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RoLINO a0 VOl AO302
Oiecoate of industies

uperdision and Gontol
olevsee DStiet Irdusties (entexs for
o depatnental shernes. cbbetive inplementatich
Nodal Reo motonal
- Act aS a key aq eny foy
promo'ng and developing industries thtoughout the
Infrastuchur al eveloprmert the State

irdustia Ourencss orqarire

0rganixe Progms
Prog1ams to cieate
Investrent atrophese.
. hip uoaTeness
development progam Programmes, Entrepiereur
mes, woskshops , ard
Skiled manpover (re al'on - Run Serninaz$
CourseS in lasious trades ike requlay Voationo! txalning
Sponsor local outh for like kittng. tailorng. toyçertry
protdirg iperds traibing ard Study Cousses
Fn ancial
Support-- proide qonts-in- ad doan to
omous bodies and
Subsdiasies annucdly
Jrog vam Implementaton -
os Implementaon d% arious
infastöuthural deoelopment ard industia!
Jocatdiverional Tiatrade
ining to
Reg ular
ocatora! trairäng
cieote Skilled
fnanciaJ Assistance man poueT
- Ghonts - In- ad
automou, bodies ard subsidiasies loans to
Rauo matesial Allobmenl- AlObment ob caahce Taw
makesials ke paraffin uoax, ivon, and oteel at ConGessioral

Benefit s
Accelesated industrialixaion thrOug h a focuag on
nfrastruchure develop rment and industria! ateas
Creation of kned mon pouwer
lods to Employment
opportuni tes os local Youths.
Nomirakion d bcal Entepreneuss for naloral aund
in Gmall fcale industries and
Hard rom Harl?crafts
Art sans, providirg re Coqmiton and ECouvag
2Oistict Industries Centres [oIcS]
oppotunity Guidance foy 6ntve preneuxs- Brirg fosth &xistirg
oppostunities to aid Entvepreneurs .
district irdusbrial xatton forsteirg Smploy ment ard
Manpouer Ass esSmentFSSess Skilled and Sers,- Skijed
lahos to opmiRe ootkforC uifiraton d revent úrde
Tnfrasbucture Identifioton ldentty essen tal
failites Such as Clectiity, 0as Uo0s ehouses, ban
and king
Quanbby teseng faciities
Techno - konormie feasibility Report -
the pesformanc e o ndu Pepare Teports wal
for ipiovemer
strias produts, Processes,
O1 Seovie
Tnvestment Aduice Aduise &ntrepreneuns on
inle Sbment providing ConSul tany Senvies for informed
decsion- mokirg
Pronide braining urdes
to EnbBepreneus develapmert progiam
&nhane Gntrepre neusial dkills
associationS oo Csaft men cd uoorkerS Sngaged im
Cottage and
liloge irdusbse s
Rauo atesial AssiStarx e through "sIoco" faciktate entepe
ritiatves by &uppuig matexial thoug h the nal
Trdusties deyelopment Govporaton limited (sIRco)
Matk etin og
onuy with Assistance throug h SIDco - ASSiSt entures ot
faus Tmatexi als but
also with ma ketirq ther
podce through SkCO
ovide abassle- free degistration,
process through a Sirgle - wirdouw cleaOnce, nd licenSirg
Reommend deses virg Sral) Sale meorism
irdusérial units for
to ackrouledg e theis
facitate Corkibuton
to bonks ndes the apphcatons by Traking e Om
khadi and lage Meroat
(kviC) Sheme: irdusties Gommis Sig
Established in azi
by the dlepartment doazious disticki Since 1a18, &uppstrd
Creation oo dICs to ommerce ard idabry.
nto 5ural aeas, tend 'nousti a
Cppoxt and &nhancirg
assi stan ce for penetration declopment
a rdustsal qtoult Novious olC pvo qram 6 aised
Gtuarantee Progrom
the mime mini Stey's Ern ploqmcnt
(PmEGP) to gencrote Epploy ment
koon eheme for delf - Employed ard Srall Cnits in to on
and oith a Populabon Iess tat 1 akh
uYal adeas

of mdusbial profies to tdenify pos and

Cons diffesent irdusties
tov dettirg up dffesent
irdustzies in the distic
Ht as the focal point for indusbrialiaton, providng
de ar an ces, licen ges, (oans, and awads.

