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(Cambridge IGCSE — Mark Scheme PUBLISHED, ‘Anewer Notes ‘Do you think incroasing wages i abettor way fora business to ‘This is a general question so there are no marks ‘motivate employees than introducing proft sharing? Jusiy your for appicaton, ‘Some pints could be awarded fo diferent Award upto 2 marks for Kenta of relevant sues. ‘oplons but do ot award he sams pot tk, ‘Award up to 2 marks fr relevant development of points. For evaluation tobe awarded justifcaton wil ‘suatyfolow on fom relevant analyse of pins Award 2 marks for ustifed decision as to whether inceasing wages in 8 beter way for business to matvate employees than trodueng prot sharing, Points might include Increase wages: + Taylor's theory supgests that higher wages increases mobvaton! Hervergs ery states pay Is @ hygiene lator and not a rmotvator i Higher wages add to business costs] whlch may nt be covered bythe adeonal out fen) ‘Only short-term boost to motationtikely to be paid he higher ‘amaunt whether ty work harder or noth so any incoase product is ont temporary fan] ‘wil provid a reguasteady income [ko maintain standard of Wing fan Profit shang +" Creates eam spiitcommen goalsense of belonging “employees forssied on suacess of business [x] which eau ead omgher overt profiinrease ouput an} ‘Only receivefpay out if profs made (k Sharing pois might reduce retained pot] whieh could mean less capt for expansion [an ‘Cambrge IGCSE — Mark Scheme PUBLISHED, ‘Answer Mars ‘Other factors can affect profit which employees cannot contol fk ‘so there is no guarantee they wil receive anyimucn Hom pot ‘Sharing [an Other appropiate responses should aso be credited Justification might ineude: Higher wages a to business costs] which might increase more than out increases fn. Whereas soaring pots might eaice ‘etaned prof whic could mean lee cata for expansion on] However rk pai sharing isthe beter way. This ie because higher wages wil automaticaly have tobe paid whether business takes a proft or not when sould alo reduce hs potential prot iat =| business can make so tis beter to use pot sharing as the business niyha o give when a profi has been made. eva] eval) (Cambridge IGOSE — Mark Scheme PUBLISHED ‘Answer Notes ‘Do you think paying bonuses is the best way to motivate omployeos: ‘This isa general question so there are no marks Ine emall business? Justify your anewer, for appscaton ‘Award up to two marks for ientieaton of eevant points Forbeth evaluation marks judgement must early ‘ela fo 2 smal buinese, ‘Award up to two marks fr relevant development ofpons ‘Award upto two marks fo justified decision a to whether paying bonuses. isthe best way to mavate employees in a smal business Pints might induce 1 Workers can feo! ecognised spacial if they receive a bonus (which then motivate them) “Taylors theory suggests money i the main motivator I which could load to an mroase m prositvty [an] Business only has to pay out the targot is reachod [k) Nasiow’s theory suggests that mone is needed fo moet basic needs Ihland each level musi be sehieved Before you can move tothe next Neve aM enna eee wee ceeenn Not al nips ie idea by Bases one) tne aly mmotvatork) May nly have a shorter boost o mtvation [ki] 20 any increase in productty may oly be temporary [an Irereases cost] which a smallousinass may nt be able to afford reduces capital avalabio for other purposes [ar I¥some employees receve a bonus and oars dont ths may lead to conte + Employees may be demotvated by uneaiictrgets Paw ete (Cambridge IGOSE — Mark Scheme PUBLISHED ‘Answer Marke tes metas might nee Prats involves no atonal cost fan} {Jeb etation fk] but may nave to pay fr taining / nt a employees able owing to switch Between jos fan lowering qualy output fan} Oppocunitis for promotion Proi-sharng Increase wage ates [K Fange benefits (ely once) I ther appropiate responses should ato be credited, Jusicaion might ince: Bonuses cols ead to conf one employee receves a borus and ‘nother doesnot fk). This could decrease product [an]. An atemalve auld be pric [8 which could motivate employees as they fel valued bythe manager [an donot hn ofr Bonuses isthe best med because smal businesses may be sort of hance and may not be able to afore pay bonuses, Whereas a non-nanea method