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Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

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Review Article

Fatigue and cognitive impairment in Post-COVID-19 Syndrome: A

systematic review and meta-analysis
Felicia Ceban a, b, Susan Ling a, d, Leanna M.W. Lui a, Yena Lee a, c, Hartej Gill a, Kayla M. Teopiz a,
Nelson B. Rodrigues a, Mehala Subramaniapillai a, Joshua D. Di Vincenzo a, d, Bing Cao e,
Kangguang Lin f, g, Rodrigo B. Mansur a, h, Roger C. Ho i, j, Joshua D. Rosenblat a, d, h,
Kamilla W. Miskowiak k, l, Maj Vinberg m, n, Vladimir Maletic o, Roger S. McIntyre a, b, c, d, h, *
Mood Disorders Psychopharmacology Unit, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
Brain and Cognition Discovery Foundation, Toronto, ON, Canada
Braxia Health, Mississauga, ON, Canada
Department of Pharmacology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Key Laboratory of Cognition and Personality, Faculty of Psychology, Ministry of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
Department of Affective Disorders, The Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, (Guangzhou Huiai Hospital), Guangzhou Medical University,
Guangzhou, China
Laboratory of Emotion and Cognition, The Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (Guangzhou Huiai Hospital), Guangzhou Medical University,
Guangzhou, China
Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Institute for Health Innovation and Technology (iHealthtech), National University of Singapore, Singapore
Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Mental Health Services, Capital Region of Denmark, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Psychiatric Research Unit, Psychiatric Centre North Zealand, Hillerød, Denmark
Department of Psychiatry, University of South Carolina, Greenville, SC, USA


Keywords: Importance: COVID-19 is associated with clinically significant symptoms despite resolution of the acute infection
Long COVID (i.e., post-COVID-19 syndrome). Fatigue and cognitive impairment are amongst the most common and debili­
Post-COVID-19 syndrome tating symptoms of post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Post-COVID-19 condition
Objective: To quantify the proportion of individuals experiencing fatigue and cognitive impairment 12 or more
Brain fog
Cognitive impairment
weeks following COVID-19 diagnosis, and to characterize the inflammatory correlates and functional conse­
Fatigue quences of post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Inflammation Data sources: Systematic searches were conducted without language restrictions from database inception to June
Functional outcomes 8, 2021 on PubMed/MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, PsycInfo, Embase, Web of Science, Google/Google
Population health Scholar, and select reference lists.
Depression Study selection: Primary research articles which evaluated individuals at least 12 weeks after confirmed COVID-19
Cognition diagnosis and specifically reported on fatigue, cognitive impairment, inflammatory parameters, and/or func­
tional outcomes were selected.
Data extraction & synthesis: Two reviewers independently extracted published summary data and assessed
Mental illness methodological quality and risk of bias. A meta-analysis of proportions was conducted to pool Freeman-Tukey
Anhedonia double arcsine transformed proportions using the random-effects restricted maximum-likelihood model.
Brain Main outcomes & measures: The co-primary outcomes were the proportions of individuals reporting fatigue and
cognitive impairment, respectively, 12 or more weeks following COVID-19 infection. The secondary outcomes
were inflammatory correlates and functional consequences associated with post-COVID-19 syndrome.

Abbreviation: PCS, Post-COVID-19 syndrome.

* Corresponding author at: University Health Network, 399 Bathurst Street, MP 9-325, Toronto, ON M5T 2S8, Canada.
E-mail address: (R.S. McIntyre).
Received 5 November 2021; Received in revised form 8 December 2021; Accepted 24 December 2021
Available online 29 December 2021
0889-1591/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Results: The literature search yielded 10,979 studies, and 81 studies were selected for inclusion. The fatigue meta-
analysis comprised 68 studies, the cognitive impairment meta-analysis comprised 43 studies, and 48 studies were
included in the narrative synthesis. Meta-analysis revealed that the proportion of individuals experiencing fa­
tigue 12 or more weeks following COVID-19 diagnosis was 0.32 (95% CI, 0.27, 0.37; p < 0.001; n = 25,268; I2 =
99.1%). The proportion of individuals exhibiting cognitive impairment was 0.22 (95% CI, 0.17, 0.28; p < 0.001;
n = 13,232; I2 = 98.0). Moreover, narrative synthesis revealed elevations in proinflammatory markers and
considerable functional impairment in a subset of individuals.
Conclusions & relevance: A significant proportion of individuals experience persistent fatigue and/or cognitive
impairment following resolution of acute COVID-19. The frequency and debilitating nature of the foregoing
symptoms provides the impetus to characterize the underlying neurobiological substrates and how to best treat
these phenomena.
Study registration: PROSPERO (CRD42021256965).

1. Introduction effective treatments. Herein, we sought to determine the proportion of

individuals exhibiting fatigue and cognitive impairment 12 or more
The global confirmed case count of coronavirus disease 2019 weeks following COVID-19 diagnosis, including amongst age, sex, and
(COVID-19) surpassed 275 million as of December 2021 (Coronavirus clinical subgroups. We additionally aimed to characterize the inflam­
disease (COVID-19), 2021). The actual case positive rate, however, is matory correlates and functional consequences of PCS.
estimated to be much higher with multiple models predicting the actual
number to be 10 (3 to 24) times greater than the number of confirmed 2. Methods
cases (Wu et al., 2020; Havers et al., 2020; Aizenman, 2021). In keeping
with this view, a projection of over 2.75 billion people may have been 2.1. Data Sources and searches
infected by COVID-19.
>30% of individuals affected by COVID-19 (Tenforde et al., 2020), The protocol pertaining to this systematic review and meta-analysis
including asymptomatic cases (Huang et al., 2021), and approximately was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42021256965). This study followed
80% of patients hospitalized for COVID-197 may experience post-COVID the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE)
sequelae. Fatigue and cognitive impairment, along with other enduring reporting guidelines (Stroup et al., 2000). In accordance with the 2020
neuropsychiatric (e.g., depression) (Renaud-Charest et al., 2021) and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses
physical (e.g., dyspnea) manifestations, comprise ‘post-acute sequelae of (PRISMA) guidelines (Page et al., 2020), a systematic search was con­
SARS-CoV-2′ (i.e., symptoms persisting for at least 4 weeks following ducted on PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, PsycInfo, EMBASE,
infection) (Nalbandian et al., 2021), colloquially referred to as ‘long and Web of Science from database inception to June 8, 2021. The search
COVID’ ( string implemented was: “long covid” OR “persistent covid” OR “post
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) defines covid” OR “post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 PASC” OR “enduring
‘post-COVID-19 syndrome’ (PCS) as a constellation of symptoms which COVID-19 sequelae” OR “long-haul covid” OR “long-tail covid”. We
develop during or following COVID-19 infection, persist for >12 weeks, manually searched the references of relevant articles, as well as Google
and are not sufficiently explained by alternative diagnoses (https:// Scholar/Google, for additional studies. No language or publication date Towards the aim of identifying a restrictions were imposed.
common nomenclature in case definition, the World Health Organiza­ Titles and abstracts were independently screened by two review
tion (WHO) has recently proposed the moniker ‘post COVID-19 condi­ authors (FC and SL) using the Covidence platform. (Better systematic
tion’ ( review management, 2020) Articles identified as potentially relevant by
Post_COVID-19_condition-Clinical_case_definition-2021.1). Post COVID- at least one reviewer were retrieved, and duplicates were removed. Full
19 condition is defined as persistent symptoms usually occurring 3 text-articles were independently screened by two reviewers (FC and SL),
months from onset in individuals with past confirmed or probable SARS- with discrepancies resolved through discussion. Authors of potentially
CoV-2 infection and persisting for at least 2 months which cannot be eligible studies were contacted to provide clarification and/or supple­
explained by an alternative diagnosis (hq) WH. A clinical case definition mentary data where necessary.
of post COVID-19 condition by a Delphi consensus, 6 October, 2021).
Research efforts into PCS were originated by online patient advocacy 2.2. Study selection
groups, who have reported substantial detriments to quality of life and
daily functioning as a consequence of persistent symptoms, lack of We sought articles reporting on the incidence of any primary
formal diagnosis, and effective established treatments (Siegelman, 2020; outcome (i.e., fatigue or cognitive impairment) and/or secondary
Rubin, 2020). Fatigue and cognitive impairment have been consistently outcome (i.e., inflammatory markers or functional outcomes/quality of
reported to be some of the most common and debilitating features of PCS life measures), as defined in Table 1, in individuals with confirmed
(Davis et al., 2020; Marshall, 2020; Report: What does COVID-19 re­ COVID-19 12 or more weeks following diagnosis. At the outset, we
covery actually look like, 2020). Chronic fatigue (Sabes-Figuera et al., planned to determine the secondary outcomes solely for fatigue and
2010) and cognitive impairment (Winston, 2020; Xu et al., 2017) cognitive impairment in PCS. However, due to the paucity of data
constitute a significant global economic burden, respectively. Unlike concerning the foregoing, we subsequently included inflammatory cor­
other common symptoms of PCS including dyspnea and depression, relates and functional outcomes associated with PCS more broadly. In­
there are no established and effective treatments for post-viral fatigue clusion criteria were established prior to article review and were as
and cognitive impairment, as well as related conditions such as Myalgic follows:
Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). The global
incidence of COVID-19 infection and the potential economic burden and 1. Complete summary estimates (i.e., exact proportions) pertaining to
quality of life diminution provide the impetus for identifying neurobi­ at least one primary outcome, and/or qualitative or quantitative data
ological substrates subserving PCS-related fatigue and cognitive pertaining to at least one secondary outcome, as defined in Table 1,
impairment, associated factors and determinants, as well as safe and

F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Table 1 5. Median/mean follow-up time of <12 weeks (84 days) since

Definition of study variables. COVID-19 infection or diagnosis.
PRIMARY Objective Ascertainment Subjective Ascertainment 6. COVID-19 is not verified by laboratory testing or ICD-10 linkage,
OUTCOMES or is not clinically diagnosed.
Fatigue (asthenia) Fatigue ascertained via any Self-report or non-validated 7. Post-mortem study of COVID-19 patients.
validated tool (e.g., FACIT measure of fatigue, 8. Case series, or any study design wherein participants are selected
fatigue scale, FSS), or clinical tiredness/low energy, for inclusion based on the presence of PCS symptoms (i.e., out­
diagnosis of CFS/EM. muscular fatigue/muscular comes of interest).
weakness (myasthenia),
9. Unpublished study, abstract, case report, study with a sample size
Cognitive Cognitive impairment Self-report or non-validated of <10 persons, or protocol.
Impairment ascertained via any validated measure of cognitive 10. Non-primary research.
tool for performance-based impairment/’brain fog’,
cognitive function (e.g., mental slowness, deficits in
2.3. Data extraction
MoCA, TICS, SCIP), or attention, executive,
clinical diagnosis of cognitive processing, memory,
impairment. learning, articulation, and/or Published summary data from included articles were independently
psychomotor coordination. extracted by two reviewers (FC and SL) using a piloted data extraction
SECONDARY form, then corroborated, with discrepancies resolved through discus­
Inflammatory Abnormal levels of N/A
sion. Information to be extracted was established a priori and included
Parameters circulating or intracellular study characteristics, participant characteristics and subgroups, sample
cytokines, CRP, D-dimer, size and source, modes of ascertainment, follow-up period, exact pro­
and/or procalcitonin, in portions (including subgroup-specific data where available) pertaining
accordance with thresholds
to primary or secondary outcomes, qualitative data pertaining to sec­
determined by study
investigators, or relative to ondary outcomes, and factors reportedly associated with PCS across
control group or established individual analyses.
Functional Functional impairment Self-report or non-validated 2.4. Quality assessment
Outcomes/ (including activity, assessment of functional
Quality of Life occupational, and social impairment (including
limitations) (Ustün and activity, occupational, and Methodological quality and risk of bias was assessed using the
Kennedy, 2009) ascertained social limitations), as well as Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) (Stang, 2010), modified for applicable
via any validated tool for general vitality/quality of cohort and case-control studies, as well as adapted for cross-sectional
quality of life or functional life (Ustün and Kennedy,
studies. Studies wherein the design was unclear were assessed accord­
outcomes (e.g., EQ-5D, 2009).
mRS). ing to the prospective cohort NOS. Cohort studies were penalized for
failing to include a non-exposed cohort. All component studies were
Acronyms: FACIT: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy, FSS: Fa­
independently rated by two reviewers (FC and LMWL) and results were
tigue Severity Scale, CFS/EM: chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalo­
corroborated, with discrepancies resolved through discussion. Modified
myelitis, MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment, TICS: Telephone interview for
cognitive status, SCIP: Screen for Cognitive Impairment for Psychiatry CRP: C-
NOSs and methodological quality rankings for each study type are
reactive peptide, D-dimer: domain dimer, N/A: not applicable, EQ-5D: European provided (supplementary material).
Quality of Life 5 Dimension Scale, mRS: modified Rankin Scale.
2.5. Data synthesis and analysis
for individuals previously diagnosed with COVID-19 of any age, sex,
or ethnicity. A meta-analysis of proportions was conducted using R version 4.1.0
2. Median or mean follow-up time of at least 12 weeks (84 days) since (R Foundation for Statistical Computing). An α level of 0.05 was chosen
COVID-19 diagnosis, to serve as a proxy for time since infection, in to indicate statistical significance. In anticipation of marked heteroge­
accordance with the NICE definition of PCS. If the index date was neity, the meta::metaprop function (Balduzzi et al., 2019) was used to
hospital admission or discharge, resolution of acute illness, or onset pool proportions, indicated as the number of cases exhibiting fatigue or
of symptoms, it was assumed that these events occurred either cognitive impairment (events) divided by the size of the sample (ob­
concurrently or subsequent to diagnosis. servations), via the random-effects restricted maximum-likelihood
3. COVID-19 (any severity) ascertained according to laboratory testing, model (REML) (Kenward and Roger, 1997; Miller, 1978). Where one
diagnostic code linkage, and/or clinical diagnosis. study reported multiple proportions qualifying as a primary outcome
4. Primary research. measure (e.g., concentration impairment and memory impairment,
5. Presentation as full-text article (including preprints). which can both be subsumed under cognitive impairment), only the
largest proportion was included to prevent data duplication or skewing
Exclusion criteria were: of true effect size. Where studies provided data for multiple qualifying
follow-up periods, the earliest follow-up was used in the main analyses.
1. Incomplete or inexact quantitative data (i.e., no exact proportions Single proportions were transformed via the Freeman-Tukey Double
provided for primary outcomes). arcsine method to stabilize variances (Miller, 1978), Clopper-Pearson
2. Outcomes precede exposure (i.e., it is stated that fatigue, cogni­ 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for individual studies,
tive impairment, inflammation, and/or functional impairment and Wald 95% CIs were calculated for pooled proportions. Forest plots
were present prior to COVID-19 infection, and/or did not mark­ for each primary outcome were created via the meta::forest function.
edly increase in severity following COVID-19 infection at 12 or Random effects subgroup analyses, established a priori, for sex, COVID-
more weeks follow-up). 19 hospitalization status, age group (children vs adults, defined as me­
3. Study solely reports new symptoms arising following resolution dian/mean age <18 and ≥18 years, respectively), follow-up duration
of acute COVID-19 (i.e., not persisting since diagnosis). (<6 months vs ≥6 months), and mode of ascertainment (objective vs
4. Outcomes of interest reported solely in the general population, or subjective) were conducted using the byvar argument, assuming sepa­
in persons without a confirmed prior COVID-19 diagnosis. rate estimates of between-study variance for each subgroup. Study
populations were classified as comprising hospitalized populations if

F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

≥80% of the participants had been hospitalized for COVID-19 (and vice homogenous to meta-analyze.
versa for outpatients). Post hoc sensitivity analyses according to NOS
quality rating groupings, as well as by study design, were undertaken. 3. Results
Statistically significant differences in inter-group effect sizes were
calculated via the Wald-type χ2 test. 3.1. Search results
Heterogeneity was quantified using the I2 statistic, where the cut-offs
30.0%, 50.0%, and 75.0% denote moderate, substantial, and consider­ The literature search yielded 10,979 studies. Following the removal
able heterogeneity, respectively, as recommended by GRADE (Grading of duplicates, 5965 studies were screened by title and abstract, pro­
of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations) ducing 229 eligible studies. 148 studies were further excluded following
criteria and the Cochrane Handbook’s interpretation of heterogeneity full-text screening. Details of study selection are provided in Fig. 1. In
scores (Deeks et al., 2008; Schünemann et al., 2019). The Egger total, 81 studies were included in the review: 56 prospective cohort
regression intercept test and the Begg and Mazumdar rank correlation studies, 14 cross-sectional studies, 10 retrospective cohort studies, and 1
test, as well as visual inspection of funnel plots for asymmetry, were used retrospective case-control study. Component studies are grouped by
to assess publication bias via the meta::metabias and meta::funnel func­ design in the supplementary material. The quantitative synthesis pri­
tions, respectively. Qualitative analysis via narrative synthesis was marily evaluating the effect of COVID-19 exposure on fatigue (i.e., fa­
performed for secondary outcomes, which were not sufficiently tigue meta-analysis) included 68 studies, whereas the quantitative

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of study selection.