Contrib ute to the deNelapment dt esential iofasbukuse
foclilies, fostesirg rdustial potental
ASSiSt Entrepreneur in maksg nfourmed decisions
Tegardig inve Strnents dnd bus iness Stiategies.
facilktate the formaton of vdustia) Gocpevabve bcietes,
promotirg CollabaTaion am
brg Ciaftgnen and cooskess
hodi de Snd- to &rnd Supposb, from traimirg ard Tab
Tmakes ial assistance to magketng Suppot and sehabilt tabia
& Sick units
faclitote loan appli catons ontaibutirg
Entrepreneuss thsough the klic Sheme.
Trcustrial Develop ment Coypovatton Usc]
objective s
* Tndentifcaton rd promobon cß Grall, medi um
Aarge od meqa ndustial projects -
providing Fnanial assistance
To puo mote and openate temes for roustriol deuclopret
f State ard Country
Todenti (ation oß investrme)t ldeas
Tranaq idea into Concrete
Feasi bilit iy poject proosaS
francial derututirg euluaton
tsS stmg in central
Irdustrial and
ard State Gtovt " Cleatness
nfostuatugo dauelsprnent
fcatuse s
Seimulate, faltate aro hcouage the establit
rormote industvy
inVestmert oppoxtunites (ocaty egiorally, ard
faittate the desig, deuelapmert, Construton
ma'nteronce ond aalministyaton o
Credit irk Captal Cabsidy Shemeindetia potk s
(cKSS) ard mic0,
Srali and medum EntreprereunShip
Sehernes for Schemes (msme)
technology up gadaton
&ntiepreneurShip develapment nsttutoní (ao) shune
Capport by (TDO) n the folouw'g ctoss.
Ag10- ard petro Chemical * machmesy andl Equipmat
teauy manufocusing Media ond motlo piture
Clothing ord Texkies met als ad mming
Trdustrial Infrastrutuse
sqht marufathurng
Guskorable &nploymarnt
Pegioral Eqyuity
TndutialiSati on
Snvitonmentaly Sustaináble
Statt Fnanial Gopos akon (#c's)
bjectire s
* Rornotion o fmall ard medin industies- fct as an
ntegral past oo te in Sttutonal fmane Gtucture
Promote ral l ard medium industries wthin the ate
Balan ced Regional Reulopment - En[ure balancec
development, highe ivestmant ,3ncreased Sploy ment
geneation, ond broad oners hip o irdstieS
Establishnent and Maragement - Grovesn the tuntioning
dG 18 toe ranial Gorpo
under the SFC
atons . uwith F EStobliShed

*financial Assi stance Bovide fnandal assistan ce, (astcles

ox the acay uisiton ob fed assets ike
land, buildings.
plant i and machinery
* Nanagement &ucture. opesate under a boond do ten
disetoxs, with the State qoueyn ment
moraging drecbo ond noniroing a rajosity ot
leqal hame wosk Fstab liShed urder the
firantal Corporation At d& 1951, oppiable to afl
Boax d incudes veckors norirated by the cate govesret
Reserve Bank Ond Bleced by inshance Gomponies
Scheduled banks, n Vest ne st ttusts, Coo pesabive banks
ther frandal institutons
Gfrant doans Pimarils for acgju'dina fred assets ard
Poviding inanial assistan (e to indusbrial units meeirg
Specifie itexa
Onderwviting and Ga~antee urde
ShaveS, debentr[es, and povide qudi uoxite new Stocks
31Sed in the
antees fos doans
Capital nasket by Scheduled banks
rdustiial Concesns, ard State Coopesate banks.
the Govesnnent fes the authoied Capital within
cÛ Rs so lakhs to Rs. s Gs0Te,
Shares held by vded ints
vaxious Snttes.
&ntites. t
tho ugh the inssuance and Sale d
bords and
dehentuNeS , mot
Capit al and 6e ServCS at Ereedrg 4 tmes the
RS lo akh
Bene fts
facktate francial Cugport fos indtial unit,poatulay
en aayu'aing essental asets os theiy gpevatons.
to balan ced
rseqioral deuelopment
hgher investment and
op portunities. Srplayment
krjoy goVnment
ment - bahed
quavantees c 8haxes,
quarantees an
enhancirg the xedibity & the State Frrancial
Bene fit fiom a dvexse hoasd trutue ith diretors
eç1eSertating gouesnnmant , irancial institutons, ard
pnivate pastes en Gubiro ompehenSive deciSton- mokira
Gtuantee koan aised in the apital masket, roidg
frantal fe Cuity to sckod.id basks, incdustial Coneins,
and State Coopesatve banks
Opesae within a fexible (opital frutuse , alloung
fo adjustrnent s ka sed on the' francal needs ard
eqyu'rements o the State ranial Cosposatio ns

