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mesa gives its name to the northernmost hundred of

Location: Hohnamshire, King-
Hohnam, itself the northern shire of the Kingdom of Re- dom of Rethem [E6]
them. Most of the hundred is uninhabited forest wilder-
Holder: Meketa Bron Zarnist,
ness fringing the Gulf of Pendos and beyond the control for the Order of the
of its holders. Warriors of Mameka
Temporal power over the cultivated portion of the hun- Liege: King of Rethem
dred resides with the Warriors of Mameka, at Bedenes.
Population: 209
However, the small town of Emesa is essential to the local economy. Its an-
nual Beast Fair sees whale oil from Alesen, and the fruits of the Peran for-
ests, exchanged for the finer products of southern civilisation. For the rest
of the year its small market is essential to the flow of trade across the hun- TAXES
dred on which the manors rely. Apart from the Beast Fair the south knows Property: 4% per year (residential)
little of Emesa, though it’s boast of being the ‘gateway to Peran’ attracts a 4%per year (business)
slow stream of adventurers and fools who believe the wilderness will make Hawking: 2% of goods’ value
them rich. More often it makes them dead. Bonding: 1% of good value per
HISTORY Poll Tax: 2d every 1 Agrazhar
The land between the rivers Perath and Denia was cloaked with prime-
val forest when Kemlar led the Kubora there. They found a virgin wilder-
ness where only the ‘Old Ones of the Forest’ roamed. Thus it remained, the
myths claim, for ‘the lifetimes of many grandfathers’, disturbed only by oc-
casional adventurous Khuzdul exploring the forest from Kiraz.
The rise of the Foulspawner and the destruction of Kiraz changed that.
When the hammers of the avenging Khuzdul shattered Lothrim’s army on
the anvil of Sirion gargun survivors fled north and west into Peran where
their depredations are still used to frighten Kuboran children. ‘Suffer not a
Foulspawn to live’ is one of the few rallying cries able to unify the squab-
bling tribes of Peran.
The swarming Gargun followed the spine of the western highlands into The Dark Man
This figure from Kuboran myth appears
the heart of the Kuboran range. For centuries bands of Gargu-Arak and
in many of their folk tales. Most often he
their Khanu masters dominated the Perath and Denia valleys. They slaugh- is identified with the ‘Eternal Champion’,
tered anyone and anything they encountered, hacked down tracts of forest another figure from their legends.
and bloated on the plentiful game. Only when the Kubora of the Northern
In other stories he is a child of Kemlar
Coastal Plain had recovered their numbers sufficiently could the extermina- born to a mortal woman. These excep-
tion of the gargun begin. tional individuals are said to appear
Led by a warrior hero that oral history remembers only as ‘Pennath the among the tribes at times of great need.
Chief’ the tribesmen pushed the gargun out of the valleys, into the foothills, There is no common agreement of which
and finally up into the Rayeshas. The ‘Chieftain’s Song’, a cycle of more of the heroes named in Kuboran oral his-
than a dozen peons to heroism, bravery and cold-blooded slaughter, has tory might be among these ‘get of Kem-
only recently been written down by a scribe who heard it from a Kuboran lar’. It is a point of contention among the
mercenary while visiting Tormau. It tells of Pennath and his mysterious tribes, all of whom claim at least one in
their lineage.
champion, ‘The Dark Man’, as they lead the tribes in a war of extermination
against the gargun incursion. The final stanza of the cycle tells how the
Dark Man, bearing his dying Chief from their final battle with the gargun en-
counters a tribe of outsiders newly arrived from the south. He confronts the WRITER
settlers and warns them that they may not venture north of the Denia and Alun Rees
that they are suffered to live only at the pleasure of the Kubora. Then he MAPS
leaves, carrying Pennath out of history, and into myth. Alun Rees
The new arrivals are likely to have been the Jenath. They cleared CONTRIBUTORS
more of the first growth forest and cultivated the rolling hills between the
Anders Bersten
Denia and Boka Bay, and further south as far as the Thard estuary. They
were a peaceful people, sustained by farming, fishing and hunting. Trade Neil Thompson
with their neighbours to the east brought them to the attention of the rapidly Andy Gibson
expanding Corani. Following the defeat of the Merdi buffer state in 377 it Playtesters at IviniaCon
was only a matter of time before the nascent Empire confronted the Jenath. & the Harnwriter Group
Remembering the Kuboran warning the Jenath preferred assimilation to