Table 2

F. Ceban et al.
Characteristics and results of studies (n = 81) examining individuals with confirmed COVID-19 12 or more weeks following diagnosis.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

Abdallah et al., Canada Prospective The Ottawa Hospital N = 63 (including 25 Mean 119.9 ± 16.2 days RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 71.4% (45/63)
2021 Cohort previously hospitalized following first positive clinical follow-up reported fatigue (72%
cases and 38 previously test for hospitalized [18/25] hospitalized
non-hospitalized cases) patients, and mean 129 and 71.1% [27/38]
± 16.5 days for non- non-hospitalized)
● Age Range: ≥18 hospitalized patients
● Mean Age*:59.1 ±
● Mean Age**: 42.2 ±
● Sex (%F/%M)*: 36.0/
● Sex (%F/%M)**:
*pertains to hospitalized
cohort**pertains to non-
hospitalized cohort
Amin- England Prospective Public Health N = 140 (clinical and Median 7.5 (7.1–7.8) Serologyand RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 39.3% (55/140) of ● Female sex was
Chowdhury Cohort England (ESCAPE non-clinical healthcare months following COVID- online questionnaire cases reported associated with
et al., 2021a study) workers) 19 diagnosis fatigue/tiredness after unusual fatigue and
exertion forgetfulness
● Age Range: ≥20 ● 35.0% (49/140) of ● Having underlying
● Median Age*: 41 cases reported comorbidities was
(31–52) forgetfulness associated with
● Sex* (%F/%M): 71.3/ ● 27.9% (39/140) of unusual fatigue and
28.7 cases reported confusion

confusion/brain fog/
trouble focusing
● 20.7% (29/140) of
cases reported short-
term memory loss
● 15.7% (22/140) of
cases reported trouble
trying to form words
Arnold et al., United Prospective Diagnostic and N = 110 (all previously Median 90 (80–97) days RT-PCR or clinico- Objective assessment via ● 39% (43/110) ● Physical SF-36 scores
2020 Kingdom Cohort Severity markers of hospitalized cases) following onset of radiological diagnosis laboratory testing reported fatigue were significantly
COVID-19 to Enable symptoms (inflammatory ● SF-36 scores lower in patients with
Rapid triage ● Age Range: ≥18 parameters), SF-36 demonstrated a severe COVID-19
(DISCOVER) study ● Median Age*: 47 (quality of life), as well as reduction in reported compared with mild/

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

(Bristol) (32–61) subjective self-report via health status across all moderate
● Median Age**: 57 questionnaire domains as compared
(48–67) with age-matched
● Median Age***: 62 population norms
(54–71) ● 1.8% (2/110)
● Sex*(%F/%M): 38.2/ exhibited CRP levels
61.8 > 10 mg/L
*mild cases**moderate
cases***severe cases
Augustin et al., Germany Prospective University Hospital N = 353 Median 6.8 (6–8) months RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 14.7% (52/353) of ● Anosmia and diarrhea
2021 Cohort Cologne (recruited following onset of systematic questionnaires individuals reported during acute COVID-
through public ● Age Range: age* ≥18 symptoms and evaluation by fatigue 19, as well as a lower
media) ● Median Age*: 43 physician baseline level of
(31–54) SARS-CoV-2 IgG, were
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● Sex* (%F/%M): 53.5/ associated with higher

46.5 risk of developing
*pertains to initial cohort long-term symptoms
of 958 COVID-19 conva­ ● Male sex was
lescent individuals, associated with a
which were not all fol­ lower risk of post-
lowed up COVID syndrome
● Female patients and
individuals with a
prior diagnosis of
depression or anxiety
had a higher risk of
suffering from fatigue
Breton et al., USA Retrospective Residents of greater N = 41 cases (including 8 Mean 6.1 months RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● Antigen-specific CD4
2021 Cohort New York City previously hospitalized) following COVID-19 laboratory testing (flow + T cells expressing
Tristate Region infection cytometry; intracellular IL-2, IFN-γ, and TNF-α
● Age Range: 24–73 cytokine staining) were markedly
● Median Age: 45 increased in COVID-
● Sex (%F/%M): 36.6/ 19–recovered in­
63.4 dividuals as compared
with healthy donors
Buonsenso et al., Italy Cross-sectional Fondazione N = 68 children Mean 162.5 ± 113.7 days RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 13.2% (9/68) of
2021 Policlinico (including 6 previously following diagnosis phone interview or individuals reported
Universitario hospitalized and 3 in outpatient assessment more fatigue
Agostino Gemelli pediatric ICU) compared to before
(part of ISARIC) COVID-19 diagnosis
● Age Range: ≤18 ● 11.8% (8/68) of

● Mean Age: 11 ± 4.4 individuals reported

● Sex (%F/%M): 48.1 lack of concentration
Cirulli et al., USA Prospective Helix DNA Discovery N = 357 (including 9 90 days following onset Laboratory test Subjective self-report via ● 7.96% (9/113) ● Initial dyspnea and a
2020a Cohort Project and the previously hospitalized of symptoms online questionnaires reported fatigue large number of initial
Healthy cases) ● 7.50% (9/120) symptoms were
NevadaProject reported decreased associated with long
● Age Range*: ≥18 alertness COVID symptoms
● Median Age*: 56 ● 8.20% (10/122) after 30 days
● Sex* (%F/%M): 64.1/ reported memory loss ● Individuals who were
35.9 ● 12.61% (15/119) more ill at the onset of
*pertains to entire reported difficulty symptoms are at
cohort, including both concentrating higher risk of long-
COVID-19 positive and term symptoms
negative ● There was an

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

association of
between anxiety
disorders and
disorders and long-
term symptoms
● Female patients were
more likely to have
long-term symptoms
Darley et al., Australia Prospective St. Vincent’s Hospital N = 99 Median 240 (227–256) RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 23% (15/65) reported ● Female sex and
2021a Cohort Sydney (ADAPT days following infection SPHERE-34 (fatigue, fatigue hospitalization for
study) ● Age Range: ≥18 cognitive function) acute COVID-19 were
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● Median Age: 47 ● 27% (26/97) reported independently associ­

(35–58) poor memory a good ated with persistent
● Sex (%F/%M): 39/61 part of, or most of the symptoms at 8-
time months
● 33% (32/97) patients
reported poor
concentration a good
part of, or most of the
● 18% (17/97) patients
reported feeling lost
for words a good part
of, or most of the time
Elkan et al., Israel Retrospective Shamir (Assaf N = 66 (all previously Median 9 (6–9) months RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 50% (33/66) reported ● A greater proportion
2021a Case-control Harofeh) Medical hospitalized cases) following discharge RAND-36 (quality of life), fatigue of patients with more
Center as well as subjective self- ● ~17% reported severe acute disease
● Age Range: ≥18 report memory impairment reported persistent
● Median Age: 58.5 and concentration symptoms
(49.8–68.3) impairment (exact
● Sex (%F/%M): 56.1/ proportion not
43.9 provided)
● RAND-36 emotional
role median score:
100 (0–100)
● RAND-36 social
functioning median
score: 87.5 (50–100)

● RAND-36 vitality
median score: 57.5
Evans et al., United Prospective 53 National Health N = 1077 (all previously Median 159 (120–189) RT-PCR or clinician- Objective assessment via ● 56.2% (429/763), ● Female sex, middle-
2021a Kingdom Cohort Service hospitals hospitalized cases) days following discharge diagnosed FACIT (fatigue), MoCA reported significantly age, white ethnicity,
(PHOSP-COVID (cognitive function), EQ- worse fatigue two or more comor­
study) ● Age Range: ≥18 5D-5L, WG-SS (quality of compared to pre- bidities, and more se­
● Mean Age: 58 ± 13 life and functioning), COVID-19 (mean vere acute illness were
● Sex (%F/%M): 35.7/ laboratory testing FACIT score 16.8 ± associated with failure
64.3 (serology), and subjective 13.2) to recover (persistent
self-report via research ● 16.9% (150/888) symptoms)
visit and clinical follow- reported cognitive
up questionnaire impairment,
operationalized as a
MoCA score < 23

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

● 11.2% (90/804)
exhibited persistent
inflammation (CRP >
10 mg/L)
● 13.1% (97/738)
exhibited elevated D-
dimer levels (≥500
● 19.3% (124/641)
experienced a health-
related change in their
occupational status
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● Mean EQ5D-5L VAS

changed from 81 ± 17
(pre-COVID-19) to 72
± 20 (post-COVID-19)
● 1/5 of the population
reached the threshold
for a new disability
with at least one
domain coded as “a lot
of difficulty” or
“cannot do it all” on
the WG-SS
Evlice et al., Turkey Retrospective Hospital in Turkey N = 266 (all previously Mean 99.80 ± 26.16 days RT-PCR or CT Subjective self-report via ● 4.9% (13/266) ● Persistent symptoms
2021 Cohort hospitalized cases, following discharge telephone survey reported fatigue were observed at a
including 11 in ICU) higher rate in cases
with comorbidity
● Age Range: ≥18 ● Statistically
● Mean Age: 56.96 ± significant
16.62 relationship between
● Sex (%F/%M): 51.5/ high admission CRP
48.5 level and presence of
persistent symptoms
Fernández-de- Spain Retrospective Four public hospitals N = 1142 (all previously Mean 7.0 ± 0.6 months RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 60.8% (695/1142) ● Women reported
Las-Peñas (1) Cohort in Madrid hospitalized cases) following discharge systematic telephone reported fatigue fatigue more
et al., 2021 interview conducted by ● 19.0% (217/1142) frequently than men
● Age Range: N/A trained researchers reported memory loss ● Female sex, number of

● Mean Age: 61 ± 17 ● 9.6% (110/1142) days at hospital,

● Sex (%F/%M): 47.5/ reported brain fog previous
52.5 ● 8.1% (93/1142) comorbidities, and
reported attention number of symptoms
disorders at hospital admission
were associated with
more long COVID
Fernández-de- Spain Retrospective Three public N = 1950 (all previously Mean 11.2 ± 0.5 months RT-PCR and radiological Self-report via systematic ● 61.4% (1206/1950)
Las-Peñas (2) Cohort hospitals in Madrid hospitalized cases, after hospital discharge findings telephone interview reported fatigue
et al., 2021 including 129 in the ICU) conducted by trained ● 16% (6/38) reported
healthcare professionals no longer being able
● Age Range: N/A to participate in a
● Mean Age: 61 ± 16 sport or recreational
● Sex (%F/%M): 46.9/ activity because of
53.1 their ongoing

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Ferrucci et al., Italy Prospective Non-intensive N = 38 (all previously Mean 4.43 ± 1.22 months RT-PCR Objectively assessed via ● 50% (15/30) reported ● Females more
2021 Cohort COVID units of the hospitalized cases in non- following discharge MoCA (cognitive a moderate to severe frequently reported a
ASST Santi Paolo e intensive wards) function), BRB-NT increase in fatigability subjective decline in
Carlo hospitals (neurological battery of ● 60.5% (23/38) cognitive
● Age Range: 22–74 tests for cognition), SSD obtained scores below performance
● Mean Age: 53.45 ± (fatigue) Italian normative cut- following
12.64 offs in at least one task hospitalization
● Sex (%F/%M): 28.9/ of the BRB-NT ● Participants aged ≥
71.1 [exhibited cognitive 55 obtained lower
abnormalities] scores in all measures
● 42% (16/38) of verbal memory,
demonstrated slowing
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

of cognitive when compared to

processing speed, as those aged < 55
evidenced by low ● ARDS at
SDMT scores hospitalization was
● 20% (8/38) associated with worse
demonstrated long- verbal memory
term verbal and performance and
spatial memory worse delayed verbal
dysfunctions recall performance
● 26.7% (8/30)
reported a moderate
to severe increase in
forgetfulness and lack
of concentration
● 23.3% (7/30)
reported a moderate
to severe increase in
time needed to
perform tasks such as
● 20% (6/30) reported
moderate to severe
difficulties in learning
new skills or

Fortini et al., Italy Prospective San Giovanni di Dio N = 59 (all previously Median 123 (116–145) RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 42.4% (25/59) ● No significant
2021 Cohort Hospital hospitalized cases in non- days following discharge laboratory testing reported fatigue correlation between
intensive ward) (inflammatory ● 13.6% (8/59) the values of
parameters), as well as reported confusion inflammatory
● Age Range: N/A subjective self-report via ● 32.2% (19/59) parameters and
● Mean Age: 68.2 ± self-administered exhibited elevated D- patient-reported
12.8 questionnaire dimer levels symptoms was detec­
● Sex (%F/%M): 47.5/ ● 32.2% (19.59) ted by the multivari­
52.5 exhibited elevated IL- able logistic
6 levels regression analysis
Froidure et al., Belgium Prospective Hospital in Belgium N = 126 patients (all Median 95 (86–107) days RT-PCR and lung HRTC Subjective self-report via ● 25% (32/126)
2021 Cohort previously hospitalized following infection or chest X-ray clinical assessment reported ongoing
and/or ICU cases) fatigue

