opened in Glasgow ahead of Commonwealth Games. 12
February. Online:
glasgow-ahead-of-commonwealth-games/ (accessed 28 June 2016).

Thinking Cities (2015) Glasgow launches world leading city data hub. Online: http://thinking (accessed 15 July 2016).



Author: Simon Joss

Ha essi g digital i o atio to ake Lo do the est it i the o ld

The Future of Smart (Greater London Authority, 2016)

o do s fo a i to s a t it i o atio – relating to infrastructure, services and

L is closely linked with the opportunities
a d halle ges fa i g the UK s apital as
governance – for which consequently
di e se s a t solutio s eed to e fou d.
a global city: the smart city discourse The latter are predicated on exploiting the
deployed forms an integral part of the benefits of open data and digital
overarching narrative of London striving for technology to address governance
continuous growth and consolidating its complexity and enhance socio-economic
position as a leading international city and environmental innovation.
(Mayor of London 2013; see also NESTA
2015). This trajectory, however, is seen as
fa i g a ious e e ge t u a halle ges

Figure 6: City Hall, London

Photograph: Fakhriazam Afsahi


The Greater London Authority (GLA), these are not included in the present
and particularly the office of Mayor of analysis, which focuses on the overall
London, has been the main orchestrating metropolitan area under the auspices of
force behind the Smart London programme the GLA.)
to date (Smart London, undated). The The Smart London programme consists
metropolitan authority is in charge of both of three key strategic documents,
strategic development – principally accompanied by a burgeoning number of
through the Smart London Board – and the project-based initiatives (see Table 1,
implementation of various practical below). The programme was launched in
initiatives. In doing so, the GLA has actively 2013, following the GLA s pa ti ipatio i
sought to co-opt experts and community the national Future Cities Demonstrator
stakeholders to provide know-how and competition in 2012 in which London was
facilitate social engagement. As the one of the runners-up behind the winning
authority highlights in its data strategy plan city of Glasgow (Scotland). The Smart
(Greater London Authority 2016), City Hall London Plan (Mayor of London 2013) and
neither has all the solutions nor the the related progress report, The Future of
capacity to implement its smart city Smart (Mayor of London 2016), form the
programme singlehandedly. As a overarching smart city strategy together
consequence, there is strong emphasis – a with the Data for London: A City Strategy
key feature of Londo s take on the smart for London (Greater London Authority
city – on collaborative, co-creative 2016). The Smart London Board,
governance involving the business and established in 2013, advises the Mayor of
technology sectors as well as community London on the implementation of the
g oups a d Lo do e s o e idel . The smart city strategy. The various practical
commitment to networking is reflected in initiatives can be grouped into four
two recently established Smart London overlapping categories:
Innovation Networks (Smarter London, a) spatially anchored projects relating to
undated) – one seeking to link up four large
district regeneration efforts, notably the
regeneration projects, the other to Lo do Ol pi Pa k du ed Lo do s
promote cross-scalar integration of smart sustai a le dist i t ;
infrastructure and utilities – and the b) infrastructure networks pursuing cross-
Borough Data Partnership aimed at scalar integration, including the Smart
improving coordination between the 32 London Districts Network (especially
London boroughs, the City of London and Croydon, Elephant & Castle, Imperial
the GLA. (A few individual boroughs, such West, and the London Olympic Park) and
as Greenwich and Camden, have launched the Smart London Infrastructure
their own district-level smart city initiatives; Network;


c) entrepreneurial governance initiatives The latter two categories (c + d) are not

centred upon identifying smart tied to any particular geographical
technology solutions for various urban locations, but seek to enrol entrepreneurs
challenges (eg Civic Crowdfunding); (researchers, technology start-ups, small-
d) open government initiatives aimed at and medium-sized businesses, large firms)
increasing public engagement in urban a d Lo do e s e e s of the public,
policy- and decision-making (eg Talk community groups) from across the entire
London). metropolitan area in various virtual

Table 1: The Smart London programme

Strategy Key Actors Year (launch)
Mayor of London / Smart London
Smart London Plan 2013
Mayor of London / Smart London
The Future of Smart 2016
Data for London: A City Strategy for
Mayor of London / London Assembly 2016
Projects Key Actors Year (launch)
London Datastore Mayor of London / London Assembly 2010
Mayor / BRE / Institute for
Smart London Innovation Networks 2014
London Development Legacy
London Olympic Park 2014
Talk London Mayor of London / London Assembly 2015
Civic Crowdfunding Mayor of London / Spacehive 2015
Infrastructure Mapping Application Mayor of London 2015
Speed Volunteering Mayor of London 2016
Tech Londoners: People Solving
Mayor of London / London Assembly 2016
City Challenges

There is a close thematic link between a preconditio fo e a li g the it s

smart digital innovation and the promotion projected growth trajectory. The Smart
of a green economy running through the London Plan (Mayor of London 2013), for
Smart London programme. Environmental example, emphasises the need for
governance is, however, not seen as innovating in smart grids to manage
problematic in itself; rather, it is posited as increased supply and demand relating to

water, energy, transport and waste. In growth through digital technological

similar vein, the Data for London strategy innovation and governance is, then, also
(Greater London Authority 2016) espouses reflected in the various pilot initiatives and
it data as a e t pe of u a programmes put in place to implement the
infrastructure to ameliorate existing strategy. For example, the Talk London
infrastructure, such as transport and initiative recently featured a discussion
energy, based on more open and fo u o Lo do s housi g isis a d
integrated decision-making. Apart from related policies aimed at increasing the
providing environmental benefits and number of houses built; another discussion
upgrading urban infrastructure, a strand engages with strategies and
flou ishi g it data a ket is posited i initiatives for local regeneration. The latter
socio-economic terms as key to driving has also been a focus of the Civic
innovation in research, technology and Crowdfunding pilot programme, which
business, as well as improving social service emphasises support for unique, bottom-up
delivery (eg health care). place making initiatives, such as
This high-level strategic framing of regenerating parkland, and turning
Smart London in terms of achieving green brownfield land into organic urban farms.

Figure 7: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

Photograph by Fakhriazam Afsahi



A selection of initiatives which serve to Data Store, which is coordinated jointly by

implement the Smart London Plan are the London Assembly and the Mayor of
described below. Other initiatives listed in London. Among the partners involved are
Table 1 can be viewed on the official the Open Data Institute, the World Council
website (Mayor of London/London on City Data and the UK Future Cities
Assembly nd a). Catapult.
The commitment to open data
LONDON DATA STORE governance has recently been further
The London Data Store (Greater London underlined with the publication of Data for
Authority nd) goes back to 2010 – that is, London: A Strategy for London (Greater
three years prior to the formal launch of the London Authority 2016). The vision here is
Smart London Plan – when it was first for London to have the most dynamic and
trialled as a pilot project to open up city p odu ti e it data a ket i the o ld.
data. As su h, it as pa t of the ope City data, as a new form of urban
go e e t o e-government) infrastructure, is to be deployed to save
movement, which has subsequently been money through improved governance
absorbed into the smart city rhetoric. By efficiencies, incubate innovation and, thus,
2016, the online data store has grown to drive economic growth. Under the headline
become one of the core pillars of the Smart a oade ultu e is o eeded , the
London programme, providing open access document invokes citizens centrally as
to over 650 governmental (as well as some p odu e s a d o su e s of data: Citize s
non-governmental) data sets. These are are an integral part of the City Data Market,
organised in distinct categories including responsible for a significant volume of
arts, education, environment, planning and Lo do s it data. I the ai , this data
transport, among others. The facility also mostly comes from everyday interactions
includes an integrated dashboard which with services, social media, mobile devices,
allows online visitors to view data graphics ehi les, a d s a t a ds i id: .
and statistics concerning a range of
indicators, such as rates of recycling,
recorded crime and sports participation URL:
rates, and corresponding changes across HTTP://DATA.LONDON.GOV.
time. UK/
Reflecting the open, cross-institutional
nature of the data sets, over a dozen
organisations participate in the London

SMART LONDON INNOVATION technology innovators to pitch ideas and

NETWORKS potential solutions to the developers
involved in the four regeneration projects.
As set out in the Smart London Plan, two
Awards went to a range of digital and
innovation networks have been put in place
physical innovation proposals, though it is
aimed at consolidating urban regeneration
not yet clear from the official website which
and facilitating knowledge exchange and
of these are to be implemented on the
collaboration among technology
specialists, developers and utility
companies. The first, the Smart London The second network, the Smart London
Districts Network, was established in 2014 Infrastructure Network, was launched in
and seeks to foster technological 2015. Its focus is on cross-scalar
partnerships with four (already existing) infrastructure innovation, bringing
major district-level regeneration projects: together various utility companies (water,
Croydon, Elephant & Castle, Imperial West, transport, energy, telecommunications,
and the London Olympic Park. The site of waste management) and digital technology
the 2012 London Olympics and its innovators. Again, using several
surrounding area in East London had competition schemes, small businesses and
originally been proposed as the core entrepreneurs have been encouraged to
ele e t of Lo do s pa ti ipatio i pitch their proposals for digital applications
in the national Future Cities Demonstrator to help ap Lo do s u de g ou d
competition hosted by the Technology infrastructure network. The winners have
“t ateg Boa d, the UK s atio al subsequently been invited to present their
innovation agency (since renamed as potential solutions to utility companies,
Innovate UK). Subsequently, with the such as Thames Water and National Grid.
lau h of the it s o “ a t Lo do Pla
in 2013, the geographical focus was
extended across the metropolitan area, to
include the other regeneration hubs in
Central, South and West London. All four
are dubbed in the Smart London Plan as
aspi atio al dist i ts , ea i g that the
are identified as areas of urban growth TECH LONDONERS
oppo tu ities i eed of s a t-
Launched in early 2016, under the slogan
sustai a le goals to e a hie ed th ough
people sol i g it halle ges , this e
regeneration. In 2015, the London-based
i itiati e ai s to i g Lo do e s –
Institute for Sustainability (2015) was
understood here as registered community
commissioned to run a competition for

groups and charities – and technology SPEED VOLUNTEERING

entrepreneurs together to co-create digital
Another initiative launched in early 2016,
solutions to contemporary urban issues.
Speed Volunteering (Mayor of
The initiative is based on an online platform
London/Team London nd b) centres upon a
which invites visitors to register so that,
smart phone/tablet application which
depending on interests, they can be
matches volunteers with people seeking
matched with other online participants. To
help with various social activities (eg visiting
facilitate the process, the programme
elderly people, dog-walking) and
prioritises certain themes; the first of these,
environmental activities (eg tree planting)
under the rubric of well-being, is about
within local neighbourhoods. The
finding digital solutions – products and
application is geared towards one-off,
services – to help people living with chronic
short-input voluntary help – he e, speed
conditions (such as diabetes, obesity, heart
olu tee i g .
The GLA initiative has been outsourced
to Citymart (nd), an international urban URL:
consultancy. Current community group HTTPS://SPEEDVOLUNTEER.L
participants include Open Age, a charity ONDON.GOV.UK/
working with older Londoners, and the
Health and Wellbeing Institute at London
South Bank University; among the
technology entrepreneurs are St Health, a TALK LONDON
consortium of start-up companies This online platform (Greater London
specialising in health care, and SweatCoin, Authority nd) was launched in 2015 to
a smart phone/tablet application provider. widen public participation in political
deli e atio o e i g ig issues
affecting London. As such, the initiative is
URL: part of an effort to further open up City Hall
HTTP://WWW.CITYMART.CO policy- and decision-making to the general
M/TECH- public. The platform runs a series of online
LONDONERS#TECH- surveys, blogs and discussion boards. Some
LONDONERS/LANDING of the surveys carried out are specific to the
platfo : fo e a ple, the GLA s Lo do
2015 survey engaged over 4,000
participants over a period of one-month.
Other surveys amplify reviews carried out
elsewhere, such as a consultation on hire


vehicle policy run by Transport for London.