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

migration north across the Denia. When Emperor Kobar The last Emperor to lead troops in the field, Mejenes
(394-437) ordered a census of his western holdings in the Great (443-465), was such a general. He marched a
405, the scrolls listed only a handful of citizens claiming legion across Peran before paying the ultimate price. His
Jenath descent. Their separate identity had been lost act of imperial hubris was met with ambush and slaughter
within a generation of contact with the Corani. by the Urdu before the remnants of his force staggered
back to Kustan, harassed by the Kubora. A carved monu-
Rise of Empire ment in the centre of Emesa’s marketplace records the
Just as the Merdi had insulated the Jenath from the date of the arrival and departure, a week later, of the
Empire, so had the Jenath insulated the Kubora. To bones carried from the imperial funeral pyre by the survi-
them, though, the Corani were just another weak south- vors.
ern tribe to be ignored as beneath their dignity. Never had such a force been humbled by a tribal en-
Emperor Kobar was the first to speak of the ‘scarlet emy and the Empire’s grip on Peran was never the same
robe of Corani civilisation that might be caste about the again. Small garrisons across Peran were withdrawn to
shoulders of the barbarian Kubora’. His first step was the Kustan and the tribes left to pillage what Corani civilisa-
highway linking Coranan with Merethos (Golotha). Then tion had hacked out of the forest. Increasingly Corani writ
the Hohnam Highway pushed west to Tormau where the ran only a bow shot from the walls of Caer Kustan, or the
building of a substantial fort began. blockhouses constructed along the Scarlet Ribbon.
Even before its completion in 405 the legions were Emesa was the base of more and more irregular supply
cutting tracks through the forest north of the Denia. The columns to the outpost, requiring more and more protec-
first mention of ‘Emesa’ in the imperial archives dates tion.
from 402 when a ‘small fort beside the river Emesa was Though Mejenes’ son, the Emperor Sylud (465-485),
attacked and the garrison withdrawn to Tormau’. is usually blamed for the collapse of the Empire some
This seems to have been a rare example of re- scholars have ascribed the collapse on the ‘Peran Stale-
sistance. The Kubora appear to have been more sur- mate’ that bled the Empire white. One diarist records a
prised than threatened. Their patience was mistaken as frustrated Sylud shouting into the heavens; ‘Father, Fa-
weakness by the Corani. ther, give me back my Legions’.
It was trappers and merchants who first settled be- When the garrison at Kustan was annihilated
side the Emesa, making good use of the flow of the first in 477 the Kubora surged south towards Emesa. The
stable currency in the West of Harn. They traded goods only obstacle in their way was a blockhouse on the Scar-
the Kubora wanted for the hard won fruits of the forest let Ribbon. There some sick and injured members of the
frontier. They were soon living off the backs of the first 2nd cohort of the 4th legion had camped on their way back
full cohort to march north from Tormau establishing a to Emesa. The officers commanding were later com-
more substantial fort named for the river. Emesa was mended by the Emperor for the successful defence they
soon the base for forays launched to test the will of the mounted with this very limited force. Treating the set-
Kubora. The quarrelling tribes response was piecemeal back as a sign that Kemlar was satisfied that sacred
and the Empire concluded that the tribes would not stand Kustan had been purified in blood, the Kubora came no
against its legions. further south.
That appeared to be the case when a Corani legion Emesa was still considered indefensible; its garrison
marched out of Emesa and into the forest in the Spring of was withdrawn and it was left to its fate in 478.
413. The village of Kus was placed under Imperial ‘pro-
tection’ within months. The prediction that the tribes Fall of Empire
would submit by the end of 414 was, though, optimistic. Though the imperial border was re-drawn along the
Instead, five decades of bloody revolt, focused on Caer River Denia, Emesa was not abandoned. Most of the le-
Kustan, began. gionaries that had retired and settled in the village de-
cided to stay and make a life for themselves and their
Frontier Outpost families. They taught their sons the rudiments of the le-
Whenever legionaries marched into the forests from gions’ martial skills and spoke of being the final bulwark
Emesa or Kustan the Kubora would strike with bloody fe- against the Kubora. In fact, increasing trade and inter-
rocity. They launched a dozen rebellions until, by 460, marriage with the Kubora softened both memories of the
wits in the taverns of Coranan were caricaturing Kobar’s Kustan massacre and imperial loyalties. The Emesans
‘red robe of civilisation’ as ‘not so much a robe, more a traded their craft skills and crops with their tribal neigh-
ribbon; a bloody scarlet ribbon!’. It was this sobriquet bours in return for animal pelts and the fruits of the forest.
that came to represent hard duty on the Peran frontier as The imperial reigns of Saurach (485-491); Mindrithar
well as the route from Emesa to Kustan and from there (491-512); Korad (512-528); and Shorka (528-555) passed
east into the lands of the Urdu. Every campaign season the Emesans by with little or no incident. They continued
an ambitious general arrived at Emesa intent on making to send some tribute south in return for being left alone.
his name by bringing the tribes to heel.

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

Often that tribute took the form of wild beasts for south- which was quickly taken and then held against the com-
ern sport; the Beast Fair is an echo of those times. bined might of the local petty kingdoms. Clan Lynnaeous
The slow decline of the Empire accelerated during was noticeable absent, sitting out the siege at Tormau
the 550’s as the provinces along the Thard were ravaged ‘protecting Shostim’s western flank’.
by disease and famine. Emesa remained free of the Red Henail opened his own gates to Arlun after a sym-
Death and even the Jihad ignited by the impaling of Bal- bolic siege of 1 day, immediately swearing allegiance to
sha had little direct impact on the settlement. In 566 the barbarian chief. He went on to proclaim his clan’s
traders brought news of the fall of the last Emperor and, a ‘historic ties to the noble Kuboran people’ and offered his
few years later, the founding of the Theocracy of Tekhos. sister’s hand to the new warlord. In return Arlun con-
The only difference it made in Emesa was that the name firmed the rights and privileges of Clan Lynnaeous. Over
on the documents accompanying their tribute had the next decade Henail was never far from Arlun’s coun-
changed. cils and Tormau prospered. Emesa, taking for granted its
All that remained of Emesa’s imperial past were the subordination to the lords of Tormau did likewise.
earth parapets on which the legionary palisade sat, and a Clan Lynnaeous remained close to the ruling house
series of low mounds marking the foundations of various despite Arlun’s death; Henail was uncle to King Obras, af-
Corani structures. ter all. Even with that support the young monarch could
not maintain the loyalty of the more traditional Kubora
Theocracy who departed north early in his reign. Without them his
Over the next 20 years Emesa was slowly drawn authority was never widely recognised and he was
back into the stream of southern events as refugees plagued by a series of revolts and rebellions. Finally even
brought frightful news of the Theocracy’s excesses. In clan Lynnaeous withdrew its support; he was killed near
583 the arrival of Hugai Lynnaeous brought organisation Tormau in 672.
to the rebellious refugees and their hosts. Scion of a mi- The Lynnaeous were not favoured by Obras’ son,
nor Corani clan driven to brigandage by theocratic perse- and successor, Nemiran. The new King named Emesa as
cution, Hugai began to shape local discontent into organ- Hundred Moot for ‘those of our subjects in the far North’,
ised resistance. and sponsored the building of a large Moot Hall. There
When, in 588, revolts and uprisings erupted across was no mention of the historic claim of Clan Lynnaeous
the Theocracy, Hugai saw his chance. He marched south to Emesa in the declaration. Despite numerous petitions
to take Tormau with Emesan support and their Kuboran the new hundred’s fate remained unclear for decades.
allies watching his flanks. He proclaimed himself King; Then events overtook it and the Warriors of Mameka
his realm extended a little over 5 leagues from his keep. marched into the settlement in 690. They claimed title to
During the Interregnum which followed the death of Emesa and all the surrounding lands, executed existing
Horahnam of Tekhos, Hugai played a careful political village elders, and fortified their new fief.
hand. He balanced the need to build a powerbase around The Warriors took a predictably organised approach
Tormau with demands from the Golothan Theocracy for to their new lands: Emesa’s Moot Hall was converted to a
loyalty. Meanwhile he cultivated the Emesans for the fa- chapterhouse; the local settlements made more secure;
vour of their Kuboran friends and relatives. This policy and the village of Bedenes chosen as a more defensible
was continued by his son, Henail, who offered the local home for the Order. Local peasants slaved for nine years
Kuborans direct trade. He was well placed when the next to build the Warrior’s keep, during which the hundred
wave of turmoil arrived. twice came close to famine, as labour was diverted from
the harvest. The population of the hundred suffered a
Kingdom & Hundred great deal and few of the village populations have recov-
In 621 a warrior called Arlun won the leadership of ered to what they were before the Warriors came.
the Obodu Kubora. Over the next eight years he
moulded the diverse Kuboran tribes into a potent weapon CURRENT SITUATION
of his will. That weapon swept south out of Peran in 629, To this day the status of Emesa is unclear; the Her-
by-passing Emesa, on a broad front along the Hohnam alds of the Sanguine Saltire are unwilling to confirm the
Highway towards Shostim. The first settlements the piti- claim of the Warriors of Mameka. The weakness of Re-
less Kubora reached were pillaged and burnt so that even them’s crown, and the influence of the Mamekans, sus-
today the Highway touches not a single settlement along taining that unsatisfactory situation.
its length. What was once a heavily settled network of While the crown names Bedenes as the Hundred
farms and villas is now the Hohnam Blight avoided by all Moot, successive Akarata have continued to hold the
but the well-armed, desperate, or both. Moot in Emesa. They prefer not to entertain outsiders at
So frightening were the tales carried south ahead of Caer Bedenes. It is to Emesa, therefore, that the Sheriff
Arlun that successive settlements were abandoned when of Hohnamshire travels twice a year to remind everyone
the Kuborans arrived and many garrisons surrendered
simply at the sight of the barbarians. So it was at Shostim