such pralse ‘an be ust a fective at no extra coat othe business eval] eval. Paw te (Cambridge IGOSE — Mark Scheme PUBLISHED, ‘Anewer Marks Guidance Explain one advantage and one disadvantage to GHT of, Using Job rotation to Improve employee mativation. Award marktoridenfeation ofeach relevant vantageldisadvantage (max 2) Award mar foreach clavant reference made ta this business (max 2) Award mark or each relevant explanation (ax 2). Points might include Aavantage: + (Aswork ere variog) foworworkors might leave fk] fom its 600 employees [pp] leading to ower Sens as moe allad ware ‘usoatg aang oer recy ghee ‘ato Er cove ele oer when someon s ‘Serta maybe sonst an edt on inn Gan hop business dently wher Ww smployeos work bot To use words fom the stom as appcaion, the reference ‘must be appropriate (Le. make sense) in elation tthe pot being made ‘The folowing words are ikely ob appropriate or is ‘questo Stoo gates! garage doors 600 employees: Public ted company 22500 (oreakeven ouput) 30000 unis ol) $100 (ice por unt) 3800 00 (te costs) 560 (variable cost per unt) Other appropiate examples in contest can sill bo credited 1 not award metivate or demotvate employees as stated Inte question Pan 28 sara (Cambridge IGOSE — Mark Scheme Mayidune 2024 PUBLISHED, ‘Question ‘Answer Marks Guigance 316) | Dsaavantage: + creased taining needed [e]ncreasing ‘coatlexpenses [an] somay nerease is break-even ‘utput above 22500 fon) 2. GHT isa pubic mies company produce ste produce ncusng gales an garage ore + Workers may nt be Tarutar with each task ess (Gut has sarergansstora sure ara ssi a of eave CAT has ay Sao ‘Pocaia! nauk ot good at af ane [efcwenng _—-grousneudng EOD empoyesn The Managing Dect consietg wea oo taton 2 (ally cresee wane baat risteon [on] Irorore empoyceatvauon Hones aso been aaysngsometirancal ala Anentac shown Incremsing variate cost above $60 [ap] lntebies + Takes ime lam deren tasks sch between See jobs ‘Eva of revenue and cost data for one of GHTs products produet) thor appropiate responses should aso be creed loot con ozo a lcs par unt $100 [tate cost per urt 20 ret even ett is) 22500 CCambilige IGCSE - Mark Scheme PUBLISHED ctoberNaverber 2021 Answer Notes Explain fe non-financial methods a small tertiary sactor business could use to Keep Is employees wallmotivated. Justly which method Should be chosen Award up to 2 marks fr denticaton of relevant pins, ‘Award up to 2 marks fr rlevant development of points ‘Award 2 marks for a justified decision as to which is tho best method fora ‘all teria sector business to use to keop is employecs wel-motaed Pins might incude: + Job rtaton fk] as switching tasks can make work more intresting an] 1 Jo envichment [kas workers fel they have been glen more responsibly more importart [an], Deegatonlemponermant [i] 30 workers feo! more mportanvaluod (an Prats [Ik helps employees meet ter esteom needs [on] Employee ofthe month awards] recognition of hard week / ‘outstanding service (an) + Provide oppertunies for promotion [k 2 Team wong tk (ver appropriate responses sould alo be cede, Jstibcaton might incude: Pralge [helps employees meet th esteem needs. fan] Another method isjobrtaton ik. Switching between tasks can Rep keop te work Interesting [an] thnk pase ithe beter option asthe problem th job ‘olaton's whether @ small tertiary business may not have sufclent task to bo able to rtato everyone eval whereas praise can easily be offered to ‘everyone whic can help keep everyone motvated rather han usta fw. (eval This isa general queston so there are ‘ro marks for aplcabon. 3e) Do you think that having many levels of hierarchy is the best type of organisational structure for a large business? Justify your answer. Award up to 2 marks for identification of relevant issues. Award up to 2 marks for relevant development of points. Award 2 marks for justified decision as to whether having many levels of hierarchy is the best type of organisational structure for a large business. Points might include: + Having levels of hierarchy (tall hierarchy) means a long chain of ‘command [k] which can slow down communication as messages have to pass through many levels to reach the intended person [an] which could slow down decision making [an] + Senior managers are more remote from employees [k] which can