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Chapter 10 : light - Reflection and Refraction

l. The laws of reflection hold true for :
(a) plane mirrors only (b) concave mirrors only
(c) convex mirrors only ( d) all reflecting surfaces

2. When an object is kept within the focus of a concave mirror, an enlarged

image is formed behind the mirror. This image is. :
(a) real (b) inverted
(c) virtual and inverted (d) virtual and erect · l

3. It is desired to obtain an erect image of an object, using concave mirror of focal length of 3
12 C1ll.
(i) What should be the range of the object distance in the above case?
(ii) Will the image be smaller or larger than the object? Draw a ray diagram to show the
fonnation of image in this case.
(iii) Where will the image of this object be, ifit is placed 24 cm in front of the IDUTor?

4. (i) A lens produces a magnification of-0-5 . Is this a converging or diverging lens? If 5

the length of the lens is 6 cm, draw a ray diagram showing the image fonnation
in this case.
(ii) A girl was playing with. a thin beam of light frOlll a laser torch by directing it
frOlll different directions on a convex lens held vertically. She "-Vas surprised to see
that in a particular direction, the beam of light continues to move along the sanie
direction passing through the len.s. State the reason for her observation. Draw a
ray diagram to support your answer.

S. (i) On entering in a mediun:i from air, the speed of Eight becomes half' of its value in
air_ Find the refractive index of' that n'.ledi~ w-ith respect to au--?

(ii) A glass slab made of a u:iaterial of refractive index n 1 is kept m a medium of

refractive index n 2 .
A light ray is incident on the slab. Draw the path of the rays of light eiue1·ging from
the glass slab. if (i) n 1> n 2 (ii) n 1 = n2 (iii) n1< n2

d glass prism. What happens when a ~ ~
6. Differentjate between a glass slab_ a~. ~t and (ii) white light passes through ......
narrow benm of (i) a monochromattc ig ' ~
. '7 3
(o) gloss slab nnd (b) glass prism.

. · II · coses to show the fonnnti.on o·f

7. Draw a ray diagram m each of the to owmg
image, when the object is plat:cd :
ri) .
between optical . · l c-.lOCU s of n convex lens.
centre and· pnnc1pa
ii) anywhere in front of a concave lens.
iii) at 2F of a convex lens.
State the signs and values of magnifications in the ab~ve mentioned
cases (i) and (ii).

8. An object 4.0 cm in size, is placed 25.0 cm in front of a concave mirror of

focal length 15.0 cm.
(i) At what distance from the mirror should a screen be placed .in order to
obtain a sharp image?
(ii) Find the size of the image.
(iii) Draw a ray diagram to show the fan.nation of image in this case. 5

9. \ happens after refraction. when:

(i) a ray of light parallel to the principal axis passes through a concave
(ii) a ray of light falls on a convex lens while passing through its
principal focus ?
(iii) a ray of light passes through the optical centre of a convex lens? 3

10. (a) A concave 1nirror of focal length 10 cm. can produce a magnified real
as well as virtual im.age of an object placed in front of it. Draw ray
diagrams to justify this statement.
lb) An object is placed perpendicular to the principal a.-..:is of a convex
mirror of focal length 10 cm.. The distance of the object from the pole
of the mirror is 10 cm. Find the position of the image formed. 5
LJ 1
11. (a)
(i) Power of a lens
~ .
,/" (ii) Princ1pa l f ocus o fa concave mirror .
. • . the object distance (u). i..rnage distance
V.'rite the relationsh1p among .
( v) and t h E- fo cnl length (f) of a
(i) Spherical lens
(ii) Spherical mirror
from optical centre of a
An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm
(c) labelled ray diagran-i to
convex lens of focal length 15 c1n. Draw a
show the fo1:mation of unage in this case.