Issues covered include crime and safety,
health and wellbeing, transport, and the
environment. In 2016, air pollution has
been a key discussion topic, prompted by
newly elected Mayor Sadiq Khan calling for
urgent action to tackle this growing
problem. Another recent discussion item
has been the impact of Brexit (the UK
referendum to leave the European Union)
on the future of London.




Citymart (nd) Tech Londoners. People Solving City Challenges. Online: http://www.citymart.
o /te h―lo do e s#te h―lo do e s/la di g (accessed 15 April 2016).

Greater London Authority (nd) Data for London: A City Strategy for London. Online: http:// (accessed 15 April 2016).

Greater London Authority (nd) London Data Store. Online:

(accessed 15 April 2016).

Greater London Authority (nd) Talk London. Online:

(accessed 15 April 2016).

Institute for Sustainability (2015) Competition winners pitched tech innovations to some of
Lo do s iggest rede elop e t proje ts. Online:
uk/ e s/ ―“ep― .ht l (accessed 15 April 2016).

Mayor of London (2013) Smart London Plan. Online:

files/smart_london_plan.pdf (accessed 15 April 2016).

Mayor of London (2016) The Future of Smart. Update Report on the Smart London Plan. Online: (accessed
15 April 2016).

Mayor of London/London Assembly (nd a) Smart London. Online:

what-we-do/business-and-economy/science-and-technology/smart-london (accessed 15 April

Mayor of London/London Assembly (nd b) Crowdfunding Pilot Programme. Online: https://

.lo do .go .uk/ hat― e―do/ ege e atio /fu di g―oppo tu ities/ o dfu di g―pi
lot―p og a e (accessed 15 April 2016).

Mayor of London/Team London (nd) Speed Volunteering. Online: https://speedvolunteer. (accessed 15 April 2016).

NESTA (2015) CITIE. City Initiatives for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Report no
20. London: NESTA. Online:
(accessed 15 April 2016).

Smarter London (nd) Smart London Innovation Networks. Online:

news/ (accessed 15 April 2016).



Author: Robert Cowley

M anchester projects confidence both

of its positio as the UK s se o d
it , a d of its p o i e e a o g the it
following objectives (Corridor Manchester
2015: 27):
1. to reduce the carbon footprint of
egio s aki g up the No the Corridor Manchester through the
Po e house e isio ed the UK atio al more sustainable management of
government. Its longer history of digital energy and waste
innovation, and established networks of 2. to be leading-edge creators using
relevant cross-sectoral actors, have put it in information technologies and social
a strong position to fund and implement a media to engage actively with the
wide range of smart and low-carbon work of institutions and companies,
initiatives on the ground. public services, and the daytime and
The City of Manchester recently evening economy for visitors and
published a Smarter City Programme residents
(Manchester City Council 2016a) which 3. to integrate green and smart ideas
o solidates a a iet of s a t a ti ities into new development and
taking place in the region. This programme investment proposals.
consciously draws on the submission made The 2km Corridor runs south from
to the atio al go e e ts Futu e Ma heste s Ce t al Busi ess Dist i t,
Cities De o st ato o petitio taking in the it s t o u i e sities, the
(Manchester City Council 2013: 1), which Central Manchester University Hospitals
fo used o the pote tial fo Ma heste s NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester Science
O fo d ‘oad Co ido to e de eloped Partnerships (MSP), various cultural
a ou d fi e i te lo ki g the es, a el institutions including the Royal Northern
enhanced low carbon mobility, clean College of Music and Whitworth Art
energy generation and distribution, more Gallery, and various hi-tech and
efficient buildings, integrated logistics and engineering companies of different sizes.
resource management as well as Corridor Manchester, established as an
o u it a d itize e gage e t T“B incorporated body in July 2007 (CAICT
2013: 44). One of the strategic aims of the 2014: 131), hopes the district will continue
Corridor Manchester partnership, to att a t k o ledge o ke s to e o e
meanwhile, is to develop smart city o e of the top fi e i o atio dist i ts i
infrastructure and services, with the Europe, coupled with the economic
o e tu of the it s e o o a d


de olutio Co ido Ma heste : , Flo E e g “ ste s p oje t to suppo t

a hie i g lo al a d glo al e og itio as a electric vehicles at Manchester Science
place that is original, creative and smart, Pa k, a d the MiGuide digital street
he e k o ledge is put to o k Co ido wayfinding service currently operational in
Manchester 2015: 4). the it e t e. Its e a e of Ne
While two significant projects are taking Te h ologies Ma heste Cit Cou il,
place on Corridor Manchester a , e e plified se so s, LED
T ia gulu a d Cit Ve e , the ou il s lighting, smart ticketing, or low carbon
Smarter City programme showcases a technology such as electric vehicles or solar
wider range of initiatives around the city, panels Ma heste Cit Cou il a , is
addressing various social and o ple e ted the p i iple of Ne
environmental issues. These include an Wa s of Wo ki g i teg ati g s ste s,
intelligent street lighting initiative, a exploiting big data to manage the city in
network of stakeholders interested in real time, and providing better information
de elopi g h d oge fuel ells, the E & for residents, workers and policy-makers).

Figure 8: one of the MiGuide digital information points in Manchester City Centre
Photograph: Fakhriazam Afsahi


Manchester has a longer history of attempt to reclaim ownership over, and

digital initiatives associated with its Digital broaden, the smart agenda, which would
Development Agency (MDDA), established otherwise be centred on the Manchester
in 2003 and disbanded in 2015, and Corridor. Alongside the various high-profile
previous digital strategies published in public and private sector actors, NGO
2008 and 2012. Older initiatives associated Future Everything, established as long ago
with MDDA include the establishment of as 1995, plays a leading role in several
the Eu opea Net o k of Li i g La s , o goi g i itiati es. It ha pio s the ole
whose achievements in Manchester of grassroots innovation in the digital
included the development of an interactive eati e e o o Futu eE e thi g d ,
local news and information web portal in and holds regular events including an
East Manchester in 2002; and the annual festival of digital culture.
Manchester Digital Laboratory (MadLab), a National funding has played an
grassroots organisation promoting digital i po ta t ole i Ma heste s s a t-eco
skills and experimentation (MadLab nd). activities. For example, the case studies
The it s ope data platform DataGM has showcased within the Smarter City
been operational since 2011. Meanwhile, Programme include: a city-wide urban
its climate change action plan (Manchester sensing network, for which the council is
– A Certain Future), first launched in 2009, currently working with the national Future
aims for a 41% reduction in CO2 emissions Cities Catapult programme to secure
by 2020 (based on 2005) and to de elop a funding (Manchester City Council 2016b);
lo - a o ultu e i the city, prepare for the Central Library Digital Demonstrator (a
and adapt to a rapidly changing climate and drop-in centre providing access to and
help to facilitate a quick transition to a low- education about different digital
a o e o o Ma heste Cit Cou il technologies), enabled by the national
2015: 144). Urban Broadband Fund (Manchester City
A longstanding and dense network of Council 2016c); and the previously
actors from different sectors are active in mentioned Ebb & Flow Energy Systems
shaping Ma heste s a ti ities. project, funded by Innovate UK and the
Manchester City Council is active in, or national Engineering and Physical Sciences
lends its support to much of this activity, Research Council (Manchester City Council
with most other boroughs in the Greater 2016c). However, rather more obvious
Manchester area apparently playing a more networked links are apparent with
passive role, for example by contributing international actors – most obviously in the
open data sets. Following the demise of the Triangulum collaboration with other
MDDA, the current Smarter City European cities, but also through
programme might be interpreted as an Ma heste s st o g li ks ith the Chi ese


City of Wuhan, with which it is currently that will lead the way in developing more
collaborating in the development of smart smart green cities in China, while also
city solutions, and its leading role in the UK- fostering UK-China cooperation and
China Smartcities Initiative, a recently opening up business opportunities for UK
lau hed p og a e to p odu e a “MEs UK-China Smartcities nd a).
blueprint for smart green city governance

Figure 9: Oxford Road, Manchester

Image provided by Corridor Manchester Ltd


So as to capture some of the variety of De o st ato a d fu ded atio al

smart-eco activity taking place in government; and Smarter Citizen
Manchester, three rather different Manchester, an attempt to crowdsource
initiatives are described below: Triangulum, sensor technologies.
an EU-funded district-wide retrofitting
scheme; CityVerve, describing itself as
Ma heste s I te et of Things

TRIANGULUM Turin), which was intended to be used as a

modelling tool for energy planning
The Triangulum project, formally launched
scenarios and to optimise energy
in 2015, aims to transform urban areas into
production and consumption, through the
s a t ua te s in three European cities:
use of real-time data. According to
Manchester (UK), Eindhoven (Holland) and
Manchester City Council (2016c), DIMMER
Stavanger (Norway). Following assessment,
will be piloted in several more GM areas.
the concept will be transferred to three
follo e ities : Leipzig Ge a , P ague The Manchester demonstration will be
(Czech Republic), and Sabadell (Spain). innovative partly because of the heritage
Manchester has recently invited the status of many of the buildings involved –
Chi ese it of Tia ji to e a o se e of a se to that u til o has p o ed a ajo
the project (UK-China Smartcities nd b). challe ge i te s of a o edu tio
Triangulum is funded by the European (Triangulum nd). The project additionally
Co issio , hi h hopes to de o st ate aims to explore the potential benefits of the
cutting-edge smart city technologies and it s p og a e of e o i g a s f o
oll the out a oss the o ld U iversity Oxford Road, in terms of improving freight
Living Lab nd). It explicitly aims to logistics, and providing infrastructure for
de o st ate s a t g ee g o th – electric cars.
reducing carbon emissions while boosting T ia gulu s Ma heste a ti ities a e
the e o o U i e sit Li i g La d . being led by the City Council, in partnership
In Manchester specifically, the project with University of Manchester, Manchester
team aims to integrate mobility, energy and Metropolitan University, Siemens, and
ICT systems around three existing digital technology company Clicks and
infrastructural assets belonging to the Links. The University of Manchester is
Corridor partners: the Civic Quarter Heat leading the monitoring element of the
Network, University of Manchester project as a whole, in order to help
Electricity Grid, and the Manchester Fraunhofer IAO (a German institute for
Metropolitan University Electricity Grid Industrial Engineering) to transfer the
(Triangulum nd). A range of integrated o ept to the th ee follo e ities
digital energy management technologies (Siemens 2015).
will be introduced to demonstrate the The total funding for Triangulum from
potential for supplying, storing and using the European Co issio is €
energy more effectively in an urban district. (c.£20m), of which the Manchester project
Triangulum will build on data visualisation will receive £4.5m over 5 years. The
techniques developed as part of the EU- participating cities were chosen from all
funded DIMMER project (a pilot scheme those responding the European
running simultaneously in Oldham and Co issio s '“ a t Cities a d