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

that Emesa Hundred is still held from the Crown, even if GOVERNMENT
the writ of the Akarata clearly carries more weight. Over the last 20 years the Warriors have consoli-
Since 718, when the Warriors were confronted and dated their holdings with support from their clerical spon-
turned back by the Kubora, the atmosphere in the hun- sors. Three manors now serve as chapterhouses and
dred has been pregnant with possibilities. Prior to that Caer Bedenes has been extended to encompass a grand
disaster Akarata Horab Gerund’s grip on power seemed training house for priests of the Order of Mamaka.
entirely secure. Now some contemplate a future that The Warriors’ word is law across the hundred; every
does not include him. Some even dare to wonder if there settlement is held by an officer of the Order and all apply
might be a future without the Warriors. They remember a harsh, Agrikan, interpretation of the kingdom’s laws.
Hugai Lynnaeous and his treaties with the Kubora and
Meketa Bron Zarnist, the Constable of Caer Bedenes
wonder whether another Kuboran chief might emerge
holds Emesa for the Order. However, most decisions are
from the forests and return Emesa Hundred to its people.
made by Telmen Meran Toka, who acts as bailiff.
Perhaps, instead, the descendent of Hugai and Henail,
Denyl Lynnaeous, Earl of Tormau, will be their saviour. The hundred is too underdeveloped to boast a strong
Perhaps the gods have placed Emesans’ fate in their own Mangai so the guilds take their lead from the ‘Akarata’s
hands. Only time will tell. Voice’, Granek. He recognises that Telmen Meran can be
influenced and is less inclined than most officers of the
The Kubora order to crush the fragile economic potential of Emesa.
Relationships with the Kubora had remained cordial He has encouraged the bailiff to listen to Harvel of Yuro-
until the Warriors arrived. The Warriors consider them pild, Emesa’s chandler, on matters of trade, and to his
less than human and good only for sport and slavery. reeve, Kered in matters agricultural.
A decade ago the Uld and Asawne Kubora made a
coordinated attack on the hundred aimed at dislodging
To an extent Emesa’s economy is the hundred’s
the Warriors. It is remembered by the peasantry as the
economy; Emesa’s monthly market is the only one held,
‘Big Raid’; two warbands rampaging across the north and
other than Anerath’s seasonal fish market, and all signifi-
east of the fief for 2 days. It sadly underestimated the re-
cant trade goes through the small town. Emesa’s domi-
solve of the Mamekans who defeated the Kubora when-
nance is built on the Beast Fair, which generates more in-
ever they could catch them.
come than the rest of the year put together. There are,
The Asawne held their ground in the face of reprisals though, signs that Emesa could become a more regular
but the Uld were driven north into the Uldan Hills. The trading partner to the southern settlements. Master
casualties the order suffered in 718 have given both tribes Harvel has convinced his fellow chandler, Layne of Urelt,
a respite over recent years. The Uld give the appearance to bring a cart of goods from Tormau every month or so.
of remaining cowed but a trapper at last year’s Beast Fair Harvel also takes orders, though they can take half a year
claimed to have met a southron in the company of some to fill if Layne has to send further south for them.
Uld on the Scarlet Ribbon. The Uld said he combined the
Over recent years the hundred has been more or less
forest skills of a Kuboran hunter with a keen eye for tac-
self-sufficient in food and Emesa eats well enough. Oats
tics and an understanding of the Mamekans.
are the major crop; the heart of the peasant diet is por-
The western Asawne Kubora have become more au- ridge supplemented by root vegetables and beans. Warm
dacious, regularly raiding Dasath, Bomntay and Torkat breezes off the Haonic Ocean allow fruit to grow well in
for goat meat to add to their winter stores. Some peas- the coastal manors and during the autumn apples and
ants see a pattern in the raids but few have the courage to pears flow through Emesa’s market, often into the vat of
share their concerns with their Mamekan overlords. Ginnis the brewer. His cider and perry supplement the
Among themselves they talk of better coordination in the dark ale he brews from the barley grown locally and sup-
raids which draws a Mamekan garrison towards one in- plemented by cooked oats for a smooth dark creamy
cursion while goats are taken by another. taste.
The Asawne have also established seasonal camps Animal husbandry is dominated by goats grazing the
close to a recently re-discovered mine east of the Scarlet rough local grassland. This is equally true across the rest
Ribbon and have already disrupted the mining. They of the hundred though the woods around the forest man-
showed a remarkable understanding of the mine’s opera- ors are full of swine interbreeding with Peran boars. This
tion when they sabotaged it after the miners and their creates a rich meat that preserves well.
mercenary guards left for the winter. The investment in a
Decent catches of fish from the estuaries and larger
stamping mill at Dasath will be wasted unless the Guild
rivers are dried and salted locally before coming to
and its guards can keep the workings safe for the year
Emesa for sale. Preserved fish allows many families to
ahead. There is a suggestion that a standing guard
survive the winter, or enjoy a treat on a feast day.
should remain there next winter to protect the mine; if
anyone is willing to take the job! Hask and Alesen put several whale-boats onto the
water whenever a pod of migrating whales is spotted

