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Assignment for the Hands-On-Activity of Week 4

During the lecture hour of the week starting on October 13, we will conduct a hands-on-activity about
input, output, and storage devices. Each section is divided into four groups (A, B, C, and D) and each
student is assigned to one of these groups. Student assignments to the groups can be found on the Moodle

Each group has a certain topic to be investigated. Group A will make a research on 3D Printers, Group B
on Wearable Technologies, Group C on Storage Devices, and Group D on Display Technologies.

In order to fulfill the requirements of this activity, you should do the following:

Before the class: Learn which group you are assigned to. Make a research about your group’s topic
individually to find out the answers to the questions stated below. Prepare a one-page report that
contains your answers. Print your report and bring it to the class. Please, be careful about the
plagiarism and copying.

During the class: All students assigned to the same group will sit together around the same table to
discuss their findings about their topic. After the group discussion, students will present the collective
findings of the group to the class. Oral presentation is enough and you don’t need to prepare a
presentation file. The presentation is worth 1 point and will be graded based on its effectiveness. All
students from all groups must contribute their group discussions and attend all presentations to claim their
1 point. The reports of each student will be collected at the end of the class and will be graded separately.

After the class: Your reports will be graded based on the quality of answers you have given. Each report
will be graded out of 2. The presentation grade of your group (out of 1) and your individual report grade
(out of 2) will constitute your final grade (out of 3) for this hands-on-activity.

Topics and Questions

Group A – 3D Printers. What can you print with 3D printers? What type of “ink” is used in 3D printers?
What is the price range of 3D printers? What could be a disadvantage of 3D printers? What are the major
3D Printer brand names in the market nowadays?

Group B – Wearable Technologies. What are the main functions of a smart glass (e.g. Google Glass) or a
smart watch (e.g. Samsung Gear)? What is the price range? What could a disadvantage? What are the
major wearable technology brand names in the market nowadays?

Group C – Storage Devices. What are the differences between a Solid State Disk (SSD) and a Hard Drive
Disk (HDD)? How do their prices compare? Which one is more durable? Which one is faster? What are
the major SSD brand names in the market nowadays?

Group D – Display Technologies. What is OLED technology? What is the advantage of OLED displays
over LCD displays? What is the price range of 50” OLED TVs? What are the major OLED TV brand
names in the market nowadays?

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