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1. What is the internet ?

2. How does the internet work ?

3. What is benefits ?
4. What can be video chat ?
5. Where e-commerce allows people in the united states ?
6. What is social media ?
7. What are harms of the internet ?
8. Why students should get limited acess to the internet ?

1. The Internet is a vast network that connects billions of devices such as computers,
mobile phones all around the world. You can get nearly any data, communicate with
anybody all around the globe, and do a lot more with the Internet. All of this is possible by
connecting a device to the Internet, generally known as going online.

2. The answer is quite difficult, and explaining it would take a long time. Rather, let’s try
taking a glance at some of the crucial details you should be aware of. It’s critical to
remember that the Internet is a worldwide system of physical links, including copper
phone lines, television cables, and fibre optic cords. Even wireless technologies such as
Wi-Fi and 4G have physical cords to connect to the network.

3. The Internet is the ideal platform to seek information. We can use web browsers to find
information. We can use the internet to gather and send information. We can use this
for buying and selling our things. We can use it for paying our living expenses and bills. It
can also be used for studies. It gives us access to internet results.

4. A video chat can be held with anybody around the globe who has access to the
particular platform. This has aided research, corporate communication, governmental
media releases, and other industries where efficient communication is essential.

5. E-commerce allows people in the United States to purchase items in Africa, Europe,
Asia and other places around the world with a few clicks. If you’ve a used vehicle, phone,
or computer, simply list it on an online shopping site and you will be paid for selling it.
6. Social media is a platform that allows us to exchange information such as our opinions,
photos, and videos with people all over the world. Also, social media serves as a platform
for entertainment, and it has other applications too such as digital marketing, advertising
and sharing common interests.

7. Harms: Teenagers are squandering their time on the internet conversing mindlessly.
The internet is also being used by cybercriminals to mislead the public. Sometimes
data is not accurate and reliable. Morally wrong sites are easily accessible to the
younger generation. Long-term internet use could affect our vision.

1. Health Issues

Excessive usage of the internet is harmful to students’ health. Students are the world’s
future, and they should remain healthy in order to focus on their academics and grow into
responsible people. We can witness numerous students spending several hours in front of
their device displays due to the abundance of the internet. They continue to play games
online and converse on social media platforms. This causes back discomfort, muscle
cramps, vision impairments, and a variety of other posture-related ailments. All of these
physical issues have a significant effect on academic performance, causing them to lag
behind. The Internet is a place where students can easily become addicted and have their
lives turned upside down.

2. Affect on relationships

This is today’s most severe issue among students. They spend most of their time online and
have very little contact with members of the family or friends. As a result, familial
relationships are weakened. Students who spend vast majority of their time on internet
have an unhealthy physique as a result of lack of physical activity, poor academic
performance as a result of surfing worthless websites, and a separation from family as a
result of not having time to meet family and interact. Students are unconcerned about their
physical and financial well-being, as well as their personal and social lives. They only care
about one thing: staying online. There are numerous incidents of students being harmed as
a result of excessive internet use, reminding us of the importance of limiting internet access
for pupils.

3. Adult Websites

Students must concentrate on their academics and not be distracted by trivial or negative
matters. On the other hand, they can readily be introduced to pornographic websites
via internet. This type of website can be found in enormous numbers. Students may
unintentionally access these websites and gradually may get addicted to them. Students
became a threat to others around them since they are not old enough to realize anything.
Students who are exposed to such things at a young age are more likely to commit crimes.
Many situations exist where we may see evidence of these types of crimes committed by
school or college kids as a result of their addiction to these terrible websites. Predators
pursue young schoolboys and girls, pretending to share similar interests and eventually
luring them into the realm of adultery. Many young pupils have been abducted and
exploited as a result of these predators. These atrocities are yet another reason why
students should have limited access to the Internet.

4. Cheating

Students may take advantage of the idea that the internet contains all content in a negative
way. During examinations, they use browsers to seek answers to their questions, resulting
in fake findings. Many institutions have prohibited the use of internet and phones in the
classroom in order for students to concentrate on their studies instead of browsing the
internet. This also makes it difficult for pupil to improve their grades by hard work. Reduced
internet usage can help pupil become more conscious of the problem of cheating. Cheating
does not simply refer to cheating on exams; there have been numerous instances when
students have hacked into school sites and altered marks and student details. They break
into their institution’s sites to find out what homework they have and how to complete.

5. Misleading Games

Dangerous games, such as Blue Whale, can also be found on the internet. They prey on
students and young kids, luring them into completing pointless things before killing
themselves. They build friendships with the pupil and then, after they have all of the data
and have figured out their vulnerabilities, they mentally assault and manipulate them. There
have been numerous instances of students committing suicide as a result of Blue Whale.
Such games are a danger to today’s youth. Students are particularly vulnerable to
exploitation and enticing, making the internet a dangerous place for them.


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