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Livestock- Domestic animals such as cattle, buffalo, horse, sheep, goat etc. are raised for home used or agriculture
for producing food, fibre, fertilizer and labour.

Significance of livestock- The largest number of livestock present in India after Brazil with 2.6 animal present per
hectare as compared to the developed country which has 0.8 animal present per hectare. India has very high
biodiversity of breed.

Livestock plays an important role in Indian economy. About 20.5 million people depend upon livestock for
their livelihood. Livestock contributed 16% to the income of small farm households as against an average
of 14% for all rural households. Livestock provides livelihood to two-third of rural community. It also
provides employment to about 8.8 % of the population in India. India has vast livestock resources.
Livestock sector contributes 4.11% GDP and 25.6% of total Agriculture GDP.

Livestock resources

India is

 The total Livestock population is 535.78 million in the country showing an increase of 4.6% over Livestock

 Total Bovine population (Cattle, Buffalo, Mithun and Yak) is 302.79 Million in 2019 which shows an increase of

1.0% over the previous census.

 The total number of cattle in the country is 192.49 million in 2019 showing an increase of 0.8 % over previous


 The Female Cattle (Cows population) is 145.12 million, increased by 18.0% over the previous census (2012).

 The Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous/Non-descript Cattle population in the country is 50.42 million and 142.11
million respectively.

 The Indigenous/Non-descript female cattle population has increased by 10% in 2019 as compared to previous


 The population of the total Exotic/Crossbred Cattle has increased by 26.9 % in 2019 As compared to previous

 There is a decline of 6 % in the total Indigenous (both descript and non-descript) Cattle Population over the
previous census. However, the pace of decline of Indigenous

 Cattle population during 2012-2019 is much lesser as compared to 2007-12 which was About 9%.
 The total buffaloes in the country is 109.85 Million showing an increase of about 1.0% Over previous Census.
 The total milch animals (in-milk and dry) in cows and buffaloes is 125.34 Million, an Increase of 6.0 % over the
previous census.
 The total sheep in the country is 74.26 Million in 2019, increased by 14.1% over Previous Census.
 The Goat population in the country in 2019 is 148.88 Million showing an increase of 10.1% over the previous

 The total Pigs in the country is 9.06 Million in the current Census, declined by 12.03%Over the previous Census.
 The total Mithun in the country is 3.9 Lakhs in 2019, increased by 30.0% over previous Census.
 The total Yak in the country is Fifty Eight Thousand in 2019, decreased by 24.67%Over previous Census.
 The total Horses and Ponies in the country is 3.4 Lakhs in 2019, decreased by 45.6% Over previous Census.
 The total population of Mules in the country is Eighty Four Thousand in 2019, Decreased by 57.1% over

previous Census.

 The total population of Donkeys in the country is 1.2 Lakhs in 2019, decreased by 61.23% over previous


 The total Camel population in the country is 2.5 Lakhs in 2019, decreased by 37.1% Over previous Census.
 The total Poultry in the country is 851.81 Million in 2019, increased by 16.8 over previous Census.

 The total Backyard Poultry in the country is 317.07 Million in 2019, increased by 45.8% over previous Census.
 The total Commercial Poultry in the country is 534.74 Million in 2019, increased by 4.5% over previous Census.

Source : 20th Livestock Census

Livestock population (2019 Livestock census)

Sl. Species Number Ranking in

No (in the world
millions) population

01 Cattle 192.49 Second

02 Buffaloes 109.85 First

Total (including 302.79 First

Mithun and Yak)

03 Sheep 74.26 Third

04 Goats 148.88 Second

05 Pigs 9.06 -

06 Others 0.91 -

Total livestock 535.78

Total poultry 851.81 Seventh

07 Duck -
08 Chicken -

09 Camel 0.25 Tenth


1. Livestock play a vital role in the agriculture; they not only produce food directly but also provide key inputs to

2. For many small holder farmers, livestock are the only ready source of cash to buy inputs for crop production like
seed, fertilizers and pesticides.

