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Molecular Ecology (2012) 21, 2655–2670 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05557.

Host-jump drives rapid and recent ecological speciation

of the emergent fungal pathogen Colletotrichum kahawae
D I O G O N . S I L V A , * †, P E D R O T A L H I N H A S , * L E I C A I , ‡ L U Z O L O M A N U E L , § E L I J A H K .
G I C H U R U , – A N D R E I A L O U R E I R O , * V Í T O R V Á R Z E A , * O C T Á V I O S . P A U L O † and D O R A
*CIFC ⁄ IICT—Centro de Investigação das Ferrugens do Cafeeiro ⁄ Instituto de Investigação Cientı́fica Tropical, Quinta do
Marquês, 2784-505 Oeiras, Portugal, †Computational Biology and Population Genomics Group, Centro de Biologia Ambiental,
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal, ‡State Key Laboratory of
Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.10, North 4th Ring Road West, Beijing 100190, China,
§Instituto Nacional do Café de Angola, Luanda, Angola, –Coffee Research Foundation, P.O. Box 4, 00232 Ruiru, Kenya

Ecological speciation through host-shift has been proposed as a major route for the
appearance of novel fungal pathogens. The growing awareness of their negative impact
on global economies and public health created an enormous interest in identifying the
factors that are most likely to promote their emergence in nature. In this work, a
combination of pathological, molecular and geographical data was used to investigate the
recent emergence of the fungus Colletotrichum kahawae. C. kahawae emerged as a
specialist pathogen causing coffee berry disease in Coffea arabica, owing to its
unparalleled adaptation of infecting green coffee berries. Contrary to current hypotheses,
our results suggest that a recent host-jump underlay the speciation of C. kahawae from a
generalist group of fungi seemingly harmless to coffee berries. We posit that immigrant
inviability and a predominantly asexual behaviour could have been instrumental in
driving speciation by creating pleiotropic interactions between local adaptation and
reproductive patterns. Moreover, we estimate that C. kahawae began its diversification
at <2200 BP leaving a very short time frame since the divergence from its sibling lineage
(c. 5600 BP), during which a severe drop in C. kahawae’s effective population size
occurred. This further supports a scenario of recent introduction and subsequent
adaptation to C. arabica. Phylogeographical data revealed low levels of genetic
polymorphism but provided the first geographically consistent population structure of
C. kahawae, inferring the Angolan population as the most ancestral and the East African
populations as the most recently derived. Altogether, these results highlight the
significant role of host specialization and asexuality in the emergence of fungal
pathogens through ecological speciation.
Keywords: adaptation, BEAST, Coffea arabica, coffee berry disease, divergence population genetics,
plant pathogen
Received 18 August 2011; revision received 7 February 2012; accepted 16 February 2012.

tion are fundamental (Rundle & Nosil 2005; Schluter

2009). By definition, ecological speciation occurs when
Ecological speciation is being increasingly recognized as reproductive isolation between populations arises as a
an important mechanism driving the origin of species, consequence of ecologically based divergent selection
in which the contributions of ecology and natural selec- promoting the fixation of different advantageous alleles
in each of the contrasting environments (Schluter &
Correspondence: Diogo N. Silva, Fax: 00351 214 544 689; Conte 2009). Host specialization can be a powerful
E-mail: driver of divergent selection, promoting ecological

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2656 D . N . S I L V A E T A L .

speciation via host-shift or host-jump, depending on transmission of novel fungal diseases (Stukenbrock &
whether the involved hosts are genetically similar or McDonald 2008). Second, fungi possess several exclu-
distant, respectively. Evidence is accumulating from sive and remarkable features that facilitate rapid eco-
disparate taxa, such as phytophagous insects (Winkler logical speciation, especially through host-shift (Giraud
et al. 2009), coral dwelling fish (Munday et al. 2004) et al. 2010). In some examples of local adaptation to
and pathogenic fungi (Giraud et al. 2010), showing that their hosts, fungi revealed capable of: (i) undergoing
specialization to different hosts can effectively lead to frequent asexual reproduction with rare events of sex-
population subdivision, adaptation and divergence. ual recombination; (ii) generating a large number of
Host-shifts may represent a way by which incipient spores, which increases adaptive variation input by
pathogen species can escape from direct resource com- mutation; or (iii) mating only within the host, creating
petition, thus experiencing relatively high fitness even if pleiotropic interactions between host specialization and
they are initially poorly adapted to the new environ- assortative mating (Giraud et al. 2010 and references
ment (Dieckmann et al. 2004). The adaptation to the therein).
new habitat can then drive the evolution of partial Herein, we aimed to elucidate the speciation event of
reproductive isolation within a few generations (Hen- an emergent fungal pathogen, Colletotrichum kahawae,
dry et al. 2007). During this period, adaptive divergence from within the generalist and cosmopolitan Colletotri-
itself is likely to be of key importance in restricting gene chum gloeosporioides complex. C. kahawae emerged as a
flow, thereby allowing the completion of speciation specialist pathogen causing coffee berry disease (pro-
regardless of the geographical distribution of the duces anthracnose symptoms, with sunken necroses
diverging populations (Dieckmann et al. 2004). Indeed, leading to fruit drop or mummification) on Arabica cof-
verbal and mathematical models suggest that when host fee (Coffea arabica), owing to its unique adaptation of
specialization and local adaptation are coupled with infecting green berries, an ecological niche previously
assortative mating, gene flow can be severely or totally unoccupied by other fungi (Firman & Waller 1977).
restricted even in the absence of extrinsic barriers (Nosil Although C. arabica is grown in South America, Africa
et al. 2005; Schluter & Conte 2009; Gladieux et al. 2011). and Asia, C. kahawae is still restricted to Africa where it
Moreover, if one considers the effects of pleiotropy, the was first reported in 1922 in Kenya (McDonald 1926).
genetic associations between disruptively selected traits However, and despite the African origin of C. arabica,
and the mechanism of reproductive isolation do not the cultivation of this crop is also more recent in this
depend exclusively upon the establishment of linkage, continent, with the first attempts in the 18th century but
rendering ecological speciation likely and swift (Via most dating from the second half of the 19th century
2001; Servedio et al. 2011). (Bigger 2006). The coffee berry disease pathogen cur-
Elucidating the biotic factors and environmental cir- rently occurs in nearly all African regions where C. arab-
cumstances that are most likely to promote ecological ica is grown, particularly above 1400 m, ravaging
speciation in nature can be challenging using contem- plantations and causing up to 80% yield losses annually.
poraneous data, since time often obscures the condi- Nonetheless, very little is known about its origin besides
tions at the moment of speciation (Coyne & Orr 2004). the information provided by historical data and field
In this regard, addressing emergent fungal diseases can reports. According to these sources, C. kahawae would
be particularly insightful, as their recent origins provide have originated in Kenya from C. gloeosporioides sensu
a unique opportunity to study the mechanisms under- lato populations inhabiting Coffea spp. hosts (frequently
lying ecological speciation (Stukenbrock & McDonald isolated from ripe or damaged coffee berries) either by:
2008). Fungal diseases have been emerging at an (i) mutation from a mildly parasitic form in C. arabica
increasing rate on a wide range of host plants, posing (Nutman & Roberts 1960); (ii) hybridization between
tremendous threats to global economy and food safety C. gloeosporioides strains from other Coffea spp. hosts
(Jones et al. 2008). The growing awareness of their (Robinson 1976); or (iii) shifting from another Coffea
worldwide impact has been followed by the need of spp., where it would be present as an harmless fungal
understanding the events leading to the emergence of strain (Robinson 1974). Currently, these hypotheses
such species (Stukenbrock & McDonald 2008). In addi- remain untested, and the relationship between C. kaha-
tion, they also represent interesting models of specia- wae and C. gloeosporioides s.l. isolates has been poorly
tion mechanisms for two other reasons. First, as human investigated, so that it is unclear how the specialization
activities led to dramatic changes in the ecosystems at a to the new niche was accomplished. Some studies have
global scale, with vast areas cultivated with single attempted to provide insights by investigating the
crops ⁄ genotypes and with the global exchange of germ- genetic variability and population structure of C. kaha-
plasm (Kareiva et al. 2007), diverse ecological opportu- wae, albeit with little success. Concordant with the puta-
nities have been created for the rapid emergence and tive recent origin and predominantly asexual