Communities' Horizon 2020 funding call information about numbers waiting); smart
(Roue 2015). street lighting; a crowdsourced and crowd-
maintained bike sharing scheme; air quality
se so s i st eet fu itu e; a Co u it
URL: Well ess et ork of sensors in parks along
HTTP://UNIVERSITYLIVINGLA the main school and commuter routes to
B.ORG/NEWS/HORIZON- e ou age e e ise; a d a io et i
2020-TRIANGULUM- se so et o k to help a age h o i
DEMONSTRATE- respiratory conditions (UK Government
SMART-GREEN-GROWTH CityVerve is a partnership between the
City Council, the University of Manchester,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
CITYVERVE Central Manchester University Hospitals
NHS, Transport for Greater Manchester,
CityVerve was launched in 2016 after
Manchester Science Partnerships (a science
beating 21 other entries in a 2015 national
park operator), Ordnance Survey, along
competition held by the national
with a variety of private companies
Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
including both large technology and
Its £10m of funding forms part of a £40m
telecoms companies (Cisco UK, BT, and
government investment in Internet of
Siemens) and various SMEs, including
Things technology, announced in March
FutureEverything (MSP 2015), which is
i ol ed i a u e of othe s a t
It ai s to de o st ate appli atio s of initiatives in Manchester including the
Internet of Things technologies and Smart Citizen Manchester project outlined
services in four key areas: healthcare; below.
transport; energy and environment; and
culture and community. It will demonstrate
a smart city at scale, aiming to provide a URL:
replicable model for other cities in the UK HTTPS://WWW.GOV.UK/GO
a d e o d UK Go e e t . VERNMENT/NEWS/MANCHE
Specific planned applications will be STER-WINS-10M-PRIZE-TO-
demonstrated in the Manchester Corridor, BECOME-WORLD-LEADER-
a d i lude: talkati e us stops ith IN-SMART-CITY-
digital signage and sensors, and allowing TECHNOLOGY
passenge s to he k i to e ei e
information and provide bus operators with


SMART CITIZEN MANCHESTER publicity events are planned (though no

dates appear to have been published for
The Smart Citizen Manchester project aims
these). As of April 2016, the Smart Citizen
to follow the examples of Barcelona and
international website suggests that 28
Amsterdam by creating a community of
sensors have been installed in the Greater
itize s ho a e a ti e i aptu i g,
Manchester area (of a total of 560 in
sharing, making sense of data on their local
Europe and 828 worldwide). Since the
city, through the development of low-cost
organisers have not publicised the uptake
se so s Futu eE e thi g . It ai s
of the sensors or the growth of the
to se e as a ode fo uildi g p odu ti e
o u it i Ma heste , it ight e
open indicators and distributed tools, and
presumed that – to date – broader interest
thereafter the collective construction of the
in participation has been limited.
it fo its o i ha ita ts
(FutureEverything 2014).
The initiative is being jointly led by Intel URL:
and FutureEverything, an independent HTTP://FUTUREEVERYTHING
organization established in 1995. The low- .ORG/NEWS/SMART-
cost sensoring equipment runs on open- CITIZEN-MANCHESTER/
source software and can be powered by a
solar panel. It measures CO and NO2 levels,
temperature, humidity, sound levels and
light intensity, and streams data by wifi for
collation (Smart Citizen nd). Through a web
interface, participants can see data from all
the installed sensors in their own city and
elsewhere in the world. It envisages sensors
being installed within a three-mile radius of
the city centre. The sensoring equipment
was developed by Fab Lab Barcelona (a
small digital innovation and production
centre at the educational Institute for
Advanced Architecture of Catalonia).
An initial public training event was held
in May 2014, at which a limited number of
sensors were provided for free, and the
organisers say that further training and



CAICT [China Academy of Information and Communications Technology & EU-China Policy
Dialogues Support Facility II (PDSF)] (2014) Comparative Study of Smart Cities in Europe and
China 2014. Current Chinese Economic Report Series. Berlin: Springer.

Corridor Manchester (2015) Corridor Manchester – A Decade of Opportunity: Strategic Vision

to 2025. Online: (accessed 12 March 2016).

FutureEverything (2014) FutureEverything is bringing Smart Citizen to the UK with Intel. Online: (accessed
12 March 2016)

GMDSP (2013) Welcome to the Greater Manchester Data Synchronisation Programme. Online:
programme/ (accessed 7 April 2016).

Manchester City Council (2013) Smart Cities. Report for Resolution. Presented to Economy
Scrutiny Committee, Item 6, 11 December. Online:
meetings/id/16126/6_smart_cities (accessed 12 March 2016).

Manchester City Council (2015) Ma hester s State of the City ‘eport. Online: http://www.
e.pdf (accessed 25 March 2016).

Manchester City Council (2016a) Manchester Smarter City Programme. Online: http://www.
(accessed 25 March 2016).

Manchester City Council (2016b) Sensing Manchester. Online:

uk/site/custom_scripts/smarter_city/case_studies.php?id=138650 (accessed 10 April 2016).

Manchester City Council (2016c) Central Library Digital Demonstrator. Online: http://www. (accessed
10 April 2016).

MSP (2015) Ma hester a ou ed as UK s I ter et of Thi gs IoT City De o strator a d

awarded £10m investment. Online:
internet-of-things-iot-city-demonstrator-and-awarded-10m-investment/ (accessed 10 April

Roue, L. (2015) Siemens announced as technology partner for landmark project. Manchester
Evening News, 12 Feb. Online:
announced-technology-partner-landmark-8621188 (accessed 10 April 2016).


Siemens (2015) Sie e s supports Ma hester s s art ity isio : E ergy fir sele ted as
technology partner for Triangulum project. Press release. Online:
vision.htm (accessed 12 March 2016).

Smart Citizen (nd) About. Online: (accessed 10 April


Triangulum (nd) City of Manchester, United Kingdom. Online: http://triangulum- (accessed 13
March 2016).

TSB (2013) Future Cities Demonstrator Competition – Feasibility Studies: Interim Report.
Technology Strategy Board / Future Cities Catapult. Online:
5d6-105c-4a88-867f-12e7b976780b (accessed 13 March 2016).

UK-China Smartcities (nd a) Overview. Online: (accessed 7 June


UK-China Smartcities (nd b) Tianjin joins Manchester in EU flagship Lighthouse project

Triangulum. Online: (accessed 7 June 2016).

UK Government (2015) Ma hester i s £ prize to e o e orld leader i s art ity

technology. Press Release, 3 Dec. Online:
wins-10m-prize-to-become-world-leader-in-smart-city-technology (accessed 13 March 2016).

University Living Lab (nd) Triangulum: creating smarter cities. University Living Lab, University
of Manchester. Online:
pdf (accessed 14 March 2016).



Author: Li Yu

M ilton Keynes (MK) is perhaps the

est k o e a ple of the UK s
post-WWII Ne To s uilt i a atte pt
easy movement between homes, jobs and
 offered a mix of size, density, tenure and
to disperse the London population. It was prices to meet different needs and income
established in the late 1960s, incorporating groups when planning and developing its
housing blocks;
 attempted to mitigate potential damage
and expanding a series of small towns and
villages 45 miles to the north west of the
capital. Its local authority area now has a to the natural environment, particularly
population of approximately 250,000, with through the natural drainage system at its
further growth planned in the coming earlier planning and development stage.
ea s. Its e o ha a te isti s a e t a ed In the 21st Century, Milton Keynes has
back to the early period of New Town confronted the challenges of supporting
development, and particularly its master sustainable urban and economic growth
plan adopted in 1972. In many ways, this without exceeding the capacity of the
early planning was well aligned with current infrastructure, and met key carbon
ideals of sustainable development: there reduction targets.
was a strong emphasis on liveability, with Recent strategies, experimental projects
provision for abundant open and green and other activities i di ate that the s a t
spaces, and the 1970s saw a series of in MK has become closely intertwined with
innovative experiments in the field of low the e o , pa ti ula l a ou d the lo
and efficient energy design, such as carbon agenda, with a clear focus on
fo usi g the su s a s to heat ate a d ai tai i g the it s st o g e o o i a d
building interiors. Additional innovations population growth. In 2012, it submitted its
have included its system for managing Future Ready MK feasibility study to the
surface water run-off to avoid flooding, and Future Cities Demonstrator competition
the so- alled ‘ed a “ ste , a organised by the Technology Strategy
dedicated road network for pedestrian and Board (the national innovation agency at
cyclists (Milton Keynes Development the time). This study positioned MK as
Corporation 1992). Leading by planning having clear smart-eco ambitions: it stated
policies and design guidelines, Milton the ai to e o e the UK s leadi g digital
Keynes has: it Milto Ke es Cou il : , ith
 formed its spatial structure in grid a u a iguous o je ti e, a ked ith
squares, in line with its design principle of integrated city planning, to reduce its


carbon footprint with an energy-efficient  digital connectivity schemes (including a

high-te h k o ledge Milto Ke es free to use wireless broadband in the city
Council 2012: 3). Although the proposal did centre)
not win funding, the city has since launched  a satellite data demonstrator programme
a Future City programme, with key partners (for use by local authority service providers
including the Open University as project and businesses).
leader, and the University of Bedfordshire; Two further initiatives are also described
businesses (eg BT, Dell, E.ON, HR below as examples of the broader range of
Wallingford and Anglian Water); and local smart-eco activities taking place in the city:
communities (Milton Keynes Council nd). a trial smart parking scheme, and the
The council promotes the programme as planned Tattenhoe neighbourhood.
i ple e ti g it -scale operational
apa ilities alo g ith a test- ed
environment for new technologies and
business models. It is at the leading edge of
the Go e e t s e o o i strategy and
its aim of releasing the economic potential
of ig data, o e of the eight g eat
te h ologies ide tified The ‘t Ho
David Willetts MP as priority enablers to
p o ote futu e g o th Milto Ke es
Council nd: 4).
The Future City programme is centred
on the MK:Smart project (described below),
but it also includes the Low Carbon Urban
Transit Zone driverless cars research
initiative, an anaerobic digestion plant, a
combined heat and power plant, and the
FALCON smart grid (all of which are also
described below); and a series of other
initiatives including:
 Plugged in Places (providing electric
charging infrastructure for transport)
 a Residual Waste Treatment Facility
(opened in 2015 and providing energy for
12,000 homes)


