Movie Critique - Sangkar 2019 by Kabir Bhatia

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Sociology is the methodical study of social interaction and human society. Sociology covers a
wide range of topics, including crime, religion, racial division, the family, the state, social class,
and shared cultural beliefs. It also examines social stability and radical change in entire
societies. Sociology examines and clarifies issues in our society, families, and communities.
such as dysfunctional families, passionate relationships, racial and gender identities, religious
convictions, and abnormal conduct.Then, sociology analyzes and clarifies issues related to law
and crime, prejudice and discrimination, urban communities, and social movements at the
societal level. Furthermore, sociology is used in media, including movies. One form of media
that significantly affects society is film. In 2019, Kabir Bhatia's debut Malaysian mixed martial
arts film, "Sangkar," featured numerous sociological allusions.


In Sangkar, culture is the first sociological component. The definition of culture in a

human group or society is the body of information, language, morals, rituals, and tangible
artifacts that are transmitted from individual to individual and the next generation. One cultural
practice that is prevalent throughout society is sports, which is one of the cultural universals that
is highlighted in this film. It is evident that Adam and Johan are fighters with mixed martial arts.
Apart from that, this movie featured numerous MMA-related scenes and became the first
Malaysian MMA movie.

The socialization process comes next. It is described as a continuous process of social

interaction that creates a link between the individual and society and helps people develop the
social, cognitive, and physical skills necessary for survival in society. The media is one of the
socialization agents in this movie, along with family, community, and school. In one scene, Reza
used Abang Jai's smartphone to watch a live broadcast of his older brother Johan competing
against Adam in an MMA match alongside a group of teenagers. The friends of Abang Jai begin
to inquire about Reza's whereabouts. Reza is using the media to interact socially with a group of

In addition, we have the status element. A person's socially defined status in a

community is indicated by certain expectations, rights, and responsibilities. Ascribed status,
attained status, and master status are the three types of status. Given Adam's personality, we
can determine that he was assigned a certain status. Ascribed status is a social standing
determined by factors like age, gender, and race/ethnicity over which the individual has little to
no control. Adam was not born into the family. This is demonstrated in a flashback scene where
young Adam was called "Anak Haram" and made fun of by other children. Hassan, his uncle,
raised him following the death of his mother. His uncle would constantly scold and beat him.

Role conflict is the fourth sociological element in this movie. It occurs when a person is
subjected to conflicting demands from two or more concurrently held statuses. Being a sister
and a nurse present a role conflict for Lea's character. In one scene, she is unable to care for
his paralyzed brother Johan, so she goes to the hospital to work. It is only she who can provide
for Adam's family after the accident that left him paralyzed. Reza, her younger brother, has
perforated heart disease and is still enrolled in school.

Aside from that, the components of a social group are visible. A social group is an
association of two or more individuals who regularly interact and feel a sense of belonging.
Adam, Lee, and Hafiz appear to be the only members of their small group. A small group is a
collectivity in which there is enough room for simultaneous interaction and mutual acquaintance
among all members. Adam always has Lee and Hafiz by his side to encourage and assist him
when he fights. They also assisted Adam after he got into a fight with Johan and was attacked
by Farid's goons.

This movie also features instances of deviance. A behavior, belief, or state that seriously
transgresses accepted social norms in the community or group in which it manifests is called a
deviation. The scene where Adam, Lee, and Hafiz visit clubs, consume alcohol, and become
inebriated demonstrates this. Adam started to have hallucinations and started to see Johan
flashing. It was forbidden to drink as a Muslim and against Malay customs.Other than from that,
there are elements of crime in this movie. Crime is defined as actions that break the law and are
subject to fines, jail time, and other penalties. This is evident during a fight in a residential area
between two groups of teenagers. The teens who were involved have been arrested by police,
and they are still looking for the other suspects.

The next sociological component present in Sangkar is power. According to Max Weber,
power is the capacity of individuals or groups to accomplish their objectives in the face of
opposition from others. In order to decide who will win the mixed martial arts championship,
Johan and Adam compete in this movie. They struggle as a result to demonstrate their mutual
strength. To demonstrate their strength, they both go by the names "Adam "The Ace" Abdullah
and "Johan "The Jedi" Kamaruddin" in the arena.and bestow upon the homage their maximum
power. In any case, Adam is scheduled to defend his title against current Nasa Warrior
Champion James McSweeney in order to demonstrate his strength, win the new title, and raise
funds for Johan's surgery.

