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Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Ganjil Kls 11

1. Choose the best answer

Lia : Would you like to leave a message for me?
Dian : …….
Which respond is suitable to complete the conversation
A. Sure
B. I’m sorry to hear that
C. That sound good
D. I’m pleased to do that
E.Not for me, thanks
2. Wika : …….to the party tonight?
Marvin : You’d better wear the dress that you wore to the prom last month. It looks wonderful
on you?
Which statement is suitable to complete the conversation.
E. What are you going to wear
A. Can I recommended something to wear
B. Do you have something to wear
C. What do you think I should wear
D. Which does could you wear
3. What is the main topic of the conversation below
Tia : what the matter?
Audy : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my my earing
Tia : don’t be so sad let us search it around the park
Audy : I have tried to find for hours but I could not find it, do you have an idea?
Tia : you had better tell the teacher to announce it to other students
Audy : yeah, that sounds good, I do hope it hel
A. Loosing earing
B. Teacher announcement
C. Searching the assignment
D. Playing at the park
E. Task problem
3. What does Tia suggest
A. Search another students around the park
B. Search the teacher to find it
C. Tell the teacher about the problem
D. Tell another student to find it
E. Look for it alone
4. Based on the conversation which statement does express asking for a suggestion
What the matter
A. You had better tell the teacher to announce it
B. I have a serious problem today
C. Let us search it around the park
D. Do you have an idea?
5. Read the conversation below!
Lucy : you look upset, Adam. What’s the matter?
Adam ; Nothing, I don’t want to talk about it
Lucy ; come on , what’s up
Adam : well, I’ve just got this text message from a guy in my class. He want me to take a phone
of the math exam paper tomorrow and then send it to him. What should I do , lucy?
Lucy : Well, whatever you do don’t cheat. That’s for sure, they can expel you for that.
Adam ; Right
Lucy : and I think you should tell your teacher.
Adam : what? Tell on him, what you think?
Adam ; are you sure?
Lucy : yes, definitely. Don’t worry . I’m sure he’ll understand
Adam : yes, You right. Thanks lucy.
What does adam look upset
A. Because he got photos
B. Because he could not send a message
C. Because he hate the guy his class
D. Because he skipped math exam
E. Because the guy asked a photo of math exam
6. What does lucy suggest?
A. Don’t cheat on exam
B. Send the photo to the guy
C. DTell the guy that the photo will be delivered soon
D. Tell Adam’s teacher about what happened
E. Leave the guy alone
7. Based on the conversation which statement does express giving a suggestion?
A. Well, whatever you do , don’t cheat
B. Are you sure
C. You should tell him what you think
D. I can’t do that
E. I’m sure he’ll understand
8. Read the conversation below!
Student : I’m terrible at English and I think I should do something about it. What do you advise
me to do?
Teacher : I think you should try this website. It’s a fantastic website for beginners.
Student : I’ve heard about it , but what do you think I should start with?
Teacher : you’d better start with the lessons . then, try the exercises.
What the suitable topic for the conversation?
A. English learning website
B. Learning English
C. DTerrible in English
D. Asking for English sources
E. How to learn English
9. Based on the conversation which statement does express asking for a suggestion?
A. You’d better start with the lesson
B. Is it a fantastic website for beginner
C. I should do something about it
D. What do you advise me to do?
10. Read the conversation below!
Tara : Hi, Andre. By the way , I just don’t understand why you guys like smoking.
Andre : well, It’s nice you know
Tara : nice ? what the benefit of smoking ? In my opinion , there is no benefit in smoking. It’s
dangerous for your health and it is waste your money. But I don’t believe it.
Andre ; Maybe you’ll believe it when you get your lung cancer.
They are talking about…
A. Smoking doesn’t have a benefit
B. The impact of smoking
C. Smoking is a bad for heath
D. ESmoking is waste of money
E. Smoking caused a lung cancer
11. Maybe you will believe it when you get your lung cancer
What does Andre imply about the sentence?