Figure 10 Central Milton Keynes

Source: Green Digital Charter


sensors across the city currently feed into

MK:SMART the Data Hub, collecting information on
The MK:Smart project (with a budget of topics as diverse as soil moisture, water
£16m, including a grant of £8m from the levels, car park occupancy, recycling bin
Higher Education Funding Council for use, and weather conditions (Cooter 2016).
England) is being led by the Open These integrated datasets will be analysed
University. At its heart is the MK Data Hub, for the purposes of developing innovative
designed to integrate data on energy and solutions to demand issues in transport,
water consumption, transport, weather energy and water management (ibid).
and pollution, alongside existing socio- Alongside these technical ambitions, it
economic datasets, and crowdsourced has several other aims. First, to encourage
information from social media and local businesses to make use of the
specialised apps (MK:Smart nd a). Over 70 solutions thus developed (MK:Smart nd a),


with the datasets being made available to Keynes Council comme ted that Overall
third-party app developers and SMEs the MK:Smart initiative is forecast to make
(Cooter 2016). Se o d, to e po e savings of 20 per cent in water use and
students and practitioners with the skills almost three per cent in energy use, with 50
and competences needed to participate in per cent less traffic congestion and reduced
the eatio of a s a t it MK:“ a t d fuel use and vehicle emissions. Smart
a) by providing training to local parking will contribute significantly to that
schoolchildren, higher education students, latter area . The o goi g a ki g gi e
and the business community. And third, to the UK government to smart city initiatives
esta lish a Citize La to e gage lo al was reflected the comment made by Corin
eside ts i i o atio -centric decision- Wilson, Head of Smart Cities at UKTI (the
aki g p o esses i id . The itize national trade and investment body) that
e gage e t p og a e ai s to hea a d This valuable recognition of our cities and
act on what MK citizens think would make the collaboration between local
our city more sustainable MK:“ a t d government, education and business really
b). This is being achieved by analysing face- demonstrates that the UK is a leader in this
to-face conversations alongside comments domain UK Go e e t .
and feedback received via the specially
desig ed Qui k Chat app; a d th ough the
o li e ideatio platfo Ou MK i id , URL:
which publishes selected proposals and HTTP://WWW.MKSMART.OR
ideas received from the public, and allows G/
them to be voted on and discussed. Our MK
claims thereby to demonstrate the
pote tial fo digital tools to e po e
citizens to take the lead in conceiving of and
running bottom-up initiatives, with
implications for Smart City projects across The Low Carbon Urban Transport Zone
the UK a d i te atio all i id . (LUTZ) is a research and development
p og a e i hi h th ee d i e less pod
In 2015, the MK:Smart project won the
cars are being trialled in pedestrian areas of
Best of Show Prize at the VMWorld Europe
the city centre. It is intended that the trial
User Awards, and was a finalist in the
will lead to the introduction of a larger fleet
awards at the Smart Cities World Expo in
of pods (40) in Milton Keynes and Coventry,
Ba elo a the o e all “ a t Cit of the
along with other driverless road vehicles
Yea p ize e t to Pete o ough .
Catapult Transport Systems (nd).
After winning the VMWorld prize, Geoff
Snelson, the Director of Strategy at Milton


LUTZ is being developed by the ANAEROBIC DIGESTION PLANT

Intelligent Mobility Working Group (IMWG)
A new anaerobic digestion plant is being
of the UK Automotive Council. It is
built to generate renewable energy from
supported by two national government
local municipal waste. The facility will be
departments (Business, Industry & Skills,
able to process more than 25,000 tonnes of
and Transport), as well as the Transport
food and garden waste, which is the total
Systems Catapult (one of seven centres
annual volume in Milton Keynes at the
established by Innovate UK, the current
moment, with capacity to cope with further
national innovation agency, to support
increases in next 5 -7 years (Milton Keynes
growth in targeted areas of hi-tech
Council 2010: 21). It is due to be fully
industry). The council describes the overall
operational in September 2016 (Milton
objectives of the project as follows (Milton
Keynes Council 2015a).
Keynes Council nd: 2):
 to explore the potential for Intelligent
This project has been supported a grant
of £1.5 million from the Low Carbon
Mobility to deliver early benefits within 5
Infrastructure Fund, set up by the
years and substantial benefits to the UK
go e e t s Ho e & Co u ities
transpo t s ste
 to de o st ate the a ilit of the UK to
Agency (HCA), towards the addition of a
gas s u e to the pla t. This will
perform at the leading edge of transport
increase the amount of renewable gas
i o atio
 to do so ethi g de o st a l s a te
available to residents by allowing biogas
from the plant to be injected directly into
– than anything seen elsewhere in the
the local network, and has never previously
world, including autonomous and on-
been implemented in the UK (Milton
demand services – and explore the extent
Keynes Council 2010: 21).
to which they might offer solutions for the
challenges of urban mobility in the 21st
e tu . URL:


COMBINED HEAT AND POWER PLANT due to increased future demand, and the
problems of variability in the output from
Milton Keynes has developed a 6 megawatt
new low carbon energy generation
Combined Heat and Power plant (CHP).
technologies, and the implications of new
CHP systems can reduce total fuel usage
technologies such as electric vehicles and
and protect the environment by reducing
heat pumps for the energy grid (Milton
carbon dioxide emissions. The CHP is
Keynes Council nd: 2-3).
connected to the mains power grid for
back-up electricity, with excess electricity
sold back to energy companies. This system
was designed to generate and supply
electricity and heat to certain commercial
and housing areas in the West End and
central business district of Central Milton
Keynes (Milton Keynes Council 2010: 21),
and now provides energy to three large
mixed-use developments (HCA nd). SMART PARKING
This pilot initiative, taking place in 2015 and
designed by technology company Deteq in
URL: collaboration with BT, involved the
HTTP://UDC.HOMESANDCO installation of 300 sensors to manage the
MMUNITIES.CO.UK/MILTON- use of short-term parking spaces at Milton
KEYNES-CHP Keynes railway station. It allowed
information to be provided information on
roadside displays and smartphone apps to
FALCON SMART GRID guide vehicles towards available parking
spaces. As well as optimising the use of
The FALCON smart grid trial project was
e isti g pa ki g i f ast u tu e, s a t
supported by a £13m grant from the
pa ki g s ste s of this t pe pote tiall
go e e t s gas a d ele t i it egulato
reduce fuel consumption and emissions
OFGEM, and delivered by Western Power
from vehicles driving around in search of
Distribution, an electricity provider, in
partnership with Cranfield University and
the Open University. It was launched in The sensors, powered by lithium-ion
2011, and completed in 2015. batteries with a lifespan of over four years,
monitor vehicle movements. After
The project aimed to test ways of
detecting an arrival or departure, the
optimising the power network, with a
sensors send information wirelessly to
particular focus on the risks of blackouts

lamppost mounted solar-powered The aim is to deliver an environmentally

repeaters. These aggregate the data and friendly and attractive neighbourhood
transmit it over the internet to the MK Data development, which is well connected with
Hub, where it is processed, with the surrounding neighbourhoods and the wider
resulting analysis made available on the city. Much of the open space in the area has
Milton Keynes Council public information already been landscaped; and the primary
dashboard. The information is also infrastructure (roads and services) has
available on smartphones, with parking bay been constructed. To manage surface
status displayed as red (occupied) or green water run-off, a Sustainable Urban
(free) via an overlay to Google maps. Drainage System (SUDS) consisting of a
Later in 2015, the council announced series of waterways and ponds is adopted.
that a further 200 sensors were to be Smart metering technology will be provided
i t odu ed i the it s G afto in the area together with other planned
Gate/Avebury Boulevard car park, for a six- smart grid applications in order to test ways
month trial period, with the hope of of lowering carbon emissions.
eventually covering all 20,000 parking
spaces in central Milton Keynes (Milton
Keynes Council 2015b). URL:

This planned new neighbourhood will
provide approximately 1,300 new homes,
with shops and community facilities,
allotment gardens and public open space. A
new primary school has already been



BT (2014) Smart Parking in Milton Keynes: Innovative parking space pilot project. Online:
ase_study.pdf (accessed 6 April 2016).

Catapult Transport Systems (nd) LUTZ Pathfinder automated pods project – FAQ. Online:
pods-project-faq/ (accessed 4 July 2016).

Cooter, M. (2016) Taking a closer look at the Milton Keynes smart city project. Computer
Weekly, 11 January. Online:
closer-look-at-the-Milton-Keynes-smart-city-project (accessed 7 April 2016).

HCA (nd) Milton Keynes CHP: Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system. Impact. Homes &
Communities Agency. Online:
(accessed 7 July 2016).

Milton Keynes Development Corporation (1992) The Milton Keynes Planning Manual. Milton
Keynes: Chesterton Consulting.

Milton Keynes Council (2010) Milton Keynes: A Sustainable Future. A Low Carbon Prospectus.
SustainableFuture-ALowCarbonProspectus.pdf (accessed 5 July 2016).

Milton Keynes Council (2015a) Milton Keynes Waste Recovery Park is really starting to take
shape. Press Release, 2 January. Online:
2015/jan/milton-keynes-waste-recovery-park-is-really-starting-to-take-shape (accessed 7 July

Milton Keynes Council (2015b) Be part of our parking trial: 6-month pilot scheme to test parking
sensors in CMK. Online:
Sensor%20Pilot.pdf (accessed 7 July 2016)

Milton Keynes Council (nd) Milton Keynes Future City Programme. Online: http://milton-
5vVA%3D&WGewmoAfeNQ16B2MHuCpMRKZMwaG1PaO=ctNJFf55vVA%3D (accessed 7 April

MK:Smart (nd a) About. Online: (accessed 4 July 2016).

MK:Smart (nd b) Citizens. Online: (accessed 4 July 2016).

NHBC (2010) Milton Keynes: A Sustainable Future. A Low Carbon Prospectus. Online: http://
_Future-A_Low_Carbon_Prospectus.pdf (accessed 7 April 2016).

UK Government (2015) UK's Smart Cities recognised as World Class. Online: https:// (accessed 11 April



Author: Robert Cowley

N e astle s e o a d s a t a itio s
are interwoven very consciously in the
service of economic development. These
from the decline of heavy industry, but has
made efforts to promote itself as a centre
for hi-tech and low-carbon industries.
ambitions are being realised within a very Policies and promotional materials relating
visible and clearly defined area of the city both to the Science Central project and the
centre, Science Central, which is actively broader economic strategies for the city
promoted as a flagship / laboratory for region mobilise a narrative of continuity
North East region as a whole. ith, ut t a sfo atio of, the it s
industrial heritage. The symbolic charge of
The city of Newcastle has a population of Science Central being developed on the site
just under 300,000, and sits within the of a brewery and a nineteenth-century coal
Tyneside urban conurbation of almost mine is exploited in the documentation.
900,000. Since the 1970s, it has suffered