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reproduction, genetic variability of C. kahawae was

Molecular data
found to be very low, preventing inferences about its
population structure, origin and spread (Bridge et al. Six nuclear markers previously described in detail by
2008; Manuel et al. 2010). Silva et al. (2012) were employed for this study: the ITS
The present study intends to assess the current region, b-tub2, Apn25L, MAT1-2-1, ApMAT and MAT5L.
hypotheses for the emergence and spread of C. kahawae Primers and PCR conditions for ApMAT, MAT5L,
and to investigate the process of host specialization, Apn25L and MAT1-2-1 were as described in the study by
using information from a multilocus sequencing Silva et al. (2012). PCR amplification of the ITS region
approach. We used an extensive sampling of C. kaha- was carried out with primers ITS1Ext ⁄ ITS4Ext (Brown
wae’s populations, as well as C. gloeosporioides s.l. iso- et al. 1996) and b-tub2 using primers T1 ⁄ T2 (O’Donnell
lates from Coffea spp. and several other hosts & Cigelnik 1997). PCR products yielding one clear band
worldwide. In this endeavour, we made use of novel were purified using SURECLEAN (BioLine). When products
statistical techniques on the inference of phylogenetic presented a multiband profile, the band of the expected
relationships among species, estimation of divergence size was excised and purified using the Silica Bead DNA
times and reconstruction of past demographic history. Gel Extraction kit (Fermentas). Sequencing reactions
These analyses were coupled with information from were performed using the BIGDYE version 3.1 chemistry
geographical modelling and pathogenicity tests to pro- (Applied Biosystems) on an ABI prism 310 automated
vide a multidisciplinary view of such speciation event. sequencer. Amplicons were sequenced in both directions,
and chromatograms were manually checked for errors in
SEQUENCHER v4.0.5 (Gene Codes Corporation).

Fungal material Phylogenetic analyses

A total of 102 isolates from the Colletotrichum gloeospo- Multiple sequence alignments were constructed for each
rioides complex were obtained from culture collections nuclear sequence data set in MAFFT v6.717b (Katoh &
and field samples, comprising three main groups: (i) Toh 2009), using the L-INS-i method. Individual data
29 C. gloeosporioides s.l. isolates collected from Coffea sets were concatenated into a combined matrix using
spp. hosts throughout plantations in South America, the CONCATENATOR v1.1.0 software (Pina-Martins & Paulo
Africa and Asia; (ii) 14 C. gloeosporioides s.l. isolates 2008). We used maximum likelihood (ML) and a Bayes-
collected from eleven host species (other than Coffea ian framework with Markov chain Monte Carlo
spp.) and five geographical locations, previously (BMCMC) to reconstruct phylogenies from the separate
selected based on preliminary phylogenetic analyses and combined data sets. For ML analyses, MODELTEST
and culture availability; and (iii) 59 Colletotrichum kah- v3.7 (Posada & Crandall 1998) was used to select the
awae isolates obtained from infected green Coffea arab- best fit model of DNA sequence evolution, under the
ica berries in ten African countries, covering most of Akaike information criterion (AIC). ML heuristic
its current range (Table S1, Supporting information). searches were performed in PAUP* v4.0d99 (Swofford
Ex-holotypes (cultures obtained from the taxonomical 2003) with 100 replicates, random sequence addition
type strain) from three recently described species and a tree-bisection reconnection (TBR) branch swap-
within the C. gloeosporioides complex from C. arabica ping algorithm. Nonparametric bootstrap was con-
hosts in Thailand were included: Colletotrichum sia- ducted using 1000 pseudoreplicates with 10 random
mense, Colletotrichum asianum and Colletotrichum fructi- additions and TBR branch swapping. The BMCMC
cola (Prihastuti et al. 2009). Isolates from Citrus limon analysis was run in MRBAYES v3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsen-
and Olea europaea hosts were also used, representing beck 2003) with the optimal model of sequence evolu-
the C. gloeosporioides sensu stricto epitype (Cannon tion selected under the AIC, as implemented in
et al. 2008) based on BLAST results of the complete MRMODELTEST v2.3 (Nylander 2004). The MAT1-2-1 data
rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) (GenBank set was partitioned into codon positions because two
accession number EU371022 [E value = 0, Max different substitution models were estimated for the
ident. = 98%]) and b-tubulin 2 (b-tub2) (GenBank first and second positions combined and third position.
accession number FJ907445 [E value = 0, Max Posterior probabilities were generated from 1 · 107 gen-
ident. = 99%]). Five isolates of Colletotrichum fragariae erations, sampling at every 1000th iteration, and the
were selected as outgroup taxa for the phylogenetic analysis was run three times with one cold and three
analyses. Culturing and DNA extraction from fungal incrementally heated Metropolis-coupled Monte Carlo
isolates were performed as previously described (Silva Markov chains, starting from random trees. The
et al. 2012).

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2658 D . N . S I L V A E T A L .

