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Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit

Interactive Training Guide

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Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide (International English Metric version)
Copyright 2008 by Graphisoft, all rights reserved. Reproduction, paraphrasing or translation without express prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

ArchiCAD, Virtual Building, Virtual Trace and Virtual Building Solutions are trademarks of Graphisoft. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Credits We used the following ArchiCAD project in the training exercises: The Massaro House on Petre Island, Lake Mahopac, New York, US Designer Frank Lloyd Wright Architect of Record Thomas A. Heinz, AIA Photo by Thomas A. Dailey

Getting started with the ArchiCAD Interactive Training Guide _____ 5 Step 1: Download and install ArchiCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Step 2: Create the interactive training environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Step 3: How to use Movie Player in ArchiCAD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Project__________________________ 9 1.1 Introduction of the Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 1.2 Introduction to the ArchiCAD BIM environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 1.3 Navigating in the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Chapter 2: Creating Walls ____________________________________14 2.1 Creating Exterior Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 2.2 Creating Polygonal Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 2.3 Creating Parapet Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 2.4 Creating partition Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 2.5 Creating above-parapet Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 2.6 Modifying Wall Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Chapter 3: Creating Floors and Roofs __________________________20 3.1 Creating Floors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 3.2 Creating Roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 3.3 Creating Skylight Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 3.4 Creating Skylights Roofs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 3.5 Creating Skylight Glasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 3.6 Creating Skylight Roof Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 3.7 Creating Fascias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Chapter 4: Placing Doors/Windows/Skylights __________________24 4.1 Placing Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 4.2 Multiplying Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 4.3 Placing Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 4.4 Multiplying Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 4.5 Placing Skylight Wall Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Chapter 5: Creating the Model Terrain ________________________ 27 5.1 Creating the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 5.2 Creating the Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 5.3 Creating Rocks and Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 5.4 Creating the House Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Chapter 6: Creating Stair and Modifying the Model in 3D ________ 32 6.1 Creating Stairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 6.2 Modifying the Model in 3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 6.3 Placing Trees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Chapter 7: Creating Furniture and Interior Elevations ___________ 36 7.1 Placing Kitchen Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 7.2 Interior Elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 7.3 Editing the Model in the Interior Elevation Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Chapter 8: Creating Documentation __________________________ 39 8.1 Placing Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 8.2 Dimensioning the Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 8.3 Dimensioning Sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 8.4 Fine tuning the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 8.5 Referencing other Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 8.6 Creating Worksheets/Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 8.7 3D document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Chapter 9: Creating PhotoRenderings _________________________ 48 9.1 3D Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Chapter 10: Creating Layouts and Publishing the Project _________ 50 10.1 Creating Layouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 10.2 Placing Views on Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 10.3 Creating Publisher Sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 10.4 Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Getting started with the ArchiCAD Interactive Training Guide


This interactive training guide was written to ease and speed up your learning process, saving you time. Please read the three steps of this short introduction to familiarize yourself with the interactive training environment in ArchiCAD. The interactive training guide contains the following elements: a PDF Guide with detailed explanations and screenshots; narrated movie clips providing step-by-step instructions, ArchiCAD training project files and collateral files to complete the exercises. All you need to do is to start the installer and follow the instructions. The ArchiCAD 12 30-day fully functional trial version is free to download for professionals from Graphisofts trial registration site ( The Student version is free to download for students and for professors from the education registration site ( Please feel free to contact Graphisoft or any of the worldwide partners for further information. Please note that there are separate installer packages for Macintosh and for Windows operating systems. Please make sure to use the appropriate installer. 1 Please install ArchiCAD 12 or later version on your computer.

The PDF guide can be printed if needed and all the narrated movie clips can be launched from the PDF. However, we recommend that you play the movie clips within ArchiCAD, while completing the steps using the training project files.


To best enjoy the unique benefits and simplicity of learning in an interactive environment, we recommended that you install ArchiCAD on your computer.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Getting started with the ArchiCAD Interactive Training Guide


Introduction.mp4 Watch Movie Please follow these simple steps to start using this interactive training guide: 1 Start ArchiCAD The simplest way to start ArchiCAD is by double-clicking its desktop shortcut. The ArchiCAD splash screen will appear shortly after you start the program. The standard installation process installs the chapters of this training guide to the Graphisoft folder on your computer, next to the ArchiCAD installation folder. The Graphisoft folder is located in the Applications folder on Macintosh, or in the Program Files folder on Windows operating systems. 3 Browse the chapters of this training guide and open any of the ArchiCAD Project archive (.PLA) files.

2 Activate the Open Project option in the Start ArchiCAD dialog and select the Browse option to locate the project file on your local computer. Do not forget to use Standard Profile for the active Work Environment.

4 Select the Read elements directly from archive option for Active Library Usage in the Open Archive Project dialog.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Getting started with the ArchiCAD Interactive Training Guide

the folder in which the previously opened archive file was located. The Solo Project format and the correct library are selected automatically, so practically all you have to do is to click the Save button to proceed.

ArchiCAD will open the selected archive project and read all the library elements directly from the archive file. The ArchiCAD training project files are all saved as archive files. This is important because the library elements have different names in localized versions of ArchiCAD (localized meaning translated to foreign languages and customized to meet different local standards).

This is an important step, since certain exercises will require a Solo Project file to be saved on your local computer. Now that the training environment has been set up, you are ready to proceed with any of the exercises! Please note that for certain exercises the training environment described above will not be available, since some of the steps of the exercises will be completed using other applications, such as a PDF viewer. In such cases please play the corresponding training movie clip using Apples free QuickTime Player application. All the training movie clips are available from the chapter-folders of this guide.

5 Activate the File > Save As command, and save an ArchiCAD Solo Project of the currently open design file to
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Getting started with the ArchiCAD Interactive Training Guide


Lets briefly look over the main features and functions of the ArchiCAD Movie Player. 1 Open the Movie Player by activating Help > ArchiCAD Movie Player. 2 The Movie Player will open and the first training clip will be automatically loaded. Feel free to reposition or re-size the movie player on your screen.

3 Click the Play button on the player to start the first clip. You can pause the movie at any time, or use the slider to repeat or skip any parts of the clip.

4 Once the movie is over and you have completed the current step of the exercise, click the Next button to proceed to the next step of the exercise and open the corresponding training clip. You can also click the Previous button if you wish to open the previous clip. The title bar of the movie player always indicates the number of the current step and the total number of steps available in the current chapter.

We hope that you will find this guide useful and will agree with what experienced architects worldwide say: ArchiCAD is easy to learn and fun to use. You are always free to contact Graphisoft and its worldwide partners if you have further questions:

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Project


Welcome to the ArchiCAD Interactive Training Guide. In this Guide you will be provided with step-by-step instructions. Using these, you will build a building using ArchiCADs BIM architectural environment, also known as the Virtual Building concept.


BIM ITG Chapter 01_02.mp4 Watch Movie ArchiCAD has an integrated architectural design and documentation environment. You create a virtual building model of your project with intelligent building elements. At the same time, you work in conventional architectural views such as floorplans, sections and elevations, etc. All the Sections and Elevations, 3D project views as well as 2D drawings, are fully integrated, ensuring higher productivity and fewer errors in your everyday work. The project model is built by smart, scale-sensitive, parametric building components. These elements will automatically adjust and interact with the actual design environment to help your work. ArchiCAD provides streamlined workflow and covers the entire architectural design, design-development, layouting and publishing processes. In the middle you will see the Floor Plan window. This displays the Floor Plan. On the right side you can see the Navigator. The Navigator is used for navigation around the various windows of the Project and the various portions of the ArchiCAD environment. The Navigator has four buttons in its upper right corner. 1 Click the leftmost of the four buttons in the upper left corner of the Navigator.


BIM ITG Chapter 01_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 01.Pla ArchiCAD project file to complete this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 To open the file, use the File>Open menu command. In the appearing File Dialog, find the file named above and double-click its name, or click on its name to select it and click the Open button. 2 In the appearing Dialog, select the Read elements directly from archive radio button, and click the Open button. The Project will open and you will see the Floor Plan of the Ground Floor on your screen. About the Project: Frank Lloyd Wright designed this structure to accentuate a specific New York island in 1950. It took 50-odd years after his death for it to get built. And it might never have been built had Joe and Barbara Massaro not discovered a perk that came with the 11-acre island on Lake Mahopac in New York, that they bought in 1995. Frank Lloyd Wright had created preliminary drawings for a house to be built on the island for one of its previous owners. The Massaros ran the plans by a Frank Lloyd Wright expert architect, Thomas A. Heinz. Heinz used ArchiCAD to create the construction documentation based on Wrights five original pencil drawings. Using Graphisoft ArchiCAD, Heinz reverse-engineered Wrights design.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Project

This is the Project Map. It lists all the various so-called Viewpoints of the Project. There are various types of Viewpoints, which all correspond to standard view types of an architectural project: Stories, Sections, Elevations, Interior Elevations, Worksheets (for any other kind of drawing that does not have a dedicated Viewpoint type such as a Site Plan), Details, 3D Views, Schedules/Lists, etc. Under each category, you can see the actual Viewpoints created for the Project. For example, under Stories, you can see 0. Ground Floor (0 being its number and Ground Floor being its name.) 2 Click on the second (from the left) of the four buttons in the upper right corner of the Navigator.

