Leadership A Simple Definition

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Leadership: A simple definition vesting their time and money in fruitless

learning endeavors. Meacham’s observa-
tion and the success of Dummies Books
MARC R. SUMMERFIELD strengthened my resolve to keep the defi-
Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2014; 71:251-3 nition simple.
I searched diligently for a suitable

r. Richard Coon taught chemistry macy nearly 40 years ago, realizing that I published definition, and the following
at my high school. Mr. Coon was needed to understand the nature of lead- eight surfaced. Note that some of the
a great teacher because he did ership, I began a career-long exploration. definitions express the concept by what
what great teachers do: present complex Recently, however, my quest was more leaders do; others, by what leadership is.
subject matter in a simple manner, so that specific: to find or assemble a definition The people quoted include leadership
it is understood and becomes part of the of leadership or a leader that captured development consultants, business writ-
students’ intellectual and emotional being. its essence—a definition that resonated ers, academicians, and researchers.
In one memorable exchange, de- with me and, perhaps, could resonate Marie Kane2: “Leadership is taking
signed to explain the concept of “mole,” with others, especially aspiring or newly people to places they’ve never been
Mr. Coon related that a handful is 5, a minted leaders, as they lead pharmacists, before.”
dozen is 12, a score (“Four score and pharmacy technicians, and clinicians. Of C. F. Rauch and O. Behling3: “Lead-
seven years ago”) is 20, and a mole is 6.02 course, the definition would not capture ership is the process of influencing the
× 1023. He asked, “If I had a half of a all that composes leadership. But it could activities of an organized group toward
mole of cars, how many cars would fuel a deeper understanding of leader- goal achievement.”
I have?” We responded, “3.01 × 1023.” ship, including its elements, its nature, Garry Wills4: “The leader is one who
Mr. Coon smiled a sigh, relieved that no and its challenges. And, perhaps, lead to mobilizes others toward a goal shared by
one answered, “6.02 × 1011.5.” further insights. leaders and followers. Leaders, followers,
He pressed on, “If I had a mole of But, I thought as I recalled Mr. Coon’s and goals make up the three equally nec-
atoms, how many atoms would I have?” lesson, the definition had to be simple: essary supports for leadership.”
“6.02 × 1023!” we shouted. Then, pointing it had to be easy to understand, easy Marcus Buckingham5: “Great leaders
to the potassium frame on the periodic to remember, and easy to apply. Jon rally people to a better future.”
table, Mr. Coon inquired, “If I had 6.02 Meacham,1 in his biography Thomas John Kotter 6 : “The fundamental
× 10 23 potassium atoms, how much Jefferson: The Art of Power, described purpose of leadership is to produce use-
would they weigh?” “Thirty-nine grams,” Jefferson’s maturation before draft- ful change, especially non-incremental
we boasted. “If I had a mole of potas- ing the Declaration of Independence. change.”
sium atoms, how much would it weigh?” Meacham observed that Jefferson was Peter Northouse7: “Leadership is a
Same answer. Then Mr. Coon named the learning “how to distill complexity into process whereby an individual influences
number (i.e., 6.02 × 1023): “Avogadro’s a comprehensible message to reach the a group of individuals to achieve a com-
number.” hearts as well as the minds of the larger mon goal.”
In less than two minutes, Mr. Coon world.” Todd Sorensen et al.8: “Leadership is
conveyed a complex concept simply. He The Dummies Books empire was successfully creating positive change for
connected the number (6.02 × 1023) with built to fulfill the mission of “making the common good.”
a name (mole) with the atomic weight of difficult material interesting and easy.” Jeff Immelt 9: “Great leaders drive
an atom (in the case of potassium, 39) The Dummies series uses the word change.”
with Amedeo Avogadro’s eponymous easy instead of simple. The premise is that Each of the definitions contains one
moniker (Avogadro’s number). most people do not mind admitting their or more of three attractive thematic
I never forgot what a mole is—not knowledge deficits, but they do mind in- elements:
in high school, not in pharmacy school,
not in graduate school, not in practice,
not now. Others struggled, but I did not, M ARC R. S UMMERFIELD , M.S., is Presi- Copyright © 2014, American Society of
because Mr. Coon made it simple. dent, Summerfield Consulting, Bel Air, MD Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. All rights
(summsum@verizon.net). reserved. 1079-2082/14/0201-0251$06.00.
Exploring the nature of leadership. The author has declared no potential con- DOI 10.2146/ajhp130435
After starting a career in hospital phar- flicts of interest.