achievement of the stationary phase was checked using from our data set included in the calibration study and
TRACER V1.4 (Rambaut & Drummond 2007), and 1 · 106 estimated the rates for all other partitions using uni-
generations were discarded as burn-in. Trees from dif- form priors [0, 1]. The final results from the *BEAST
ferent runs were then combined and summarized in a MCMC analyses were obtained by combining two inde-
majority rule 50% consensus tree. pendent runs with 1 · 108 generations each, sampling
As species assignment for most C. gloeosporioides s.l. parameters every 10 000 iterations, using LOGCOMBINER
isolates was initially uncertain, we diagnosed poten- v1.6.1 (Drummond & Rambaut 2007). TRACER v1.4 (Ram-
tially distinct species in a phylogenetic context using baut & Drummond 2007) was used to assess conver-
the multilocus genealogical concordance approach (Tay- gence and mixing for all parameters by visually
lor et al. 2000). Phylogenetic species were required to inspecting the trace log and estimating the effective
meet the following criteria: (i) monophyly, (ii) strong sample size (ESS) for each parameter; all ESS values
phylogenetic support (e.g. bootstrap, posterior probabil- were >200 indicating adequate mixing. A conservative
ities) in the multilocus analysis and (iii) genealogical 10% of each analysis was discarded as burn-in.
concordance, as conflict between gene trees could be To objectively select the most appropriate partition,
interpreted as recombination among individuals within we tested our partition schemes with a Bayes factors
a species (Taylor et al. 2000). (BF) analysis. Following a previous study (Brown &
Lemmon 2007), we considered values for the test statis-
tic 2ln(BF)12 between model 1 and model 2 above 10 to
Divergence dating of the species tree and demographic
be evidence of significant support for model 2, values
between 10 and )10 to indicate ambiguity and values
The Bayesian MCMC analysis implemented in *BEAST below 10 to indicate strong support for model 1. When
(Heled & Drummond 2010), an extension of the BEAST faced with ambiguity, we opted for the simpler model.
v.1.6.1 software package (Drummond & Rambaut 2007), BF were determined by calculating the marginal likeli-
was used to joint estimate the species tree and diver- hood for each scheme using TRACER v1.4 (Rambaut &
gence times from our multilocus data set. Preliminary Drummond 2007).
simulations detected a substantial heterogeneity in the The demographic history of C. kahawae’s populations
substitution rates of the different sequenced regions, was reconstructed using the Gaussian Markov random
rendering inappropriate the attribution of a single clock fields (GMRF) Bayesian Skyride (Minin et al. 2008),
model. Thus, we analysed eight partition schemes of implemented in BEAST v1.6.1 (Drummond & Rambaut
increasing complexity, ranging from a single partition 2007). The GMRF Bayesian Skyride was only specified
of substitution and clock models to the partitioning of for the most appropriate partition previously selected
the entire data set in eight unlinked substitution models using BF. The analysis was run twice for 1 · 108 genera-
and six unlinked clock models, according to gene ⁄ inter- tions, sampling at every 10 000 generations after an ini-
genic positions (Table S2, Supporting information). The tial burn-in of 10%. As in the *BEAST analysis, the
best fit model of sequence evolution for each partition performance of the MCMC procedure was evaluated in
was estimated using MODELTEST v3.7 (Posada & Crandall TRACER v1.4 (Rambaut & Drummond 2007), which was
1998), under the AIC. We used a birth-and-death pro- also used to create the Bayesian Skyride plot with the
cess as species tree prior and a piecewise linear and median and corresponding credibility intervals of the
constant root model for population size. Preliminary estimated demographic parameters.
runs using an uncorrelated lognormal relaxed clock
revealed that the rr (‘CoefficientOfVariation’) parameter
Population genetics analyses in Colletotrichum
value for the ITS partition was consistently <0.3 with a
kahawae and UG1
frequency histogram abutting 0, suggesting that this
partition does not significantly deviate from a strict According to the phylogenetic analyses described
clock. Therefore, where applicable in our partition above, a group of C. gloeosporioides s.l. isolates very
schemes, we used a strict clock for the ITS partition and close to C. kahawae was detected (Fig. 1), here named
uncorrelated lognormal molecular clocks for all other Undescribed group 1 (UG1). To better understand their
partitions. relationship, median-joining haplotype networks were
Genetic distances were converted into geological time constructed for each locus using the program NETWORK
units using an averaged substitution rate of 8.8 · 10)9 v4.6.0.0 (Bandelt et al. 1999). DNA polymorphism statis-
per bp per year corresponding to the median of esti- tics, measures of divergence using the net divergence
mates for several nuclear genomic regions obtained by statistic (Da, Nei 1987) and analyses of recombination
Kasuga et al. (2002). We fixed the substitution rate of based on the four-gamete test (Hudson & Kaplan 1985)
ITS with this value, as it was the only genomic region were computed in DNASP v5.0 (Rozas et al. 2003). To

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H O S T - J U M P S P E C I A T I O N O F C . K A H A W A E 2659

Fig. 1 50% majority rule Bayesian tree with the concatenated six-marker data set illustrating the evolutionary relationships between
Colletotrichum kahawae and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides s.l. from coffee and other hosts. Isolates from Coffea spp. hosts are followed
by a black bar, while isolates from other hosts are followed by a grey bar and a code, for which a key is provided in the right. The
geographical origin of the isolates is also provided underlined. The tree was rooted with C. fragariae. C. kahawae is represented by a
single clade for clarity with the detailed phylogenetic reconstruction provided in Fig. 5.

assess the degree of genetic differentiation, F-statistics site model of sequence evolution for all loci. Multiple
were calculated for all molecular markers, as imple- preliminary runs were performed to determine the
mented in ARLEQUIN (Excoffier et al. 2005), and the Snn appropriate prior upper bounds for the parameters and
statistic (Hudson 2000) was estimated after 1000 permu- to assess the most efficient heating scheme for the
tations. Metropolis-coupled MCMC run. After these pilot runs,
we performed four independent runs with 100 Metropo-
lis-coupled chains with geometric heating (increment
Isolation-with-migration analyses
parameters: g1 = 0.95; g2 = 0.5) for 5 · 105 steps, sam-
Before investigating the history of isolation between pling at every 10th iteration, after a burn-in period of
these two groups, the standard neutral model was tested 1 · 106 generations. Overall, 2 · 105 generations were
for each marker using Tajima’s D and Fu and Li’s D* and saved and combined for the final estimation of parame-
F*, as implemented in DNASP v5.0. We used the program ters by executing the program in L-mode. The L-mode of
isolation-with-migration (IMa) (Hey & Nielsen 2004) to IMa was also used to estimate joint parameter distribu-
assess whether an isolation with migration model would tions and to examine nested models with a reduced num-
fit the data significantly better than a strict isolation ber of parameters, representing alternative hypothesis of
model and to estimate population mutation parameters gene flow patterns. Hypothesis testing was performed by
(hCk, hUG1 and ancestral hA), migration rates (mCk>UG1 comparing the ln-likelihood ratio (LLR) statistic between
and mUG1>Ck) and the time since the divergence of the two models to a v2 distribution with k degrees of free-
ancestral population of C. kahawae and UG1. Because dom, where k is the difference in the number of parame-
IMa supports multilocus data sets with different molecu- ters between models (Hey & Nielsen 2007). To convert
lar rates, the concatenated data set of six nuclear markers parameter estimates into biologically meaningful units,
was used to carry out the estimation of parameters. we used the per locus substitution rate of the ITS parti-
Given the low sequence polymorphism and absence of tion (1.369 · 10)6), obtained from the same averaged sub-
sites with multiple substitutions, we applied the infinite- stitution rate per site per year as in the *BEAST analyses.