12. T he diao-ram
given below shows an object O and its unage I.


Without actually drawing the ray diagram. state the follo..,,ving:

(i) Type of lens (Converging / Diverging)
(ii) Name two optical instruments where such an image is obtained.
(iii) List three characteristics of the image formed if this lens is replaced
by a concave mirror of focal length 'f and an object is placed at a
distance ·£i2· in front of the mirror. 3

13. (a) A security mirror used in a big showroom has radius of curvature 5
m. If a customer is standing at a distance of 20 u1 from the cash
counter. find the position. nature and size of the image for111ed in the
security mirror.
(b) Neha visited a dentist in his clinic. She observed that the dentist was
holding an instrument fitted with a mirror. State the nature of this
mu·ror and reason for its use in the instrument used by dentist. 5

14. Rishi went to a palmist to show his palm. The palmist used a special lens
for this purpose.
(i) State the nature of the lens and reason for its use.
(ii) Where should the palmist place/hold the lens so as to have a real and
magnified image of an object?
(iii) If the focal length of this lens 1s 10 cm and the lens is held at a
distance of 5 cm from the palm , use lens formula to find the position
and size of the image . 5
15. A conc ave 111ir ror is used for i111nge fonn ati -E ., • • •
ot o.n
. Wh . on . . or Gille rent pos1t1ons
at infer ence s can be draw n abou t tlle £Oll owm ·
o b~ect. g when an objec t
• .
1 f _ •
1s place d at a . dista nce of 10 c111 fro 1n the po e o a conc ave nurro r of focal
leng th 15 cm ?
(a) Posi tion of the imag e
(b) Size of the imag e -

(c) Natu re of the i1nag e

s. 3
Druw a label led ray diag ram to justi fy your infer ence

ct to a medi um 'y' is 2/3

16. The refra ctive index of a n1edi un1 'x' with respe
to mecl iwn 'z' is 4/3.
and the refra ctive index of medi um 'y' with respe ct
to medi wn 'x'. If the
Find the refra ctive index of medi wn 'z' with respe ct
8 late the spee d of light
spee d of light in medi un1 'x' is 3 x 10 ms-1 , calcu
in medi um 'y'._

17. Draw ray diagr an1 in each of the follo wing cases to show wha t happ ens
after refle ction to the incid ent ray when
ex nrirr or.
(a) it is para llel to the princ ipal axis and fallin g 011 a conv
gh its princ ipal
(b) it is fallin g on a conc ave mirr or whil e pass ing throu
focus .
on the pole of a
(c) it is conri ng obliq ue to the princ ipal axis and fallin g
conv ex rmrr or.

a ray of light
18. (a ) Draw a label led ray diagr run to show the path of
incid ent obliq uely on one face of a glass slab.
slab. Give n
(b) Calc ulate the refra ctive inde x of the mate rial of a glass
10 mis and in
that the spee d of light throu gh the glass slab is 2 x
air is 3 x 10 mis.
2·5 D. 5
(c) Calc ulate the focal leng th of a lens, if its powe r is -
1 -
ci pa l fo cu s of a co nc av e m ir ro r. It is
(a ) D ef in e th e pr in ·
19. an er ec t im age of an obhje ct us in
d es ir ed to ob ta in ng th 12 cm W h t ld b
g a
Fo ca l le a s ou
co nc av e n1 ir ro r 0£ in th e ab
ov e ca se
e t e
di st an ce
ra ng e 0£ th e ob je ct • .
pr e£ er a co nv ex m ir ro r as a re ar - V ie w m ir ro r
(b ) W hy do w e . 3
o re as on s.
in ve hi cl es ? L is t tw

ce of 30 cm in fr on t of a co nc av e
at a di st an rm in e
A n ob je ct is ke pt 20 cm . U se m ir ro r Fo rm ul a to de te
m ir ro r of fo ca l le ng ni fi ca ti on of th e im a ge pr od uc ed . 3
n an d m ag
th e po si tio

st an ce of 18 cm in fr on t of a co nv
A n ob je ct is ke pt at
a di rm in e th e
th 12 cm . U se le ns fo rm ul a to de te 3
Je ns of fo ca l le ng od uc ed .
e an d m ag ni fi ca ti on of th e im ag e pr
im ag e d is ta nc

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