Figure 11: The River Tyne in Newcastle City Centre

Photograph: JimmyGuano via Wikimedia Commons

Newcastle and Gateshead jointly reduction of carbon emissions and playing

published an economic and spatial strategy a leadi g ole i de elopi g lo -carbon
in 2010, announcing the ambition to te h ologies fo the o ld NG : .
be o e a lo - a o it egio , Newcastle agreed a City Deal in 2012, as
conceived of both in terms of ongoing part of the natio al Go e e t s oade

devolution strategy, which accorded it the stakeholder engagement around urban

poli status of lo a o pio ee i g it , sustai a ilit “ ie e Ce t al :7),
including a carbon reduction target of 34% a d a U a O se ato ollati g data
by 2020 (UK Government 2012: 16). The from around the city to inform planning
City Deal also eated a A ele ated decisions and emergency services. Prior to
De elop e t )o e focused on four sites in the development, the university had dug a
the city centres of Newcastle and 1,800 bore hole on the site with the
Gateshead, in which business-rate income potential to provide the site and
has been ring-fenced to encourage surrounding area with geothermal energy.
redevelopment. Among these, the Science The Core building was opened in November
Central development in Newcastle is a 9.7- 2014 and, as of March 2016, is reported as
hectare flagship project dedicated to the almost fully occupied, with some research
development of digital and low carbon labs operating on site in The Key, and
technologies, with a strong urban construction of the Urban Sciences Building
sustainability innovations framing. underway. The whole development is due
to be complete by 2018.
SCIENCE CENTRAL The main actors involved are Newcastle
“ ie e Ce t al des i es itself as a test University and Newcastle City Council,
ed fo e digital te h ologies ith building on an existing long-te “ ie e
environmental applications, which aims to Cit pa t e ship esta lished to a i ise
be a glo al e t e fo u a i o atio the No th East s s ie tifi pote tial, aisi g
(Science Central 2016). As well as being a a a e ess of the egio s s ie tifi
centre for research and development, it e pe tise a oss the o ld N“C
also p o otes itself as a li i g la o ato Partnership nd). The development is also
in which smart technology can be trialled backed by Dynamo (an industry-led
and brought to market. The initiatives initiative to promote the regional tech
already ased the e i lude the Cloud sector). Organisations partnering on
I o atio Ce t e , a d a Natio al I stitute infrastructural research projects include
for Smart Data Innovation. Its 18 plots will Northumbrian Water, Northern Powergrid,
house commercial and technology lab and the Tyne and Wear Urban Traffic
space and some residential units. Notable Management Control Centre, while private
uildi gs ill i lude The Ke a e o- sector technology partners include
f ie dl u le uildi g , a Co fe e e Siemens, Philips, Microsoft and Zero
and Learning Centre, and an Urban Carbon Futures.
Sciences Building housing a grid-connected As well as being backed by national
e e g sto age test ed, a De isio Government through the 2012 Newcastle
Theat e hi h ill fa ilitate pu li a d City Deal, it received further funding for


infrastructural projects from the Chancellor it clearly has its eyes on international
in 2015, and has a total budget of £250m. export markets.
Flagship building The Core was partly
funded by the European Union Regional
Development Fund (2007-13). Its partners URL:
include international tech companies, and HTTP://WWW.NEWCASTLES



Dynamo (undated) Our Vision. Online: (accessed 10

March 2016).

NSC Partnership (undated). NSC Partnership. Online: http://www.newcastlesciencecentral.

com/about/nsc-partnership/ (accessed 10 March 2016).

Science Central (2016) About Science Central. Online:

about/ (accessed 8 April 2016).

Science Central (2015) Science. Central to Your Future. Marketing Brochure. Online: http://
updated-oct-15-FINAL-small.pdf (accessed 8 April 2016).

UK Government (2012) Unlocking growth in cities: city deals – wave 1. Online: https://www.
Deals-wave-1.pdf (accessed 10 March 2016).

1NG (2010) 1Plan: An Economic and Spatial Strategy for Newcastle Gateshead. Online: http://
f (accessed 8 April 2016).



Author: Li Yu

W hile little remains of the textile

industry which gave Nottingham its
rapid growth in the nineteenth century, it is
economic growth and the case for city
de olutio Co e Cities d . Ne e theless,
it has not featured prominently on the
currently one of the largest cities in the i te atio al la ds ape of s a t u a
UK s Midla ds: its oade et opolita innovation. This may well change in future:
region has a population of c.1.5 million (the it as e e tl a ed o e of the UK s top
city itself has c.310,000 residents, or te s a t ities i a e e t epo t
c.730,000 including its suburbs), and commissioned by Huawei (Woods et al.
features among the top ten UK 2016). Though not positioned among the
metropolitan economies by size. It is a leade s i this epo t, Notti gha as
e e of the Co e Cities g oup, ade up bracketed with Sheffield as a o te de
of the ou ils of E gla d s eight la gest city, which has developed a smart vision
city economies outside London along with and has begun to implement some
Glasgo a d Ca diff , a d hi h ai s to significant specific activities.
p o ote the ole of ou ities i d i i g

Figure 12: Trent Bridge, Nottingham

(photograph by Insignia3 via Wikimedia Commons)


Nottingham has a series of well the Queens Award for Sustainable

esta lished e o ede tials, i ludi g its Development in 2014. The Chair of the NEP
recognition by the Department of Energy Board, Councillor Dave Liversidge,
a d Cli ate Cha ge as a Lo Ca o o e ted that Wi i g the Quee s
Pio ee Cit (Nottingham City Council A a d is a a ellous e og itio of NEP s
. It lai s to e the ost e e g self- dedication to reducing fuel poverty and
suffi ie t la ge it i the UK Notti gha cutting carbon emissions. With a number
City Council 2012: 1; Local Government of changes to government energy policy, it
Asso iatio a d o e of the least a - has been a trying time for us; this will
depe de t ities i the UK Notti gha certainly give us a boost to strive and build
City Council 2013b: 8). Additionally, 1 in 10 o ou t a k e o d Notti gha E e g
of Notti gha s ho es , i total Partner nd).
were recently retrofitted to reduce energy
consumption, including the installation of
solar PV systems at 3,500 properties (NTU
Key environment-related policy
documents have included its Energy
Strategy 2010-2020 (Nottingham City
Council 2010; and see description below),
which was followed by the Nottingham
Community Climate Change Strategy
, p o isi g eside ts a se u e
career at the forefront of the low carbon
technology, within a thriving green
e o o Notti gha Cit Cou il :
9). Two specific projects outlined below are
the significantly expanded NET tram
network, and its Enviroenergy district
heating company, launched in 1995. In
2015, the council also launched Robin Hood
Energy, a not-for-profit low-cost energy
company. The Nottingham Energy
Partnership, a carbon reduction charity
originally set up by the council in 1997, won


Figure 13: Tram in Nottingham City Centre

Photograph: Elliott Brown, via Wikicommons media

The momentum achieved through these between 2005 and 2020, and meeting 20%
environmental initiatives and awards of energy demand locally from low and zero
appears to have allowed the city to move carbon sources by 2020 (Nottingham
more recently towards a smart city agenda, Energy Partnership 2012).
particularly through its current In the meantime, it is making efforts to
involvement in the EU-funding build up its hi-tech industries. The
REMOURBAN project (see outline below). Nottingham Growth Plan, launched in
The emphasis on energy and transport , ide tifies atu al st e gths in three
infrastructure in this project reflects the high-value growth sectors: digital content,
content of Notti gha s ea lie id fo lifes ie es a d lea te h olog
funding in the national Future Cities (Nottingham City Council 2013b: 18), and it
Demonstrator competition (Nottingham was recognised by the UK Government in
City Council 2012b), which also contained as o e of the UK s si “ ie e Cities
p oposals fo a “ a t Cit I fo atio (Nottingham Science City nd) in reflection
Model to help deli e the p oje ts a d of the scientific strengths of its two
monitor performance. The citywide energy universities, industrial base, and long
map which it has developed is described as history of scientific discoveries. The council
i te di g to eet the isio of A s a t it hosts and shares open datasets through its
where energy flows are planned, mapped Nottingham Insight internet portal.
a d o ito ed , ith the ai of edu i g
the it s a o e issio s %



phase, between 2016 and 2017, it has a

REMOURBAN budget of over £3m.
In 2015, Nottingham was awarded £5m to I Notti gha s ase, 's a t'
be one of demonstrator cities in the five- technologies offer possible tools to address
ea ‘EMOU‘BAN ‘Ege e atio MOdel a range of difficult issues related to
for accelerating the smart URBAN sustainable urban development. Specific
transformation p og a e, supported by interventions include:
EU Horizon 2020. REMOURBAN aims to  the creation of a low-energy district in the
desig a d deplo a odel of u a Sneinton neighbourhood, by retrofitting
regeneration in towns and cities that selected older properties to high standards
exploits the convergence between energy, of energy efficiency (TNU nd), extending
mobility and ICT to improve quality of life, the district heating network (REMOURBAN
ensure social acceptance and nd b; also see below), and installing
environmental sustainability, accelerate photovoltaic panels (REMOURBAN nd c);
the deployment of innovative solutions and  a i tellige t o t ol s ste in Sneinton
the adoption of new business models for which, among other things, will monitor
it e o atio ‘EMOU‘BAN d a . The energy consumption in homes for billing
other cities involved are Valladolid (Spain) purposes, provide feedback on this to
and Eskisehir (Turkey), with Seraing users, and provide alerts and alarms for
(Belgium) and Miskolc (Hungary) also taking vulnerable residents (REMOURBAN nd d)
pa t as follo e ities .  fu the de elop e t of the it s g ee
The five demonstrator cities each transport infrastructure, including the
mobilise a different approach to integrating introduction of two electric vehicles for
sustainability into their urban regeneration tourists, small electric vehicles for last-mile
schemes. They are expected to share their delivery to homes and businesses, and an
local expertise and complementary actions, hourly car hire scheme (REMOURBAN nd e)
and to develop a model of smart urban  a programme of community engagement
transformation. In Nottingham, as (REMOURBAN nd e)
elsewhere, the programme is being  a City Information Platform including a
operated through a partnership among simulation model drawing on various types
various stakeholders, including national of data, including energy consumption and
and local government, local communities, transport use (REMOURBAN nd d).
businesses and universities. In the first


URL: network as a response to climate change

HTTP://WWW.REMOURBAN. and build the resilience of the city to
EU/ external price pressures. The project
intends to create the foundations for
increased infrastructure integration and
the delivery of smart grid concepts across
the city. The aims of the project include:
 tackling fuel poverty;

 reducing carbon emissions; and

Nottingham boasts the largest district

 energy security in terms of price and

heating network in the UK. Its Eastcroft
Energy from Waste (EfW) plant waste plant
supply to prepare for the decline of oil
has been generating energy since 1972. The
EfW plant is now the property of
Nottingham City Council but is operated by The work is focused on the Southern
private contractor WRG. The steam is sold Gateway, the Boots Enterprise Zone and
to Enviroenergy Limited, an energy services the Creative Quarter, parts of which have
company established in 1995 and wholly been covered by existing district heating
owned by Nottingham City Council. network (Nottingham City Council 2012b).
Enviroenergy runs the CHP and district The project aims to extend the network
heating infrastructure and manages further to allow new business growth to be
distribution, metering and billing. The supported with low heating costs provided
existing network of 68km piping has already by a low carbon network. As well as
supplied over 145GWh of heat locally, reducing fuel poverty and energy bills, the
127GWh of which comes from renewables p oje t ai s to olste the it s i age as a
and waste. The heat and power station centre of green industry, and thereby
already provides 4% of the entire city's attract new investments. In 2012, it was
power consumption and 3.5% of the entire estimated that 27,000 tons of CO2
city's heat consumption. It now supplies as emissions were offset annually by the
many as 4,700 homes and 100 businesses existing network (LGA 2012).
across the city (Enviroenergy nd).
Nottingham has decided to expand the HTTP://WWW.LOCAL.GOV.U
district heating network to connect K/CLIMATE-
multiple heat providers, so as to form a CHANGE//JOURNAL_CONTE
linked secure network supplying heat NT/56/10180/3511234/ARTI
across the city (Nottingham Energy CLE
Partnership 2012). The project will enable
Nottingham to create a resilient supply


NOTTINGHAM EXPRESS TRANSIT operational in the near future (Nottingham

(NET) Post 2015; UK Government 2016).

