Hackham Creek Floodplain Mapping Information Sheet

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Hackham Creek floodplain mapping project

The Hackham Creek catchment includes parts alternatively, there is a 5% chance of this flood
of the suburbs of Hackham, Hackham West, occurring in any year. While still an exceptional
Huntfield Heights, Onkaparinga Hills and event, there is a higher chance of this flood
Noarlunga Downs. The catchment is broadly event occurring than the 1:100 year flood. Like
bounded to the east by the ridge extending north the 1:100 year flood, flooding is irregular and we
from Brodie Road, on the north by Beach Road cannot predict the likelihood of when and how
and in the east by Piggott Range Road and often a flood will occur, if in fact, if it will occur at
extends parallel with Main South Road all the all. It is also possible that flooding may occur
way to the Onkaparinga River. less than or greater than that shown on the map,
but less frequently.
The Hackham Creek floodplain mapping study
shows the one in one hundred (1:100) year and What is a floodplain map?
one in twenty (1:20) year floodplain for the major A floodplain map shows the depth of water over
watercourses of the Hackham Creek catchment.
a certain area in a given rainfall event. The
The maps reflect the estimated extent and
floodplain map provides us with a guide for
behaviour of potential floods arising in the
future urban development and assists planning
Hackham Creek catchment. This will assist
to reduce and manage flood risk. It predicts the
property owners, government and council to
extent of flooding under a given set of conditions
better prepare for and manage floods.
using the technology available. The map does
What is a floodplain? not affect the level of flooding over an area or
A floodplain is an area of land subject to flooding
from creeks. Land along creeks is typically liable How were the maps created?
to flooding. The floodplain can extend for a
We generated the maps using computer
considerable distance either side of creeklines.
modelling. This predicts how water from a series
One in one hundred (1:100 ARI) or 1% AEP of storms in rural and urban catchments will
flood affect the local creek system, based on the likely
volume of water and the ground level across the
The 1:100 year flood is an internationally
recognised statistical measure of extraordinary
flooding expected to occur, on average, once Data and models
every 100 years. The frequency (regularity) of
The map detail is based on survey, flow, rainfall
such a flood is expressed either as the average
and computer modelling (as at May 2011).
recurrence interval (ARI) or likelihood per year
Wherever possible, the modelling is compared
or years, or also as the percentage "chance" of
with actual flow and rainfall records from
such a flood occurring or the Annual
historical events to confirm reliability of the
Exceedence Probability (AEP). A 1:100 average model. However in many areas we do not have
recurrence interval flood has a 1 % chance of
this level of historical information.
occurring in any year. As an alternative
It is important to note that there are limitations
example, statistically, a 1:1 ARI event has a
and assumptions associated with the data and
100% chance of occurring in any year.
the models. The extent of the flood shown on
However, rainfall and flooding is irregular and
this map cannot be regarded as exact
we cannot predict the likelihood of when and
how often a flood will occur, if in fact, if it will
occur at all. It is also possible that flooding may Scope of mapping
occur greater than that shown on the map, but The modelling and mapping does not deal with
more or less frequently. the influence of local underground drainage
systems, or the smaller, local streams or
One in twenty (1:20 ARI) or 5% AEP flood
watercourses. However, land outside the flood
The 1:20 year flood is another recognised
extent shown on this map can be affected by
standard measure of a large flood expected to
larger storms or flooding from local drainage
occur, on average, once every 20 years, or
Hackham Creek floodplain mapping project