demotivate employees and lower efficiency/output [an] + Managers have fewer employees to supervise [k] which couldresutt in fewer opportunities for delegation [an] + Can provide more opportunities for promotion {k] + Having a wider structure would lead to a short chain ofcommand/each manager having to be responsible for more people [k] which could mean managers lose control [an] Justification might include: + Noasit could depend on the leadership style of the manager — if they have an autocratic style — a tall structure may be better as this will allow them to have greater control over what all the employees in a large organisation do [eval] [eval] Other appropriate responses should also be credited. (Cambridge IGCSE — Mark Scheme ‘OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2021 PUBLISHED, ‘Anewer Notes Do you think a successful entrepreneur has to bea good ‘This sa general question so there are no marks ‘manager? Justiy your answer for appicaon, ‘Award up 1 2 marks for ienticaon of eevant pons, ‘Award up 2 mars for relevant development of pints. Award 2 marks for sted decision as to whether a success tneprencut has tobe a good manager Pins might include: Entrepreneur: 1+ Must be creative Innovate provide new (unique ideas [kt help ‘gan salee/ tract customers on Need tobe wing to ake risks fo benefit rom the ward prof generated rom the busines fan Perseverance! determination [kas will need tobe prepared to keep going when faced with problems /isues that any new business I thet to have (an) ‘Can hie someone to manage the busines (f you dont possess ‘thebe sis) bu ti wl eos mene fan, Manager + Need to be able o organise operations [ky 0 able to get supplies {deve on ume to ge repeat orders fr Must beable o plan k] #0 production runs efficent fan) Abit to contol empoyees fk] so they areal on task fan Help motivate employoes fk] to maintain efeioncy reduce absenteeism ensure retain employees [a] ‘Aces most be coorinated [H tme not waste fan) ‘An ineffective manager can make the wrong decisions] which ‘wil eost money! damage reputation [an thor appropiate responses should aso be credited ossari2 ‘OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2021 ‘Question Notes 216) _| sustiicaon might include: An entrepreneurs someene wilingt ake risks [k] to bereft fom the prof made bythe business (an Beng a good manager is important, ‘lanning ls needed] so tat preducon rune etry [an However, tink a successful entrpreneut des not have be {00d manager because tey can always recru someone i hey Eannot ao this oe (eval, an witout aking the nial ok teres no busines to manage [eal (Cambridge IGCSE — Mark Scheme PUBLISHED ‘Anewer Notes [Explain vo advantages to ANG of its managers using delegation Award 7 mark for deniication of each relevant advantage (max 2), Award 1 mar for each rlavant reference ta this business (max 2), Award 1 mar foreach relevant explanation (ax 2). Pins might include re anagers cant do al teks on own reduce managers’ vrkioad / ‘managers have time to focus on mportaneomples) asks] such as Imgroving tui [apo 3 beterquckerdeclon making fan Can metvato employees [x] as there less contol fom is 4 managers op0] increasing product fan] (uaty of managers’ works often improved! managers are loss ly to ‘make ms akes [kl leading lea beter busnoss reputation an is gardon products (app Bld ust between manages and employee! btir working elatins[k) improv loyalty [a] of ts 20 employees [ap] ‘Way develop sll f employees! inceaze Nexbity of workforce [] leading to new idea fan] Other appropiate responses should also be ceded, To use words rom the tem as Applicaton, the refeonce must be ‘pproprito(.e. make senso) n ‘elaton fo the point being made “The folowing words are aly o be roa re qeston PlantsMiowersigaréen products o oer relevant examples such as, (managers) 80 employees: Etabished business / operating foralong time Lig current rato of 1.4 ‘Statement of tranca postion (ther appropriate examples in content can ail be crestes Analyse must refer impact on business and not employees. CCambilige IGCSE - Mark Scheme ctoberNaverber 2021 PUBLISHED ‘Answor Marks Notes Explain fo ways 8G can Involve its employees In dacision- 6 | Noe: To use werds fom the stom as making Soplcaton, the reference must be aporepits (emake sence) nolan