5 mall ScaleIrdusbies DeNclopnent Corporaions (si)

Objectne s
Taitiate rall oiale rdustial dauelopment Grpoatons
(sSIDc) n all takes urder the Cormponies aut do 1956
to caker to the qrouth ard duwelopment necds d
hilage irdusties and Small industies.
Procese ard oiSbi bute feazce sauw mateoials sssenta
fos the functonig ot Gmall -Scale unis.
mauhinr y on a hne- patase bais, easing
the fmancial busden on (rall -fcale
xovidle assistane in macketirg the produuks
Sral l - Seale units, &nchanirg theis
Teach and
Construt irdatial estakes sheds, devetop ollie
infraßtruutuse fociltes ard mointain them to Cseate
Con dutwe nusonmenls fbr Umall - iale ndusties
Extend Serd capital asSitance behalf d tate qouernmet
appost the EstabliShment ord qrowth ob omall- dtae
Prouide Tmarag
eonest assiCt ance to psodutton units
fostesirg Styhciency and productty
Opexate as dtate gouesnment urdestaking S,
SnphoSixing the o le depporting the grouuth ard
develapment ob lag e industrieS and Snal! industier
Onder take multfaced furetons inuding
procutument I machinery upply masketing
asSistance, inhatructure deueloprent and finanial
a Csual nole in
play incveaSirg Gnployment
and conti buting to the eCononic development df
irdia , fos texing both ushan ond suhad giowth
Adhese to goues nment -detined citesia, Suh
Capital inVestmert seayu'irements get under the
rdustzies (Developsnent and Requtaton) At, 195t
to cassify Srnall -Scale idustrieg
*otibute to incea Sed Employ ment ates by
the q10 uwth d6 Small industies
Enhance the oVevall eonomic 9rowth dt the Country
by fostevire the deelopment db Small - iale &tepe
in both usban and u%al
Ad the govesnment in improvirg nfrastrutse ard ranulats
irdutbies, addressirg $ues hke pollut'on , (luns, ord poverty
Opexate oithin eyible definitions, uhere Small - Scale
ndustries are deter mined by fautoxs Suh as capkal
investment and mahiney Tequnenent
Copete Elrectvey with Jahge - Stale mdustries and
multira?oral oyposatons, shouwcasirg the mportance ard
liability d Srall. Ckale inou Sties in the &Coromic lard eye
G Khadi And iloqe Indusbries Commi$sion (kvic
Objctive s
The khadi and loge rd ustries ommisSion [kvtc] is to
stablished by n aut oo aliarent
Sabutory body
mo -6l dt 1956, as amended by an at no I2 t 1987
nd act no" 2006 . In Aril |45T It Took oYer the
b0sk oó former al tndi a khadi and ilbg e incustri es bogd

The chial objetve prod'irg nployment

The Soorormic objeve ob produxi ng Gale able
The oider objecive ob Cseatng Self- eli an ce
amongst the po0r and building up a Saorg
Community fpisit
feature s
EncompasS'rg iage mdustries, Cotaqe
ndustic, ard Scale irdustvies, ndutries,
Sall - Seale
Promo irg
hynod foetaum tsodidorol ard nodesn auiter
a brood

aBo astin a a vich heritage Loith flouaishing Gott aqe industier

in Eaxly times, Tehowned -for kgh antistic Skul ard glokal
auclaim foy Produut tke dacca musliun, kashnit Shausls,
and luckow evets.
Recoqnixi the importance t te se indlustries
post - ndeperdence. with q drakegic foaus On