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

close to land. They employ the ancient tactic of confus- though, were confident that one day a Spring of religious
ing the whales with noise while driving them into the tolerance would retrun. Sadly the Morgathian Theoc-
shallows where the entire village turns out to slaughter racy’s Winter was long and dark. Peonian priests were
them. hunted and the borders sealed against them. Most vil-
The Warriors name whales as ‘Lords’ fish’ so any lages never saw an ordained priest again. Old people
carcasses are the property of the order. The crews that passed on what they remembered of the faith to succes-
take the whales are, though, allowed a portion of the sive generations but worship slipped far from orthodoxy.
meat, and tradition requires them to distribute half their Arlun reinforced this trend; he was no friend of peasants
share among any villagers who aided the kill. Often the or their gods. His ‘restoration of religious tolerance’
‘fisher portion’ is trade at Emesa for things the village bought landholder support by recognising a ‘new Agri-
could not otherwise afford or make. The ‘Akarata’s por- kanism’. His descendants, and those that took the Crown
tion’ is dried and added to the stores at Bedenes, and from them, were harsher. Arlun may have ignored Peoni,
each Chapterhouse, where it constitutes rather more of his successors proscribed her.
the laumak diet than they would like. The religious climate in Emesa, and across the hun-
A bonded chandler at Hask renders any blubber to dred is predictably intolerant. Some dispensations are al-
high quality oil much prized in wealthier homes and by lowed during the annual Beast Fair so that Haleans are
Agrikan priests across the realm for its steady, clean, grudgingly accepted, so long as they keep their beliefs to
flame. Much of the oil travels south after the Beast Fair, themselves. No such dispensation is ever offered to wor-
most as part of the Order’s tribute to the Church. The shippers of Peoni or Larani. While Peonian priests are
Aplankh blesses a small barrel of ‘Northern Oil’ for each tolerated by the Earl of Tormau that arrangement is de-
of the Agrikan clerical orders but gains much revenue by pendent on each swearing not to proselytise in the lands
selling the bulk in Golotha. of the his neighbours. Emesan religious practice has de-
Life is hardest for the peasantry of the ‘forest man- generated into a heretical melding of Kuboran belief and
ors’ of Bontay, Scutal and Torkat. They have yet to re- half-remembered tales of Peonian saints and heroes.
cover from the Big Raid and the peasantry are required to Most commoners brought up in Emesa think their
work hard to expand the acres of cultivation into the for- ancestors angered Peoni and that is why she abandoned
est as well as raising sufficient crops to pay their lord’s them. They believe that Peoni’s sister, Heneryne wearing
dues to the Order. Lastly, they must feed themselves. her Harpy aspect, led the Mamekans to Emesa as a pun-
They provide little to Emesa’s market, save for building ishment. Children are weaned on bedtime stories in
timber, but most of that goes straight to Bedenes as trib- which Agrikan rule is a test for which they will be re-
ute and sold to the settlements that need while enriching warded by admission to Peoni’s garden of Valon. Other
Bedenes’ coffers. common tales are of the Harpy that watches for the time
when Emesans can command her respect. Then she will
RELIGION lead them into battle to overthrow their oppressors. Some
When the Corani Empire reached Emesa Agrikanism of those children have grown to be hot-headed firebrands
was close to the official religion of the legions. However, quoting a confused version of the words spoken by Kem-
the strong and expansive Empire was confident enough lar to the Kubora as if they were Peoni’s to the people of
to recognise other faiths. Knorran scholars from Meld- Emesa Hundred: Battle for the land and against the brothers
eryn and mainland Lythia were signs of a cultured house- left behind by the demon Harpy. In clean strife let the heart be
hold and boasted of by the ruling classes. Halea arrived joyous and the sinews and hands grow harder.
in the wake of the Mangai and was embraced by the The wantonness associated with one of Heneryne’s
pragmatic Corani. Even Laranians found some converts other aspects manifests during the Beast Fair when com-
among the martially inclined reformers around the Em- moners consider any ties of the marriage bed to be dis-
perors. Perhaps most successful, though, were the Peoni- solved. Men and women, husbands and wives ‘embrace
ans. They offered succour to the common people and es- the Harpy’, and congress with neighbours and strangers
tate holders encouraged them to maintain a compliant is encouraged. Perhaps this has its root in the isolation of
agricultural class. the Emesans after the withdrawal of the legion and the
Always cunning missionaries, the Peonians built on need to introduce fresh, often Kuboran, blood into the
the beliefs they found waiting for them. In Emesa the folk community. What is certain is that any missionary ‘Bull-
beliefs of the Jenath and their Kuboran neighbours were man’ visiting Emesa would be horrified by what passes
used to Peonian advantage. They ensured Heneryne was for Peonianism among the commoners. The slim chance
respected and portrayed Kemlar as Peoni’s wise advisor of their survival so deep in rethem leave local religious
and forest warden. Even Crador found a home in Peo- practice a mystery to the Peonian church.
nian missionary theology as a bastard son of Agrik.
The Balshan Jihad fragmented and crushed the rul-
ing class and the established Agrikan Church. Peonians,

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

Household: 9
Telmen Meran provides for the orphaned children of his
3 WOODWARD (Jaben of Yerth)
Size: 6 Quality: 
The woodmill is busy and much of the labour
younger sister. He hopes that both boys, aged 13 and 6, needed to operate it comes from the local cottar clans.
will become Warriors, or priests, of Mamaka. Meran Jaben does his best for his liege because he believes that
came to Emesa with the order when he was 10 and what is good for the Telmen is good for Emesa, and
knows no other life, or any other way to bring up chil- therefore good for clan Yerth. His headstrong son, Orlyn,
dren. He treats the elder boy, Eben, as he was treated and believes that Peoni expects more of the people of
and encourages his own squire, Dendin, to help the boy Emesa than service. So far he has not acted on these be-
understand the Mamekan rule. Dendin abuses the re- liefs.
sponsibility by getting the naïve Eben into trouble and di-
verting beatings he deserves to the younger boy. The
manor household is even less well equipped to cope with
Size: 47
These households, and those that live near the hamlets of
the younger boy, Graner.
the free farmers, provide most of the labour that keeps
Meran inherited a priest, Rept Protharo, when he Emesa fed. They are a hard and resilient group who rely
was made bailiff in 710; but he has not been the saem si- on one another more than outsiders. There is little differ-
once a nasty fall in 716. He spends his time in the corner ence between the status of slave and cottar in Emesa
of the Hall muttering to himself in a pool of his own urine. Hundred; most of the slaves are cottars who accepted
The Chapter relies on priest from Bedenes for services. servitude rather than see their families starve during the
The manor’s bonded weaponcrafter is a mature hard years. Last year, at the Beast Fair, one of the cottars
bachelor and the manor’s cook is a vicious slave who bul- heard that the highest Mamekan priest in the land, the
lies her son, the gardener. The only other member of the Primate no less, was a member of his clan! He had mis-
sparse household is a slave, Certhede the alewife. She heard ‘Bisidril’ as ‘Bisidris’ and was thoroughly flogged
was head of a large clan when the Warriors arrived so for his presumption. It turned Hasain of Bisdris from a
they made an example of her husband. The rest of her hard worker into an angry man whose treatment has
male relatives died building Caer Bedenes and, without come to symbolise the injustice with which the peasantry
male relatives to support them, she and the clan women are treated. He is desperate to find a way to get back at
became the order’s property. The others were dispersed the order.

