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TABLE 3 DEPARTMENT OF RESPONDENTS The various departments/units where the respondents were drawn has be shown in table 3.

. It can be seen from the table that 5 of them are with the corporate banking department, 15 from retail, 10 from finance whiles 5 of them were drawn form the operations department. Other units such as HR, IT also had 5 of their staff taking parts in the study. In all retail which is the largest department had the largest number of respondents or largest representation of 30%. TABLE 6 A question was posed to respondents to ascertain whether or not they agree that UBA is a universal bank. All the respondents agreed to the fact that UBA is a full Fledge universal bank. Not even one had any doubt to believe that the bank is not engaged in universal banking. The views of the respondents have been depicted in table 6 below. The views of the respondents on the factors that motivate a bank to operate for universal banking are as shown in table 7. Responses from the respondents was high in favour of increased profit motive (20%) with customer attraction and efficiency and economics of scale motives with the highest response rate of 24%. The motives of increased number of products and expansion in to another financial area regarded lowest response rate of 16% each. The response from the respondents appear to give weight to all the options. However, Santos (1998) defines a universal bank as a financial institution which enlarges its service range in terms of offering a variety of financial products in one site a view which the respondents do not hold. The results is rather in assonant with Hughes et all (2002) who opine that by altering their operation to universal banking system, banks would get benefits from efficiency and economies of state. The writers added that universal banking adoption offers banks opportunity to expand and attraction of customers. Respondents were asked what their success of the adoption of universal banking by UBA has been; their responses have been shown in table 8. It can be seen from the tale that all the 50 people interviewed agreed that UBA has been success since it adopted universal banking.

TABLE 8: SUCCESS OF UNIVERSAL BANKING. Banking services / products enjoyed by UBA under UBanking Table shows the range of products and services that are adopted and enjoyed by UBA. It also illustrates respondents view on the products which the bank benefits from. Respondents by their responses have shown that UBA derives most benefit from .followed byas illustrated in table 9 below: in fact it was found during the researchers interaction with the respondents and from the banks profile that UBA has wide array of products and services. This revelation in conformity with santos (1998), sanders et al (2006) that adoption of universal banking enables a bank to expand it products/service offering.

The dominant product offering of UBA The responses of the responses as illustrated in table 10 show that a) Is the dominant product (60%) response rate, followed by c) (36%) aand b (40%). Hughes etal 2002 observed that a universal banl engages in broad range of financial services. Saunders (1994), posits that a universal bank tries to diversify its product portfolio; a view that was also shared by Rich and Walter (1993), Addison (2003), that universal bank tries to diversify not only products but also with extensive network. Where as the views of Addison (2003) and Rich and Walter (1993) on diversified products line was confirmed by the results from the respondents, the network of branches of UBA is not tat wide spread in Ghana. UNIVERSAL BANKING AND PROFITABILITY OF UBA Table . shows what the views of the respondents on whether or not universal banking has enhanced profitability of UBA. All the respondents agreed that the adoption of universal banking has been profitable to the bank. IMPACT OF UNIVERSAL BANKING: Table . shows the impacts of universal banking; the responses of the respondents have also been shown. The views of the respondents confirms the earlier works of Santos (1998), who observed that wide range of financial services increase risks. Saunders (2006) opined that. Cheng (2004) observed that financial instability may result from lack of supervision. This respondents did not believe we are there yet because they were of the view that the banking supervision (BBD) of the Bank of Ghana has its eyes widely open. The sentiments of the respondents however confirms with Ahmad explaining that service quality and competition are common phenomenon universal banking of UBA. 4.14 customer satisfaction of products and services of UBA. The respondents were asked what their views they hold about customers satisfaction with products and services of UBA. Their views on this have been captured in table 14 below. In line with the views of hanson et al (2006), Ahmad () and Parasuraman (1988), all the respondent were of the opinion that customers satisfaction with the products and services of UBA is . 4.15 presence of risks in universal banking adoption: On the presence of risks in universal banking, the respondents share the views that adoption of universal banking is so much shrouded with risks and that the two are inseparable. The views of the respondents have been depicted in table 15 below. All the 50 people that took part in the staff were of the opinion that there are so much risk involved in the adoption of universal banking. The results as depicted in table 15 reconciles with Boyd et al (1998) who agreed that the practice of universal banking can be harmful. In fact a similar opinion was also held by Cheng (2004) and Saunders (2006). 4.16 types of risks in the adoption of universal banking

