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Exercise 1

Fill in the blank spaces with the following words or phrases.

like to hike at all prefer
crazy about hiking better hate quite

1. She is so kind and beatiful. I am crazy about her.

2. Which do you like better? tea or coffee?
3. I like hiking better than than camping.
4. It’s so boring. I don’t like it at All
5. I quite like it. It’s not too bad.
6. Do you like to go on picnic or hike?
7. She is a kind of girl that I prefer she is charming with long and wavy hair and she has a
good personality.
8. Charles Bronson? I’ve never liked him. I hate him
9. She prefers me like him.
10. I think I to jazz to rock music.

Exercise 2

Rephrase the following sentences:

Use: like .......... better than ...........or prefer ........... to ....................

1. He prefers watching TV better than going to the movie.

2. My mother prefer likes trousers better than skirts.
3. Andi prefers Charade better than Forsa.
4. John prefer likes to read magazine better than to listen to the news.
5. Does James prefer reading better than novels to watching videos?
6. Does Mary prefer like John better than Robert?
7. Mom doesn’t prefer hot-dogs to better than pizza
8. Juan used to like prefer pineapples better than lychee juice.
9. Tracy and Tresna prefer sorccer better than volley ball.
10. I prefer liked being here better than there.

Exercise 3

Ask your friend about the table below:.

For examples:
Does Cathy like the study club?
Yes, she does.
How much she like it?
She loves it.

No. Hobbies tasya evi gerri nora jihan ekel

1. Study club √ × × √√ × √

2. Cross country × √√ √ √ √√√ ×

3. Camping × √√√ √ √√ √√√ ×

4. Eating out √√ × √√ × √ √

5. Driving √ × × × √√√ √

6. Singing × × √√√ √ × √

7. Tennis sport √√ √ × √ √ √

8. Cooking √√√ √ × √√ × √

Love : √√√
Enjoy : √√
Like : √
Hate : ×
1.Does tasya like study club?
Yes ,right
How much does he like it?
She likes it
2.does evi like singing
How much she don’t like?
She hates it
3.does gerri like eating out
Yes, right
How much does he like it?
H enjoyed it
4.does jihan hate driving?
No, she likes it
How much does she like it?
She loves it
5.does ekel love cooking?
No,he likes it
How much does he like it
He likes it
Exercise 4

Ask your friend about he/she likes/dislikes to do, especially in their spare timeite the.
Then, write the notes into the table below.

For example:
You : Donny, what do you like to do in your spare time.?
Donny : I like to watch TV.
You : What TV program do you like best?
Donny : I like musical programs.
You : What do you dislike the most?
Donny : I dislike cooking.

No. Name Likes Specially Dislike Specially

1 Winer Watch Tv Musical program cooking Cooking


2 Novita shopping clothes Watch Tv drama

3 Triwani Watch movie Korean drama dance Dancing


4 Farid sport Boxing sport cooking Cooking


5 Ruth Reading novels Fictional story sport swimming

Exercise 5

Answer the questions by yourself.

I : “what do you like to do when you are free.”
You : I like to watch tv
I : “Do you like to go fishing?”
You : yes ,I like to go fishing
I : “How do you like camping?”
You : I like camping because I can learn how survive in the wild nature
I : “How about music? Do you like it very much?”
You : yes ,I like very much
I : “What type of music do you like?”
You : My type of music is rock
I : “And who is your favorite musician?”
You : my favorite musician is muse
I : All right, I thing you’re quite musical
You : oke thank you
Exercise 6

Rewrite the three conversations into paragraphs.

1. A: Whoa, look at all those ice cream choices!

B: Yes, that is a lot of choices. What is your favorite?

A: I love anything with chocolate the best.

B: I like chocolate myself.

A: Is there any kind of ice cream you don't like?

B: I really don't like any ice cream with nuts in it.

A: I haven't ever cared for that myself.

B: Have you ever had garlic ice cream?

A: That sounds absolutely disgusting!

B: It was. Let's stick with the regular choices today, though.

There are lots of ice cream choices, he likes anything with chocolate in it the most, and
he really doesn't like ice cream with nuts in it, he never eats garlic flavored ice cream
because it sounds so disgusting

2. A: There are so many flavors of ice cream to choose from!

B: Yes, there must be about a hundred. Do you have a favorite?

A: I love fruit flavored ices the best.

B: Yes, fresh fruit flavored is the best ever.

A: What is your least favorite ice cream?

B: I don't like peppermint ice cream.

A: Yes, I know what you mean.

B: One time, I tried garlic ice cream.

A: That could be interesting.

B: That doesn't sound like a good choice for today. Let's order!
There are many choices of ice cream flavors, and he chose fruit flavored ice cream,
fresh fruit flavor is the best, his least favorite ice cream flavor is peppermint ice cream,
trying garlic flavored ice cream is not a good choice

3. A: I have never seen so many flavors of ice cream in one place!

B: There certainly are a lot. Can you choose a favorite?

A: Vanilla with toppings is my favorite.

B: Is there anything as good as a hot fudge sundae?

A: No way!

B: I don't like ice cream with too many different flavors in it.

A: I agree with that, it just doesn't work for me.

B: I saw garlic ice cream on the menu once.

A: I think that that would be horrible!

B: I think I'll stick with a more traditional choice today!

His favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla with topping, he doesn't like ice cream with too
many flavors in it, according to him garlic flavored ice cream is not too bad

Don’t forget
spare time
to like
to dislike
to hate
to like ............ better ...........
to prefer ............. to .............
crazy about
quite much
very much
a lot
a little

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