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Serving Mankind Inspires Love Everywhere.

The increasing challenges confronting our education system today

have driven students to question the purpose of study and the future
application of their knowledge. As these questions and doubts
continue to plague young minds, the need for understanding and
implementing Human Values in our education system is more
important than ever. Time is rapidly approaching for us All to Serve
and Inspire the youth in our communities and our countries.

An injection of hope in the heart of our world education system is

What do we do?
The answer is “S.M.I.L.E”
What is “S.M.I.L.E.” ?
S.M.I.L.E. is an acronym for:

S - Serving
M - Mankind
I - Inspires
L - Love
E - Everywhere
S.M.I.L.E. is a group of open-minded individuals comprising of
students, professional teachers, businessmen and housewives,
working together on a voluntary basis to serve and inspire the youth
and children of an adopted rural community to integrate values into
their lives.

Recognizing the pressing demand for English language as a

necessary medium of communication in the present times, the
S.M.I.L.E team has undertaken the project of imparting free English
language skills to a group of underprivileged children spanning from
the age of 6 to 15 from the Cillincing locality in Jakarta.
This program was launched on the 18th of August 2002 with the kind
support of The Sai Study Group Jakarta and the Yayasan Pendidikan
Sathya Sai Indonesia.

The Y.P.S.S.I. is an educational organization with the mission of

promoting the Human Values program in the Education system
across the country. The qualified trainers of the Educare program
from the Institute of Sathya Sai Education in Thailand guide the
volunteers of the team. Under their direction, the volunteers are
assisted in formulating interesting lesson plans, which are integrated
with the Human values so as to achieve the dual purpose of
academic progress as well as character development in the child.
The sessions are carefully planned so as to make them interesting
and interactive, incorporating value based stories, song sessions,
group activities etc.

At present the strength of the group of pupils are 60, with almost a
100% attendance at most classes.

The children come from an underprivileged area, where the majority

of the men are employed as laborers at the port, fishermen and
factory workers. The inhabitants of the area live under poor economic
conditions. Moreover some children are even unfortunately deprived
of parental love. Lack of proper guidance and care has led to
distressing situations.

This program has been a gift of hope to many children with high aims
and bright dreams, but lack or even no means of achieving them.

The tuition sessions are held every Sunday on an hourly basis at the
Mahatma Gandhi School in Kemayoran area. Supporting the
S.M.I.L.E team in its cause, the committee of Mahatma Gandhi
School has generously granted permission to use the premises of the
school with the intention of providing children with a suitable
environment for learning. Apart from that, the School has also
assisted by providing free transportation to the children for the
sessions by means of a private school bus.
One of the highlights of this unique program is that the children are
given personal attention and care by each teacher in the class.
The team of 3-4 teachers in each class shares a personal and loving
rapport with each child, guiding them gently and helping them to
boost their morale in many ways.

Medical attention is also offered to those children possessing weak

eyesight thereby helping them to perform better. Field trip and cultural
events are part of the program.

Sunny smiles on the faces of the children are the reward for the
dedication and selfless spirit of the volunteers.

On 23rd November 2004, S.M.I.L.E. launched a free Computer

training program at the school itself. Presently there are 10 children of
age 15 and above undertaking the training.

The success of this program is measured not only by the academic

progress but also by the character development in each child.
Through this program, the S.M.I.LE. Team hopes to achieve its
motive of integrating values into the society, while assisting the
children in being self-reliant.

Every child harbors a certain dream in its hearts, a certain ambition to

achieve, a certain profession to attain.
Every child wishes to be a star in the bright sky.

Aug 21st 2002

Launch of S.M.I.L.E program at Sekolah Gandhi – Pasar Baru

November 2002
Fruit salad- making day. With the objective of learning the English
names of fruits, a fruit salad making activity was held. Children joyfully
participated in the activity of making delicious fruit salad for themselves.
February 2003
Family Day. One of the most memeorable events of S.M.I.L.E. was
Family day, where all parents of S.M.I.L.E children were invited to
watch the children perform a cultural program in English. Parents
and teachers interacted for the first time, and exchanged valuable
ideas and progress reports of the children. Music, dance and games
were a part of the great event.
August 2003
Cleanliness Drive.
S.M.I.L.E. shifted its base to a school in the local vicinity of Cillincing. A
Cleanliness drive was held in the school area. All the children and
teachers enthusiastically participated in cleaning the school compound.