Additionally to power, family is another theme in this movie. A family is a group of people
who live together voluntarily, support one another financially, look out for one another's children,
and believe that their identity is inextricably linked to the group. Johan's family, which consists of
Johan, Lea, and Reza, is one of the families that we can see in this movie. Living together, they
were fully supported by Lea, who was employed as a hospital nurse following Johan's paralysis.
To maintain the happiness of their family, each of them contributes significantly. In addition, they
have the humorous character Bob to keep them occupied. Johan and Lea appear to be quite
worried about their younger brother Reza, who is still enrolled in school. after Johan was
involved in a tragic accident. Even though Adam still feels bad, he helps the family out by giving
them money and looking after Johan. In one scene, Reza runs out of medicine and Lea is
unable to afford to buy any more. Adam supported them by fighting other fighters to earn cash
so they could buy Reza medication.

The sociological component of religion comes next in Sangkar. It can be characterized

as a set of moral principles that unites believers into a single moral community and serves as a
guide for human behavior, all based on some sacred or supernatural being. Adam was seen at
the mosque praying at the start of the movie. Furthermore, the audio recording features Adam's
voice reciting passages from Surah az-Zumar, which are from the al-Quran. Adam, who initially
engaged in illegal activities like drinking alcohol, showed signs of improvement throughout the
movie. He has turned away from everything negative and started to repent. Reza talked Adam
into going with him to the mosque so they could pray and hear an Ustaz speak in one scene. He
had been away from prayer for a while, but he started praying after that.

Health is the final sociological component that Sangkar exhibits. A state of total physical,
mental, and social well-being is referred to as health. Diseases can have an impact on one's
health. There are two types of disease: acute disease and chronic disease. Adam's actions
rendered Johan paralyzed, which falls under the category of acute illness. An acute disease is a
sudden illness that can result in severe disability and occasionally even death. While the
teenagers are fighting, Adam and Johan are having a conversation in the hallway. When Johan
mentions Adam's mother, Adam becomes enraged and smashes Johan's body into the ground.

To sum up, Sangkar offers an engrossing prism through which to examine different
sociological elements that influence interpersonal relationships and societal structures. The
complex web of culture, socialization, status, role conflict, criminality, deviance, power
dynamics, family dynamics, religion, and health is deftly explored in the movie. The way mixed
martial arts are portrayed as a cultural practice highlights how important sports are to human
societies as a whole, and the way the characters interact with the media highlights how
important media is to socialization. The complex portrayal of assigned status, especially in light
of Adam's difficult upbringing, deepens the examination of society norms. Role conflict
emphasizes the difficulties people have juggling their varied social roles; Lea's battle between
being a sister and a nurse is an example of this.

The movie also explores the dynamics of social groups, stressing the value of belonging
and support among one another. The story's incidents of crime and deviance provide insight into
the repercussions of actions that go against social norms and provide a commentary on how
these behaviors affect both people and communities. The concept of power as it appears in
mixed martial arts competitions is consistent with Max Weber's theory, which emphasizes the
ability of individuals or groups to accomplish goals.The complex portrayal of the family as the
fundamental social unit highlights the ways in which its members depend on and support one
another. The examination of religion in "Sangkar" offers an additional depth, illustrating the
ability of faith to change a person's life. The movie concludes by addressing the sociological
aspect of health and demonstrating the significant effects of acute illness on people and their

Sangkar offers a rich tapestry of human experiences and societal dynamics, thereby
functioning as both an entertaining and thought-provoking sociological study. With its story and
characters, the movie invites viewers to consider the complex interactions between social forces
that mold our individual and collective identities. The idea that cinema can be a potent tool for
sociological exploration and understanding is reinforced by the fact that, as an art form, it
becomes a medium through which audiences can engage with and contemplate the complex
nature of human society.

1. Ikhwan Ltd. (n.d.). Ikhwan Ltd. Retrieved from

2. Bhatia, Kabir. "Sangkar." Directed by Kabir Bhatia, performance by Adam "The Ace"
Abdullah, Johan "The Jedi" Kamaruddin, and others, 2019. Malaysian Film
Corporation (FINAS).
3. Gempak. (2019, August 31). Banyak elemen merdeka dalam filem 'Sangkar' yang
anda harus tonton. Retrieved from

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