● Age Range: N/A

● Median Age: 60

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

● Sex (%F/%M): 59/41
Frontera et al., USA Prospective Four NYC area N = 382 (all previously Median 6.7 (6.5–6.8) RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 36.0% (98/272) ● Patients diagnosed
2021 Cohort hospitals hospitalized cases months following onset MoCA (cognitive reported worse than with new neurological
including 196 neurologic of symptoms function), Barthel index average fatigue, complications during
cases, 67 of which were (functional impairment), operationalized as T- hospitalization for
admitted to the ICU, and as well as subjective self- score > 50 COVID-19 had a 2-
186 cases without report via telephone ● 49.3% (106/215) fold increased odds of
neurological disorders questionnaire exhibited cognitive worse 6-month func­
during hospitalization, impairment, tional outcome (as
54 of which were operationalized as measured by the
admitted to the ICU) MoCA score < 18 modified Rankin
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● Age Range*: ≥18 ● 52.6% (81/154) of

● Median Age*: 68 those who were
(55–77) working premorbidly
● Sex* (%F/%M): 65/35 were able to return to
● Age Range**: ≥18 work
● Median Age**: 69 ● 44.11% (134/304)
(57–78) could not
● Sex** (%F/%M): 65/ independently
35 perform some basic
*neurologic COVID-19 activities of daily
cohort**non-neurologic living,
COVID-19 cohort operationalized as
Barthel index < 100
García-Abellán Spain Prospective Hospital General N = 116 (all previously 6 months following RT-PCR and serology Objective assessment via ● 10.3% (12/116) ● Patients with the
et al., 2021a Cohort Universitario de hospitalized cases, discharge laboratory testing reported fatigue highest CSQ scores
Elche including 15 previously (immunological ● Median serum IL-6: 3 showed lower CRP
admitted to ICU) parameters), and (1.8–5.1) pg/mL levels on admission
subjective self-report via ● Median serum CRP: 1 and weaker initial
● Age Range: N/A CSQ (fatigue) during (0.4–5.1) mg/L antibody response
● Median Age*: 66 clinical visit ● Median serum D- ● Female sex predicted
(57–76) dimer: 0.4 (0.2–0.7) persistent symptoms
● Sex* (%F/%M): 50/50 mcg/mL ● Post-COVID syndrome
*pertains to patients was associated with
reporting symptoms at 6- additional distinctive
month follow-up innate and adaptive
immune traits,

consisting of a weaker
initial inflammatory
response, evidenced
by lower baseline
levels of CRP and
● Patients with mid-
term lasting symp­
toms [follow up at 2
months] showed
persistent residual
Garrigues et al., France Retrospective Beaujon Hospital, N = 120 (all previously Mean 110.9 days ± 11.1 RT-PCR and/or chest CT Objective assessment via ● 55.0% (66/120)
2020 Cohort COVID-19 Unit hospitalized cases, following hospital EQ-5D-5L (quality of reported fatigue
including 24 in ICU that admission life), as well as subjective ● 34.2% (41/120)
underwent mechanical self-report via telephone reported loss of

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

ventilation) questionnaire conducted memory
by trained physicians ● 26.7% (32/120)
● Age Range: N/A reported attention
● Mean Age: 63.2 ± disorders
15.7 ● 67.9% (38/56) of
● Sex (%F/%M): 37.5/ those who worked
62.5 before hospitalization
returned to work
● 71.8 % (28/39) of
those who practiced
sport regularly before
resumed sport
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● EQ-VAS mean score of

70.3 ± 21.5, and EQ-
5D index mean score
of 0.86 ± 0.20
Ghosn et al., France Prospective Institut National de N = 1137 (all previously 3 and 6 (median 194 RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 57% (538/944) ● Presence of 3 +
2021 Cohort la Santé Et de la hospitalized cases, [188–205] days) months physician visit reported fatigue at symptoms at 6-month
Recherche Médicale including 288 in ICU) following hospital month 3 follow-up was associ­
admission ● 38% (404/1063) ated with female sex
● Age Range: N/A reported fatigue at and having 3 +
● Median Age: 61 month 6 symptoms at
(51–71) ● 29% (125/431) of admission
● Sex (%F/%M): 37/63 those who had a
occupation had not
returned to work at 6
González et al., Spain Prospective Hospital Universitary N = 62 (all previously 3 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 29.5% (16/62)
2021 Cohort Arnau de Vilanova ICU cases) discharge SF-12 (quality of life), as reported muscular
well as subjective self- fatigue
● Age Range: ≥18 report ● SF-12 Physical score
● Median Age: 60 median: 45.9
(48–65) (36.1–54.4)
● Sex (%F/%M): 25.8/ ● SF-12 Mental score
74.2 median: 55.8
● SF-12 showed mean

scores that were

substantially lower
than those of healthy
people, those with
other chronic
diseases, and healthy
Spanish people
González- Mexico Prospective Instituto Nacional de N = 130 (all previously 3 and 6 (mean 270 ± 32 RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 53% (69/130) ● Patients with fatigue
Hermosillo Cohort Cardiología Ignacio hospitalized cases) days) months following telephone questionnaire reported fatigue that at 3-month follow-up
et al., 2021 Chávez discharge based on ME/CFS did not exist before were older compared
● Age Range: ≥18 International Consensus COVID-19 at 3-month with those without
● Mean Age: 51 ± 14 Criteria follow-up (40.5% fatigue, and had a
● Sex (%F/%M): 36.4/ [28/130] females re­ longer length of hos­
63.6 ported fatigue pital stay
compared to 27.8% ● Age 40–50 years old
[17/130] without was associated with

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

fatigue) fatigue
● 46.9% (61/130) ● There was a
reported fatigue that significantly higher
did not exist before prevalence of
COVID-19 at 6-month persisting symptoms
follow-up in those with fatigue
● 23% (30/130)
impairment that did
not exist before
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

COVID-19 at 3-month
● 45.4% (59/130)
reported short-term
memory loss that did
not exist before
COVID-19 at 3-month
Havervall et al., Sweden Prospective Danderyd Hospital N = 1395 health care 8 months following onset Serology Objective assessment via ● 6.8% (22/323)
2021 Cohort professionals (mild cases, of symptoms Sheehan Disability Scale reported fatigue after
hospitalization status not (functional outcomes), as 4 months, and 4.0%
specified) well as subjective self- (13/323) reported
report via smartphone fatigue after 8 months
● Age Range: ≥18 app questionnaire ● 1.9% (6/323)
● Median Age: 43 reported
(33–52) concentration
● Sex (%F/%M): 83/17 impairment after 4
months, and 0.6% (2/
323) reported
impairment after 8
● 1.2% (4/323)
reported memory
impairment after 4
months, and 0.3% (1/

323) reported
memory impairment
after 8 months
● 8% reported that long-
term symptoms
moderately to mark­
edly disrupted work
● 15% reported that
long-term symptoms
moderately to mark­
edly disrupted social
● 12% long-term symp­
toms moderately to
markedly disrupted

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

home life
● 11% long-term symp­
toms moderately to
markedly disruption
in any Sheehan
Disability Scale
Huang et al., China Ambidirectional Jin Yin-tan Hospital N = 1733 patients (all Median 186 (175–199) Laboratory testing Objective assessment ● 63% (1038/1655) ● Increased age and
2021 Cohort previously hospitalized days following onset of viaEQ-5D-3L (quality of reported fatigue/ severity of acute
cases, including 76 symptoms life), as well as subjective muscle weakness disease were
previously admitted to self-report via ● Median quality of life positively associated
ICU) questionnaire score was 80/100 with fatigue and
(70–90), with 7% muscle weakness
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● Age Range: ≥18 (113/1622) reporting ● Women reported a

● Median Age: 57.0 mobility problems, higher percentage of
(47.0–65.0) 1% (11/1622) symptoms at follow-
● Sex (%F/%M): 48/52 reporting personal up
care problems, 2%
(25/1611) reporting
problems with usual
activity, and 27%
(431/1616) reporting
pain or discomfort
Jacobson et al., USA Prospective Patients from N = 118 participants Mean 119.3 ± 33.0 days RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 30.5% (36/118) ● Older age and
2021 Cohort enrolled clinical (including 22 previously following diagnosis WPAI (functional reported fatigue hospitalization were
trials at Stanford hospitalized cases, of outcomes), as well as overall, including associated with higher
University which 11 were previously subjective self-report via 36.4% (8/22) of odds of any activity
admitted to ICU) questionnaire previously impairment
hospitalized patients ● Presence of fatigue
● Age Range: N/A and 29.2% (28/96) of was associated with
● Mean Age: 43.3 ± non-hospitalized long-term activity
14.4 patients impairment (in multi­
● Sex (%F/%M): 46.6/ ● 17.0% (20/118) variate analysis)
53.4 reported memory
problems overall,
including 22.7% (5/
22) of previously
hospitalized patients
and 15.6% (15/96) of

● 68.47% (80/117)
overall reported being
employed, including
72.7% (16/22) of
hospitalized patients
and 67.4% (64/95) of
● 11.5% (9/78) overall
reported missed work
due to health,
including 13.3% (2/
15) of previously

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

hospitalized patients
and 11.1% (7/63) of
● 38.9% (28/72) overall
reported any work
impairment due to
health, including
58.3% (7/12) of
hospitalized patients
and 35.0% (21/60) of
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● 50.9% (54/106)
overall reported any
activity impairment
due to health,
including 73.7% (14/
19) of previously
hospitalized patients
and 46.0% (40/87) of
Johnsen et al., Denmark Cross-sectional Copenhagen N = 57 (34 previously 3 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 58% (26/45)
2021 University Hospital hospitalized cases and 34 discharge/resolution of WPAI, PCFS (functional demonstrated
at Bispebjerg non-hospitalized cases) acute disease outcomes), EQ-5D-5L clinically significant
(quality of life), and CFQ, cognitive impairment
● Age Range: N/A SCIP-D, and TMT-B (66% [19/29] of
● Mean Age: 51 ± 13 (cognitive function) previously
● Sex (%F/%M): 51/49 hospitalized, 44% [8/
19] non-hospitalized)
● Median EQ-VAS: 70
● Percent work time
missed due to health:
0 (0,24)
● Percent impairment

while working due to

health: 20 (9, 45)
● Percent overall work
impairment due to
health: 23 (6, 66)
● Percent activity
impairment due to
health: 30 (10,60)
Kashif et al., Pakistan Prospective Hameed Latif N = 242 (including 3 months following RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 41.7% (101/242) ● Prolonged symptoms
2021a Cohort Hospital hospitalized cases and discharge or onset of telephone interview reported fatigue months after recovery
non-hospitalized cases symptoms from mild COVID-19
who sought healthcare at were associated with
hospital) female sex

● Age Range: 18–65

● Mean Age: 35.64 ±

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

● Sex (%F/%M): 30.6/
Klein et al., 2021 Israel Retrospective Israeli residents N = 103 (all mild 6 months following onset RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 22% (23/103)
Cohort recruited through symptomatic cases; of symptoms telephone questionnaire reported fatigue
social media and asymptomatic excluded, ● 6% (6/103) reported
word of mouth hospitalization status not memory disorders
specified) ● 1% (1/103) reported
● Age Range: ≥18 disorders
● Mean Age: 35 ± 12
● Sex (%F/%M): 40/60
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

Latronico et al., Italy Prospective 3 ICUs of the Spedali N = 55 (all cases which 3 and 6 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 36% (20/55) reported
2021a Cohort Civili University were previously admitted discharge FSS (fatigue), PICS, severe fatigue,
Hospital to ICU with ARDS) MoCA (cognitive operationalized as FSS
function), SF-36 (quality score 36 + at 3
● Age Range: ≥18 of life), Barthel Index months
● Median Age: 59 (functional outcomes) ● 36% (16/45) reported
(54–64) severe fatigue,
● Sex*(%F/%M): 17/83 operationalized as FSS
*pertains to a larger score 36 + at 6
cohort of 163 admitted to months
ICU, which were not all ● 22% (12/55)
followed up exhibited mild-severe
cognitive impairment
according to MoCA at
3 months
● 26% (10/38)
exhibited mild
cognitive impairment
according to MoCA at
6 months
● 33% (18/55) of
patients exhibited
mild role limitations
according to SF-36
● 65% (36/55) had
returned to work with

the same pre-COVID-

19 employment sta­
tus, 5% (3/55) with
worsening employ­
ment status (fewer
hours worked per
week), and 32% (18/
55) had not returned
to work
● 5% (3/55) reported
derangement in social
operationalized as > 2
SD on SF-36 domain at
3 months, and 3% (1/

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

36) at 6 months
Leth et al., 2021 Denmark Prospective Department of N = 49 (all previously Median 128 (98–148) RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 63% (31/49) reported ● Significantly reduced
Cohort Infectious Diseases, hospitalized cases, days following discharge OMC (cognitive fatigue OR of challenged
Aarhus University including 6 previously function), as well as ● 45% (22/49) reported concentration if the
Hospital admitted to ICU) subjective self-report via difficulty patient was a current
in person or concentrating or previous smoker
● Age Range: ≥18 telephonequestionnaire ● 11% (4/38)
● Median Age: 58 demonstrated
(48–73) impaired cognitive
● Sex (%F/%M): 57/43 function,
operationalized as an
OMC score of ≤ 24
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

Liang et al., 2020 China Prospective Wuhan Union N = 76 (all previously 3 months following RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 59% (45/76) reported ● Serum troponin-I
Cohort Hospital hospitalized, including discharge questionnaire fatigue levels during acute
65 healthcare worker illness showed high
cases, and 7 previously correlation with fa­
admitted to ICU) tigue after hospital
● Age Range: 24–76
● Mean Age: 41.3 ±
● Sex (%F/%M): 72.4/
Liyanage-Don USA Prospective 2 Columbia N = 153 (all previously Median 3.7 (2.6–5.7) RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 20.3% (31/153) ● Patients with PTSD
et al., 2021 Cohort University Hospitals hospitalized cases) months following online or telephone reported fatigue and/or depression
discharge questionnaire were more likely to
● Age Range: ≥18 report fatigue
● Mean Age: 54.5 ±
● Sex (%F/%M): 39.9/
Logue et al., USA Prospective University of N = 177 (145 previously Median 169 (range RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 13.6% (24/177)
2021 Cohort Washington outpatient cases, 16 31–300) days following electronic questionnaire reported fatigue
previously hospitalized) onset of acute COVID-19 ● 2.3% (4/177)
reported brain fog
● Age Range: 18–94 ● 29.9% (53/177)
● Mean Age: 48.0 reported worsened
● Sex (%F/%M): 57.1/ health-related quality

42.9 of life compared with

Mattioli et al., Italy Prospective Unit of Occupational N = 150 (120 healthcare 4 months following first RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 15% (18/120)
2021 Cohort Health, General workers cases, including COVID-19 diagnosis MMSE (cognitive reported fatigue
University Hospital 2 with previous function), as well as ● 11.6% (14/120)
of Brescia respiratory failure subjective self-report via reported attention
requiring hospitalization) clinical diagnostic difficulties
and 30 healthcare worker assessment (including ● 6.6% (8/120)
healthy controls) questionnaire) reported memory
● Age Range: N/A ● MMSE results were
● Median Age*: 47.86 normal in both cases
(26–65) (median 29; 27–30),
● Sex* (%F/%M): 75/25 and controls (median
*pertains to cases 29; 28–30),

