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Core Java Projects

Deliverables for each Project:

Code: on Github and share the link in Project report
Project Report: Containing screen shots of User
1. Problem Statement for the Project: Banking Information

Develop a prototype of a Banking Information System in

Core Java that provides a working preview of the key functionalities of a real
banking system. The prototype should demonstrate the core features and
flow of the system, showcasing its functionality and usability.

Key Functionality to Include in the Prototype:

1. User Registration: Implement a simplified user registration process where

users can provide basic details to create an account.
2. Account Management: Develop the ability to create and manage user
accounts, including assigning unique account numbers and tracking
account balances.
3. Deposit and Withdrawal: Enable users to make deposits and withdrawals
from their accounts, updating the account balance accordingly.
4. Fund Transfer: Implement a simplified version of fund transfer
functionality, allowing users to transfer funds between their accounts or to
other registered users.
5. Account Statements: Provide users with a preview of their account
statements, displaying transaction history, dates, amounts, and remaining
6. Password Protection: Develop a basic login system with password
authentication to ensure secure access to user accounts.
7. Error Handling: Implement basic error handling mechanisms to
handle common exceptions, such as insufficient funds and invalid
transactions, and display relevant error messages to users.
8. User Interface: Design a user-friendly interface for the prototype that
allows users to navigate through the system, perform banking operations,
and view relevant
9. Persistence: Implement basic data persistence by storing user account
information and transaction history temporarily during the prototype

By developing this prototype, stakeholders will have a tangible working preview

of the key features and functionality of the Banking Information System. This will
allow them to evaluate the system's usability, identify any necessary
improvements or enhancements, and make informed decisions for further
development and deployment of the complete system.

Minimum Requirements and System Output

1. User Registration:

• Form Creation: Create a user registration form that prompts users to input
their personal details, such as name, address, contact information, and
initial deposit amount.
• Output: Upon successful registration, the system will generate a unique
account number for the user, and the user's details will be stored in the
system's memory or File System.
The output will be a confirmation message indicating successful

2. Account Management:

• Form Creation: Develop an account management form that allows users

to view and update their account information, such as name, address,
contact details, and account settings.
• Output: After making any updates or changes, the system will display a
confirmation message indicating that the account information has been

3. Deposit and Withdrawal:

• Form Creation: Design a form where users can enter the amount they
wish to deposit or withdraw from their account.
• Output: Upon successful deposit or withdrawal transaction completion,
the system will update the account balance accordingly and display a
confirmation message indicating the transaction details, such as the
transaction amount and the resulting balance.

4. Fund Transfer:

• Form Creation: Create a form that allows users to specify the recipient's
account number and the amount they wish to transfer.
• Output: After a successful fund transfer, the system will deduct the
transferred amount from the sender's account, add it to the recipient's
account, and display a confirmation message indicating the transaction
details, including the transferred amount and the updated balances of
both accounts.

5. Account Statements:

Output: Implement a feature that allows users to view their

account statements, which will be displayed as a comprehensive list
showing transaction history, including dates, transaction amounts, and
resulting balances. Users can access their account statements through a
section of the system's user interface.
2. Problem Statement for the Project: Music player application

Develop a music player application that allows users to play,

manage, and enjoy their music collection. The music player should provide
essential functionalities for organizing and playing music files in various

Required Functionalities:

1. Music File Import: Enable users to import music files from their local
storage or specified directories into the music player library. The player
should support common audio file formats, such as MP3, WAV, and FLAC.
2. Music Playback: Implement the ability to play, pause, resume, and stop
music playback.
The player should provide controls for adjusting the volume and seeking within
the track.
3. Playlist Management: Allow users to create and manage playlists, enabling
them to group their favorite songs or create custom collections. Users
should be able to add and remove songs from playlists and organize the
playlist order.
4. Music Library Organization: Provide features to organize and categorize
music files within the player's library. Users should be able to create
folders, assign tags or metadata to songs, and search for specific songs or
5. Audio Equalizer: Implement an audio equalizer that allows users to adjust
the sound output according to their preferences. The equalizer should
provide pre-defined presets and allow users to customize the
equalizer settings manually.
6. Shuffle and Repeat: Include options for shuffling the playlist order
and repeating individual tracks or the entire playlist.
7. Crossfade: Implement a crossfade feature that smoothly transitions
between songs, creating a seamless listening experience.
8. User Interface:
Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface that provides easy
navigation, displays album art and song information, and includes controls
for playback, playlist management, and other functionalities.
9. Metadata Display: Retrieve and display metadata information, such as song
title, artist, album, and duration, for each music file in the player's library.
10. File Format Compatibility: Ensure the music player supports a wide range
of audio file formats to accommodate different user preferences and file

Note: This is a high-level overview of the required functionalities for a music

player application. Additional features and details can be added based on specific
requirements and project scope.

