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I.In each of the following sentences, provide the blanks with suitable modal of permission,
ability, possibility, probability etc according to the context of the sentences.

1. Ruchira is ill today. She……………… not come to school.

2. ……… I talk to Ms Shailaja, please?
3. The sky is not clear today. The flight to Goa………. be delayed.
4. If you believe in yourself, you…………… definitely do it.
5. …………..I request you for your name madam?
6. The lid of the box is very tightly fixed. ……………… help me to open it?
7. When Riya called up, Shreshth was not home. He………. be there at his friend’s
8. Nicky, you………………. wait for the Director in the lobby. He………….. be here in 20-
30 minutes.
9. Driving without putting on the seat belt……… really prove to be harmful.
10. He………….. solve even complex mathematics in a jiffy.

II Read the sentences and choose the correct modal that’s to be used.

1. (May/should) I use your mobile to call my mother?

2. You (must/could) not speak loudly in the hospital.
3. I (could/must) use a little help in packing all these clothes.
4. Madam (could/may) you repeat what you said?
5. I (can/might) not be able to make it tonight.
6. Sheldon (ought to/must) study more if he wants to pass the test.
7. (Can/May) you come to the program with me?
8. My parents (shall/ought to) arrive soon.
9. I (could/must) be late as I have a lot on my plate.
10. My teacher (can/must) speak four languages.

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