COVID-19 Hypertension and Diabetes - Hunt For The

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Review Article

COVID‑19, Hypertension, and Diabetes – Hunt for the Link!

Kaustav Saha, Shatavisa Mukherjee
Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

The recent pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) has left everyone baffled. The exponential rise in deaths worldwide,
with such an extensive rapid spread, has made it a public health emergency. While the scientists at the frontier are untiringly putting their
utmost efforts to come up with evidence‑based pharmacological interventions, attempts have also been made to demystify the disease link
with associated comorbidities and further risk prognostication. The presence of comorbidities has been documented to be associated with
increased risk of developing acute respiratory diseases. Older hypertensives have been posed to be at greater risk of being affected, with
associated complications and severity in grade. Diabetic and obese individuals have also been shown to be in increased risk of infections
and other complications. Cytokine storm, a major complication of this disease, has also led to adverse renal outcomes. The present review
aimed to probe the possible link between COVID‑19 and various comorbidities.

Keywords: Comorbidities, coronavirus disease 2019, diabetes, hypertension

Introduction congestion, runny nose, sore throat, and diarrhea.[5] Current

evidence suggests that the incubation period may last for
In late December 2019, the first pneumonia cases of unknown
1–14 days, with a mean duration of 5–7 days.[6] The peak
origin were identified in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei
viremia occurs at the end of the incubation period and before
province in Central China.[1] The causative pathogen was
the onset of symptoms, suggesting that transmission begins
identified as a novel enveloped RNA betacoronavirus. Owing
1–2 days before the onset of symptoms.[7] One of the putative
to the phylogenetic similarity to the previously isolated severe
mechanisms of viral entry depends on the binding of the viral
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS‑CoV), the new
spike (S) proteins to angiotensin‑converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)
virus has been named SARS‑CoV‑2.[2] The rapid outbreak of
cellular receptors and on the S protein priming by the host
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) has now become a
cellular serine protease TMPRSS2. The understanding of the
public health emergency of international concern contributing
host‑virus immunologic interaction is still incomplete.[8]
to a huge adverse impact globally. There have been 3,221,029
laboratory‑confirmed cases and 228,252 deaths globally as The infection spread has been on exponential rise due
of April 30, 2020, with figures on an exponential rise daily.[3] to transmission potential by asymptomatic or minimally
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID‑19 a symptomatic patients.[9] India in combating this situation
pandemic health emergency. Person‑to‑person transmission of has mainly focused on containment strategy which involves
this virus occurs mainly through close contact with an infected quarantining individuals coming from a high transmission
person, primarily via respiratory droplets and after touching area, isolation of infected individuals, contact tracing as well
contaminated objects.[4] The clinical spectrum of SARS‑CoV‑2
infection appears to be wide and heterogeneous, encompassing Address for correspondence: Miss. Shatavisa Mukherjee,
asymptomatic infection, mild upper respiratory tract illness, Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, Calcutta School of
Tropical Medicine, Kolkata ‑ 700 073, West Bengal, India.
and severe viral pneumonia with respiratory failure and even E‑mail:
death. With severity varying from mild to moderate, mostly
symptoms mainly include fever, tiredness, and dry cough, Submitted: 01‑May‑2020 Revised: 20-Jun-2020
however, people have also experienced aches and pains, nasal Accepted: 17-Aug-2020 Published: 31-Aug-2021

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10.4103/jpcs.jpcs_40_20 How to cite this article: Saha K, Mukherjee S. COVID‑19, hypertension,
and diabetes – Hunt for the link!. J Pract Cardiovasc Sci 2021;7:108-12.

108 © 2021 Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Saha and Mukherjee: COVID-19, hypertension and diabetes

