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Effect of teachers’ motivation on their working performance.

Comparing boarding school

and twelve years’ basic education in Rwanda.

Article in University Of Kigali (UOK), October ,2022

University of Kigali Educational management and administration(MED)
P.O BOX2611, Kigali- Rwanda

Effect of teachers’ motivation on their factors and teachers’ competences have

positive significance effect on teachers’
working performance. Comparing
performance. The results found out in the
boarding school and twelve years’ basic table indicated that 96.5% of the variation in
dependent variables (teachers working
education in Rwanda.
performance) can be explained by teachers’
competences, means that there is positive
significance effect on teachers’ performance.
ABSTRACT Based on the findings about inequality of
The study aims at assessing “the effects of teaching and learning condition I request to
teachers’ motivation to their working the government of Rwanda to ensure equal
performance”. Then this study has been caring teachers either from boarding or
conducted in Burera district, with study 12YBES and providing enough school
questions like Investigate the effects of requirement that will increase the chance of
hygienic factors, effects of motivating factors increasing teachers working performance
, and effects of teachers competences on
teachers’ working performance in boarding 1. Introduction
and Twelve years’ basic education schools in
Burera district/ Rwanda Compare the effect This research indicated that teachers’
of teachers’ motivation on working motivation generally promote their level of
performance among boarding and Twelve participation in the teaching activities. It is
years’ schools in Burera district/Rwanda clear that a motivated teacher will work
where data have been collected by using harder, develop new techniques and
questionnaires, interviews, class activities, and in general reinforced for
observations and document review to find developing the learners’ opportunities that
related answers . the total population develop his/her career (Gokce, 2010). As a
estimated to be 83 composed by 70 and 13 teacher, it is better to be intrinsically and
administrators from GS Butete and E.S extrinsically to spearhead motivation and
Kagogo as schools in Burera district satisfaction to teachers in order to maintain
/Rwanda. The results found out in the the motivation to teach over the course of
boarding school indicated that 65.9% of the one’s career. Teachers’ motivation is relying
variation in dependent variables (teachers on different factors, including compensation,
working performance) can be explained by success in the classroom, their recognition,
motivator factors, hygienic factors and the training they receive and the prospect of
teachers’ competences have positive promotion and career advancement (Sah,
significance effect of teachers’ performance. 2016). A study of determining influence of
The results found out in 12YBES indicated motivator, hygienic factors and teachers’
that 98.6 % of the variation in dependent competences are, therefore, paramount as
variables (teachers working performance) motivation is the trigger force behind all
can be explained by hygienic motivator actions the teachers take at workplace. While
most studies on teacher motivation have been and support of fellow workers and managers
centered in secondary and university settings, makes the employee feel motivated, as never
as it appears that few studies have been done before, to attain this need with great intensity,
on teacher motivation, especially in Rwanda so, love and belongingness become the
context. The main objective of this study is to paramount need for the employee at work and
investigate the effect of teachers’ motivation help to accomplish the available tasks in
to their working performance in twelve accurate manner Esteem and autonomy ,( the
years’ basic education like G.S Butete and need for respect, appreciation ,empowerment
boarding school like E.S Kagogo in Burera and being given a voice and right Esteem
district/ Rwanda. needs indicate a need to respect one’s rights,
According to (Herzberg ,1968) reported by appreciation of one’s ability and capacity,
(Rikard Dahlberg, 2015), revealed that acknowledgement of one’s achievement and
Herzberg’s two factors theory focusing on recognition of one’s autonomy and
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation applied on independence by (Anyim et al.2012), Self -
teachers to work effectively, emphasized that actualization, is the highest needs which
different factors in working environment are entire doing and achieving one’s best
considered to create satisfaction (motivation) potential, indicated that fulfillment of
on teachers in order to strive for better employees needs play great role in context of
performance and prevent dissatisfaction in their performance because the employees
their working site. Also stated that when needs are the core motivators to empower
teachers are motivated help them to enhance their performance in their assigned activities.
their performance. According to Abraham This needs are needed by teachers to reach
Maslow (1908-1970) reported by (R. H. M. their full potential
Fallatah and J. Syed ,2018) indicated the Figule1: Indicating Maslow hierarchy
motivation into five needs and arranging needs.
these hierarchical order of importance to
employees, which are physiological need
(via such as food, water and breathing.