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 71 Feb 1, 2014 251


• A democratic component—conveying Definition of leadership. I deter- bellowed, “I always wondered why some-
that the leader works to achieve a com- mined that my definition had to pass body didn’t do something about that.
mon goal, one that is jointly conceived Einstein’s11 test: “If you can’t explain it Then I realized I was somebody.”
or, at least, jointly agreed on, to a six-year-old, you don’t understand According to the definition, not only
• A collegial component—the notion that it yourself.” In that spirit, I decided that can a “worker bee” be a leader, but an
the leader influences rather than dic- the vocabulary had to be basic and the assigned leader, in actuality, might not
tates throughout the process, imparting number of words few. I decided on three be one. The assigned leader might be a
a respectful and unifying approach, and words. Why three? Because research capable manager, but he or she must make
• An enhancement component—conveying shows that memory trails considerably things better to deserve the title of “leader.”
that the results represent an improved after three to five elements.12 The American Society of Health-
current state. I decided that the core function of System Pharmacists (ASHP) concurs
leadership is to “make things better.” As with Lily Tomlin.14 ASHP’s “Statement
I decided not to include the first two mentioned, leadership is usually best on Leadership as a Professional Obliga-
elements in my definition of leadership; conceived and administered democrati- tion” concludes that “Leadership is a
instead, the first two would represent a cally and collegially, but ultimately—at professional obligation of all pharmacists
standard approach to leadership. (I use the core—the job of the leader is to make and not the exclusive responsibility of
the word standard to acknowledge that things better. pharmacists who hold formal leadership
collegial and democratic approaches are But . . . better how? Who is to roles or titles.”
recognized as enlightened in our con- judge? Better for whom? Better when? Making things better. Abraham Lincoln
temporary culture, knowing that circum- These questions provoke more ques- envisioned a unified United States and
stances might occasionally mandate the tions: Better scientifically? . . . financially? vowed that “this nation, under God,
pursuit of a parochial goal or a unilateral . . . legally? . . . emotionally? . . . ethically? shall have a new birth of freedom—and
decision at any stage of the process.) My More efficient, or more effective, or safer? that government of the people, by the
definition would embrace only the third Better objectively or subjectively? Better for people, for the people, shall not perish
theme: working toward an improved one, better for many, better for all? Univer- from the earth.” Martin Luther King,
state of being. sally accepted, or controversial? Better now, Jr.,15 envisioned tolerance and equality
I decided to exclude from my defini- or better later? Better for now, or better for- and predicted that “one day this nation
tion the traits and skills commonly as- ever? The answers are circumstance-based will rise up and live out the true meaning
sociated with effective leadership, such and wide-ranging. of its creed.” James Watson and Francis
as intelligent, articulate, confident, cou- The definition (i.e., to make things Crick discovered the structure of DNA,
rageous, witty, driven, knowledgeable, better) has several appealing characteris- thereby illuminating human biology
and charismatic. My premise was that tics. First, it embraces broad, transforma- and opening paths to an enhanced qual-
those skills and abilities are intrinsic not tive leadership, such as rescuing a sinking ity and duration of life. Billie Jean King
to what leadership is but rather to what department or drastically altering a de- defeated Bobby Riggs, an actual and sym-
leaders need, recognizing two caveats. partment’s vision and mission, without bolic feat that launched her and others
First, no one style or set of traits and excluding specifically defined, project- to champion women’s rights, gay rights,
skills defines an effective leader. Business based leadership, such as decreasing drug and gender equality. All were leaders. All
analysts recognize that Tim Cook, chief costs or decreasing employee turnover. made things better.
executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc., Second, it embraces leadership that pro- But making things better does not
possesses a style and set of skills and traits duces specifically defined, project-based have to imply a broad reach or an
different from those of his predecessor, goals. But it does not exclude leadership expansive impact; it can be local and
Steve Jobs. Nevertheless, Jobs was suc- that touches the intellectual, emotional, personal. As pharmacists, each of us
cessful, and most knowledgeable people and spiritual elements of what we do and can make things better in our practice.
expect Cook to be, as well. Second, lead- how we do it. The definition embraces Making things better entails forming
ership is situational. The combination of leadership that fuels the “pursuit of hap- a vision of the better state (what you
traits and skills that contribute to success piness,” at least in a professional sense. want to achieve), having confidence in
in one situation, shaped by factors such Finally, it embraces emergent leadership that vision and your ability to execute
as the setting, the nature of the goal, its and assigned leadership. Emergent lead- it, and acting on it. We all can make
importance, and the sense of urgency, ership embodies the notion that each things better for our patients, our
might falter in another. Also, traits and of us—even those with titles that do colleagues, and our guests. We make
skills that contribute to success in one not begin with uppercase letters, such things better when we participate on
discipline, business type, or profession as shortstop, school board member, and a quality-improvement team, when we
might not work in another. Most of the pharmacist—can make things better. streamline the medication-use process,
generals who became President of the Leadership is not the exclusive domain and when we reduce the potential for
United States were abject failures as po- of assigned leaders, who occupy formal error. We make things better when
litical leaders. Ulysses S. Grant10 famously leadership roles, such as CEO, president, we improve job satisfaction, when we
stated, “War and politics are so different.” or chairperson. Comedienne Lily Tomlin13 counsel or comfort a patient, and when

252 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 71 Feb 1, 2014


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