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Time Allowed: 60 Minutes Maximum Marks: 100

 There are Ten questions printed in ENGLISH

 All questions are compulsory.

 Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate.

Answer all the questions in NOT MORE THAN 150 WORDS each. Content of the answers is more
important than its length. All questions carry equal marks. 10X10=100

1. Critically analyses Morley Minto reform?

2. Discuss the Salient Features of Montagu Chelmsford reform?

3. What Factors Led to the Sepoy mutiny of 1857?

4. Access the Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Non Cooperation Movement?

5. Discuss the Salient Features of Govt. of India Act 1858?

6. Give an Account of Swadeshi Movement?

7. Discuss the safety valve theory?
8. Discuss the steps taken by Lord Dalhousie as maker of modern India?

9. Discuss the difference between moderates and Extremist approach in the Congress
towards freedom movement?
10. Write a detailed account on the Zamidari/Permanent Revenue settlement system?

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