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2660 D . N . S I L V A E T A L .

conidia suspension ⁄ berry from each fungal isolate. For

Phylogeography of Colletotrichum kahawae
both trials, an additional 10-berry set was mock-inocu-
The relationships and structure of C. kahawae’s popula- lated with 10 lL sterile water ⁄ berry as a negative con-
tions were assessed by ML and BMCMC methods as trol. After inoculation, berries were incubated for 24 h
described above. For each of the polymorphic sites in the dark in a moisture chamber at 25 C and then
within C. kahawae, the ancestral state was estimated maintained under these conditions but with a 12-h pho-
using SNAP Workbench (Aylor et al. 2006). Relevant toperiod. Symptoms were scored at the 7th and 15th
alternative topologies were tested to assess the robust- days after inoculation, and berries were classified either
ness of the unconstrained inference of population’s rela- as showing coffee berry disease symptoms (1) or as
tionships, using the topological test (SH) of Shimodaira asymptomatic (0).
& Hasegawa (1999). One thousand replicates were per-
formed by resampling the partial likelihoods for each
site (RELL model). Using the IDRISI 15 ANDES software
(Eastman 2006), a topographical map of a partial region
Evolutionary relationships of Colletotrichum spp. from
of the African continent was modelled to highlight
coffee and other hosts
regions above 1400 m of altitude and to assess their cor-
relation with C. kahawae’s haplotype distribution. The evolutionary relationships between Colletotrichum
kahawae and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides s.l. isolates
were established by constructing a multilocus concate-
Pathogenicity assays
nated phylogeny of 102 samples of Colletotrichum from
To assess the pathogenicity of Colletotrichum isolates coffee and other hosts collected worldwide. Using a six-
from other hosts on Arabica coffee fruits, inoculations marker (ITS, b-tub2, ApMAT, Apn25L, MAT1-2-1 and
of fungal strains were carried out on green and ripe MAT5L) sequencing approach, we achieved a substan-
detached berries. Based on the phylogenetic analyses tial resolution of species relationships. A summary of
conducted above, all isolates from UG1 and Unde- the phylogenetic information for each individual and
scribed group 2 (UG2) phylogenetic groups (Fig. 1) combined molecular markers is provided in Table 1.
were included, plus four C. kahawae isolates as positive Parsimony informative content within individual
controls (Mal2, Cam1, Ang29 and Que2). For each iso- nuclear sequences ranged from low (ITS: 3%; b-tub2:
late, 106 spore ⁄ mL spore suspensions were obtained 13%) to moderate (Apn25L: 20%; MAT5L: 18%; MAT1-
from 7-day-old sporulating cultures in Malt Extract 2-1: 17%) and high (ApMAT: 37%). The combined data
Agar medium (Cultimed, Panreac Quimica). Berries set consisted of 3783 bp of sequence data, with 764 par-
were collected from coffee plants maintained at CIFC simony informative sites (20%).
greenhouses, washed three times with distilled water Phylogenetic reconstructions of the concatenated data
and blotted dry with a sterilized paper. Two trials were set using both ML and BMCMC methods yielded the
then undertaken: (i) 10 Arabica green coffee berries of same topology with minor discrepancies in the support
genotype CIFC-7963 and (ii) 10 Arabica ripe coffee ber- for some nodes (Fig. 1). The phylogeny was mostly
ries of genotype CIFC-H420 ⁄ 2 susceptible to coffee resolved with high statistical support and revealed a
berry disease were inoculated with 10 lL droplets of pattern of divergent evolution between three main lin-

Table 1 Summary of the phylogenetic information for the individual and combined nuclear regions used in this study

Nuclear region FL Indels NC PI %PI V Model* Model†

ITS 489 2 487 14 3 1 TrNef+I SYM+I

b-tub2 575 34 541 76 13 5 SYM+G SYM+G
Apn25L 883 36 847 172 20 32 GTR+G GTR+G
ApMAT 782 84 698 287 37 29 HKY+G HKY+G
MAT5L 213 6 194 38 18 11 TrN+G HKY+G
MAT1-2-1‡ 843 1 842 141 17 18 K81+I ⁄ GTR ⁄ SYM+G GTR+I ⁄ GTR ⁄ SYM
Combined 3783 130 3606 764 20 72 – –

ITS, internal transcribed spacer; FL, Fragment length; NC, nucleotide characters (bp); PI, Parsimony informative characters (bp); %PI,
% of Parsimony informative characters; V, variable uninformative characters (bp).
*Best fit model of DNA evolution, under the AIC, implemented in MODELTEST.

Best fit model of DNA evolution, under the AIC, implemented in MRMODELTEST.

Models of DNA evolution correspond to 1st and 2nd codon position ⁄ 3rd codon position ⁄ intron.

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H O S T - J U M P S P E C I A T I O N O F C . K A H A W A E 2661

eages derived from two ancestral splits. Since the split high degree of genealogical discordance was observed
from C. fragariae, the first lineage to diverge included (Fig. S1, Supporting information). We also found two
the C. kahawae clade, along with two closely related clonal samples (Ang100 and Ang101) that revealed to
groups of isolates (Da = 0.53%) from several hosts other be a distinct and well-supported new monophyletic
than Coffea spp. (UG1 and UG2). These two groups lineage (Undescribed group 3; UG3). Even though a for-
include fungi comprising a very broad range of hosts mal recognition of species boundaries within C. gloeo-
and geographical origins, as they were isolated from sporioides s.l. on coffee hosts is out of the scope of this
fruits, twigs and leaf lesions or as leaf endophytes from study, all of the diagnosed groups in Fig. 1 are in
eleven host species belonging to different taxonomic accordance with the genealogical concordance phyloge-
divisions and orders fairly distant from the taxonomic netic species recognition guidelines. Only the ITS and
placement of Coffea spp., in three continents (Fig. 1; MAT5L partitions were unable to recover clear species
Table S1, Supporting information). The phylogenetic boundaries, most likely due to low nucleotide variabil-
proximity was particularly high between C. kahawae ity and small sequence size, respectively.
and isolates from the UG1 group. According to the
genealogical concordance criteria alone, both groups
Divergence time estimates of the species tree
should be regarded as a single species, considering that
and demographic analysis
UG1 could not be recovered as a distinct monophyletic
group with sufficient statistical support neither in single From the eight partitioning schemes performed in
nor in multilocus phylogenetic reconstructions and that *BEAST, the BF analysis favoured the second most com-
C. kahawae could not be completely distinguished from plex model in which all six nuclear sequences presented
some UG1 isolates in four of six single-locus analyses distinct substitution and clock models, with the MAT1-
(Fig. S1, Supporting information). However, as UG1 2-1 data set further partitioned into intron and exon
and C. kahawae clearly represent distinct and mostly regions with two codon partitioning, over similar mod-
differentiated biological entities (see Results, Pathoge- els with three codon (2lnBF = 7) or without codon parti-
nicity tests; Genetic divergence and differentiation tioning (2lnBF = 37) (Table S3, Supporting information).
between C. kahawae and UG1), they will be considered The generated maximum clade credibility tree (Fig. 2)
hereafter as two separate groups. Moreover, using the presented a similar topology to that produced by the
combined data set, all C. kahawae isolates were mono- ML and BMCMC analyses of concatenated data for the
phyletic and clearly distinguishable with high bootstrap two first main lineages. However, species relationships
and posterior probability values (100 ⁄ 1). The remaining within the third main lineage were largely incongruent
C. gloeosporioides s.l. isolates clustered in a large mono- between methods with respect to the relative phyloge-
phyletic group comprising the two remaining lineages. netic position of taxa and statistical support. Unlike the
The most anciently diverged lineage encompassed rep- well-supported phylogeny obtained from the concate-
resentative isolates of C. gloeosporioides s.s. from lemon nated analyses, the *BEAST species tree revealed a much
and olive. The third main lineage was exclusively com- weaker support for the relationships of these species
posed by isolates from coffee hosts belonging to at least with C. fructicola, C. siamense and UG3 sharing a termi-
four different species, which revealed a fairly high nal and nearly polytomic relationship, while C. asianum
divergence from C. kahawae (Da = 6.14%). In this line- was the most anciently diverged species.
age, most of the unassigned C. gloeosporioides s.l. strains The Bayesian MCMC procedure implemented in
grouped with the C. siamense ex-holotype in a large and *BEAST also allowed co-estimating the posterior distribu-
highly supported monophyletic clade, within which a tion of the time to the most recent common ancestor
Fig. 2 Time-calibrated Bayesian species
tree resulting from the *BEAST analysis
based on the six-marker data set and on
the best partitioning scheme selected
from the Bayes factors analysis. Poster-
ior probabilities are given above the
respective node. Scale numbers corre-
spond to years before present.