3 Click the third (from the left) of the four buttons in the upper right corner of the Navigator.

This is the View Map. The View Map contains Views. The difference between Views and Viewpoints is that Views are Viewpoints saved with certain settings. When a View is saved, it stores the current Scale, Layer Combination, Zoom Factor , Display Options and several other settings. Take Scale, for example. If your Scale is 1:100 and you switch to another Viewpoint in the Project Map, the Scale will not change. However, if you switch to a View in the View Map, and the particular View you activated has a Scale of 1:50 stored for it, the Project will switch to that scale. So Views always restore those Scale, Zoom, Layer, etc., settings that were set when they were saved. They help you define how you want your Project to look on the screen and when printed. This allows for fast and easy restoration of the state at any time.

This third button is the Layout Book button. The Layout Book is basically a collection of Layout sheets onto which you place Drawings. This is where you prepare your drawings for printing/plotting or saving as files. You could just go to any Viewpoint and print it (e.g., print the Ground Floor Plan from the Floor Plan Window). However, in the Layout Book, you can create sheets, draw lines and place Text elements on it, or place images of the Project (in short, create the look of your final printed sheets). Further, you can place your Drawings on these Layouts. Drawings placed on Layouts are generated from Viewpoints or Views and they can receive Titles that are automatically generated upon placement. Layouts can also contain so-called AutoText elements, which are Text elements the value of which automatically change based on which Layout they are on and which placed Drawing they refer to. This saves you the time it would take to set these for each placed Drawing separately. 4 Click the rightmost of the four buttons in the upper right corner of the Navigator.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Project

This is the Publisher Sets button. Here you can create lists of files to be printed/plotted or saved in a number of file formats (e.g., PDF, DWG /DXF/DWF, DGN, PMK various image formats). You can predefine how files should be saved/printed/plotted and store them as Publisher Sets. These whole sets can then be published later with a mouse click. For example, you can define all sheets that are needed for building permit documentation. Or you can define a set of files that you need to send to a consultant in DWG/DXF format. You do not have to save the DWG/DXF files one-by-one. Instead, just define a Publisher Set. This lets you publish the Set at any time with a mouse click: Sets will be generated for you automatically by ArchiCAD based on the latest state of your Project. 5 In the following chapters of this training guide, you will see these building information modeling concepts and a lot more covered from a practical approach. The methodology of the training guide is rather pragmatic: we profess learning by doing. You will be guided through the completion steps of a whole project. By the end of the guide you will have learned by experience how these concepts help the everyday design and production work of architects worldwide.

2 Activate the 1.1 Ground Floor Plan pre-set View located in the Chapter 01 folder. This displays the Floor Plan. The Scale, Zoom Factor, Layer combination and other settings are restored based on the settings stored for the View.


BIM ITG Chapter 01_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Switch to the View Map in the Navigator. Open the Massaro House folder. This reveals the hierarchical structure of folders within the View Map. Open the BIM Experience Kit folder. This reveals that each group of Views is grouped by Chapter, in accordance with the ArchiCAD 12 Interactive Training Guide. We will always use pre-set Views located in the folder the name of which corresponds to the Chapter we are working on at the time.

3 Hold down the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) and move around (pan) with your mouse. As you can see, at the moment you pushed down the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) the cursor turned into a hand symbol, signaling that you entered the Pan mode. When you move the mouse you can drag the View around in the Window. Practice panning a couple of times to familiarize yourself with the process. 4 Start turning the mouse wheel to Zoom In and Out in the Project. You can use the mouses scroll wheel to quickly zoom in and out of any portion of the current Window. When you do this, the position of the Project directly at the position of the mouse cursor will stay in place and all other portions of the Project will zoom in and out around it.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 1: Introduction to the Project

5 Perform some zooming and panning for practice. These two functions are available in all Viewpoints of the Project for fast and easy navigation. 6 Activate the 1.2 Generic Perspective pre-set View located in the Chapter 01 folder.

8 Activate the 1.3 Section pre-set View located in the Chapter 01 folder.

The 3D Window opens and the 3D Model of the Project is generated. Here you can pan and zoom the same way you did in the Floor Plan Window. 7 Hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and also hold down the middle button on your mouse (scroll wheel). The mouse cursor changes to a different cursor shape. Move your mouse to Orbit around the 3D model. As you can see, you can freely rotate the model around in 3D. Do some Orbiting to get a general feel of how to do it. If you are too close, you can zoom out. The model always rotates around the portion that is located in the middle of the 3D Window. This means you can pan the model around and then Orbit so it is rotated around any desired point. The model can be orbited both horizontally and vertically, so you can move around it as if you were moving on the surface of a sphere. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with zooming/panning/orbiting and combining these in 3D.

A Section View opens up. Sections/Elevations/Interior Elevations are generated based on their Marker placed on a Floor Plan and they can be set to be automatically regenerated each time you open their Viewpoint. Any change you make to the model on the Floor Plan or in any Section/Elevation View will be automatically carried forward to all other model Viewpoints of the model and they will be refreshed to show the latest state of the Project. If you change a Wall in a Section, the change will be shown on the Floor Plan, in other Sections/Elevations, in 3D etc. 9 Select any Wall in the Section and click the Settings Dialog button in the Info Box. When any element is selected, the Info Box shows its settings (such as Elevation, Height, Thickness, Material, etc.). When you select an element, you can see all these settings arranged into logical panels within the Settings Dialog. You can change the setting of any element here in the Settings Dialog, or you can select elements and modify their settings in the appropriate field of the Info Box. 10 Press the Esc key or click the Cancel button to leave the Wall Settings Dialog. 11 Activate the 1.4 Window List pre-set View located in the Chapter 01 folder.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Project

An Interactive List appears, showing a list of Windows that were created in the Project. This List is also based on the model of the Project and always reflects the latest state of the Project. It is interactive, which means that if something is changed here (e.g., clicking any row and modifying the height of Windows listed in that row), the changes will be reflected in all other Viewpoints. The Floor Plan, Sections/Elevations and 3D of the Project will show those Windows with the modified height. With this integrated approach you can be sure all Views of your Project are coordinated with one another at all times. Whats even better is that these are executed automatically by the program. We hope that this short introduction helped you appreciate that the Virtual Building approach (also called BIM) is an integrated 3D Model, where all data comes and is generated from a building database that always shows the latest state of the Project model, no matter which Viewpoint you are working on. We also hope you can appreciate the possible advantages this approach has when compared to more traditional workflows and approaches.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

In the following Chapters you will actually create a Project and be able to see for yourself the potential, speed and accuracy of the Virtual Building concept. 12 Now lets open two more ArchiCAD palettes, since we will use these frequently to speed up our work while doing the exercises of this interactive training guide. First open the Trace and Reference palette from the Window> Palettes menu. Place this palette next to the Tool Box on the left side of your screen. The Trace and Reference function will help you coordinate the various views plans, sections, elevations, etc. - in your design project. Further explanation will be presented in the next chapter of this guide. 13 Now open the Favorites palette from the same menu. Place it below the Trace and Reference palette. Favorites are pre-configured Virtual Building elements. You can save the element settings of any frequently used building element into favorites for later use. We will use Favorites to considerably speed up the completion of the training exercises. 14 Feel free to resize the main floor plan window and the palettes.

This concludes Chapter 1. Please carry on with the rest of the Chapters to see ArchiCAD in action.


Chapter 2: Creating Walls


In this chapter we will start to actually build up the project from scratch by first creating the vertical structures of the Massaro house. To spare drafting time we will import a 2D DWG floorplan to start from as a basis. Note that although we will be working in the floorplan view, we will create intelligent 3D building elements. Also, to speed up the work, we will in many cases utilize ArchiCADs Favorites feature, which is basically a container for pre-parameterised building elements. of drawings that do not have a dedicated Viewpoint type (e.g., Floor Plan, Section, Details). You can use Worksheets to place External Drawings, create Floor Plan Call-Outs, Site Plans, etc. 2 Open the Worksheet you just created by double-clicking its name in the Navigator, or right-clicking its name in the Navigator and selecting Open in the context menu. 3 In the Worksheet Window, use the File > External Content > Place External Drawing menu command. Find the Walls.DWG file located next to the Project File in the same folder, select it and click the Open button to import it. 4 In the appearing Dialog, make sure that the value of the Set value of 1 Drawing Unit in field is set to 1 millimeter. Click the Place button, then click anywhere in the Worksheet Window to place the drawing.


