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Site Specific Job Safety Analysis JSA NO.


Job Tittle : Below Ground Water Proofing Works Location of the activity : EPC-10 Project Site
JSA Date: 27 April 2013 Equipment, Tools, Substance used: Brush, knife, HENKEL –Polyp rime SB, Henkel polybit Bitustick,
Henkel bit board.
Step Steps of the Job Hazards Hazard Controls

Apply primer Henkel Volatile and flammable  Implement Permit to work system
polybit polyp rime vapor and fumes  Additional confine space permit is required for water proofing in confine space.
SB to the concrete inhalation.  Chemical inventory to be kept minimal at site with lid closed container.
Contains volatile solvent  . No hot work shall be carried out in vicinity. Chemical to be protected from naked flame.
surface by roller and
with a low Flash point  Prevent inhalation of vapors and ensure there is adequate ventilation in the workplace.
brush. (38°C).  If swallowed immediately take medical help.
 In case of confined space, confine space permit is required.
 Wear protective clothing, nitrile gloves, safety glass with respirator filter type. Forced ventilation
in area to prevent vapor built up in case of restricted ventilation.
 No lone work is allowed. Follow personnel hygiene while handling, using solvent.
 Provide rest break/rotate worker to minimize the exposure level.

 Closed supervision for activity.

Improper access and

egress/ Working beside  Prior to entry in workplace, check for stability of the excavation.
improperly shored  Work shall not commence, until excavation, area is made safe for entry.
2. Application of self Risks of injury while  Safety knives to be used for cutting..
adhesive Henkel cutting with knife.
 Use nitrile gloves, safety glass, while handling the Bitustick XL.
polybit Bitustick xl to  Use respirator while working in confine space.
the primer coated
 Wear protective clothing, nitrile gloves, safety glass with face shield to reduce the exposure to
concrete surface. fumes.
 Closed supervision for activity.
Application of Risks of injury while  Use safety knife to cut the board.
3. cutting.  Use Nitrile gloves, safety glass while application.
Bituboard to protect
BITUSTICK XL Bituboard stain while  Personnel hygiene care to be adopted. No eating, smoking with contaminated hand.
 Wash the contamination immediately.

Work Instructions:
All hazard control measures prescribed in this Job safety Analysis is issued as a work instruction to be implemented by site supervision.
1. All persons and vehicles must comply with Site HSE Rules and Requirements.
2. Under no circumstance shall any person will work under suspended load / bucket while manually handling/ loading / offloading from equipment.
3. Housekeeping to be done and workplace to be made safe prior to leaving the workplace.
4. All persons shall sign their understanding and confirmation in the Tool Box Talk attendance sheet.
5. All construction waste will be removed daily from the work area.
6. All Near Misses and Accidents will be reported immediately to the on-duty Medic and site safety officers
7. Copy of this JSA will be discussed in pre- start TBT. Copy will be available on site.
8. JSA shall be reviewed and change based on site conditions.
In Case of emergency, contact ASCON 24 Hour Emergency Numbers - 0566848083 or 0566848220
Name Date and Signature Approved by Issued by
HSE Manager PM/CM
Md Salauddin

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