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1.How connectives are represented in prolog programming?

Expressing Logical ConnectivesProlog's syntax is different from the

usual mathematical notation: , represents conjuction and ; disjunction.
We define a few predicates to provide a more expected syntax. We do
not need to define one for NOT because Prolog already has not(X)

2. What are the components of a deep learning network?

 Input layer. An artificial neural network has several nodes that input data into
it. ...
 Hidden layer. The input layer processes and passes the data to layers further in
the neural network. ...
 Output layer. The output layer consists of the nodes that output the data.
3 How deep learning works?

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning. Unlike traditional

machine learning algorithms, many of which have a finite
capacity to learn no matter how much data they acquire, deep
learning systems can improve their performance with access to
more data: the machine version of more experience.

4. Define Markov decision process.

A Markov decision process (MDP) is defined as a stochastic decision-making process
that uses a mathematical framework to model the decision-making of a dynamic system
in scenarios where the results are either random or controlled by a decision maker,
which makes sequential decisions over time.

5. passive reinforcement:
In passive reinforcement learning, the agent only receives
feedback in the form of rewards or penalties at the end, and it
must use this information to make predictions about the best
action to take in the future.
6. What is active reinforcement learning?

Active reinforcement learning is when the agent actively chooses the actions to perform
based on the current state of the environment. This means that the agent has complete
control over its actions and is free to explore different options to determine the best way
to maximize its reward

7. What are types of reinforcement learning?

Active and passive (above)

8.What is reinforcement learning?

machine learning training method based on rewarding desired behaviors and punishing
undesired ones. In general, a reinforcement learning agent -- the entity being trained -- is
able to perceive and interpret its environment, take actions and learn through trial and

9. Distinguish Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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