BIM ITG Chapter 02_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 02.Pla ArchiCAD project file to start this stage of this interactive, hands-on ArchiCAD training guide. Please study the Getting started with the ArchiCAD Interactive Training Guide chapter if you need further information on how to set up ArchiCAD, adjust the necessary ArchiCAD Work Environment or open the training guide project files. 1 Create a new Independent Worksheet using the Document > Documenting Tools > Create Independent Worksheet menu command. Enter W-01 for the Reference ID field, and DWG Walls for the Name field. The new Worksheet will appear under Worksheets in the Project Map of the Navigator.

Worksheets are Viewpoints which serve as a drawing environment for any kind of 2D drawing you need to produce. They are used for types


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 2: Creating Walls

5 Switch to the View Map of the Navigator. Open up the BIM Experience Kit folder in the Navigator and activate (by double-clicking) the 2.1.1 Wall-01/01 pre-set View located in the 2.1 Creating Exterior Walls folder within the Chapter 02 folder.

7 Click the Drag Reference command of the Trace & Reference palette and move the whole Trace Reference so that the topmost node of the Wall geometry within the Trace Reference is located at the point of Label Arrow 1.1.

8 Click the Switch Reference with Active button in the Trace & Reference Palette to switch to the Worksheet. 6 Find the W-01 DWG Walls Worksheet in the Project Map under Worksheets. Right-click on it and select Show as Trace Reference from the context menu. The content of the Worksheet appears under the Floor Plan.

9 Select the placed Drawing and apply the Edit > Reshape > Explode into Current View command to it. Select the Keep drawing primitives only radio button in the appearing Dialog and click OK. The Drawing is now exploded and will appear as a group of lines and fills.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 2: Creating Walls

10 Now select all elements in the Worksheet (they are now grouped) and apply the Edit>Grouping>Ungroup command to them. 11 Click the Switch Reference with Active button in the Trace & Reference Palette to switch back to the Ground Floor Plan. We will use the Wall lines and Fills originating from the DWG file as a reference for how the Walls will need to look. 12 Activate the Wall Tool in the Toolbox. You will notice that only Wall Favorites are shown in the Favorites Palette. 13 In the Navigator, switch back to View Map. We will activate several pre-set Views in the coming steps. In the Favorites Palette activate the Wall-01 Favorite by double-clicking its name in the list. 14 Make sure that the Wall Tool is set to the Chained Geometry Method in the Info Box (this will create a chain of straight Wall segments).

15 By clicking successively to the locations defined by the points of the Label arrows shown on the Floor Plan, draw a chain of three Walls, forming a triangle. Follow the numbering: first click on the location at the point of Label arrow 1.1, then on the location at the point of Label arrow 1.2, and so on. You will know that your cursor found the point of the Arrow when the cursor shape turns into a checkmark (for the first point of a Wall Chain) or a filled black pencil (while drawing the Wall Chain). Hint: While you are creating a Chain of Walls, you might click in the wrong place. In this case you can press the BACKSPACE key to delete only the last drawn segment of the Wall Chain (or any Tool where you draw a series of connected lines) and redraw it correctly.

Hint: Generally, the name of the pre-set View will tell you the name of the Favorite that needs to be used in the step. In case of the above pre-set View, 2.1.1 Wall-01/01 2.1.1 is the number of the step, Wall-01 is the name of the Favorite to be used, and /01 shows that it is the first element or element group created using that Favorite. As a result you will always know which Favorites need to be activated for later steps. 16 Activate (again by double-clicking) the 2.1.2 Wall-01/02 pre-set View located in the 2.1 Creating Exterior Walls folder. A new set of Labels appear on the Floor Plan, showing another part of the plan. In this step you do not need to activate a new Favorite, because the pre-set Views name still calls for the Wall-01 Favorite. 17 Create the Walls similarly to the way they were created in Step 15. The way you can finish creating an open Wall Chain is to double-click at the last node. Should the Wall Chain be closed, this step is not needed; ArchiCAD will automatically finish the Wall Chain. 18 Activate the 2.1.3 Wall-01/03 pre-set View located in the 2.1 Creating Exterior Walls folder and create the Walls based on the Label arrows. You still need to use the Wall-01 Favorite. 19 Activate the 2.1.4 Wall-01/04 pre-set View located in the 2.1 Creating Exterior Walls folder and create the Walls based on the Label arrows. You still need to use the Wall-01 Favorite. 20 Activate the 2.1.5 Wall-02/01 pre-set View located in the 2.1 Creating Exterior Walls folder.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 2: Creating Walls

21 The name of the pre-set View now contains Wall-02. This means you need to activate that Favorite. Do so by double clicking the Wall-02 Favorite in the Favorites Palette list. 22 Create the Walls similarly to the way they were created in previous steps. 23 Continue activating the pre-set Views, starting with View 2.1.6 Wall-02/02, and ending with View 2.1.15 Wall-02/11. For each activated View, create the Walls called for by the Label Arrows, using the Wall-02 Favorite. 24 Activate the 2.1.16 Wall-03 pre-set View located in the 2.1 Creating Exterior Walls folder. Hint: In the name of this Favorite, you will not see /01 or similar labels after the name of the Favorite (Wall-03). This means that there is only one element or element group that is created using that Favorite in this one step. 25 Create the Walls called for by the Label Arrows. 26 Select the two last Wall pieces you created (activate the Arrow Tool and click either one) and use the Edi t> Display Order > Send Backward menu command so these Walls will not overlap the other Walls.

27 Activate the 2.1.17 Finished Exterior Walls pre-set View to see all the Exterior Walls created so far.


BIM ITG Chapter 02_02.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 2.2.1 Wall-04 pre-set View located in the 2.2 Creating Polygonal Walls folder. Throughout all remaining steps in this Chapter, make sure that Trace Reference is always set and visible. 2 Activate (by double-clicking) the Wall-04 Favorite and while holding down the SPACE key on the keyboard, click on the outline of each of the polygons pointed to by the Labels. ArchiCAD will create Polygonal Walls and their shape will follow the polylines you clicked. When you are holding down the SPACE key, the cursor shape will change to the so-called Magic Wand, signaling that it will trace the contour of the element it found and create the new element based on that geometry.

3 Activate the 2.2.2 Wall-05 pre-set View located in the 2.2 Creating Polygonal Walls folder and also activate the Wall-05 Favorite.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 2: Creating Walls

4 Using SPACE-clicking, again create the Polygonal Walls called for by the Labels. Alternatively, you can click anywhere within a closed polygon to trace its shape.

4 Zoom to and select the Balcony Top you just created and use the Edit>Display Order>Bring forward menu command on it to make it overlap with the Walls below it in the Floor Plan.


BIM ITG Chapter 02_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Create the Parapet Walls of the building. The actions to follow are the same as in the previous steps: activate the View, then activate the Favorite the View refers to in its name, then create the chain of Walls called for by the Label arrows. Do this with Views 2.3.1 Wall-06 through 2.3.5 Wall-09. The pre-set Views are located in the 2.3 Creating Parapet Walls folder. 2 Activate the 2.3.6 Slab-Balcony Top pre-set View, activate the Slab Tool, then activate the Slab-Balcony Top Favorite and create the balcony top using SPACE-clicking. 3 Activate the 2.3.7 Current state of Walls pre-set View to see the Walls already created.


BIM ITG Chapter 02_04.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 2.4.1 Wall-10/01 pre-set View, then activate the Wall-10 Favorite. Create the Walls called for by the Label Arrows. Do the same with pre-set Views 2.4.2 Wall-10/02 through 2.4.10 Wall-10/10 (there is no need to activate the Wall-10 Favorite each time). The pre-set Views are located in the 2.4 Creating Partition Walls folder. 2 We will continue use the Wall-10 favorite for the rest of the partition Walls, but with one change: set the Wall Construction Method to Center (Reference Line in Center).

3 Create the rest of the Walls called for in pre-set Views 2.4.11 Wall-10/11 through 2.4.15 Wall-10/15 without changing the Wall Favorite or Wall settings.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 2: Creating Walls


BIM ITG Chapter 02_05.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Using the methods used in previous sections, create the Walls called for in pre-set Views 2.5.1 Wall-11/01 through 2.5.3 Wall-12. The pre-set Views are located in the 2.5 Creating above-parapet Walls folder. 2 Activate the 2.5.4 All Walls created pre-set View to see all the Walls you have done so far.


