Kolorn 2

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LOCATION: Kingdom of Kaldor The Bastunes became vassals to the earls of
STATUS: Held by Baron of Bastune Vemion and it has been so to the present day.
POPULATION: 400 (approximately)
HISTORY The baron Bastune holds Kolorn from the earl of
The earliest residents of Kolorn where Jarin who Caldeth of Minarsas. Unfortunately for the baron
settled down in the area sometime around 1150 of Kolorn, he is a wenching degenerate and his
BT. By 1000 BT the area was well populated and ability to govern is poor to say the least. His son,
organised. When the Battle of Sorrows ended the the constable of Kolorn, who is a conscientious
Jarin succeeded in remaining independent of administrator and is very keen on both military
sorts from the Lythian invaders. Instead of and civil affairs, carries out most of the duties.
fighting, the two cultures evolved into a hybrid as Although most civil affairs are handled directly
the masses of the barbarians settled the area. by the baron, a small council of guildsmen helps
They eventually became Hârnic people. with advice on economical matters.

When Lothrim ravaged the northern and middle ECONOMICS

Kaldor, the kingdom of Pari, now days western As the settlement of Kolorn is not built near a
part of Thelshire, was able to negotiate peace major road of importance, most of the trade
with the invading tyrant. Pari, as many other conducted in the town comes from Ternua and
states, where after that a part of his vast empire. Jedes. There are however some export activity
As the news reached the region of Lothrims like tasty brandy from the inn, wool from various
demise at the battle of Sirion 120 Tr, most of the herdsmen and timber from the southern forest.
kingdom was fiercely battled over by various
warlords seeking power and land. It was during Taxes
that time that the four kingdoms arose and Pari, Property 6% per annum (residential)
became a part of Pagostra. Property 5% per annum (business)
Hawking 10% of goods value
Pagostra was ruled by Hain Parlis, who built a Bonding 2% of goods value per month
stone keep at the current location of Qualdris.
Hain who was an effective ruler sent one of his
sons, Ruthar, to build a keep where an earlier
Jarin fortress had stood in Kolorn. Ruthar who The religious climate of Kolorn is very strict. The
was a master in designing forts built the keep on church of Peoni has a small temple in town and
a high hill and on a cliff. It was completed in 160 there is a chaplain in the keep that represents
Tr. Later, Ruthar’s brother Orsin swore fealty to Larani. Faiths of other deities are discouraged
Serelind in aid against the Pagaelin during the and worshipping any of the dark gods is
Migration Wars. punishable by death. There are plans of building
a temple for Larani but the Rekela of Ledyne has
During the fifteen years of civil war in the fourth to date not taken a firm position about this, even
century, Kolorn, which was held by a long lost though the baron’s son has donated several
baron, supported Fierth and his ambitions. generous sums to the church and its coffers.

By the end of the restoration of the house of CURRENT POLITICAL AFFAIRS

Artane, Kolorn was held by an incompetent Although the barony of Kolorn is partially, if not
baron named Jurin. Jurin’s captain of the guard, all, governed by Lyndar the present baron is a
Koroch Bastune, saw his opportunity in the disappointment to both his liege and to his
turmoil that ravaged the kingdom. He slew the vassals. The earl of Minarsas is getting tired of
baron and took his place. Koroch was a great the mistakes bought forward by Greon Bastune
leader and successfully rebuilt the keep in 530 Tr and he has urged Lyndar to deal with the matter
and almost doubled his estates. by letting the baron stay as often as he can in his
room at the keep. Lyndar who is both loyal to his
When Haldan the elder came upon the throne, father and his liege often finds himself in the
the clan of Bastune had reigned almost eighty middle of the two. He hopes that his father will
years under the kings of Kaldor. The new king rest his whenching and start to govern. All
rewarded one of his earls, Caldeth of Minarsas, attempts to persuade his father has so far been
with the barony. futile.

