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14 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter


i. (A) 1.58 Å [1 Mark]
1.228 1.228
= = = 0.158 nm = 1.58 Å
V 60
ii. (D) both p and E decrease [1 Mark]
iii. (D) less than or equal to 2960 Å [1 Mark]
iv. (C) It is the maximum current that can be set up in the photoelectric cell. [1 Mark]
i. When a light is made to fall on a metal plate, electrons are ejected from the metal through its surface.
These electrons are called photoelectrons. [1 Mark]
ii. For experiment on photoelectric effect, monochromatic light of sufficiently high frequency is used. As
frequency of microwaves is much lower, they cannot be used in the experiment on photoelectric
effect. [1 Mark]
iii. De Broglie wavelength for an electron accelerated through V volts is,  = nm [1 Mark]


Attempt any Four

Q.3. Solution:
Given: 0 = 2.3 eV = 2.3  1.6  1019 J = 3.68  1019 J,  = 3.0  1015 Hz
To find: Maximum kinetic energy (K.Emax)
Formula: K.Emax = h0
Calculation: From formula,
K.Emax = (6.63  1034  3  1015)  3.68  1019
= 19.89  1019 3.68  1019
= (19.89  3.68)  1019
16.21 1019
= eV
1.6  1019
 K.Emax = 10.13 eV
Ans: The maximum kinetic energy is 10.13 eV.
[2 Marks]
Q.4. i. If V is the potential difference between the emitter and collector and the collector is at a lower
potential, an electron will lose its kinetic energy in overcoming the retarding force.
ii. If the kinetic energy is not sufficient, the emitted electrons may not reach the collector and the
photocurrent will be zero.
i.e., If K.E.max is the energy of the most energetic electron at the emitter surface (where its potential
energy is zero) and (–V0) is the stopping potential, then this electron will fail to reach the collector if,
K.E.max< eV0.
where, e = the electron charge and eV0 = the energy needed for the electron to overcome the retarding
potential V0.

Std. XII Sci.: Perfect Physics (Vol. II)

iii. If the electron just fails to reach the collector then also the photocurrent becomes zero.
i.e., the electron has lost all its kinetic energy just at the collector,
 K.E.max = eV0
[2 Marks]
Q.5. i. If the frequency of incident radiation is more than the threshold frequency, then the energy 0 is used
by the electron to escape from the metal surface and remaining energy of the photon becomes the
kinetic energy of the electron.
ii. Depending on the energy of the electron inside the metal and other processes like collisions after
emission from the surface, the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons is equal to the (energy of
incident photons) – (work function).
 K.E.max = (h – 0)
This is known as Einstein’s photoelectric equation.
iii. This equation proved that, K.E.max depends on the material of the emitter plate and varies linearly with
the incident frequency . It is independent of the intensity of the incident radiation.
[2 Marks]
Q.6. S

(Photosensitive) Quartz window

Emitter plate Electrons
Collector plate



Variable potential source

Schematic of experimental set-up for photoelectric effect
[2 Marks]
Q.7. Importance of Davisson and Germer experiment:
i. The Davisson and Germer experiment was the first observed phenomenon of diffraction of electrons.
ii. The observations made in this experiment implied that the electrons formed a diffraction pattern on
scattering and that particles could show wave-like properties.
iii. The experiment verified the de Broglie hypothesis for the existence of matter waves.
[2 Marks]
Q.8. Solution:
Given: v = 2.5  106 m/s, me = 9.1  1031 kg
To find: de Broglie wavelength of electron ()
Formula: =
Calculation: From formula,
6.63 1034
9.11031  2.5 106
= 2.9143  1010 m
  = 2.9143 Å
Ans: The de Broglie wavelength associated with an electron is 2.9143 Å.
[2 Marks]