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

operationalized as
MMSE scores 24+
Mazza et al., Italy Prospective IRCCS San Raffaele N = 226 (including 177 Mean 90.1 ± 13.4 days RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 8% (11/130) scored ● Baseline systemic
2021 Cohort Hospital hospitalized cases and 49 following discharge BACS (cognitive poorly in the domain inflammation
cases treated at home) function), as well as of verbal memory predicted cognitive
subjective self-report via (10% [7/70] males; impairment at follow-
● Age Range: 26–87 questionnaire 9% [4/44] females) up
● Mean Age: 58.5 ± ● 30% (39/130) scored
12.8 poorly in the domain
● Sex (%F/%M): 34/66 of verbal fluency
(32% [22/130] males;
33% [17/130]
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● 24% (30/126) scored

poorly in the domain
of working memory
(15% [11/73] males;
37% [19/51] females)
● 33% (43/130) scored
poorly in the domain
of attention and
processing (38% [29/
76] males; 27% [14/
52] females)
● 55% (72/130) scored
poorly in the domain
of psychomotor
coordination (59%
[43/73] males; 56%
[29/52] females)
● 46% (60/130) scored
poorly in the domain
of executive functions
(46% [32/70] males;
56% [28/50] females)
Mei et al., 2021 China Prospective Wuhan No.1 N = 3,677 (all previously Median 144 (135–157) RT-PCR Subjective self-report ● 1.5% (55/3677) ● The majority of deaths
Cohort Hospital, Wuchang hospitalized cases) days following discharge during clinical follow-up reported fatigue during follow-up were
Hospital, ● 1.7% (64/3677) male

Zhongshang ● Age Range: 10–98 reported reduction in ● The risk of the

Hospital, and Hubei ● Median Age: 59 physical strength development of
Province Hospital (47–68) ● 1.3% (49/3677) physical
● Sex (%F/%M): 54.1/ reported headache/ abnormalities was
45.9 dizziness/poor independent of age
memory and sex
● 0.03% (1/3677) ● The incidence of post-
reported confusion COVID-19 sequelae of
elderly COVID-19
survivors (age ≥ 60
years) was slightly
increased compared
to that of young sur­
vivors (age < 60)
Menges et al., Switzerland Cross-sectional General Population N = 431 (including 81 Median 220 (181–232) RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 54.7% (233/426) ● Younger individuals
2021a of Zurich (Zurich previously hospitalized days following diagnosis FAS (fatigue), EQ-5D-5L reported fatigue and females more

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

SARS-CoV-2 Cohort cases, of which 10 were (quality of life), as well as measured by FAS frequently reported
Study) in ICU, and 350 non- subjective self-report via (59.2% [125/211] of symptoms of fatigue
hospitalized cases) online survey conducted females and 50.2% ● A higher proportion of
via REDcap [108/215] males; female participants
● Age Range: ≥18 55.9% [195/349] and initially
● Median Age: 47 non-hospitalized and hospitalized
(33–58) 49.4% [38/77] individuals reported
● Sex (%F/%M): 49.7/ hospitalized) not having fully
50.3 ● Median FAS score: 22 recovered
(19–25) ● Severe to very severe
● 53% (225/431) acute symptoms and
reported problems in the presence of co-
morbidities were
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

at least one EQ-5D-5L associated with non-

dimension recovery
● 0.5% (2/430)
reported problems
with self-care
● 10.5% (45/230)
reported problems
with daily activity
● Median EQ-5D-5L:
0.89 (0.85–1.00)
Miskowiak et al., Denmark Prospective Bispebjerg Hospital N = 129 (29 previously 3–4 months following RT-PCR and serology Objective assessment via ● 65% (19/29) of ● More global cognitive
2021 Cohort (IMPACT-COVID hospitalized cases, and hospital discharge SCIP-D, TMT-B, and CFQ patients exhibited impairment and
study) 100 matched healthy (cognitive function), and clinically-significant executive dysfunction
controls) EQ-5D-5L (quality of cognitive impairment, both correlated with
life), as well as subjective operationalized as greater disability
● Age Range: N/A self-report via SCIP total scores ≥ 0.5 within EQ-5D ‘usual
● Mean Age (SD): 56.2 questionnaire SD below the demo­ activity’ and ‘anxiety
± 10.6 graphically adjusted and depression
● Sex (%F/%M): 41/59 predicted scores ● Greater objective
● 83% (19/23) of cognitive impairments
patients reported were associated with
subjective cognitive more subjective
difficulties in daily cognitive difficulties,
life, operationalized absenteeism, and
as CFQ scores ≥ 43, poorer quality of life
and subjective ● Poorer pulmonary

cognitive complaints function and more

(CFQ Total scores) respiratory symptoms
correlated after recovery were
significantly with associated with more
objectively measured cognitive impairments
global cognitive
● 0% reported work
time missed due to
health (absenteeism)
● 10% reported
impairment while
working due to health
● 10% reported overall
work impairment due

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

to health
● 20% reported activity
impairment due to
Miyazato et al., Japan Cross-sectional Disease Control and N = 63 (all previously Mean 129 ± 21 days RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 9.5% (6/63) reported
2021 Prevention Center hospitalized cases) following onset of structured telephone fatigue which was not
and National Center symptoms interview conducted by chronic before onset
for Global Health and ● Age Range: N/A the investigators of COVID-19
Medicine ● Mean Age: 48.1 ±
● Sex (%F/%M): 33.3/
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

Morin et al., France Prospective Bicêtre Hospital N = 478 (all previously Median 113 (94–128) RT-PCR and/or CT scan Objective assessment via ● 31.1% (134/431)
2021 Cohort (Paris-Saclay hospitalized cases, days following discharge Q3PC, MoCA, d-2R reported fatigue
University hospitals) including 142 previously (cognitive function), MFI ● 17.5% (73/416)
admitted to ICU) (fatigue) during in-clinic/ reported memory
ambulatory assessment, difficulties
● Age Range: ≥18 as well as subjective self- ● 10.1% (42/415)
● Mean Age: 60.9 ± 16 report via telephone reported mental
● Sex (%F/%M): 42.1/ questionnaire slowness
57.9 ● 10.0% (41/412)
● 20.7% (86/416)
reported at least 1
cognitive symptom
● During ambulatory
assessment, 49.7%
(79/159) reported a
cognitive complaint
(impaired McNair
score), and 38.4%
(61/159) reported
cognitive impairment
(impaired MoCA or d-
2R scores)
Munblit et al., Russia Prospective Sechenov University N = 2649 (all previously Median 217.5 RT-PCR or clinically Objective assessment via ● 21.2% (551/2599) ● Female sex was

2021a Cohort Hospital Network hospitalized cases) (200.4–235.5) days diagnosed EQ-5D-5L (quality of reported fatigue associated with
following discharge life), as well as subjective ● 9.1% (237/2597) chronic fatigue
● Age Range: ≥18 self-report via telephone reported forgetfulness
● Median Age: 56 interview performed by ● Participants reported
(46–66) medical students using lower scores (poorer
● Sex (%F/%M): 51.1/ health state) at follow
49.9 up (median 80
[65–90]) compared to
pre-COVID (median
85 [70–95]), p <
● Significant worsening
of health was found
across all symptom
categories, whereas
no statistically

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

significant reduction
in health state was
found among patients
reporting no
O’Keefe et al., USA Cross-sectional Emory Healthcare’s N = 198 participants Median 119 (range RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 21.2% (42/198) ● Moderate to severe
2021a Virtual Outpatient discharged from 26–220) days following e-mail survey reported fatigue acute COVID-19, fe­
Management Clinic outpatient telemedicine diagnosis 90–220 days after the male sex, and middle
(VOMC) program for COVID-19 acute COVID-19 phase age were highly asso­
(including 35 previously ● 13.6% (27/198) ciated with persistent
hospitalized cases) reported mental fog symptoms
90–220 days after the
● Age Range: 18–84 acute COVID-19 phase
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● Median Age: 44 ± 14
● Sex (%F/%M): 74.2/
Ong et al., 2021 Singapore Prospective 4 public hospitals in ● N = 199 (175 prior Median 181 (103–191) RT-PCR Objective assessed via ● 1.7% (2/120) ● Age > 65 years, non-
Cohort Singapore cases, all of which days following discharge immunoassay reported fatigue at Chinese ethnicity, and
were previously (inflammatory 180 days follow-up severity of acute
hospitalized, and 24 parameters), as well as ● 0.8% (1/120) infection were associ­
healthy controls) subjective self-report reported memory loss ated with increased
at 180 days follow-up likelihood of persis­
● Age Range: N/A ● Patients exhibited tent symptoms
● Median Age: 44 elevated levels of MIP- ● There were no
● Sex (%F/%M): 24.6/ 1β, SDF-1α, eotaxin, significant differences
75.4 IL-12p70, SCF, IL-1B, in the levels of
IL-17A, BDNF, and immune mediators
VEGF, and had sys­ between patients with
temic cytokine pro­ different [acute]
files distinct from disease severity
healthy controls
regardless of severity
of initial illness
● The levels of
associated IL-6, IP-10,
IL-18, and MCP-1
decreased from day 90

to 180
Orrù et al., 2021 Italy Cross-sectional Individuals living in N = 152 (hospitalization At least 3 months RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 74.34% (113/152)
Italy (recruited status not specified) following positive test EQ-5D-3L (quality of reported fatigue
through the web) life), as well as subjective ● 48.68% (74/152)
● Age Range: ≥18 self-report via online reported cognitive
● Mean age: N/A survey impairment
● Sex* (%F/%M): ● 10.53% (16/152)
82.05/17.95 reported moderate-
*pertains to a larger serious problems with
dataset of 507, which do self-care
not all follow our ● 68.42% (104/152)
inclusion criteria reported moderate-
serious problems with
daily activities
Osmanov et al., Russia Prospective Z.A. Bashlyaeva N = 518 children (all Median 256 (223–271) RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 10.7% (53/518) ● Older age group and
2021a Cohort Children’s Municipal previously hospitalized days following discharge telephone reported fatigue pre-existent allergic

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Clinical Hospital cases) surveyconducted by ● scores on wellness disease were associ­
medical students scale for children with ated with persistent
● Age Range: ≤18 2 + persistent symptoms
● Median Age: 10.4 symptoms
(3–15.2) significantly declined
● Sex (%F/%M): 52.1/ when compared to
47.9 before COVID-19
onset (from 90
[80–95] to 70
● Scores on wellness
scale for children with
1 persistent symptom
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

significantly declined
when compared to
before COVID-19
onset (from 90
[80–100]) to 82.5
Peghin et al., Italy Prospective Udine Hospital N = 599 (442 outpatient Median 191 (172–204) Nucleic acid Subjective self-report via ● 13.1% (78/599) ● Female sex, a
2021 Cohort cases, 157 previously days following onset of amplification tests and/ telephone questionnaire reported fatigue proportional increase
hospitalized, including acute COVID-19 or clinical diagnosis administered by trained in the number of
23 in ICU) nurses symptoms at onset of
COVID-19, and ICU
● Age Range: 18–94 admission were inde­
● Mean Age: 53 ± 15.8 pendent risk factors
● Sex (%F/%M): 53.4/ for post-COVID-19
46.6 syndrome
● Persistence of fatigue
was significantly
associated with
disease severity at
Pereira et al., United Prospective Hospital in North N = 38 hospital staff (35 7–8 months following RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 57% (22/38) reported ● Those who
2021 Kingdom Cohort West London symptomatic and 3 symptom onset questionnaire based on fatigue experienced more
asymptomatic cases, all NICE guidelines ● 24% (9/38) reported symptoms during the
not requiring difficulty acute phase were
hospitalization) concentrating more likely to
● 16% (6/38) reported experience persistent

● Age Range: 23–67 no longer being able symptoms

● Mean Age: 43 to participate in a
● Sex (%F/%M): 84/16 sport or recreational
activity due to their
ongoing symptoms
Petersen et al., Faroe Prospective The Faroese Hospital N = 180 (all outpatient Mean 125 ± 17 days RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 23.9% (43/180) ● Symptoms persisted
2021 Islands Cohort System cases) following symptom onset fatigue impact scale reported fatigue significantly more
(fatigue) ● fatigue impact scale frequently in
● Age Range: 0–93 score mean score: 1.2 Individuals aged
● Mean Age: 39.9 ± ± 1.0 50–66 years when
19.4 compared with the
● Sex (%F/%M): 54.4/ youngest group (0–17
45.6 years)
● Symptoms seemed to
be more persistent
with increasing age

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Pilotto et al., Italy Prospective Spedali Civili Brescia N = 165 (all previously 6 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 33.9% (56/165) ● Patients with
2021a Cohort Hospital hospitalized non- hospitalization MoCA (cognitive reported fatigue moderate/severe
neurological cases) function), as well as ● 31.5% (52/165) COVID-19 reported
subjective self-report via reported memory/ higher number of
● Age Range: N/A clinical follow-up concentration symptoms at follow-
● Mean Age: 64.8 ± checklist complaints up
12.6 ● 16.2% (17/105) ● Premorbid
● Sex (%F/%M): 30.3/ exhibited cognitive comorbidities, age at
69.7 impairment [assessed admission, and
via MoCA during severity of COVID-19
neurological were predictors of
examination] total number of
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

symptoms reported at
Qu et al., 2021 China Prospective 6 Hospitals in Anhui N = 540 (all previously 3 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 29.4% (159/540) ● Female sex, older age,
Cohort Province and Hubei hospitalized cases) discharge SF-36 (quality of life), as reported fatigue and the presence of
Province well as subjective self- ● 15.4% (83/540) had physical symptoms
● Age Range: 10–99 report via electronic poor physical after discharge
● Median Age: 47.5 survey form component summary [including fatigue]
(37.0–57.0) scores were risk factors for
● Sex (%F/%M): 50/50 ● 32.6% (176/540) had health-related quality
poor mental of life scores
component summary ● Female patients
scores presented with
● except for the general significantly lower
health dimension, scores of all
scores on all other dimensions of SF-36
dimensions of SF-36
were significantly
lower than Chinese
● female patients
presented with
significantly lower
scores of all
dimensions of SF-36
Rass et al., 2021 Austria Prospective Department of N = 135 (31 cases Median 102 (91–110) RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 27% (35/130) ● Fatigue was more
Cohort Internal Medicine II, previously admitted to days following onset of MoCA (cognitive reported persistent frequent in patients

Medical University of ICU, 72 previously symptoms function), SF-36-v2 fatigue (50% [15/30] with sleep
Innsbruck, Zams, and admitted to ward, 32 (quality of life), GOSE ICU, 17% [12/71] disturbances and in
Muenster previously received mild and mRS (functional with ward COVID-19, those with newly
outpatient care) outcome), as well as and 26% [8/31] with diagnosed
subjective self-report via outpatient COVID-19) neurological diseases
● Age Range: 19–87 clinical follow-up ● 25% (30/120)
● Median Age: 56 reported
(48–68) forgetfulness, trouble
● Sex (%F/%M): 39/61 concentrating, or
difficulty thinking
(26% [7/27] ICU,
24% [16/67] with
ward COVID-19, and
29% [7/32] with
outpatient COVID-19)
● 23% (29/126) scored