1. CAER KOLORN 7. MILLER (Jylthe of Marris)
The keep where clan Bastune governs the barony Size: 3 Quality: *** Prices: High
is located on the highest spot in the area. The The miller of Kolorn is a unpopular man. He is
keep is built along, and partially on, the side of a arrogant, rude and has a habit of overprising.
steep cliff. Complete plans for the keep’s four
levels are given on the following pages. (a) 8. CLOTHIER (Illia of Hobbes)
gatehouse/bonded weaponcrafter Surin of Size: 2 Quality: **** Prices: Average
Grolden. (b) bonded Ostler, Herry of Kalas. The only female guildsman in town is also the
busiest. Her services are highly demanded by the
2. TEMPLE OF PEONI townsfolk and the surrounding manor
The temple was built in 713 Tr after the present population.
baron’s wife died in riding accident. It’s is
managed by a small society of friars from the 9. CHANDLER (Rhubert of Kliro)
Irreproachable Order, and it is like most Peoni Size: 4 Quality: ** Prices: Low
temples, very poor. Rhubert is one lazy man who lets his three young
apprentices do most of the work. Since they are
3. VILLAGE OF ALTERAND young lads the quality of the goods produced and
The inhabitants of this village consist mostly of bought are lower than average. It is said that
herdsmen and their families. The wool produced Lyndar is not happy with Rhubert’s behaviour.
here is sold on the fairs held at Bastune Square.
10. METALSMITH (Maldan of Killos)
4. BASTUNE SQUARE Size: 2 Quality: **** Prices: Average
This is where most of Kolorn’s trade is executed. The metalsmith of Kolorn is one happy man. He
The fee for renting a market stall is 1d and the has made a contract with the Weaponcrafters
permission to do so is bought at the bonding Guild that he can manufacture knifes, daggers
house. Fairs are held once every three months, and arrows. In return he provides the guild with
except in the winter, and are eagerly anticipated a fee each year for this service. Maldan is a ***
by the locals. Normal market affairs are held weaponcrafter and the Mangai of Tashal is
from dawn to dusk. considering giving him a weaponcrafter
mastership in the next few years.
A scribe who keeps track of all goods brought 11. THATCHER / TEAMSTER (Kif of Raem)
into town manages the bonding house. It’s Size: 1 Quality: *** Prices: Low
guarded by a soldier of the garrison during the Kif is one of the few, except perhaps the
day, and at dusk the money collected is brought metalsmith, who is active in two different trades.
to the baron’s son. When the teamster business is slow he is
working as a thatcher and vice versa.
6. THE LAST WOLF’S HEAD (Dikel of Ohren)
Size: 6 Quality: *** Prices: Average 12. LUIGAR’S HOUSE
Dikel who is the Innkeeper of the Last Wolf’s This strange foreigner lives by himself at the
Head was once a yeoman from the village of outskirts of Kolorn and claims to come from a
Yebira near Kolorn. He was able to purchase the distant kingdom named Trierzon. Luigar came to
inn after locating and disarming a gang of settlement five years ago and was mistrusted
brigands whom was terrorising the settlements from the beginning. Fortunately for the man, the
of both Kolorn and Jedes. A rumour in the baron’s son hired Luigar as his hunter because of
village states that Dikel found a treasure at the his love for this sport. The dark foreigner is
brigands hideout and it was with that treasure he performing his duties superbly and he is well
bought the inn. If this is the truth or not doesn’t liked by the young lord, who is fond of listening
matter, Dikel makes a tidy profit from owning to the hunter’s stories from far away. Unknown
the only inn in town. The inn produces excellent to all Luigar comes from Emelrene where he fled
brandy that is major export. As a custom, every the wrath of a baron after he accidentally shot
soldier, from the garrison or passing by, get their and killed his wife. The hunter’s worst nightmare
third ale for free. Needless to say the place is is to see the baron and his men ride in here on
often crowded. the muddy roads of Kolorn.