to manors where they were needed and Certhede was left MILLER (Kernt of Bremet)
with only her daughter. She grew up and had a daughter
Size: 2 Quality:  Prices: High
herself; Certhede doesn’t know who the father was. The
previous bailiff sold her in 698. Certhede’s grand-daugh- Widower Kernt is assisted by his son Shunin but
ter grew to maturity and was also sold, 4 years ago, after most of the hard work is done by able bodied cottars.
her own daughter was born. It is to young Kapella and Their younger children, in particular, are useful in the
her great-grandmother that Graner gravitates, treating the dangerous work of keeping the mill mechanism clear of
four year-old as his younger sister. rough chaff which can otherwise halt the mill stones.
Kernt’s workers are kept in order by the mill’s taskmaster,
The management of the fief is delegated to Atar Dyr-
Barosta of Zaras [a]. Even at 55 Barosta is a big bear of a
iansin. During the Festival of the Pillars in 701 Meran
man that no one crosses.
and Atar were pitted against one another in the Inagro-
het. Meran resisted Atar’s efforts break him and won the
right to punish the would-be priest’s failure in the Inagro-
pria. Atar disgraced himself under the beating Meran
6 USURER (Adris of Redin)
Size: 8 Quality:  Prices: Average
Adris is son-in-law to the usurer Hoardal of Keleto, in
gave him and was declared laumchari; a failed acolyte re- Hyen, and the only usurer in Emesa Hundred; it is too un-
quired to serve the Mamekans on pain of death. Meran der developed to need any more. He lacks the capital to
brought him to Emesa so he could be reminded of his fail- offer more than short term loans during the Beast Fair but
ure, as Mamaka would wish. the interest (just about) sustains his family. Master
Haragki Ornal Ekenas and T’kelen Saerd of Wor- Hoardal is strangely deaf to appeals for the additional
ganae complete the household. They patrol the fief but funds needed to expand the franchise onto a more secure
are reinforced with Warriors from across the hundred footing.
during the Beast Fair.

2 REEVE (Kered of Lartin)

Size: 6 Quality: 
7 POTTER (Trerik of Ruvies)
Size: 5 Quality:  Prices: Low
Trerik is one of only 3 potters in Emesa Hundred. They
The Lartins gained preferment when the Warriors ar- split the trade amicably among themselves but Trerik’s is
rived. Prior to that they had been a relatively minor clan. the largest franchise. He employs his old master, Petry,
Kered is now old and rheumatic so his son, Natam, fulfils who still has skill in his hands even though almost blind
most of his duties and expects to be Reeve after him. while his bitter brother Kyse [b] digs clay for the pottery.

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.


© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

8 CHANDLER (Harvel of Yuropild)
Size: 3 Quality:  Prices: High
Master Harvel has opened up trade with his brother chan-
When several men went down with a debilitating disease
the Akarata thought it best to appease the legionary spir-
its who had, after all, honoured the Order of Khamar. He
dler in Tormau and is clearly a ‘man on the rise’. His at- appointed an injured laumak as Hornblower, reinstated
tractive young wife, though, is a spendthrift spending his the practice, and the watch has continued to be set every
money as fast as he can earn it. night since.

9 BREWER (Jinni of Diblin) Buthrand became Hornblower after losing his foot
on the Scarlet Ribbon. As well as setting the watch he
Size: 4 Quality:  Prices: Low
acts as Emesa’s Beadle carrying out the punishments de-
Ginnis brews a rich dark, and affordable, ale as well as creed by the bailiff. He is an inveterate, and long-winded,
premium perry and cider for more affluent tables. She is gossip and raconteur always keen to tell anyone who will
considering the purchase of land being cleared on the listen the history of his post. Strangely he is respected by
west bank of Emesa Stream where she would plant or- the locals as even when he is required to punish them
chards of her own. Until then he relies on the rich har- there is no malice in the man who endeavours to be even
vest of the coastal manors. handed. He is sometimes asked for advice or to inter-

10 WOODCRAFTER (Enald of Wormel)

Size: 5 Quality:  Prices: Average
Enald and his wife rely on their son, Tharthil for most of
cede with the Telmen on behalf of the commoners.


the work these days. They were old when he was born as The monthly market is centred on the open sided market
a ‘late gift from Heneryne’. Enald increasingly spends his hall built on the foundations of a lost legionary structure.
time carving offcuts into toys for the town’s children. The Common around it is alive with people and tents

11 SCRIBE (Ulwin of Kandria)

Size: 1 Quality:  Prices: Average
As one of the few literate men in Emesa Ulwin is kept
during the Beast Fair when the population explodes to in-
clude commoners from across the hundred, traders re-
turning from Kustan, craftsmen travelling from the Festi-
busy writing letters and contracts for tradesmen and val of the Pillars at Bedenes, priests of the Demon Pa-
guildsmen. The injury to the Chapter’s priest means he meshlu seeking beasts for their arenas and mercantylers
even undertakes certain tasks for Telmen Meran. and entertainers from far and wide and. Though many
Though he is easy to talk to he is reticent about making Warriors also attend they are ordered to resist acts of
strong friendships preferring to keep a distance from oth- outright brutality; many succeed, others … weaken.
ers. This is part of his training as one of the Akhularai,
the ‘Silent Ones’ trained by the Order of Mamaka the
Master of Steel to seek out heresy and disloyalty. The

During the Beast Fair visiting officers of the Warriors,

Warriors do not know of his presence and the Akarata along with the priests of the order of Mamaka, are ac-
would be unhappy to hear that the church would seek commodated at the manor. Displaced laumak, and the
heresy so close to the heart of his order. additional Warriors sent to Emesa to police the increased

12 LABOURER (Bronar of Edremet)

Size: 3
Bronar is an attractive widow and mother of two young
population are billeted here. The stone foundations are
used to create temporary, tented, barracks where once le-
gionary buildings stood.
children who supplements what she can earn from her la-
bour in the fields by welcoming anyone with a penny to
spend into her bed. While the wives of the Emesa look
16 HAMLET OF INDON (Saery of Indon)
Size: 32
Old Saery was one of the few free farmers to survive the
down on her a local male wit claims she ‘just can’t let go arrival of the Warriors. Though increasingly frail and reli-
of the Harpy!’. ant on his sons and the cottars he exploits he remains a

13 THE HORNBLOWER (Buthrand of Zaras)

Size: 4
In ancient times the legionary garrison set the watch with
cunning old fox. He has navigated his way to a position
of trust by passing hints of any disloyalty to Atar Dyri-
ansin, the manor steward. He did just the same for Atar’s
the blowing of a horn. When the Empire withdrew the re- predecessor, though in those days when justice seemed
tired legionaries who stayed behind were entrusted with swifter. His rewards were usually swifter too; he benefit-
the horn. Every evening at dusk it was sounded at the ted when the disloyal were forced off their land. Atar is
cardinal compass points around the monument to the always grateful and confides that he prefers not to punish
survivors of the last expedition of Emperor Mejenes [b]. those Saery informs on until ‘we can find the roots of this
When the Warriors arrived the Hornblower was exe- disloyalty’. To keep the old man sweet Atar has recently
cuted and the horn confiscated. A series of inexplicable confirmed a grant of 15 acres on the Dasath raod to
accidents befell members of the order and there were Saery’s eldest grandson.
whispers of a ghostly legionary stalking the shadows.