Nottingham Express Transit (NET) is a 32

kilometre (20 mile) tramway. In March
2000, the joint promoters, Nottingham City
Council and Nottinghamshire County
Council, awarded a 30-year Private Finance
Initiative concession to the Arrow Light Rail
Ltd consortium, with responsibility for the
design, funding, building, operation and ASPLEY COMMUNITY MICRO POWER
maintenance of the line. The consortium PLANT
was made up of Adtranz (later subsumed Nottingham City Council and E.ON worked
into Bombardier Transportation) in partnership to identify 600 council
responsible for trams; Carillion responsible houses in the Aspley district which would
for the infrastructure; along with Transdev be suitable to have solar panels fitted by
and Nottingham City Transport. The system E.ON. The Council rented the roof space to
opened to the public on March 9th 2004. Its E.ON, who then funded and installed up to
second phase with £570 million investment 10 panels on each participating house in
to more than double its size, opened on 2011. E.ON processes the electricity
August 25th 2015. It is expected that the generated, and sells any surplus electricity
newly expanded system will be used by 23 generated back to the National Grid. This is
million passengers a year (ITV News 2015). the single largest domestic photovoltaic
NET has proved to be very successful: in (PV) scheme delivered in the UK. It is hoped
the first phase, public transport use in the that this scheme and similar future planned
Nottingham urban area increased 8% in the investments offer the potential of a small
first five years to 2008, together with a less o u it ased i o po e pla t
than 1% growth in road traffic, compared forming part of the incremental
with the national average of 4% (railway- development of a clean energy network nd). The City Council is (Nottingham City Council 2012b)
investigating the potential for the Aspley is a relatively deprived part of the
Nottingham Express Transit to become a city. As part of the project, E.ON provided
customer of Enviroenergy (see above) and green skills training and work experience
e efit f o a futu e Notti gham Energy opportunities for unemployed local
Ta iff Notti gha Cit Cou il .A residents (E.ON nd). If the views of one local
integrated smart ticketing system, usable resident quoted by E.ON are representative
on all trams and buses, is due to be of wider local opinion, the reduction in


energy bills will also be warmly welcomed: URL:

We e e hopi g to sa e o e o ou HTTPS://WWW.EONENERGY
electricity bills. I think this month our bill .COM/FOR-YOUR-
has ee ut half e ause e e had BUSINESS/LARGE-ENERGY-
some great weather – I hope it continues! USERS/MANAGE-
It sou ds too good to e t ue ut I d ENERGY/ON-SITE-
encourage other families in the area to GENERATION/ON-SITE-
snap up the chance to have solar panels GENERATION-CASE-
fitted if thei house is suita le (E.ON nd). STUDIES/NOTTINGHAM-



Core Cities (nd) A unique and influential voice for cities. Online: (accessed
4 July 2016).

E.ON (nd) Nottingham City Council. Online:

studies/nottingham-city-council (accessed 2 April 2016).

ITV News (2015) Notti gha s Ne £ illio t a et o k: e e thi g ou eed to k o .

network-everything-you-need-to-know/ (accessed on April 3rd 2016).

LGA (2012) Nottingham's warmth from waste system. Online:

-change/-/journal_content/56/10180/3511234/ARTICLE (accessed 3 April 2016).

Nottingham City Council (2012a) Connected, Creative, Competitive Nottingham. The

Nottingham City Deal. Online:
attachment_data/file/221016/Nottingham-City-Deal-final.pdf (accessed 3 July 2016).

Nottingham City Council (2012b) Nottingham Future Cities: Feasibility Study 2012. Online:
m+City+Council.pdf/838f9293-4ac8-4d32-9852-fbc66a7db259 (accessed 4 July 2016).

Nottingham City Council (2013) Nottingham City land and planning policies: Development Plan
Document. Climate Change Background Paper. Online: file:///C:/Users/Rob/Downloads/
Climate%20Change%20Background%20Paper.pdf (accessed 3 July 2016).

Nottingham City Council (2013b) The Nottingham Growth Plan. Online: http://www.
0Web.pdf (accessed 4 July 2016).

Nottingham Energy Partnership (2012) Local Economic impact study for the Nottingham Energy
Strategy. Online:
pactofdeliveringNottingham_v7.pdf (accessed 27 March 2016).

Nottingham Post (2015) Nottingham to get 'Oyster card-style' ticket system - for all buses and
trams. Online:
story.html (accessed 7 July 2016).

Nottingham Science City (nd) Proud to be a Science City. Online:

/about-us/proud-to-be-a-science-city.aspx (accessed 4 July 2016).


NTU (nd) REMOURBAN City Demonstrator Project. Online:

ject (accessed 7 July 2016).

REMOURBAN (nd a) Project. Online:

(accessed 4 July 2016).

REMOURBAN (nd b) Sneinton district of Nottingham, England, showing the way for a
sustainable energy future in Europe. Online:
Future-In-Europe.kl (accessed 27 March 2016).

REMOURBAN (nd c) Low Energy districts actions. Online:

Lighthouse-Cities/Nottingham/Interventions/ENERGY.kl (accessed 7 July 2016).

REMOURBAN (nd d) Integrated infrastructure actions. Online:

(accessed 7 July 2016).

REMOURBAN (nd e) Sustainable mobility actions. Online:

Lighthouse-Cities/Nottingham/Interventions/MOBILITY.kl (accessed 7 July 2016).

REMOURBAN (nd f) Society - Non technical actions. Online:

Lighthouse-Cities/Nottingham/Interventions/Society.kl (accessed 7 July 2016).

UK Government (2016) Roll-out of smart ticketing will improve bus, rail and tram journeys for
millions. Online:
ove-bus-rail-and-tram-journeys-for-millions (accessed 7 July 2016). (undated) Nottingham Express Transit, United Kingdom. Online: (accessed 25 July 2016).

Woods, E., Alexander, D., Rodriguez Labastida, R. & Watson, R. (2016) UK Smart Cities Index:
Assessment of Strategy and Execution for 10 Cities. White Paper. Navigant Research. Online: (accessed 3 July 2016).



Author: Federico Caprotti

P eterborough has a well-developed and

focused smart city strategy
encompassing a range of projects, from
2012-13, Peterborough came second and
was awarded £3 million to develop the
Peterborough DNA project (see details
urban fibre to wearable health below). Peterborough was also awarded
technologies, from networked weather the Smart City of the Year 2015 award at
stations to more traditional business the World Smart City Congress held in
innovation and incubator facilities. Barcelona in late 2015, coming top of a list
Peterborough may not feature in the of 265 cities (Opportunity Peterborough
mental maps of many professionals and 2015). In the competition, Peterborough
scholars working on smart cities, but was ranked higher than global contenders
evidence from the policy and urban such as Dubai, and higher than other UK
planning practice world suggests that it entries. On the UK smart cities map,
should. In the Future Cities Demonstrator Peterborough is widely ranked higher than
competition run by the UK government in Cambridge, its more academic rival and

Figure 14: Cathedral Square, Peterborough

Photograph: Fakhriazam Afsahi


Pete o ough s fo us o s a t a d Pete o ough s s a t it p oje ts also

e o p oje ts is ai l o e t ated o the consistently refer to the British Standards
former at the urban (city and Institute (BSI) framework for smart cities,
neighbourhood) scale, although due to the and specify how the city fits into this. This
political geography of the UK, helps pla e Pete o ough o the ap of
Peterborough is clearly linked to, and globally recognisable evaluation and
affected by, Cambridgeshire County performance frameworks for smart cities.
Council. There is significant evidence in No etheless, apa t f o the UK s skills
policy and other documents of discourses sho tage, Pete o ough s s a t it
aiming to place Peterborough in a global ambitions are potentially at risk from its
smart cities league by dint of its larger subordinate position within
projects (eg the Gigabit City project), which Cambridgeshire: in 2015-16 there were
Peterborough claims will enable it to discussions about cuts in funding from the
compete with Seoul, Tokyo, and other county council, and fears about how this
world cities in the digital economy – a claim would affect Peterborough City Council and
that perhaps does not stand up to scrutiny its ability to implement its digital city
when considering the skills shortage that strategy.
the UK suffers in these areas.

Peterborough has several projects that can second in the whole of the UK.
be described as smart city initiatives. There Peterborough DNA is an umbrella project
is less evidence of a consistent focus on the containing activities in the areas of smart
e o o g ee di e sio , o o the otio business, innovation, living data and future
of Peterborough as an environmentally skills (Opportunity Peterborough 2016).
sustainable city, apart from services In the smart business strand,
provided by the council to enable Peterborough has instituted a Smart
environmental impact reduction for city Business Network including corporates
businesses (see below). such as Skanska, Viridor and Amey. On the
eco side, the city has also founded a
PETERBOROUGH DNA scheme which provides advice to
businesses in how to reduce their
Peterborough DNA started in 2012: its
environmental impact.
origins are in the £3m grant given to the city
as part of the UK Technology Strategy In the living data strand, Peterborough
Board Future Cities Demonstrator has inaugurated a Living Data Portal with
competition which ran in 2012-13. In that access to council open data integrated into
competition, Peterborough was ranked Google Earth. The city has also started a


series of urban hackathons. Finally, it has called Brainwave, where citizens and users
installed weather stations at 25 schools, of the it s se i es a post u a
although there is little explanation of how challenges in a range of areas, and then
this fits into a smart city strategy apart from discuss and agree on solutions (Brainwave
providing environmental monitoring 2016). Although the platform basically
capability. seems to function as a sustainable city /
In the future skills DNA strand, smart city discussion forum, it is active and
Peterborough is now actively running a includes input from citizens, businesses and
graduate scheme and a Masters bursary council authorities on a range of topics
scheme, both of which fund programmes from infrastructure, to green building
involving local businesses and both of materials, to schools, to how to enable
which are innovation-focused. A Skills and more solar PV deployment in the city.
Innovation Centre has also been founded,
integrated within the Peterborough United
football stadium. The Skills and Innovation
Centre also features an Innovation Lab with
3D printers, manufacturing facilities for
innovative products, and workshop and DIGITAL CITY PETERBOROUGH
discussion space. The Centre is part Digital City Peterborough is an umbrella
innovation space, part business incubator, project encompassing a range of activities
and was one of the key Peterborough DNA ai ed at i p o i g the it s digital
deliverables. connectivity. Key activities within Digital
Although Peterborough DNA started as a City Peterborough include Peterborough
demonstrator, it is now the overall CORE, a city-wide fibre-optic network
umbrella organization attempting to bring currently near completion and being built
together and deploy a range of other smart by CityFibre (Peterborough CORE 2016).
city projects in the city. The project is, at the The project makes explicit references to its
time of writing, operational: several aim to link to the British Standards smart
activities have already been organised and city framework.
have taken place as a result. Examples of Peterborough CORE saw construction
these are the Innovation Challenge Fund start in 2014, and the fibre network is now
and the Test Bed Fund, two funds made extensive. Within 12 weeks of
available through the Peterborough DNA Peterborough registering as a Gigabit City
programme for the funding of small-scale in 2014, over 450 businesses in the city
and innovative smart city projects. registered for access to the gigabit network
As part of Peterborough DNA, the city – this represents 10% of businesses in the
has also developed an online platform city (Digital City Peterborough 2016).