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2662 D . N . S I L V A E T A L .

(TMRCA), including 95% credibility intervals [highest 1.E8

posterior density (HDP)], of any group of taxa. Thus, to
construct a time line of events, we estimated the
TMRCA of all C. kahawae isolates as well as the diver-
gence time between C. kahawae and three taxa sets of 1.E7
particular interest: (i) all C. gloeosporioides s.l. isolates

Population size
from Coffea spp. hosts; (ii) all isolates from UG1; and
(iii) the closest phylogenetic representative of UG1, iso-
late Cg432 (Table 2). The TMRCA of C. kahawae was
estimated to be between 320 and 4784 BP [95% high
posterior density (HPD)] with a median of 2219 BP. This
species most likely diverged from the sampled C. gloeo-
sporioides s.l. species from coffee hosts around
403 610 BP (95% HPD, 164 000–686 000), contrasting
with the relatively shallow divergence of 11 547 BP
(95% HPD, 3574–21 735) from UG1. However, given 1.E4
the lack of monophyly for all isolates in this group and 0 25 000 50 000 75 000 100 000
some heterogeneity in their phylogenetic distance to Time (yrs)
C. kahawae (Da = 0.19–0.69%), we also estimated the Fig. 3 GMRF Bayesian Skyride plot depicting fluctuations in
TMRCA between C. kahawae and the UG1 isolate the population size of Colletotrichum kahawae through time. The
Cg432. This allowed a better approximation of the x-axis is in units of years before present, and the y-axis is equal
divergence time between C. kahawae and the closest to Nes. The thick black line is the median estimate, and the
non-C. kahawae relative, which was estimated to be grey dashed lines delimit the 95% highest posterior density.
7840 BP (95% HPD, 2020–15 245). The vertical dashed line represents the median of the time to
the most recent common ancestor between C. kahawae and the
The demographic history of C. kahawae’s populations
closest non-C. kahawae relative.
is depicted in Fig. 3 using a Bayesian Skyride plot
reconstruction. Setting the GMRF Bayesian Skyride as a
tree prior in the BEAST analysis resulted in older estima- Notably, the onset of the downfall in C. kahawae’s pop-
tions for the TRMCA of C. kahawae (mean: 10 598 BP; ulation size (c. 25 000 BP) approximately matches the
95% HPD, 3207–19 889) and its divergence time from estimated time of divergence from the closest non-
the closest non-C. kahawae relative (mean: 26 578 BP; C. kahawae relative, pointing to the occurrence of a bot-
95% HPD, 13 735–45 698). The time lag relative to the tleneck only after their separation (Fig. 3). To assess the
*BEAST estimates was expected owing to methodological potentially biasing effect of C. kahawae’s population
differences between concatenation and species tree structure in the reconstruction of its demographic his-
methods (Heled & Drummond 2010), and thus, these tory, we also performed the same GMRF Bayesian sky-
time estimates should be interpreted in relative terms. ride analysis for each haplotypic group separately
The historical demography of C. kahawae revealed a (Angola, Cameroon and East Africa). The results were
very recent and sharp drop in population size, without similar across all data sets, suggesting that our demo-
significant evidence of recovery until the present day. graphic estimates were robust to the violation of the
panmitic population assumption owing to the genetic
Table 2 Bayesian estimates of the time (in years) to the most structure of C. kahawae’s populations.
recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of four taxa sets of interest.
Values in parenthesis are 95% highest posterior densities inter-
vals. The divergence estimates were calculated using *BEAST Genetic divergence and differentiation between
v1.6.1 with the best partitioning scheme previously selected Colletotrichum kahawae and UG1
with a Bayes factors analysis
Haplotype networks constructed for each locus revealed
Taxa set TMRCA SD ESS a close relationship between C. kahawae and UG1
(Fig. 4). Full haplotypes were shared between some
Ck 2219 (320; 4784) 64 428 UG1 isolates and C. kahawae in several individual mark-
Ck & UG1 11 547 (3574; 21 735) 133 1470 ers, although both groups could be completely distin-
Ck & Cg432 7840 (2020; 15 245) 142 743
guished in the Apn25L and MAT1-2-1 data sets.
Ck & Cg from 403k (149k; 647k) 2.6k 2811
Coffea spp. Table 3 summarizes several interspecific divergence
and differentiation statistics. Consistent with a very
SD, standard deviation of mean; ESS, effective sample size. recent separation, the net divergence was very low

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H O S T - J U M P S P E C I A T I O N O F C . K A H A W A E 2663

Therefore, the hypotheses of selective neutrality and no

recombination within loci, both assumptions of the IMa
models, could not be rejected.
The approximate posterior density curves for the IMa
parameters that resulted from the IMa analyses are
shown in Fig. 5, and their ML estimates with respective
95% HPD intervals are provided in Table 4. Even
though there was no sufficient information in the data
to estimate the time since the split of the ancestral pop-
ulation of C. kahawae and UG1 parameter, all other
parameters had stronger signals in the data and
revealed a single major peak in their posterior distribu-
Fig. 4 Median-joining haplotype networks depicting the rela- tions. The limiting information in the data as well as
tionship between Colletotrichum kahawae and Undescribed
the lack of shared polymorphisms between populations
group 1 (UG1). Haplotypes are presented as pie charts with
may have also led to nonzero tails in the posterior dis-
size proportional to the number of individuals.
tribution of hUG1, hA and mUG1>Ck that prevented a reli-
across all individual loci (Da = 0.03–0.35). Intriguingly, able estimation of the credibility intervals for these
of the 38 polymorphic sites among C. kahawae and parameters. Despite these limitations, the four replicate
UG1, there was an absence of shared polymorphisms runs gave similar ML estimates and posterior distribu-
and three polymorphic sites were fixed in the Apn25L tions for these parameters, suggesting that the program
and MAT1-2-1 data sets. This suggests that while both was sampling from the stationary phase of the MCMC
groups have separated quite recently, current levels of run and that parameter values are robust and represen-
gene flow should be low. Differentiation indexes, such tative given their priors. To test the potential impact of
as FST and Snn estimates, reflect the same pattern as C. kahawae’s population structure on the estimation of
they consistently show high and significant levels of IMa parameters, we have performed additional runs for
differentiation across all loci. Most of the polymorphic each haplotypic group separately. As in the BEAST GMRF
sites were exclusive of the UG1 group (32), while only a Skyride analysis, the results were similar across data
small fraction (3) was exclusive of C. kahawae, which sets suggesting a limited impact of C. kahawae’s popula-
further supports the effective population decline of the tion structure on the estimation of parameters.
latter. Estimates of current and ancestral effective popula-
tion sizes revealed a decline of circa 40-fold in the pop-
ulation size of C. kahawae compared to the ancestral
Isolation-with-migration analyses
population size, suggesting that this species underwent
For each marker data set, both Fu and Li’s D* and F* a population bottleneck since its separation from UG1.
and Tajima’s D tests were not significantly deviated Estimates of gene flow were highly asymmetrical. No
from 0 (P > 0.05; Table S4, Supporting information), gene flow was detected from UG1 to C. kahawae, but
and no recombination events were observed within loci. moderate and significant gene exchange was detected

