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Oe at Waldaa Suluula Hawaasa Burqaa Jireeni tif (ie we ws Gach SPO CY MCP Xr S56 Dhimmi isaa;- insa Lafaa fi jijjiirama qilleensaa Akkuma armaan olittii tuugamuuf yaalameti, sagantaa Sirna Qal fooyyessuuf CALM -P for R) akka Aanaa Gachii ganda Bidireen Suluula hojjectamuuf Karoorfamee akka qajelfamaa Environmental and socialmanagement frame work gaafatuun Check Listi sakatta'insa dhibaa naannoo akka hojjetamuuf nu gaafataniiilalchisee akkataa labsii Jak 176/200Sttin hawaasa naannoo mariisun barbaachisuuma fi dhibbaa inni hawaasa fi naannoo irraan ga’ akkasumas bu’a inni hawaasa naannoof kennu danda’us hubaatame irratti waliigalamee jira 4 Cheekliistit sakkatta’insa dhibbaa naannoo fi hawaasa guutame wumataa sababa piroojketii kanaan midhaamuu dandaa’an kan hin jiree tau mirkana’ee jira 4 Piroojektiin kun Dhibbaan inni hawaasa fi naannoo irraatti_ fiduu danda’uu Kana hinjirree ta'u amanaame jira & Hawaasni naannoo piroojektiichaa piroojektii simaate akka jiru qaboo ya'ii irraatti mallattoo mirkannessee jira, Qaboo ya’ii chaapaan gandatti mirka’ee jira Iddoo piroojektii ogessii ija ogummaatti ilaale adda ba’e filaatame jira. Dhibbaa naannoo irratti geggeesisuu sakkata’amee akkasumas naannoo wajjin akka wal-simee demu (Environmental friendly),misooma itti fuufiinsa qabu(Sustainable development) akka fidu hubaatame Xiinxalii dhibbaalee piroojektii kana cheeklistiin sakkatta’insa dhibbaa naannoo fi hawaasa guutame keessaattii bsameera . kanafuu manni hojii keenya gabaasa cheek-listii sakkatta’insa dhibbaa naannoo fi hawaasa gophaa’ee hiyaate kana xinxaluundhaan mirkaneessera. Haaluma kanaan A/dureewwan armaan gaditti ibsamaan yaada keessaa galchuudhaan hojii keessaa _galuun ni danda’ama, eee + Waajjira A/T/E/N/ dhibbaalee piroojektii kana akkataaa cheeklistii sakatta’insa dhibaa naannoo guutame keessaatti ibsameen fala ykn furmaata argachuu isaanii ni to’ata,ni hordofas iddoo rakkoon jiruti tarkaanfi sirreefama ni fudhaata. © Waldaa keessan rakkowwan ykn dhibbalee qorannoo (screen cheeklistii ) keessatti dagatamanii hafan yoo jiraatan yeroodhaan bira gahee fala itti kennu qaba. ‘Nagaa Wajjiin GG 4 Waajjira Bulchiinsa Ganda Bdlleen tif ~ + Waajjira Qonnaa Aanaa Gachii tif Qindessaa sagantaa “CLM P for R”” Ai Gachii feo Na CLIMATE SMART THROUGH LAND SCAPE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR RESULT (CALM-P FOR- R) Na 1.Introduction ‘The Burka jiren community watershed is found in Buno Bedellee Zone Gechi woreda Bido jiren kebele, a distance of 8 km from Gechi woreda town. And abeneficeries consists of total Pprowscholds among them [4 male HH and 43 Female HH. To avoid or mitigate any undesirable impacts during the watershed development projects supported by the namely called Climate Smart Through Land scape Manegement Program for Result (CALM- P for R) program, it is essential to maintain a high level of environmental problem specially land degradation. This achieved through the implementation of the environmental and social management frame work (ESMF) or initial environmental examination (IEE) to begin the given project. Both these help to ensure appropriate integrated watershed development planning and implementation activites ‘The ESMPIIEE check list is used for different activities, including physical and biological soil and water conservation activities, Area closer to improve soil fertility, community road construction, Forest development such as afforestation and reforestation ete 2.Description of the Area The Burka jiren community water shed is found in Buno Bedellee Zone Gechi woreda Bido jiren kebele has a distance 8 Km from woreda town. Geographical location found between from North from South from East . and from West The total land coverage of Burka jiren water shade is 575 hek. which consist different land use type: farm land 498.715 hek, forest with coffee 9.74 hekt, grazing land 12.375 hekt, shrub land 16.35 hekt, wet land 9.33 hekt, homestead land 28.49 hek and The agro ecology of Burka jiren water shade is 100% weyna dega and altitude 2130m A.S.L DA nnex 1: Program acti «ibility checklist for DAs at the Kebele level Gorm! » Program ae! GER RUEBy Bedet. __ Woreda | Gen Blyweew | Persons/D As who d cheek: | __ Names Signature > | (1 Fete Fores qulod| nes pet | [Answer the following « to determine Ifthe: 7 [Will the program aetiy ity cause large-scale phy sic 11 the site or the surroundings? | | cause involuntary

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