The various types of risks in the adoption of universal banking by UBA and what the views of the respondents are have be shown in table 16. The responses from the respondents showed that the respondents viewed c as the highest risk factor with 30% response rate 22% of the respondents thought that d, followed Summary of the Research Findings The study was undertaken to answer the following research questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. The results of the led to the following findings as sumarised below: 1. Factors that motivate UBA to adopt universal banking: The staff IT was found in the stunly the main factors that serves as motivation for banks and UBA for that matter adopt universal banking are Efficiency and Economics of scale Increased profit motive and the motives for increased number of products and expansion into other financial areas. It was alos found from the study the banks quest to satisfy the ever increasing needs of its customers is another motivator for the choice of universal banking. 2. On the impact of universal banking on UBA the study revealed that it has been that of positive where the bank has strivel to satisfy its customers with innovative and mider array of products. Even though literature on the impacts of universal banking request a number of ristles and other negativities the study did not find that to be the case with UBA. The adoption of universal banking has rather impated well on operations of the bank.
3. The impact of universal banking on the profit of the bank as found in the study

was positives. The respondents believed that the banks success at profit is because the adoption of universal banking has afforetul the bank an opportunity to operate a diversified portofolio which has translated well in profit. On the whole the study whowed that UBA has been successful at adopting universal banking. For example, the bank has seen positive developments in profit margins, increased share of industry deposits and increasable fosal operating assets.

4. The study revealed that the adoption of universal banking raises the level of risk. The key challenges identified inclusive operational risk, legal risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. It was also found in the study that UBA as a bank do not face much challenge from risks due to investment banking activities coupled with focus on commercial banking activities, there is the tendency of conflict of interest.

5. It was also found that eventhough there is existing literature to show that universal banks also adopt wider distribution network; it is not entirely the case with UBA in Ghana. The bank with more thn 7 years operation in Ghana has only about .. branches in ---------out of the no reginal capitals.

6. There are no serious conflict of interest increase at UBA. For examples the issues of sales person stake was found to persist at UBA where sales pusure managers are found to push a new bank product on their client all with the view to achieving targets. In the banks guest to guard against bay debt and impairments the bank has allowed clients to use their securities to issue bonus from which their laons were paid off. RECOOMENDATIONS In the light of the findings of the study, the following as recommendations have been made:
1. That the management of UBA looks at its strategy for growth in Ghana and

enable on expansion of its branch network. This will go to augment it motive of satisfying the increasing needs of its customers, strengthen itself against completion and increased market share. After wider branch or distribution network is one of the attributes of a universal bank.
2. In order to continue to enjoy the positive impacts of universal banking

adoption such a increased customer satisfaction and innovative products, it is recommended that the bank fort now makes a conscious effort the kind of measures of strategies that has endeared it to its customers. In fact, the study showed that customers are satisfied with the product offering of the bank; this can only be sustained or improved.
3. It is also recommended that management of the bank through the Research

and Product Development unit of the bank to constantly come out with innovative products so that they can constantly be in grips of the market. It is by so doing that the bank can differentiate itself from that and stand tall in competition.
4. Since the adoption of universal banking, banking raises the level of risk

notably operational, credit, legal, etc. It is recommended that effective risk management and asset liability management techniques be rigorously pursued. Especially impairment from bad debt which was sun to be a major challenge of the bank, a strong and robust credit risk mitigating policies are adopted and adhered to. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (2003),

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