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

below 26 on the
MoCA (29% [8/28]
ICU, 20% [20/67]
with ward COVID-19,
and 3% [1/32] with
outpatient COVID-19)
● Median MoCA score:
28 (26–29) (28
[25–28]) ICU, 28
[25–29] for ward
COVID-19, and 29
[28–30] for outpatient
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● 31% (28/90)
exhibited an impaired
SF-36 score (43% [9/
21] ICU, 31% [16/52]
with ward COVID-19,
and 17% [3/18] with
outpatient COVID-19)
● Median GOSE: 8 (7–8)
● Median mRS: 1 (0–1)
Rauch et al., Germany Prospective Life&Covid Online N = 127 (including 116 6 months following RT-PCR or Serology Subjective self-report via ● 25% (32/127) ● At least one symptom,
2021a Cohort Cohort Study outpatient cases and 11 infection e-mail survey reported fatigue (28% exertional dyspnea,
(Ludwig- inpatients) [24/87] females; 20% and fatigue were
Maximilians- [8/40] males) reported more often
Universität) ● Age Range: ≥18 ● 16% (20/127) after severe acute
● Median Age: N/A reported difficulties in illness
● Sex (%F/%M): 68.5/ concentration
Romero-Duarte Spain Retrospective Four hospitals in N = 797 (all previously 6 months following RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 22.1% (176/797)
et al., 2021 Cohort Spain hospitalized cases, discharge questionnaire reported fatigue
including 81 previously (18.9% [81/428]
admitted to ICU) males; 25.7% [95/
369] females)
● Age Range: N/A
● Mean Age: 63.0 ±
● Sex (%F/%M): 46.3/

Savarraj et al., USA Prospective University of Texas N = 48 (all previously 3 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 42% (19/45) ● People with long-term
2021a Cohort Health Science hospitalized cases) discharge mRS (functional exhibited fatigue symptoms were
Center outcomes), BNST symptoms, significantly older
● Age Range: N/A (cognitive function), FSS operationalized as FSS ● The persistence of
● Mean Age: 50 ± 17 (fatigue) cutoff of ≥ 4 long-term symptoms
● Sex (%F/%M): 48/52 ● 12% (5/43) exhibited was not associated
cognitive deficits, with the severity of
operationalized as acute COVID-19
BNST cutoff of ≤ 8 symptoms
● 21% (10/48) scored ● Subjects with mild
poorly in terms of course of
functional outcome, hospitalization had a
operationalized as high incidence of
mRS cutoff of ≥ 3 symptoms, especially

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Say et al., 2021 Australia Prospective Royal Children’s N = 151 children 3–6 months following RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 2% (3/151) reported ● All children that had
Cohort Hospital (including 54 diagnosis follow-up clinic proforma fatigue post-acute COVID-19
asymptomatic, 91 mostly symptoms had symp­
mild symptomatic cases, tomatic acute COVID-
and 14 previously 19

● Age Range: ≤18

● Median Age: 3 (1–8)
● Sex (%F/%M): 47/53
Shang et al., China Prospective Zhongnan Hospital N = 796 (all previously 6 months following RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 25.3% (201/796) ● Female sex was
2021 Cohort of Wuhan University, hospitalized cases, discharge telephone interview reported fatigue associated with
No. 7 Hospital of (21.3% [86/392]
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

Wuhan, Leishenshan including 38 in ICU) males; 29.3% [115/ reporting > 1

Hospital 404] females) persistent symptom
● Age Range: ≤18
● Median Age: 62.0
● Sex (%F/%M): 49.2/
Shendy et al., Egypt Prospective Ministry of Health N = 81 (11 previously 3–5 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 64.2% (52/81)
2021 Cohort and Population hospitalized cases, 70 recovery from COVID-19 MFIS (fatigue) exhibited fatigue
non-hospitalized cases) (72.7% [8/11]
hospitalized; 62.9%
● Age Range: 25–40 [44/70] non-
● Mean Age: 34.03 ± hospitalized), oper­
4.9 ationalized as MFIS
● Sex (%F/%M): 68/32 total score ≤ 38
Shuwa et al., United Prospective Coronavirus Immune N = 83 (all previously Median 158 RT-PCR or clinical Objective assessment via ● Moderate to severe ● No significant
2021 Kingdom Cohort Response and hospitalized cases) (116.5–184.5) days diagnosis cell culture and flow patients demonstrated increase in IFNγ +
Clinical Outcomes following hospital cytometry (immune an elevation in CD4 + T cells was
(CIRCO) study based ● Age Range: N/A admission parameters) cytokine-producing T seen when stratifying
at 4 hospitals in ● Median Age: 60 cells (except for TNF- patients for fatigue
greater Manchester (51.0–66.5) α + CD8 + T cells) and ● Increased production
● Sex (%F/%M): 38.6/ increased production of type 1 cytokines in
61.4 of cytokines convalescent patients
● No significant was associated with
differences in the COVID-19 disease
frequency of TNF-α + severity, (apart from

B cells were observed for IFNγ + CD4 + T

● The convalescent
group defined by the
highest proportions of
CD8 + T cells and type
1 cytokine production
was enriched in
patients with a poorer
outcome at follow-up
Simani et al., Iran Prospective University-affiliated N = 120 (all previously 6 months following RT-PCR or CT Objective assessment via ● 17.5% (21/120) ● Female sex was
2021 Cohort hospital of Tehran hospitalized, including 9 COVID-19 infection previously validated exhibited various associated with an
in ICU) questionnaire based on fatigue levels increased risk of CFS/
Fukuda guidelines for ● 14.2% (17/120) ME before adjustment
● Age Range: N/A CFS/EM (fatigue) qualified for CFS
● Mean Age: 54.62 ± criteria

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

● Sex (%F/%M): 33.3/
Skala et al., 2021 Czech Prospective Hradec Kralove N = 102 (including 15 3 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 21.6% (22/102)
Republic Cohort District previously hospitalized COVID-19 diagnosis laboratory testing reported fatigue
cases and 87 outpatient (inflammatory ● 4.9% (5/102)
cases) parameters), as well as reported memory
subjective self-report via impairment
● Age Range: 10–98 questionnaires ● 10.8% (11/102)
● Mean Age: 46.7 administered by exhibited CRP
● Sex (%F/%M): 54/46 physician elevation
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● 9.8% (10/102)
exhibited D-dimer
Soldati et al., Brazil Prospective ICU unit, Complexo N = 23 (all previously Median 83 (37–115) days RT-PCR Objective assessment ● 13% (3/23) exhibited
2021 Cohort Hospitalar de Niterói admitted to ICU) following discharge viaTICS (cognitive cognitive impairment,
function), EuroQol operationalized as
● Age Range: N/A (quality of life) TICS score 21–25
● Mean Age: 53.6 ± ● Mean EuroQol score:
11.7 71.9 ± 27.5
● Sex (%F/%M): 21.8/ ● Patients with mild
78.2 cognitive impairment
had lower EuroQol
scores (median 50)
compared to patients
with ambiguous and
with normal cognitive
performance (median
85), however this
difference was not
significant (p = 0.062)
Sonnweber Austria Prospective Department of N = 134 (including 109 Mean 103 ± 21 days RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 12% (16/134) ● Severity of acute
et al., 2021 Cohort Internal Medicine II, previously hospitalized, following diagnosis laboratory testing exhibited elevated COVID-19, age, sex,
Medical University of of which 29 were (serology) CRP levels (mean: 0.3 cardiovascular dis­
Innsbruck, and two previously admitted to ± 0.6 mg/dL) eases, pulmonary dis­
additional medical ICU) ● 6% (8/134) exhibited eases, diabetes

centres in Zams and elevated IL-6 levels mellitus type 2 and

Münster (CovILD ● Age Range: 19–87 (mean: 3.0 ± 2.5 mg/ malignancy were
study) ● Mean Age: 57 ± 14 dL) related to patient
● Sex (%F/%M): 43/57 ● 9% (12/134) recovery
exhibited elevated
procalcitonin levels
(mean: 0.07 ± 0.02)
● 27% (36/134)
exhibited elevated D-
dimer (mean: 564 ±
804 µg/L)
Soraas et al., Norway Prospective Conducted online in N = 588 (all previously Mean 248 ± 18 days from RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 31% (183/588)
2021a Cohort Norway non-hospitalized cases) baseline (mean 15.9 ± 9 RAND-36 (quality of life), reported feeling
days from testing to as well as subjective self- fatigued in the 3
● Age Range: ≥18 baseline) report via online weeks before 8-month
● Mean Age: 48 questionnaire follow-up

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

● Sex (%F/%M): 57/43 ● 11.5% (68/588)
reported memory
problems in the 3
weeks before 8-month
● 13% (74/588)
reported problems
concentrating and
thinking in the 3
weeks before 8-month
● 42% (246/588)
reported worsening of
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

health compared to
one year ago
● 20% (119/588)
reported that physical
health has limited
work or other
activities in the past 4
● 13% (78/588)
reported that pain has
limited activities
mildly or worse in the
past 4 weeks
Stavem et al., Norway Cross-sectional Akershus University N = 458 (all non- Median 117.5 (105–135) RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 46% (211/458) ● Female sex, previous
2021 Hospital (Ahus) and hospitalized cases) days following first CFQ-11 and RAND-36 reported fatigue depression, higher
Østfold Hospital COVID-19 symptom (fatigue) administered ● Mean CFQ-11 bimodal BMI, single/divorced/
● Age Range: ≥18 via web or post score: 3.9 ± 3.7 widowed, short time
● Mean Age: 49.5 ± ● Mean RAND-36 en­ since symptom debut,
15.3 ergy/fatigue scale high symptom load
● Sex (%F/%M): 56/44 score: 56.8 ± 23.9 and, confusion during
acute COVID-19 were
associated with higher
multivariable odds of
Suárez-Robles Spain Cross-sectional Hospital Clínico San N = 134 (all previously 90 days following RT-PCR Subjective self-report via ● 54.5% (73/134)
et al., 2020 Carlos hospitalized, including 2 discharge telephone structured reported fatigue

previously admitted to interview ● 18.7% (25/134)

ICU) reported general
● Age Range: N/A
● Mean Age: 58.53 ±
● Sex (%F/%M): 53.7/
Sykes et al., UK Prospective Hull University N = 134 (all previously Median 113 (range RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 39.6% (53/134) ● Females were
2021 Cohort Teaching Hospitals hospitalized, including 46–167) days following EQ-5D-5L (quality of reported extreme significantly more
NHS Trust 27 previously admitted to discharge life), as well as subjective fatigue (30.7% [27/ likely to report
ICU) self-report via 88] males; 56.5% residual symptoms
standardised clinical [26/46] females) including fatigue
● Age Range: 25–89 assessment by a specialist ● 25.4% (34/134)
● Mean Age: 59.6 ± 14 nurse and/or reported an attention
● Sex (%F/%M): 34.3/ physiotherapist deficit (20.5% [18/

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

65.7 88] males; 34.8%
[16/46] females)
● 37.3% (50/134)
reported memory
impairment (27.3%
[24/88] males; 56.5%
[26/46] females)
● 9.7% (13/134)
reported cognitive
impairment (5.7%
-[5/88] males; 17.4%
[8/46] females)
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● EQ-5D-5L mean:
0.657 (0.30)
● CRP levels were
within normal range
in 84% (54/64) of
patients (median: 2.9
(0.2–33) mg/L)
Taboada (1) Spain Prospective Seven hospitals N = 91 (all cases 6 months following ICU RT-PCR Objectively assessed via ● 37% (34/91) reported ● Advanced age, male
et al., 2020 Cohort located in previously admitted to treatment EQ-5D-3L (quality of life) asthenia sex, need for
northwestern Spain ICU) and PCFS (functional ● 67% (61/91) mechanical
outcomes), as well as exhibited a decrease ventilation during ICU
● Age Range: N/A subjective self-report via in the quality of life, stay, duration of
● Mean Age: 65.5 ± structured interview including 56% (51/ mechanical
10.4 conducted by trained 91) experiencing ventilation, length of
● Sex (%F/%M): 35.2/ research coordinators mobility problems, ICU stay, and length of
64.8 37% (34/91) hospital stay were
experiencing associated with a
problems with usual decreased quality of
activities, and 13% life and/or functional
(12/91) experiencing status
problems with self-
● 63% (57/91) reported
a decreased functional
status; 38% (35/91)
had lowered two

grades in the PCFS,

45% (41/91)
described persistent
functional limitations
(operationalized as
grades 2–4 in the
Taboada (2) Spain Cross-sectional University Hospital N = 183 (all previously 6 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 47.5% (87/183) ● Female sex, age,
et al., 2021 of Santiago hospitalized cases, hospitalization PCFS (functional status), patients exhibited length of hospital
including 32 to ICU) as well as subjective self- decreased functional stay, mechanical
reportvia surveys status, ventilation, and ICU
● Age Range: N/A conducted by trained operationalized as admission were
● Mean Age*: 65.9 ± study investigators PCFS grades 2–4 associated with
14.1 limitations in
● Sex* (%F/%M): 40.5/ functional status

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

*pertains to all who were
admitted to hospital at
index, including those
who are not included in
Tawfik et al., Egypt Retrospective Ain-Shams N = 120 healthcare 3 months following RT-PCR and CT Subjective self-report via ● 35.0% (42/120) ● Age ≥ 35 years was
2021 Cohort University and workers (including 18 COVID-19 infection questionnaire reported fatigue associated with
Ministry of Health previously hospitalized) ● 3.3% (4/120) development of
and Population reported memory and persistent symptoms
hospitals ● Age Range: 23–62 attention problems
● Mean Age: 33.7 ±
● Sex (%F/%M): 58/42
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

Todt et al., 2021 Brazil Prospective Hospital Municipal N = 251 patients (all 3 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment ● Overall worsening of ● Worsening of health
Cohort Dr. Moyses Deutsch previously hospitalized, discharge viaEQ-5D-3L (quality of EQ-5D-3L single sum­ status in usual
including 42 in ICU) life) mary index compared activities was higher
to before the onset of among females
● Age Range: ≥18 COVID-19 symptoms ● Participants with
● Mean Age: 53.6 ± (medians: 0.80 worsening of health
14.9 [0.74–1.0] vs. 1.0 status were
● Sex (%F/%M): 40.2/ [0.80–1.0]) predominantly
59.8 ● 7.4% (18/251) female, more
reported problems frequently had
with self-care (EQ-5D- required mechanical
3L levels 2 or 3) ventilation and
● 15.6% (38/251) intensive care, and
reported problems had longer length of
with usual activities hospital stay than
(EQ-5D-3L levels 2 or participants without
3) worsening of health
● Poorer health status
prior to admission was
associated with more
significant decline in
health status
● Factors associated
with self-care impair­
ment: age, hyperten­

sion, number of
comorbidities, inten­
sive care, new onset
hemodialysis, and
length of hospital stay
● Factors associated
with impairment in
usual activities: age,
heart failure, number
of comorbidities, new
onset hemodialysis,
and length of hospital
Valiente-De Spain Prospective Outpatients’ office of N = 108 (all outpatient 12 weeks following acute Serology Subjective self-report via ● 44.9% (48/107) ● Being a health-care
Santis et al., Cohort Regional University cases; both symptomatic COVID-19 telephone survey reported asthenia worker was associated
2020a Hospital of Málaga and asymptomatic, ● 1.9% (2/108) with symptom persis­

