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Task 1 – grammar

Chose the correct answer

1. When Carol called last night I have watched/did watch/watched/was watching my

favorite TV show.
2. I had been working/was working/worked/have been working for this company for
more than thirty years and I intend/will intend/have intended/was intendingto stay here
until I retire.
3. Sharon loves to travel. She is going/has been going/goes/will go abroad almost every
summer. Next year she plans to go to Peru.
4. Thomas is an author who wrote/has been writing/has written/was writing since he was
a child. Altogether he has been writing/was writing/has written/will be writing seven
novels and three collections of short stories.
5. We were late because we had/will have/have/have had some car problems. By the time
we got to the train Susan is waiting/had been waiting/was waiting/will have been
waiting for us for more than two hours.

💡Task 2 – reading + translation

I провожу мои weekends по-разному. В некоторые weekends, I like to расслабится дома

and немного отдохнуть. I might посмотреть фильмы or TV show, почитать книгу, or just
вздремнуть. В другие weekends, я люблю быть более active. Это может быть пешая or
велосипедная прогулка in the park, спортивные игры with friends, or going to the
тренажерный зал. I тоже like to проводить время с my family и my friends. Мы можем
устроить a barbecue на заднем дворе, go out to eat at a ресторан, or просто пообщаться.
В большинстве случаев, мои weekends — это смесь of relaxation, fun, and productivity, и
я наслаждаюсь being able to отдохнуть от напряженной week, and провести время doing
the things которыми I enjoy.

Task 3 – phrases with “meet”

Translate the phrases, create an example:
1. Meet the standard
2. Meet the expectations
3. Meet the demand
4. Meet the needs
5. Meet the deadline
6. Meet the requirements

Translate the sentences:

1. Я надеюсь мы уложимся в срок
2. Ты сможешь оправдать ожидания
3. Они не могут удовлетворить спрос
4. Эта компания не соответствует стандарту
5. Этот продукт удовлетворяет потребности многих потребителей
6. Этот кандидат полностью отвечает требованиям вакансии

Name a suitable phrase for the definition below:

a) Finish work at the time or by a date that has been agreed on
b) Do something right according to the idea it was planned / anticipated
c) Satisfy market’s requests
d) Satisfy the conditions and terms

Fill in the gaps with the given words:

requirements / expectations / deadline / needs
1. Working under pressure to meet a _______ can be motivating.
2. The new restaurant was disappointing. It didn’t meet our _______.
3. We couldn’t find office space to meet our _______.
4. His application was refused because it did not meet the _______.

📘Task 4 – reading + translation

Scientists: Even a turned off phone on the table

interferes with work. The smartphone is a
отвлечение, even if it is turned off, but is within
sight. The experiment вовлек 2 groups: the first
group had a smartphone on the desktop, and the
second убрала it to an inaccessible place. Those
whose phone was in sight справились с the tasks
much worse. And people without a phone turned out
to have high rates of внимания and memory.


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