A. He forbid Tara to smoke
B. CHe doesn’t want smoking
C. He knows that Tara is smoking
D. He doesn’t agree to Tara opinion
E. AHe does not agree about smoking
12. What synonym of the word benefit ?
A. Opportunity
B. Advantage
C. Threat
D. Chance
E. Point
13. Read the text below!
Hilman : hey, Dude. Have you heard that your favorite band has just released their new album?
Aldi : who are they?
Hilman ; Sleeping with sirens of course
Aldi ; yeah….
Hilman ; what do you think about their new album ?
Aldi ; well honestly the music in this album is too monotonous to me. But I appreciate them.
Aldi and Hilman are talking about ….
A. A new band
B. A favorite song
C. A favorite band
D. EA favorite album
E. A new release album
14. How does Aldi think about the sleeping with sirens?
A. He loves their new album
B. He would not appreciate their new album
C. He think that their new album is monotonous
D. He thinks their new album is late to be released
E. He think their new album is quite different than before
15. What the meaning of the word released?
A. Forbidden
B. Launched
C. Portrayed
D. Introduced
E. Protected
16. Which one is not true according to the conversation?
A. Aldi think that the album is monotonous
B. Sleeping with sirens is aldi’s favorite album
C. Sleeping with sirens has just released the album
D. Aldi appreciate the album although it is monotonous
E. AHilman gave an information about sleeping with siren’s album
17. Which one is the expression of asking opinion
A. Oh,yeah
B. Hey, dude
C. Who are they
D. I appreciate them
E. What do you think about their new album
18. Anto : ……..
Erwin ; I gues Indonesia will be the champion again this year
A. Do you see the sudirman badminton world cup
B. Do you know the sudirman Badminton World Cup
C. Do you watch the Sudirman Badminton world Cup
D. Have you heard about the sudirman Badminton world cup
E. the sudirman What can you say about Badminton world cup
19. Thomas : would you mind telling me without thinking about the test score?
Andi : ……
Which respond is not suitable with the statement above
A. I don’t care
B. I would say that it is disappointing
C. In my opinion it is disappointing
D. As far as I concern it is disappointing
E. What I have in my mind it is disappointing
20. Read the invitation below!
Mr and Mrs Donaldson are pleased to announce the graduation of their daughter Jane
Donaldson from the university of Minnesota school of Nursing, September 28 2021 at 2 p.m
Gopher stadium
Which one is mentioned on the invitation
A. Mr and Mrs. Donaldson are jeans parents
B. Mr and Mrs. Donaldson are nursing students
C. Mr and Mrs. Donaldson will have a graduation
D. Mr and Mrs. Donaldson study in University of minnesotta
E. Mr and Mrs. Donaldson are inviting Jeans Donaldson to come
21. The graduation will be held at …..
A. Nursing faculty
B. Gopher stadium
C. Jean Donaldson house
D. University of Minesota
E. Mr and Mrs. Donaldson’house
22. Which one is specific time based on the invitation?
A. At 2 p.m
B. May 28 2021
C. Gopher stadium
D. Jean Donaldson
E. Mr and Mrs. Donaldson
23. Read the invitation below!
You invite to attend
A. A celebration of achievement evening
Following Lister’s best ever exam result
12 September 2021
B. Drink and canapés dinning Hall 4;15 p.m
C. DCeremony Assembly Hall 5;00 p.m
D. Pupil prizes for progress and achievement
E. AEntertainment by the performing Arts Faculty
24. The invitation about …
A. Best exam result
B. School ceremony
C. Lister community school
D. Student’s progress and achievement
E. AA celebration of achievement evening
26. What time is the event started?
A. 05.00 p.m
B. 05.00 pm
C. D04.15 pm
D. E04.15 am
E. 04.00 pm
27. Where does the ceremony take a place?
A. At school yard
B. At ballroom
C. At lister’s office
D. EAt assembly hall
E. At convention hall
28. Read the invitation below!
Mr and Mrs. Andrew White
Carine &Marry Anne
To celebrate engagement of their daughter
Julie White
David foster
On Saturday ,22 Dec 2020
At 7 pm
At golden garden 10
River road shell bay
Which of the following statement is not true according to the text?