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.


© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

Telmen Glana Rekira is only 29 but has held Alesen
Bron Zarnist Telmen Meran Toka for 8 years. He is very ambitious and hoped to be raised
Meketa of Emesa Bailiff of Emesa
to Meketa of Torkat when its holder died on the Scarlet
Ribbon in 718. He was assured by Meketa Tolmey that
he could expect elevation so was disgusted when Meketa
Glana Rekira Halan’s candidate, Bradas Sekal, was chosen. His disap-
Telmen of Alesen pointment has led him to consider making overtures to
Tolmey Wolkene
Halan. Every winter there’s a chance that Bron Zarnist
Meketa of Hask
Kobin Otorna will be ‘carried by Agrik’s firey breath to Balgashang’ and
Akarata Glana will not countenance a second disappointment!
Telmen of Dasath
His mother, the Lady Grulela, is sometimes hon-
Gerund oured by a visit from the Akarata’s sisters who have no
Aron Bisidril
of Bedenes other gentlewoman of their generation with whom to
Telmen of Medava
Alshain Risalsin cackle and plot. While the manor’s priest, Moren Lotur,
Meketa of Penor puts up with the ‘old witch’, he disapproves of the Tel-
Breen Tharo
men’s young sister believing that she is an improper pres-
Telmen of Scutal ence among a celibate order.
Glana works the manor hard. As well as the normal
Bradas Sekal Pendrik Rold calendar of work he has set his peasantry to reclaim some
Meketa of Torkat Telmen of Byced fields on the far side of the Alerien. They have not been
worked since before the Warriors arrived. The reeve,
Berden, tells him that this extra acreage will soon be
Hask ready for the plough. Free farmers of clans Hannaeus
Cottar born Meketa Tolmey Wolkene is fiercely loyal and Forganae live at the hamlet of Sedur a short walk to
to the man who promoted him, Akarata Horub. He the north east where they work their own fields but also
doesn’t realise how important he may be in determining harvest timber for their liege. The Telmen is considering
who succeeds him. asking them to bid for some of the extra acres.
As with many men of humble origin he is inclined to Some of the niviks carrying goods between Golotha
see wealth as a replacement for birth, spending too much and Tormau extend their voyage to Alesen once or twice
in an effort to demonstrate his right to the position he en- a season. The manor’s simple dock provides a safe and
joys. Last year he employed a very fine, and expensive, sheltered anchorage compared to Hask. As well as
weaponcrafter previously in service to another Meketa. goods they sometimes bring passengers such as the
He also maintains a bonded ostler, a clothier, and a apothecary Aradis of Bidrin. He spent a few weeks trav-
huntsman. He has even employed a herald, Janrid, who elling around the hundred before settling in Alesen and is
has the thankless task of instructing the Meketa’s neph- the only non-clerical apothecary in Emesa Hundred. He
ews and nieces in the ways of nobility. He is also draw- has a regular stall at Emesa market from which he sells
ing up lineages demonstrating that clan Wolkene came his poultices and remedies.
from ancient noble blood. Another recent arrival is a clothier from Dasen intent
The Meketa’s sister came to Hask a two years ago on making his fortune from the coats of the goats that
with her motley gang of six children. She, and they, re- graze the dunes to the north. With Glana’s permission he
main unredeemably common. They always look uncom- has taught the local women how to comb out the goat
fortable in their fine clothes and her common manners hair and prepare it for spinning into fibre. It remains to
embarrass her brother so he keeps her out of sight when be seen whether this enterprise will be a success.
he entertains. Finally, Alesen is the only place in Emesa Hundred
All these expenses would lead to debt if Tolmey where prostitution is tolerated. Three women occupy a
didn’t demand additional income from Alesen and Da- shack near the dock. They are ostracised by the rest of
sath. He Telmen holding these two fiefs for the order the community, but popular with the sailors who land at
don’t know that some of their offerings do not reach Alesen. Each market day they walk to Emesa where they
Bedenes. Meketa Tolmey is very demanding of his peas- discretely ply their trade in a tent rented from Ginnis the
antry many of whom would prefer to live under the rule brewer.
of a ‘proper gentleman’.
Two of the manor’s free farming clans live in the
hamlets of Barian and Aerth, along the coast from Hask.
This gifts them a little independence in daily life