as reducing the movement of people in areas that have a high developing severe disease or dying from SARS‑CoV‑2
caseload.[10] Regarded as a voluntary measure taken up by a infection. This is in comparison to other comorbidities,
person himself or in advice of his/her health‑care professionals, such as COPD (over 5‑fold higher risk) or chronic kidney
self‑isolation is a condition when a person experiencing any disease (over 3‑fold higher risk).[15] Researches indicated that
cardinal symptoms stays at home and does not go to work, SARS‑CoV infections led to immune dysregulation which
school, or public places. For all confirmed cases, self‑isolation explains the escalated risk of cardiac diseases, bone diseases,
for 14 days, even after the disappearance of symptoms, has and malignancy, thus suggesting immune dysregulation and
been advocated as a precautionary measure. However, owing prolonged inflammation to be potential drivers of the poor
to the unknown nature of the virus, it is quite unknown as clinical outcomes in COVID‑19 patients, though it awaits
to how long people remain infectious even after they have robust verification with further studies. Thus, assessment
recovered. Abiding by the national advice in such cases has of the prevalence of various underlying conditions is the
been advocated. For reduction of SARS‑CoV‑2 transmission, basis for mitigating complications in patients infected with
nonpharmacological interventions comprising repeated hand SARS‑CoV‑2.[16]
hygiene, respiratory etiquettes, and social distancing have
Data collected by the newly created COVID‑19‑Associated
been advocated. The WHO recommended maintaining at
least a 1‑m (3 feet) distance between oneself and others, as a Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID‑NET) showed
protective measure. that almost 90% of hospitalized patients have some type of
underlying condition, with the hospitalization rate being
As reported till date, severity of this illness has been observed 4.6 per 100,000 populations. The hospitalization rate is shown
to be majorly skewed toward the geriatric population, with a to be increasing with increasing patients’ age, and those aged
higher prevalence of cardiovascular (CV) complications such 65 years and older also were the most likely to have one
as hypertension and diabetes. Since this culprit virus largely or more underlying conditions.[17] Women are less likely to
infects human cells via ACE2 receptor that acts on the renin– be affected by many bacteria and viruses than men, partly
angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS), sufficient suspicion because of their more robust innate and adaptive immune
upsurges a keen hunt for link between hypertension and severe responses.[18] Elderly people and severe patients are more
COVID‑19 infection. This present narrative review tried to susceptible to SARS‑CoV‑2, which may be associated with a
explore possible links between COVID‑19 and other CV higher frequency of comorbidities.[19]
risks. An extensive literature search was conducted using the
main online databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, MEDLINE,
UpToDate, Embase, and Web of Science) with keywords such
as “COVID‑19,” “SARS‑CoV‑2,” “Hypertension,” “Diabetes,” Hypertension was the most common comorbidity among
and “Obesity.” the oldest patients, with a high prevalence rate of 72.6%,
followed by CVD at 50.8% and obesity at 41%. In the
two younger groups, obesity was the condition most often
COVID and Comorbidities seen in COVID‑19 patients, with prevalences of 49% in
Studies have demonstrated that the presence of any 50–64‑year‑olds and 59% in those aged 18–49 years.[20] A
commodities has been associated with a 3.4‑fold increased risk meta‑analysis of the comorbidities suggested that hypertension
of developing this acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was prevalent in approximately 21.1% of the patients, while
in affected patients. Patients with at least one comorbidities diabetes, CVD, and respiratory system disease were present
have been associated with poor clinical outcomes. The most in 9.7%, 8.4%, and 1.5% of the cases, respectively. Older
common comorbidities associated with poorer prognosis hypertensive individuals are at greater risk of being affected
included diabetes, hypertension, respiratory diseases, cardiac with COVID‑19, with associated complications and severity
diseases, pregnancy, renal diseases, and malignancy.[11] Huang in grade. However, it is unclear whether uncontrolled blood
et al. reported the clinical features of 41 confirmed patients and pressure is a risk factor for acquiring COVID‑19, or whether
indicated that 32% of them had underlying diseases including controlled blood pressure among patients with hypertension
cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, hypertension, is or is not less of a risk factor.[21]
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). [12]
Subsequently, Wang et al. reported findings from 138 cases
of COVID‑19 of which 46.4% had comorbidities. Almost Diabetes
72.2% admitted to the intensive care units had comorbidities, Diabetes is a risk factor for hospitalization and mortality of
thus suggesting that comorbidities may be risk factors for the COVID‑19 infection. Studies have suggested that diabetes
adverse outcomes.[13] Like other avian influenza, COVID‑19 has been comorbidity in 22% of 32 nonsurvivors in a study of
is more readily predisposed to respiratory failure and death in 52 intensive care patients. In another study of 173 cases with
susceptible patients. Older age and male sex have been some severe disease, 16.2% had diabetes, and in further study of
of the significant clinical predictors of worse COVID‑19 140 hospitalized patients, 12% had diabetes. When comparing
prognosis.[14] Studies commenting on the association suggest intensive care and nonintensive care patients with COVID‑19,
that hypertension carries a nearly 2.5‑fold higher risk of there appears to be a two‑fold increase in the incidence of

