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Name : Muhammad Haikal Alqadar Miftahul Rahman (23111017)

Sarah Jindan (23111025)

H Salahudiin Rahman S. Hut, MSI

PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL business innovation is twofold.

1. One of the trading & supplier companies which is engaged in reviving community micro-
enterprises in one of the countries of Indonesia, namely by introducing several production
products and also helping to increase the community's economic income due to increased
employment opportunities

2. Another factor is that it can improve the quality of Indonesian products due to market
competition around it and as a result it can help community micro companies access
additional capital, either through direct investment or through loans from financial
institutions. This can help community micro enterprises to expand their operations.

Reference : Haikal (2023, October 3). Interview on PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL

[Interview Transcript]

“One of the most superior products from the community micro enterprises is authentic
Indonesian tempeh chips.” (Yani, 2023)
PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL wants entrepreneurs of community micro enterprises in
Indonesia to introduce their products throughout the world and be proud of their own products
because there are still many among the wider community who are still not confident in their
products. This company is very helpful, one of which is the product "SOY FIRST" tempeh chips.
Long story short, in 2017 Mrs. Yani took the initiative to process tempeh chips and then sell them
in small shops. After 2 years, the company had a turnover that was increasing over time because
its products were liked by many people at that time and in the end, Mrs. Yani and several of her
staff improved the quality of their products in terms of taste, shape and quantity produced each
day. Previously only had original flavored products and has now developed into 4 flavor variants,
namely pizza, spicy chili, cappuccino and seaweed. Now the company is well known in Indonesia
and abroad and because of that, many community micro enterprises have dared to introduce
their products

Reference : Haikal (2023, October 3). Interview on PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL

[Interview Transcript]
"The team told me that this company was very helpful in introducing original Indonesian
products." [Mr. Sudino, 2023]

After working with several community micro business entrepreneurs, the founders of PT GOLDEN
NIAGA INTERNATIONAL realized there were three things they could help community micro
business entrepreneurs in Indonesia:

1. Community entrepreneurs often seek to develop new products or improve existing products
to better meet international market demands. This may involve improving the design,
features or quality of the product.
2. Effective marketing strategies are very important in international trade. And can adopt
innovations in marketing, such as the use of social media, digital marketing, and data analysis
to understand and reach their target market better.
3. More and more business communities are focusing on the environment. They are innovating
in terms of reducing waste, using environmentally friendly raw materials and renewable
energy to meet consumer needs and developing increasingly stringent regulations regarding

Reference : Haikal (2023, October 3). Interview on PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL

[Interview Transcript]

The initiatives taken by PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL provide opportunities for micro
business entrepreneurs to develop in line with sustainable development goals.

This startup has helped more than 100 micro business entrepreneurs make the transition to
selling goods internationally. As a result of this innovation, micro business entrepreneurs can
improve the quality of the goods they sell and can understand the use of new technology,
automation, and advanced supply chain management so that they are more modern and can
increase the number of goods produced.

PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL also encourages micro business entrepreneurs in Indonesia

to be more competent in their business fields and be able to improve economic growth more
than before.

Reference : Haikal (2023, October 3). Interview on PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL

[Interview Transcript]
Exports allow MSMEs to access larger markets, both domestically and abroad. This can result in a
significant increase in revenue. Engaging in export business allows MSMEs to reduce risks
associated with domestic market fluctuations. This helps maintain the stability of their income
and business. To meet export standards, MSMEs often need to improve the quality of their
products. This can provide additional benefits to the domestic market as well. Through exports,
MSMEs can expand their brand reach to international markets. This can improve a brand's image
in the domestic market and help differentiate their products from competitors. Engaging in
international trade opens up opportunities to build strong business relationships with
international partners. This can bring long-term benefits in the form of partnerships and new
business opportunities. MSMEs involved in exports often need to increase their productivity and
efficiency to meet export demand. This can help them be more competitive overall.

Reference : Haikal (2023, October 3). Interview on PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL

[Interview Transcript]


Export businesses carried out by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) can have
significant social and environmental benefits, which also contribute to sustainable development.
The following are several social and environmental benefits that can be obtained from the MSME
export business:
Social Benefit :
➢ A growing MSME export business can create additional jobs in their region. This helps
reduce unemployment rates and provides employment opportunities for local people.
Engaging in the export business often requires specialized skills and knowledge. MSMEs
can provide training to local workers to develop these skills, increasing their
competitiveness in the job market. MSME export businesses can empower local
communities by providing access to international markets. This can increase people's
income and living standards, allowing them to invest more in education and health.

Environmental Benefit :
➢ To meet export standards, MSMEs often have to improve the quality and sustainability of
their products. This can result in more environmentally friendly production practices, such
as better use of raw materials and more efficient waste management. MSME export
businesses that reduce the use of fossil energy, utilize renewable energy, or adopt green
technology can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and negative environmental
impacts. Exports that comply with international environmental standards can help
maintain a country's positive image in terms of sustainability and the environment.

Reference : Haikal (2023, October 3). Interview on PT GOLDEN NIAGA INTERNATIONAL

[Interview Transcript]

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