Table 3 Divergence and differentiation between Undescribed group 1 (UG1) and Colletotrichum kahawae

Locus Da (%) V VF VS PCk* PUG1* FST† Snn‡ Rm‡

ApMAT 0.09 7 0 0 0 7 0.536*** 0.88596*** 0

Apn25L 0.12 13 1 0 0 12 0.868*** 0.93525*** 0
ITS 0.03 4 0 0 0 4 0.634** 0.88596*** 0
MAT1-2-1 0.31 7 2 0 1 4 0.845*** 1*** 0
MAT5L 0.35 2 0 0 0 2 0.913*** 0.96610*** 0
b-tub2 0.13 5 0 0 2 3 0.425** 0.84394*** 0
Total 0.14 38 3 0 3 32 0.757*** 1***

ITS, internal transcribed spacer; Da, Net divergence (Nei 1987); V, total number of polymorphic sites; Vf, number of fixed
polymorphisms; VS, number of shared polymorphisms.
*Number of exclusive polymorphisms for C. kahawae and UG1.

Differentiation statistics measured by FST (Excoffier et al. 2005) and Snn statistics (Hudson 2000).

Minimum number of recombination events.
Statistical significance: **P < 0.05; ***P < 0.01.

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2664 D . N . S I L V A E T A L .

Fig. 5 The posterior probabilities of

parameter estimates of the isolation-


with-migration model.





0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15





0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Table 4 Maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) and respective sequence identical to the inferred ancestral state, while
95% HPD intervals for parameters of the isolation and migra- the Cameroon haplotype diverged by one nonsynony-
tion model for the clade composed by Undescribed group 1 mous mutation at the MAT1-2-1 gene, which replaces a
(UG1) and Colletotrichum kahawae (Ck) serine for a proline residue. The East Africa haplotype
shared the same nonsynonymous mutation and
hA h(Ck) hUG1 mUG1>Ck mCk>UG1
diverged from the other haplotypes by two additional
MLE 6.38 0.15 5.45 0.88 1.45 intronic mutations at the b-tub2 marker. To assess the
Lower 95% HPD 0 0.05 1.09 0 0 robustness of this inference, we tested an alternative
Higher 95% HPD 13.97 0.29 12.29 2.73 2.59 topology, in which we constrained the East African
population as the most ancestral lineage and the Angola
HPD, high posterior density.
population as the most derived. The likelihood score of
the resulting tree was worse than the unconstrained
topology, with a marginally significant P-value (SH
from C. kahawae to UG1. However, it is important to Test, P = 0.056). Moreover, we could not detect the
note that the full model did not fit the data significantly presence of migrant haplotypes within our C. kahawae
better than any of the nested models compared, includ- sampling. We further extended our phylogeographical
ing the strict isolation model (Table S5, Supporting analysis by modelling a topographical map of a partial
information). Thus, even though the full model reveals region of Africa to highlight all regions above 1400 m
an intriguing pattern of gene flow between C. kahawae of altitude, and the result was embedded on Fig. 6b, as
and UG1, our data could not reject the simpler hypoth- rough grey areas. East African regions revealed a larger
esis that both groups have been isolated since their extension of highlands, which coincides with the Great
divergence. Rift Valley area. Outside this area, highland regions are
sparsely distributed, mainly through South Africa,
Namibia, Angola and Cameroon, and isolated by long
Phylogeography of Colletotrichum kahawae
distances of lowland regions.
Our results confirmed the extremely low genetic vari-
ability within the C. kahawae clade (p = 0.00076; S = 3).
Pathogenicity assays
However, three divergent haplotypes could be distin-
guished, named after their geographical location: In the pathogenicity test with green berries, only C. kah-
Angola, Cameroon and East Africa (Fig. 6). For the awae isolates produced necrotic and sunken lesions
three polymorphic sites within C. kahawae, ancestral characteristic of coffee berry disease symptoms on all
states were inferred from the C. gloeosporioides sampling 10 inoculated berries (10 ⁄ 10 berries scored ‘1’). Green
(Fig. 6a). The Angola haplotype presented a nucleotide berries inoculated with isolates from UG1 and UG2

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H O S T - J U M P S P E C I A T I O N O F C . K A H A W A E 2665

(a) (b)
Fig. 6 Phylogeographical patterns of Colletotrichum kahawae. (a) Detailed phylogenetic reconstruction of populations relationships
within the C. kahawae clade, using the combined six-marker data set. Bootstrap and posterior probability values are provided above
each branch. The three nucleotide combination provided below each branch represents the mutational events that occurred along the
evolution of the three populations. The combination of the Angola population was inferred as the ancestral state. Mutations are high-
lighted with an asterisk, and the source gene is provided. KA, nonsynonymous mutation; Ki, intronic mutations. (b) Geographical
distribution of the three divergent C. kahawae populations. Countries were highlighted with different colours corresponding to the
existing haplotypes. Rough grey areas (orange in color version) on the map represent regions above 1400 m of altitude.

