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"AI and Cybersecurity: Navigating Opportunities and Threats"

As artificial intelligence becomes integral to cybersecurity, this research explores the dual role of AI in bot
h enhancing defense mechanisms and posing new threats. The study aims to assess the opportunities an
d challenges associated with the intersection of AI and cybersecurity.

The research will involve case studies of AI applications in cybersecurity, simulations of AI-driven cyber at
tacks, and interviews with cybersecurity experts. This multi-method approach aims to provide a comprehe
nsive understanding of the evolving landscape of AI in cybersecurity.

Key Focus Areas:

Threat Detection: Analyzing how AI enhances the detection of cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
Adversarial AI: Investigating the potential for AI-driven cyber attacks and strategies to counter adversarial
Vulnerability Management: Assessing the role of AI in identifying and mitigating cybersecurity vulnerabiliti
Ethical Considerations: Exploring the ethical implications of using AI in offensive cybersecurity operations.

By examining the opportunities and threats associated with AI in cybersecurity, this research aims to infor
m cybersecurity professionals, policymakers, and technology developers on strategies for securing AI sys
tems and mitigating potential risks.

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