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

including 30 healthcare reported loss of tence, while age ≥ 65
workers) memory years was protective
● 1.9% (2/108)
● Age Range: N/A reported difficulty
● Mean Age: 55.4 ± concentrating
15.4 ● CRP > 2.9 mg/dL was
● Sex (%F/%M): 55.6/ detected in 24.5%
44.4 (25/108)
● D-dimer > 500 ng/mL
was detected in 31.4%
● IL-6 > 40 pg/mL was
detected in 3.9% (4/
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

van den Borst The Prospective Radboud University N = 124 (all previously Mean 13.0 ± 2.2 weeks RT-PCR or clinically Objective assessment via ● 69% (86/124)
et al., 2020 Netherlands Cohort Medical Center hospitalized cases) following onset of diagnosed laboratory testing reported fatigue
(POSTCOVER study) symptoms (serological parameters), ● 64% (79/124)
● Age Range: N/A TICS, CFQ (cognitive reported functional
● Mean Age: 59 ± 14 function), SF-36 and impairments in daily
● Sex (%F/%M): 40/60 NCSI (quality of life, life
fatigue) ● 36% (45/124)
exhibited abnormal
scores on all mental
and cognitive status
● 15% (19/124)
exhibited abnormal
cognitive status,
operationalized as
TICS score < 34
● 17% (21/124)
exhibited self-
reported cognitive
impairment, oper­
ationalized as CFQ >
● scores on all domains
of the SF-36 were
lowered, especially on
the domains func­

tioning, energy/fa­
tigue, and general
● median CRP (1 (1–3)
mg/L) and D-dimer
(500 (500–500) ng/
ml) were at normal
levels in all
● 72% (89/124)
reported impaired
general quality of life
Van Veenendaal The Prospective University Medical N = 60 (all previously 6 months following ICU RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 24% (12/50) reported
et al., 2021a Netherlands Cohort Center Groningen, admitted cases to ICU) discharge SF-20 (quality of life), fatigue at 6-month
ICU (COFICS) [50 at 6 months] FAD-GF6+ (social follow-up
functioning), as well as ● 14% (7/50) reported

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

● Age Range: N/A subjective self-report via cognitive problems
● Median Age: 62.5 telephone questionnaire ● Role activities were
(55.3–68.0) conducted by research impaired in ICU-
● Sex (%F/%M): 32/68 nurses (at 3 months), and survivors with a me­
mail questionnaire (at 6 dian of 0 (IQR 0–0)
months) ● Social functioning
scored a median of
80.0 (IQR
● 33% (10/30) of pre-
ICU employed persons
were too ill to return
to work, and employ­
ment rate was
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )

F. Ceban et al.
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

decreased for the vast

majority of patients;
90% did not reach
their pre-ICU employ­
ment level
Venturelli et al., Italy Prospective Papa Giovanni XXIII N = 767 (all previously Median 105 (84–127) RT-PCR or Serology Objective assessment via ● 70.3% (539/767) ● Women were more
2021 Cohort Hospital hospitalized cases, days following onset of laboratory testing reported mild to symptomatic than
including 66 in ICU) symptoms (serology), MoCA severe asthenia, men, with fatigue
(cognitive function), according to the Brief reported almost twice
● Age Range: 20–92 Barthel index (functional Fatigue Inventory as frequently
● Mean Age: 63 ± 13.6 impairment), and Brief ● 44.1% (334/767)
● Sex (%F/%M): 32.9/ Fatigue inventory reported new-onset
67.1 (fatigue), as well as fatigue, according to
subjective self-report via the Brief Fatigue
questionnaire inventory
● 24.3% (186/767) self-
reported asthenia
● 0.7% (2/304)
exhibited a pathologic
MoCA score of 0
● 22.7% (69/304)
reported cognitive
● 16% (121/767) were
no longer

according to the
Barthel index scale
● Mean D-dimer: 700 ±
1021 ng/ml (22%
[163/743] exhibited
500–999, 12% [89/
743] exhibited
1000–1999, 5% [37/
743] exhibited
>=2000); above
upper limit in 38% of
● Mean CRP: 0.36 ±
0.85 mg/dL (7% [53/

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

759] exhibited values
> 1.0)
Walle-Hansen Norway Retrospective Four general N = 106 (all previously 6 months following RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 43% (46/106) ● The mean sum scores
et al., 2021 Cohort hospitals in South- hospitalized cases, hospitalization MoCA (cognitive displayed a negative of MoCA were lower
Eastern Norway including 28 in ICU) function), and EQ 5D-5L change in cognitive in the oldest age
(quality of life) function, according to group, indicating
● Age range: 60–96 MoCA lower cognitive and
● Mean age: 74.3 ± 8.5 ● 54% (111/206) physical function in
● Sex (%F/%M): 43/57 reported decrease of 7 older compared to
+ points in quality of younger participants
life (mean change
from baseline: − 11.5
± 14.2)
(continued on next page)
F. Ceban et al.
Table 2 (continued )
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

● 35% (37/106)
reported decline in
mobility and ability to
perform daily
● 17% (18/106)
reported decline in
ability to self-care
● 11% (12/106)
reported major
change in usual
Wong et al., Canada Prospective Post-COVID-19 N = 78 (all previously Median 13 (11–14) weeks Laboratory test Objective assessment via ● 51% (40/78)
2020 Cohort Respiratory Clinic in hospitalized cases) following onset of EQ-5D-5L (quality of life) exhibited quality of
Vancouver symptoms life impairment,
● Age range: ≥18 operationalized as at
● Mean age: 62 ± 16 least a moderate
● Sex (%F/%M): 36/64 problem in one or
more EQ-5D-5L
Woo et al., 2020 United Cross-sectional University Medical N = 28 (11 previously Median 85 (range RT-PCR Objective assessment via ● 16.7% (3/18) ● Neurocognitive
Kingdom Centre Hamburg- hospitalized cases, 6 20–105) days following TICS-M (cognitive reported fatigue deficits after recovery
Eppendorf previously outpatient recovery function), as well as ● Cases scored median from COVID-19 were
cases, 1 case receiving no subjective self-report via 24.17 (range: 13–40) independent from fa­
medical care, and 10 questionnaire on the fatigue tigue and mood alter­

healthy controls) assessment ations and may

scale compared to therefore might be
● Age Range: 17–71 healthy controls different from the
● Mean Age: 42.2 ± median 18.1 (range: classical post-viral
14.3 18–19) syndrome
● Sex (%F/%M): 57.9/ ● 50% (9/18) reported
42.1 attention deficits
● 44.4% (8/18)
concentration deficits
● 44.4% (8/18)
reported short-term
memory deficits
● 27.8% (5/18)
reported trouble in

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

finding words
● 5.6% (1/18) reported
incoherent thoughts
● Cases scored a TICS-M
mean of 38.83 (range:
31–46) compared to
healthy controls mean
of 45.8 (range, 43–50)
Xiong et. al., China Prospective Renmin Hospital of N = 722 (538 previously Median 97 (95–102) days COVID-19 diagnosis Subjective self-report via ● 28.3% (152/538) ● Physical decline/
2020 cohort Wuhan University hospitalized cases, and following discharge according to WHO telephone survey reported physical fatigue was more
interim guidance decline or fatigue common in female
(continued on next page)
F. Ceban et al.
Table 2 (continued )
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

184 healthy controls) conducted by three (34% [52/152] males; than male subjects,
experienced clinicians 66% [100/152] and in those aged
● Age range: 20–80 females) 41–60
● Median age: 52
● Sex (%F/%M): 30.3/
Zhao et al., 2020 China Retrospective 3 Tertiary Hospitals N = 55 (all previously 3 months following RT-PCR Self-report via clinical ● 16.4% (9/55)
cohort in Henan Province hospitalized cases) discharge follow-up reported fatigue

● Age Range: ≥18

● Mean Age: 47.74 ±
● Sex (%F/%M): 41.82/
Zhou et al., 2021 China Cross-sectional 4 Hospitals in Wuhan N = 72 (55 cases, Mean 139.79 ± 7.41 days RT-PCR or serology Objective assessment via ● D-dimer median level ● Cytokines such as
including 16 following illness onset for mesoscale-discovery in severe cohort: 0.34 TNF-α were correlated
asymptomatic, and 17 severe cohort, mean (MSD) multiplexed (0.28–0.51) μg/ml with abnormal clinical
healthy controls) 133.75 ± 9.64 days immunoassay (vs. healthy controls: features
following illness onset for (immunological 0.29 [0.29–0.38] μg/
● Age Range*: N/A mild cohort parameters) ml])
● Median Age*: 60 ● D-dimer median level
(57–64) in moderate cohort:
● Sex* (%F/%M): 57.9/ 0.38 (0.29–0.46) μg/
42.1 ml (vs. healthy

● Age Range**: N/A controls: 0.29

● Median Age**: 56.50 [0.29–0.38] μg/ml])
(52.3–63.0) ● D-dimer median level
● Sex** (%F/%M): 75/ in asymptomatic
25 cohort: 0.32
● Age Range***: N/A (0.25–0.46) μg/ml
● Median Age***: 57 (vs. healthy controls:
(52.8–62.0) 0.29 [0.29–0.38] μg/
● Sex*** (%F/%M): ml])
56.2/43.8 ● CRP median level in
*severe cohort**mild severe cohort: 1.30
cohort***asymptomatic (0.46–3.74) mg/L (vs.
cohort healthy controls: 0.42
[0.11–1.23] mg/L])
● CRP median level in

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

moderate cohort: 0.63
(0.29–1.50) mg/L (vs.
healthy controls: 0.42
[0.11–1.23] mg/L])
● CRP median level in
asymptomatic cohort:
1.06 (0.56–1.50) mg/
L (vs. healthy
controls: 0.42
[0.11–1.23] mg/L])
● CRP and D-dimer
levels were not
(continued on next page)
F. Ceban et al.
Table 2 (continued )
Study Country Study Design Sample Source Sample Characteristics Follow-up Duration Ascertainment of Ascertainment of Results Factors Associated with
COVID-19 Outcomes persistent symptoms

significantly elevated
compared to healthy
control levels (p >
● Significant increases
in SAA, TNF-α, and IL-
1RA in severe cohort
(class 1,2,3 cytokines
upregulated in cases)
● Higher than normal
levels of IL-17A and
IL-17D in severe
● No difference across
all cohorts in IL-1α
and IL-1β
● Normal levels of IL-6
and IL-10 across all
● IL-7 was decreased in
severe cohort

Proportions are reported as cases/total study sample size. ‘Cases’ refers to previous confirmed COVID-19 cases. Medians are reported as median (interquartile range), if the interquartile range was provided, or unless
otherwise specified. Means are reported as mean ± standard deviation, if the standard deviation was provided. ‘Previously hospitalized’/‘admitted to ICU’ refers to COVID-19 treatment. ‘Admission’ and ‘discharge’ refer to
COVID-19 inpatient treatment. ‘Infection’ refers to infection with SARS-CoV-2. Ages are given in years. ‘%F/%M’ refers to percentage of study sample which is female/percentage of study sample which is male.
Acronyms: COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019, SARS-CoV-2: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, ICU: Intensive care unit, USA: United States of America, RT-PCR: Reverse transcription polymerase chain
reaction, ESCAPE: Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Artery Catheterization Effectiveness, DISCOVER: Diagnostic and Severity Markers of COVID-19 to Enable Rapid Triage, ISARIC: Inter­
national Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium, SF-36: 36-Item Short Form Survey, CRP: C-reactive protein, IgG: Immunoglobulin G, CD4+: Cluster of differentiation 4+, CD8+: Cluster of dif­
ferentiation 8+, IL-2: Interleukin-2, IFN-γ: Interferon gamma, TNF-α: Tumor necrosis factor alpha, ADAPT: Australians’ Drug Use: Adapting to Pandemic Threats, SPHERE-34: 34-Item Somatic and Psychological Health
Report, RAND-36: Rand 36-Item Health Survey, PHOSP-COVID: Post-hospitalization COVID-19 study, IQR: Interquartile range, FACIT: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy, CFS/ME: Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment, EuroQol: European Quality of Life Scale, EQ-VAS: EuroQol visual analog scale, EQ-5D-5L: EuroQol-5 Dimension-5 levels, EQ-5D-3L:
EuroQol-5-Dimension-3 levels, EQ-5D-5L VAS: EuroQol-5 Dimension-5 levels visual analog scale, WG-SS: Washington Group Short Set on Functioning, CT: Computerized tomography, BRB-NT: Brief Repeatable Bat­
tery of Neuropsychological Tests, SSD: Subjective Scale of Damage, SDMT: Symbol Digit Modalities Test, ARDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome, IL-6: Interleukin-6, NYC: New York City, CSQ: COVID-19 Symptom
Questionnaire, SF-12: 12-Item Short Form Survey, SF-23: 23-Item Short Form Survey, ME/CFS: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, WPAI: Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire,
PCFS: Post-COVID-19 Functional Status, CFQ: Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, HRTC: High Resolution Computed Tomography, SCIP-D: Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry, TMT-B: Trail Making Test Part B,
FSS: Fatigue Severity Scale, PICS: Post-intensive care syndrome, SF-35: 35-Item Short Form Survey, SD: Standard deviation, OMC: Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test, OR: Odds ratio, PTSD: Post-traumatic stress

Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

disorder, MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination, BACS: Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia, REDCap: Research Electronic Data Capture, FAS: Fatigue Assessment Scale, Q3PC: questionnaire of cognitive
complaints, d-2R: D2 Test of Attention, MFI: Multidimensional fatigue inventory, WHO CRF: World Health Organization’s Post COVID Case Report form, MIP-1β: Macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta, SDF-1α: Stromal
Cell Derived Factor 1 alpha, IL-12p70: Interleukin-12p70, SCF: Stem cell factor, IL-17A: Interleukin-17A, BDNF: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor, IP-10: Interferon-inducible
protein 10, IL-18: Interleukin-18, MCP-1: Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, GOSE: Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended, mRS: Modified Rankin Scale, BNST: Brief neu­
rocognitive screening test, MFIS: Modified Fatigue Impact Scale, CIRCO: Coronavirus Immune Response and Clinical Outcome, TICS: Telephone interview for cognitive status, CFQ-11: Chalder Fatigue Scale 11, BMI: Body
mass index, POSTCOVER: Post-COVID-19 Recovery Study, SF-20: 20-Item Short Form Survey, FAD-GF6+: McMaster Family Assessment Device-General Functioning subscale, MSD: Mesoscale-discovery multiplexed
This article is a pre-print as of June 8, 2021.
F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

synthesis primarily evaluating the effect of COVID-19 exposure on fatigue as compared to children (0.32 of adults vs 0.07 of children;
cognition (i.e., cognitive impairment meta-analysis) included 43 studies. psubgroup < 0.001; Table 3). Moreover, studies which objectively assessed
48 studies were qualitatively analyzed via narrative synthesis, including fatigue reported significantly greater proportions of individuals experi­
7 which were excluded from quantitative analyses (Breton et al., 2021; encing fatigue as compared to subjective modes of ascertainment (0.45
Shuwa et al., 2021; Sonnweber et al., 2021; Taboada et al., 2021; Todt when assessed objectively vs 0.29 when assessed subjectively; psubgroup =
et al., 2021; Wong et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021). 0.006; Table 3). However, there was no statistically significant differ­
ence in the proportion of persons reporting fatigue between hospitalized
3.2. Study characteristics and non-hospitalized respondents (0.36 hospitalized vs 0.44 non-
hospitalized; psubgroup = 0.185; Table 3). Likewise, there was no signifi­
Ten studies analyzed data from Italy, nine from Spain, eight from the cant difference in the proportions of persons experiencing fatigue at <6
US, seven from China, six from the UK, three from Denmark, France, and months follow-up since COVID-19 diagnosis compared to ≥6 months
Norway, respectively, two from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, (0.33 when <6 months vs 0.31 when ≥ 6 months; psubgroup = 0.755;
Egypt, Germany, Israel, Russia, and the Netherlands, respectively, and Table 3). Sensitivity analyses revealed that stratifying studies by design
one from Belgium, the Czech Republic, England, Faroe Islands, Iran, produced statistically significant differences in effect size, although the
Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey, effect sizes between prospective cohort, retrospective cohort, cross-
respectively. Sample sizes ranged from 23 to 2649, and median or mean sectional studies (i.e., the 3 most common study designs) did not
follow-up periods ranged from 2.8 to 11.2 months. Six study authors significantly differ.
provided confirmation regarding mode of ascertainment of COVID-19
(Ghosn et al., 2021; Say et al., 2021; Pilotto et al., 2021; Liyanage- 3.4.2. Cognitive Impairment Meta-Analysis
Don et al., 2021; Miyazato et al., 2020; González et al., 2021), and The pooled proportion of individuals exhibiting cognitive impair­
one author (Fernández-de-las-Peñas et al., 2021; Fernández-de-Las- ment amongst COVID-19 patients 12 or more weeks following diagnosis
Peñas et al., 2021) confirmed that there was no sample duplication was 0.22 (95% CI, 0.17, 0.28; p <0.001; n = 13,232; Fig. 3). There was a
amongst two component studies, as well as advised the exclusion of a non-significant trend towards a greater proportion of females than males
third study on the basis of possible duplication. Table 2 provides who exhibited cognitive impairment, (0.56 of females vs 0.36 of males;
detailed characteristics and summaries of applicable findings for all 81 psubgroup = 0.063; Table 3), however, the subgroup proportion for fe­
component studies. males was not statistically significant (0.56; 95% CI, 0.46, 0.66; p =
0.960; Table 3). Only one study reported on cognitive impairment in
3.3. Methodological quality and risk of bias children (Buonsenso et al., 2021), thus, significant differences between
child and adult subgroups were not determined (psubgroup = 0.182;
Taken together, the NOS rating of the component studies was mod­ Table 3). Studies which objectively assessed cognitive impairment re­
erate, evidenced by mean scores of 6.0 out of 9.0 for prospective/ ported significantly greater proportions of individuals with cognitive
ambidirectional cohort studies, 4.1 out of 6.0 for retrospective cohort impairment as compared to those employing subjective modes of
studies, and 5.6 out of 9.0 for cross-sectional studies. Common meth­ ascertainment (0.36 objectively assessed vs 0.18 subjectively assessed;
odological limitations were the failure to include a non-exposed group in psubgroup = 0.002; Table 3). There was no statistically significant differ­
cohort studies, failure to ascertain whether outcomes were present prior ence between hospitalized and non-hospitalized subgroup proportions
to COVID-19 infection, and a lack of sample size justification in cross- reporting post-COVID cognitive impairment (0.30 hospitalized vs 0.20
sectional studies. NOS scores within each category for all component non-hospitalized; psubgroup = 0.096; Table 3). Likewise, there was no
studies organised by design are included (Table S1 in the supplementary significant difference in the proportions reporting cognitive impairment
material). at <6 and ≥6 months follow-up (0.22 when <6 months vs 0.21 when ≥6
We conducted sensitivity analyses a posteriori to compare pooled months; psubgroup = 0.794; Table 3). Unlike for fatigue, stratifying studies
proportions across high, moderate, and low NOS-ranked studies. Studies by design did not produce any statistically significant differences in ef­
of moderate NOS rank reported higher proportions of individuals fect sizes (psubgroup = 0.366; Table 3).
exhibiting cognitive impairment when compared to low and high NOS-
ranked studies (p = 0.035; Table 3). However, the proportion of in­ 3.4.3. Heterogeneity
dividuals experiencing fatigue did not significantly differ across NOS The fatigue (I2 = 99.1%) and cognitive impairment (I2 = 98.0%)
ranking categories (p = 0.885; Table 3). meta-analyses exhibited considerable heterogeneity. Select subgroup
analyses resulted in a reduction of heterogeneity (Table 3).
3.4. Synthesis of results
3.4.4. Publication Bias
Meta-analyses of the two primary outcomes indicated that 32% of Visual inspection of funnel plot asymmetry for the fatigue meta-
individuals experienced fatigue and 22% of individuals exhibited analysis did not suggest the presence of publication bias (Supplemen­
cognitive impairment 12 or more weeks following COVID-19 diagnosis. tary, Fig. S1), and neither the Egger regression intercept test (intercept
Furthermore, 13 of 14 studies examining inflammatory parameters re­ = 0.538; SE = 0.061; p = 0.390) nor the Begg and Mazumdar rank
ported elevations in proinflammatory markers (i.e., proinflammatory correlation test (p = 0.857) were statistically significant. Conversely,
cytokines, C-reactive peptide, D-dimer, and procalcitonin) in a subset of visual inspection of funnel plot asymmetry for the cognitive impairment
patients. All studies investigating functional outcomes reported marked meta-analysis suggested the presence of publication bias (Supplemen­
functional impairment in a sample subset. tary, Fig. S2); the Egger regression intercept test was statistically sig­
nificant (intercept = 0.187; SE = 0.040; p < 0.001), whereas the Begg
3.4.1. Fatigue Meta-Analysis and Mazumdar rank correlation test was not significant (p = 0.818).
The pooled proportion of individuals experiencing fatigue amongst
COVID-19 patients 12 or more weeks following diagnosis was 0.32 (95% 3.4.5. Inflammatory Parameters
CI, 0.27, 0.37; p < 0.001; n = 25,268; Fig. 2). A larger proportion of 14 studies investigated peripheral inflammatory parameters in
females reported fatigue as compared to males, but the inter-subgroup COVID-19 patients 12 or more weeks following diagnosis (Zhou et al.,
difference was not statistically significant (0.46 of females vs 0.30 of 2021; Breton et al., 2021; Shuwa et al., 2021; Sonnweber et al., 2021;
males; psubgroup = 0.067; Table 3). Subgroup analysis for age category Arnold et al., 2021; Fortini et al., 2021; García-Abellán et al., 2021; Ong
revealed that a significantly greater proportion of adults experienced et al., 2021; PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group et al., 2021; Skala et al.,

F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Table 3
Subgroup and sensitivity analyses for the primary outcomes.
No. of Studies Proportion 95% CI p I2 Q psubgroup (χ2 test)

Females 7 0.46 (0.32, 0.60) <0.01 96.0% 3.36 0.067
Males 7 0.30 (0.22, 0.39) <0.01 92.6%
Age Groupa
Adults (≥18 years) 65 0.32 (0.26, 0.37) <0.001 98.3% 13.83 <0.001
Children (<18 years) 3 0.07 (0.03, 0.16) <0.01 78.5%
COVID-19 Hospitalization Status
Hospitalized 45 0.36 (0.30, 0.43) <0.001 99.4% 1.76 0.185
Non-Hospitalized 10 0.44 (0.34, 0.55) <0.01 92.9%
Follow-up Duration
<6 Months 46 0.33 (0.26, 0.39) <0.001 99.1% 0.10 0.755
≥6 Months 26 0.31 (0.24, 0.37) <0.001 99.0%
Mode of Ascertainmentb
Subjective 55 0.29 (0.24, 0.35) <0.001 99.2% 7.56 0.006
Objective 13 0.45 (0.35, 0.55) <0.01 96.4%
NOS Rating Category
High 24 0.28 (0.20, 0.37) <0.001 98.9% 0.59 0.750
Moderate 27 0.32 (0.25, 0.40) <0.01 96.6%
Low 17 0.30 (0.17, 0.46) <0.01 98.4%
Study Design
Prospective Cohort 48 0.28 (0.22, 0.34) <0.001 97.6% 94.84 < 0.001
Retrospective Cohort 8 0.31 (0.17, 0.49) <0.01 98.7%
Cross-sectional 10 0.36 (0.21, 0.53) <0.01 97.1%
Ambidirectional Cohort 1 0.63 (0.60, 0.65) N/A N/A
Retrospective Case-control 1 0.50 (0.38, 0.62) N/A N/A
Females 2 0.56 (0.46, 0.66) 0.960 0.0% 3.46 0.063
Males 2 0.36 (0.19, 0.55) 0.020 82.5%
Age Groupa
Adults (≥18 years) 42 0.19 (0.14, 0.26) <0.01 97.0% 1.77 0.182
Children (<18 years) 1 0.12 (0.06, 0.22) N/A N/A
COVID-19 Hospitalization Status
Hospitalized 24 0.30 (0.22, 0.38) <0.01 96.7% 2.77 0.096
Non-Hospitalized 5 0.20 (0.12, 0.29) <0.01 70.8%
Follow-up Duration
<6 Months 31 0.22 (0.15, 0.30) <0.001 98.2% 0.07 0.794
≥6 Months 14 0.21 (0.13, 0.30) <0.01 97.3%
Mode of Ascertainmentb
Subjective 31 0.18 (0.12, 0.24) <0.01 97.9% 9.97 0.002
Objective 12 0.36 (0.27, 0.46) <0.01 94.9%
NOS Rating Category
High 12 0.18 (0.10, 0.29) <0.01 95.7% 10.95 0.004
Moderate 17 0.32 (0.21, 0.44) <0.01 92.6%
Low 14 0.10 (0.05, 0.18) <0.01 97.4%
Study Design
Prospective Cohort 31 0.18 (0.12, 0.26) <0.01 97.4% 2.01 0.366
Retrospective Cohort 5 0.16 (0.06, 0.35) <0.01 92.5%
Cross-sectional 7 0.26 (0.16, 0.44) <0.01 92.9%

Acronyms: NOS: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, N/A: not applicable.

Statistically significant subgroup effect sizes, ascertained as psubgroup (χ2 test) <0.05, are bolded.
Studies categorized by age group depending on mean or median age.
Refers to ascertainment of outcomes (see Table 1).

2021; Sykes et al., 2021; Santis et al., 2020; van den Borst et al., 2020; whereas no significant differences in the frequency of TNF-α+ B cells
Venturelli et al., 2021). Of those which quantified intracellular cytokine were observed (Shuwa et al., 2021). Zhou et al. reported significant
levels, Breton et al. reported marked increases in the numbers of CD4+ T increases in serum amyloid A, TNF-α, and IL-1RA in the severe COVID-
cells expressing the inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-2, inter­ 19 cohort, higher than normal levels of IL-17A and IL-17D, and
feron (IFN)-γ, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in individuals with decreased IL-7 (Zhou et al., 2021). Between 3.9% and 32.2% of post-
prior COVID-19 as compared with healthy donors (Breton et al., 2021). COVID individuals exhibited elevated IL-6 levels (Sonnweber et al.,
Ong et al. reported that previously-hospitalized patients exhibited 2021; Fortini et al., 2021; Santis et al., 2020), and García-Abellán et al.
elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines, including but not limited reported a median serum IL-6 level of 3 pg/mL (García-Abellán et al.,
to macrophage inflammatory protein 1β, IL-1β, and IL-17A (Ong et al., 2021), which exceeds the standard reference value of ≤ 1.8 pg/mL (IL6 -
2021). Ong et al. additionally reported that concentrations of the Clinical: Interleukin 6, 2021). Breton et al. similarly reported that post-
proinflammatory factors IL-1β, IL-17A, IL-12p70, stem cell factor (SCF), COVID patients exhibited systemic cytokine profiles distinct from un­
and MIP-1β were significantly higher in prior COVID-19 patients infected controls (Breton et al., 2021), whereas Zhou et al. reported
compared to healthy controls, regardless of acute phase severity (Ong normal levels of IL-6 and IL-10 across all groups (Zhou et al., 2021).
et al., 2021). Moreover, Shuwa et al. determined that patients with prior Between 1.8% and 24.5% of patients exhibited elevated CRP levels
moderate to severe acute illness demonstrated an elevation in most (Sonnweber et al., 2021; Arnold et al., 2021; PHOSP-COVID Collabo­
cytokine-producing T cells, as well as increased production of cytokines, rative Group et al., 2021; Skala et al., 2021; Santis et al., 2020),