That is such a nice wedding invitation
The engagement is on Saturday , 22 Dec 2020
Golden Garden 10 River Road Shell Bay is the venue
David is going to be engaged to Mr White’s daughter
The invitation is specially addressed to Carine and Merry Anne
The inviter of the invitation is …
A. Marry Anne
B. Carines’s parent
C. Julie White Parents
D. Marry Annes’s parents
E. ADavid Foster’s parents
29. Where does the engagement take a place?
A. At Golden Gardens 10
B. River Road Shell Bay 12
C. At River Garden 10
D. Golden Road Shell bay 12
E. At golden garden 11
30. The purpose of the text is …
A. To advertise the party
B. To entertain the reader
C. To invite someone to attend the party
D. To give detailed information about Carine and Marry Anne
E. To announce the engagement of Julie White and David Foster
31. Read the text to answer questions number 31-35
Sine building Indonesian nation 1945, Indonesia shared a positive and friendly relationship with
In 1947, Australia supported Indonesian’s struggle for independence by placing embargos on
Dutch supplies, arms and troops. Australian clock workers went on strike and significant
numbers of Australian demonstrated in the streets in support of Indonesian independence. The
Dutch were unable to ships supplies through Australian ports during this period.
Much of the Australian’s support given to Indonesia was based on the friendship that developed
between Australian soldier and the Indonesian people at the end of the social world war. There
was also a strong anti imperialist mood among some section of the Australian population at that
It is significant for Indonesian and Asian neighbors to strengthen the relationship.
32. Which one is a thesis based on the text?
A. In 1974, A strong imperialist was in Australia
B. CThe Dutch were unable to ship supplies through Australian ports
C. Indonesian shared a positive and friendly relationship with Australia
D. Australia supported Indonesia’s struggle for independence by placing embargos
E. AAustralian’s demonstration was supporting Indonesian’s independence at that time
33. Which paragraph is an argument based on the text?
A. Paragraph 1
B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 4
E. Paragraph 2 and 3
34. What do you think about paragraph 2?
A. Australian demonstrated in 1974
B. Australian’s ports were forbidden by the country
C. A Dutch were unable to access Indonesian’s port
D. The Dutch stopped their troops’ supply in Indonesian
E. AAustralian supported Indonesia’s Independence by placing an embargo to Dutch
“There was also a strong anti imperialist.”(paragraph 3)
35. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Less
B. CSuper
C. Weak
D. Strength
E. Powerful
36. Which one is reiteration of the text?
Indonesian shared a positive and friendly relationship with Australia
Australia supported Indonesia’s Independence by placing an embargo to Dutch
It is significant for Indonesian and Asian neighbors to strengthen the relationship
Much of the support Australians gave to Indonesian was based on the friendship
The Dutch were unable to ship supplies through Australian ports during this period
Fill the blanks to answer questions number 36-40
Sleep plays a vital role in good…(36) and well –being throughout your life. Getting enough
quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, …(37) health quality of life,
and safety. Why is sleeping important?
Sleep helps your brain works property. While you’re sleeping your ….(38)is preparing for the
next day. It’s forming new….(39) to help you learn and remember information.
Studies show that a good at night sleep …(40)learning.
A. way
B life
c. health
d. work
e. safety
37. a. important
b. physic
c. physical
d. electrical
e. endurance
38. a. brain
b. head
c. skill
d. eyes
e. body
39. a. steps
b. pathway
c. sidewalk
d. pavement
e. road
40. a. improved
b. detect
c. enjoys
d. relaxes
e. reaches
41. Make a conversation containing offers and suggestion based on the following topic
You spend your holiday in your house. You see your mother make cookies. She needs your help
to make her job fast.
42. Write your opinion based on the statement
Children below 17 should not be given the right to drive a motorcycle
43. Write an invitation by using your own word based on following topic
Your sister would have engagement party
44. Write each five expression containing offers and suggestion by using your own word
45. Write a general point of view from the statement below
Many people believe that the disaster is caused by human’s exploitation

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