othe pant bang Award 1 mar for detain of each relevant way (max 2). ‘made. ‘Award 1 mark fr each relevant reference to this business (ak 2) “The ftowing words are aly to be appropriate forts queston: ‘Award 1 mar foreach relevant explanation (ax 2). fares (factories s6countres Fonts mit nt 5 + 700 employees ‘Delagaton kat workers nthe factories app wilmake the decisions temsetves (an) + Democratic leadership ik oncouragesemployeeste oferideas [an] bout daveloping new products 2p] ~Eneaurage eam waxing kalzen [fos 700 employees [app] ther appropiate examples in contest an sti Meet in empioyeesureys IK) be ced ‘Other appropriate responses should also be creed Developing new products ‘Chancel of isto ‘SBG makes a range of products including specialist paints. It has 6 factories and 700 employees. All SBG's employees are encouraged to be involved in decision-making. SBG's products are exported to 16 countries using wholesalers as its main channel of distribution. The Managing Director said: ‘Our objectives are to grow and make a profit” He also recognises that all business activity creates externalities for SBG's stakeholder groups. CCambilige IGCSE - Mark Scheme PUBLISHED ‘Answer Notes ‘Do you think autocratic leadership Is the best syle fora smal Dusinoss to use? Justify your answer. ‘Award up o two marks fr ientifeaton of olevant pons ‘ward up o two marks fr relevant development of points ‘Award up o two maths fr justi decision ato whether autocrat leadership Is the best ste for @ small buses. Pins might induce Autocrat leaderstip ‘+ Decisions can be mace quickly i] 0 able to respond to 28 que sp work can happen mere uct an) No employes ivolverient employees cannot give opinions ids ‘one-way communication fk] which can demetvate them fn] leading to absortotsm higher labour tumover an] Employees ae Sosaly supervised [x] soleaders/ managers have less time fo spend on othe asks an could lead to more mistakes fon] Other leadership syle might nce: Democratic leadership ik + Can lead to mote batter ideas [an] increasing productivity fan] {lows fr beter relationships between workers and manager an) 1 Ioveing employees in echions/ hel to detegate fan ean help Unpopular decisions cannot be made using this method (an. {Some employees may not want cope wth extra responsi fen] “This isa ganeal question so here are no marks for appscaton Advantages of one method can be presented a¢ ‘disadvantages of the oer method but do not ‘award the same por wie as mir anwers are not accepted, For evaluation to be awarded justia il ‘ust folow on from relevant analysis of pins (Cambrige IGCSE — Mark Scheme PUBLISHED, Mars alse leadership Other appropiate responses should ao be credited Jusiteation might include: DDecsons are made more quik with autocratic leadership 0 employees can get on wth the asks sooner (al. One problem stat {hore «no nput fom employses [kK] so the business could miss out on new ie an, Overs think canbe a good syle when you need © ‘make quck decisions but a a small une ie ose ily to have Specialist managers for each department they need to embrace the Ideas ofa employeos, even this takes anger eval oval, ossarss CCambilige IGCSE - Mark Scheme PUBLISHED Mayldune 2021 ‘Question Answer Notes ‘{e) | Doyouthink autocratic leadership isthe most effective style for ‘managers tuse when an organisation has alarge numberof ‘employees? Justiy your answer ‘Award up to 2 marks fr ienticaton of elevant pins, ‘Award upto 2 mars for evant development of po ‘ward 2 marks for pstiios decision aso whether aulorat leadership it ‘the most eflectve syle for managers to use when an organisation has 2 large numberof employees Pins might include: + Quek decision-making possible [kl so may be able respond to | gppen oF as they become avd a 37” Bitetvaing wafer (as have nooo) eas io ik aBEaRaT ‘werkers avg less employe oat les up. ower bproduetvitar) + Nonew seas Democrat] (Workers have a say) which can motivate employees an] ‘As itcan help lad to more / beter eas /oate decision (an) “Takes time ime consuming /esagreements might arse [an] ‘Ceates ime for managers to do oir wok (an) Gan help nanan emloyeelovaly on] ducing vecultment cots on. Histor canbe made workers not eiled/ ink experiance on] coud

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