SelfHelp-002-V02 - R200 DAVIE4 User Profile Validation Errors Troubleshooting Guide

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Troubleshooting Guide
R200 User Profile Validation Errors
July 2023
No rights can be derived from this publication. DAF Trucks N.V. reserves the right to change product specifications without prior notice. Products and services comply with the European
Directives effective at the time of sale but may vary depending on the country in which you are located. For the most recent information, contact your authorized DAF dealer.
R200 User Profile Validation Errors 1 SelfHelp-002-v02

1. Error
1.1 This document shows the troubleshooting steps for the errors R200-5655-2 and R200-5655-4
Error Detected while validating user profile. Please contact the DAVIE administrator

2. Troubleshooting Steps
2.1 Open Windows Start button and type MMC (Microsoft Management Console). Right click on MMC and
Run as administrator - With the MMC you can check / install the validity of the installed Certificate(s) and
remove invalid Certificate(s).
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2.2 Click Yes to open MMC

2.3 Click File, Add/Remove Snap-in

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2.4 Select Certificates, Add, My User Account, Finish

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2.5 Select Certificates, Add, Computer Account, Next, Local Computer, Finish
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2.6 Make sure that both Current User and Local Computer certificates are selected and click Ok.

2.7 Select Certificates under Current User, Personal. Remove all (only) B2B certificates issued by Paccar
one by one, if exist.
R200 User Profile Validation Errors 6 SelfHelp-002-v02

2.8 Select Certificates under Local Computer, Personal. Remove all (only) B2B certificates issued by
Paccar, one by one, if exist.

2.9 Do not delete any certificates other than B2B certificates. As an example, on the picture, there is a
“selfsigned” certificate that should not be removed. Now you may close this window.
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R200 User Profile Validation Errors 8 SelfHelp-002-v02

2.10 Please generate your own B2B certificate through e-portal or obtain it from the DSHD through the case.
Make sure that you save your B2B certificate to C:\Programdata or C:\Programdata\DAVIE4

2.11 Go to Start, Settings, Apps

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2.12 Find DAVIE4 Toolset under the Apps & Features and select Modify

2.13 Select Yes

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2.14 Select Repair, and Next, Next

R200 User Profile Validation Errors 11 SelfHelp-002-v02

2.15 Since all the B2B certificates are removed, you will be prompt with the following error during repair
process. Click Ok and Browse, find the certificate you saved to C:\programdata, select Ok and put the
password of the certificate.
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R200 User Profile Validation Errors 13 SelfHelp-002-v02

2.16 In certain cases, you may get the following error. Please click OK, OK, OK one more time.
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2.17 Please make sure that you get the following window, to make sure that the certificate is installed
successfully, then click OK.

2.18 Now you need to be prompted to the following License Registration screen. If you do not get this
screen, please contact DSHD through the support case and ask for license reset. Once the license is reset,
start over from 2.11 and follow the same steps. Once this window appears, you may enter your license nr
and your computer name. Then click Continue. Then you should see the window says License registration
is finished successfully
R200 User Profile Validation Errors 15 SelfHelp-002-v02

2.19 Once you see the following screen, you may select Finish. Now you should be able to login to your
DAVIE4 without any further issues. Please test and provide feedback. You may reach Dealer Support
Helpdesk, through the support center, if this document does not help with the error.

No rights can be derived from this publication. DAF Trucks N.V. reserves the right to change product specifications without prior notice. Products and services comply with the European
Directives effective at the time of sale but may vary depending on the country in which you are located. For the most recent information, contact your authorized DAF dealer.

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