Minimum Features for a Music Player:

1. Music Playback: Users should be able to play, pause, and stop music playback.

- Output: The music player starts playing the selected song and displays basic
playback controls such as play, pause, and stop.

2. Playlist Management: Users should be able to create and manage playlists.

- Output: Users can create a new playlist, add songs to the playlist, and view
and modify existing playlists.

3. Music Library Organization: Users should be able to browse and select songs
from their music library.
- Output: The music
player displays a list of available songs in the library. Users can select a song to

4. Basic Navigation: Users should be able to navigate through the music library
and playlists.

- Output: Users can browse through their music library, view songs by artist,
album, or genre, and switch between different playlists.

5. Audio Control: Users should be able to adjust the volume of the music

- Output: Users can increase or decrease the volume of the music player, and
the output audio volume changes accordingly.

The expected output for these minimum features includes a functional music
player interface with basic playback controls, the ability to create and manage
playlists, the ability to browse and select

songs, basic navigation features, and audio control capabilities. The player
should provide a seamless experience for users to play and manage their music
collection with ease.
3. Problem Statement: Human Resource Management System

Develop a console-based Human Resource Management System

using Java core that allows organizations to manage employee information,
attendance, and leave records efficiently. The HRMS should provide essential
functionalities for HR administrators to perform employee-related tasks.

Required Functionalities:

1. Employee Management: Implement features to add, view, update, and

delete employee records. Each employee record should include details such as
name, employee ID, designation, department, and contact information.

2. Attendance Tracking: Enable HR administrators to record and track

employee attendance. The system should allow administrators to mark
employees as present, absent, or on leave for specific dates.

3. Leave Management: Implement functionalities to manage employee

leave records. Administrators should be able to add, view, and approve/reject
leave requests submitted by employees. Leave records should include details
such as leave type, start date, end date, and leave status.

4. Reports Generation: Provide options to generate reports related to

employee information, attendance records, and leave summaries. These
reports should be accessible to HR administrators and provide insights into
employee activities and leave patterns.

5. Employee Search: Implement a search functionality that allows

administrators to search for employees by name, employee ID, or department.
This feature should provide quick access to employee information.
6. Authentication:
Implement a secure login system to restrict access to the HRMS. Only
authorized HR administrators should be able to log in and access the system's

7. Data Persistence: Ensure that employee information, attendance records,

and leave details are stored persistently in a file or database, allowing data to
be retrieved and updated even after system restarts.


9. Error Handling: Handle possible errors and exceptions gracefully,

providing informative error messages to HR administrators when necessary.

Note: This is a high-level overview of the required functionalities for a console-

based HRMS.
Additional features and details can be added based on specific requirements and
project scope.

Minimum Features and Outputs for a Console-based HRMS:

1. Employee Management:
o Features: Add, view, update, and delete employee records.
o Output: Confirmation messages for successful addition, updating, or
deletion of employee records. Display of employee details upon
2. Attendance Tracking:
o Features: Mark employees as present, absent, or on leave for
specific dates.
o Output: Confirmation messages for recording attendance status.
Display of attendance records for specific dates or employees.
3. Leave Management:
o Features: Add, view, approve/reject leave requests. o Output:
Confirmation messages for successful addition of leave requests.
Display of leave
records and status upon viewing or approval/rejection.
4. Employee Search:
o Features: Search employees by name, employee ID, or department. o
Output: Display of search results showing relevant employee

These minimum features and corresponding outputs provide the foundation for a
console-based HRMS. The outputs include confirmation messages for successful
operations, display of relevant data and records, generated reports, search
results, login prompts, and error messages to ensure a smooth and efficient HR
management experience.

4. Problem Statement: Console-based expense tracker


Create a console-based expense tracker application that

allows users
to manage their personal expenses. The application should provide
functionalities to record and track expenses, view spending summaries, and
manage categories for better organization.