F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

operationalized as >10 mg/L or >2.9 mg/dL. Median CRP levels ranged 2021; Orrù et al., 2021; Havervall et al., 2021; Jacobson et al., 2021;
between 0.6 and 2.9 mg/L (Zhou et al., 2021; García-Abellán et al., Johnsen et al., 2021; Soraas et al., 2021; Walle-Hansen et al., 2021;
2021; Sykes et al., 2021; van den Borst et al., 2020). Moreover, 9.8% to Taboada et al., 2021), social impairment in 5% to 15% (Elkan et al.,
38.0% of patients exhibited elevated levels of D-dimer (i.e., ≥500 ng/ 2021; Havervall et al., 2021; Latronico et al., 2020; Van Veenendaal
mL) (Sonnweber et al., 2021; Fortini et al., 2021; PHOSP-COVID et al., 2021), and 16.0% to 28.2% reportedly unable to partake in a
Collaborative Group et al., 2021; Skala et al., 2021; Santis et al., 2020; sport/recreational activity (Fernández-de-Las-Peñas et al., 2021; Gar­
Venturelli et al., 2021). Conversely, Zhou et al. reported that CRP and D- rigues et al., 2020; Pereira et al., 2021). One in five previously hospi­
dimer levels were not significantly elevated in their post-COVID sample talized persons reached the threshold for an additional disability on the
compared to healthy controls (p > 0.05), but that cytokines such as TNF- Washington Group Short Set on Functioning (WG-SS) scale (PHOSP-
α were correlated with abnormal clinical features (Zhou et al., 2021). In COVID Collaborative Group et al., 2021). Moreover, between 29.0% and
addition, Sonnweber et al. reported elevated procalcitonin levels in 47.4% of those who were employed premorbidly were not able to return
9.0% of patients (mean 0.07) (Sonnweber et al., 2021). to work (Ghosn et al., 2021; Frontera et al., 2021; Garrigues et al., 2020;
Taken together, 13 of 14 studies (all except van den Borst et al.) (van Jacobson et al., 2021; Latronico et al., 2020), 5% to 90% were unable to
den Borst et al., 2020) examining inflammatory parameters report reach their pre-COVID employment level (PHOSP-COVID Collaborative
elevation in at least one measure of inflammation in a subset of patients Group et al., 2021; Latronico et al., 2020; Van Veenendaal et al., 2021),
or across the whole post-COVID sample (as a median/mean, compared and between 8.0% and 38.9% reported disruption in work life (Haver­
to healthy controls or standard reference values). It should be noted that vall et al., 2021; Jacobson et al., 2021; Miskowiak et al., 2021; Soraas
nine of 14 studies reported both the presence of proinflammatory et al., 2021). Comprehensive results, including mean and median scores
markers as well as persistent fatigue and/or cognitive impairment on QOL scales where reported, are available in Table 2. EQ-5D popu­
within their sample (Fortini et al., 2021; García-Abellán et al., 2021; Ong lation norms are provided elsewhere (Szende et al., 2013).
et al., 2021; PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group et al., 2021; Skala et al.,
2021; Sykes et al., 2021; Santis et al., 2020), and several studies noted an 3.4.7. Reported Factors Associated With Post-COVID-19 Syndrome
association between elevation in measures of inflammation and PCS Overall, 53 of out 81 studies reported factors associated with
symptoms (PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group et al., 2021; Skala et al., increased incidence of PCS symptoms according to their respective an­
2021; Sykes et al., 2021). alyses. Female sex was associated with an increased risk of developing
PCS symptoms (including fatigue and cognitive impairment, in some
3.4.6. Functional Outcomes/Quality of Life instances), a greater number of persistent symptoms, or decrements in
34 studies investigated functional outcomes, frequently subsumed QOL dimensions in 24 studies (Taboada et al., 2021; Todt et al., 2021;
under quality of life (QOL) measures, in COVID-19 patients 12 or more Ghosn et al., 2021; Fernández-de-las-Peñas et al., 2021; García-Abellán
weeks following diagnosis (Huang et al., 2021; Ghosn et al., 2021; et al., 2021; PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group et al., 2021; Sykes
González et al., 2021; Fernández-de-Las-Peñas et al., 2021; Arnold et al., et al., 2021; Venturelli et al., 2021; Menges et al., 2021; Munblit et al.,
2021; PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group et al., 2021; Sykes et al., 2021; Qu et al., 2021; Amin-Chowdhury et al., 2021; Augustin et al.,
2021; van den Borst et al., 2020; Venturelli et al., 2021; Taboada et al., 2021; Cirulli et al., 2020; Darley et al., 2021; Ferrucci et al., 2021; Kashif
2021; Todt et al., 2021; Wong et al., 2020; Elkan et al., 2021; Frontera et al., 2021; O’Keefe et al., 2021; Peghin et al., 2021; Shang et al., 2021;
et al., 2021; Garrigues et al., 2020; Havervall et al., 2021; Jacobson Simani et al., 2021; Stavem et al., 2021; Xiong et al., 2021), while male
et al., 2021; Johnsen et al., 2021; Latronico et al., 2020; Logue et al., sex predicted decreased functional status/QOL in one study (Taboada
2021; Menges et al., 2021; Miskowiak et al., 2021; Munblit et al., 2021; et al., 2021).
Orrù et al., 2021; Osmanov et al., 2021; Pereira et al., 2021; Qu et al., Increased age was associated with more reports of PCS symptoms or
2021; Rass et al., 2021; Savarraj et al., 2020; Soldati et al., 2021; Soraas QOL diminution in 14 studies (Huang et al., 2021; Sonnweber et al.,
et al., 2021). Nine studies measured QOL using the European Quality of 2021; Todt et al., 2021; Ong et al., 2021; Jacobson et al., 2021; Qu et al.,
Life 5 dimension 5 levels (EQ-5D-5L) scale (Wong et al., 2020; PHOSP- 2021; Savarraj et al., 2020; Walle-Hansen et al., 2021; Ferrucci et al.,
COVID Collaborative Group et al., 2021; Garrigues et al., 2020; Johnsen 2021; Xiong et al., 2021; González-Hermosillo et al., 2021; Petersen
et al., 2021; Miskowiak et al., 2021; Munblit et al., 2021), four used the et al., 2021; Tawfik et al., 2021;18(3):em291.; Mei et al., 2021), whereas
EQ-5D-3L scale, (Huang et al., 2021; Todt et al., 2021; Orrù et al., 2021; Menges et al. noted that younger individuals more frequently reported
Taboada et al., 2021) seven used the 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36/ fatigue (Menges et al., 2021), and Valiente-De Santis et al. reported that
RAND-36) (Arnold et al., 2021; van den Borst et al., 2020; Elkan et al., age ≥65 years was protective against COVID-19 symptom persistence
2021; Latronico et al., 2020; Qu et al., 2021; Rass et al., 2021; Soraas (Santis et al., 2020). Pre-existing comorbidities were associated with
et al., 2021), three used the Barthel Index (Venturelli et al., 2021; PCS symptoms or QOL decrements in 9 studies (Sonnweber et al., 2021;
Frontera et al., 2021; Latronico et al., 2020), 11 used another scale Todt et al., 2021; Fernández-de-las-Peñas et al., 2021; PHOSP-COVID
(Taboada et al., 2021; González et al., 2021; PHOSP-COVID Collabora­ Collaborative Group et al., 2021; Menges et al., 2021; Osmanov et al.,
tive Group et al., 2021; van den Borst et al., 2020; Havervall et al., 2021; 2021; Amin-Chowdhury et al., 2021; Stavem et al., 2021; Evlice et al.,
Jacobson et al., 2021; Osmanov et al., 2021; Pereira et al., 2021; Rass 2021). Furthermore, greater severity of acute disease, hospitalization, or
et al., 2021; Savarraj et al., 2020; Soldati et al., 2021), and three via self- increased length of hospital stay were associated with PCS symptoms or
report (Ghosn et al., 2021; Fernández-de-Las-Peñas et al., 2021; Logue QOL decrements in 19 studies (Huang et al., 2021; Pilotto et al., 2021;
et al., 2021). with some studies implementing multiple assessment tools. Fernández-de-las-Peñas et al., 2021; Arnold et al., 2021; Ong et al.,
All studies demonstrated functional impairment or reduction in at least 2021; Taboada et al., 2021; Todt et al., 2021; Elkan et al., 2021;
one QOL dimension (in up to 72% of patients) (van den Borst et al., Jacobson et al., 2021; Menges et al., 2021; Taboada et al., 2021; Darley
2020) compared to regional norms, uninfected controls, or pre-COVID et al., 2021; Ferrucci et al., 2021; O’Keefe et al., 2021; Peghin et al.,
status, and four studies reported decrements across all QOL di­ 2021; González-Hermosillo et al., 2021; Rauch et al., 2021). Interest­
mensions in their post-COVID sample (González et al., 2021; Arnold ingly, Jacobson et al. reported that the presence of fatigue was associ­
et al., 2021; van den Borst et al., 2020; Munblit et al., 2021). ated with long-term activity impairment (Jacobson et al., 2021),
Functional impairment post-COVID was exhibited by 21% to 63% of Miskowiak et al. reported that greater global cognitive impairment and
individuals (Taboada et al., 2021; Savarraj et al., 2020; Taboada et al., executive dysfunction both correlated with greater difficulty within the
2021); activity impairment (including difficulties with performing daily EQ-5D ‘usual activity’ and ‘anxiety and depression’ domains (Miskowiak
tasks, self-care, and mobility) in 1.0% to 68.4% (Huang et al., 2021; Todt et al., 2021), and Soldati et al. reported that patients with mild cognitive
et al., 2021; Frontera et al., 2021; Menges et al., 2021; Miskowiak et al., impairment tended to have a low QOL score (Soldati et al., 2021).

F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Fig. 2. Pooled proportions of individuals experiencing fatigue 12 or more weeks following COVID-19 diagnosis.

F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Fig. 3. Pooled proportions of individuals exhibiting cognitive impairment 12 or more weeks following COVID-19 diagnosis.

F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

Moreover, Woo et al. reported that persistent neurocognitive deficits Several non-mutually exclusive hypotheses regarding the patho­
were independent from fatigue and mood alterations, and may thus genesis of PCS would suggest that anti-inflammatory pharmacologic
differ from the classical post-viral syndrome (Woo et al., 2020). Table 2 approaches may be of some utility in select patients. Moreover, psy­
details all factors reportedly associated with PCS symptoms across in­ chotropic medications (e.g., selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)
dividual component studies. (Gałecki et al., 2018) may modulate pro-inflammatory cytokine levels,
and possibly exert salutary effects on mood and cognition in COVID-19
4. Discussion survivors (Heckenberg et al., 2018). In addition to pharmacologic stra­
tegies, disparate psychosocial treatments (e.g., cognitive remediation)
Herein we identified that approximately a third of individuals may also be effective in treating symptoms of PCS. There is also the need
experienced persistent fatigue and over a fifth of individuals exhibited to determine whether the type and frequency of vaccines (i.e., boosters)
cognitive impairment 12 or more weeks following confirmed COVID-19 influence the risk for incident, persistent and/or severity of PCS. Reports
diagnosis. Similar incidences of fatigue and cognitive impairment, of breakthrough infections in persons previously receiving a full vacci­
respectively, were observed amongst hospitalized and non-hospitalized nation schedule invites the need for characterization of risk in that
populations. Furthermore, in contradistinction to other persistent subset of individuals. Moreover, the influence of both medical and
symptoms which may be self-limiting (e.g., anosmia) (Hopkins et al., psychiatric comorbidity on the risk for PCS, notably cognitive impair­
2020), fatigue and cognitive impairment appear to endure and may ment, as well as the moderating influence of social, economic, and
potentially worsen over time in susceptible individuals (Jason et al., spatial determinants of health should be evaluated.
2021), as evidenced by similar proportions of affected individuals at <6
and ≥6 months follow-up. A lower incidence of fatigue and cognitive 5. Limitations
impairment, respectively, were identified amongst children as compared
to adults. Moreover, we established that persistent inflammation was The results presented herein should be interpreted within the context
consistently reported in a subset of patients, and that symptoms of PCS of several limitations. First, component studies were observational,
(including fatigue and cognitive impairment) are associated with therefore causal relationships cannot be inferred. Second, the majority
marked functional impairment. Frequently reported factors associated of studies did not ascertain whether outcomes were present prior to
with a greater incidence of PCS symptoms amongst component studies COVID-19 infection (i.e., period prevalence rather than incidence),
included female sex, older age, greater severity of acute illness, and pre- although this is a limitation accounted for by the NOS. Thus, we cannot
existing comorbidities. exclude the possibility that fatigue and cognitive impairment preceded
Fatigue and cognitive impairment in PCS comprise a form of post­ SARS-CoV-2 infection (although infection may have exacerbated
infectious fatigue syndrome, and exhibit phenotypic similarity to ME/ symptoms). Third, as most component studies were based on hospital­
CFS, which is often precipitated by an infectious agent (Taboada et al., ized individuals, the results may not be representative for the majority of
2021). Similar incidence rates of fatigue, as well as decreased QOL individuals affected by COVID-19. Furthermore, it is firmly established
measures, have been reported in the aftermath of previous coronavirus that the incidence of depressive and anxious symptoms in the general
epidemics, including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus population has increased since the pandemic onset (Xiong et al., 2020);
(SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS) (Lam fatigue and cognitive impairment may be consequences of chronic stress
et al., 2009; Rogers et al., 2020). Furthermore, PCS shares overlapping and/or depression resulting from social and economic challenges of
symptoms with the encephalitis lethargica epidemic (von Economo’s COVID-19, rather than a result of infection, in a proportion of PCS pa­
encephalitis) of the 1920 s (e.g., fatigue, cognitive impairment, head­ tients. It is also noteworthy that social consequences may be exacerbated
ache), which was hypothesized to be causally related to the 1918 for infected individuals. The majority of cohort studies failed to include
Spanish influenza pandemic (Hoffman and Vilensky, 2017). a non-exposed control group, providing no basis for comparison (see
There are multiple mechanisms whereby SARS-CoV-2 infection can Table S1 in supplementary material).
engender or exacerbate persistent fatigue and/or cognitive impairment. With respect to selection bias, there is an overrepresentation of
Neurological dysfunction can ensue due to non-mutually exclusive fac­ hospitalized cases in the analyses herein, and a subset of reports may be
tors including but not limited to direct viral encephalitis, neuro­ attributable to post-intensive care syndrome, comorbid conditions, and/
inflammation (including damage to blood–brain barrier integrity) or medications (Heckenberg et al., 2018). Conversely, PCS patients not
(Nalbandian et al., 2021; Lam et al., 2009; Rogers et al., 2020), hypoxia, receiving healthcare for their symptoms are underrepresented. More­
and cerebrovascular disease (Nalbandian et al., 2021; Komaroff and over, fatigue and cognitive impairment may be secondary to other
Lipkin, 2021; Higgins et al., 2021). Multiple studies have identified sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, including but not limited to major
neuroanatomical alterations and neurodegeneration (Douaud et al., depressive disorder (Taquet et al., 2021). Another limitation in most
2021), cerebral microvascular injury (Lee et al., 2021), and metabolic studies of objective cognitive functions was the use of dementia
aberrations (including hypometabolism in areas associated with moti­ screening tools (e.g., MoCA, TICS) that have limited sensitivity to
vation, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) (Guedj et al., 2021) in cognitive decline in younger populations and may thus have led to un­
the brains of COVID-19 patients. derestimation of cognitive impairments (McIntyre et al., 2019). Future
It is also recognized that systemic sequelae including endothelial studies would thus be recommended to apply more sensitive tools
dysfunction (Libby and Lüscher, 2020), hyperinflammation, autoim­ devoid of ceiling effects, for example the Screen for Cognitive Impair­
munity, latent viral reactivation (Oronsky et al., 2021), multi-organ ment for Psychiatry (SCIP) (Miskowiak et al., 2021; Miskowiak et al.,
pathology, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction can interact 2017) and THINC-integrated tool (THINC-it) (McIntyre et al., 2020;
with the foregoing in a synergistic manner (Yong, 2021). The causal McIntyre et al., 2017; McIntyre et al., 2013).
relationship between specific pro-inflammatory cytokines, mood Another methodological limitation is the considerable level of het­
symptoms, and cognitive decline is firmly established (Sartori et al., erogeneity exhibited in both meta-analyses, which may be attributable
2012; Rosenblat et al., 2014). We report that a subset of individuals to variation in methods of data collection and sample characteristics
consistently exhibited markers of inflammation following the resolution amongst component studies. For example, the various subjective and
of acute COVID-19 infection, suggesting hyperinflammation is an objective assessment tools utilized differential scales (e.g., dichotomous
amenable cause of fatigue and/or cognitive impairment in PCS. Indeed, Yes/No vs. Likert), providing varying levels of granularity. Stratifying
other post-infectious syndromes (e.g., post-infectious encephalitis) studies by design, mode of ascertainment, and quality did not markedly
(Sonneville et al., 2009) have been previously associated with elevations reduce heterogeneity (Table 3). We also included preprints (Table 2),
in inflammatory parameters. which have not undergone peer review.

F. Ceban et al. Brain Behavior and Immunity 101 (2022) 93–135

6. Conclusion interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

the work reported in this paper.
In this systematic review and meta-analysis of 81 studies, we
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ducted literature search, study selection, and data extraction. FC and Sosa, L., Turabelidze, G., Watkins, S.M., Wiesman, J., Williams, R.W., Yendell, S.,
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