URL: urban healthcare model, which is based on

HTTP://WWW.DCPETERBOR patients attending surgeries, hospitals etc.
OUGH.CO.UK/ to be evaluated before treatment. Under
the Alcove model, health professionals
evaluate in real time but remotely, and
dispatch nurses or other professionals to
administer care when required.
The project is a partnership between the
At the moment the project is a small-
city council and Alcove, a tech start-up firm.
scale experiment in the city, but it falls
In September 2015 the city council and
within the landscape of similar projects
Alcove agreed to launch a project, initially
being trialled in other cities, such as
involving 100 end-users who would be
trialling smart health technologies in an
I te et of Thi gs o e ted ae URL:
f a e o k . This i ol es s a t se so s, HTTP://WWW.YOURALCOVE
connected wearable health devices .COM/ALCOVE-PARTNER-
(currently Samsung smart watches with WITH-PIONEERING-
communication capabilities), tablets, and PETERBOROUGH/
RFID monitors for tracking care visits and
updates to use s ho es. The se so s ill
alert the user, as well as the health services,
to changes in health status as they happen,
as well as enable instant response and
communication from health and other
professionals through the wearable
technology. A partnership agreement was
signed in September 2015, but the testing
on 100 users started in August 2015. Alcove
had a previous test run with residents at the
East Thames Group housing association
(TechCityinsider 2016).
The broader aims of the Alcove project
are to provide responsive care and
preventive care for older and disabled
people, and to enable real-time, in-home
monitoring. The (currently unstated) other
aim is presumably a change in the current



Brainwave (2016) Latest from Brainwave. Online:

(accessed 15 June 2016).

Digital City Peterborough (2016) Digital City Peterborough. Online: http://www.dcpeter (accessed 1 June 2016).

Godfrey, R. (nd) Digital City Peterborough. Presentation. Online: https://connect.innovateuk.

Y+PETERBOROUGH (accessed 1 June 2016).

Opportunity Peterborough (2015) Peterborough awarded smart city of the year 2015. Press
release, 20 November. Online:
awarded-smart-city-of-the-year-2015/ (accessed 1 June 2016).

Opportunity Peterborough (2016) Peterborough DNA: Future Cities Programme. Online: http:// (accessed 1 June 2016).

Peterborough City Council (2014) Peterborough: delivering a truly smart city. Report. Online:
58-35peterboroughdnaonline.pdf (accessed 1 June 2016).

Peterborough CORE (2016) Peterborough CORE. Online:

(accessed 1 June 2016).

TechCityinsider (2016) Alcove offers mature style and care. Article, 29 January. Online: (accessed 1 June 2016).



Author: Robert Cowley

T he s a t age da has e e e tl
gained traction in Sheffield, and the
fi st ite atio of a “ a t Cit “t ateg
authorities) is home to more than 1.8
million people (Sheffield City Region nd). A
range of powers and responsibilities are
(Dymond 2015: 2) has been published. The being devolved to the Sheffield City Region
policy context for this strategy is given Combined Authority (HM Treasury &
extended attention in what follows, since it Sheffield City Region 2015), established in
illustrates the often ambiguous role of 2014 to formalise existing cooperation
policy-making in this field. As appears to be between the nine local authorities. This
the case in many other cities, the council is brings together two statutory bodies - the
not so much leading the process as working Integrated Transport Authority and
in partnership with others to consolidate a Economic Prosperity Board, in partnership
mixture of disparate existing activities into with the private sector-led Local Enterprise
a coherent vision which chimes with the Partnership. As pa t of the No the
it s oade a itio s. The as e t Po e house e isaged the
strategy is of additional interest since its Government, the Sheffield City Region is
o eptio of the s a t e te ds fa expected to benefit from proposed
beyond the digital, into a wide variety of improvements to its rail and road
social and environmental initiatives. connectivity.
The oade o te t is o e of “heffield s The Sheffield City Region agreement,
ongoing attempts to define and reassert its building on the 2012 Sheffield City Deal
economic identity following the decline of (Sheffield City Region 2012) aims to
its iron, steel and coalmining in the 1970s e ha e its eputatio as a o ld lass
and 1980s. Since the 1990s, Sheffield has centre for advanced manufacturing and
seen significant economic recovery, along e gi ee i g , ith a e phasis o s ie e
with a variety of high-profile regeneration and innovation (HM Treasury & Sheffield
programmes, and the expansion of its City Region 2015: 5). Although this
“upe t a et o k, the fi st se tio of ag ee e t does ot e phasise “heffield s
which opened in 1994. The city has a stable ede tials as a e t e fo digital a d e o
population of approximately 500,000, but technologies, sustainability was one of the
the broader Sheffield City Region (as fi e ke p i iples laid do i the it s
defined in October 2015 national strategic plan for 2010-2020 (Sheffield First
Government devolution plans, and Partnership 2010), envisioning the future
including eight neighbouring local “heffield as a lo -carbon city, using


energy wisely and utilising new technology. demonstrates an active desire to rethink
It is also a low waste city, with a focus on the role of the local authority in shaping a
reducing and renewing and recycling. s a te it .
Sheffield has a balanced, diverse and Mea hile, i the ou il s a ual State
sustainable economy and is constantly of Sheffield epo t, the o d s a t did ot
utilising new environmentally friendly appear until 2015. In 2016, however, it has
fo s of i dust a d t a spo t . become a significant strategic framing
Alongside the ambition of communicating o ept fo the egio s pla ed e o o i
“heffield s disti ti e a d authe ti futu e, ith a o it e t to i est
ha a te to the o ld, the pla conceives i …i f ast u tu e, ith i p o ed t a spo t
of economic success at a city-regional level, links, high quality digital connectivity, and
a d e isio s a it he e e e o e pla s greater use of “ a t te h olog . “ a t
thei pa t to e su e that…“heffield pla s a cities, where technology is used to improve
role on the international stage in protecting the quality of life for local people and
ou e io e t “heffield Fi st businesses, will be a critical area of
Partnership 2010:10). de elop e t o e the e t fi e ea s
In the more recent Sheffield 2035 report (Sheffield First Partnership 2016: 110-111).
(SEB 2013), similar environmental Economic growth is foreseen in terms of
ambitions are augmented by the desire to the digital and creative industries as well as
e o e a s a t a d o e ted it i ad a ed a ufa tu i g. The G o th
through digital technology and an a d I o e se tio of the epo t is
improved digital infrastructure. This report p efa ed a lo al usi ess leade s
follo ed “heffield s feasi ilit study to predictions that:
create a large-s ale Futu e Cities Digital a d ad a ed a ufa tu i g
De o st ato i itiati e, su itted as pa t can, and will, co-exist and support each
of a national competition in 2012 organised othe ….To te h sta t-ups thinking of China
the UK s Te h olog “t ateg Boa d fo a ufa tu i g e a sa look No th,
(TSB), which proposed to use smart meters ot East …The e is a gli pse of the t pe of
and community Wi-Fi to expand its district Sheffield we could be looking at in the
heating system, which was already the future and as these companies grow, they
largest in the country (TSB 2013: 58). The will offer jobs across the salary spectrum
Sheffield 2035 report explores the concept with links to technology, digital,
of “ a t Mu i ipalis , u de stood as i a ufa tu i g a d e po ts i id: .
terms of networked governance in a time of In parallel, the council has recently
cutbacks. The attempt to promote this published Sheffield s Gree Co it e t
concept as differentiated from both (Sheffield Green Commission 2016), in
a ket thi ki g a d lo alis hi h the o d s a t appea s epeatedl

alo gside sustai a le a d g ee . ground, and is described in further detail

Alongside goals related to biodiversity, below. The Sheffield Smart Lab Urban
green space and more environmentally Innovation initiative is also profiled as an
friendly energy use, the commitment example of a parallel activity, led by private
relates to digitally enabled improvements sector actors, but supported by the council,
to transport systems, and the aim of making within this broader process of
“heffield a lea i g it . It lai s that consolidation.
Sheffield is o ti uousl lea i g f o a d This is a good case of a smart agenda
collaborating with other major UK and being linked retrospectively to an existing
European cities, to organise collective set of ambitions and activities linked more
action across Europe that has positive local or less loosely to various dimensions of
and global impacts, eg tackling climate sustai a ilit . The s a t o ept appea s
ha ge a d CO edu tio i id: ,a d to be gaining traction because it brings
positions Sheffield as the a ho it o together a variety of broad agendas so as to
the “heffield Cit ‘egio …poised to pla a allow a rhetorically coherent set of city-
pi otal ole i the No the Po e house regional aspirations for the future to be
(ibid: 23). a ti ulated. “heffield s o ept of the
I sho t, the idea of the s a t has s a t is e pe i e tal i its ope -
appeared across a variety of policy endedness; and the city appears to be
documents in the last few years, aligned open-minded at this early stage about
with broader environmental and regional which of these will most successfully
economic ambitions. The Smart City support Sheffield as a regional entity, and
Strategy serves to link the policy aspiration promote it on the international stage.
with existing and planned activities on the


This fi st ite atio of a “ a t Cit consultation with the public, private and
strategy, published in February 2015, was voluntary sectors, and local educational
commissioned by the Sheffield First institutions, and with reference to Smart
Partnership, which is led by the Sheffield Cit est p a ti es i othe Eu opea
Executive Board (SEB), whose members are cities. It outlines a series of principles to
leading figures in the public, private, inform the development of future Smart
voluntary, community and faith sectors in City initiatives in the city, and charts
the city. The report was developed by a relevant existing activities across seven
private-sector consultant, following do ai s people, esou es, o ilit ,
buildings, living, economy, and

governance). These domains map onto the (Dymond 2015: 24), and are divided into
EU s “ a t Cities atego ies so the e is a further subdomains, as shown in Table 2.
link back to aid in funding applicatio s

Ta le : the Do ai s a d “u do ai s of the “heffield “ a t Cit “t ateg f a e o k

Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart
Smart Living
People Resources Mobility Buildings Economy Governance

Welfare and Renewable Public Facilities Healthcare & Innovation eGovernment

social energy transport management wellbeing & Entrepre-
inclusion neurship
Smart grids Private Building Entertainment
Digital transport services & Sport Digital skills
inclusion (Mechanical & Procurement
Waste Electric)
management City Culture eBusiness
Education logistics Transparency
Water quality Retail
Human management Road Communications
capital network
management Assisted living Hospitality &
Food & Tourism
agriculture Public
lighting Cultural
heritage Pollution
management control

Public spaces

Security (blue

(Source: adapted from Dymond, 2015)

