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For Restricted use onlY Project

No: HCSCPL-201R-23124

Design of Self Compacting Concrete Mix of M35 Grade

Construction of Research Visitors Guest House (G+Sfloors)
including internal water supply, sanitary installation,
drainage, internal electrical installations, fire alarm, firefight,
lift, RaC overhead tank, UG sump, HVAC, DG Set, Solar water
heating systqm, ccTV, LAN, street lighting, sub-station,
development'works and demolition of existing structure.
' Report PrePared for
O/o Assistant Executive Engineer, llTM Project Sub Division-I,
llTM Campus, Chennai-36

Report Prepared bY

, o,, r, rl)"'l u',,'lrqn o, s h i 1,

Hitech Concrete Solutions Chennai Pvt. Ltd.,

#64, Galaxy Road, PonniYamman Nagar,
Ayanambakkam, Chennai-600 095




Titte nCrete Mix of M35 Grade
ffirch Visitors Guest House (G+6ltoors)
inctuding interna[ water suppty, sanitary instatlation, .d-rainage,
internat etectrical instatlations, fire atarm, firefight, tift, RCC
Name of Work overhead tank, UG sump, HVAC, DG Set, Sotar water heating
system, CCTV, LAN, street tighting, Sub-station, devetopment
works and demotition of existing structure.
ffie Ergineer, llTM Pro;ect 5ub Dlvlslon-l, lllM
Report Prepared for Campus, Chennai-36
Contractor Name MATS-SHi Tech Construction Pvt, Ltd.
Letter Reference 1-2023
Materials Sources
Cement ffi
Fly ash
-T2:5 mm
T:-SerE-- Wataja
Admixture ffi
1. Cementitious

2. Aggregates
(a)Sieve Analysis

Sieve Size Cum. % Passing

(mm 20 mm 12.5 mm M. Sand
40 100
20 97.8
16 100
12.5 91.7
10 0.3 31.8 100
4.75 0 100
2.36 83.6
1.18 56.6
0.6 39. /
0.3 70.4
0.1 5 6.5

. Manufactured Sand conforms to Grading Zone ll as per Tabte 9 of lS 383-2016

Concrete Solutions Chennai Pvt'

Authorised SignatorY
Dr. K. Balasubramanian
(Managing Director)
(b)Specific Gravity, Density & Water Absorption

Type of Specific Density in Water

Aggregate Gravity kglm3 Absorption %
12.5 mm 7.72 1 650 U.5U
M.5and t-.56 1884 7.54

3. Superplasticizer used
. Fosroc Auramix 400 manufactured byM/s Fosroc Chemicats (lndia) Pvt Ltd.

4. Recommended Self Compacting ConcreteMix- M35 Grade

Step 1

Target strength for mix ppportioning= 35 + (1.65 x 5) = 43.25 MPa

Step 2
For a M35 grade concrete,
required from experience is = 0.34
Step 3
Based on triats with Fosroc Auramix 400, Water contents (a reduction of nearty 14.02/o was
arrived at during the triats) fora stump of 175 mm at the time of production is arrived as 184

Step 4
WaterCementitious ratio = 0.34
Water content 184 kg/m3
Binder Content = 18410.34 = 540 kg/m3
Cement Content = 400 kg/m3
Fty ash Content = 140 kg/m3

Step 5

For pumping concrete and based on experience, votume of the coarse aggregate content to
achieve a cohesive and pumping mix = 0.50

Therefore, votume of the fine aggregate content is 1 - 0.50 = 0.50

Step 6
The mix calcutations per unit votume of concrete are as fottows;

Votume of Cement = 4001 (3.15 x 1000) = 0.127

Votume of Fty ash = 1401 (7.14x 1000) = 0.065
Votume of water = 0.184
Votume of entrapped air in wetconcrete = 0.015 m3
Votume of Admixture (@1 .Z%by the mass of Binder) = (6.481 (1.08.1000)) = 0.006

Note: Maximum dosage of 1.2 % is considered in the design mix for the volume calculation
Votume of atl in aggregate = (1'0.01 5) -(0. 127+0.065+0. 1 84+0.006) = 0.603

Mass of Coarse aggregate 12.5 mm = 0.603 x7.72 x 0.500 x 1000 = 820 kg/m3
Mass of Fine Aggregate - M. Sand = 0.603 x7.56 x 0.500 x 1000 = 772 kglm3

Step 7
a) Finat Mixture Proportionsin kglm3
sroc Auram

weight of Binder

b) Tests on Self Compacting Concrete
V-Boxat 5
Tests on Self
Flow Value in J Ring in V-Box at mins
Compacting L BOX
(mm) (mm) lnitial (sec) duration
ConcreteTime Period (sec)
lnrtlat 5tump, lr 770 700 8.0 8.5 0.70
JU mtnutes, lro /otJ 695 9.U 9.U U. lU
60 minutes, Too 690 680 9.0 9.5 0.70
90 mrnutes, Iso 690 680 9.U 9.5 0.75
1ZU mrnutes, I tzo 680 670 11.0 11.5 0.75
150 minutes, Trso 670 660 r J.5 14.5 0.80
180 minutes, Trao 660 655 14.5 15.0 U. E5

c) Sieve Segregation ResistanceTest

. Segregated portion in % (SR) ,. 3.07o

c)Test Results - Compressive Strength

Date of Casting Age Date Avg. Compressive strength in N/mm2
ACT 18-11-2023 48.5
17-11-2023 7 days 24-11-2023 35.0
28 days 15-12-2023 YTT
-Yet to

r Hitech Concrete Solutions Chennai pvt. Ltd.,

Authorised Signatory
Dr. K. Balasubramanian
(Managing Direcior)
Notes on Design Mix

1. The Design Mix has been carried out using the raw materials supptied. lf there is any change
in the source of the materiats during the actual production other than that supptied to M/s
Hitech Concrete Sotutions Chennai Private Limited, the proportion of the aggregates may
be suitabty changed to obtain a cohesive and pumping mix.
2. Mix indicates adequate stump/ftow retention and concrete may be ptaced in position within
180 minutes from the time of batching/production at the ptant/site

3. The water content given in the design mix is free water, based on saturated surface dry
(SSD) condition. The totat water may be obtained after deducting for moisture in the

aggregates and adding for the absorption of the aggregates

4. Corrections for moilture in the aggregate may be made on a daity basis and at frequent
intervals during rainyrseason

5. Suitabte corrections for the absorption of the aggregates may be carried out before

batching / productio n

6. Specific gravities of the materiats may be evatuated from time to time to avoid any issues
retating to yietd of concrete
7. The dosage of the Superptasticizer may be varied as per the range given in the notes of the
design mix as per the environmental condition prevaiting at the time of
batching / productio n

8. A triat mix may be conducted at the site using the proportions given in the report and

workabitity ascertained immediatety after production

9. ln a project of tonger duration, the properties of the constituent materiats are tikety to
change from time to time. ln such cases, minor modification in the coarse and fine
aggregate contents may be made to ensure a cohesive and pumping mix. However, the
cement content and water to cement ratio are expected to be maintained constant
throughout to ensure the correct strength and long-term durabitity

ior Hitech Concrete Solutions Chennai Pvt. Ltd.,

\lm;-i"ed Signatory

/rt_e/ . '
Dr. K. Balasubramanian
(Managing Director)

p /.
I --
't c,.e / .-

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