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Saha and Mukherjee: COVID-19, hypertension and diabetes

patients in intensive care having diabetes.[22] Individuals from China included 42 hospitalized COVID‑19 patients on
with diabetes are at increased risk of infections, including antihypertensive therapy.[26] Results showed that those on ACE
influenza, and for related complications such as secondary inhibitor/ARB therapy had a lower rate of severe disease and
bacterial pneumonia. The same can be postulated as diabetes a trend toward a lower level of interleukin (IL)‑6 in peripheral
patients have impaired immune response to infection both in blood. In addition, patients on ACE inhibitor/ARB therapy
relation to cytokine profile and to changes in immune responses had increased CD3+ and CD8+ T‑cell counts in peripheral
including T‑cell and macrophage activation. Poor glycemic blood and decreased peak viral load compared with other
control impairs several aspects of the immune response to antihypertensive drugs.
viral infection and also to the potential bacterial secondary
A study by Juyi Li published in JAMA Cardiology reported
infection in the lungs.[23] Moreover, diabetic complications
on a case series of 1178 patients hospitalized with COVID‑19
such as diabetic kidney disease and ischemic heart disease
at the Central Hospital of Wuhan in China, between January
may complicate the situation in COVID patients, increasing
15 and March 15, 2020. Of the 1178 patients, 30.7% had a
the severity and the need for acute dialysis. Furthermore,
diagnosis of hypertension. These patients were older in age
COVID‑19 could cause acute myocardial injury with heart
and had a greater prevalence of chronic diseases. Patients
failure, leading to impaired circulation.
with hypertension also had more severe manifestations of
Both hypertension and diabetes are often treated with ACE COVID‑19 compared to those without hypertension, including
inhibitors. There has been a considerable uproar in finding links higher rates of ARDS and inhospital mortality. 31.8% of total
between the use of ACE inhibitors and COVID‑19. hypertension cases were on ACE inhibitors or ARBs and had
similar comorbidities to those not taking these medications,
COVID–Hypertension–Diabetes – Angiotensin- with similar laboratory profile results including blood counts,
inflammatory markers, renal and liver function tests, and
Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Linked? cardiac biomarkers, although those taking ACE inhibitors/
SARS‑CoV and SARS‑CoV‑2 bind to their target cells through ARBs had higher levels of alkaline phosphatase.[27]
ACE2, expressed by epithelial cells of the lung, intestine,
Researchers are also probing genetic predisposition for an
kidney, and blood vessels. In patients with hypertension
increased risk of SARS‑CoV‑2 infection, which might be due
or type 1/2 diabetes, who are treated with ACE inhibitors
to ACE2 polymorphisms that have been linked to diabetes
and angiotensin II type I receptor blockers (ARBs), the
mellitus, cerebral stroke, and hypertension, specifically in Asian
expression of ACE2 receptor are substantially increased. ACE2
populations. Monitoring of ACE2‑modulating medications,
receptor can also be increased by antidiabetic agents like
such as ACE inhibitors or ARBs, has been suggested in patients
thiazolidinediones and nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory drug
with CV comorbidities on ACE2‑increasing drugs who might
like ibuprofen. Studies thus hypothesized that treatment with
be at higher risk for severe COVID‑19 infection.[24]
ACE2‑stimulating drugs increases the binding of SARS‑Cov‑2
to the lung surface and in this way leads to lung injury and risk
of developing severe and fatal COVID‑19. On the contrary, Obesity
experimental studies have shown ACE2 to be protective against Many patients with type 2 diabetes are obese, and obesity is
lung injury. ACE2 forms angiotensin 1–7 from angiotensin II, also a risk factor for severe infection. It was illustrated during
and thus reduces the inflammatory action of angiotensin II, the influenza A H1N1 epidemic in 2009 that the disease was
and increases the potential of the anti‑inflammatory effects more severe and had a longer duration in about two‑fold more
of angiotensin 1–7. Accordingly, by reducing either patients with obesity who were then treated in intensive care
formation of angiotensin II in the case of ACE inhibitors, units compared with the background population. Especially,
or by antagonizing the action of angiotensin II by blocking metabolic active abdominal obesity is associated with higher
angiotensin AT1 receptors in the case of ARBs, these agents risk. The abnormal secretion of adipokines and cytokines such
could actually contribute to reduced inflammation systemically as tumor necrosis factor‑alpha and interferon characterizes a
and particularly in the lung, heart, and kidney. Hence, drugs chronic low‑grade in abdominal obesity and may induce an
acting on RAAS may reduce the potential for development impaired immune response. People with severe abdominal
of complications such as ARDS, acute kidney injury (AKI), obesity also have mechanical respiratory problems, with
and myocarditis in COVID‑19 patients.[24,25] In fact, ARBs reduced ventilation of the basal lung sections increasing the
have been suggested as a treatment for COVID‑19 and its risk of pneumonia as well as reduced oxygen saturation of
complications. Increased soluble ACE2 in the circulation blood.[28] Obese patients also have an increased asthma risk, and
could bind SARS‑CoV‑2, reducing its ability to injure the those patients with obesity and asthma have more symptoms,
lungs and other ACE2‑bearing organs. Recombinant ACE2 more frequent and severe exacerbations, and reduced response
could be a potential therapeutic approach in reducing viral to several asthma medications. Preliminary data suggest that
load by binding circulating SARS‑CoV‑2 and reducing their people with obesity are at increased risk of severe COVID‑19.
potential attachment to tissue ACE2. None of these possibilities However, as data on metabolic parameters in patients with
have, however, been demonstrated in patients yet. A study COVID‑19 are scarce, increased reporting is needed to improve