gene takon , Produtonn oo ale ab le atticdes,

Snploy ment qeneaton
foSte irg Self- e liance in Tusal om munites.
ndusion in mat pral plans with Specifie attention
Cseatng segeves oó Daus mateoiaus, faciitating
Poce sSing faat tes, and ppoxtng Tmarketing okv
proding finansial Jupost to instkutions and indivdal
involved n khadi and illage industies.
tacttang job cre ation, and promoting
ity prit by
(ottaqe and mat - Scale Engaairg indidual's in divere
g Glf- sutfitienly among ess pprivileged
tro ugh the development and opeaion
d khadi and illage industie s.
(ting and róuts ing adherennte(e to qy uali ty dton dad
for khadi and
lag e industics produuks, promoirg
genine and high- qyuality goods.
aing linkages with establi Shed masketing Qrgenies
nhance the sale and maxketra df khodi niloge induty
produt si ard handicxafts.
Ofeoi ng baring
Ebros ts amorg them
to axtsans , &n ousging
-ment for and fosteing a
for Shox ed
success Collasosaive Envion
Upholding and peserving the Caltral hexitage
ottaaye ndsties bå un tertoking
pilot pojes for ther escavch and &statding
Cuport'ng irdividual aith desiqns, protokypes , ord
techni al nfor
maton fostet ing innovaion in khadi ad
Uitloge industies
aTeehrical Consultany Organizations [Tcos]
" t
Tos arn to provde techinal
lansutony for mduatial
pojedks, Cuppottrg Entrepencuss n prajeet plannirg
and Sxeukion

Tos gtoblishe d by all irdia rancial Snstituion

and State govesnments, Cieate a netook to
enhance technical &upport fos inoustsia inlbatye
Evdvirg hon pagject eport hardting to mutt.
tunetioral , mult- disutplrasy organinations, Teo,
adapt to the ag 'ing meeds ot industieg.
0ffeing wide arge oó (esveess Tos Contibute
to the qrowth both indstial and infrastruutee
To, indhdng kiTLO,have a date - leuel presen ce, proidry
loualixed 6upport ard supertse
Teos olabovatye foyt between afl rdia
fnont al tn SututonsLOBI, ICICI, IFCL, State - (euel
Tirancial 01qanixations, and ommexCiau banks
Navious Tcos e sponsoved by nan Cial insttutons
with OBI FU ard lcicl leading the
multt QYoSS lrdia
TCOS into mlt- frtiar
lCos induding kitCo, hawe
goni zatons Capable oo Gordutrg Suzvey5, preparig
pGet poftles ard prouding divexse tehntas ard
Tmaragesial assistae.
TCo 6ffex Sesves Suh as temo - elon ome 4ppraisal ,
masket7e Seomch,moderni zaion assistance tetnology
pgradatkon, and ehabilitalon mogtams.
ma'mtain iformaton ces ord data banks bo
prou'ide &ntre prene uxs oith Nauabe
insghts mbo
dustial ord CConomic auttoites.

Benefit s"

Tlos Contibute to nealizing industial potebii al hy

Busveys and prepasimg rojet profles, gudiy
&rbreprerers tounzds iable projets.
+ovdirg terical and maragevial asistance, Tos
duppost SntsepreneuT! in projet Ee auton
nodeinixaton, ard
y pgralaton
The infor maton Cell and dota bank manbained by To, otfe
Entepreneush aceK to vlua ble nformaton on irdustia
ard Sonomic outiites.
the dwelapment 06 indugty utex
Tios ploay a 301e in ithin sSpecfi setoss
fofteinq (ollaboraye qouth
Tcos , ike kiteo in acatoral taining Contaibuting
kill development and Ertre preneu ship
proides opexation arnd maintononce
kiTco Gucuess fuly Speial Gconornic Xones (ax)
proni rent
Jehwices for pronirent
in kochi ard Tamboram:
entreprcneussbip develop merdl ogsoms (ee]
Through oves 80,000 ntrepreneurs n vatious
kITco has çned

8 mall Ldastries Vervte Instbute [asi]