1. Expense Recording: Allow users to enter details of their expenses,

including the date, amount, category, and description. The application
should provide validation for inputs and store the recorded expenses.
2. Expense Categories: Enable users to create and manage expense
categories. Users can assign expenses to specific categories to classify
their spending.
3. Expense Tracking: Implement features to track and display the total
expenses for a specified time period or by category. Users should be able
to view their spending summaries and get insights into their expenditure
4. Expense Filtering: Provide options for users to filter and view expenses
based on specific criteria such as date range, category, or amount. This
feature helps users analyze their spending in more detail.
5. Expense Modification and Deletion: Allow users to modify or delete
recorded expenses if needed. Users should be able to edit expense details
such as date, amount, category, or description.
6. Data Persistence: Ensure that the recorded expenses and category
information are stored persistently so that users can access and manage
their expenses even after restarting the application.
7. Reports Generation: Implement the ability to generate reports that
summarize expenses, such as monthly expense reports or category-wise
expense reports. These reports can be displayed in the console for users
to review and analyze their spending habits.
8. User-Friendly Interface: Design a user-friendly console interface that
provides clear instructions, prompts for user inputs, and formatted
displays for expense summaries, category management, and reports.

9. Error Handling: Implement error handling mechanisms to handle invalid

inputs, errors, and exceptions gracefully, providing informative error
messages when necessary.
This project provides a basic
foundation for an expense tracking application, allowing users to record,
manage, and analyze their expenses through a console-based interface. You can
enhance and expand upon these features based on your project requirements
and desired complexity.

Inputs and Outputs of an Expense Tracker System:


1. Expense Details: Users input the date, amount, category, and description of
each expense they want to record.
2. Category Management: Users input commands or options to create,
modify, or delete expense categories.
3. Filtering Criteria: Users input criteria such as date range, category, or
amount to filter and view specific expenses.
4. Modification or Deletion Requests: Users input the expense details they
want to modify or delete, such as the expense ID or specific attributes.


1. Confirmation Messages: The system displays confirmation messages upon

successfully recording, modifying, or deleting expenses, providing feedback
to the user.
2. Expense Summaries: The system outputs summaries of the total expenses
for a specified time period or by category, allowing users to track their
3. Filtered Expense Lists: The system displays a list of expenses that meet the
specified filtering criteria, helping users view expenses that match their
desired parameters.
4. Category Management: The system outputs a list of existing expense
categories and their associated expenses, enabling users to manage and
organize their
5. Reports: The system generates and displays reports summarizing expenses,
such as monthly expense reports or category-wise expense reports,
providing users with insights into their spending habits.
6. Error Messages: In case of invalid inputs, errors, or exceptions, the system
displays informative error messages to guide users and handle unexpected
5. Problem Statement for the Project: Music player with playlist
Develop a Music Player App that allows users to manage their music
collection and create playlists using JDBC API. The application should
provide functionalities for music playback, playlist creation, and storage
of playlist data in a database of your choice for easy retrieval and
management of audio titles and user playlist.

Required Functionalities:

 Music Playback: Allow users to play, pause, stop, and skip tracks,
with advanced audio capabilities for uninterrupted playback.

 Music Library Management: Utilize JDBC to store and retrieve

song information from a database, including metadata like artist,
album, and duration. Implement features for importing and
scanning music files.

 Playlist Creation and Management: Enable users to create,

modify, and delete playlists. Utilize JDBC to store playlists in the
database and provide options to add, remove, and reorder songs
within playlists.

 Advanced Search and Filtering: Implement search and filtering

functionalities based on artist, genre, release year, or custom
tags, using efficient SQL queries for database retrieval.
 Error Handling and
Logging: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to handle
exceptions, database connectivity issues, and log relevant
information for troubleshooting.

 User-Friendly Interface: Design an intuitive graphical user

interface using advanced Java UI frameworks for easy navigation
and interactive controls.

Minimum Features and Output for the Music Player Project:

Key Features:

1. Music Playback: Users can play, pause, stop, and skip tracks within
the music player application.

2. Music Library: The application allows users to view a list of available

songs in their music collection.

3. Playlist Creation: Users can create a new playlist by providing a name

for it.

4. Adding Songs to Playlist: Users can add songs from the music
library to a selected playlist.

5. Playlist Selection: Users can select a playlist to view its songs.

6. Playlist Playback: Users can play songs within a selected playlist.

7. Removing
Songs from Playlist: Users can remove songs from a playlist.

1. Song List: The application displays a list of available songs in the

music library, showing details such as the song title and artist.

3. Playlist Song List: The application displays the songs within a selected
playlist, showing details such as the song title and artist.

4. Playback Controls: The application provides controls for playing,

pausing, stopping, and skipping tracks.

6. Playlist Modification Confirmation: The application confirms the

successful addition or removal of a song from a playlist.

7. Playlist Saving Confirmation: The application confirms the successful

saving of a playlist.

With these minimum features, users can play and manage their music
collection using the music player application. They can create playlists,
add songs to playlists, remove songs from playlists, and play songs
within playlists. The application provides a user-friendly interface for
easy navigation and control of music playback.

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