BIM ITG Chapter 02_06.mp4 Watch Movie

1 Activate the 2.6.1 Modify Wall Heights/01 pre-set View, then activate the Marquee Tool. Draw a rectangular Marquee from the vicinity of Label 1.1 to the vicinity of Label 1.2. 2 Activate the Wall Tool and use Edit>Select All Walls in the Marquee menu command, then modify the Wall Base height for these selected Walls to 600 mm. Use the appropriate fields in the Info Box for this purpose. Right-click on the Floor Plan and click the Remove Marquee menu command in the context menu to remove the Marquee from the screen 3 Activate the 2.6.2 Modify Wall Heights/02 pre-set View. Select the Wall marked Label 2 and modify its Top Height to 2440 mm. 4 Activate the 2.6.3 All Walls pre-set View to see all Walls. Now switch to the View Map in the Navigator and locate the worksheet on which we placed the original DWG floorplan. Right-click on it, and from the upcoming context menu, select the use as trace reference command. In the trace and reference palette, switch on the feature called Show/Hide Splitter. With the help of the 4 handles on the 4 sides of your floorplan, you can peel back your ArchiCAD floorplan similar to physical tracing papers - and compare it with the DWG floorplan. Using this visual aid, check if the walls you placed in this chapter are precisely positioned over their equivalents in the original DWG drawing. This way you can compare any type of views in ArchiCAD. You can make sure that design errors are sorted out. You will have a high quality documentation set in the end. This completes Chapter 2.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 3: Creating Floors and Roofs


In this Chapter we will continue building the Frank Lloyd Wright house. In this chapter we will create Floors, Roofs, Skylights and Fascias for the house. 2 Create the Slabs called for by the pre-set Views 3.1.2 Slab-01/02 through 3.1.6 Slab-03. In the case of these Slabs, use the SPACE-click method for faster creation. (Remember to always check the name of the pre-set View to see which Favorite needs to be used for the creation of each element.)


BIM ITG Chapter 03_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 03.Pla ArchiCAD project file to start this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 Activate the 3.1.1 Slab-01/01 pre-set View located in the 3.1 Creating Floors folder. Activate the Favorite (Slab-01) called for in the View name. Make sure that the Polygonal Geometry Method is selected in the Info Box. Create the Slab contour polygon called for by the Labels.


BIM ITG Chapter 03_02.mp4 Watch Movie 1 The flat Roofs will be created using the Slab Tool. To do this, activate the 3.2.1 Slab-04/01 pre-set View located in the 3.2 Creating Roofs folder. Activate the Favorite (Slab-04) called for in the View name. Create the Slab contour polygon called for by the Labels. 2 Create the Slabs called for by the 3.2.2 Slab-04/02 pre-set View. In the case of this Slab, use the SPACE-click method for faster creation. 3 Create the Slabs called for by the 3.2.3 Slab-04/03 pre-set View. After creating the outline using SPACE-click, SHIFT-click the newly created Slab to select it while the Slab Tool is active, and click the polygons that are pointed to by the other Labels to create the holes within the Slab polygon. These holes will be cut into the body of the Slab.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 3: Creating Floors and Roofs


BIM ITG Chapter 03_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 3.3.1 Wall-13 pre-set View located in the 3.3 Creating Skylight Wall folder. Activate the Wall-13 Favorite and create the chain of Walls called for by the Labels.


BIM ITG Chapter 03_04.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Now create the two Skylight Roofs. Do this by using the SPACE-click method. To do so, use the 3.4.1 Slab-05/01 and 3.4.2 Slab-05/02 pre-set Views, activate the Slab-05 Favorite and create the Roofs called for.


BIM ITG Chapter 03_05.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 3.5.1 Slab-06 pre-set View. Activate the Slab-06 Favorite and SPACE-click into each polygon to create the Skylight Glass panes. You can click on the polygon
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 3: Creating Floors and Roofs

contours or in the polygon itself. Create all 24 Glasses called for by the Labels.


BIM ITG Chapter 03_06.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 3.6.1 Skylight Holes/01 pre-set View located in the 3.6 Creating Skylight Roof Hole folder. SHIFT-click the Skylight Roof that is shown by Label arrow 1 to select it. Hold down the SPACE key to bring up the Magic Wand and click on the Glass outline marked with Label arrow 2 to cut a hole into the Roof. (You may also click in the skylight triangle ArchiCAD will automatically recognize the contours.)

2 Activate the 3.6.2 Skylight Holes/02 pre-set View. Create the Skylight Roof Holes called for by the Label using the same method used in the previous step.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 3: Creating Floors and Roofs


BIM ITG Chapter 03_07.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 3.7.1 Wall-Fascia-01 pre-set View located in the 3.7 Creating Fascias folder. Activate the Wall-Fascia-01 Favorite (which is a Wall Favorite) and using a chain of Walls, create the Fascia called for by the Labels. 2 Create the other fascias called for by pre-set Views 3.7.2 Wall-Fascia-02/01 through 3.7.5 Wall-Fascia-02/04 using the same method (Wall-Fascia-02 Favorite). 3 Activate the 3.8 Building in 3D pre-set View to see the building in 3D. At this stage we have succeeded in creating our Walls, Floor, Roofs, Skylights and Fascias. You may

Orbit around the model using the Orbit method learned in Chapter 1.

This concludes Chapter 3.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 4: Placing Doors/Windows/Skylights


In this Chapter we will continue building the Frank Lloyd Wright house with the placement of Doors and Windows into the Project.


BIM ITG Chapter 04_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 04.Pla ArchiCAD project file to complete this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 Activate the 4.1.1 Door-01 pre-set View located in the 4.1 Placing Doors folder. Switch to the Door Tool. Activate the Favorite (Door-01) called for in the View name. Lets open up the Door Settings dialog by double-clicking on the Door Tool, and take a look at the door options and parameters. Different preview options can be selected to get a full overview of the actual door. Lets take a quick look at the Parameters page: different door-frames, panels and sidelights, casing, thresholds and shutters can be selected and carefully adjusted to fit your design expectations. Of course, any object can have near endless variations. Before leaving this dialog, make sure that the Center Geometry Method is selected for the door Anchor Point. 2 The Trace Reference is still shown. We do not need to see it during these steps so turn it off by clicking the Trace On/Off button on the Trace & Reference Palette. 3 Create the Doors called for by the Label Arrows. Each Door needs two clicks to be placed. The first click must be at the point of the Label; the second click must be on the Label text. This second click will define the orientation of the Door: it defines which side of the Wall the Door opens into, and also which side of the Door Axis (left or right) hinges upon. So make sure the second click is in that quadrant where the Label text is located.

4 Place all other Doors as called for by the Labels in pre-set Views 4.1.2 Door-02 through 4.1.4 Door-04.


BIM ITG Chapter 04_02.mp4 Watch Movie We will create some Doors by multiplying Doors that are already placed. 1 Activate the 4.2.1 Multiply Doors/01 pre-set View located in the 4.2 Multiplying Doors folder. 2 With the Arrow Tool active, select the Door by clicking on the point defined by Label 1. 3 Use the Edit>Move>Multiply menu command. In the appearing Dialog, set the Number of copies field to 2 and click OK. 4 Click the point defined by Label 2 for the beginning point of the drag vector, and click the point defined by Label 3 for the


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 4: Placing Doors/Windows/Skylights

ending point of the drag vector. The two new Doors will be created.


BIM ITG Chapter 04_04.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Multiply the Windows the same way you multiplied Doors in Subchapter 4.2. Use pre-set Views 4.4.1 Multiply Windows/01 through 4.4.2 Multiply Windows/02. The number of copies should be as follows: 4.4.1 Multiply Windows/01 4.4.2 Multiply Windows/02 3 copies 4 copies

5 Perform two additional multiplications on Doors as called for in pre-set Views 4.2.2 Multiply Doors/02 and 4.2.3 Multiply Doors/03. In both cases, you will need to enter 3 for Number of copies. Otherwise all other steps are the same as before.


BIM ITG Chapter 04_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 4.3.1 Window-01 pre-set View located in the 4.3 Placing Windows folder. Activate the Favorite (Window-01) called for in the View name. 2 Create the Windows called for by the Label Arrows. The Windows need to be placed the same way you created Doors in Subchapter 4.1. 3 Place all other Windows as called for by the Labels in pre-set Views 4.3.2 Window-02 through 4.3.6 Window-06.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

2 We will perform the next multiplication in an Elevation View. Activate the 4.4.3 Multiply Windows/03 pre-set view to open the South Elevation. Right-click on the Ground Floor Plan entry in the Navigator-Project Map and activate the Show as Trace reference option from the appearing context menu. The Ground Floor plan will appear as a trace next to the currently active elevation view. Freely use the Drag Reference button in the Trace and Reference palette to re-position the floor plan view, if you wish.


