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Insert a Cover Page

Insert an interesting or eye-catching image (make sure you include the source in your reference list!)

Give your report an appropriate title – feel free to be creative!

Include the following information on your title page:

 Your name
 Teachers Name
 Class code (e.g. MAT092A)
 Maths course (e.g. 9 Core Mathematics 2023)
 Assessment item description (that is: Unit 4 PSMT)
 Word count (update this when you finish writing your PSMT)

In the footer on this template, change the ‘Student Name’ to your name.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 Considerations (Formulate)........................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Observations..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Assumptions..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 The Plan.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.4 Use of Technology.......................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 Solution................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Part A – Measures of Centre/Spread & Fences.................................................................................................3
3.2 Part B – Graphs................................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.3 Solution............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.0 Evaluation.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Reasonableness of Solution....................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1.1 Consideration of Results............................................................................................................4
4.1.2 Consideration of Assumptions and Observations......................................................................4
4.2 Strengths and Limitations.......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2.1 Strengths:...................................................................................................................................4
4.2.2 Limitations:.................................................................................................................................4
5.0 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
6.0 Reference List....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.0 Appendixes............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
7.1 Evidence of Excel Application................................................................................................................................... 6

The table of contents will update automatically from the headings in your report. You should not have to
edit the table in any way if you keep the headings used here in this report template.

Make sure you update the table of contents (including page numbers) when you finish your report.

Student Name 9 Mathematics Unit 4 PSMT 2023 Page 1 of 6

1.0 Introduction
Provide the context of the situation, the problem to be solved and state the aim of the investigation.

This must be in your own words – do not copy from the task sheet!

2.0 Considerations (Formulate)

2.1 Observations

2.2 Assumptions

2.3 Translation
Summarise how you plan to find a solution to the problem. Outline the mathematics you are going to use as

2.4 Justification
Justify why you are using the maths listed in the translation section and why you aren’t using anything

Student Name 9 Mathematics Unit 4 PSMT 2023 Page 2 of 6

3.0 Solution
3.1 Part A – Measures of Centre/Spread
You need to show the complete calculations including formula, substitution, and answer (correctly
rounded). Equation editor must be used to write formula and calculations.

3.2 Part B – Graphs

You should create your graphs in Excel to show the skewness of the distributions.

3.3 Solution
Based on your calculations, state your preliminary solution here. Make sure you answer the question posed
in the task / context.

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4.0 Evaluation

4.1 Reasonableness of Solution

4.1.1 Consideration of Results
Do your results / solutions seem reasonable?

4.1.2 Consideration of Assumptions and/or Observations

Did you make appropriate assumptions and/or observations? If not, what ones would you change, why and
how will these changes affect your solutions.

4.2 Strengths and Limitations of the Solution

4.2.1 Strengths: What works well and what is good about your solution?

4.2.2 Limitations: What are the weaknesses of your solution? What may not work? Is the
solution limited in some way?

5.0 Conclusion
Summarise your entire report in 2 or 3 sentences. You should include the aim of the report and the solution.

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6.0 Reference List
Use APA referencing.
What sources did you use to complete this task? (Remember the picture on the cover page!)

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