Employees who have physiological needs
that they seek to satisfy and are specifically
necessary for their motivation at work
Security (safety needs such as financial
safety and safety against redundancy and
harm) At this second level security is major
pursuit needs such as a fear of job instability
by (Aworemi et al.2011, Khan et al.2011)
reported by R. H. M. Fallatah and J. Syed
,2018) this needs are helpful for employees to
achieve the organizational activities when
this needs are not provided the working This research is indicating teacher’s
intention can’t be achieved then perturbed the motivation as teachers with elaborate
target of organization working conditions, means that they attend
jobs at time being courageous and increase
Social needs are the need for love, working efforts in their daily activities,
friendship, acceptance and belongingness Ozbilen et al, (2020). While working
The absence of friend ship, encouragement performance refers to how teachers stimulate
the success of schools and elaborate general Weibel, Meike wiemann &Margit osterlon,
opportunities to all school beneficiaries 2014). intrinsic motivation whenever
economically, socially and politically in employees regulate their emotions for the
context of educational development to scale pleasure of regulating them. There is no
enhance required competent skilled labors contingency or rewards linked with the
market to act in different domains Baris behavior, and individual acts for the
Yildis, Gokhan Gunay, and Fatih Mutlu interests, challenges, or their pressure or
Ozbilen,2020). This research if aiming to regulating emotions. In the content of
enhance educational development which will emotional labor, expressing an authentic
base on equal share and providing the same smile can be easily seen as intrinsically act
opportunities both in 12 YBE and Boarding (Michel. Cossette, 2014). While Extrinsic
schools that will boost up general required motivation, is external incentives for the
competency, skills and knowledge for future individuals (awards or penalties). There
worldwide life success. makes mediated satisfaction possible,
especially by the means of money
2. LITERATURE REVIEW (Antoinette Weibel, Meike wiemann
&Margit osterlon, 2014). Is form of
2.1 Concept of motivation and teacher motivation in which teachers act to feel worth
working performance and to preserve their self -esteem provided
(Jeenvan, 2017) revealed that teachers are from external pressure introjection implies a
motivated when they are advantaged to create pressure that comes from within the persons
innovation to improve education quality and (Michel, cossette,2014). Extrinsic motivation
willingly to create institutional solutions of requires the presence of stimulus in order for
existing challenges and problems. According the behavior to occur. The stimulus is
to (Weinstein and C.R DeHaan,2014) typically in form of a reward for performing
teachers’ motivation are ways in which work safety or a negative consequences
teachers at work place initiating and directing when work is not performed safety, should be
their school activities through energize involvement of bonus, pressure from external
behavior, generate and increase tasks agencies such as professional associations.
engagement, and direct actions towards According to Ozbilen et al, (2020) motivated
certain ends or goals. As noted above teachers are the ones who elaborate their
according to (Nathan C. Hall &Thomas working conditions, means that they attend
Goetz,2013), motivation is assumed to result jobs at time being courageous and increase
from personal evaluations of the desirability working efforts in their daily activities,
and expectations regarding the feasibility of always are alert to discover and develop
the options for actions, these stable school opportunities in which the success is
motivational tendencies and beliefs delivered attained.
from interests, goal orientations, and
assumptions about one’s personal
capabilities. Herzberg’s Motivation
Theory (external and
In context of school teachers have both
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic intrinsic motivation)
motivation, is hedonistic preference, self-
serving for one’s own fulfillment of one into forms of intrinsic and extrinsic
being or wellbeing of another (Antoinette motivation which rely on different factors,
motivators factors, such as achievements,
recognition advancement, growth, while This implies that Factors related to
Hygienic factors include company policies dissatisfaction come to be called “hygiene
supervision, relationships, work conditions factors” based on how covered work
remunerations, salary and security. The environment. Means that the motivators aim
motivation is how workers needs are satisfied to create satisfaction and motivation when
included, their interest in, challenging work they exist, but not dissatisfaction if they are
not present. The present of hygiene factors
and available friendly coworkers,
prevents dissatisfaction but they do not
opportunities for growth, high respects and necessarily create satisfaction. Hygiene
high trust at work place. (Hart- factors are company policy, supervision and
Holzberger,2022) revealed that teacher relationship, working conditions, salaries,
motivation indicated by involvement of security while motivators factors are
heterogeneous higher order construct that achievement recognition, interesting works,
subsumes a different of constructs like self- increased responsibility and advancement
efficacy, enthusiasm, goal -orientation, and growth that increase the workers’ efforts
interest, self-regulatory skills and of insolvent in activity performance, in
autonomous motivation that encourage absence of these factors teachers’
personal mind to achieve duties. According performance become very low.
to (Herzberg ,1968) reported by (Rikard 2.2 Effects of teachers’ competences on
Dahlberg, 2015), Herzberg categorized their working performance
According to (M. Mulder and J. Winterton
Figule2: Indicating interworking of 2017) revealed that World Wide competence
Herzberg theory (extrinsic and intrinsic based education gained much interest as
innovation to prepare more effectively for
motivation) superior performance to overcome the
barriers between the World of education and
the work and to align the educational
programs in vocational profession and high
education to the labor markets needs and
educational development in society.