Chapter 4: Placing Doors/Windows/Skylights

2 Using the same procedure as before, place the Windows called for by the Labels.

Shift-click to select the window in the elevation view shown by label one. Activate the Multiply command from the EditMove menu. Enter three for the number of copies and make sure that the increment option is active. Click the point defined by Label 2 for the beginning point of the drag vector, and then click the point defined by Label 3 for its ending point. The new windows will immediately appear not only in the currently active Elevation view, but also on all other project views. As you can see, the ground floor plan has also been automatically updated with the new windows! This way you can coordinate your design work throughout the entire project at any time.

3 Activate the 4.6 Building in 3D pre-set View to see your building in 3D.


BIM TG Chapter 04_05.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 4.5.1 Window-07 pre-set View located in the 4.5 Placing Skylight Wall Windows folder. Activate the Favorite (Window-07) called for in the View name. This concludes Chapter 04.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 5: Creating the Model Terrain


In this Chapter we will create the terrain and natural rocks that surround the house and form its environment.


BIM ITG Chapter 05_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 05.Pla ArchiCAD project file to complete this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 Activate the 5.1.1 Place Terrain DWG pre-set View located in the 5.1 Creating Site Outline folder. 2 Create a new Independent Worksheet using the Document > Documenting Tools > Create Independent Worksheet menu command. Enter W-02 for the Reference ID field, and DWG Terrain for the Name field. The new Worksheet will appear under Worksheets in the Project Map of the Navigator.

3 Open the Worksheet you just created by double-clicking its name in the Navigator, or right-clicking its name in the Navigator and selecting Open in the context menu. 4 In the Worksheet Window, use the File > External Content > Place External Drawing menu command. Find the Terrain.DWG file located next to the Project File in the same folder: select it and click the Open button to import it. 5 Click the Place button in the appearing Dialog, then click in the Worksheet Window to place the drawing. You will probably need to zoom out to see the whole Terrain drawing.

6 Select the placed Drawing and apply the Edit > Reshape > Explode into Current View command to it. 7 Now select all elements in the Worksheet (they are grouped) and apply the Edit > Grouping > Ungroup command to them. 8 Right-click anywhere in the Worksheet Window, and choose the Go to>Floor Plan menu command from the context menu to go back to the Floor Plan Window. These context menu commands let you quickly navigate among the Viewpoints used most recently.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 5: Creating the Model Terrain

9 Find the W-02 DWG Terrain Worksheet in the Project Map under Worksheets. Right-click on it and from the context menu, select Show as Trace Reference. The content of the Worksheet appears as a Trace under the Floor Plan. 10 Click the Drag Reference command of the Trace & Reference palette and move the whole Trace Reference so the topmost node of the House outline within the Trace Reference is located at the point of Label Arrow 1.

14 In the appearing Dialog, set - 4500 millimeters for height and check the Apply to All checkbox, then click OK.

11 Activate the 5.1.2 Mesh-01 pre-set View located in the 5.1 Creating Site Outline folder within the View Map. 12 Activate the Mesh Tool and activate the Mesh-01 Favorite. By SPACE-clicking the contour pointed to by Label 1, create the outline of the Terrain. 13 With the Mesh Tool active, select the Mesh you just created (SHIFT-click anywhere on the Mesh). Click on any of its edges and select the Elevate Mesh Point button from the appearing Pet Palette.

15 Activate the 5.1.3 Create Terrain Lines pre-set View. Select the Mesh and activate the Mesh Tool. SPACE-click all ridges pointed to by Labels. When you click a ridge and the New Mesh Points Dialog comes up, select the Fit toUser Ridges radio button and click OK. Do this for all ridges called for by Labels.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 5: Creating the Model Terrain

17 Activate the 5.1.5 View 3D Terrain pre-set View to see how the Terrain looks so far.

16 Activate the 5.1.4 Set Terrain Ridge Heights pre-set View. Keep the Mesh selected and the Mesh Tool activated. Set the height of each created ridge in the following way: click anywhere on the ridge and from the appearing Pet Palette select the Elevate Mesh Point button. In the appearing Dialog, set the height as the value shown in the Label pointing to the ridge and check the Apply to All checkbox. Then click OK. For example, set 300 (millimeters) for height if the Label pointing to the ridge shows 300 (millimeters), and so on.


BIM ITG Chapter 05_02.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 5.2.1 Mesh-02 pre-set View located in the 5.2 Creating Lake folder. Activate the Mesh-02 Favorite. Create the lake polygon called for by the Label. Make sure that the Trace Reference is always set and visible through all remaining steps in this Chapter.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 5: Creating the Model Terrain


BIM ITG Chapter 05_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 5.3.1 Mesh-03 pre-set View located in the 5.3 Creating Rocks and Landing folder. Activate the Mesh-03 Favorite. Create the six Rocks called for by the Labels.

2 Activate the 5.3.2 Slab-07 pre-set View located in the 5.3 Creating Rocks and Landing folder. Activate the Slab-07 Favorite. Create the Landing board called for by the Labels. 3 Activate the 5.3.3 Modify height of Rocks pre-set View. With all but one Rock, you will see a value. You need to select each Rock and set the height of its top level to the value shown in the Label. Do this with all Rocks.


BIM ITG Chapter 05_04.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 5.4.1 Mesh-04 pre-set View located in the 5.4 Creating House Outline folder. Activate the Mesh-04 Favorite. Create the Terrain called for by the Labels. This will be the Terrain that is situated below the house. 2 Activate the 5.4.2 Subtract House Outline pre-set View located in the 5.4 Creating House Outline folder. 3 Select the Site with the Arrow Tool active and switch to the Mesh Tool. Click on any of the edges of the Meshs contour polygon and choose the Subtract from Polygon command from the Pet Palette. SPACE-click the House outline Mesh polygon to subtract its Polygon from the Sites polygon.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 5: Creating the Model Terrain

4 Activate the 5.5 View 3D Model with Terrain pre-set View. Here you can now see the model building as placed on the site.

As you can see there are a couple of points where we will need to make slight adjustments to the model. We will perform these in the next Chapter. This concludes Chapter 5.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 6: Creating Stair and Modifying the Model in 3D


In this Chapter we will continue creating the model by creating Stairs and other environmental elements.


BIM ITG Chapter 06_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 06.Pla ArchiCAD project file to start this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 Activate the 6.1.1 Stair-01 pre-set View located in the 6.1 Creating Stairs folder. Activate the Stair-01 Favorite. Create the Stair called for by the Label.

2 Select the Stair and click the Setting Dialog button in the Info Box. In the Parameters panel, find the Distortion Angle Treads parameter and modify its value to 0.

In the upper right corner of the Dialog you can see the preview of the Stair update. ArchiCADs objects are smart and their geometry can be controlled using parameters. 3 Press the Esc key to leave the Dialog without accepting this change and return to the Floor Plan. 4 Create the other four Stairs called for by the Labels in pre-set Views 6.1.2 Stair-02 through 6.1.5 Stair-05 within the same 6.1 Creating Stairs folder. Do it the same way as was done in Step 1.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 6: Creating Stair and Modifying the Model in 3D

5 Activate the 6.1.6 Sending Stairs to Back pre-set View. Select the three short stairs of the visible four and use the Edit>Display Order>Send to Back menu command. This will place those portions that intersect Rocks under the Rocks in 2D.

1 Activate the 6.2.1 Perform SEOs in 3D pre-set View located in the 6.2 Modifying Model in 3D folder. 2 Use the Design>Solid Element Operations menu command to bring up the Solid Element Operations Palette. 3 Select the brown body that represents the ground below the Ground Floor of the building. Click the Get Target Elements command in the SEO Palette. This will be the element on which the SEO will be performed.

6 Activate the 6.1.7 Environment pre-set View located in the 6.1 Creating Stairs folder. Some additional environmental Walls have been placed around the sides of the Water surface and the entrance area. We have not created these at this time, but we turned on a layer where these were already done (for faster creation).


BIM ITG Chapter 06_02.mp4 Watch Movie Among ArchiCADs great features there is a special one with which you can create 3D model geometry that would not be possible otherwise. This feature is called SEO. SEO stands for Solid Element Operations. We will perform a couple of SEOs on our model.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

4 Use SHIFT-clicks to select the Stair to the left of the building and the two slanted Walls. Click the Get Operator Elements button in the SEO Palette. These will be the elements which will perform operations on the target element. 5 Select the Subtraction with upward extrusion option from the Choose an operation list and click the Execute button. The bodies of the selected element and everything vertically above them are cut from the body of the Target element.