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

Dasath Manor Penor Chapterhouse
This fief is held by Telmen Kobin Otorna, one of the Meketa Alshain Risalsin seeks the favour of his clan
Warriors’ old guard devoted to Tolmey Wolkene. He by housing a number of its more needy members. He
would work the peasantry to death if it meant the Order’s feeds and clothes nine relatives from a babe in arms to
strength could be rebuilt for another attempt on Kustan. his elder brother, and his son, who serve as his steward
He would probably refuse to believe that any of the reve- and master of the hunt respectively. This is not some-
nue he sends to Kask ends up in Tolmey’s privy purse ra- thing he would have dared to do in the days of Akarata
ther than Bedenes. Horab’s strength, but now he feels that what the old man
The Telmen provides for Kirdane, his much younger does not know won’t hurt him. He is, though, careful to
step-brother, his young wife, and their baby son. Kobin ensure that the women of the household are not present
never liked his step-mother and takes pleasure in refusing when he entertains Bron Zarnist or Tolmey Wolkene.
to mount Kirdane as a knight. The younger man shares His weaponcrafter is among the most talented in the
his frustrations with the manor’s bonded weaponcrafter hundred, the local Guildmaster, and the most respected
who resents having to undertake the village’s blacksmith- ‘commoner’ in the hundred. Alshain’s pride is displayed
ing. He may take the risk of announcing that he is seek- by being well outfitted by old Kapelene, his clothier.
ing a new master at the next Festival of the Pillars. This Unusually he maintains two priests at Penor: one is
would be a risk as it might shame his current master and the chaplin he is entitled to as a Meketa but the other is a
no Warrior responds well to public shame. skilled artificer. The Meketa has provided him with a
The village salter produces fine soft and hard workshop to ensure the Chapter’s alchemical weapons
cheeses from the manor’s cows; the largest heard in the can be independently maintained. This is also something
hundred. Each Autumn he exchanges his cheese for sau- the Akarata would have previously frowned upon.
sages produced by his guild brother in Penor, which ben- Alshain has cunningly billeted his Mason on Telmen
efits them both. He also sets up a small stall beside the Breen Tharo of Scutal. This reduces the cost to his purse
Scarlet Ribbon when the caravan to Kustan goes north while ensuring access to a mason when he needs one.
each year. His other Telmen, young Aron, presents the Meketa with
Telmen Kobin is no farmer but Granek told him how a difficult problem. His is the most powerful Agrikan clan
much he resented paying so much for imported woollen in the realm and he remains misguided in his loyalty to
cloth for the order. As a result Kobin has ignored the ad- Halan Uelasen.
vice of his conservative herdsman, Halairne, and invested The manor Hideworker adds value to the pelts sent
in a small flock of sheep. He expects the manor to make from Scutal and the Salter butchers the boar taken in the
a fortune when they are sheared but behind his back his hunt ensures the manor has a variety of meat for its kitch-
herdsman just wearily shakes his head. ens. The Meketa particularly values his skill with offal.
A more significant development is the stamping mill The Meketa’s self-serving generosity isn’t cheap
built by the Miners’ Guild but part paid for by the order. which makes him a small, but regular, borrower from the
It is intended to be the first step in turning Dasath into a usurer Gerd of Hawen in Shostim. Gerd is generous with
centre for mineral extraction. Rumours of successful credit to a client he is assured is a ‘coming man’.
mining around Menekai has encouraged Granek to specu-
late a little of the order’s reserves. Unfortunately just as Medava Manor
the mill was finished the Kubora attacked and damaged Telmen Aron Bisidril is one of the younger manor
the mine which was intended to feed it. Granek was lords who was promoted for his bravery as a member of
quick to inform Kobin, and his liege lord, Tolmey, of what the Akarata’s Guard in 718; though his family connection
it will cost the order if this enterprise fails. Kobin has to the Agrikan primate may also have played a part.
rashly told Tolmey that if he can take half the Chapter to He sent for his attractive sister, Querene, as soon as
the mine he will be able to ensure the Kubora don’t try he was granted the fief and she acts as his steward. She
any of their tricks again. had hoped to become the ward of her mother’s great un-
Every year Kobin allows the village ale-wife and her cle Klyrdes, the Agrikan Primate but was convinced that
clan to move to the hamlet of Quasstin, on the trail to the a few years managing a manor would improve her
Scarlet Ribbon. During the rest of the year Quesstin is a chances of snaring a rich husband. However, pretty
quiet backwater where the clan of the same name farm women of marriageable age are rare in clan Bisidril.
their fee acres, fish the river Alarien, and visit with their Klyrdes has sent an artist to capture her likeness but he
neighbours at Sedur. However in Larane it becomes a has also captured her heart and she may soon be ruined.
brewers workshop as she produces ale to sell to the trad- Medava’s forester and woodward, and their families,
ers heading north for the Kuboran Moot. Later in Larane live in a small hamlet in the forest and argue over how to
she relocates to Emesa for the Beast Fair where she en- manage it best. The forester has enjoyed the upper hand
joys a bitter professional rival with Master Ginnis. since Aron arrived. The young Telmen understands the

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

advantage of maintaining the fine hunting that Meketa Al- His niece, Rorese keeps house for him. Once pretty
shain and Meketa Halan appreciate. she has grown into a bitter old maid fixated on the lost
The manor’s bonded weaponcrafter, Treik, has enor- bloom of her youth.
mous potential but this means Aron may lose him to a Breen’s man-at-arms, Lura, enjoys the power he is
wealthier lord. That would satisfy Alshain who is con- granted over the peasantry. He casually misuses the lo-
cerned that such a junior Telmen feels it is proper to cal women, and most have suffered from his attentions
maintain such a talented craftsman. He cannot risk hum- since his arrival a year ago. He went too far over the win-
bling Aron publicly by demanding that the crafter move ter and a woman died. The reeve complained to Breen
on, or entice Treik away at the next Festival of the Pillars. who privately reprimanded Lura and threatened to send
He is wondering how he could have the man killed with- him back to Penor for punishment. However he will not
out any risk of being implicated. take the part of the peasantry against a Laumak in public.
Telmen Aron doesn’t believe he will be lord of His stubbornness may cost him the loyalty and commit-
Medava for long. He has already put off costly improve- ment he needs to keep the fief productive. The peasants
ments and in a few more years the manor house and barn are already noticeably surlier, but the old man hasn’t no-
will need expensive repairs. The Lady Querene should ticed.
advise him of this but is distracted.
Torkat Chapterhouse
Scutal Manor Meketa Bradas Sekal has led the Chapter since 718.
Telmen Breen Tharo has held the manor for 20 He drives himself and his peasants hard, and pays more
years, but at 63 will never progress further. Like most of than is required to the Order. He also supports his
the older officers he struggles to see past Akarata Horab’s mother and brother who share the manor house. He feels
vision of taking Kustan for the faith. A broken leg kept obliged to continue the work, begun under his predeces-
him at home during the 718 expedition, something that sor, to improve the wooden structure but the mason and
grates on this vinegary old warrior. He is certain that if his work are expensive. A recent traveller claimed exper-
he and those old friends who have already ‘passed to Bal- tise in mining and offered to look for stone in the forest;
gashang’ had been there things would have been very dif- there are rumours of an out-cropping of sound building
ferent. When he visits his old commander, Bron Zarnist, stone to the northeast.
at Bedenes they shake their heads and agree that the or- He is the only Meketa who has to support a Chapter-
der is not what it was. When they were in their prime house with only one manor and though a brave and tal-
they took what they wanted and had the will to keep it. ented warrior he does not enjoy managing the fief. His
He also complains to Meketa Bron about Alshain Risalsin mother acts as his steward but she treats the locals with
who is ‘not a patch on old Sedriz’, who led the Penor disdain; making the struggle to become economic harder.
chapter before him. Bron tells him that Meketa Alshain Bradas has had to borrow from a fellow Meketa, Al-
may seem a brash youngster but says many of the right shain Risalsin, to meet his obligations. Meketa Alshain
things in private. makes Bradas welcome at Penor and it was there, after
Telmen Breen runs an ascetic household and his being plied with some strong wine, that he admitted an-
squire Laen is being well trained to be an obedient tool of other reason for his penury. He secretly takes money
his god. That involves regular thrashings to ensure he from the manor’s privy purse to pay for an illegitimate
understands the order’s rule. The Chapter’s priest, daughter and her mother in Golotha. The order may
Dunin, approves of this severe regime and also chastises have spawned numerous bastards across the hundred
young Laen to ensure the boy understands the love of and beyond but Bradas takes his vows seriously. He
Mamaka. Laen is gradually losing what youthful person- could not bear to have his indiscretion revealed but
ality he had as he is shaped by Mamekan rite and rule equally could not ignore the child he fathered. Alshain
into an unfeeling, and therefore effective, Warrior. was full of concern and offered to have the money paid
Breen believes a skilfully run fief honours Mamaka through the man who looks after his affairs. Since then
and the manor is blessed with a knowledgeable reeve, Gerd of Hawen has ensured the mother and child are well
and talented herder and woodward. Despite his strict ad- cared for. Alshain has even had them moved to a better
herence to the Mamekan rule Breen has developed more house within the city, though Bradas doesn’t know that.
respect for the crafts of these farmers than any other fief Alshain wants to know where they are if he ever had need
holder. As a result his is the most successful ‘forest of them.
manor’. He also ensures the woods are laid with man- Bradas lost a talented weaponcrafter last year. De-
traps and pits; he considers hunting a soft alternative to spite his claim to have dismissed the craftsman everyone
martial drills with sword, spear and shield. He is con- in the Order knows he left for higher rewards under Me-
vinced the traps keep the Kuborra away from his lands. keta Tolmey Wolkene of Hask. Bradas’ humiliation is
To Breen all this is simply fulfilling his obligations and tempered by the relief at the reduction in expense.
preparing his place among the Forges of the Mameka
where he intends to serve for eternity.