revealed no necroses or any other symptoms (10 ⁄ 10 ber- pected, the close relationship of UG1 with C. kahawae as
ries scored ‘0’). Conversely, neither C. kahawae nor iso- well as its association with genetically distant hosts
lates from UG1 and UG2 groups were able to clearly suggests an alternative scenario in which a host-
successfully colonize ripe berries. jump preceded the outbreak of coffee berry disease epi-
demics, although the diversity of hosts that this group
covers hamper any confident inference on the host
sources of this event. In Colletotrichum, host-shifts have
To our knowledge, this study describes the first com- not been previously documented as a speciation driver,
prehensive analysis of the evolutionary relationships of but there is recent evidence that local adaptation and
Colletotrichum kahawae with Colletotrichum gloeosporioides host specialization have structured populations of some
s.l. isolates from diverse hosts worldwide, aiming at species, such as C. cereale (Crouch et al. 2009). Notwith-
enlightening the underlying speciation event. One of standing, a large amount of evidence has accumulated
the most striking findings was that none of the initial showing that host-shift speciation, a particular case of
hypotheses asserting that C. kahawae would have ecological speciation, is one of the main routes for the
emerged from a C. gloeosporioides s.l. gene pool from emergence of fungal pathogens (Couch et al. 2005;
Coffea spp. hosts could be supported by our results. Stukenbrock & McDonald 2008; Zaffarano et al. 2008;
According to our phylogenetic analyses, C. kahawae Giraud et al. 2010).
appears to be diverging from all C. gloeosporioides s.l.
isolates from coffee hosts since c. 403 000 BP, which is
‘Rapid ecological speciation through host jump’
inconsistent with a very recent origin by mutation and
adaptation (Nutman & Roberts 1960) or hybridization
(Robinson 1976) from these populations. The most nota- Considering the onset of C. kahawae’s diversification
ble inconsistency, however, derives from the existence and its divergence time from the closest non-C. kahawae
of a taxonomically unclassified phylogenetic group sam- relative, C. kahawae and UG1 have only been separated
pled from several hosts other than Coffea spp. (UG1) for an average of 5600 BP. This presents a remarkably
that is genetically similar to C. kahawae. Although unex- short period of time for speciation to occur and comes

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2666 D . N . S I L V A E T A L .

in agreement with the observation that crop pathogens ogenic abilities in a short period of time, from which
can emerge rather swiftly in recent timescales (Stuken- only C. kahawae should trigger major disease control
brock & McDonald 2008). However, the estimated time and biosecurity measures on C. arabica crops.
period for the origin of C. kahawae is still older than During the brief period that C. kahawae and UG1 were
expected from historical data (Firman & Waller 1977) separated, historical demographic reconstructions and
and from the onset of the cultivation of Coffea arabica in patterns of DNA polymorphism consistently showed a
Africa (Bigger 2006). While C. kahawae could have sudden and severe drop in the effective population size
begun adapting to C. arabica in wild populations or on of C. kahawae, as might be expected following a host-
an intermediate host, such as another Coffea spp., these jump. For such a host-jump to occur, isolates from the
scenarios are not supported by our data. A more plausi- UG1 group must have been within the cruising range of
ble explanation could be a downward bias in our molec- C. arabica during the initial stages of C. kahawae specia-
ular rate calibration resultant from the time dependency tion, even if the geographical distribution of both groups
of mutation rates (Ho et al. 2005). It has been recently became disjunct in latter stages. In such scenario, the
demonstrated that mutation rates in recent lineages pattern of low genetic diversity in C. kahawae could
accelerate exponentially towards the present, biasing have been produced by the exertion of strong disruptive
divergence time estimates to higher values when old selection during the first stages of adaptation to C. arab-
calibrations are employed (Ho et al. 2011). This would ica, coupled with the ability of the fungus to undergo
leave room for fitting the more recent historical time repeated cycles of asexual propagation. Asexual repro-
estimates in this molecular-derived scenario. duction could greatly amplify new advantageous muta-
The close phylogenetic relationship between C. kaha- tions to very high frequencies along with the entire
wae and UG1 also raises the question of whether they genome by hitchhiking (Adolfatto 2001). This would
represent good species or simply structured populations eliminate polymorphisms and maintain only the intact
from a single species. Even though we lacked a solid genome of those individuals in the population having
basis to consider both groups as separate species solely the favoured mutations, evidencing the strong genetic
from a phylogenetic standpoint, our results from the bottleneck and clonal pattern observed in C. kahawae as
pathogenicity tests showed that, unlike C. kahawae, iso- well as the lack of shared polymorphisms with UG1.
lates from UG1 were unable to cause coffee berry dis- Adaptation to a new host is generally most efficient
ease on detached green berries and neither group was when gene flow of ancestral genes into the adapting
able to infect ripe berries. Green Arabica coffee berries population is severely reduced or absent (Giraud et al.
thus seem to present an ecological source of divergent 2010), which may be difficult to achieve when the source
selection to which C. kahawae successfully adapted, population lies within cruising range. Nonetheless, two
while isolates from UG1 appear to suffer a sharp fitness significant intrinsic barriers to gene flow may have
decrease that greatly compromises their survival. At the indeed evolved between C. kahawae and UG1 that can
molecular level, C. kahawae and UG1 also seem to rep- explain their high differentiation and low levels of gene
resent well-differentiated groups according to a combi- flow. First, the process of host specialization itself can
nation of significant and elevated differentiation give rise to an isolation mechanism from the earliest
indexes across all studied loci and a complete segrega- stages of divergence in fungal populations (Gladieux
tion of polymorphic sites. Under the isolation with et al. 2010). Because most pathogenic Ascomycetes (Col-
migration model, migration estimates revealed an letotrichum included; Cisar & TeBeest 1999) can only
absence of gene flow to C. kahawae but, unexpectedly, a mate on their host after mycelial development, any
moderate amount of gene flow into UG1 was detected. genetic variation favouring an adaptation to C. arabica
The transfer of genetic material from C. kahawae to UG1 can pleiotropically cause assortative mating and restrict
after their divergence is intriguing because it implies gene flow, as any unfit immigrant will be unable to grow
the occurrence of a sexual stage of C. kahawae in nature and reproduce in such environment (Giraud 2006;
as well as the existence of a suitable alternate host or Giraud et al. 2010). This means that the differential sur-
substrate where mating could occur, both of which are vivorship of ill-adapted UG1 and adapted C. kahawae
yet to be reported (Firman & Waller 1977; Bridge et al. isolates on C. arabica constitutes a legitimate and signifi-
2008). Nevertheless, the migration signal in our data cant prezygotic reproductive barrier, recently named
was not strong enough to allow the rejection of a strict immigrant inviability (Nosil et al. 2005). The unique
isolation model, although future work with a larger adaptation of C. kahawae could be viewed as a ‘magic
sampling of the UG1 group and more variable loci is trait’ scenario (Gavrilets 2004), where assortative mating
still required. Overall, it is reasonable to conclude that arises as a by-product of host specialization. Under
C. kahawae and UG1 represent ecologically distinct and strong selection, this barrier has already been shown to
isolated groups that evolved significantly different path- quickly and significantly prevent gene flow in other fun-