Chapter 6: Creating Stair and Modifying the Model in 3D

between the overlapping elements, and select only the one you need. Please make sure that you select the appropriate elements! 11 One Wall now extends above the Roof we just lowered. Apply the SEO Subtract with upward extrusion on the Wall as the target, with the Roof as the operator. Close the Solid Elements Operations palette.

6 Lets perform another SEO. Select the same brown body as the Target element. For Operator elements, select the two rocks intersecting it, and perform the same Subtraction with upward extrusion operation. The body is now correctly cut. 7 For the next SEO, Set the Rock thats overlapping the Stair as Target element. The Stair itself and the slanted Wall next to it will be the Operator Elements. Perform the operation with the same settings as before. 8 With the Arrow Tool active, select the two vertical Walls extending above the Balcony Top and set the Wall Height to 710 millimeters. 9 Select the Roof and the two Fascias above the Balcony. Click the lower left corner of the left Fascia and select the Elevate command from the Pet Palette. 10 Press the Z key and type 2050, then press ENTER. This will be the new vertical position of the point we clicked. By doing this we lowered these elements by 600 millimeters. Notice that ArchiCAD pre-selects elements by highlighting them as you move the mouse while holding down the SHIFT-key. In case of overlapping elements the Tracker Palette displays a Multiple Elements, TAB notice at the bottom. In such cases use the TAB-key while holding down the SHIFT-key to switch

12 Activate the 6.2.2 Modify 3D pre-set View located in the 6.2 Modifying Model in 3D folder. 13 Select the two black terrace Slabs and open their Settings Dialog. In the Model panel, click the Link Material button and modify the Top Material to C12. When done, click OK. The Material of the Top Surface of these elements are now modified.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 6: Creating Stair and Modifying the Model in 3D


BIM ITG Chapter 06_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 6.3.1 Tree-01 pre-set View located in the 6.4 Placing Trees folder. Switch to the Object Tool and activate the Tree-01 Favorite. 2 In the Status Bar, click and hold down the mouse button to bring up the pop-up list of the Gravity button. From the appearing list select the Gravitate to Mesh option. This will cause all Objects to be placed vertically, exactly on the surface of the Mesh below them.

3 Place the Trees called for by the Labels on the Floor Plan. 4 Place all other Trees called for in pre-set Views 6.3.2 Tree-02 through 6.3.4 Tree-04. Make sure the Gravitate to Mesh button is activated throughout these steps.

5 Activate the 6.4 View Model in 3D pre-set View to see your model, complete with environment. This concludes Chapter 6.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 7: Creating Furniture and Interior Elevations


In this Chapter we will create the terrain and natural rocks that surround the house and form its environment.


BIM ITG Chapter 07_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 07.Pla ArchiCAD project file to start this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 Activate the 7.1.1 Cabinet Base-01 pre-set View located in the 7.1 Placing Kitchen Furniture folder. Switch to the Object Tool. Activate the Cabinet Base-01 Favorite. Create the Objects called for by the Labels. 2 Place all other Kitchen Cabinets and furniture based on pre-set Views 7.1.2 Electric Range through 7.1.18 Cabinet Wall-04. Each time activate the View, activate the Favorite called for in the View name, and place the Object called for by the Labels.

3 Activate the 7.1.19 Setting Display Order/01 pre-set View located in the 7.1 Placing Kitchen Furniture folder. 4 Select all cabinets pointed to by Labels by SHIFT-clicking them one after the other. When all of them are selected, use the Edit>Display order>Send to back menu command to set their display below intersecting Walls/Rocks. 5 Activate the 7.1.20 Setting Display Order/02 pre-set View located in the 7.1 Placing Kitchen Furniture folder. 6 Use the Edit>Display order>Send to back menu command to set the display of these elements below intersecting Walls/Rocks. Then use the Edit>Display order>Bring Forward menu command to bring them one step forward. This will show them above Cabinet Bases, but still below Walls/Rocks.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 7: Creating Furniture and Interior Elevations

7 Activate the 7.1.21 Additional Furniture pre-set View located in the 7.1 Placing Kitchen Furniture folder. As you can see, additional furniture and sanitary elements have been created for the house in baths, various corners of the kitchen, and living room areas.


BIM ITG Chapter 07_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Select Interior Elevation IE-01/03 (the one showing the Kitchen Cabinets next to the Rock), right-click and select Open Interior Elevation from the context menu. The Interior Elevation opens. 2 Choose the Design>Solid Element Operations menu command to bring up the SEO Palette. 3 Select the two leftmost Cabinet Bases and the two Wall Cabinets above them. The bodies of these elements intersect with the Rock. With these four elements selected, click the Get Target Elements button in the SEO Palette.


BIM TG Chapter 07_02.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 7.2.1 Interior Elevation pre-set View located in the 7.2 Interior Elevation Marker folder. Switch to the Interior Elevation Tool and activate the Interior Elevation Favorite. Choose the Polyline Geometry Method in the Info Box. 2 Draw the contour polygon of the Interior Elevation by connecting the points defined by Labels 1.1 to 1.6. Double-click at point 1.6 to finish drawing the polygon. Then click at the point pointed to by Label 1.7 to define the depth of the Interior Elevation.
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 7: Creating Furniture and Interior Elevations

7 Open up the Kitchen Cabinet Settings Panel of the Settings Dialog, and click the Door Tab Page. In the graphics list of available Door Styles on the left, select Style 5 by clicking on it in the list. Set the Frame Width parameter to 50 mm. You can fine tune the appearance of the Cabinets with further settings of the Doors, Knobs, etc. as you wish. Click the OK button to leave the Dialog. The Door Style of all selected Cabinets is now changed in the model.

4 Select the Rock to the left of these elements and click the Get Operator Elements button in the SEO Palette. 5 Make sure the Subtraction option is selected in the Choose an operation field and click the Execute button to subtract the body of the Rock from these Elements. 6 Now select all Cabinet Base elements (except for the Range) and all Wall Cabinets (except for the leftmost one and the Hood and Vent). Click the Settings Dialog button in the Info Box to go to their Settings Dialog.

8 Open S-03 Section by double-clicking it in the Project Map. Here you can see again that when you change something in an Interior Elevation Window, all changes will be propagated through the whole model and will display correctly in any other model Viewpoint. This concludes Chapter 7.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 8: Creating Documentation


In this Chapter we will create Zones and dimensions both on the Floor Plan and in Sections/Elevations.


BIM ITG Chapter 08_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 08.Pla ArchiCAD project file to start this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 Activate the 8.1.1 Zone-01 pre-set View located in the 8.1 Placing Zones folder. Activate the Zone Tool and Activate the Zone-01 Favorite. Set the Construction Method to Inner Edge... This way ArchiCAD will find the Zone Boundaries automatically. 2 Place the Zones called for by the Labels. Each Zone needs two clicks. The first click defines the anchor point of the Zone. ArchiCAD will automatically find the Zone boundary elements around this point and create the Zone accordingly. The second click places the Zone Stamp, which displays the Zone Name, Area, etc. 3 Select the two Rocks that are located near the last Zone you placed (Label 7) and send them to the back of the display order. 4 Create the rest of the Zones as called for in pre-set Views 8.1.2 Zone-02 through 8.1.4 Zone-04.

5 Activate the 8.1.5 Zone Stamp pre-set View located in the 8.1 Placing Zones folder. 6 Select the Zone shown and go to the Settings Dialog. Go to the Zone Stamp Panel and set the following parameters to ON: Show Frame; Show Zone No.; Show Flooring; Show Perimeter; Show Ceiling Height; Show Volume. Click OK when done.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 8: Creating Documentation

2 With the Arrow Tool active, draw a selection rectangle from the vicinity of Label 1.1 to the vicinity of Label 1.2. A number of Walls will be selected. These are the walls we want to work on in this dimensioning step. 3 Using SHIFT-click, deselect the Walls pointed to by Labels 2.1 and 2.2. We do not want these to be considered for dimensioning. 4 Use the Document >Document Extras >Automatic Dimensioning >Exterior Dimensioning menu command. Activate the Object center Window/ door dimensions method. Make sure that all four dimension checkboxes are selected in the dialog. Select Dimensioning of Openings, Dimensioning of Structures, Dimensioning of External Geometry and the Overall Dimension checkboxes and click OK.

The Zone Stamp displays all these pieces of information about the Zone. Some of them are textual data we entered (such as Zone Name and No.), while some of them are derived automatically from the Zone geometry (such as Area or Volume). 7 Select the Edit>Undo Change Zone menu command. The previous step was only done to show the capabilities of the Zone Tool.