Professional competence of teachers is seen
as thee generic integrated and internalized
capability to deliver sustainable effective
performance including problem solving,
realizing innovation and creating
transformation in educational domain argued
by (M. Vonken, 2017). According to A.T
.Evers and B.I.J.M. Vander, Heijok (2017)
indicated that competence indicate a teachers
no longer depends on rules guide lines, has
an intuitive grip of situations established on
deep understanding , has analytical methods
used only in new situations and has a vision
of what is possible in achieving the school
duties to enhance developed education.
2.3 Effects of Motivator factors to (Alena Agullar, 2018) revealed that
teachers working performance educational institution the first things to cater
(Eduward L. Deci and Richard M. for are micro, social, political and economic
Ryan,2014) revealed that when teachers ’s issues in the context of school societies,
basic psychological needs are satisfied in the where teachers must be efficiently paid
working place they are more autonomously (offering salaries) and socially treated as
motivated to work, and when their basic people who can influence the development of
needs are thwarted they are controlled or a institutions, by addressing racism, classism
motivated when at work. Autonomous and sexism that exist in his/her society and
motivation, which recruits the whole- hearted taken as the motivation that prompt effective
efforts of teachers to perform better the working in order to enhance efficient
school activities, has payoffs in terms of productivity. Head teachers at schools have
productivity, creativity, and lower burnout to emphasis on teachers social wellbeing to
and turnover. care through caring them strongly to be
healthy that bring jo to employees lives and
build empathy for each other that help boost
(R. Chard M. Ryan & Eduward L. Deci, up the performance of in institution to fulfill
2017) revealed that both intrinsic and its objectives. (S-Jonson, Reimer Terwindt,
extrinsic motivation favor employees’ / James Townsend and Sharath Jeevan, 2017)
teachers performance because there is links indicated that to improve teachers’ incentives
the individuals, effective and efficiency is related to encouragement their selves –
performance of their assigned activities. efficiency, commitment to perform school
Motivation must consider how the assigned duties that facilitate accurate
characteristics of an activity and context are accomplishment of school goals hence
experienced and engaged in by individuals in wellbeing of institutions.
question. the teachers at schools will be
intrinsically and extrinsically motivated for 3.THE STUDY
different activities to the degree that he or she
3.1 study population
finds inherently interesting and enjoyable,
Kumar. R, (2011) defined population as the
which is in turn a junction of proximal to
totality of persons or objects which a study is
basic need satisfactions.
concerned. In this study the population was
Use of controls to motivate performance on
comprised by 60 people of G.S Butete both
an interesting or complex activity seems to
teachers and school administrators’ staffs and
lead teachers to narrow their focus and take a
of 23 people of E.S Kagogo both teachers,
shortcut to the extrinsic outcome rather than
and school administrators’ staffs. Researcher
taking interest in and having a full
choose this population because they realize
engagement with the activity itself. (B. Baris
that both staffs are involved day to day
Yildis, Gokhan Gunay, and Fatih Mutlu
teaching activities.
Ozbilen,2020) indicated that teacher
motivation serves as an umbrella for 3.2 The research methodology
innovations in teaching and learning process, In this study summarize the tools and
which stimulate the success of schools in techniques that have been used to investigate
context of educational development to the effects of teachers’ motivation on their
enhance required competent skilled labors working performance especially in G.S
market. Butete as 12 YBE and E.S Kagogo as
Boarding school. The survey method is
appropriate as it indicating the development because it helps to collect the information
of questionnaire based on different teachers’ that questionnaire cannot collect.
motivational elements indicated in literature  Documentation
review. D uring the collection for secondary data,
a researcher read the different documents
3.3 Tools and instruments for Data related to the research purpose those are
collection concerning to the school report
The instruments that will be used for the describing the annual teachers working
purpose of the study are questionnaires and performance based on school imihigo
interviews in hand of primary data and program where all teachers at particular
documentation in hand secondary data. The school has a file indicating his/ her
questions for people will be issued in teaching performance at the end of year
accordance with the research work and the indicated by given imihigo marks given
research questions and will be framed in a by Head teacher’s school, the marks
way that it would not be misunderstood by given for teachers are basement to be
the respondents. given annual working bonus.