THE KEEP 6. The commander of the keep’s garrison sleeps
in this room together with his wife and their
The brilliant Ruthar Harlis originally built the teenage son. Sergeant Hampus is a giant of a
fortification partially on the cliff that makes the man who suffers heavily from obesity. In spite of
keep very defensible. The keep is four stories this none of the guards, or the local population,
high and the walls are thick but space, in spite of dares to mock him. The sergeant singled handed
this, is plentiful. killed three drunk mercenaries defending a maid
when travelling to Tashal. This feat and the
GROUND FLOOR witness of the maid have earned Hampus an
1. The first room in the cellars are crowded with enormous amount of respect. Bisal, Hampus
wine barrels, food and other items that need the wife, helps the servants with tasks assigned to
damp and cold to last. The baron enjoys wine her. Chalid, the sergeant’s son, is currently
and has made a special wine cellar where various training as a soldier and will one day move in
wines from all over the kingdom is stored. A well with the rest of them on the floor below.
supplies the keep and its inhabitants with water.
In addition to wine cellar there is a small jail 7. Father Gyridon, a devoted servant of Larani,
with no current prisoner in the second room on manages the chapel. Gyridon acts as an advisor
the ground floor. There are also various goods to Lyndar who feels comfortable to have friend of
stored here. faith. He is also deeply concerned with baron
Greon’s immoral behaviour.
2. A single man at arms often guards the FOURTH FLOOR
entrance but half of the time this corridor is 8. The lowest bombardment is reached from the
empty. On the floor at the entrance door, a gallery below by a trapdoor. There is never any
trapdoor has been built and it can be opened and guard on duty here since the ladder leading up to
closed from the guard dormitory. the highest floor has better view of the vicinity.

3. The guard dormitories hold the keep’s 9. The council chamber is often used by Lyndar,
garrison of six men. They sleep in the adjacent who is the keep’s constable, when meeting with
chamber behind the wooden wall. A sergeant the vassals of the various estates that surrounds
who sleeps on the floor above leads them. the small town. The ladder leads to the floor
below and to a trapdoor at the bombardment
4. The great hall and the kitchen are one and the above.
same and food is prepared here over an open
fireplace. The meals are served three times a day 10. The dormitory of the baron is rather
and the baron and his son dine first, then the luxurious compared to many rooms of equal
soldiers and later the servants. Feasts are seldom status in the kingdom. It is here that the baron
held in Kolorn much due to the embarrassing “entertains” his maiden serfs taken from the
baron’s behaviour. villages he controls directly. Baron Greon is more
concerned with which woman he shall bed or
THIRD FLOOR which wine he shall drink, than to govern. For
5. The servants of the keep sleep on the ladies three years his son Lyndar has been able to
gallery above the great hall. They are lead by a shadow most of his father’s sinful way of living,
cook, Halsia of Maron, who is a thin and fragile but several lords are getting concerned.
looking woman. In spite of this she has total Especially since rumours amongst the nobility
command of the food and cleaning duties of the are beginning to spread about the baron.
Caer, and the baron enjoys calling her “my
seneschal commoner”. Although not entirely 11. Lyndar who is fond of hunting has decorated
true, Halsia is one of the few commoners in his room with a few game trophies. Although his
Kolorn with real influence. The ladder leads to unpredictable father troubles him he still
the lavatory and the great hall below and up to a manages to govern the estates of the Bastune
bombardment above. During the cold winter a clan with grace. Most of the clan’s treasure is
brazier is brought up to ease the chilly kept in Lyndar’s own chests to prevent his father
temperature and make sleeping more from spending it all on unnecessary and
comfortable for the hard-working servants. unneeded things. The earl has approved of this
and places great confidence in the young man


All Floors

0 10 20 30


12 4

+3 +2


2 10

2 33 10 3 +14
1 50








4 10

4 10

9 +34

4 8

© Patrick Nilsson 1999

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