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🏆 Task 1 – words


🔆 Task 2 – sentence transformation

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the
first, using no more than three words.

1. Our children walk to school instead of coming by bus.

Our children come to school on ……………….. instead of coming by bus.

2. The test was so difficult that only few of us completed it.

It was ………………… test that only few of us completed it.

3. My brother has borrowed the car from me.

I ………………… my brother the car.

4. I was told about the accident by Jenny.

Jenny ………………….. about the accident.

5. John told Adam he would invite him next time.

John said, 'I ……………………. you next time'.

🤯Task 3 – vocabulary
Name and adjective that starts with the first letter of a given noun:

For example: A box – a big box

1. Music
2. Project
3. Lesson
4. Apartment
5. Celebrity
6. Neighbor
7. Hole
📒Task 4 – translation + video

Днём – реклама, вечером – защита женщин.

В Бразилии сделали ожидание ночных автобусов безопаснее. С наступлением темноты
билборды на остановках превращаются в интерактивные экраны для звонка в колл-
центр, оператор которого составит компанию до приезда автобуса. Акцию запустил
местный оператор наружки Eletromidia. Сначала для теста (кстати, кейс принёс золото
«Каннских львов»), а теперь и на другие 100 остановок в Сан-Паулу, Рио-де-Жанейро
и Кампинасе.


Task 5 – grammar revision

We often want to add more information to a noun, so we can use more than one adjective.
size → age → shape → colour → nationality → material

size age shape colour nationality material noun

old wooden house

big red bus

antique Chinese vase

small round copper coin

large black cat

huge square cheese sandwich

STEP 1: Choose the correct word for each sentence.

1. She is the young French actor in the latest James Bond movie.
2. Isabella is the pretty girl with the long Curly brown hair.
3. I live in a Small _______ old cottage house in the countryside.
4. I want to buy a black Leather _______ jacket for the winter.
5. I worked in a large Modern _______ office in London.
STEP 2: Decide if the sentence is correct or incorrect.
1. Is this blue large sweater yours?
2. What an old lovely house you have.
3. Do you know any interesting Spanish songs?
4. Do we go through the large green door?

STEP 3: Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

big – black – new – pink
1. Tanya bought a _______ _______ jacket yesterday.
2. Look at those _______ _______ clouds!
long – big – beautiful – plastic – black - blonde
1. Who left that _______ _______ _______ bag outside?
2. Maria is the woman with the _______ _______ _______ hair.

🎬Task 6 – watching the video


Translate the words
ingenious exceptional
explore tires
grateful cuisine
represent freshly invented
value for money scratch a head
establishment convince
detour therefore
gas station consistency

📺 The Unexpected Origin of the Michelin Star

Task 7 – grammar
Grammar revision

Chose the correct answer

1. When Carol called last night I have watched/did watch/watched/was watching my

favorite TV show.
2. I had been working/was working/worked/have been working for this company for
more than thirty years and I intend/will intend/have intended/was intendingto stay here
until I retire.
3. Sharon loves to travel. She is going/has been going/goes/will go abroad almost every
summer. Next year she plans to go to Peru.
4. Thomas is an author who wrote/has been writing/has written/was writing since he was
a child. Altogether he has been writing/was writing/has written/will be writing seven
novels and three collections of short stories.
5. We were late because we had/will have/have/have had some car problems. By the time
we got to the train Susan is waiting/had been waiting/was waiting/will have been
waiting for us for more than two hours.


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