 questionnaires
The researcher has been use an open- 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
ended question for giving the space Table1: Analysis of variance of motivator
explanation to the respondents where factors, hygienic factors and teachers’
there is information that will not be competences on their working
mentioned in questioned in the performance in boarding school (E.S
questionnaires. The closed ended KAGOGO)
questions have been used. The ANOVA
questionnaire used to gather data for this Model Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
study was adapted from the Teacher Regression 2.644 3 .881 12.257 .000b
Motivation and Job Satisfaction Survey
1 Residual 1.366 19 .072
by Mertler (2001). The respondents are
Total 4.010 22
asked to indicate their level of motivation
a. Dependent Variable: T.W.P
to 17 motivational factors, using a five- b. Predictors: (Constant), T.C, Hygienic, Motivator
point Likert scale of Poorly motivated =
1, Slightly motivated = 2, Neutral = 3, The table 1 indicated that there is significance
Motivated = 4 and Strongly motivated = relationship between motivator factors
5. hygienic factors and teachers’ competences
 Interview in Rwandan government aided schools. This
Interview is a conversion between two or implies that null hypothesis is rejected while
more people, where interviewer asked alternative hypothesis is accepted. Here there
questions to interviewee. This is helpful is significance relationship between
in obtaining deeply views of teachers, and motivator factors, hygienic factor and
students related to the issue. Interview teachers’ competences on teachers working
involves face to face discussions between performance. This implies that one unit of
the research and respondents therefore it change in independent variables (Motivator
gives a researcher an opportunity to factors, hygienic factors and teachers’
penetrate further and keep the responses competences) decrease dependent variable
on the issue of interest. This method is a (teachers working performance) by 4.010
complement to the questionnaires
Regression analysis on both motivator and teachers’ competences on teachers The
factors, hygienic factors and teachers’ table 4 indicated that there are positive effects
competences on their working performance among motivator factors, hygienic factors
in twelve years’ basic education (GS BUTETE) and teachers’ competences on teachers
Table3: Model summary of motivator working performance. This implies that one
factors, hygienic factors and teachers’ unit of change in independent variables
competences (Motivator factors, hygienic factors and
teachers’ competences) decrease dependent
Model Summary variable (teachers working performance)
Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error by.26.389
Square Square of the
Comparing the effects of teachers’
1 .993a .987 .986 .07819 motivation to their working performance
a. Predictors: (Constant), T.C, Motivator, Hygienic between twelve years’ basic education
and boarding school.
The table 3: indicated that 98.7% variation in Table5: Model summary of motivator
dependent variable (teachers working factors, hygienic factors and teachers’
performance) can be explained by motivators competences (T.C) on teachers working
factors, hygienic factors and teachers performance in Twelve years’ basic
’competences and remaining percentage can education (12YBEs) GS BUTETE
be attributed to other variables which are not Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error
explained in this model. Square Square of the
Table4: Analysis of variance of motivator Estimate
factors, hygienic factors and teachers’ 1 .993a .987 .986 .07819
a. Predictors: (Constant), T.C, Motivator, Hygienic
competences on their working
performance in twelve years’ basic
education (GS BUTETE) Table6: Model summary of motivator
factors, hygienic factors and teachers’
competence in Boarding school E.S
ANOVA KAGOGO Model Summary
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig. Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error
Squar Squar Square Square of the
es e Estimate
Regressio 1420.27 .000
26.047 3 8.682 b 1 .812a .659 .606 .26813
n 3
1 Residual .342 56 .006
Total 26.389 59
a. Dependent Variable: T.W.P
b. Predictors: (Constant), T.C, Motivator, Hygienic

The table 4 indicated that there is significance

relationship between motivator factors
hygienic factors and teachers competences in
Rwandan government aided schools .This
implies that null hypothesis is rejected
while alternative hypothesis is accepted
.Here there is significance relationship
between motivator factors , hygienic factor
a. Predictors: (Constant), T.C, Hygienic, Motivator methodology which was used by the
Based on the findings obtained from the researcher while conducting this study it also
collected data in both schools G.S contains summary of presentation, analysis
BUTETE as Twelve years basic education and interpretation and information collected
and E.S Kagogo as boarding school from the research site and finally, the
indicating that the teachers motivation are summary, conclusion, recommendation and
not the same where in boarding schools suggestion for further study . This study had
teachers are cared in terms of hygienic specific objectives such as to investigate the
factors, motivator factors and their selves effects of hygienic factors on teachers’
competences like availability of school working performance in selected schools in
materials , such as books , effective Burera district, to analyze the effects of
working environment and school bonus motivator factors on teachers’ performance in
and different reward based on their selected schools in Burera district and to
working performance at school that determine the effects of teachers’
prompt them to work hardly and affect competences on their working performance
teachers working performance at level of in selected schools in Burera district. All of
81.2 % . these objectives described above their
summary are explained below
AS indicate by table6 ,while in Twelve years 5.1 summary of findings
basic education the teachers motivation is
still low to manage the working performance The findings from the objective number one
of teachers for example : the schools learning which called to investigate the effects of
and teaching materials , like books , class hygienic factors on teachers’ working
looms , chairs are less than the students the performance in G.S Butete and E.S Kagogo.