Jet - up one in each State to pronhde onsutny
Iitating Gteps for techrolagcad upgrodaton and
moder nixation do Existing
the honhls for maaketing the
produuts the onall deale dedoy
Ooiented rolustries
Comn chensive dupport ad
T0 roide
dekvicesto both mospetve aro Sstirg Con[ultuy
Consult ay
tvini tating oimall - dale rustries
ofosing quidone and Consultany seswices to Existirg
Jmall - deale units to Enbance theiy opehaltoni ad qowt
Corduting Compehensire State and district imustias
potential dwweys to iduntity oppovtnite s ard hallergs
matehials ard produts oß sSIs
Cordut Sonomie ana technical ciwes.
VWarket informatos
Morngement development rogramme thoirinq for
SSI Units.
Skll Oevelopmunt |oqhamn tyar:
EConomic nfovmation
Ronlides Support /IGesvice to the Jtate Govesnment
as weU as -0xdiratesNauous autivittes at the dtate
Ievel for piomotion ard deyelopnent
Con sulbanty t prospeve EntrepreneusS
Gonsut ony to
Entvepyeneurial deuelopment roqranme, S
for Educhted onenp loyed youth | prime
Rojgay ojaro
9 Small Trdusties devc lop went Bank of Jrdla [sopi
16 prodide finania assistane ard dupport to
Small - SCale imdusties in ind'a
T0 promoke ord develp entreprencux ship in th

To fack tate the qo wth and dcuclopment df

micro, naul , ard meciurn Snterprises [msmESJ.
tethrologial aduaname
To fostes nrovaion and
in the MSmE
msmE Sectos

SIOBI 0ffers Nahious nan cial produttt ard Sowice
ike Aoans, Credit facites, ondentu captau urdirg
to msm&s
Tt pronlides Speci aliXcd Schemes and pugrams
to ad doess the Speifc nceds ot different
othin the mdusty
SIDBI Gollabotates ith other inani al mstibutionc
Ord banks to Gnane the railability of Crcdit to
Miho, mall and mediun Entexpises -
Tt Offers drd onsultunuy Servies to
adrisovy and
hel ps enter prises pove their operatoral
elicenuy ard ompte ness
Bene fits
Accest to frante : SIOÊ provides dmancal assi tore
to bespies, helpmg them meet theiY oosking
invest in
Teyuirements, ond their busincsS , and
Business Support i SIDBI offexs quidane and Suppot
to msmEs through aious proqrams, workshops.
tramig Sessions, helping them enhance the
mardgeaiad and tehnical Capolbili ties.
promotes Sntrepreneusship: SIDBI plaus a crulia
ole promomo
mo ing Entvepreneus hip by prooidrq
finanial Suppoxt rd mentoima
mentosimg to asprina Srbeper
tadktates grouth: By ovidirg trcy and affovdabl
Frandal assistanc , SIpBIl helps msmEs gryw and
0v%al Sonomic clevelop men
ontribute to the
6 the County
Natonal na rkushies (orporokon (NslcJ
Tó pormote, Ssls in te CountrN with a

focus on Comnercial asoe cts

To Enable. the ssls to qain ompettve adiantaq
ard to ontibute effedevely to the clevelopnent
the County
Special Shemes to meet the meeds 6
ScsT bibe Entye prenuts
NsIC is I50 9001- 2008 Ces tirfed, nsung Qyuality
stondaxds in its opevatons
*Nsc (oncentrates on the Gon mexcal aspets t
promotirg, aidirg, ard fostesirg sral Stale irdusties.
NsIc promdtes the odevni zalon ord up grodat
8 Srall rdustries , helpira them Stau
sic Strergthens inkaayes betueen snall ond
mediun 2rtesprises and darge entexpises foston
(ollabovaton ord grouth
* NSLC has a rorning um In Cubatorn lentre tat
|N0rides Sesvies ond, Suport tailored b0 the needs oß
msmE Sedtos
Nsic offers a Cormposite Tesm hoan scheme to

help Sntre preneus acauive lond bu ldirg, machim

Souipment , ond otking Capital
NSIC tDTnotes ajuality onsiousness among Srall
rdustries, &nhanting their rodcts ard Sexvi ces.
seNste ras aa deliate d teom d6 oß ofe ssiona S
to rode quidane and assistance to msmEs
Nslc assi sEs Small Sntesprises n Enpardirg
Bort opPortunites, ehablig them to Enter global maskat
NslC's effoxts ontibute to he ovesall q0wth
and develo pnent db Smal - Sale irndustries in nda

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