BIM ITG Chapter 08_02.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 8.2.1 Linear Dimension/01 pre-set View located in the 8.2 Dimensioning Building folder. Activate the Dimension Tool and activate the Linear Dimension Favorite.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 8: Creating Documentation

5 Click on the Wall at Label 3.1. This click defines the direction of the Dimension lines, this case the direction of the clicked Wall. Then click again to the point at Label 3.2. This will define the location of the first Dimension line. The Dimensions will now be placed. 6 Activate the 8.2.2 Linear Dimension/02 pre-set View and dimension the south side of the building, following the same steps. 7 Activate the 8.2.3 Linear Dimension/03 pre-set View and dimension the north-east side of the building. With this side, you will not need to deselect elements, so there are no Labels 2.1, 2.2, etc. 8 Activate the 8.2.4 Building Dimensioned pre-set View to see the current state of the Project.


BIM ITG Chapter 08_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 8.3.1 Elevation Dimension/02 pre-set View located in the 8.3 Dimensioning Sections folder. 2 Click to the points at Labels 1-8. These will define the points to be dimensioned. Then double-click at the point in the vicinity of the last Label. The double-click lets ArchiCAD know that you do not want to define more points for the dimension. Then click the point at Label 9 to set the location of the Elevation Dimension. 3 Create the Elevation Dimensions called for in pre-set Views 8.3.2 Elevation Dimension/02 through 8.3.4 Elevation Dimension/04. Remember that the last Label always defines the location of the Dimension Line, and not a point to be dimensioned.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 8: Creating Documentation

The intersection of the elements will be nicely cleaned up in the Section. 2 Do the SEOs called for in pre-set Views 8.4.2 Fine tuning/02 through 8.4.7 Fine tuning/07. 3 Activate the 8.4.8 Fine tuning/08 pre-set View. In this case, Label 1 marks the Target, and the other three Labels mark the Operators, so subtract the Slab and Walls from the body of the Mesh.


BIM ITG Chapter 08_04.mp4 Watch Movie There are still a couple of things we need to do to fine tune the model. We will perform mostly SEOs to handle these. 1 Activate the 8.4.1 Fine tuning/01 pre-set View located in the 8.4 Fine tuning model folder. Use the Design>Solid Element Operations menu command to bring up the SEO Palette. Perform a Subtract Solid Element Operation by making the element at Label 1 the Operator, making Targets of all other elements pointed to by Labels (select all three of them with SHIFT-click, then click Get Target Elements), selecting Subtract for operation, and clicking Execute. 4 Activate the 8.4.9 Fine tuning/09 pre-set View. Select the Marquee Tool and draw a rectangular selection area from Label 1 to Label 2. 5 Activate the Door Tool and use the Edit>Select All Doors in Marquee command to select Doors within its area. Then activate the Window Tool and use the Edit>Select All Windows in Marquee command to add Windows within the Marquee to the selection.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 8: Creating Documentation

6 Use the Edit>Move>Drag menu command and drag these selected elements vertically so their tops align with the top of other Doors/Windows in the Elevation.

7 Right-click in the Elevation Window and select the Remove Marquee menu command from the context menu.


BIM ITG Chapter 08_05.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 8.5.1 Linked Section Marker pre-set View located in the 8.5 Referencing other Sections folder. Activate the Section Tool and go to its Settings Dialog by clicking on the Settings Dialog button in the Info Box. 2 Select Place linked marker from the list below the Name field, then click the Browse button. 3 In the list of Viewpoints, select S-02 Section and click OK. Click OK again to close the Settings Dialog. The marker we are about to place will refer to the S-02 Section, so we will be able to enter it from this Section too. 4 Place the Section. Label 1 and Label 2 define the length of the Section Line, while Label 3 defines its orientation.

5 Right-click on the placed Section Line and select Open Section from the context menu. ArchiCAD takes you to the referenced Section. Using linked Markers, you can refer any Viewpoint from any other Viewpoint. Using the Markers allows you to quickly navigate through the Viewpoints.


BIM ITG Chapter 08_06.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 8.6.1 Worksheet Marker pre-set View located in the 8.6 Creating Worksheets/Details folder. Activate the Worksheet Tool and activate the Worksheet Marker Favorite. 2 Draw the Worksheet Boundary from Label 1 to Label 2, and then click at Label 3 to place the Marker. 3 Right-click the Marker, and select Open Worksheet from the context menu. Zoom in on the Worksheet that now shows part of the Section. Worksheets are based on the model, but all the 3D information is converted into 2D lines and fills. This allows you to work in a

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 8: Creating Documentation

Worksheet as you would work in any 2D view. You can transfer all necessary 2D information to the Worksheet. 4 Activate the 8.6.4 Detail Marker pre-set View. Activate the Detail Tool and activate the Detail Marker Favorite. 5 Draw the Detail Marker similarly to the Worksheet Marker: Label 1 and 2 define the corners of the Marker Boundary, while Label 3 defines the location of the Marker. 6 Right-click the Detail Marker, and select Set as Linked Marker in the context menu. We do not link the marker to any other Viewpoint, this way the result will be an empty Detail into which we will place a standard Detail as an external Drawing. 7 Right-click on the Detail Marker and select Open Detail Drawing from the context menu. 8 Use the File>External Content>Place External Drawing menu command. In the Open File Dialog, select the Roof Detail.pdf file and click Open. Click anywhere to place the External Drawing into the Detail Window.

4 Activate the Show Selection/Marquee in 3D command from the context menu to display the previously defined part in the 3D Window.

BIM ITG Chapter 08_07.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Activate the 8.7.1 Floor Plan pre-set View located in the 8.7 3D Document folder. 2 Activate the Marquee Tool in the Tool Box and make sure that the All Floors Selection method is active in the Info Box . 3 Draw a Marquee selection rectangle with the help of the numbered Label Arrows to select only a specific part of the project.

The 3D Window will now open and display the part of the project defined by the Marquee selection rectangle.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 8: Creating Documentation

Lets create a 3D Document and some dimensions, text and label tags and explanations to further improve the understanding of this 3D longitudinal section. 5 Activate the Capture Window for 3D Document command from the context menu to create a new 3D document based on the current 3D view.

10 Zoom in to the section and start to dimension the load-bearing structure along the longitudinal slab with the help of the smart cursor. 11 Once you are ready, double-click the last vertex you wish to include in the dimensioning, or activate OK from the context menu, to complete the dimension line.

6 Enter 8.7 for ID and 3D Section Document for the name in the New 3D Document dialog and press Create to proceed.

The new 3D document will be displayed on the screen. Now lets add some dimensions to this 3D Section document. 7 Switch off the Grid Display from the View menu to have a clearer overview of the 3D section. 8 Activate the Dimension Tool from the Tool Box and the 3D Document dimensioning favorite from the Favorites Palette.

12 Select the direction - the plane - in which you wish to place the dimension line with the help of the smart cursor, and click to complete the dimensioning process. 13 Add another - a vertical - dimension line as described above. 14 Activate the Text tool from the Tool Box and the Text-01 Favorite and insert a text on the bottom right area of the 3D Section document. Enter Lake Mahopac for name and place this text on the lake. Please note: The entire ArchiCAD 2D feature set is at your service when developing a 2D Document. You can freely add texts, labels, lines and splines as well as Fills and Arcs if you wish. 15 Activate the Label Tool from the Tool Box and the Label-01 Favorite and insert a pre-defined label tag on the floor structure. Click once on the floor: the Reinforced Concrete Slab label will appear on the 3D Document.

9 Make sure that the appropriate dimensioning geometry method is selected in the Info Box.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 8: Creating Documentation

ArchiCAD enables designers to redefine the view-angle of all 3D documents. Lets see a quick example of how to modify the viewing angle of the previously created 3D Section. 16 Activate the Open 3D Source command from the context menu, to return to the 3D Window from where the 3D Section Document has been created. The 3D Window will be displayed.

18 Once you are happy with the 3D view, activate the Redefine 3D Document... option from the context menu.

17 Navigate freely in the 3D Window with the help of the usual 3D Navigation techniques and find another viewing angle of the project.

19 Select the appropriate 3D Document from the Redefine 3D Document dialog - the one that you wish to redefine with the new view angle. Make sure that the Open Redefined 3D Document checkbox is checked. Currently we have only one 3D Document, so all you need to do is select this and click the Redefine button to proceed.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 8: Creating Documentation

20 Click Redefine Anyway when ArchiCAD displays a notification about the undoable 3D Document redefine operation.

The 3D Section Document will be displayed on the screen with the updated view angle.