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H O S T - J U M P S P E C I A T I O N O F C . K A H A W A E 2667

gal pathogens undergoing adaptation to their hosts, such likely emerged from hosts other than Coffea spp., which
as Venturia inaequalis’s sympatric populations from may circumvent the difficulties in reconciling our
apple varieties with and without the Vf resistance gene results with historical data, as speciation via host-shift
(Gladieux et al. 2011). Second, the transition of C. kaha- can be rather swift. Adding the fact that the transport
wae to a predominantly asexual reproductive strategy of infected plant material has reached an unprecedented
could have been a major reproductive barrier, allowing global scale (Stukenbrock & McDonald 2008), this
for multiple generations of selection for local adaptation greatly increases the likelihood for the hypothesis of a
without the pernicious effect of recombination (Zeigler host-jump of the ancestral population of C. kahawae into
1998; Giraud et al. 2010). Altogether, it is reasonable to the newly arrived C. arabica plants in Angola.
expect that the combination of immigrant inviability and The population structure of C. kahawae also reveals no
the predominantly asexual behaviour of C. kahawae evidence of migration between the geographical locations
would have been rather effective in keeping populations of each haplotype. This may be explained by seldom
separated during the early stages of divergence. How- sequential introductions with subsequent geographical
ever, additional work with a strategic and focused sam- isolation. Arabica coffee growing areas in Angola, Camer-
pling of the UG1 group will be required to better oon and East Africa are separated by extensive lowland
understand not only the geography of the latter stages in areas, which are not suitable for the pathogen or the host
C. kahawae speciation but also the mechanisms underly- (Firman & Waller 1977), thus representing a potentially
ing the adaptation of this fungal pathogen to C. arabica. effective barrier to migration. In such scenario, bottleneck
events during these rare introductions can generate drift
pulses in each of the introduced populations, which
Phylogeography of Colletotrichum kahawae
become genetically differentiated from each other while
The phylogeographical knowledge of C. kahawae can retaining their source–introduction relationship (Estoup
provide important information that may help pinpoint- & Guillemaud 2010). Accordingly, our results suggest
ing potential regions for the occurrence of its source that after a hypothetical origin of the Angola population,
population. In fact, our genetic analysis revealed the an introduction in the Cameroon followed and from there
first consistent and unambiguous population structure to the East Africa countries, while each of the established
of C. kahawae. Based on single nucleotide polymor- populations remained isolated in their respective high-
phisms, three slightly divergent haplotypes highly cor- land areas. However, in invasion biology, evolutionary
related with their geographical distribution were found scenarios are often characterized by small divergence
(Angola, Cameroon and East Africa), confirming previ- times, which may decrease the likelihood of identifying
ous indications of an incipient geographical structuring the true source–sink relationship between populations
(Bridge et al. 2008). Strikingly, the ancestral state infer- because of the stochasticity of the process (Estoup & Gu-
ence suggests that the Angola haplotype is the most illemaud 2010). Moreover, given the vastness of coffee
ancestral among the studied isolates, while those from plantations in the East African countries, particularly in
Kenya and the remaining East African countries clus- Ethiopia where C. arabica also occurs naturally, we can-
tered together as the most derived lineage. This pro- not exclude the presence of unsampled ancestral haplo-
vides an alternative view for the geographical origin of types in these regions that could alter our inferences.
C. kahawae, as compared to the current understanding, However, in such scenario, the exceeding number of
which follows the premise that C. kahawae co-evolved additional steps required to explain the current phylogeo-
with coffee hosts and is based on disease reports and graphical pattern renders this hypothesis unlikely. Thus,
field observations. Arabica coffee occupies only a small even though our data set suggest an Angolan origin for
fraction of the plantations in Angola, mainly in the cen- C. kahawae, sampling more isolates and polymorphic loci
tral plateau, while 98% of coffee production derives will certainly provide a much more reliable and robust
from C. canephora varieties. The first introductions of insight on the evolution of C. kahawae’s populations.
C. arabica in this country occurred in the 18th century
(A. Mendes Gaspar, personal communication), and the
first reports of coffee berry disease date back to 1930
(Beynon et al. 1995), just 8 years after its discovery in Altogether, our work represents an important step in
Kenya. However, we stress that information obtained the understanding of the evolutionary and speciation
from historical data can be flawed because it is biased history of Colletotrichum kahawae that will certainly have
towards regions where disease incidence is higher, and implications and launch new directions on its future
where substantial scientific effort has been focused on research. Having found very little support for the
monitoring plant diseases. Moreover, as we suggested current understanding of these events, we postulate an
above, the ancestral population of C. kahawae most alternative hypothesis of rapid ecological speciation by

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2668 D . N . S I L V A E T A L .

a very recent host-jump and subsequent host specializa- anthracnose strains of Colletotrichum from citrus as
tion to explain the emergence of C. kahawae on Arabica C. acutatum. Phytopathology, 86, 523–527.
coffee. Two far-reaching and intriguing implications of Cannon PF, Buddie AG, Bridge PD (2008) The typification of
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Mycotaxon, 104, 189–204.
this hypothesis are that new and severe fungal patho-
Cisar C, TeBeest D (1999) Mating system of the filamentous
gens are indeed able to successfully adapt and speciate ascomycete, Glomerella cingulata. Current Genetics, 35, 127–
in a remarkably short time span, particularly when dri- 133.
ven by divergent natural selection, and that intrinsic Couch BC, Fudal I, Lebrun M-H et al. (2005) Origins of host-
and common biological traits of fungal populations specific populations of the blast pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae
may greatly facilitate their emergence. Our results also in crop domestication with subsequent expansion of
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2670 D . N . S I L V A E T A L .

involving Hemileia vastatrix and Colletotrichum spp., including Supporting information

molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and resistance, epide-
miology and genetic diversity. L.C.’s main research interests Additional supporting information may be found in the online
are in biodiversity, systematics and phylogenetics of micro- version of this article.
fungi. L.M.’s research focuses on coffee management and Table S1 List of the isolates with information regarding their
pathology. E.K.G. is a plant pathologist with bias towards deci- species, natural host, geographic origin and GenBank accession
phering the mechanisms of plant-pathogen interactions, their numbers.
evolution to generate diversity and markers for resistance ⁄ -
virulence. A.L.’s research interests focuses on molecular and Table S2 Partitioning schemes for the substitution and clock
cytological mechanisms involved in Coffea – Colletotrichum kaha- models of *BEAST. Combined partitions are represented inside
wae and Coffea - Hemileia vastatrix interactions along with ‘()’. For the MAT1-2-1 partition, codon partitioning was also
genetic diversity of these pathogens. V.V.’s research focuses on performed for the first (CP1), second (CP2) and third positions
the pathology of coffee main diseases, dealing with pathogen (CP3).
physiologic specialization (pathotypes) to screen for resistant
Table S3 2ln Bayes Factors results of comparisons of all parti-
coffee genotypes. O.S.P. is currently working on phylogeogra-
tion strategies, calculated from the marginal likelihood of each
phy and evolutionary ecological genomics. D.B’s research is
scheme using TRACER V1.4. A positive value indicates evidence
focused on the population structure dynamics, virulence adap-
against alternative hypotheses.
tation and evolution of Coffee pathogens using molecular mar-
kers, population genetics and genomics. Table S4 Summary of the neutrality test statistics for the
UG1—Colletotrichum kahawae group.

Table S5 Log Likelihood Ratio Test (LLRT) of nested models

Data accessibility with different patterns of gene flow compared with the Full
model, as estimated from IMa analyses.
List of isolates, natural hosts, countries and geographical
regions: Table S1 (Supporting information). Fig. S1 50% majority rule Bayesian tree for each molecular
marker used in this study.
DNA sequences were deposited in the EMBL database with
the accession numbers presented in Table S1 (Supporting Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the content
information). or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the
authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be
Multiple sequence alignments for each nuclear marker and directed to the corresponding author for the article.
*BEAST, GMRF Skyride and IMa input files were archived in the
dryad repositories: doi:10.5061/dryad.c0f2n3mj.

 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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