Chapter 14: Dual Nature of Radiation
and Matter


Attempt any Two

Q.9. Construction:
i. A photo cell consists of a semi-cylindrical photosensitive
metal plate E acting as a cathode and a wire loop collector C E
Cathode C
acting as an anode supported in an evacuated glass or quartz Anode
ii. The electrodes are connected to an external circuit having a
high tension battery B and a micro ammeter μA.
iii. Instead of a photosensitive metal plate, the photosensitive µA
material can be pasted in the form of a thin film on the inner
walls of the glass bulb.
Schematic of a photocell
[3 Marks]
Q.10. Solution:
Given: e = p
 pe   Ee 
To find: i. Ratio of momenta   ii. Ratio of kinetic energies  

 pp   Ep 
Formulae: i. = ii. p= 2mE
Calculation: From formula (i),
h h

pe pp
 pe = pp
 pe 
   =1 : 1
 pp 
Substituting this result in formula (ii),
2me E e = 2m p E p
Squaring both the sides, 2meEe = 2mpEp
 Ee   m p 
   =  
 Ep   m e 
 Ee 
 mp = 1836  me    = 1836
 Ep 
Ans: i. Ratio of momenta is 1.
ii. Ratio of kinetic energies is 1836.
[3 Marks]
Q.11. i. The threshold frequency (0) and intensity of Photocurrent I
incident radiation, both are kept constant at
High intensity
suitable value. (I0)3
ii. If the collector is at a higher potential than the
emitter, once the electron is emitted from the (I0)2
surface, the electric field will accelerate the (I0)1
electrons towards the collector. Low intensity
iii. Higher is the accelerating potential, more will
be number of electrons reaching the collector.
X X
Hence, the photocurrent (I) increases with the Retarding V0 0 Accelerating
accelerating potential initially. Potential Potential


Std. XII Sci.: Perfect Physics (Vol. II)

iv. The photocurrent also depends on the intensity of incident radiation which determines the maximum
number of electrons that can be knocked off by the incident radiation.
v. Therefore, for a given intensity, increasing the accelerating potential can increase the current only till
all the knocked off electrons have reached the collector. No increase can be seen in the current beyond
this limit. This is called the saturation current (I0).
vi. In this way, the photocurrent initially increases with accelerating voltage but then it remains constant
at saturation value as shown in figure.
[3 Marks]
Attempt any One

Q.12. i. Work function: The minimum amount of energy required to be provided to an electron to pull it out
of the metal from the surface is called the work function of the metal.
ii. Solution:
Given: 0 = 3.3 eV = 3.3  1.6  1019 J,  = 5600 Å = 5400  1010 = 5.4 107 m, h = 6.61034 Js
To find: Whether sodium shows photoelectric effect for yellow light of wavelength 5400 Å
Formula: 0 = h0
Calculation: From formula,
0 = 0
3.3  1.6  1019
 0 =
6.6  1034
 0 = 8 1014 Hz
3  108
Also,  = c = 7
= 3  1015
 5.4  10 5.4
  = 5.556 1014 Hz
  < 0
Ans: Hence, the sodium light does not show photoelectric effect.
[4 Marks]
Q.13. Davisson and Germer Experiment:
i. The wave property of electron was confirmed experimentally in 1927 by Davisson and Germer.
ii. A schematic of the experimental arrangement of the Davisson and Germer experiment is shown in
figure. H.T.
iii. The whole set-up is enclosed in an evacuated
chamber. Collimating
iv. It uses an electron gun - a device to produce anode Electron beam
electrons by heating a tungsten filament F using a Nickel
battery B. Electrons from the gun are accelerated F crystal
through vacuum to a desired velocity by applying L.T. 
suitable accelerating potential across a cylindrical Diffracted
anode and are collimated into a focused beam. Vacuum B Movable electron
v. This beam of electrons falls on a nickel crystal and chamber detector beam
is scattered in different directions by the atoms of
the crystal.
vi. Scattered electrons were detected by an electron To galvanometer
detector and the current was measured with the
help of a galvanometer. Schematic of Davisson and Germer
vii. By moving the detector on a circular scale, the intensity of the scattered electron beam was measured for
different values of scattering angle .
viii. Scattered intensity was not found to be uniform in all directions. The intensity pattern resembled a
diffraction pattern with peaks corresponding to constructive interference and troughs to regions of
destructive interference.
ix. Diffraction is a property of waves. Hence, above observations implied that the electrons formed a
diffraction pattern on scattering and that particles could show wave-like properties.
[4 Marks]

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