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ตอน' 2 : อ()ก+,งแวด1อม (How to

save earth and our planet.)
! เ"อหา&ยายตอน*เ+ดใ./าน
" 42.4K # 55 $ 4 ก.ย. 53

How to save earth and our planet

1. Pay attention to how you use water.

The little things can make a big
Every time you turn off the water while
you're brushing your teeth, you're doing
something good.
Got a leaky toilet? You might be
wasting 200 gallons of water a day
[Source: EPA. Wash your clothes in cold
water when you can.

2. Leave your car at home. If you can

stay off the road just two days a week,
you'll reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by an average of 1,590 pounds per year
[Source: EPA].
Combine your errands -- hit the post
office, grocery store and shoe repair
place in one trip.
It will save you gas and time.

3. Walk or ride your bike to work,

school and anywhere you can.
You can reduce greenhouse gases
while burning some calories and
improving your health.
If you can't walk or bike, use mass
transit or carpool.
Every car not on the road makes a

4. Recycle.You can help reduce

pollution just by putting that soda can
in a different bin.
If you're trying to choose between two
products, pick the one with the least
If an office building of 7,000 workers
recycled all of its office paper waste for
a year,
it would be the equivalent of taking
almost 400 cars off the road


Caring for the Earth

It is no longer an option to live blithely

on this planet with no care as
to what you are doing to it. Pollution in
it's many forms has grown to critical
and if we don't stop the way we've
been treating this planet,
we will no longer have the honor of
living on it.

Here are some simple things that you

can do in your own personal
environment to help clean up the

Don't use pesticides, herbicides (Round-

up, etc.),
or chemical fertilizers in your yard and
Mulch your garden waste and use that
to fertilize.
Recycle paper, cardboard, glass, plastic,
and whatever else your local recyclers
will accept.
Buy recycled products and support the
whole re-cycle.
Buy organic foods. They are grown
without pesticides,
herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. By
purchasing organic food
you won't be supporting one of our
most dangerous industries - the
chemical companies.
Don't burn trash, brush, campfires,
or anything else that isn't absolutely
Soot from burning has caused more
damage to our atmosphere than
carbon monoxide
from cars and trucks. Read about it
Combine trips to take care of errands
and shopping to limit driving and save
Limit your family size by practising birth
We no longer have the luxury of having
large families.
Every time another child is born it adds
to the already overburdened resources
of this planet.
We are living longer now which means
that we are not leaving to make space
for the newborn
on this planet.


แก้ไขครั้งแรก 1 กันยายน 2552

แก้ไขครั้งสอง 15 กันยายน 2552
แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด 4 กันยายน 2553

& ใ.78งใจ0กเ2ยน
0กเ2ยนไ45บ78งใจแ<ว 55 ค?ง


แ(ง vote 4ดปก78

% 5 ความคิดเห็น

@คคลBวไป '


( ) โพส;

#9 เปรม (จากตอน8 2)
27 ต.ค. 64 / 19:14 น.


!0 "

#8 6นเ7นร 8นท:เ;า<เ=น (จากตอน8 2)

4 ส.ค. 56 / 15:51 น.



#7 lekkapull (จากตอน8 2)
29 ต.ค. 55 / 22:30 น.

ขอบLณNาา คOใ.หาพอJ>_< เหQอน คห.2เลยย


#6 MiNttMiNtty (จากตอน8 2)
28 ก.ค. 55 / 12:20 น.

J/ะ คOใ.หาพอJเลย


#1 jeeda (จากตอน8 2)
26 ก.ย. 52 / 12:36 น.

thank you ka

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