systems which can occur as a result of localised Flood warnings

heavy rainfall or drain blockage. We are working with the Bureau of Meteorology
to improve flood warning systems throughout the
Flood behaviour
area. The Bureau will issue a range of warnings
Flooding is a natural event. A flood occurs when
depending on anticipated conditions. These
a pipe, channel, or creek cannot carry the warnings will also trigger alarms to alert SES to
volume of water entering from a catchment. This
potential flooding. Up to date weather warnings
results in floodwaters travelling across land,
are provided on the Bureau of Meteorology
threatening the safety of people and potentially website at http://www.bom.flov.au/sa/warninfls
damaging property in the floodplain.
However, flooding may generate quickly along
Storm durations some parts of the creeks on the floodplain and it
The duration of storms impacts on the extent of is not always possible to provide any warning.
flooding. Shorter, more intense storms produce Residents need to prepare an Emergency Flood
the greatest flows from urban areas. Longer but Plan to protect the safety of family members and
less intense storms produce the greatest flow property.
from undeveloped natural and rural areas. The Insurance
flood map shown combines the outer (worse
It is important to ask your insurance company
case) flood extents from a range of simulated
about flood insurance because some policies
storm events including short, heavy rain, and
may exclude some forms of flooding.
long term, lighter rain. This means the extent of
flooding in a single flood event will vary across Property development and renovations on
the floodplain. the floodplain
Being prepared We have placed controls in our development
plan to respond to the impact flooding will have
The flood depth zones on the 1:100 year and
on public health and safety. If you are
1:20 year maps indicate that the most likely
considering building a new house, or renovating
flood hazards are along Scenic Way, Gates
an existing one, please discuss the options
Road, Main South Road and Claridge Court.
available with our development duty officer
Amendments to our new development plan will
before committing to a project.
show the flood extents and new development in
these areas may need modified floor level Further information
heights or other flood management controls in
If you would like further information about the
certain circumstances.
floodplain mapping or if you have any questions
Flood inundation away from creeks is generally about property development please read our
shallow and a low hazard although even shallow frequently asked questions available in the
water can be a hazard if it is fast flowing. Community Safety section of our website
Localised variation in flow can be influenced by www.onkaparingacity.com or contact our
kerbs, the stormwater collection system, solid Customer Relations team on 8384 0666.
fences, landscaping and buildings, and so care
Prepared with advice from the State Emergency
should still be taken.
Service, the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges
What to do in a flood Natural Resources Management Board and the
Walking or driving even in shallow flooding can Bureau of Meteorology. Tonkin Consulting
be dangerous. Please refer to the City of developed up to date floodplain inundation and
Onkaparinga Flood Protection: prepare your hazard maps.
emergency floodplain brochure for information to We produced this brochure on 8 July 2013. For
protect your safety during flooding. additional copies, please contact our Customer
Relations team on 8384 0666.
Maximum Flood Depth (m)



0,20 to 0.30

0.30 to 0.40

0.40 to 0.50

0.50 to 0.60

0.60 to 0.70

0.70 to 0.60

0.80 to 0.90


l.oo and over

Extent of Modelling

catchments and drains fBedingthBsesystams,'


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lldlnga or houaw locatfld'on'that'la

KENT TOWN SA 5067 Tonkln ConsultJne City of Onkaparinga Council
T +618B2733100 20U8.13B6
F <61182731110 HacM»[n_A3_2nyrARI.««»
Hackham_Creek Floodplain
Tim CrcsswclT
E adof<*<(ff@to(ik;o.co<ti.au
05/04/2011 20 year ARI I n'undatio'n'M a^
Scale: 1:12,500
Maximum Flood Depth (m)

0.025 to 0.10

0.10 to 0.20

0.20 to 0.30

0.30 to 0.40


0.50 to 0.60

0.60 to 0.70

0.70 to 0.80

0.80 to 0.90


1.00 and over

Extent of Modelling

2 ^^.S°M'a£". S"*";"'" "«>M ""?«""• '°r Us pr.puaion •na publication do

Tho.!mndat!onpattcTO nre "°tthoso of actual historical floods. Actual ir

6' ]^.'MS,'"S°S^I"v''l''M'!Ka<a'» bclwmn Hood prone ond Bood tec l«nd.

Areas outside the Umlta shown could b'BTnunda'ted''by'lBF'oo'r^ootTsu''" "uuu "cc <Bna'


LEVEL2,68RUNDLESTBEET PBBI Auslial.a City of Onkaparinga Council
KENT TOWN SA5W7 Tonkln Consulting
T +61882733100 2009.1386
f »i18U733)M Hackham_A3j OOyrARI.wor Hackh am Creek Floodplain Mappj
T(m CfBsswef
E tddaldBetonkin.com.au 05/04/2011 100 year ARI Inundation'Map
w www.tonkinAom.au
Scale: 1:12,500

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