46 existing initiatives in the city are thus deployment programme, the South
defined as smart. Many clearly relate to Yorkshire Intelligent Transport System, Bus
different aspects of digital technology (for Apps, ha katho e e ts, the it s Ope
e a ple, the it s s a t ete Data facility, and an online map of local


sustainable food production and retail). innovatio “heffield “ a t La d a . The

Others describe more traditional p og a e o ks th ough ope
sustainability concerns, including the i o atio o petitio s , the i e s of
Sheffield Renewables scheme, a biomass hi h a e offe ed a i u atio a d
plant, the Living Streets road maintenance e to i g p og a e f o the it s t o
scheme, improvements to cycling universities, and the chance to pilot and
i f ast u tu e, a d Lo e “ ua e – a e demonstrate their projects.
t pe of s a t u a atu e pa k that i gs The two areas of challenge in the first
wildflowers and wildlife into the very heart competition, held in 2015, related to:
 E e gisi g “heffield Cit Ce t e , i iti g
of the it Lo e “ ua e d . Additio all ,
various opportunities and specific new
proposals on how to exploit existing footfall
proposals are highlighted.
data from the city centre, make better use
of empty commercial premises, and other
spa es du i g uiet ti es of the da , a d
encourage wider use of sustainable
 “uppo ti g
people to li e
i depe de tl , hi h as looki g fo
solutions to transform the connectivity of
housebound people and help coordinate
thei a e “heffield Smart Lab nd b).
SMARTSHEFFIELD- In both cases, the competition
PROCESS/ITEM%204A%20- o ga ise s did ot defi e these s a t
%20THE%20SMARTSHEFFIEL challenges explicitly in terms of digital
D%20PROCESS.PDF technology, though clearly left the door
open for it; the winning projects announced
in December 2015 were based on digital
technology. In the Energising Sheffield City
SHEFFIELD SMART LAB Ce t e atego , the i e s e e Bette
This p og a e is desig ed to help Cities Digital High Street Collaboration
startups and SMEs develop and pilot their “ he e , a Gathe A al se Pla “t e gthe
p odu t i a li e it e i o e t GAP“ Dash oa d to u lo k pote tial of
(Sheffield Smart Lab nd a). It consciously gaps i the it , the O e hea e e t
positions itself as contributing to the long- mappi g app, a d “ituate , a self-guided
term industrial transformation of Sheffield, it tou app. Wi e s i the suppo ti g
helpi g p o ote “heffield as a it of people to li e i depe de tl atego
e e: Al o e Pio ee i g I depe de t

Li i g usi g I te et of Thi gs mentoring will be provided by experienced

te h olog , Gi e&TakeCa e a s ste business growth consultants. The initiative
independent of the state and private as a whole has been driven by Amey (a UK-
interests allowing people to earn based public and regulated services
CareCredits which can be used to pay for provider, which manages the Streets Ahead
elde l a e late o , Goodg “heffield Highways Maintenance and Management
(encouraging volunteers to combine service in Sheffield), and its parent
exercise with helping the elderly, rather company Ferrovial Services, (an
tha go to the g Mi d ate a app international infrastructural management
providing brain games and physical exercise and investment company), in collaboration
fo olde people , a d NANA: No el with Sheffield City Council. Ferrovial
Assess e t of Nut itio a d Agei g a des i es itself as ha i g a st o g k o -
i te fa e…desig ed to e e po e i g fo how in collaborative urban innovation
older adults by giving them some control programmes, channelled through its global
over the data capture and also the Centre of Excellence for Cities. In 2014, the
decisions about how the data should be Centre of Excellence for Cities successfully
sha ed a d ith ho “heffield “ a t deployed the Madrid Smart Lab which
Lab nd c)). Competition winners will be supported 9 international start-ups
invited to demonstrate their projects in (Sheffield Smart Lab nd d).
public during summer 2016.
The i u atio a d a ele atio
programme for winning projects will be run URL:
the it s t o u i ersities, and HTTP://WWW.SHEFFIELDSM


Figure 15: Tram & High Street, Sheffield

Photograph: Mick Knapton at the English language Wikipedia,_Sheffield.jpg



Dymond, C. (2015) Smart Sheffield. Version 1.0. Online:

%20Sheffield%20Smart%20City%20Framework.pdf [accessed 27 March 2016).

HM Treasury & Sheffield City Region (2015) Sheffield City Region Devolution Agreement.
ment-2015.pdf (accessed 9 April 2016).

Love Square (nd) What is Love Square? Online: (accessed

9 April 2016).

SEB (2013) Sheffield 2035 - A Cat Among the Pigeons. Sheffield: Sheffield First Partnership /
Sheffield Executive Board. Online:
2035/Sheffield%202035.pdf (accessed 9 April 2016).

Sheffield City Region (2012) MADE in Sheffield – a deal for growth. Online: http://sheffieldcity (accessed 9 April

Sheffield City Region (nd) About the Area. Online:

overview/ (accessed 9 April 2016).

Sheffield First Partnership (2010) Sheffield 2020: The Sheffield City Strategy 2010-2020.
Sheffield: Sheffield First Partnership. Online:
city-strategy.html (accessed 27 March 2016).

Sheffield First Partnership (2016) State of Sheffield 2016. Online: https://www.sheffieldfirst.

Documents/State-of-Sheffield-2016/State%20of%20Sheffield%202016.pdf (accessed 1 April

Sheffield Green Commission (2016) Sheffield s Gree Co it e t. Online: https://sheffield.
pdf (accessed 9 April 2016).

Sheffield Smart Lab (nd a) Sheffield Smart Lab. Online:

#home1 (accessed 9 April 2016).


Sheffield Smart Lab (nd b) Supporting people to live independently. Online: http://www. (accessed 27 March 2016).

Sheffield Smart Lab (nd c) Energising Sheffield City Centre: Winners. Online: http://www. (accessed 27 March 2016b).

Sheffield Smart Lab (nd d) The Programme. Online:

theprogramme/ (accessed 27 March 2016).

TSB (2013) Future Cities Demonstrator Competition: Feasibility Studies Interim Summary
Report. Technology Strategy Board / Future Cities Catapult. Online: https://connect.innovate
/4ab345d6-105c-4a88-867f-12e7b976780b (accessed 13 March 2016).



A four-stage process was used to select the ten cities profiled in this report. A summary of the cities
considered and selected appears in Table 3, following the detailed description of the method below.


 a p eli i a list as o piled of UK ities ide tified as s a t i p o i e t atio al poli a d

corporate initiatives and reports
 all other cities (and boroughs of London and Greater Manchester) with a population over 100,000
were added to the list
 this yielded a total of 110 cases


 based on internet searches for smart activity related to each city, and on local council websites, a
fi st sift as o du ted to ide tif hi h of the had stated a itio s to e s a t a d/o a e
currently implementing a smart initiative
 s a t athe tha e o as used as the e t poi t, o the assu ptio that all ities ould at
least have environmental policies in compliance with national legislation.
 cases were excluded from the list if they had no obvious smart ambition/initiative at the municipal
scale at least
 cases where a smart ambition was clearly in evidence, and those requiring further research, were
kept in the list
 the ast ajo it also had e o a itio s of so e t pe. Those few cases where this was not
obviously the case (suggesting that there was little appetite among key actors to go beyond
compliance with minimal standards and regulations) were excluded at this stage


 a more detailed second sift was then conducted, examining more closely the smart city
documentation available online for each remaining case
 those which, on closer inspection, did not have a substantial smart ambition were excluded (for
e a ple, if the s a t initiative turned out to be a short-lived research project only; or where there
was no evidence of any planning or activity beyond bids for funding; or if the smart descriptor was
only used to describe a particular piece of technology such as smart meters)
 following this sift, 34 cases remained in the long list


 th ough ualitati e do u e ta a al sis, the p a ti al o te t of ea h it s pla s a d a ti ities

was then coded onto a spreadsheet
 the code frame was structured around the broad categories used in a recent smart city mapping
e e ise o du ted the Eu opea Pa lia e t s e o o i a d s ie tifi poli depa t e t
Eu opea Pa lia e t, . Withi these oad atego ies, a atte pt as ade to appl Yi s
et al. (2015) more detailed framework of specific smart activities. However, the latter proved
unsuitable, and a more grounded approach was taken instead, with codes created and combined
as required during the process of analysis
 a summary report containing some key findings from this analysis was circulated at a Smart Cities
& Communities: Shaping the Future event in Manchester on 15 March 2016, attended by Federico
Caprotti and Rob Cowley. A pdf version of this report can be downloaded from the project website:
 NB: an attempt was also made to categorise each case in terms of its level of emergence, using a
odified e sio of the Eu opea Pa lia e t s lassifi atio of s a t it atu it .
However, this classification proved unsuitable. Most problematically, it assumes a linear process
whereby all smart activities follow on from a preliminary planning process; in fact, it was very often
the case that individual smart activities preceded the creation of an official vision/plan/roadmap.
Additionally, the scale was insufficiently sensitive, given that most smart city initiatives in the UK
are at a similar, early stage of emergence.


 the suitability of each of the 34 cases for inclusion in the current report was then considered
 10 were finally selected on the basis that (a) they had relatively well articulated plans or substantial
activities, and (b) collectively, they would give a good overview of the variety of smart-eco city
policies and practices in the UK at present
 It is not intended, then, that the cases selected e essa il ep ese t the UK s top te s a t-eco
ities. I the a se e of a lea a d idel a epted defi itio of eithe the s a t o the e o ith
regards to urban initiatives, a ranking exercise would be to some extent arbitrary – and the ten
cases themselves have been presented in alphabetical order in the report. All ten cases are
ha a te ised, e e theless, the elati e p o i e e of s a t dis ou se a d p a ti e; this is
interpreted variously depending on context, and interwoven in diffe e t a s ith thei e o


Table 3: List of Cities Considered and Selected

Cities and towns with population over “ig ifi a t s a t & e o Selected for write-up
100k ambitions lo g list : sho t list
(Total = 110) (Total = 34) (Total = 10)
Aberdeen ✓
Belfast ✓
Birmingham ✓ ✓
Bournemouth ✓
Brighton and Hove ✓
Bristol ✓ ✓
Cambridge ✓
Cardiff ✓
Coventry ✓
Derby ✓
Edinburgh ✓
Glasgow ✓ ✓
High Wycombe
Kingston upon Hull


Cities and towns with population over “ig ifi a t s a t & e o Selected for write-up
100k ambitions lo g list : sho t list
(Total = 110) (Total = 34) (Total = 10)
Leeds ✓
Leicester ✓
Liverpool ✓
London - GLA ✓ ✓
London boroughs:
 Barking and Dagenham
 Barnet
 Bexley
 Brent
 Bromley
 Camden
 Croydon
 Ealing
 Enfield
 Greenwich ✓
 Hackney
 Hammersmith and Fulham
 Haringey
 Harrow
 Havering
 Hillingdon
 Hounslow
 Islington
 Kensington and Chelsea
 Kingston upon Thames
 Lambeth
 Lewisham
 Merton
 Newham
 Redbridge


Cities and towns with population over “ig ifi a t s a t & e o Selected for write-up
100k ambitions lo g list : sho t list
(Total = 110) (Total = 34) (Total = 10)
 Richmond upon Thames
 Southwark
 Sutton
 Tower Hamlets
 Waltham Forest
 Wandsworth
 Westminster
Greater Manchester boroughs:
 Bolton
 Bury
 Manchester ✓ ✓
 Oldham
 Rochdale
 Salford
 Stockport
 Tameside
 Trafford
 Wigan
Milton Keynes ✓ ✓
Newcastle upon Tyne ✓ ✓
Newport ✓
Northampton ✓
Nottingham ✓ ✓
Peterborough ✓ ✓


Cities and towns with population over “ig ifi a t s a t & e o Selected for write-up
100k ambitions lo g list : sho t list
(Total = 110) (Total = 34) (Total = 10)
Portsmouth ✓
Sheffield ✓ ✓
Southampton ✓
Southend-on-Sea ✓
St Helens
Stoke-on-Trent ✓
Sunderland ✓
Swansea ✓
Swindon ✓
Walsall ✓
West Bromwich
Wolverhampton ✓


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