schools holding , the school environment is As in G.S Butete results indicated that there
not conducive due to less recreation facilities is positive and significance effects of
to ensure extra-curricular that led to hygienic factors on teachers working
difficulties in content delivery procedure , performance in government aided schools.
about teachers bonus the teachers are not (R=0.987) and P value (0.00) while in E.S
permitted to acquire bonus differ from Kagogo (0.987) and P value (000). This
boarding teachers who acquire bonus . This implies that hygienic factors are availability
implies that the decrease of teachers’ in boarding school that help improve
motivation / demotivation of teachers lead to teachers working performance as to fulfill the
discouragement in working condition or objective one Means that null of hypothesis
teachers working performance in level of was rejected and alternative hypothesis were
98.4%. which is taken as serious challenge in accepted this is similar to the study of Bailey
academic performance (2005) who indicated that there is positive
and significance effects of hygienic factors
on teachers performance in government
CHAPTER FIVE: SAMMARY, aided schools because when teachers are
given this supports either school equipment
CONCLUSION AND increase of salary help teachers to enjoy good
RECOMMENDATIONS life and encourage them to work that increase
their working performance . Other researcher
5.0 Introduction
such as ((Deci&Tracy,2011) revealed that
This chapter comprises summary of research
when teachers are exposed to work contexts
objectives and research question, research
that foster decision making discretion creates (R=.795) and P value (0.00) as indicated that
an opportunity for teachers to feel more there is significant effects of teachers
control of their works and to exercise choices competence on working performance, where
about what to do and how to do it. Decision teachers are competent at work that improve
making discretion at work place provides development of school to fulfill the school
teachers freedom and choices about to do objectives. while in G.S Butete The study
their works rather than being externally concluded that there are positive and
controlled, regulated or pressured. significant effects of teachers’ competences
The findings from the objective number two in Rwandan government aided schools.
which called to investigate the effects of (R=.993) and P value (000) this indicating
motivator factors on teachers’ working that low level of teachers’ competences
performance in especially in E.S Kagogo as decrease the level of teachers’ performance
government aided school, the study that provide real information on how teachers
concluded that there is positive and competence is required to boost up teachers
significant effect of motivator factors on working performance. This means that
teachers working performance in Rwandan teachers’ competences affect teachers
government aided schools.(R=.732) and P working performance, these findings have
value (0.00) while in G.S Butete study similarity of the research made
concluded that there is positive and by(UNESCO,2017) in global education
significant effect of motivator factors on monitoring report to increase teacher
teachers working performance in Rwandan competency, the school are engaged to be
government aided schools. (R= .940) and P empowered to monitor and develop and
value (0.00) that bring positive results to support their schools through delivering
answer the research question two relating to trainings where they acquire skills to support
how motivator factors influence teachers the CPD of their teaching staff and to plan for
working performance. This means that school improvement and development. These
motivator factors affect teachers working help teachers to perform better the lessons
performance these findings have similarity of rather than those who do not have
the research made by (MINEDUC, 2016) competences.
identifies that effective system of school 5.2 Conclusion
monitoring improve the quality of teaching Basing on the findings of the study, the
and reinforces responsibilities for creating effects of teachers’ motivation on their
and reinforces responsibilities for creating working performance in Rwandan schools
working conditions that lead to fulfillment of especially in G.S Butete and E.S Kagogo
the school goals that indicating the effects of indicate that motivator factors, hygienic
motivator factors on teachers working factors and teachers’ competences have
performance. significance relationship with teachers
working performance in Rwandan schools
The findings from the objective number three especially GS Butete and E.S Kagogo in
which called to investigate the effects of Burera district since none research questions
teachers’ competences on their working have been tested negatively means that all
performance. Especially in E.S Kagogo as alternatives were accepted. Promoted the
government aided schools. The study objectives of this research because the
concluded that there are positive and researcher come up with the conclusion that
significant effects of teachers’ competences there is significance relationship between
in Rwandan government aided schools. teachers’ motivation and teachers working
performance as indicated by other REFERENCES
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