110 Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences ¦ Volume 7 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ May-August 2021
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Saha and Mukherjee: COVID-19, hypertension and diabetes

the understanding of COVID‑19 and the care of affected cardiomyopathy, which can lead to type 1 cardiorenal
patients. For better estimating the risk of complications in syndrome. Pro‑inflammatory IL‑6 is considered to be the most
patients with COVID‑19, in addition to evaluation of standard important causative cytokine in CRS. Among patients with
hospital parameters, the measurement of anthropometrics and COVID‑19, the plasma concentration of IL‑6 is increased
metabolic parameters is crucial. These parameters include in those with ARDS. Tocilizumab, an anti‑IL‑6 monoclonal
body mass index, waist and hip circumferences, and levels of antibody, is widely used to treat CRS in patients who have
glucose and insulin.[29,30] undergone CAR T‑cell therapy and is thus being used now
as an empiric approach in patients with severe COVID‑19.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease However, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, invasive
mechanical ventilation, and continuous kidney replacement
COVID‑19 is an acute respiratory disease that can lead to therapy can also contribute to cytokine generation and have
respiratory failure and death. Previous epidemics of novel been proposed beneficial in critically ill COVID‑19 patients as
coronavirus diseases, such as SARS and Middle East cytokine removal could prevent CRS‑induced organ damage.[35]
respiratory syndrome, were associated with similar clinical
features and outcomes. One might anticipate that patients
with chronic respiratory diseases, particularly COPD and Cancer
asthma, would be at increased risk of SARS‑CoV‑2 infection Liang et al. in a prospective cohort of 1571 patients with
and more severe presentations of COVID‑19. However, it COVID‑19 reported 18 of them having a prior history of
is striking that both diseases appear to be under‑represented cancer had a higher incidence of severe events. However, it did
in the comorbidities reported for patients with COVID‑19, not establish a definitive increase in incidence of COVID‑19
compared with the global burden of disease estimates of the infection.[36]
prevalence of these conditions. The lower reported prevalence
of asthma and COPD in patients diagnosed with COVID‑19 Conclusion
might be due to one or a number of factors like underdiagnosis Studies as of now have postulated that laboratory‑confirmed
and varied immune response elicited by the chronic disease cases of COVID‑19 with one or more comorbidities have
itself. However, this theory is not supported by the finding that yielded poorer clinical outcomes than those without. With
among those with COVID‑19 who have COPD as comorbidity, older age and male sex being a significant clinical predictor
mortality is increased, as would otherwise be expected.[31] of COVID‑19, the most prevalent comorbidities were
Another possibility is that the therapies used by patients with hypertension, followed by diabetes. Studies have probed the
chronic respiratory diseases can reduce the risk of infection or association and found hypertensive, diabetic, and renal patients
of developing symptoms leading to diagnosis. In vitro studies at greater risk of COVID‑19. Increased incidence has been
have shown inhaled corticosteroids alone or in combination observed in obese individuals in intensive care. However,
with bronchodilators suppressing coronavirus replication and considering the dynamic behavior of the virus, more research
cytokine production. A case series in Japan[32] demonstrated findings can test the hypothesis and embark on the definitive
improvement seen in three patients with COVID‑19 requiring mechanism underlying the same. A thorough assessment of
oxygen, but not ventilatory support, after being given inhaled comorbidities may help establish risk stratification of patients
ciclesonide; however, no control group was used and it is with COVID‑19 upon hospital admission.
not known whether these patients would have improved Financial support and sponsorship
spontaneously. More robust evidence can embark on the Nil.
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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