3. Farmers of marginal, small and semi-medium operational holding (area < 4 ha) own about 87.7 % of the

4. They are a crucial link in nutrient cycles, returning nutrients to the soil in forms of that plants can easily use
through their manure and urine.

5. Application of goat dropping in powder or pellet form as broadcasting and pit application helps plant growth.

6. Application of the cow’s urine in the pit around the plants control falling of the leaves.

7. Oxen are used for plowing, for transport (pulling cart, hauling wagons and even riding) for threshing grain by

8. They are used in agriculture operation to pull agricultural implements (plough, weeder, puddler, cane crusher,
water lifter etc.)

9. Besides animal products such as meat, milk and eggs provide the much required nutrition to rural population,
are also a source of supplementary cash income.

10. The dairy industry of India is largely farmer based and around 70% of the country’s milk comes from individual
landless, small and marginal farmers who hold 2-8 animals per household. Only around 30% of marketable surplus
is handled by the organized sector


1. Livestock play an important role in the national economy as well as socio economy in development of the

2. It play a significant role in generating gainful employment in the rural sector, particularly among the landless,
small and marginal farmers and women, besides providing cheap and nutritious food to millions of people.

3. Food: The livestock provides food items such as Milk, Meat and Eggs for human consumption. India is number
one milk producer in the world. It is producing about 198.4 million tones of milk in a Year (2019-20). Similarly it is
producing about 122.11 billions of eggs, 8.8 million tones of meat in a year . The value of milk group and meat
group at current prices is Rs 1,132,065 corers in 2019-20

4. Fiber and skins: The livestock also contributes to the production of wool, hair, hides, and pelts. Leather is the
most important product which has a very high export potential. India is producing About 36.93 million Kg of wool
per annum (2020-21).
5. Draft: Bullocks are the back bone of Indian agriculture. Despite lot of advancements in the use of Mechanical
power in Indian agricultural operations, the Indian farmer especially in rural areas still Depend upon bullocks for
various agricultural operations. The bullocks are saving a lot on fuel Which is a necessary input for using
mechanical power like tractors, combine harvesters etc.

6. Dung and other animal waste materials: Dung and other animal wastes serve as very good farm Yard manure
and the value of it is worth several corers of rupees. In addition it is also used as fuel (bio gas, dung cakes), and for
construction as poor man’s cement (dung).

7. Storage: Livestock are considered as “moving banks” because of their potentiality to dispose off during
emergencies. They serve as capital and in cases of landless agricultural laborers many time it is the only capital
resource they possess. Livestock serve as an asset and in case of emergencies they serve as guarantee for availing
loans from the local sources such as money lenders in the Villages.

8. Weed control: Livestock are also used as Biological control of brush, plants and weeds.

9. Cultural: Livestock offer security to the owners and also add to their self esteem especially when they are owning
prized animals such as pedigreed bulls, dogs and high yielding cows/ buffaloes etc.

10. Sports / recreation: People also use the animals like cocks, rams, bulls etc for competition and sports. Despite
ban on these animal competitions the cock fights, ram fights and bull fights (jalli kattu) are quite common during
festive seasons.

11. Companion animals: Dogs are known for their faithfulness and are being used as companions since time
immemorial. When the nuclear families are increasing in number and the old parents are forced to lead solitary life
the dogs, cats are providing the needed company to the latter thus making Them lead a comfortable life.

Distribution of Livestock Population

• In 20th Livestock Census, 35.94%-Cattle, 27.80%-Goat, 20. 45%-Buffaloes, 13.87%-Sheep, 1.69%-Pigs.

• Mithun, Yaks, Horses, Ponies, Mules, Donkeys and Camels taken together contribute 0.23% of the total livestock.

• As compare to previous census the percentage share of sheep and goat population has increased whereas the
percentage share of cattle, buffalo and pig has marginally declined.

Table:1 LIVESTOCK POPULATION Major species

Table: 2 Livestock Population Major species during 2007-19

Table:3 LIVESTOCK POPULATION Major states 2012 and 19

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