January 2004
Mahatma Gandhi School- Kemayoran generously offered the school
premises for the S.M.I.L.E. operation.
March 2004
A SPORTS day was held for the children at the Gandhi school-
Ancol. Competitive games, and sporting activities were held. Team
spirit and co-operation were emphasized through value games.
August 2004
A day of games and fun was organized to commemorate the 2nd year
anniversary of S.M.I.L.E.

December 2004
S.M.I.L.E. launched its “ Free Computer Course”. The children
participated in a cultural show at the school premises on the 12th.
The cultural show was a part of the Sathya Sai Birthday Celebrations
on 12th Dec.

February 2005
S.M.I.L.E. children were invited to be a part of a celebration of “Love”
by the Sri Sathya Sai Children.

July 2005
A field trip was held for the children at the Sea-World. For many
children who haven’t visited the magnificent attraction, the picnic was
an eye-opener to the beauty of the Marine world.

Field trip to Sea - World

S.M.I.L.E celebrates its 3rd year anniversary with a Talent contest.
Value-based roleplays, songs, and poems in English and Bahasa
were a part of the happy celebration
S.M.I.L.E undertakes a project to rebuild a house for a family living in
dire conditions in Cillincing, the locality of S.M.I.L.E. children.
The family comprises of a widow by the name of Ibu Musi, and her
13 children. She provides for them through her meager earnings by
selling basic meals as a street hawker.
She lived in a house with very poor hygienic condition, on top of this
since the house level was much lower than the surrounding they
would be submerged in water for days during high tide and heavy
Her condition was brought to attention to S.M.I.L.E. and after a
through survey done by a team of S.M.I.L.E. teachers, The smile
team has taken the responsibility to give this family a better home.
Thus REBUILDING of a more conducive home for this family begun,
and the smile children contributed by painting and working on the
finishing of this home.
We offer this project as our gift to swami on his 80th birthday 2005.
The house to be rebuilt by S.M.I.L.E.
Work in progress

Kartini Day – 21st April 2006 – Celebrated on Sunday, 23rd April 2006

Raden Ajeng Kartini, born on 21st April 1879, was a prominent

Javanese and an Indonesian national heroine. Ibu Kartini is known
as a pioneer in the area of women's rights for native Indonesians.
This year, to commemorate her great service for her country, the
SMILE kids and teachers were asked to dress in traditional
Indonesian costumes - Kebaya and Batik.
This helped in building the feeling of patriotism in the SMILE kids.
Stories relating to Ibu Kartini were shared with the children. dames
and interactive sessions too were played.

Fun-trip to ICE World – 2nd July 2006

The Fun-trip was organised to present the kids with an experience

they may never get to know in our tropical country, Indonesia.
The visit to Ice World, exposed them to the change of weather other
countries in the West experience.
It was a frozen world with the temperature at -10°C. As our SMILE
kids come from an undeveloped area, in a hot weathered country, it
was an exciting and memorable adventure for them. Skating on ice
slides was the best fun for them. They were amazed at the frozen
snowman, icy tunnels and bridges.
This trip served our purpose of teaching them how to appreciate
different facets of Mother Nature.
SMILE Birthday Celebration – 3rd September 2006

SMILE celebrated its fourth birthday in 2006. The occasion was

marked with a break from the regular classes. Instead the children
were treated to an afternoon of fun, frolic and games.

As soon as the children arrived, they knew it was going to be a

special day for them. Instead of being led to their classrooms, they
were brought to the auditorium, which had been specially decorated
for the celebration.

The programme began with a few games, in which all the children
participated with gusto. Gifts were handed out to the winners, which
increased their high spirits. Next, the projects of the Computer
children were showcased, which were greeted with great applause
from the rest of the audience.

After lunch and the cake-cutting ceremony, the afternoon culminated

in a beautiful and moving speech given by Uncle Pritam, in which he
encouraged the children to pursue their dreams and never give up,
no matter how many hardships they had to face.
Eye Care Seva – 1st October 2006

Eyes are our windows to the world and are probably the most
receptive out of the senses that we’ve been blessed with. Keeping
this in mind, the SMILE teachers organized an Eye Care Seva.

In this seva, the SMILE children had their eyesights tested, and those
who suffered from weak eyesights were given eye-glasses, with their
corresponding powers, for free. There were professional opticians
who, besides conducting the tests, also gave advice to the children
regarding methods on how to take care of their eyesight.

The children were touched and grateful when they received their own
eye-glasses two weeks after the seva was carried out. Many of them
had previously never even gone to the optician and had resigned
themselves to a lifetime of blurry vision. This seva provided them with
what they had always needed.

It was an enriching experience for everyone – teachers and students

alike. In the future, we plan to carry out more sevas such as this one.

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