IMC Project Description

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IMC Project Guidelines

Report: An analysis of the IMC strategy of a brand of the student’s choice using the RABOSTIC
model. Word limit for this summative piece of work is 3000 words. With reference to the
RABOSTIC planning framework, you are required to analyse the current marketing
communications strategy of the brand of your choice. Your paper should include analysis of the
brand’s attributes, marketing communications objectives and examples of the tools and media
used. You should also include comment on the extent to which the organization is
demonstrating corporate social responsibility through its marketing communications. You must
also highlight whether organization is involved in cause-related marketing or not? Your paper
should contain a review of relevant literature supported by appropriate references. The word
limit for this paper is 3000 words.

 The RABOSTIC planning framework – In addition to other material, use the Caemmerer
paper as the main reference plus as a case study

Reference for Caemmerer paper:

Caemmerer, B. (2009) “The planning and integration of integrated marketing communications.”

Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 27 (4) pp. 524 – 538.

As referred to in the paper you can watch the advert of the Renault crash test at

Further reading:

Niemann-Struweg, I. (2013) An integrated communication implementation model for the post-2000

business environment, Public Relations Review, Vol. 40, Iss, 2, pp 184-192.

Assessment criteria

1. Demonstration of a conceptual understanding of the role and characteristics of the

RABOSTIC planning framework

2. Analysis of the brand’s attributes, marketing objectives and examples of the tools and media

3. Discussion of the extent to which CSR, cause-related marketing is demonstrated through the
marketing communications strategy.

4. Demonstration of research, citing an appropriate range of references. Production of an

appropriate style of academic paper demonstrating a high level of written communication and

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