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The graphs below show information about the global population from 1800

to 2100 and the number of people living in different world regions from
2015 to 2040. In general, the world population will reach its peak in the
year 2050, mostly contributed by the population growth in developing
The world’s population has always seen a rising trend since 1800, and is
estimated to reach the peak in 20r0. Starting with 1 billion people in 1800,
the population rose slowly but steadily and doubled itself after 120 years.
The population started to grow faster in 1920, at a rate of about 500 millions
people in 30 years. Since 1950, the world population has rosed with the
fastest rate ever seen: while there is only 2.5 billion people in 1950, the
number is estimated to be 8 billion in 2050. After that period, the polulation
is predicted to drop quickly until reaching 6 billion people in 2100.
While the population in developed is predicted to be stable from 2015 to
2040, the number of people in developing region makes a sharp growth in
the same period. Population in developed regions stays at about 1.3 billion
people through the 25 years period. By contrast, developing regions’
population is predicted to rise at a rate of 1 billion people every 15 years,
from 2.1 billion in 2015 to 4 billion in 2040, significantly contributes to the
growth of wo
Vinh Loc (236 words)

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