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Q1: Prison workers really do make these, including the vanity type?

The crrect Answer is: license plates

Q2: (Dr. Oz delivers the clue.) A layer called the omentum causes lots of problems when it
stores fat; one is that your kidneys, deprived of space, raise this, measured in mm of

The crrect Answer is: your blood pressure

Q3: On July 8, 1950 he was named commander-in-chief of the United Nations command?

The crrect Answer is: Douglas MacArthur

Q4: Black Mesa in Cimarron County?

The crrect Answer is: Oklahoma

Q5: To cast a ballot & to refuse to allow something?

The crrect Answer is: vote & veto

Q6: This state capital is near the head of navigation on the Connecticut River?

The crrect Answer is: Hartford

Q7: The last 2 of the 4 steps for behavior in "Atomic Habits" are response & this "R", which
others pair with "Risk"?

The crrect Answer is: reward

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