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.

Bradas keeps an ostler and a wagoner who almost The Telmen treats Sapella badly in public to disguise
pays for himself through work for Byced and Scutal. The the fact that they are lovers and his ‘nephew’ is their son.
village has a water-mill but the mill-pond is clogged with He fears that the priest suspects the true nature of their
weed and stinks in high Summer. The miller has com- relationship and might offer that tasty titbit to an officer
plained to Bradas who will not allow him sufficient labour coveting the fief. The priest is currently oblivious to the
to clear it. The lumbermill is the manor’s only real asset: sin going on under the manor roof. He is an arrogant
Byced provides a steady flow and lumber and the timber- young man who cannot believe that a man of his quality
wright is efficient and effective. is stuck in this god-forsaken backwater.
Bradas’ lack of interest and his mother’s highhanded- To bolster his prestige Pendrick recruited a journey-
ness leaves most of the practical decision making in the man weaponcrafter at last year’s Festival of the Pillars.
hands of the manor’s reeve. He maintains as diverse a The village has an ox-mill; a potter; a domestic
range of crops as possible and the village usually avoids metalcrafter; and a salter.
starvation. If Bradas took more interest, or trusted him
more, then the manor might thrive. ‘The Legion’
Bradas is at his happiest when leading the Chapter A handful or two of the most zealous Peonians of
into the forest in search of Kuborans, something he does Emesa would go beyond the strong words about ‘the
on the slightest pretext. Each spring and summer he Harpy leading the people to freedom’. They remember
takes the chapter a little further into the Uld range. He the tales their grandfathers told of their grandfathers; tales
justifies these expeditions by bringing back any captives of ‘The Legion’; tales of drill and skill at arms.
as slaves to support the manor’s work. The Theocracy never knew or cared what these half-
In truth they require guards and are poor workers. barbarian frontier folk did and it was only with the arrival
More often than not he sells them on at a loss compared of the Warriors that the Legion was rooted out and
to the effort it takes to capture them. His men have al- crushed. Elders who had, traditionally, led each hamlet’s
ways valued his leadership but the distractions of the fief, ‘cohort’ were tortured and burned alive before their fami-
his money worries, and a growing tendency to retreat lies and friends. Weapons that had been hoarded and re-
into a bottle are sapping their respect for him. If they paired, and shields that had been patched and refurbished
perform badly at the Festival of the Pillars this Summer by each successive generation, were impounded. Any-
his embarrassment will be complete and his position as one found with a weapon, let alone practicing with it, was
Meketa may be open to challenge. Meketa Halan subject to summary execution. The organisation that had
Uelesen, who recommended him for this post and values protected the Emesans for nearly 300 years died in 690;
his loyalty, is an increasingly regular visitor; he cannot af- or did it?
ford to have someone he promoted fail. Last Spring the son of Torkat’s woodward was clear-
ing tree stumps half way to Byced. Stuffed into a long
Byced Manor forgotten hollow beneath one of the stumps were 7 short
The wooden manorhouse with its observation tower swords carefully packed in oiled cloth. With them were
is surrounded by a ditch, bank and palisade. It is not de- several pages of parchment. The ink had faded to a
signed to hold for long, but does offer some protection for barely legible dull red but would, anyway, have been be-
the population in the case of a Kuboran raid. yond the illiterate youth. It was the illustrations that ig-
Telmen Pendrick Rold is another beneficiary of the nited his imagination: legionary sword drills.
deaths on the Scarlet Ribbon. He served under Meketa The boy’s name was Korin of Thald and he didn’t
Bradas in Golotha, and followed him north when he was just see pictures, he saw divine instruction. Local legends
granted the chapter. Pendrick brought his orphaned say that Peoni’s warriors always wore red, and here were
nephew, 5 year-old Gereras, and a maid, Sapella, to raise warriors drawn in red practicing with the swords she had
him. The rest of the household comprises his squire, Rol- sent him. No longer was he confined to the life his father
dova, a junior priest, Biris, and a single laumak, to sup- had led; now he was to be Peoni’s strong right arm. He
port him. was to find six others, train them as she instructed, and
Pendrick is ambitious and drives the peasantry hard. take the fight to the oppressors.
Currently they are working to clear more forest beyond He continues to weigh the qualities of the youths he
the isolated hamlet of Clan Zarsi so that it will grow and, meets when he accompanies his father to Emesa market.
one day, become a self-sufficient manor. The lumber However, he has not been impressed by anyone yet. He
they cut is dragged to Torkat for cutting into boards or is beginning to wonder whether Peoni’s gifts were all in-
posts as part of the village’s payment to their liege. Any- tended for local people. Perhaps he needs to seek outsid-
thing they need is supposed to be sold back to them but ers to help him in his cause. If he cannot find locals he
the woodward makes sure he declares enough wood as has resolved to approach strangers to Emesa at the next
‘unsound’, to meet the needs of the village. beast fair. Surely Peoni’s sister-harpy, Heneryne, will
guide him to the magnificent warriors he needs.

© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.


© 2015 Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc.


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