Please note: ArchiCAD will atuomatically update all 3D dimension lines, since all dimensions in ArchiCAD - even the 3D dimension lines - are fully associative. All the texts and labels will be displayed in their original position - so you might want to re-position these to fit to the modified view angle of the 3D document. This concludes Chapter 8.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 9: Creating PhotoRenderings


You can make your final renderings work for you and help to promote your design. Lets create freehand-style images using ArchiCADs sketch rendering engine.

9.1 3D MODEL
BIM ITG Chapter 09_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 09.Pla ArchiCAD project file to start this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 Activate the 9.1 3D Model/01 pre-set View. 2 Go to the Document>Creative Imaging>PhotoRendering Settings Dialog. Here you can see that ArchiCAD is set to use the Sketch Rendering Engine to create a sketch-like rendering of the 3D Model. Click OK to close the Dialog. 3 Go to the View>3D View Mode>3D Window Settings Dialog. Uncheck the Keep Proportions checkbox and set the size of the 3D Window to 800x600 (Width: 800 pixels; Height: 600 pixels). Click the OK button to leave the Dialog with the changes intact.

4 Activate the 9.2 Sketch Rendering/01 pre-set View. A Sketch Rendering of your 3D Model is generated. 5 Activate the 9.3 3D Model/02 pre-set View. This is the other 3D View of which we will create a Sketch Rendering. Make sure the 3D Window size is still set to 800x600. 6 Activate the 9.4 Sketch Rendering/02 pre-set View. A Sketch Rendering of your 3D Model is generated.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 9: Creating PhotoRenderings

As you see it takes only a few mouse-clicks to create a presentation rendering of your project. ArchiCAD provides professional rendering engines right out of the box. Use the industry-leading LightWorks engine to create cutting-edge, photo-realistic presentation renderings of your design. You are free to choose and easily customize any of the engines, to create professional images reflecting your own style and design intentions. This concludes Chapter 9.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 10: Creating Layouts and Publishing the Project


In this Chapter we will create Layouts, place Drawings of our building on these Layouts, and publish the whole documentation set to a PDF file containing all drawings.


BIM ITG Chapter 10_01.mp4 Watch Movie Open the BIM ITG Chapter 10.Pla ArchiCAD project file to start this stage of the ArchiCAD training guide. 1 In the Navigator, switch to the Layout Book. You can see a number of Layouts are already created in it. You can also see a Masters folder. Every Layout must be based on a Master Layout which defines size and orientation, and may contain pre-drawn information that should appear on all Layouts based on that Master Layout. 2 Click the New Master Layout button to create a new Master Layout. Enter D portrait for name in the appearing Dialog. 3 Select the newly created Master Layout and click the Settings button in the Navigator. 4 In the size field, select D Architectural from the list. Set the orientation to Portrait and set all Margins to 15 millimeters. Also select the Auto arrange new Drawings radio button and click the Auto Arrange Setup button to its right.

5 Set the fields in the Dialog according to the next screenshot. This specifies in what direction and how Drawings are arranged when multiple Drawings are placed simultaneously on the same Layout. When finished, click OK, then OK again to accept these changes.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 10: Creating Layouts and Publishing the Project

ID from the list. Click Insert. The text #LayID appears in the Text Block with a grey background. This shows that it is an AutoText item that automatically assumes its correct value depending on the Layout upon which it is placed.

6 Now double-click the D landscape Master Layout. Notice that there are pre-drawn elements on the Master Layout. These will appear on every Layout that is based on this Master Layout, so you need to draw them only once. 7 Click File>Info>Project Info to see information you can enter about your Project. This data can be automatically shown on Layouts and Master Layouts.

10 Double-click the A-03 Sections Layout to activate it and check that this field now displays the value A-03, which is the ID of the Layout you are viewing.


BIM ITG Chapter 10_02.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Click the Project Chooser button in the top left corner of the Navigator, and select Show Organizer. The Organizer Palette appears. It shows the View Map on its left and the Layout Book on its right. 2 In the Organizer, double-click the A-01 Ground Floor Plan Layout to activate it. Zoom out to see the whole empty Layout. 3 Select the A-01 Ground Floor Plan pre-set View located in the 10.1 Views to Publish folder in the View Map (on the left side of the Organizer), then drag and drop it onto the A-01 Ground Floor Plan Layout (on the right side of the Organizer). When you release the mouse button the Drawing generated from the View is placed and created on the Layout.

8 Activate the Text Tool. Zoom into the lower right corner of the Layout and select the Text Block with a SHIFT-click. Click into it, then select and delete its contents. 9 Click on the Insert AutoText button. In the appearing Dialog, select the Layout Category and choose Layout
Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 10: Creating Layouts and Publishing the Project

The Drawing will be displayed according to the settings of the View upon which it is based.

6 Using the same method, place Elevations A-07 North-West Elevation to A-09 North-East Elevation onto the A-04 Elevations Layout using the drag and drop method describe in the previous step.

4 Drag and drop the A-02 Roof Plan pre-set View onto the A-02 Roof Plan Layout, and repeat Steps 2 and 3 for this View. 5 Now activate the A-03 Sections Layout. This time select (using CTRL-clicking) all four Section Views (from A-03 Longitudinal Section to A-06 Entrance and Skylight Section) and drag and drop them all in one go onto Layout A-03 Sections. They will be placed and arranged on the Layout according to Auto Arrange Setup rules defined for the Master Layout (D landscape) this Layout is using.

7 Place 3D Views A-10 South-East View and A-11 South-West View onto Layout A-05 3D Views using the drag and drop method of the previous step. 8 Drag and drop the A-12 Interior Elevations group of Interior Elevations onto the A-06 Interior Elevations Layout. 9 Drag and drop the A-13 3D Section Document View onto the A-07 3D Section Layout. 10 Drag and drop the A-14 Window List and A-15 Door List Views onto the A-08 Schedules Layout. 11 Activate the A-03 Sections Layout. Zoom in on the right side of the upper two Sections. 12 Two Elevation Dimensions do not line up in the two Sections. Let us remedy this. Select the lower of the two Sections, right-click, and from the context menu, select the Open Source View with Layout as Reference command.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 10: Creating Layouts and Publishing the Project

13 The Source Section of the Drawing opens and we see the Layout as a Reference. Select the Elevation Dimension and choose the Edit > Move > Drag menu command. Start dragging the Dimension Line. Hold down the SHIFT key to temporarily lock the horizontal direction of the Drag and click the other Dimension in the Trace Reference. The Dimensions are now aligned.

14 Right-click and from the context menu, choose the Go to>Last Layout to return to the Layout.


BIM ITG Chapter 10_03.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Switch on your Organizer again, and now adjust it so that the left panel shows the Layout Book and the right panel shows Publisher Sets. 2 Click on the No Publisher Set defined button and click New Publisher Set in the appearing menu. 3 Type Massaro House for the name and click Create.

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 10: Creating Layouts and Publishing the Project

4 Drag the whole Layout Book from the left panel into the right panel. A Massaro House folder will be created, and within it one output file will be created for each Layout of the Layout Book.

6 Check the content of the Massaro House folder to see the PDF files in its list.

5 Click the Publishing Properties button. In the appearing Dialog, click the Browse button and specify a folder into which the documentation PDF file will be saved. Make sure that the Create flat file structure radio button and the Save files method are both selected. When finished, click OK.


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

Chapter 10: Creating Layouts and Publishing the Project

BIM ITG Chapter 10_04.mp4 Watch Movie 1 Click the Massaro House folder and at the bottom of the Format panel of the Publisher Set check the Merge to one PDF file checkbox. This will tell ArchiCAD to generate one PDF file instead of separate PDF files for each Layout (PDF files may contain pages of different sizes in any order). 2 Select the Massaro House folder in the Publisher Set and at the bottom click the Publish button. ArchiCAD will now regenerate all Drawings, create the PDF files from each and merge all of them into one PDF documentation file. You will see its progress in a Dialog. When it is finished, close the Dialog. 3 Go to the folder you specified for the output and double-click the PDF file ArchiCAD created to view the output. Scroll

through all seven pages to see the result. Note that the pages are of different sizes. This concludes Chapter 10, which is the last Chapter of the BIM Experience Kit. Congratulations on completing this Training Guide! We hope you enjoyed working with ArchiCAD and gained insight into its capabilities. We trust that weve helped you see how it can help you to become much more productive in you daily work, and that you are now able to begin exploring the 3D world of BIM/the Virtual Building at your own pace. ArchiCADs BIM solution covers the entire architectural design and documentation workflow starting from the very first steps of conceptual project design to the publishing of detailed construction layout sheets - right from the central Building Information Model of the project model. This short training guide introduced only some of the techniques and benefits of Graphisoft ArchiCAD!

Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide


Chapter 10: Creating Layouts and Publishing the Project


Graphisoft ArchiCAD BIM Experience Kit Interactive Training Guide

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